def initialize(self): # Initialization = Report(self.wallet.initial_balance, self.pairs, self.root_report_currency, self.plot = Plot()
class Engine: """ Main class for Simulation Engine """ arg_parser = configargparse.get_argument_parser() arg_parser.add("--strategy", help="Name of strategy to be run (if not set, the default one will be used") arg_parser.add("--plot", help="Generate a candle stick plot at simulation end", action='store_true') arg_parser.add("--ticker_size", help="Simulation ticker size", default=5) arg_parser.add("--root_report_currency", help="Root currency used in final plot") arg_parser.add("--buffer_size", help="Buffer size in days", default=30) arg_parser.add("--prefetch", help="Prefetch data from history DB", action='store_true') arg_parser.add("--plot_pair", help="Plot pair") arg_parser.add("--all", help="Include all currencies/tickers") arg_parser.add("--days", help="Days to pre-fill") buffer_size = None interval = None pairs = None verbosity = None ticker = None look_back = None history = None bot = None report = None plot = None plot_pair = None trade_mode = None root_report_currency = None config_strategy_name = None actions = None prefetch = None first_ticker = None last_valid_ticker = None def __init__(self): self.args = self.arg_parser.parse_known_args()[0] self.parse_config() strategy_class = common.load_module('strategies.', self.args.strategy) self.wallet = Wallet() self.history = pd.DataFrame() trade_columns = ['date', 'pair', 'close_price', 'action'] self.trades = pd.DataFrame(columns=trade_columns, index=None) if self.args.backtest: = Backtest(self.wallet.initial_balance.copy()) self.trade_mode = TradeMode.backtest elif self.args.paper: = Paper(self.wallet.initial_balance.copy()) self.trade_mode = TradeMode.paper self.wallet.initial_balance = self.wallet.current_balance = elif = Live() self.trade_mode = self.wallet.initial_balance = self.wallet.current_balance = self.strategy = strategy_class() self.pairs = self.look_back = pd.DataFrame() self.max_lookback_size = int(self.buffer_size*(1440/self.interval)*len(self.pairs)) self.initialize() def initialize(self): # Initialization = Report(self.wallet.initial_balance, self.pairs, self.root_report_currency, self.plot = Plot() def parse_config(self): """ Parsing of config.ini file """ self.root_report_currency = self.args.root_report_currency self.buffer_size = self.args.buffer_size self.prefetch = self.args.prefetch if self.buffer_size != '': self.buffer_size = int(self.buffer_size) self.interval = self.args.ticker_size if self.interval != '': self.interval = int(self.interval) self.config_strategy_name = self.args.strategy self.plot_pair = self.args.plot_pair self.verbosity = self.args.verbosity def on_simulation_done(self): """ Last function called when the simulation is finished """ print('shutting down and writing final statistics!') strategy_info =, self.last_valid_ticker.copy(), self.wallet, self.trades) if self.args.plot: plot_title = ['Simulation: ' + str(self.trade_mode) + ' Strategy: ' + self.config_strategy_name + ', Pair: ' + str(self.pairs)] strategy_info = plot_title + strategy_info self.plot.draw(self.history, self.trades, self.plot_pair, strategy_info) @staticmethod def validate_ticker(df): """ Validates if the given dataframe contains mandatory fields """ columns_to_check = ['close', 'volume'] df_column_names = list(df) if not set(columns_to_check).issubset(df_column_names): return False nan_columns = df.columns[df.isnull().any()].tolist() nans = [i for i in nan_columns if i in columns_to_check] if len(nans) > 0: return False return True def simulation_finished(self, new_ticker): """ Checks if simulation is finished based on new data """ # If we got an empty dataset finish simulation if new_ticker.empty: print('New ticker is empty,..') return True # If we have not data just continue if self.ticker is None: return False # If we have received the same date,..we assume that we have no more data,..finish simulation if not self.ticker.empty and (self.ticker is not None and new_ticker.equals(self.ticker)): print(colored('Received ticker data are the same as previous data (this can happen,..but not too often): ' + str([0]), 'yellow')) if self.trade_mode == TradeMode.backtest: return True else: return False return False def run(self): """ This is the main simulation loop """ if is None: print(colored('The bots type is NOT specified. You need to choose one action (--sim, --paper, --trade)', 'red')) exit(0) print(colored('Starting simulation: ' + str(self.trade_mode) + ', Strategy: ' + self.config_strategy_name, 'yellow')) # Prefetch Buffer Data (if enabled in config) if self.prefetch: self.history =, self.interval) self.look_back = self.history.copy() try: while True: # Get next ticker new_ticker = # print('new_ticker____:', new_ticker) if self.simulation_finished(new_ticker): print("No more data,..simulation done,. quitting") exit(0) self.ticker = new_ticker # Check if ticker is valid if not self.validate_ticker(self.ticker): print(colored('Received invalid ticker, will have to skip it! Details:\n' + str(self.ticker), 'red')) continue # Save ticker to buffer self.history = self.history.append(self.ticker, ignore_index=True) self.look_back = self.look_back.append(self.ticker, ignore_index=True) # Check if buffer is not overflown self.look_back = common.handle_buffer_limits(self.look_back, self.max_lookback_size) if self.first_ticker is None or self.first_ticker.empty: self.first_ticker = self.ticker.copy() self.last_valid_ticker = self.ticker.copy() # Get next actions self.actions = self.strategy.calculate(self.look_back, self.wallet) # Set trade self.actions =, self.wallet.current_balance, self.trades) # Get wallet balance self.wallet.current_balance = # Write report, self.wallet) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.on_simulation_done() except SystemExit: self.on_simulation_done()
