def crawler3(web): try: print(GR + ' [*] Loading (Level 3) crawler...') time.sleep(0.5) #print(R+'\n ==========================') #print(R+' C R A W L E R (Depth 3)') #print(R+' ==========================') from core.methods.print import pscan pscan("crawler (depth 3)") time.sleep(0.7) print(O + ' [This crawler will recursively crawl') print(O + ' all the links of the website as well as all') print(O + ' links within each of the pages]\n') time.sleep(0.7) print(R + ' WARNING : Use this with CAUTION!\n') if properties["LIMIT"][1] == " ": m = input(GR + ' [#] No. of links to be crawled (eg 100) :> ') else: m = properties["LIMIT"][1] print(O + ' [!] Crawling limit set to : ' + C + str(m)) w = int(m) crawler20x00(web, w) out(web, actual_uri) except Exception as e: print(R + ' [-] Further crawl aborted due to Exception!') print(R + ' [-] Exception : ' + str(e)) time.sleep(0.7) print(GR + ' [*] Saving the links obtained...') out(web, actual_uri) print(G + ' [+] Saved!')
def osdetect(web): try: time.sleep(0.4) #print(R+'\n ===================================') #print(R+' O S F I N G E R P R I N T I N G') #print(R+' ===================================\n') from core.methods.print import pscan pscan("os fingerprinting") web = web.replace('http://', '') web = web.replace('https://', '') print(GR + ' [*] Initialising Module [1]...') flag = getos0x00(web) print(C + '\n [+] Module [1] Completed!') if flag == 0x01: q = input( C + ' [!] OS Identified!\n [?] Move on to to module [2]? (y/N) :> ' ) if q == 'Y' or q == 'y': print(GR + '\n [*] Initialising Module [2]...') port0x00(web) elif q == 'N' or q == 'n': print(C + ' [+] Done!') elif flag == 0x00: print(GR + ' [*] Initialising Module [2]...') port0x00(web) else: print(R + ' [-] F**k, something went wrong!') print(flag) except Exception as e: print(R + ' [-] Unhandled Exception occured...') print(R + ' [-] Exception : ' + str(e)) print(G + ' [+] OS Fingerprinting Module Completed!' + C + color.TR2 + C + '\n')
def waf(web): global name name = targetname(web) global lvl2 lvl2 = inspect.stack()[0][3] global module module = "ScanANDEnum" global lvl1 lvl1 = "Scanning & Enumeration" global lvl3 lvl3 = "" check = 0x00 time.sleep(0.7) #print(R+'\n ===============================') #print(R+' W A F E N U M E R A T I O N ') #print(R+' ===============================\n') from core.methods.print import pscan pscan("waf enumeration") time.sleep(0.7) print(GR + ' [*] Testing the firewall/loadbalancer...') time.sleep(1) head, con = getReq0x00(web) waftypes = detectWaf0x00(head, con) for i in range(0, len(waftypes)): try: if waftypes[i] != None and waftypes[i] != '': print( GR + '\n [*] Response seems to be matching a WAF signature...') time.sleep(0.6) print(C + ' [+] The website seems to be behind a WAF...') time.sleep(0.6) print(B + ' [+] Firewall Detected : ' + C + waftypes[i]) check = 0x01 save_data(database, module, lvl1, lvl2, lvl3, name, waftypes[i]) break else: print(B + ' [+] Matching signatures for : ' + C + wafs[i], end='', flush=True) time.sleep(0.1) except Exception as e: pass if check == 0x00: save_data(database, module, lvl1, lvl2, lvl3, name, "Generic detection failed to fingerprint WAF.") print(R + ' [-] Generic detection failed to fingerprint WAF...') print('\n' + G + ' [+] WAF Fingerprinting module completed!' + C + color.TR2 + C + '\n')
def photon(web): global name name = targetname(web) global lvl2 lvl2 = inspect.stack()[0][3] global module module = "ScanANDEnum" global lvl1 lvl1 = "Crawling" global lvl3 lvl3 = "" time.sleep(0.5) pscan("photon") if properties["ROOT"][1] == " ": root = input(" [§] Enter the root URL :> ") else: root = properties["ROOT"][1] if properties["ARGS"][1] == " ": try: try: help_photon =["photon", "--help"]) except: #in case of buggy photon pip installation help_photon = ["python3", "core/lib/Photon/", "--help"]) arguments = input( " [§] Enter arguments (as you would after $photon -u ROOT on the commandline) :> " ) assert "-u" not in arguments and "--url" not in arguments except AssertionError: arguments = input( " [-] Argument '-u' already present in command string.\n [§] Enter arguments (as you would after $photon -u ROOT on the commandline) :> " ) else: arguments = properties["ARGS"][1] arglist = re.split("\s+", arguments) print( " [+] Starting Photon Scan (this will take a while, output piped into variable)" ) try: #command = "photon -u " + root + " " + arguments command = ["photon", "-u", root] + arglist results_photon = subprocess.check_output(command) except: command = ["python3", "core/lib/Photon/", "-u", root ] + arglist results_photon = subprocess.check_output(command) data = results_photon.decode().replace("<<", "").replace(">>", "") print(data) gprint("\n [+] Photon Scan finished! Saving to database...") save_data(database, module, lvl1, lvl2, lvl3, root, data)
def webtech(web): #print(R+'\n =================================') #print(R+' W E B T E C H N O L O G I E S') #print(R+' =================================\n') from core.methods.print import pscan pscan("web technologies") check0x00(web) apircv(web) print(O+' [+] Fingerprinting Done!')
def bannergrab(web): #print(R+'\n ===============================') #print(R+' B A N N E R G R A B B I N G') #print(R+' ===============================\n') from core.methods.print import pscan pscan("banner grabbing") print(GR+' [*] Parsing Url...') web = web.replace('http://','') web = web.replace('https://','') grab(web) print(G+'\n [+] Banner Grabbing Done!'+C+color.TR2+C)
def crawler2(web): global name name = targetname(web) global lvl2 lvl2 = "crawler2" global module module = "ScanANDEnum" global lvl1 lvl1 = "Crawling" global lvl3 lvl3 = "" time.sleep(0.6) totlinks = [] #print(R+'\n =========================') #print(R+' C R A W L E R (Depth 2)') #print(R+' =========================') from core.methods.print import pscan pscan("crawler (depth 2)") time.sleep(0.7) print(C+' [This module will fetch both ext. ') print(C+' and internal links from a website]\n') print(GR+' [*] Initiating the crawling...') time.sleep(0.7) try: print(C+' [*] Starting internal links gathering...') intlinks = internalcrawl(web) print(G+' [+] Finished internal links crawling...'+C+color.TR2+C) print(C+'\n [*] Starting external links gathering...') extlinks = externalcrawl(web) print(G+' [+] Finished external links crawling...'+C+color.TR2+C) except Exception as e: print(R+' [-] Exception : '+str(e)) pass print(R+' EXTERNAL LINKS') print(R+' ---<>----<>----<') print(R+' |') for lenk in extlinks: print(GR+' + '+lenk) print(R+'\n INTERNAL LINKS') print(R+' ---<>----<>----<') print(R+' |') for lenk in intlinks: print(GR+' + '+O+lenk) totlinks = list(set(intlinks + extlinks)) out(web, totlinks)
def osdetect(web): global name name = targetname(web) global lvl2 lvl2 = inspect.stack()[0][3] global module module = "ScanANDEnum" global lvl1 lvl1 = "Scanning & Enumeration" global lvl3 lvl3 = "" try: time.sleep(0.4) #print(R+'\n ===================================') #print(R+' O S F I N G E R P R I N T I N G') #print(R+' ===================================\n') from core.methods.print import pscan pscan("os fingerprinting") web = web.replace('http://', '') web = web.replace('https://', '') print(GR + ' [*] Initialising Module [1]...') flag, os1 = getos0x00(web) print(C + '\n [+] Module [1] Completed!') if flag == 0x01: save_data(database, module, lvl1, lvl2, lvl3, name, os1) q = input( C + ' [!] OS Identified!\n [?] Move on to to module [2]? (y/N) :> ' ) if q == 'Y' or q == 'y': print(GR + '\n [*] Initialising Module [2]...') port0x00(web) elif q == 'N' or q == 'n': print(C + ' [+] Done!') elif flag == 0x00: print(GR + ' [*] Initialising Module [2]...') port0x00(web) else: print(R + ' [-] F**k, something went wrong!') print(flag) except Exception as e: print(R + ' [-] Unhandled Exception occured...') print(R + ' [-] Exception : ' + str(e)) print(G + ' [+] OS Fingerprinting Module Completed!' + C + color.TR2 + C + '\n')
