def row_save(cls, row, **kwargs): # saving message try: fbc = cls.objects.get(message=kwargs.get('fbmowner'), facebook_id__exact=row[u'id'], deleted=False) except cls.DoesNotExist: try: fbc = cls( facebook_id=row[u'id'], message=kwargs.get('fbmowner'), author_facebook_id=row[u'from'][u'id'], comment=row[u'message'], created_time=datetime.strptime(row[u'created_time'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+0000'), likes=row[u'like_count'], user_likes=row[u'user_likes'], ) except Exception, e: err = APIError( app_name=u'metrics_social', model_name='FacebookComment', error=u'%s: %s' % (Exception, e), response=row, ) return u'Inserted error comment: %s %s' % (Exception, str(e)) else: return u'Inserted comment %s' % fbc.facebook_id
def row_save(cls, row, **kwargs): # saving message try: fbl = cls.objects.get( message=kwargs.get('fbmowner'), author_facebook_id__exact=row[u'id'], deleted=False, ) except cls.DoesNotExist: try: fbl = cls( message=kwargs.get('fbmowner'), author_facebook_id=row[u'id'], ) except Exception, e: err = APIError( app_name=u'metrics_social', model_name='FacebookLike', error=u'%s: %s' % (Exception, e), response=row, ) return u'Inserted error like: %s %s' % (Exception, str(e)) else: return u'Inserted like of %s in %s' % (fbl.author_facebook_id, fbl.message.facebook_id)
def row_save(cls, row, **kwargs): # saving message try: fbc = cls.objects.get( message=kwargs.get('fbmowner'), facebook_id__exact=row[u'id'], deleted=False ) except cls.DoesNotExist: try: fbc = cls( facebook_id=row[u'id'], message=kwargs.get('fbmowner'), author_facebook_id=row[u'from'][u'id'], comment=row[u'message'], created_time=datetime.strptime(row[u'created_time'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+0000'), likes=row[u'like_count'], user_likes=row[u'user_likes'], ) except Exception, e: err = APIError( app_name=u'metrics_social', model_name='FacebookComment', error=u'%s: %s' % (Exception, e), response=row, ) return u'Inserted error comment: %s %s' % (Exception, str(e)) else: return u'Inserted comment %s' % fbc.facebook_id
def row_save(cls, row, **kwargs): # saving message try: fbm = cls.objects.get( facebook_page=kwargs.get('fp'), facebook_id__exact=row[u'id'], deleted=False, ) except cls.DoesNotExist: try: if u'likes' in row and u'count' in row[u'likes']: likes = row[u'likes'][u'count'] else: likes = 0 if u'comments' in row and u'count' in row[u'comments']: comments = row[u'comments'][u'count'] else: comments = 0 content = u'' if u'message' in row: content = u'%s' % row[u'message'] if u'story' in row: content = u'%s %s' % (content, row[u'story']) if u'picture' in row: content = u'%s %s' % (content, row[u'picture']) if u'link' in row: content = u'%s %s' % (content, row[u'link']) fbm = cls( facebook_page=kwargs.get('fp'), facebook_id=row[u'id'], author_facebook_id=row[u'from'][u'id'], message=content, created_time=datetime.strptime(row[u'created_time'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+0000'), message_type=row[u'type'], likes=likes, comments=comments, shares=row[u'shares'][u'count'] if u'shares' in row else 0, ) except Exception, e: err = APIError( app_name=u'metrics_social', model_name='FacebookMessage', error=u'%s: %s' % (Exception, str(e)), response=row, ) return u'Inserted error message: %s %s' % (Exception, str(e)) else: return u'Inserted message %s' % fbm.facebook_id
def row_save(cls, row, **kwargs): # saving video if row[u'kind'] == u'youtube#video': try: ytv = cls.objects.get( youtube_channel=kwargs.get('yc'), youtube_id__exact=row[u'id'], deleted=False, ) except cls.DoesNotExist: try: ytv = cls( youtube_channel=kwargs.get('yc'), youtube_id=row[u'id'], title=row[u'snippet'][u'title'], description=row[u'snippet'][u'description'], created_time=datetime.strptime( row[u'snippet'][u'publishedAt'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z'), views=row[u'statistics'][u'viewCount'], likes=row[u'statistics'][u'likeCount'], dislikes=row[u'statistics'][u'dislikeCount'], favorites=row[u'statistics'][u'favoriteCount'], comments=row[u'statistics'][u'commentCount'], ) except Exception, e: err = APIError( app_name=u'metrics_social', model_name='YoutubeVideo', error=u'%s: %s' % (Exception, str(e)), response=row, ) return u'Inserted error video: %s %s' % (Exception, str(e)) else: return u'Inserted video %s' % ytv.youtube_id else: return u'Video already exists: %s' % ytv.youtube_id
def row_save(cls, row, **kwargs): # saving video if row[u'kind'] == u'youtube#video': try: ytv = cls.objects.get( youtube_channel=kwargs.get('yc'), youtube_id__exact=row[u'id'], deleted=False, ) except cls.DoesNotExist: try: ytv = cls( youtube_channel=kwargs.get('yc'), youtube_id=row[u'id'], title=row[u'snippet'][u'title'], description=row[u'snippet'][u'description'], created_time=datetime.strptime(row[u'snippet'][u'publishedAt'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z'), views=row[u'statistics'][u'viewCount'], likes=row[u'statistics'][u'likeCount'], dislikes=row[u'statistics'][u'dislikeCount'], favorites=row[u'statistics'][u'favoriteCount'], comments=row[u'statistics'][u'commentCount'], ) except Exception, e: err = APIError( app_name=u'metrics_social', model_name='YoutubeVideo', error=u'%s: %s' % (Exception, str(e)), response=row, ) return u'Inserted error video: %s %s' % (Exception, str(e)) else: return u'Inserted video %s' % ytv.youtube_id else: return u'Video already exists: %s' % ytv.youtube_id
