def create_storage_group(cls, testObject, redfishConfig, lun, volume, access, ports, initiators): command = 'create storagegroup lun=\"' + lun + '\"' + ' volume=' + volume + ' access=' + access + ' ports=' + ports + ' initiators=' + initiators RedfishCommand.execute(redfishConfig, command) # Validate that the StorageGroup exists url = RedfishSystem.get_uri(redfishConfig, 'StorageGroups') link = UrlAccess.process_request(redfishConfig, UrlStatus(url), 'GET', True, None) cls.test_link_status(testObject, link, url) membersCount = JsonExtract.get_value(link.jsonData, None, '*****@*****.**', 1) testObject.assertGreaterEqual(membersCount, 1, 'StorageGroups [email protected], expected {}, received {}'.format(1, membersCount)) odataIds = JsonExtract.get_values(link.jsonData, "") # Don't include the main for the Collection if (url[-1] == '/'): url = url[:-1] if (len(odataIds) > 0): odataIds.remove(url) # Test name url = odataIds[0] link = UrlAccess.process_request(redfishConfig, UrlStatus(url), 'GET', True, None) testObject.assertTrue(link.valid, 'StorageGroup link valid for URL ({})'.format(url)) name = JsonExtract.get_value(link.jsonData, None, 'Name', 1) words = name.split('_') testObject.assertEqual(2, len(words), 'StorageGroup Name error, expected {}, received {}'.format(2, len(words))) volumeId = words[0] testObject.assertEqual(volume, volumeId, 'StorageGroup Volume Name error, expected {}, received {}'.format(volume, volumeId))
def create_volume_paged(cls, testObject, redfishConfig, desiredName, poolName, size): command = 'create volume name=' + desiredName + ' size=' + str(size) + ' pool=' + poolName RedfishCommand.execute(redfishConfig, command) # Validate that the volume exists url = RedfishSystem.get_uri(redfishConfig, 'Volumes') link = UrlAccess.process_request(redfishConfig, UrlStatus(url), 'GET', True, None) cls.test_link_status(testObject, link, url) membersCount = JsonExtract.get_value(link.jsonData, None, '*****@*****.**', 1) testObject.assertEqual(membersCount, 1, 'Volumes [email protected], expected {}, received {}'.format(1, membersCount)) odataIds = JsonExtract.get_values(link.jsonData, "") # Don't include the main for the Collection if (url[-1] == '/'): url = url[:-1] if (len(odataIds) > 0): odataIds.remove(url) # Test name and size url = odataIds[0] link = UrlAccess.process_request(redfishConfig, UrlStatus(url), 'GET', True, None) testObject.assertTrue(link.valid, 'Volume link valid for URL ({})'.format(url)) name = JsonExtract.get_value(link.jsonData, None, 'Name', 1) testObject.assertEqual(name, desiredName, 'Volume name error, expected {}, received {}'.format(desiredName, name)) capacity = JsonExtract.get_value(link.jsonData, None, 'CapacityBytes', 1) testObject.assertLessEqual(capacity, size, 'Volume size error, expected {}, received {}'.format(size, capacity))
def delete_volume(cls, testObject, redfishConfig, desiredName): # Delete Volume RedfishCommand.execute(redfishConfig, 'delete volumes ' + desiredName) time.sleep(config.sleepTimeAfterDelete) url = RedfishSystem.get_uri(redfishConfig, 'Volumes') link = UrlAccess.process_request(redfishConfig, UrlStatus(url), 'GET', True, None) cls.test_link_status(testObject, link, url) membersCount = JsonExtract.get_value(link.jsonData, None, '*****@*****.**', 1) testObject.assertEqual(membersCount, 0, 'Volumes [email protected], expected {}, received {}'.format(0, membersCount))
def delete_pool(cls, testObject, redfishConfig, poolName): # Remove Pool A and the disk group RedfishCommand.execute(redfishConfig, 'delete pools ' + poolName) time.sleep(config.sleepTimeAfterDelete) url = RedfishSystem.get_uri(redfishConfig, 'StoragePools') link = UrlAccess.process_request(redfishConfig, UrlStatus(url), 'GET', True, None) cls.test_link_status(testObject, link, url) membersCount = JsonExtract.get_value(link.jsonData, None, '*****@*****.**', 1) testObject.assertEqual(membersCount, 0, 'StoragePools [email protected], expected {}, received {}'.format(0, membersCount))
def cmdloop(self, redfishConfig, prompt='redfish'): while 1: try: print('') sys.stdout.write('({}) '.format(prompt)) sys.stdout.flush() line = sys.stdin.readline().strip() except KeyboardInterrupt: break if not line: if (redfishConfig.get_bool('entertoexit')): break elif (line == 'exit' or line == 'quit'): break elif (line.startswith('alias')): # Add the new alias to the dictionary words = line.split(' ') if (len(words) == 3): alias = words[1] original = words[2] Trace.log( TraceLevel.INFO, ' ++ CFG: replacing ({}) with the alias ({})'.format( alias, original)) self.aliases[alias] = original else: Trace.log(TraceLevel.INFO, ' ++ usage: alias <new> <original>') elif (line.startswith('!')): Trace.log(TraceLevel.TRACE, ' CFG: [{0: >3}] {1}'.format(len(line), line)) redfishConfig.execute(line) else: Trace.log(TraceLevel.TRACE, '>> PROCESS line={}'.format(line)) # Check for the use of any alias words = line.split(' ') if (len(words) > 1): if (words[0] in self.aliases): line = line.replace(words[0], self.aliases[words[0]], 1) Trace.log(TraceLevel.TRACE, ' CMD: [{0: >3}] {1}'.format(len(line), line)) RedfishCommand.execute(redfishConfig, line)