def crawler2(web): print(GR + ' [*] Loading Level 2 Crawler...') time.sleep(0.6) totlinks = [] #print(R+'\n =========================') #print(R+' C R A W L E R (Depth 2)') #print(R+' =========================') from core.methods.print import pscan pscan("crawler (depth 2)") time.sleep(0.7) print(O + ' [This module will fetch both ext. ') print(O + ' and internal links from a website]\n') print(GR + ' [*] Initiating the crawling...') time.sleep(0.7) try: print(O + ' [*] Starting internal links gathering...') intlinks = internalcrawl(web) print(G + ' [+] Finished internal links crawling...') print(O + '\n [*] Starting external links gathering...') extlinks = externalcrawl(web) print(G + ' [+] Finished external links crawling...') except Exception as e: print(R + ' [-] Exception : ' + str(e)) pass print(R + ' EXTERNAL LINKS') print(R + ' ================') print(O + ' |') for lenk in extlinks: print(GR + ' + ' + lenk) print(R + '\n INTERNAL LINKS') print(R + ' ================') print(O + ' |') for lenk in intlinks: print(GR + ' + ' + O + lenk) totlinks = list(set(intlinks + extlinks)) out(web, totlinks)
def crawler3(web): global name name = targetname(web) global lvl2 lvl2 = "crawler3" global module module = "ScanANDEnum" global lvl1 lvl1 = "Crawling" global lvl3 lvl3 = "" try: time.sleep(0.5) #print(R+'\n ==========================') #print(R+' C R A W L E R (Depth 3)') #print(R+' ==========================') from core.methods.print import pscan pscan("crawler (depth 3)") time.sleep(0.7) print(C+' [This crawler will recursively crawl') print(C+' all the links of the website as well as all') print(C+' links within each of the pages]\n') time.sleep(0.7) print(R+' WARNING : Use this with CAUTION!\n') if properties["LIMIT"][1] == " ": m = input(GR+' [§] No. of links to be crawled (eg 100) :> ') else: m = properties["LIMIT"][1] print(O+' [!] Crawling limit set to :'+C+color.TR3+C+G+str(m)+C+color.TR2+C) w = int(m) crawler20x00(web, w) out(web, actual_uri) except Exception as e: print(R+' [-] Further crawl aborted due to Exception!') print(R+' [-] Exception : '+str(e)) time.sleep(0.7) print(GR+' [*] Saving the links obtained...') out(web, actual_uri) print(G+' [+] Saved!'+C+color.TR2+C)
def crawler10x00(web): requests = session() time.sleep(0.5) #print(R+'\n ===========================') #print(R+' C R A W L E R (Depth 1)') #print(R+' ==========================\n') from core.methods.print import pscan pscan("crawler (depth 1)") print(C + ' [This module will fetch all links') print(C + ' from an online API and then crawl ') print(C + ' them one by one] ') time.sleep(0.4) print('' + GR + ' [*] Parsing the web URL... ') time.sleep(0.3) print('' + B + ' [!] URL successfully parsed...') print('' + GR + ' [*] Getting links...') time.sleep(0.4) text = requests.get('' + web).text lol = str(text) linksall = lol.splitlines() for m in linksall: if 'http' in m and 'https' not in m: cis.append(m) flag = 0x00 for x in cis: try: print(O + ' [+] Crawling link :>' + C + color.TR3 + C + G + str(x) + C + color.TR2 + C) flag = 0x01 crawled.append(x) except Exception as e: print(R + ' [-] Exception : ' + str(e) + '\n') if flag == 0x00: print(R + ' [-] Unable to find any links...') print(C + ' [+] Please use the second crawler... :)') return crawled
def waf(web): check = 0x00 print(GR + ' [*] Loading module...') time.sleep(0.7) #print(R+'\n ===============================') #print(R+' W A F E N U M E R A T I O N ') #print(R+' ===============================\n') from core.methods.print import pscan pscan("waf enumeration") time.sleep(0.7) print(GR + ' [*] Testing the firewall/loadbalancer...') time.sleep(1) head, con = getReq0x00(web) waftypes = detectWaf0x00(head, con) for i in range(0, len(waftypes)): try: if waftypes[i] != None and waftypes[i] != '': print( GR + '\n [*] Response seems to be matching a WAF signature...') time.sleep(0.6) print(O + ' [+] The website seems to be behind a WAF...') time.sleep(0.6) print(B + ' [+] Firewall Detected : ' + C + waftypes[i]) check = 0x01 break else: print(B + ' [+] Matching signatures for : ' + C + wafs[i], end='', flush=True) time.sleep(0.1) except Exception as e: pass if check == 0x00: print(R + ' [-] Generic detection failed to fingerprint WAF...') print(G + '\n [+] WAF Fingerprinting module completed!\n')
def webtech(web): global name name = targetname(web) global lvl2 lvl2 = inspect.stack()[0][3] global module module = "ScanANDEnum" global lvl1 lvl1 = "Scanning & Enumeration" global lvl3 lvl3 = "" #print(R+'\n =================================') #print(R+' W E B T E C H N O L O G I E S') #print(R+' =================================\n') from core.methods.print import pscan pscan("web technologies") check0x00(web) apircv(web) print(C + ' [+] Fingerprinting Done!')
def scan0x00(target): try: #print(R+'\n =================================') #print(R+' T C P C O N N E C T S C A N ') #print(R+' =================================\n') from core.methods.print import pscan pscan("tcp connect scan") min_port = input(O + " [#] Enter Minumum Port Number -> ") max_port = input(O + " [#] Enter Maximum Port Number -> ") open_ports = [] closed_ports = [] ip_host = socket.gethostbyname(target) chk = input(C + ' [#] Do you want a verbose output? (enter if not) :> ') verbose = chk is not "" print(GR + ' [*] Checking port range...') if int(min_port) >= 0 and int(max_port) >= 0 and int(max_port) >= int( min_port) and int(max_port) <= 65536: print('\033[1;32m [!] Port range detected valid...') time.sleep(0.3) print(GR + ' [*] Preparing for the the Scan...') ports = range(int(min_port), int(max_port) + 1) # Build range from given port numbers prtlst = listsplit(ports, round(len(ports) / processes)) starting_time = time.time() # Start clock for scan time SYNACK = 0x12 # Set flag values for later reference RSTACK = 0x14 checkhost(ip_host) # Run checkhost() function from earlier print(O + " [*] Scanning initiated at " + strftime("%H:%M:%S") + "!\n") # Confirm scan start with Pool(processes=processes) as pool: res = [ pool.apply_async(portloop, args=( l, verbose, ip_host, )) for l in prtlst ] #res1 = pool.apply_async(portloop, ) for i in res: j = i.get() open_ports += j[0] closed_ports += j[1] print(O + "\n [!] Scanning completed at %s" % (time.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p"))) ending_time = time.time() total_time = ending_time - starting_time print(GR + ' [*] Preparing report...\n') time.sleep(1) #print(O+' +-------------+') #print(O+' | '+R+'SCAN REPORT '+O+'|') print(O + ' ' + R + 'SCAN REPORT ' + O + ' ') #print(O+' +-------------+') print(O + ' ––·‹›·––·‹›·–––') #print(O+' |') print() print(O + ' +--------+------------------+') print(O + ' | ' + GR + 'PORT ' + O + '| ' + GR + 'STATE ' + O + '|') print(O + ' +--------+------------------+') if open_ports: for i in sorted(open_ports): c = str(i) if len(c) == 1: print(O + ' | ' + C + c + O + ' | ' + G + 'OPEN ' + O + '|') print(O + ' +--------+------------------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 2: print(O + ' | ' + C + c + ' ' + O + '| ' + G + 'OPEN ' + O + '|') print(O + ' +--------+------------------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 3: print(O + ' | ' + C + c + ' ' + O + '| ' + G + 'OPEN ' + O + '|') print(O + ' +--------+------------------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 4: print(O + ' | ' + C + c + ' ' + O + '| ' + G + 'OPEN ' + O + '|') print(O + ' +--------+------------------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 5: print(O + ' | ' + C + c + ' ' + O + '| ' + G + 'OPEN ' + O + '|') print(O + ' +--------+------------------+') time.sleep(0.2) print('') else: print(R + ' [-] No open ports found!') print(O + ' [!] ' + str(len(closed_ports)) + ' closed ports not shown') print(C + " [!] Host %s scanned in %s seconds.\n" % (target, total_time)) else: # If range didn't raise error, but didn't meet criteria print("\n\033[91m [!] Invalid Range of Ports") print(" [!] Exiting...") quit() except Exception as e: # If input range raises an error print(e) quit()
def attack(web): from core.methods.print import pscan pscan("arp-scan") arp()