def handle(self, *args, **options): try: ytc = YoutubeConnection.objects.filter(deleted=False)[0] except IndexError: self.stdout.write(u'Error: there is no YoutubeConnection') ytc = None base_url = u'' yt_service = if args: cycs = CampaignYoutubeChannel.objects.filter(yourube_id__in=args, first_load=True, deleted=False) else: cycs = CampaignYoutubeChannel.objects.filter(first_load=True, deleted=False) error = False for cyc in [c for c in cycs]: if error: break since = since = - 15) ytvs = YoutubeVideo.objects.filter( youtube_channel=cyc, created_time__gte=since, loaded_comments=True, deleted=False, ).order_by('-created_time') for ytv in [y for y in ytvs]: # get pagination try: start_index = APIPagination.objects.get( app_name=u'metrics_social', model_name=u'YoutubeComment', path=u'/%s/comments' % (ytv.youtube_id), ).offset except APIPagination.DoesNotExist: start_index = None if not start_index: url = base_url + (u'%s/comments' % ytv.youtube_id) feed = yt_service.GetYouTubeVideoCommentFeed(uri=url) else: params = { u'start-index': start_index, u'max-results': '25', u'direction': 'next', } url = base_url + (u'%s/comments' % ytv.youtube_id) + urlencode(params) feed = yt_service.Query(url) while feed: for entry in feed.entry: _id ='/')[-1] _username =[0].uri.text.split('/')[-1].decode('utf8') _title = entry.title.text.decode('utf8') _comment = entry.content.text.decode('utf8') _created_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(entry.published.text, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z') try: ytc = YoutubeComment.objects.get( video=ytv, youtube_id__exact=_id, deleted=False ) except YoutubeComment.DoesNotExist: try: ytc = YoutubeComment( youtube_id=_id, video=ytv, author_youtube_username=_username, title=_title, comment=_comment, created_time=_created_time, ) except Exception, e: err = APIError( app_name=u'metrics_social', model_name='YoutubeComment', error=u'%s: %s' % (Exception, e), response=entry, ) self.stdout.write(u'Inserted error comment: %s %s' % (Exception, str(e))) else: self.stdout.write(u'Inserted comment %s' % ytc.youtube_id) else: self.stdout.write(u'Comment already exists: %s' % ytc.youtube_id) if feed.GetNextLink(): start_index = urlparse.parse_qs(urlparse.urlparse(feed.GetNextLink().href).query) stopped_at, created = APIPagination.objects.get_or_create( app_name=u'metrics_social', model_name=u'YoutubeComment', path=u'/%s/comments' % (ytv.youtube_id), defaults={ 'offset': start_index[u'start-index'][0], } ) stopped_at.offset = start_index[u'start-index'][0] self.stdout.write(u'Saved pagination for %s\n' % ytv.youtube_id) feed = yt_service.Query(feed.GetNextLink().href) else: feed = None if ytc: storage = Storage(YoutubeConnection, 'email',, 'credential') credential = storage.get() if credential is None or credential.invalid == True: CommandError(u'YoutubeConnection is invalid') http = httplib2.Http() http = credential.authorize(http) service = build('youtube', 'v3', http=http) ids = [y.youtube_id for y in ytvs] videos = service.videos().list( part='id,snippet,statistics', id=','.join(ids), maxResults=50, ).execute() for row in videos[u'items']: if row[u'kind'] == u'youtube#video': ytv = YoutubeVideo.objects.get( youtube_id__exact=row[u'id'], deleted=False, ) ytv.views = row[u'statistics'][u'viewCount'] ytv.likes = row[u'statistics'][u'likeCount'] ytv.dislikes = row[u'statistics'][u'dislikeCount'] ytv.favorites = row[u'statistics'][u'favoriteCount'] ytv.comments = row[u'statistics'][u'commentCount']
def handle(self, *args, **options): # get some access_token try: fbc = FacebookConnection.objects.filter(, deleted=False)[0] except IndexError: self.stdout.write(u'Error: there is no FacebookConnection') fbc = None if fbc: # api client client = FacebookClient( client_id=settings.FB_CLIENT_ID, client_secret=settings.FB_CLIENT_SECRET, access_token=fbc.access_token, ) if args: cfps = CampaignFacebookPage.objects.filter(facebook_id__in=args, deleted=False) else: cfps = CampaignFacebookPage.objects.filter(deleted=False) error = False # do daily load for cfp in [c for c in cfps]: if error: break # page info try: cfp_info = client.obj_id(cfp.facebook_id) except FacebookGenericError: if FacebookGenericError.code == u'17': fbc, access_token = FacebookConnection.renew_client(fbc) client._access_token = access_token cfp_info = client.obj_id(cfp.facebook_id) else: if not cfp_info: fbc, access_token = FacebookConnection.renew_client(fbc) client._access_token = access_token cfp_info = client.obj_id(cfp.facebook_id) if not cfp_info: error = True continue #raise