class Engine: """ Main class for Simulation Engine (main class where all is happening """ buffer_size = None interval = None pairs = None verbosity = None ticker = None look_back = None history = None bot = None report = None plot = None plot_pair = None trade_mode = None root_report_currency = None config_strategy_name = None actions = None prefetch = None first_ticker = None last_valid_ticker = None def __init__(self, args, config_file): # Arguments should override config.ini file, so lets initialize # them only after config file parsing self.parse_config(config_file) self.args = args self.config = config_file strategy_class = self.load_strategy(args.strategy, self.config_strategy_name) self.strategy = strategy_class(args, self.verbosity) self.wallet = Wallet(config_file) self.history = pd.DataFrame() trade_columns = ['date', 'pair', 'close_price', 'action'] self.trades = pd.DataFrame(columns=trade_columns, index=None) if args.backtest: = Backtest(args, config_file) self.trade_mode = TradeMode.backtest elif args.paper: = Paper(args, config_file) self.trade_mode = TradeMode.paper self.wallet.initial_balance = self.wallet.current_balance = elif = Live(args, config_file) self.trade_mode = self.wallet.initial_balance = self.wallet.current_balance = self.pairs = self.look_back = pd.DataFrame() self.max_lookback_size = int(self.buffer_size * (60 / self.interval) * len(self.pairs)) self.initialize() def initialize(self): # Initialization = Report(self.wallet.initial_balance, self.pairs, self.root_report_currency, self.plot = Plot() @staticmethod def load_strategy(arg_strategy, config_strategy): """ Loads strategy module based on given name. """ if arg_strategy is None and config_strategy == '': print( colored( 'Not provided strategy,. please add it as an argument or in config file', 'red')) sys.exit() if arg_strategy is not None: strategy_name = arg_strategy else: strategy_name = config_strategy mod = import_module("strategies." + strategy_name) strategy_class = getattr(mod, strategy_name.capitalize()) return strategy_class def parse_config(self, config_file): """ Parsing of config.ini file """ config = configparser.ConfigParser() self.root_report_currency = config['Trade']['root_report_currency'] self.buffer_size = config['Trade']['buffer_size'] self.prefetch = config.getboolean('Trade', 'prefetch') if self.buffer_size != '': self.buffer_size = int(self.buffer_size) self.interval = config['Trade']['interval'] if self.interval != '': self.interval = int(self.interval) self.config_strategy_name = config['Trade']['strategy'] self.plot_pair = config['Report']['plot_pair'] self.verbosity = int(config['General']['verbosity']) def on_simulation_done(self): """ Last function called when the simulation is finished """ print('shutting down and writing final statistics!') if self.args.plot: self.plot.draw(self.history, self.trades, self.plot_pair), self.last_valid_ticker, self.wallet, self.trades) @staticmethod def validate_ticker(df): """ Validates if the given dataframe contains mandatory fields """ columns_to_check = ['close', 'volume'] df_column_names = list(df) if not set(columns_to_check).issubset(df_column_names): return False nan_columns = df.columns[df.isnull().any()].tolist() nans = [i for i in nan_columns if i in columns_to_check] if len(nans) > 0: return False return True def run(self): """ This is the main simulation loop """ if is None: print( colored( 'The bots type is NOT specified. You need to choose one action (--sim, --paper, --trade)', 'red')) sys.exit() print( colored( 'Starting simulation: ' + str(self.trade_mode) + ', Strategy: ' + self.config_strategy_name, 'yellow')) # Prefetch Buffer Data (if enabled in config) if self.prefetch: self.history = self.strategy.get_min_history_ticks(), self.interval) self.look_back = self.history.copy() try: while True: # Get next ticker self.ticker = if self.ticker.empty: print("No more data,..simulation done,. quitting") exit(0) # Check if ticker is valid if not self.validate_ticker(self.ticker): print( colored( 'Received invalid ticker, will have to skip it! Details:\n' + str(self.ticker), 'red')) continue # Save ticker to buffer self.history = self.history.append(self.ticker, ignore_index=True) self.look_back = self.look_back.append(self.ticker, ignore_index=True) buffer_size = len(self.look_back.index) if buffer_size > self.max_lookback_size: print('max memory exceeded, cleaning/cutting buffer') rows_to_delete = buffer_size - self.max_lookback_size self.look_back = self.look_back.ix[rows_to_delete:] self.look_back = self.look_back.reset_index(drop=True) if self.first_ticker is None: self.first_ticker = self.ticker self.last_valid_ticker = self.ticker # Get next actions self.actions = self.strategy.calculate(self.look_back, self.wallet) # Set trade self.actions =, self.wallet.current_balance, self.trades) # Get wallet balance self.wallet.current_balance = # Write report, self.wallet) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.on_simulation_done() except SystemExit: self.on_simulation_done()