def scan0x00(host): #print(R+'\n =======================================') #print(R + " S I M P L E P O R T S C A N N E R") #print(R + ' =======================================\n') from core.methods.print import pscan pscan("simple port scanner") start_port = input(O + ' [#] Enter initial port :> ') end_port = input(O + ' [#] Enter ending port :> ') start_port = int(start_port) end_port = int(end_port) try: ip = socket.gethostbyname(host) print(G + '\n [+] Target server detected up and running...') print(GR + ' [*] Preparing for scan...') pass except: print(R + ' [-] Server not responding...') time.sleep(0.3) print(R + ' [*] Exiting...') quit() open_ports = [] closed_ports = [] mn = input(O + '\n [*] Do you want a verbose output (enter if not) :> ') verbose = mn is not "" if verbose: print('' + G + '\n [+] Verbose mode selected !\n') print(GR + " [!] Scanning %s from port %s - %s: " % (host, start_port, end_port)) print(B + " [*] Scanning started at %s" % (time.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p"))) starting_time = time.time() try: if verbose: print(O + " [*] Scan in progress..") time.sleep(0.8) portrange = range(start_port, end_port + 1) prtlst = listsplit(portrange, round(len(portrange) / processes)) with Pool(processes=processes) as pool: res = [ pool.apply_async(portloop, args=( l, host, verbose, )) for l in prtlst ] #res1 = pool.apply_async(portloop, ) for i in res: j = i.get() open_ports += j[0] closed_ports += j[1] print(G + "\n [+] Scanning completed at %s" % (time.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p"))) ending_time = time.time() total_time = ending_time - starting_time print(G + ' [*] Preparing report...\n') time.sleep(1) #print(O+' +-------------+') #print(O+' | '+R+'SCAN REPORT '+O+'|') print(O + ' ' + R + 'SCAN REPORT ' + O + ' ') #print(O+' +-------------+') print(O + ' ––·‹›·––·‹›·–––') #print(O+' |') print() print(O + ' +--------+----------+') print(O + ' | ' + GR + 'PORT ' + O + '| ' + GR + 'STATE ' + O + '|') print(O + ' +--------+----------+') if open_ports: for i in sorted(open_ports): c = str(i) if len(c) == 1: print(O + ' | ' + C + c + O + ' | ' + G + 'OPEN ' + O + '|') print(O + ' +--------+----------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 2: print(O + ' | ' + C + c + ' ' + O + '| ' + G + 'OPEN ' + O + '| ') print(O + ' +--------+----------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 3: print(O + ' | ' + C + c + ' ' + O + '| ' + G + 'OPEN ' + O + '| ') print(O + ' +--------+----------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 4: print(O + ' | ' + C + c + ' ' + O + '| ' + G + 'OPEN ' + O + '| ') print(O + ' +--------+----------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 5: print(O + ' | ' + C + c + ' ' + O + '| ' + G + 'OPEN ' + O + '| ') print(O + ' +--------+----------+') time.sleep(0.2) else: print(R + "\n [-] No open ports found.!!\n") print(B + '\n [!] ' + str(len(closed_ports)) + ' closed ports not shown') print(G + " [+] Host %s scanned in %s seconds\n" % (host, total_time)) except KeyboardInterrupt: print(R + "\n [-] User requested shutdown... ") print(' [-] Exiting...\n') quit()
def scan0x00(host): #print(R+'\n =========================') #print(R+' P O R T S C A N N E R') #print(R+' =========================\n') from core.methods.print import pscan pscan("port scanner") print(GR + ' [*] Using most common ports...') ports = [ 20, 21, 23, 25, 53, 67, 68, 69, 80, 109, 110, 111, 123, 137, 143, 156, 161, 162, 179, 389, 443, 445, 512, 513, 546, 547, 636, 993, 995, 1099, 2121, 2049, 3306, 5432, 5900, 6000, 6667, 8080, 8180, 8443, 10000 ] mlprts = listsplit(ports, round(len(ports) / processes)) #print(mlprts) print(C + ' [+] Scanning %s ports...' % len(ports)) try: ip = socket.gethostbyname(host) print(G + '\n [+] Target server detected up and running...' + C + color.TR2 + C) print(O + ' [*] Preparing for scan...' + C) pass except Exception: print(R + ' [-] Server not responding...') time.sleep(0.3) print(R + ' [*] Exiting...') quit() open_ports = [] closed_ports = [] print(G + " [*] Scanning started at %s" % (time.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p")) + C + color.TR2 + C) starting_time = time.time() try: print(O + " [*] Scan in progress.." + C) time.sleep(0.8) with Pool(processes=processes) as pool: res = [ pool.apply_async(portloop, args=( l, host, )) for l in mlprts ] #res1 = pool.apply_async(portloop, ) for i in res: j = i.get() open_ports += j[0] closed_ports += j[1] print(G + "\n [+] Scanning completed at %s" % (time.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p")) + C + color.TR2 + C) ending_time = time.time() total_time = ending_time - starting_time print(P + ' [*] Preparing report...\n' + C) time.sleep(1) openports = " {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} ports open.".format( color.TR5, C, G, str(len(open_ports)), color.END, color.TR2, color.END, color.CURSIVE) summary("simpleport", openports) print() print(P + ' +--------+----------+') print(P + ' | ' + C + 'PORT' + P + ' ' + '| ' + C + 'STATE' + P + ' ' + '|') print(P + ' +--------+----------+') lvl2 = "getports" module = "ScanANDEnum" lvl1 = "Scanning & Enumeration" lvl3 = "" if open_ports: for i in sorted(open_ports): c = str(i) if len(c) == 1: print(P + ' | ' + C + c + P + ' | ' + C + 'OPEN' + P + ' ' + '|') print(P + ' +--------+----------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 2: print(P + ' | ' + C + c + P + ' ' + P + '| ' + C + 'OPEN' + P + ' ' + '| ') print(P + ' +--------+----------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 3: print(P + ' | ' + C + c + P + ' ' + '| ' + C + 'OPEN' + P + ' ' + '| ') print(P + ' +--------+----------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 4: print(P + ' | ' + C + c + P + ' ' + '| ' + C + 'OPEN' + P + ' ' + '| ') print(P + ' +--------+----------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 5: print(P + ' | ' + C + c + P + ' ' + '| ' + C + 'OPEN' + P + ' ' + '| ') print(P + ' +--------+----------+') time.sleep(0.2) data = "Open Ports: " + str(open_ports) save_data(database, module, lvl1, lvl2, lvl3, name, data) else: save_data(database, module, lvl1, lvl2, lvl3, name, "No open ports found.") print(R + "\n [-] No open ports found.!!\n") print(B + '\n [!] ' + str(len(closed_ports)) + ' closed ports not shown') print(G + " [+] Host %s scanned in %s seconds" % (host, total_time) + C + color.TR2 + C + "\n") except KeyboardInterrupt: print(R + "\n [-] User requested shutdown... ") print(' [-] Exiting...\n') quit()
def scan0x00(target): try: #print(R+'\n ===================') #print(R+' X M A S S C A N ') #print(R+' ===================\n') from core.methods.print import pscan pscan("xmas scan") print(R + ' [Reliable only in LA Networks]\n') min_port = input(O + " [#] Enter Minumum Port Number -> ") max_port = input(O + " [#] Enter Maximum Port Number -> ") openfil_ports = [] filter_ports = [] closed_ports = [] ip_host = socket.gethostbyname(target) chk = input(C + ' [#] Do you want a verbose output? (enter if not) :> ') verbose = chk is not "" try: print(GR + ' [*] Checking port range...') if int(min_port) >= 0 and int(max_port) >= 0 and int( max_port) >= int(min_port) and int(max_port) <= 65536: print(G + '\033[1;32m [+] Port range detected valid...') time.sleep(0.3) print(GR + ' [*] Preparing for the the FIN Scan...') pass else: print(R + "\n [!] Invalid Range of Ports") print(" [!] Exiting...") quit() except Exception: # If input range raises an error print("\n\033[91m [!] Invalid Range of Ports") print(" [!] Exiting...") quit() ports = range(int(min_port), int(max_port) + 1) # Build range from given port numbers prtlst = listsplit(ports, round(len(ports) / processes)) starting_time = time.time() # Start clock for scan time SYNACK = 0x12 # Set flag values for later reference RSTACK = 0x14 def checkhost(ip): # Function to check if target is up conf.verb = 0 # Hide output try: ping = sr1(IP(dst=ip) / ICMP()) # Ping the target print("\n\033[1;32m [!] Target server detected online...") time.sleep(0.6) print(' [*] Beginning scan...') except Exception: # If ping fails print("\n\033[91m [!] Couldn't Resolve Target") print(" [!] Exiting...") quit() checkhost(ip_host) # Run checkhost() function from earlier print(G + " [*] Scanning initiated at " + strftime("%H:%M:%S") + "!