CommandError(u'\nThe limit of all robots was reached.') = cfp_info[u'name'] = cfp_info[u'link'] cfp.talking_about = cfp_info[u'talking_about_count'] cfp.likes = cfp_info[u'likes'] evolution = EvolutionFacebookPageLike( facebook_page=cfp, likes=cfp_info[u'likes'], ) self.stdout.write(u'Successfully updated Campaign Facebook Page: %s \n\n' % cfp.facebook_id) main_loop = True; until = None while main_loop: if error: break params = {u'limit': 50} if until: params.update({u'until': until}) # load feed try: feed = client.feed(cfp.facebook_id, **params) except FacebookGenericError: if FacebookGenericError.code == u'17': fbc, access_token = FacebookConnection.renew_client(fbc) client._access_token = access_token feed = client.feed(cfp.facebook_id, **params) else: if not feed: fbc, access_token = FacebookConnection.renew_client(fbc) client._access_token = access_token feed = client.feed(cfp.facebook_id, **params) if not feed: error = True continue #raise CommandError(u'\nThe limit of all robots was reached.') if not u'data' in feed or not len(feed[u'data']): main_loop = False continue for row in feed[u'data']: try: fbm = FacebookMessage.objects.get(facebook_id__exact=row[u'id'], deleted=False) except FacebookMessage.DoesNotExist: try: if u'likes' in row and u'count' in row[u'likes']: likes = row[u'likes'][u'count'] else: likes = 0 if u'comments' in row and u'count' in row[u'comments']: comments = row[u'comments'][u'count'] else: comments = 0 content = u'' if u'message' in row: content = u'%s' % row[u'message'] if u'story' in row: content = u'%s %s' % (content, row[u'story']) if u'picture' in row: content = u'%s %s' % (content, row[u'picture']) if u'link' in row: content = u'%s %s' % (content, row[u'link']) fbm = FacebookMessage( facebook_page=cfp, facebook_id=row[u'id'], author_facebook_id=row[u'from'][u'id'], message=content, created_time=datetime.datetime.strptime(row[u'created_time'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+0000'), message_type=row[u'type'], likes=0, comments=0, shares=row[u'shares'][u'count'] if u'shares' in row else 0, ) except Exception, e: err = APIError( app_name=u'metrics_social', model_name='FacebookMessage', error=u'%s: %s' % (Exception, str(e)), response=row, ) self.stdout.write(u'Inserted error message: %s %s' % (Exception, str(e))) else: self.stdout.write(u'Inserted message %s' % fbm.facebook_id) else: self.stdout.write(u'Message already exists: %s' % fbm.facebook_id) self.stdout.write(u'Stopping...') main_loop = False break if u'paging' in feed and u'next' in feed[u'paging']: until = urlparse.parse_qs(urlparse.urlparse(feed[u'paging'][u'next']).query)[u'until'][0] self.stdout.write(u'Going to next page \n\n\n') else: main_loop = False
def handle(self, *args, **options): try: ytc = YoutubeConnection.objects.filter(deleted=False)[0] except IndexError: self.stdout.write(u'Error: there is no YoutubeConnection') ytc = None if ytc: storage = Storage(YoutubeConnection, 'email',, 'credential') credential = storage.get() if credential is None or credential.invalid == True: CommandError(u'YoutubeConnection is invalid') http = httplib2.Http() http = credential.authorize(http) service = build('youtube', 'v3', http=http) if args: cycs = CampaignYoutubeChannel.objects.filter(youtube_id__in=args, first_load=True, deleted=False) else: cycs = CampaignYoutubeChannel.objects.filter(first_load=True, deleted=False) # do first load for cyc in [c for c in cycs]: channels = service.channels().list(part='statistics', id=cyc.youtube_id).execute() if not channels[u'items']: continue cyc.views_count = channels[u'items'][0][u'statistics'][u'viewCount'] cyc.videos_count = channels[u'items'][0][u'statistics'][u'videoCount'] cyc.subscribers_count = channels[u'items'][0][u'statistics'][u'subscriberCount'] evolution = EvolutionYoutubeChannel( youtube_channel=cyc, views_count=channels[u'items'][0][u'statistics'][u'viewCount'], videos_count=channels[u'items'][0][u'statistics'][u'videoCount'], subscribers_count=channels[u'items'][0][u'statistics'][u'subscriberCount'], ) self.stdout.write(u'Successfully updated Campaign Youtube Channel: %s \n\n' % cyc.youtube_id) main_loop = True page_token = None while main_loop: search = part='id', channelId=cyc.youtube_id, maxResults=50, order='date', pageToken=page_token, type='video', ).execute() items = [item[u'id'][u'videoId'] for item in search[u'items'] if item[u'kind'] == u'youtube#searchResult' and item[u'id'][u'kind'] == u'youtube#video'] videos = service.videos().list( part='id,snippet,statistics', id=','.join(items), maxResults=50, ).execute() for row in videos[u'items']: # saving video if row[u'kind'] == u'youtube#video': try: ytv = YoutubeVideo.objects.get( youtube_channel=cyc, youtube_id__exact=row[u'id'], deleted=False, ) except YoutubeVideo.DoesNotExist: try: ytv = YoutubeVideo( youtube_channel=cyc, youtube_id=row[u'id'], title=row[u'snippet'][u'title'], description=row[u'snippet'][u'description'], created_time=datetime.datetime.strptime(row[u'snippet'][u'publishedAt'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z'), views=row[u'statistics'][u'viewCount'], likes=row[u'statistics'][u'likeCount'], dislikes=row[u'statistics'][u'dislikeCount'], favorites=row[u'statistics'][u'favoriteCount'], comments=row[u'statistics'][u'commentCount'], ) except Exception, e: err = APIError( app_name=u'metrics_social', model_name='YoutubeVideo', error=u'%s: %s' % (Exception, str(e)), response=row, ) self.stdout.write(u'Inserted error video: %s %s' % (Exception, str(e))) else: self.stdout.write(u'Inserted video %s' % ytv.youtube_id) else: main_loop = False self.stdout.write(u'Video already exists: %s' % ytv.youtube_id) break if u'nextPageToken' in search: page_token = search[u'nextPageToken'] else: main_loop = False
def handle(self, *args, **options): try: ytc = YoutubeConnection.objects.filter(deleted=False)[0] except IndexError: self.stdout.write(u'Error: there is no YoutubeConnection') ytc = None base_url = u'' yt_service = if args: aycs = AdvertiserYoutubeChannel.objects.filter(yourube_id__in=args, first_load=True, deleted=False) else: aycs = AdvertiserYoutubeChannel.objects.filter(first_load=True, deleted=False) error = False for ayc in [a for a in aycs]: if error: break since = since = - 15) ytvs = YoutubeVideo.objects.filter( youtube_channel=ayc, created_time__gte=since, loaded_comments=True, deleted=False, ).order_by('-created_time') for ytv in [y for y in ytvs]: # get pagination try: start_index = APIPagination.objects.get( app_name=u'metrics_social', model_name=u'YoutubeComment', path=u'/%s/comments' % (ytv.youtube_id), ).offset except APIPagination.DoesNotExist: start_index = None if not start_index: url = base_url + (u'%s/comments' % ytv.youtube_id) feed = yt_service.GetYouTubeVideoCommentFeed(uri=url) else: params = { u'start-index': start_index, u'max-results': '25', u'direction': 'next', } url = base_url + (u'%s/comments' % ytv.youtube_id) + urlencode(params) feed = yt_service.Query(url) while feed: for entry in feed.entry: _id ='/')[-1] _username =[0].uri.text.split( '/')[-1].decode('utf8') _title = entry.title.text.decode('utf8') _comment = entry.content.text.decode('utf8') _created_time = datetime.datetime.strptime( entry.published.text, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z') try: ytc = YoutubeComment.objects.get( video=ytv, youtube_id__exact=_id, deleted=False) except YoutubeComment.DoesNotExist: try: ytc = YoutubeComment( youtube_id=_id, video=ytv, author_youtube_username=_username, title=_title, comment=_comment, created_time=_created_time, ) except Exception, e: err = APIError( app_name=u'metrics_social', model_name='YoutubeComment', error=u'%s: %s' % (Exception, e), response=entry, ) self.stdout.write( u'Inserted error comment: %s %s' % (Exception, str(e))) else: self.stdout.write(u'Inserted comment %s' % ytc.youtube_id) else: self.stdout.write(u'Comment already exists: %s' % ytc.youtube_id) if feed.GetNextLink(): start_index = urlparse.parse_qs( urlparse.urlparse(feed.GetNextLink().href).query) stopped_at, created = APIPagination.objects.get_or_create( app_name=u'metrics_social', model_name=u'YoutubeComment', path=u'/%s/comments' % (ytv.youtube_id), defaults={ 'offset': start_index[u'start-index'][0], }) stopped_at.offset = start_index[u'start-index'][0] self.stdout.write(u'Saved pagination for %s\n' % ytv.youtube_id) feed = yt_service.Query(feed.GetNextLink().href) else: feed = None if ytc: storage = Storage(YoutubeConnection, 'email',, 'credential') credential = storage.get() if credential is None or credential.invalid == True: CommandError(u'YoutubeConnection is invalid') http = httplib2.Http() http = credential.authorize(http) service = build('youtube', 'v3', http=http) ids = [y.youtube_id for y in ytvs] videos = service.videos().list( part='id,snippet,statistics', id=','.join(ids), maxResults=50, ).execute() for row in videos[u'items']: if row[u'kind'] == u'youtube#video': ytv = YoutubeVideo.objects.get( youtube_id__exact=row[u'id'], deleted=False, ) ytv.views = row[u'statistics'][u'viewCount'] ytv.likes = row[u'statistics'][u'likeCount'] ytv.dislikes = row[u'statistics'][u'dislikeCount'] ytv.favorites = row[u'statistics'][u'favoriteCount'] ytv.comments = row[u'statistics'][u'commentCount']