def execute_script(cls, redfishConfig, scriptfile): Trace.log(TraceLevel.INFO, '') Trace.log( TraceLevel.INFO, '[] Execute Redfish API script file ({})...'.format(scriptfile)) # Run script mode if (path.exists(scriptfile) == False): Trace.log( TraceLevel.ERROR, 'Redfish API script file ({}) does not exist!'.format( scriptfile)) return (-1) lineCount = 0 with open(scriptfile, 'r') as fileHandle: for line in fileHandle: line = line.strip() if (len(line) < 2 or line.startswith('#')): # Skip comments lineCount += 1 Trace.log(TraceLevel.TRACE, ' CMT: [{0: >3}] {1}'.format(len(line), line)) elif (line.startswith('!')): lineCount += 1 Trace.log(TraceLevel.TRACE, ' CFG: [{0: >3}] {1}'.format(len(line), line)) redfishConfig.execute(line) else: lineCount += 1 if (redfishConfig.get_value('annotate') == 'yes'): print('') print('=' * 80) print('= LINE[{0}] {1}'.format(lineCount, line)) print('=' * 80) Trace.log(TraceLevel.TRACE, ' CMD: [{0: >3}] {1}'.format(len(line), line)) RedfishCommand.execute(redfishConfig, line) return (lineCount)
def create_diskgroup_paged(cls, testObject, redfishConfig, desiredName, poolName, driveCount, raidLevel): # Create a disk group command = 'create diskgroup name=' + desiredName + ' disks=' while driveCount > 0: drive = RedfishSystem.get_next_available_drive(redfishConfig) command = command + drive['number'] driveCount -= 1 if driveCount: command = command + ',' command = command + ' pool=' + poolName + ' level=' + raidLevel RedfishCommand.execute(redfishConfig, command) # Validate that the disk group and Pool exist url = RedfishSystem.get_uri(redfishConfig, 'StoragePools') link = UrlAccess.process_request(redfishConfig, UrlStatus(url), 'GET', True, None) cls.test_link_status(testObject, link, url) membersCount = JsonExtract.get_value(link.jsonData, None, '*****@*****.**', 1) testObject.assertEqual(membersCount, 2, 'StoragePools [email protected], expected {}, received {}'.format(2, membersCount)) odataIds = JsonExtract.get_values(link.jsonData, "") # Don't include the main for the Collection if (url[-1] == '/'): url = url[:-1] if (len(odataIds) > 0): odataIds.remove(url) for url in odataIds: link = UrlAccess.process_request(redfishConfig, UrlStatus(url), 'GET', True, None) testObject.assertTrue(link.valid, 'StoragePool link valid for URL ({})'.format(url)) description = JsonExtract.get_value(link.jsonData, None, 'Description', 1) name = JsonExtract.get_value(link.jsonData, None, 'Name', 1) if description == 'DiskGroup': testObject.assertEqual(name, desiredName, 'StoragePool name error, expected {}, received {}'.format(desiredName, name)) elif description == 'Pool': testObject.assertEqual(name, poolName, 'StoragePool name error, expected {}, received {}'.format(poolName, name))
def test_links(self): Trace.log( TraceLevel.VERBOSE, '>> Run {}.{}:{}'.format( type(self).__name__, sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, sys._getframe().f_lineno)) url = self.versionUrl link = UrlAccess.process_request(self.redfishConfig, UrlStatus(url), 'GET', False, None) TestSupport.test_link_status(self, link, url) RedfishCommand.execute(self.redfishConfig, 'create session') odataIds = JsonExtract.get_values(link.jsonData, "") for url in odataIds: link = UrlAccess.process_request(self.redfishConfig, UrlStatus(url), 'GET', True, None) self.assertTrue(link.valid, 'Link valid for URL ({})'.format(url)) # Delete any current active session sessionId = Label.decode(config.sessionIdVariable) if sessionId is not None: RedfishCommand.execute(self.redfishConfig, f'delete sessions {sessionId}')
def tearDownClass(cls): # Delete any current active session sessionId = Label.decode(config.sessionIdVariable) if sessionId is not None: RedfishCommand.execute(cls.redfishConfig, f'delete sessions {sessionId}')
def setUpClass(cls): cls.redfishConfig = RedfishConfig(Label.decode(config.sessionConfig)) RedfishCommand.execute(cls.redfishConfig, 'create session') cls.systemInitialized = RedfishSystem.initialize_system( cls.redfishConfig)
help= 'Set the trace level (4, 5, 6, or 7) INFO=4, VERBOSE=5, DEBUG=5, TRACE=6', nargs='?', const=1, type=int) args = parser.parse_args() # Load configuration settings, which can be overwritten at the command line or in a script file redfishConfig = RedfishConfig(config.defaultConfigFile if args.config == None else args.config) if (args.tracelevel != None): redfishConfig.update('trace', args.tracelevel) if (args.scriptfile == None): # Run interactive mode ri = RedfishInteractive() ri.execute(redfishConfig) else: # Run script mode returncode = RedfishScript.execute_script(redfishConfig, args.scriptfile) # Before existing, delete any current active session sessionId = Label.decode(config.sessionIdVariable) if sessionId is not None: RedfishCommand.execute(redfishConfig, f'delete sessions {sessionId}') sys.exit(returncode)