\n") # Confirm scan start with Pool(processes=processes) as pool: res = [ pool.apply_async(portloop, args=( l, verbose, ip_host, )) for l in prtlst ] #res1 = pool.apply_async(portloop, ) for i in res: j = i.get() openfil_ports += j[0] filter_ports += j[1] closed_ports += j[2] print("\n [!] Scanning completed at %s" % (time.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p"))) ending_time = time.time() total_time = ending_time - starting_time print(GR + ' [*] Preparing report...\n') time.sleep(1) #print(O+' +-------------+') #print(O+' | '+R+'SCAN REPORT '+O+'|') print(O + ' ' + R + 'SCAN REPORT ' + O + ' ') #print(O+' +-------------+') print(O + ' ––·‹›·––·‹›·–––') #print(O+' |') print() print(O + ' +--------+------------------+') print(O + ' | ' + GR + 'PORT ' + O + '| ' + GR + 'STATE ' + O + '|') print(O + ' +--------+------------------+') if openfil_ports: for i in sorted(openfil_ports): c = str(i) if len(c) == 1: print(O + ' | ' + C + c + O + ' | ' + G + 'OPEN ' + O + '|') print(O + ' +--------+------------------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 2: print(O + ' | ' + C + c + ' ' + O + '| ' + G + 'OPEN ' + O + '|') print(O + ' +--------+------------------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 3: print(O + ' | ' + C + c + ' ' + O + '| ' + G + 'OPEN ' + O + '|') print(O + ' +--------+------------------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 4: print(O + ' | ' + C + c + ' ' + O + '| ' + G + 'OPEN ' + O + '|') print(O + ' +--------+------------------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 5: print(O + ' | ' + C + c + ' ' + O + '| ' + G + 'OPEN ' + O + '|') print(O + ' +--------+------------------+') time.sleep(0.2) if filter_ports: for i in sorted(filter_ports): c = str(i) if len(c) == 1: print(O + ' | ' + C + c + O + ' | ' + GR + 'FILTERED ' + O + '|') print(O + ' +--------+------------------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 2: print(O + ' | ' + C + c + ' ' + O + '| ' + GR + 'FILTERED ' + O + '|') print(O + ' +--------+------------------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 3: print(O + ' | ' + C + c + ' ' + O + '| ' + GR + 'FILTERED ' + O + '|') print(O + ' +--------+------------------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 4: print(O + ' | ' + C + c + ' ' + O + '| ' + GR + 'FILTERED ' + O + '|') print(O + ' +--------+------------------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 5: print(O + ' | ' + C + c + ' ' + O + '| ' + GR + 'FILTERED ' + O + '|') print(O + ' +--------+------------------+') time.sleep(0.2) else: print('' + R + " [-] No filtered ports found.!!" + O + '') print(B + "\n [!] " + str(len(closed_ports)) + ' closed ports not shown') print(O + " [!] Host %s scanned in %s seconds\n" % (target, total_time)) except KeyboardInterrupt: # In case the user wants to quit print("\n\033[91m [*] User Requested Shutdown...") print(" [*] Exiting...") quit()
def webscan(web): requests = session() try: #print(R+'\n ===========================================') #print(R+' W E B S E R V E R E N U M E R A T I O N') #print(R+' ===========================================') from core.methods.print import pscan pscan("webserver enumeration") print(C + ' [This module will scan the whole CENSYS database for') print(C + ' collecting domain based IP Addresses and ') print(C + ' fingerprint them accordingly]\n') time.sleep(0.6) print(R + ' [-] WARNING: Use this module with caution!') print(GR + ' [*] Importing API Key...') try: from files.API_KEYS import CENSYS_UID, CENSYS_SECRET except (IOError, ImportError): print(R + ' [-] Error while importing key...') web = web.split('//')[1] print(C + ' [!] Obtaining reverse DNS lookup...') time.sleep(0.7) ip = web print(O + ' [+] Identified IP :' + C + color.TR3 + C + G + str(ip) + C + color.TR2 + C) print(GR + ' [*] Starting internet wide server scan...') if CENSYS_SECRET != '' and CENSYS_UID != '': print(O + ' [+] Found Censys UID Key :' + C + color.TR3 + C + G + CENSYS_UID + C + color.TR2 + C) print(O + ' [+] Found Censys Secret Token :' + C + color.TR3 + C + G + CENSYS_SECRET + C + color.TR2 + C) pages = float('inf') page = 1 print(GR + ' [*] Setting scan parameters...') while page <= pages: base_url = '' params = {'query': ip, 'page': page} res = + "/search/ipv4", json=params, auth=(CENSYS_UID, CENSYS_SECRET)) payload = res.json() for r in payload['results']: ip = r["ip"] proto = r["protocols"] proto = [p.split("/")[0] for p in proto] proto.sort(key=float) protoList = ','.join(map(str, proto)) print(B + ' [+] IP : ' + C + str(ip) + C + ' - Protocols : ' + str(protoList)) if '80' in protoList: view(ip, base_url, CENSYS_UID, CENSYS_SECRET, requests) pages = payload['metadata']['pages'] page += 1 else: print(R + ' [-] CENSYS API TOKENs not set!') print(R + ' [-] This module cannot be used!') except Exception as e: print(R + ' [-] Unhandled Exception Encountered!') print(R + ' [-] Error : ' + str(e))
def ssltlsscan(web): global name name = targetname(web) global lvl2 lvl2 = inspect.stack()[0][3] global module module = "ScanANDEnum" global lvl1 lvl1 = "Scanning & Enumeration" global lvl3 lvl3 = "" target = web.split('//')[1] #print(R+'\n ===============================') #print(R+' S S L E N U M E R A T I O N') #print(R+' ===============================\n') from core.methods.print import pscan pscan("ssl enumeration") print(GR + ' [*] Testing server SSL status...') try: req = requests.get('https://' + target) print(G + ' [+] SSL Working Properly...' + color.TR2 + C) time.sleep(0.6) print(C + " [!] Running SSL Enumeration...\n") try: server_tester = ServerConnectivityTester(hostname=target) server_info = server_tester.perform() scanner = SynchronousScanner() command = Tlsv10ScanCommand() scan_result = scanner.run_scan_command(server_info, command) print(G + " [+] Available TLS v1.0 Ciphers:" + color.TR2 + C) for cipher in scan_result.accepted_cipher_list: print(C + ' {}'.format( print('') data = "TLS 1.0 :> " + str(scan_result.accepted_cipher_list) save_data(database, module, lvl1, lvl2, lvl3, name, data) command = Tlsv11ScanCommand() scan_result = scanner.run_scan_command(server_info, command) print(G + " [+] Available TLS v1.1 Ciphers:" + color.TR2 + C) for cipher in scan_result.accepted_cipher_list: print(C + ' {}'.format( print('') data = "TLS 1.1 :> " + str(scan_result.accepted_cipher_list) save_data(database, module, lvl1, lvl2, lvl3, name, data) command = Tlsv12ScanCommand() scan_result = scanner.run_scan_command(server_info, command) print(G + " [+] Available TLS v1.2 Ciphers:" + color.TR2 + C) for cipher in scan_result.accepted_cipher_list: print(C + ' {}'.format( print('') data = "TLS 1.2 :> " + str(scan_result.accepted_cipher_list) save_data(database, module, lvl1, lvl2, lvl3, name, data) command = CertificateInfoScanCommand() scan_result = scanner.run_scan_command(server_info, command) print(G + ' [+] Certificate Information:' + color.TR2 + C) for entry in scan_result.as_text(): if entry != '': if 'certificate information' in entry.lower(): pass elif ':' in entry: print(GR + ' [+] ' + entry.strip().split(':', 1)[0].strip() + ' : ' + C + entry.strip().split(':', 1)[1].strip()) else: print(C + '\n [+] ' + entry.strip()) print('') data = "Cert Info :> " + str(scan_result.as_text()) save_data(database, module, lvl1, lvl2, lvl3, name, data) command = HttpHeadersScanCommand() scan_result = scanner.run_scan_command(server_info, command) print(G + ' [+] HTTP Results:' + C + color.TR2 + C) for entry in scan_result.as_text(): if 'http security' not in entry.strip().lower( ) and entry != '': if '-' in entry: print(GR + ' [+] ' + entry.split('-', 1)[0].strip() + ' - ' + C + entry.split('-', 1)[1].strip()) elif ':' in entry: print(GR + ' [+] ' + entry.strip().split(':', 1)[0].strip() + ' : ' + C + entry.strip().split(':', 1)[1].strip()) else: print(C + '\n [+] ' + entry.strip()) print('') data = "HTTP :> " + str(scan_result.as_text()) save_data(database, module, lvl1, lvl2, lvl3, name, data) except Exception as e: print(R + ' [-] Unhandled SSL Runtime Exception : ' + str(e)) pass except requests.exceptions.SSLError as e: print(R + ' [-] Distant Server SSL not working : ' + str(e)) print(G + ' [+] SSlScan Module Completed!' + C + color.TR2 + C)