def handle(self, *args, **options): try: ytc = YoutubeConnection.objects.filter(deleted=False)[0] except IndexError: self.stdout.write(u'Error: there is no YoutubeConnection') ytc = None if ytc: storage = Storage(YoutubeConnection, 'email',, 'credential') credential = storage.get() if credential is None or credential.invalid == True: CommandError(u'YoutubeConnection is invalid') http = httplib2.Http() http = credential.authorize(http) service = build('youtube', 'v3', http=http) if args: cycs = CampaignYoutubeChannel.objects.filter( youtube_id__in=args, first_load=True, deleted=False) else: cycs = CampaignYoutubeChannel.objects.filter(first_load=True, deleted=False) # do first load for cyc in [c for c in cycs]: channels = service.channels().list( part='statistics', id=cyc.youtube_id).execute() if not channels[u'items']: continue cyc.views_count = channels[u'items'][0][u'statistics'][ u'viewCount'] cyc.videos_count = channels[u'items'][0][u'statistics'][ u'videoCount'] cyc.subscribers_count = channels[u'items'][0][u'statistics'][ u'subscriberCount'] evolution = EvolutionYoutubeChannel( youtube_channel=cyc, views_count=channels[u'items'][0][u'statistics'] [u'viewCount'], videos_count=channels[u'items'][0][u'statistics'] [u'videoCount'], subscribers_count=channels[u'items'][0][u'statistics'] [u'subscriberCount'], ) self.stdout.write( u'Successfully updated Campaign Youtube Channel: %s \n\n' % cyc.youtube_id) main_loop = True page_token = None while main_loop: search = part='id', channelId=cyc.youtube_id, maxResults=50, order='date', pageToken=page_token, type='video', ).execute() items = [ item[u'id'][u'videoId'] for item in search[u'items'] if item[u'kind'] == u'youtube#searchResult' and item[u'id'][u'kind'] == u'youtube#video' ] videos = service.videos().list( part='id,snippet,statistics', id=','.join(items), maxResults=50, ).execute() for row in videos[u'items']: # saving video if row[u'kind'] == u'youtube#video': try: ytv = YoutubeVideo.objects.get( youtube_channel=cyc, youtube_id__exact=row[u'id'], deleted=False, ) except YoutubeVideo.DoesNotExist: try: ytv = YoutubeVideo( youtube_channel=cyc, youtube_id=row[u'id'], title=row[u'snippet'][u'title'], description=row[u'snippet'] [u'description'], created_time=datetime.datetime. strptime( row[u'snippet'][u'publishedAt'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z'), views=row[u'statistics'][u'viewCount'], likes=row[u'statistics'][u'likeCount'], dislikes=row[u'statistics'] [u'dislikeCount'], favorites=row[u'statistics'] [u'favoriteCount'], comments=row[u'statistics'] [u'commentCount'], ) except Exception, e: err = APIError( app_name=u'metrics_social', model_name='YoutubeVideo', error=u'%s: %s' % (Exception, str(e)), response=row, ) self.stdout.write( u'Inserted error video: %s %s' % (Exception, str(e))) else: self.stdout.write(u'Inserted video %s' % ytv.youtube_id) else: main_loop = False self.stdout.write(u'Video already exists: %s' % ytv.youtube_id) break if u'nextPageToken' in search: page_token = search[u'nextPageToken'] else: main_loop = False
def handle(self, *args, **options): base_url = u'' yt_service = if args: cycs = CampaignYoutubeChannel.objects.filter(youtube_id__in=args, first_load=True, deleted=False) else: cycs = CampaignYoutubeChannel.objects.filter(first_load=True, deleted=False) error = False for cyc in [c for c in cycs]: if error: break ytvs = YoutubeVideo.objects.filter( youtube_channel=cyc, loaded_comments=False, deleted=False, ).order_by('-created_time') for ytv in [y for y in ytvs]: # get pagination try: start_index = APIPagination.objects.get( app_name=u'metrics_social', model_name=u'YoutubeComment', path=u'/%s/comments' % (ytv.youtube_id), ).offset except APIPagination.DoesNotExist: start_index = None if not start_index: url = base_url + (u'%s/comments' % ytv.youtube_id) try: feed = yt_service.GetYouTubeVideoCommentFeed(uri=url) except Exception, e: ytv.loaded_comments = True feed = None self.stdout.write(u'Error when load feed: %s %s' % (Exception, str(e))) else: params = { u'start-index': start_index, u'max-results': '25', u'direction': 'next', } url = base_url + (u'%s/comments' % ytv.youtube_id) + urlencode(params) try: feed = yt_service.Query(url) except Exception, e: ytv.loaded_comments = True feed = None self.stdout.write(u'Error when load feed: %s %s' % (Exception, str(e))) while feed: for entry in feed.entry: _id ='/')[-1] _username =[0].uri.text.split('/')[-1].decode('utf8') try: _title = entry.title.text.decode('utf8') except Exception, e: _title = '' try: _comment = entry.content.text.decode('utf8') except Exception, e: _comment = '' _created_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(entry.published.text, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z') try: ytc = YoutubeComment.objects.get( video=ytv, youtube_id__exact=_id, deleted=False ) except YoutubeComment.DoesNotExist: try: ytc = YoutubeComment( youtube_id=_id, video=ytv, author_youtube_username=_username, title=_title, comment=_comment, created_time=_created_time, ) except Exception, e: err = APIError( app_name=u'metrics_social', model_name='YoutubeComment', error=u'%s: %s' % (Exception, e), response=entry, ) self.stdout.write(u'Inserted error comment: %s %s' % (Exception, str(e))) else: self.stdout.write(u'Inserted comment %s' % ytc.youtube_id)
