예제 #1
 def setUp(self):
     """ Setup the test case. """
     self.curve = BezierCurve((2, 9), (9, 8), (1, 1), (7, 2))
예제 #2
class BezierCurveTests(unittest.TestCase):
    """ The tests of the core module bezier shape """

    def setUp(self):
        """ Setup the test case. """
        self.curve = BezierCurve((2, 9), (9, 8), (1, 1), (7, 2))

    def tearDown(self):
        """ Teardown the test case. """
        del self.curve

    def test_create_new_bezier_curve(self):
        """ Test the creation of a new empty bezier. """
        control1 = Point(2, 9)
        control2 = Point(9, 8)
        p1 = Point(1, 1)
        p2 = Point(7, 2)
        assert self.curve.control1.x == control1.x
        assert self.curve.control1.y == control1.y
        assert self.curve.control2.x == control2.x
        assert self.curve.control2.y == control2.y
        assert self.curve.p1.x == p1.x
        assert self.curve.p1.y == p1.y
        assert self.curve.p2.x == p2.x
        assert self.curve.p2.y == p2.y

    def interp_bezier(self, points, typ):
        return tuple([int(round(((1 - typ) ** 3) * pts[0]
                                + 3 * ((1 - typ) ** 2) * typ * pts[1]
                                + 3 * (1 - typ) * (typ ** 2) * pts[2]
                                + (typ ** 3) * pts[3]))
                      for pts in ([pt.x for pt in points],
                                  [pt.y for pt in points])])

    def bez_recurse(self, pts, lo, hi):
        """Helper method to draw a bezier curve"""
        # kind of important that we don't just copy how it's done in the method
        # to be tested, so do it by recusively bisecting the curve until we hit
        # the necessary resolution
        [plo, phi] = [self.interp_bezier(pts, typ) for typ in (lo, hi)]
        if abs(plo[0] - phi[0]) <= 1 and abs(plo[1] - phi[1]) <= 1:
            return [plo, phi]
        mid = (lo + hi) / 2.
        bot_half = self.bez_recurse(pts, lo, mid)
        top_half = self.bez_recurse(pts, mid, hi)
        if bot_half[-1] == top_half[0]:
            bot_half = bot_half[:-1]
        return bot_half + top_half

    def test_bezier_min_point(self):
        points = self.bez_recurse([self.curve.p1, self.curve.control1,
                                   self.curve.control2, self.curve.p2], 0., 1.)
        x = min([pt[0] for pt in points])
        y = min([pt[1] for pt in points])
        min_pt = self.curve.min_point()
        self.assertEqual(min_pt.x, x)
        self.assertEqual(min_pt.y, y)

    def test_bezier_max_point(self):
        points = self.bez_recurse([self.curve.p1, self.curve.control1,
                                   self.curve.control2, self.curve.p2], 0., 1.)
        x = max([pt[0] for pt in points])
        y = max([pt[1] for pt in points])
        max_pt = self.curve.max_point()
        self.assertEqual(max_pt.x, x)
        self.assertEqual(max_pt.y, y)