def scan0x00(target): try: from core.methods.print import pscan pscan("fin scan") #print(''+R+'\n =================') #print(''+R + ' F I N S C A N ') #print(''+R + ' =================') print(''+R + ' [Reliable only in LA Networks]\n') if properties["INIT"][1] == " ": min_port = input(C+' [§] Enter initial port :> ') else: min_port = properties["INIT"][1] if properties["FIN"][1] == " ": max_port = input(C+' [§] Enter ending port :> ') else: max_port = properties["FIN"][1] openfil_ports = [] filter_ports = [] closed_ports = [] ip_host = socket.gethostbyname(target) if properties["VERBOSE"][1] == " ": chk = input(C+' [?] Do you want a verbose output? (enter if not) :> ') verbose = chk != "" else: verbose = properties["VERBOSE"][1] == "1" try: print(GR+' [*] Checking port range...') if int(min_port) >= 0 and int(max_port) >= 0 and int(max_port) >= int(min_port) and int(max_port) <= 65536: print(P+' [!] Port range detected valid...'+C) time.sleep(0.3) print(GR+' [*] Preparing for the the FIN Scan...') pass else: # If range didn't raise error, but didn't meet criteria print(R+"\n [!] Invalid Range of Ports") print(R+" [!] Exiting...") quit() except Exception: # If input range raises an error print(R+"\n [!] Invalid Range of Ports") print(R+" [!] Exiting...") quit() ports = range(int(min_port), int(max_port)+1) # Build range from given port numbers starting_time = time.time() # Start clock for scan time checkhost(ip_host) # Run checkhost() function from earlier print(G+" [!] Scanning initiated at " + strftime("%H:%M:%S") + "!"+C+color.TR2+C+"\n") # Confirm scan start prtlst = listsplit(ports, round(len(ports)/processes)) with Pool(processes=processes) as pool: res = [pool.apply_async(portloop, args=(l,verbose,ip_host,)) for l in prtlst] #res1 = pool.apply_async(portloop, ) for i in res: j = i.get() openfil_ports += j[0] closed_ports += j[1] filter_ports += j[2] print(G+"\n [!] Scanning completed at %s" %(time.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p"))+C+color.TR2+C) ending_time = time.time() total_time = ending_time - starting_time print(P+' [*] Preparing report...\n'+C) time.sleep(1) openports = " {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} ports open.".format(color.TR5,C, G, str(len(openfil_ports)), color.END, color.TR2, color.END, color.CURSIVE) summary("finscan", openports) print() print(P+' +--------+------------------+') print(P+' | '+C+'PORT '+P+'| '+C+'STATE '+P+'|') print(P+' +--------+------------------+') if openfil_ports: for i in sorted(openfil_ports): c = str(i) if len(c) == 1: print(P+' | '+C+c+P+' | '+C+'OPEN '+P+'|') print(P+' +--------+------------------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 2: print(P+' | '+C+c+' '+P+'| '+C+'OPEN '+P+'|') print(P+' +--------+------------------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 3: print(P+' | '+C+c+' '+P+'| '+C+'OPEN '+P+'|') print(P+' +--------+------------------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 4: print(P+' | '+C+c+' '+P+'| '+C+'OPEN '+P+'|') print(P+' +--------+------------------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 5: print(P+' | '+C+c+' '+P+'| '+C+'OPEN '+P+'|') print(P+' +--------+------------------+') time.sleep(0.2) data = "Open Ports: " + str(openfil_ports) save_data(database, module, lvl1, lvl2, lvl3, name, data) if filter_ports: for i in sorted(filter_ports): c = str(i) if len(c) == 1: print(P+' | '+C+c+P+' | '+C+'FILTERED '+P+'|') print(P+' +--------+------------------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 2: print(P+' | '+C+c+' '+P+'| '+C+'FILTERED '+P+'|') print(P+' +--------+------------------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 3: print(P+' | '+C+c+' '+P+'| '+C+'FILTERED '+P+'|') print(P+' +--------+------------------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 4: print(P+' | '+C+c+' '+P+'| '+C+'FILTERED '+P+'|') print(P+' +--------+------------------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 5: print(P+' | '+C+c+' '+P+'| '+C+'FILTERED '+P+'|') print(P+' +--------+------------------+') time.sleep(0.2) data = "Filtered Ports: " + str(filter_ports) save_data(database, module, lvl1, lvl2, lvl3, name, data) print('') else: print(''+R+" [-] No open/filtered ports found.!!"+'') save_data(database, module, lvl1, lvl2, lvl3, name, "No open/filtered ports found.") print(B+"\n [!] " + str(len(closed_ports)) + ' closed ports not shown') print(G+" [+] Host %s scanned in %s seconds" %(target, total_time)+C+color.TR2+C+"\n") except KeyboardInterrupt: print(R+"\n [-] User Requested Shutdown...") print(" [*] Exiting...") quit()
def search(inp): names = [] descs = [] passivenames = [] passivedescs = [] activenames = [] activedescs = [] discnames = [] discdescs = [] scannames = [] scandescs = [] portnames = [] portdescs = [] crawlnames = [] crawldescs = [] misnames = [] misdescs = [] brutenames = [] brutedescs = [] severenames = [] severedescs = [] sploitnames = [] sploitdescs = [] aidnames = [] aiddescs = [] def filematch(id, filenames): patt = '.*{}.*'.format(id) found = [] for filename in filenames: if (re.match(patt, os.path.basename(filename))): found.append(filename) return found filenames = [] foundfiles = [] idlist = inp.split(" ") for filen in Path(vars.modir).glob("**/*.py"): filenames.append(str(filen)) for id in idlist: foundfiles += filematch(id, filenames) for filen in filenames: module1 = filen.split(".py")[0] if == 'nt': module2 = module1.split("modules/")[-1] else: module2 = module1.split("modules/")[-1] module2 = module2.replace("/", ".") module2 = module2.replace("\\", ".") module2 = "modules." + module2 # print(module2) try: if ("__init__" not in module2 and "colors" not in module2 and "wafimpo" not in module2 and "DNSDumpsterAPI" not in module2 and "Form" not in module2 and "uri" not in module2 and "Crawler" not in module2 and "subdom0x00" not in module2 and "errorsql" not in module2 and "blindsql" not in module2 and "files.subdom" not in module2 and "fileo.subdom" not in module2 and "signatures" not in module2): module = imp.import_module(module2) j = for id in idlist: if id.lower() in str(j).lower(): if filen not in foundfiles: foundfiles.append(str(filen)) except ImportError: pass for file in foundfiles: if == 'nt': list1 = file.split("\\modules\\") else: list1 = file.split("/modules/") if len(list1) != 2: print("[-] PathError. Length: {}, expected: 2".format(len(list1))) else: parsedfile = list1[1].split(".py")[0] parsedfile = "modules." + parsedfile parsedfile = parsedfile.replace("/", ".") parsedfile = parsedfile.replace("\\", ".") try: if ("__init__" not in parsedfile and "colors" not in parsedfile and "wafimpo" not in parsedfile and "DNSDumpsterAPI" not in parsedfile and "Form" not in parsedfile and "uri" not in parsedfile and "Crawler" not in parsedfile and "subdom0x00" not in parsedfile and "errorsql" not in parsedfile and "blindsql" not in parsedfile and "files.subdom" not in parsedfile and "fileo.subdom" not in parsedfile and "signatures" not in parsedfile): j = imp.import_module(parsedfile) i = j.searchinfo names.append(parsedfile.split(".")[-1]) descs.append(i) if "ActiveRecon" in parsedfile: activenames.append(parsedfile.split(".")[-1]) activedescs.append(i) elif "PassiveRecon" in parsedfile: passivenames.append(parsedfile.split(".")[-1]) passivedescs.append(i) elif "InfoDisclose" in parsedfile: discnames.append(parsedfile.split(".")[-1]) discdescs.append(i) elif "ScanningEnumeration" in parsedfile and "0x01-PortScanning" not in parsedfile and "0x02-WebCrawling" not in parsedfile: scannames.append(parsedfile.split(".")