def handle(self, *args, **options): base_url = u'' yt_service = if args: bycs = BrandYoutubeChannel.objects.filter(youtube_id__in=args, first_load=True, deleted=False) else: bycs = BrandYoutubeChannel.objects.filter(first_load=True, deleted=False) error = False for byc in [b for b in bycs]: if error: break ytvs = YoutubeVideo.objects.filter( youtube_channel=byc, loaded_comments=False, deleted=False, ).order_by('-created_time') for ytv in [y for y in ytvs]: # get pagination try: start_index = APIPagination.objects.get( app_name=u'metrics_social', model_name=u'YoutubeComment', path=u'/%s/comments' % (ytv.youtube_id), ).offset except APIPagination.DoesNotExist: start_index = None if not start_index: url = base_url + (u'%s/comments' % ytv.youtube_id) try: feed = yt_service.GetYouTubeVideoCommentFeed(uri=url) except Exception, e: ytv.loaded_comments = True feed = None self.stdout.write(u'Error when load feed: %s %s' % (Exception, str(e))) else: params = { u'start-index': start_index, u'max-results': '25', u'direction': 'next', } url = base_url + (u'%s/comments' % ytv.youtube_id) + urlencode(params) try: feed = yt_service.Query(url) except Exception, e: ytv.loaded_comments = True feed = None self.stdout.write(u'Error when load feed: %s %s' % (Exception, str(e))) while feed: for entry in feed.entry: _id ='/')[-1] _username =[0].uri.text.split('/')[-1].decode('utf8') try: _title = entry.title.text.decode('utf8') except Exception, e: _title = '' try: _comment = entry.content.text.decode('utf8') except Exception, e: _comment = '' _created_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(entry.published.text, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z') try: ytc = YoutubeComment.objects.get( video=ytv, youtube_id__exact=_id, deleted=False ) except YoutubeComment.DoesNotExist: try: ytc = YoutubeComment( youtube_id=_id, video=ytv, author_youtube_username=_username, title=_title, comment=_comment, created_time=_created_time, ) except Exception, e: err = APIError( app_name=u'metrics_social', model_name='YoutubeComment', error=u'%s: %s' % (Exception, e), response=entry, ) self.stdout.write(u'Inserted error comment: %s %s' % (Exception, str(e))) else: self.stdout.write(u'Inserted comment %s' % ytc.youtube_id)
def handle(self, *args, **options): try: twc = TwitterConnection.objects.filter(deleted=False)[0] except IndexError: self.stdout.write(u'Error: there is no TwitterConnection') twc = None if twc: # api client auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler( settings.TW_CONSUMER_KEY, settings.TW_CONSUMER_SECRET, ) auth.set_access_token(twc.access_token, twc.access_token_secret) api = tweepy.API(auth) if args: ctps = CampaignTwitterProfile.objects.filter(twitter_id__in=args, first_load=True, deleted=False) else: ctps = CampaignTwitterProfile.objects.filter(first_load=True, deleted=False) error = False # do first load for ctp in [c for c in ctps]: profile = api.get_user(id=ctp.twitter_id) = ctp.screen_name = profile.screen_name ctp.followers_count = profile.followers_count ctp.friends_count = profile.friends_count ctp.listed_count = profile.listed_count ctp.favourites_count = profile.favourites_count ctp.statuses_count = profile.statuses_count evolution = EvolutionTwitterProfile( twitter_profile=ctp, followers_count=ctp.followers_count, friends_count=ctp.friends_count, listed_count=ctp.listed_count, favourites_count=ctp.favourites_count, statuses_count=ctp.statuses_count, ) self.stdout.write(u'Successfully updated Campaign Twitter Profile: %s \n\n' % ctp.twitter_id) end_date = end_date = - 1) statuses = TwitterMessage.objects.filter( twitter_profile=ctp, created_time__lte=datetime.datetime.combine(end_date, datetime.time()), loaded_retweets=False, deleted=False, ).order_by('-created_time') for status in [s for s in statuses]: if status.retweets > 0: objs = api.retweets(id=status.twitter_id, count=100) for obj in objs: try: twr, created = TwitterRetweet.objects.get_or_create( message=status,, defaults={ 'created_time': obj.created_at, }, ) self.stdout.write(u'Inserted retweet %s' % obj.id_str) except Exception, e: err = APIError( app_name=u'metrics_social', model_name='TwitterRetweet', error=u'%s: %s' % (Exception, str(e)), response=obj.id_str, ) self.stdout.write(u'Inserted error message: %s %s' % (Exception, str(e))) status.loaded_retweets = True else: status.loaded_retweets = True
def handle(self, *args, **options): try: twc = TwitterConnection.objects.filter(deleted=False)[0] except IndexError: self.stdout.write(u'Error: there is no TwitterConnection') twc = None if twc: # api client auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler( settings.TW_CONSUMER_KEY, settings.TW_CONSUMER_SECRET, ) auth.set_access_token(twc.access_token, twc.access_token_secret) api = tweepy.API(auth) if args: btps = BrandTwitterProfile.objects.filter(twitter_id__in=args, first_load=True, deleted=False) else: btps = BrandTwitterProfile.objects.filter(first_load=True, deleted=False) error = False # do first load for btp in [b for b in btps]: profile = api.get_user(id=btp.twitter_id) = btp.screen_name = profile.screen_name btp.followers_count = profile.followers_count btp.friends_count = profile.friends_count btp.listed_count = profile.listed_count btp.favourites_count = profile.favourites_count btp.statuses_count = profile.statuses_count evolution = EvolutionTwitterProfile( twitter_profile=btp, followers_count=btp.followers_count, friends_count=btp.friends_count, listed_count=btp.listed_count, favourites_count=btp.favourites_count, statuses_count=btp.statuses_count, ) self.stdout.write( u'Successfully updated Brand Twitter Profile: %s \n\n' % btp.twitter_id) page = 1 main_loop = True while main_loop: statuses = api.user_timeline(user_id=btp.twitter_id, page=page, count=200) if statuses: for status in statuses: try: twm = TwitterMessage.objects.get( twitter_profile=btp, twitter_id__exact=status.id_str, deleted=False, ) except TwitterMessage.DoesNotExist: try: twm = TwitterMessage( twitter_profile=btp, twitter_id=status.id_str,, message=status.text, created_time=status.created_at, favorites=status.favorite_count, retweets=status.retweet_count, ) except Exception, e: err = APIError( app_name=u'metrics_social', model_name='TwitterMessage', error=u'%s: %s' % (Exception, str(e)), response=status.id_str, ) self.stdout.write( u'Inserted error message: %s %s' % (Exception, str(e))) else: self.stdout.write(u'Inserted message %s' % twm.twitter_id) else: self.stdout.write( u'Message already exists: %s' % twm.twitter_id) main_loop = False break page += 1 # next page self.stdout.write(u'Going to next page: %s\n\n' % page) else: main_loop = False
def handle(self, *args, **options): try: twc = TwitterConnection.objects.filter(deleted=False)[0] except IndexError: self.stdout.write(u'Error: there is no TwitterConnection') twc = None if twc: # api client auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler( settings.TW_CONSUMER_KEY, settings.TW_CONSUMER_SECRET, ) auth.set_access_token(twc.access_token, twc.access_token_secret) api = tweepy.API(auth) if args: atps = AdvertiserTwitterProfile.objects.filter(twitter_id__in=args, first_load=True, deleted=False) else: atps = AdvertiserTwitterProfile.objects.filter(first_load=True, deleted=False) error = False # do first load for atp in [a for a in atps]: profile = api.get_user(id=atp.twitter_id) = atp.screen_name = profile.screen_name atp.followers_count = profile.followers_count atp.friends_count = profile.friends_count atp.listed_count = profile.listed_count atp.favourites_count = profile.favourites_count atp.statuses_count = profile.statuses_count evolution = EvolutionTwitterProfile( twitter_profile=atp, followers_count=atp.followers_count, friends_count=atp.friends_count, listed_count=atp.listed_count, favourites_count=atp.favourites_count, statuses_count=atp.statuses_count, ) self.stdout.write(u'Successfully updated Advertiser Twitter Profile: %s \n\n' % atp.twitter_id) end_date = end_date = - 1) statuses = TwitterMessage.objects.filter( twitter_profile=atp, created_time__lte=datetime.datetime.combine(end_date, datetime.time()), loaded_retweets=False, deleted=False, ).order_by('-created_time') for status in [s for s in statuses]: if status.retweets > 0: objs = api.retweets(id=status.twitter_id, count=100) for obj in objs: try: twr, created = TwitterRetweet.objects.get_or_create( message=status,, defaults={ 'created_time': obj.created_at, }, ) self.stdout.write(u'Inserted retweet %s' % obj.id_str) except Exception, e: err = APIError( app_name=u'metrics_social', model_name='TwitterRetweet', error=u'%s: %s' % (Exception, str(e)), response=obj.id_str, ) self.stdout.write(u'Inserted error message: %s %s' % (Exception, str(e))) status.loaded_retweets = True else: status.loaded_retweets = True
def handle(self, *args, **options): # get some access_token try: fbc = FacebookConnection.objects.filter(, deleted=False)[0] except IndexError: self.stdout.write(u'Error: there is no FacebookConnection') fbc = None if fbc: # api client client = FacebookClient( client_id=settings.FB_CLIENT_ID, client_secret=settings.FB_CLIENT_SECRET, access_token=fbc.access_token, ) if args: cfps = CampaignFacebookPage.objects.filter( facebook_id__in=args, deleted=False) else: cfps = CampaignFacebookPage.objects.filter(deleted=False) error = False # do daily load for cfp in [c for c in cfps]: if error: break # page info try: cfp_info = client.obj_id(cfp.facebook_id) except FacebookGenericError: if FacebookGenericError.code == u'17': fbc, access_token = FacebookConnection.renew_client( fbc) client._access_token = access_token cfp_info = client.obj_id(cfp.facebook_id) else: if not cfp_info: fbc, access_token = FacebookConnection.renew_client( fbc) client._access_token = access_token cfp_info = client.obj_id(cfp.facebook_id) if not cfp_info: error = True continue #raise CommandError(u'\nThe limit of all robots was reached.') = cfp_info[u'name'] = cfp_info[u'link'] cfp.talking_about = cfp_info[u'talking_about_count'] cfp.likes = cfp_info[u'likes'] evolution = EvolutionFacebookPageLike( facebook_page=cfp, likes=cfp_info[u'likes'], ) self.stdout.write( u'Successfully updated Campaign Facebook Page: %s \n\n' % cfp.facebook_id) main_loop = True until = None while main_loop: if error: break params = {u'limit': 50} if until: params.update({u'until': until}) # load feed try: feed = client.feed(cfp.facebook_id, **params) except