[-1]) scandescs.append(i) elif "ScanningEnumeration" in parsedfile and "0x01-PortScanning" in parsedfile: portnames.append(parsedfile.split(".")[-1]) portdescs.append(i) elif "ScanningEnumeration" in parsedfile and "0x02-WebCrawling" in parsedfile: crawlnames.append(parsedfile.split(".")[-1]) crawldescs.append(i) elif "PassiveRecon" in parsedfile: names.append(parsedfile.split(".")[-1]) descs.append(i) elif "SploitLoot" in parsedfile: sploitnames.append(parsedfile.split(".")[-1]) sploitdescs.append(i) elif "Aid" in parsedfile: aidnames.append(parsedfile.split(".")[-1]) aiddescs.append(i) elif "VlnAnalysis.Severe" in parsedfile: severenames.append(parsedfile.split(".")[-1]) severedescs.append(i) elif "VlnAnalysis.Other" in parsedfile: brutenames.append(parsedfile.split(".")[-1]) brutedescs.append(i) elif "VlnAnalysis.Misconfig" in parsedfile: misnames.append(parsedfile.split(".")[-1]) misdescs.append(i) except ImportError: pass if len(passivenames) > 0 or len(activenames) > 0 or len(discdescs) > 0: prnt.posint("Phase 1") if len(passivenames) > 0: cprint("OSINT/Footprinting: ", "Passive Recon") listdisplay(passivenames, passivedescs) if len(activenames) > 0: cprint("OSINT/Footprinting: ", "Active Recon") listdisplay(activenames, activedescs) if len(discnames) > 0: cprint("OSINT/Footprinting: ", "Information Disclosure") listdisplay(discnames, discdescs) if len(scannames) > 0 or len(portnames) > 0 or len(crawldescs) > 0: prnt.pscan("Phase 2") if len(scannames) > 0: cprint("Scanning/Enumeration: ", "General Scanning") listdisplay(scannames, scandescs) if len(portnames) > 0: cprint("Scanning/Enumeration: ", "Port Scanners") listdisplay(portnames, portdescs) if len(crawldescs) > 0: cprint("Scanning/Enumeration: ", "Web Crawlers") listdisplay(crawlnames, crawldescs) if len(severenames) > 0 or len(misnames) > 0 or len(brutedescs) > 0: prnt.pvln("Phase 3") if len(misnames) > 0: cprint("Vulnerability Analysis: ", "Misconfiguration") listdisplay(misnames, misdescs) if len(severenames) > 0: cprint("Vulnerability Analysis: ", "Severe Issues") listdisplay(severenames, severedescs) if len(brutedescs) > 0: cprint("Vulnerability Analysis: ", "Weak Credentials") listdisplay(brutenames, brutedescs) if len(sploitdescs) > 0: prnt.psploit("Phase 4") cprint("Exploitation: ", "Exploits") listdisplay(sploitnames, sploitdescs) if len(aidnames) > 0: print("\nAdditional Modules") listdisplay(aidnames, aiddescs)
def list(arg, display, single=True): names = [] descs = [] dir = "" passivenames = [] passivedescs = [] activenames = [] activedescs = [] discnames = [] discdescs = [] scannames = [] scandescs = [] portnames = [] portdescs = [] crawlnames = [] crawldescs = [] misnames = [] misdescs = [] brutenames = [] brutedescs = [] severenames = [] severedescs = [] sploitnames = [] sploitdescs = [] aidnames = [] aiddescs = [] if arg == "all": dir = vars.modir elif arg == "aid": dir = vars.aidir elif arg == "osint-passive": dir = vars.pasdir elif arg == "osint-active": dir = vars.acdir elif arg == "scan": dir = vars.scadir elif arg == "sploit": dir = vars.sploidir elif arg == "vlnysis": dir = vars.vlndir elif arg == "infdisc": dir = vars.infdir else: print(catlist) return for filen in sorted(Path(dir).glob("**/*.py")): module1 = str(filen).split(".py")[0] if == 'nt': module2 = module1.split("modules/")[-1] else: module2 = module1.split("modules/")[-1] module2 = module2.replace("/", ".") module2 = module2.replace("\\", ".") module2 = "modules." + module2 try: if ("__init__" not in module2 and "colors" not in module2 and "wafimpo" not in module2 and "DNSDumpsterAPI" not in module2 and "Form" not in module2 and "uri" not in module2 and "Crawler" not in module2 and "subdom0x00" not in module2 and "errorsql" not in module2 and "blindsql" not in module2 and "files.subdom" not in module2 and "fileo.subdom" not in module2 and "signatures" not in module2): j = imp.import_module(module2) i = j.searchinfo #names.append(module2.split(".")[-1]) names.append(module2) descs.append(i) if "ActiveRecon" in module2: activenames.append(module2.split(".")[-1]) activedescs.append(i) elif "PassiveRecon" in module2: passivenames.append(module2.split(".")[-1]) passivedescs.append(i) elif "InfoDisclose" in module2: discnames.append(module2.split(".")[-1]) discdescs.append(i) elif "ScanningEnumeration" in module2 and "0x01-PortScanning" not in module2 and "0x02-WebCrawling" not in module2: scannames.append(module2.split(".")[-1]) scandescs.append(i) elif "ScanningEnumeration" in module2 and "0x01-PortScanning" in module2: portnames.append(module2.split(".")[-1]) portdescs.append(i) elif "ScanningEnumeration" in module2 and "0x02-WebCrawling" in module2: crawlnames.append(module2.split(".")[-1]) crawldescs.append(i) elif "PassiveRecon" in module2: names.append(module2.split(".")[-1]) descs.append(i) elif "SploitLoot" in module2: sploitnames.append(module2.split(".")[-1]) sploitdescs.append(i) elif "Aid" in module2: aidnames.append(module2.split(".")[-1]) aiddescs.append(i) elif "VlnAnalysis.Severe" in module2: severenames.append(module2.split(".")[-1]) severedescs.append(i) elif "VlnAnalysis.Other" in module2: brutenames.append(module2.split(".")[-1]) brutedescs.append(i) elif "VlnAnalysis.Misconfig" in module2: misnames.append(module2.split(".")[-1]) misdescs.append(i) except ImportError: pass if display: if len(passivenames) > 0 or len(activenames) > 0 or len(discdescs) > 0: prnt.posint("Phase 1") if len(passivenames) > 0: cprint("OSINT/Footprinting: ", "Passive Recon") listdisplay(passivenames, passivedescs) if len(activenames) > 0: cprint("OSINT/Footprinting: ", "Active Recon") listdisplay(activenames, activedescs) if len(discnames) > 0: cprint("OSINT/Footprinting: ", "Information Disclosure") listdisplay(discnames, discdescs) if len(scannames) > 0 or len(portnames) > 0 or len(crawldescs) > 0: prnt.pscan("Phase 2") if len(scannames) > 0: cprint("Scanning/Enumeration: ", "General Scanning") listdisplay(scannames, scandescs) if len(portnames) > 0: cprint("Scanning/Enumeration: ", "Port Scanners") listdisplay(portnames, portdescs) if len(crawldescs) > 0: cprint("Scanning/Enumeration: ", "Web Crawlers") listdisplay(crawlnames, crawldescs) if len(severenames) > 0 or len(misnames) > 0 or len(brutedescs) > 0: prnt.pvln("Phase 3") if len(misnames) > 0: cprint("Vulnerability Analysis: ", "Misconfiguration") listdisplay(misnames, misdescs) if len(severenames) > 0: cprint("Vulnerability Analysis: ", "Severe Issues") listdisplay(severenames, severedescs) if len(brutedescs) > 0: cprint("Vulnerability Analysis: ", "Weak Credentials") listdisplay(brutenames, brutedescs) if len(sploitdescs) > 0: prnt.psploit("Phase 4") cprint("Exploitation: ", "Exploits") listdisplay(sploitnames, sploitdescs) if len(aidnames) > 0: print("\nAdditional Modules") listdisplay(aidnames, aiddescs) if single: return names else: return (passivenames, activenames, discnames, scannames, portnames, crawlnames, misnames, severenames, brutenames, sploitnames, aidnames)
def scan0x00(target): try: #print(R+'\n =================================') #print(R+' T C P C O N N E C T S C A N ') #print(R+' =================================\n') from core.methods.print import pscan pscan("tcp connect scan") if properties["INIT"][1] == " ": min_port = input(C + ' [§] Enter initial port :> ') else: min_port = properties["INIT"][1] if properties["FIN"][1] == " ": max_port = input(C + ' [§] Enter ending port :> ') else: max_port = properties["FIN"][1] open_ports = [] closed_ports = [] ip_host = socket.gethostbyname(target) if properties["VERBOSE"][1] == " ": chk = input( C + ' [?] Do you want a verbose output? (enter if not) :> ') verbose = chk is not "" else: verbose = properties["VERBOSE"][1] == "1" print(GR + ' [*] Checking port range...') if int(min_port) >= 0 and int(max_port) >= 0 and int(max_port) >= int( min_port) and int(max_port) <= 65536: print(P + ' [!] Port range detected valid...' + C) time.sleep(0.3) print(GR + ' [*] Preparing for the scan...') ports = range(int(min_port), int(max_port) + 1) # Build range from given port numbers prtlst = listsplit(ports, round(len(ports) / processes)) starting_time = time.time() # Start clock for scan time SYNACK = 0x12 # Set flag values for later reference RSTACK = 0x14 checkhost(ip_host) # Run checkhost() function from earlier print(G + " [!] Scanning initiated at " + strftime("%H:%M:%S") + "!" + C + color.TR2 + C + "\n") # Confirm scan start with Pool(processes=processes) as pool: res = [ pool.apply_async(portloop, args=( l, verbose, ip_host, )) for l in prtlst ] #res1 = pool.apply_async(portloop, ) for i in res: j = i.get() open_ports += j[0] closed_ports += j[1] print(G + "\n [!] Scanning completed at %s" % (time.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p")) + C + color.TR2 + C) ending_time = time.time() total_time = ending_time - starting_time print(P + ' [*] Preparing report...\n' + C) time.sleep(1) openports = " {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} ports open.".format( color.TR5, C, G, str(len(open_ports)), color.END, color.TR2, color.END, color.CURSIVE) summary("tcp connect", openports) print() print(P + ' +--------+------------------+') print(P + ' | ' + GR + 'PORT ' + P + '| ' + C + 'STATE ' + P + '|') print(P + ' +--------+------------------+') if open_ports: for i in sorted(open_ports): c = str(i) if len(c) == 1: print(P + ' | ' + C + c + P + ' | ' + C + 'OPEN ' + P + '|') print(P + ' +--------+------------------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 2: print(P + ' | ' + C + c + ' ' + P + '| ' + C + 'OPEN ' + P + '|') print(P + ' +--------+------------------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 3: print(P + ' | ' + C + c + ' ' + P + '| ' + C + 'OPEN ' + P + '|') print(P + ' +--------+------------------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 4: print(P + ' | ' + C + c + ' ' + P + '| ' + C + 'OPEN ' + P + '|') print(P + ' +--------+------------------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 5: print(P + ' | ' + C + c + ' ' + P + '| ' + C + 'OPEN ' + P + '|') print(P + ' +--------+------------------+') time.sleep(0.2) print('') else: print(R + ' [-] No open ports found!') print(B + ' [!] ' + str(len(closed_ports)) + ' closed ports not shown') print(G + " [+] Host %s scanned in %s seconds" % (target, total_time) + C + color.TR2 + C + "\n") else: # If range didn't raise error, but didn't meet criteria print(R + "\n [!] Invalid Range of Ports") print(" [!] Exiting...") quit() except Exception as e: # If input range raises an error print(e) quit()
def scan0x00(host): #print(R+'\n =========================') #print(R+' P O R T S C A N N E R') #print(R+' =========================\n') from core.methods.print import pscan pscan("port scanner") print(GR + ' [*] Using most common ports...') ports = [ 20, 21, 23, 25, 53, 67, 68, 69, 80, 109, 110, 111, 123, 137, 143, 156, 161, 162, 179, 389, 443, 445, 512, 513, 546, 547, 636, 993, 995, 1099, 2121, 2049, 3306, 5432, 5900, 6000, 6667, 8080, 8180, 8443, 10000 ] mlprts = listsplit(ports, round(len(ports) / processes)) #print(mlprts) print(O + ' [+] Scanning %s ports...' % len(ports)) try: ip = socket.gethostbyname(host) print(G + '\n [+] Target server detected up and running...') print(GR + ' [*] Preparing for scan...') pass except: print(R + ' [-] Server not responding...') time.sleep(0.3) print(R + ' [*] Exiting...') quit() open_ports = [] closed_ports = [] print(B + " [*] Scanning started at %s" % (time.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p"))) starting_time = time.time() try: print(O + " [*] Scan in progress..") time.sleep(0.8) with Pool(processes=processes) as pool: res = [ pool.apply_async(portloop, args=( l, host, )) for l in mlprts ] #res1 = pool.apply_async(portloop, ) for i in res: j = i.get() open_ports += j[0] closed_ports += j[1] print(C + "\n [+] Scanning completed at %s" % (time.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p"))) ending_time = time.time() total_time = ending_time - starting_time print(O + ' [*] Preparing report...\n') time.sleep(1) print(O + ' +--------+----------+') print(O + ' | ' + GR + 'PORT ' + O + '| ' + GR + 'STATE ' + O + '|') print(O + ' +--------+----------+') if open_ports: for i in sorted(open_ports): c = str(i) if len(c) == 1: print(O + ' | ' + C + c + O + ' | ' + G + 'OPEN ' + O + '|') print(O + ' +--------+----------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 2: print(O + ' | ' + C + c + ' ' + O + '| ' + G + 'OPEN ' + O + '| ') print(O + ' +--------+----------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 3: print(O + ' | ' + C + c + ' ' + O + '| ' + G + 'OPEN ' + O + '| ') print(O + ' +--------+----------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 4: print(O + ' | ' + C + c + ' ' + O + '| ' + G + 'OPEN ' + O + '| ') print(O + ' +--------+----------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 5: print(O + ' | ' + C + c + ' ' + O + '| ' + G + 'OPEN ' + O + '| ') print(O + ' +--------+----------+') time.sleep(0.2) else: print(R + "\n [-] No open ports found.!!\n") print(B + '\n [!] ' + str(len(closed_ports)) + ' closed ports not shown') print(G + " [+] Host %s scanned in %s seconds\n" % (host, total_time)) except KeyboardInterrupt: print(R + "\n [-] User requested shutdown... ") print(' [-] Exiting...\n') quit()
def service0x00(host): #print(R+'\n ===================================') #print(R + " S E R V I C E D E T E C T I O N") #print(R + ' ===================================\n') from core.methods.print import pscan pscan("service detection") if properties["INIT"][1] == " ": start_port = input(C+' [§] Enter initial port :> ') else: start_port = properties["INIT"][1] if properties["FIN"][1] == " ": end_port = input(C+' [§] Enter ending port :> ') else: end_port = properties["FIN"][1] start_port = int(start_port) end_port = int(end_port) open_ports = [] closed_ports = [] try: ip = socket.gethostbyname(host) print(G+'\n [+] Target server detected up and running...'+C+color.TR2+C) print(O+' [*] Preparing for scan...'+C) pass except Exception: print(R+' [-] Server not responding...') time.sleep(0.3) print(R+' [*] Exiting...') quit() if properties["VERBOSE"][1] == " ": mn = input(C+'\n [?] Do you want a verbose output (enter if not) :> ') verbose = mn != "" else: verbose = properties["VERBOSE"][1] == "1" if verbose: print(''+P+'\n [+] Verbose mode selected !\n') print(GR+" [!] Scanning %s from port %s - %s: " % (host, start_port, end_port)) print(G+" [*] Scanning started at %s" %(time.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p"))+C+color.TR2+C) starting_time = time.time() try: if verbose: print(O+" [*] Scan in progress.."+C) time.sleep(0.8) portrange = range(start_port, end_port+1) prtlst = listsplit(portrange, round(len(portrange)/processes)) with Pool(processes=processes) as pool: res = [pool.apply_async(portloop, args=(l,host,verbose,)) for l in prtlst] #res1 = pool.apply_async(portloop, ) for i in res: j = i.get() open_ports += j[0] closed_ports += j[1] print(G+"\n [+] Scanning completed at %s" %(time.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p"))+C+color.TR2+C) ending_time = time.time() total_time = ending_time - starting_time print(P+' [*] Preparing report...\n'+C) time.sleep(1) openports = " {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} ports open.".format(color.TR5,C, G, str(len(open_ports)), color.END, color.TR2, color.END, color.CURSIVE) summary("servicedetect", openports) print() print(P+' +--------+----------+-----------+') print(P+' | '+C+'PORT '+P+'| '+C+'STATE '+P+'| '+C+'SERVICE '+P+'|') print(P+' +--------+----------+-----------+') if open_ports: data = "Port:Service >>\n" for i in sorted(open_ports): service = get_servicev(i) if not service: service = "Unknown" m = str(service) c = str(i) data = data + "\n" + c + ":" + m if len(c) == 1: print(P+' | '+C+c+P+' | '+C+'OPEN '+P+'| '+C+m+'') print(P+' +--------+----------+-----------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 2: print(P+' | '+C+c+' '+P+'| '+C+'OPEN '+P+'| '+C+m+'') print(P+' +--------+----------+-----------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 3: print(P+' | '+C+c+' '+P+'| '+C+'OPEN '+P+'| '+C+m+'') print(P+' +--------+----------+-----------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 4: print(P+' | '+C+c+' '+P+'| '+C+'OPEN '+P+'| '+C+m+'') print(P+' +--------+----------+-----------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 5: print(P+' | '+C+c+' '+P+'| '+C+'OPEN '+P+'| '+C+m+'') print(P+' +--------+----------+-----------+') time.sleep(0.2) save_data(database, module, lvl1, lvl2, lvl3, name, data) else: save_data(database, module, lvl1, lvl2, lvl3, name, "No open ports found.") print(R+"\n [-] No open ports found.!!\n") print(B+'\n [!] ' + str(len(closed_ports)) + ' closed ports not shown') print(G+" [+] Host %s scanned in %s seconds" %(host, total_time)+C+color.TR2+C+"\n") except KeyboardInterrupt: print(R+"\n [-] User requested shutdown... ") print(' [-] Exiting...\n') quit()