FacebookGenericError: if FacebookGenericError.code == u'17': fbc, access_token = FacebookConnection.renew_client( fbc) client._access_token = access_token feed = client.feed(cfp.facebook_id, **params) else: if not feed: fbc, access_token = FacebookConnection.renew_client( fbc) client._access_token = access_token feed = client.feed(cfp.facebook_id, **params) if not feed: error = True continue #raise CommandError(u'\nThe limit of all robots was reached.') if not u'data' in feed or not len(feed[u'data']): main_loop = False continue for row in feed[u'data']: try: fbm = FacebookMessage.objects.get( facebook_id__exact=row[u'id'], deleted=False) except FacebookMessage.DoesNotExist: try: if u'likes' in row and u'count' in row[ u'likes']: likes = row[u'likes'][u'count'] else: likes = 0 if u'comments' in row and u'count' in row[ u'comments']: comments = row[u'comments'][u'count'] else: comments = 0 content = u'' if u'message' in row: content = u'%s' % row[u'message'] if u'story' in row: content = u'%s %s' % (content, row[u'story']) if u'picture' in row: content = u'%s %s' % (content, row[u'picture']) if u'link' in row: content = u'%s %s' % (content, row[u'link']) fbm = FacebookMessage( facebook_page=cfp, facebook_id=row[u'id'], author_facebook_id=row[u'from'][u'id'], message=content, created_time=datetime.datetime.strptime( row[u'created_time'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+0000'), message_type=row[u'type'], likes=0, comments=0, shares=row[u'shares'][u'count'] if u'shares' in row else 0, ) except Exception, e: err = APIError( app_name=u'metrics_social', model_name='FacebookMessage', error=u'%s: %s' % (Exception, str(e)), response=row, ) self.stdout.write( u'Inserted error message: %s %s' % (Exception, str(e))) else: self.stdout.write(u'Inserted message %s' % fbm.facebook_id) else: self.stdout.write(u'Message already exists: %s' % fbm.facebook_id) self.stdout.write(u'Stopping...') main_loop = False break if u'paging' in feed and u'next' in feed[u'paging']: until = urlparse.parse_qs( urlparse.urlparse( feed[u'paging'][u'next']).query)[u'until'][0] self.stdout.write(u'Going to next page \n\n\n') else: main_loop = False
def handle(self, *args, **options): try: twc = TwitterConnection.objects.filter(deleted=False)[0] except IndexError: self.stdout.write(u'Error: there is no TwitterConnection') twc = None if twc: # api client auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler( settings.TW_CONSUMER_KEY, settings.TW_CONSUMER_SECRET, ) auth.set_access_token(twc.access_token, twc.access_token_secret) api = tweepy.API(auth) if args: ctps = CampaignTwitterProfile.objects.filter(twitter_id__in=args, first_load=False, deleted=False) else: ctps = CampaignTwitterProfile.objects.filter(first_load=False, deleted=False) error = False # do first load for ctp in [c for c in ctps]: profile = api.get_user(id=ctp.twitter_id) = ctp.screen_name = profile.screen_name ctp.followers_count = profile.followers_count ctp.friends_count = profile.friends_count ctp.listed_count = profile.listed_count ctp.favourites_count = profile.favourites_count ctp.statuses_count = profile.statuses_count evolution = EvolutionTwitterProfile( twitter_profile=ctp, followers_count=ctp.followers_count, friends_count=ctp.friends_count, listed_count=ctp.listed_count, favourites_count=ctp.favourites_count, statuses_count=ctp.statuses_count, ) self.stdout.write(u'Successfully updated Campaign Twitter Profile: %s \n\n' % ctp.twitter_id) try: page = APIPagination.objects.get( app_name=u'metrics_social', model_name='TwitterMessage', path=u'/%s/timeline' % ctp.twitter_id, ).offset page = int(page) except APIPagination.DoesNotExist: page = 1 main_loop = True while main_loop: statuses = api.user_timeline(user_id=ctp.twitter_id, page=page, count=200) if statuses: for status in statuses: try: twm = TwitterMessage.objects.get( twitter_profile=ctp, twitter_id__exact=status.id_str, deleted=False, ) except TwitterMessage.DoesNotExist: try: twm = TwitterMessage( twitter_profile=ctp, twitter_id=status.id_str,, message=status.text, created_time=status.created_at, favorites=status.favorite_count, retweets=status.retweet_count, ) except Exception, e: err = APIError( app_name=u'metrics_social', model_name='TwitterMessage', error=u'%s: %s' % (Exception, str(e)), response=status.id_str, ) self.stdout.write(u'Inserted error message: %s %s' % (Exception, str(e))) else: self.stdout.write(u'Inserted message %s' % twm.twitter_id) else: self.stdout.write(u'Message already exists: %s' % twm.twitter_id) try: stopped_at = APIPagination.objects.get( app_name=u'metrics_social', model_name='TwitterMessage', path=u'/%s/timeline' % ctp.twitter_id, ) stopped_at.offset = page except APIPagination.DoesNotExist: stopped_at = APIPagination( app_name=u'metrics_social', model_name='TwitterMessage', path=u'/%s/timeline' % ctp.twitter_id, offset=page, ) page += 1 # next page self.stdout.write(u'Going to next page: %s\n\n' % page) else: main_loop = False ctp.first_load = True