def scan0x00(target): try: #print(R+'\n =================================') #print(R+' T C P S T E A L T H S C A N ') #print(R+' =================================\n') from core.methods.print import pscan pscan("tcp stealth scan") if properties["INIT"][1] == " ": min_port = input(C + ' [§] Enter initial port :> ') else: min_port = properties["INIT"][1] if properties["FIN"][1] == " ": max_port = input(C + ' [§] Enter ending port :> ') else: max_port = properties["FIN"][1] open_ports = [] closed_ports = [] ip_host = socket.gethostbyname(target) if properties["VERBOSE"][1] == " ": chk = input( C + ' [?] Do you want a verbose output? (enter if not) :> ') verbose = chk != "" else: verbose = properties["VERBOSE"][1] == "1" try: print(GR + ' [*] Checking port range...') if int(min_port) >= 0 and int(max_port) >= 0 and int( max_port) >= int(min_port) and int(max_port) <= 65536: print(P + ' [!] Port range detected valid...' + C) time.sleep(0.3) print(GR + ' [*] Preparing for the scan...') pass else: print(R + "\n [!] Invalid Range of Ports") print(" [!] Exiting...") quit() except Exception: print(R + "\n [!] Invalid Range of Ports") print(" [!] Exiting...") quit() ports = range(int(min_port), int(max_port) + 1) prtlst = listsplit(ports, round(len(ports) / processes)) starting_time = time.time() SYNACK = 0x12 RSTACK = 0x14 checkhost(target) print(G + " [!] Scanning initiated at " + strftime("%H:%M:%S") + "!" + C + color.TR2 + C + "\n") # Confirm scan start with Pool(processes=processes) as pool: res = [ pool.apply_async(portloop, args=( l, verbose, ip_host, )) for l in prtlst ] #res1 = pool.apply_async(portloop, ) for i in res: j = i.get() open_ports += j[0] closed_ports += j[1] print(G + "\n [!] Scanning completed at %s" % (time.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p")) + C + color.TR2 + C) ending_time = time.time() total_time = ending_time - starting_time print(P + ' [*] Preparing report...\n' + C) time.sleep(1) openports = " {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} ports open.".format( color.TR5, C, G, str(len(open_ports)), color.END, color.TR2, color.END, color.CURSIVE) summary("tcp stealth", openports) print() print(P + ' +--------+------------------+') print(P + ' | ' + GR + 'PORT ' + P + '| ' + C + 'STATE ' + P + '|') print(P + ' +--------+------------------+') if open_ports: for i in sorted(open_ports): c = str(i) if len(c) == 1: print(P + ' | ' + C + c + P + ' | ' + C + 'OPEN ' + P + '|') print(P + ' +--------+------------------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 2: print(P + ' | ' + C + c + ' ' + P + '| ' + C + 'OPEN ' + P + '|') print(P + ' +--------+------------------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 3: print(P + ' | ' + C + c + ' ' + P + '| ' + C + 'OPEN ' + P + '|') print(P + ' +--------+------------------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 4: print(P + ' | ' + C + c + ' ' + P + '| ' + C + 'OPEN ' + P + '|') print(P + ' +--------+------------------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 5: print(P + ' | ' + C + c + ' ' + P + '| ' + C + 'OPEN ' + P + '|') print(P + ' +--------+------------------+') time.sleep(0.2) print('') data = "Open Ports: " + str(open_ports) save_data(database, module, lvl1, lvl2, lvl3, name, data) else: save_data(database, module, lvl1, lvl2, lvl3, name, "No open ports found.") print('' + R + " [-] Sorry, No open ports found.!!") print(C + '\n [!] ' + str(len(closed_ports)) + ' closed ports not shown') print(G + " [+] Host %s scanned in %s seconds" % (target, total_time) + C + color.TR2 + C + "\n") except KeyboardInterrupt: print(R + "\n [-] User Requested Shutdown...") print(" [*] Exiting...") quit()
def scan0x00(target): try: #print(R+'\n =================================') #print(R+' T C P S T E A L T H S C A N ') #print(R+' =================================\n') from core.methods.print import pscan pscan("tcp stealth scan") if properties["INIT"][1] == " ": min_port = input(O + ' [#] Enter initial port :> ') else: min_port = properties["INIT"][1] if properties["FIN"][1] == " ": max_port = input(O + ' [#] Enter ending port :> ') else: max_port = properties["FIN"][1] open_ports = [] closed_ports = [] ip_host = socket.gethostbyname(target) if properties["VERBOSE"][1] == " ": chk = input( C + ' [#] Do you want a verbose output? (enter if not) :> ') verbose = chk is not "" else: verbose = properties["VERBOSE"][1] == "1" try: print(GR + ' [*] Checking port range...') if int(min_port) >= 0 and int(max_port) >= 0 and int( max_port) >= int(min_port) and int(max_port) <= 65536: print('\033[1;32m [!] Port range detected valid...') time.sleep(0.3) print(GR + ' [*] Preparing for the the Scan...') pass else: print("\n\033[91m [!] Invalid Range of Ports") print(" [!] Exiting...") quit() except Exception: print("\n\033[91m [!] Invalid Range of Ports") print(" [!] Exiting...") quit() ports = range(int(min_port), int(max_port) + 1) prtlst = listsplit(ports, round(len(ports) / processes)) starting_time = time.time() SYNACK = 0x12 RSTACK = 0x14 checkhost(target) print(O + " [*] Scanning initiated at " + strftime("%H:%M:%S") + "!\n") with Pool(processes=processes) as pool: res = [ pool.apply_async(portloop, args=( l, verbose, ip_host, )) for l in prtlst ] #res1 = pool.apply_async(portloop, ) for i in res: j = i.get() open_ports += j[0] closed_ports += j[1] print(O + "\n [!] Scanning completed at %s" % (time.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p"))) ending_time = time.time() total_time = ending_time - starting_time print(GR + ' [*] Preparing report...\n') time.sleep(1) print(O + ' ——·+-------------+') print(O + ' [ SCAN REPORT ] stealthscan') print(O + ' +-------------+ --------------') print(O + ' ') print(O + ' +--------+------------------+') print(O + ' | ' + GR + 'PORT ' + O + '| ' + GR + 'STATE ' + O + '|') print(O + ' +--------+------------------+') if open_ports: for i in sorted(open_ports): c = str(i) if len(c) == 1: print(O + ' | ' + C + c + O + ' | ' + G + 'OPEN ' + O + '|') print(O + ' +--------+------------------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 2: print(O + ' | ' + C + c + ' ' + O + '| ' + G + 'OPEN ' + O + '|') print(O + ' +--------+------------------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 3: print(O + ' | ' + C + c + ' ' + O + '| ' + G + 'OPEN ' + O + '|') print(O + ' +--------+------------------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 4: print(O + ' | ' + C + c + ' ' + O + '| ' + G + 'OPEN ' + O + '|') print(O + ' +--------+------------------+') time.sleep(0.2) elif len(c) == 5: print(O + ' | ' + C + c + ' ' + O + '| ' + G + 'OPEN ' + O + '|') print(O + ' +--------+------------------+') time.sleep(0.2) else: print('' + R + " [-] Sorry, No open ports found.!!") print(O + '\n [!] ' + str(len(closed_ports)) + ' closed ports not shown') print(C + " [!] Host %s scanned in %s seconds" % (target, total_time)) except KeyboardInterrupt: print(R + "\n [-] User Requested Shutdown...") print(" [*] Exiting...") quit()