def __init__(self): """Define the fields of a SWMM Project by creating an empty placeholder for each section""" ProjectBase.__init__(self) self.title = Title() # TITLE project title self.options = General() # OPTIONS analysis options = Report() # REPORT output reporting instructions self.files = Files() # FILES interface file options self.backdrop = BackdropOptions( ) # BACKDROP bounding rectangle and file name of backdrop image = MapOptions( ) # MAP map's bounding rectangle and units self.raingages = SectionAsList( "[RAINGAGES]" ) # (list of RainGage) # RAINGAGES rain gage information self.hydrographs = SectionAsList( "[HYDROGRAPHS]") # (list of UnitHydrograph) # unit hydrograph data used to construct RDII inflows self.evaporation = Evaporation() # EVAPORATION evaporation data self.temperature = Temperature( ) # TEMPERATURE air temperature and snow melt data self.adjustments = Adjustments( ) # ADJUSTMENTS monthly climate adjustments self.subcatchments = SectionAsList( "[SUBCATCHMENTS]") # (list of Subcatchment) # basic subcatchment information # self.subareas = [Section] # SUBAREAS subcatchment impervious/pervious sub-area data self.infiltration = SectionAsList("[INFILTRATION]") # (list of str) # subcatchment infiltration parameters self.lid_controls = SectionAsList( "[LID_CONTROLS]") # (list of LIDControl) # low impact development control information self.lid_usage = SectionAsList("[LID_USAGE]") # (list of LIDUsage) # assignment of LID controls to subcatchments self.aquifers = SectionAsList("[AQUIFERS]") # (list of Aquifer) # groundwater aquifer parameters self.groundwater = SectionAsList( "[GROUNDWATER]") # (list of Groundwater) # subcatchment groundwater parameters self.snowpacks = SectionAsList("[SNOWPACKS]") # (list of SnowPack) # subcatchment snow pack parameters self.junctions = SectionAsList("[JUNCTIONS]") # (list of Junction) # junction node information self.outfalls = SectionAsList("[OUTFALLS]") # (list of Outfall) # outfall node information self.dividers = SectionAsList("[DIVIDERS]") # (list of Divider) # flow divider node information = SectionAsList("[STORAGE]") # (list of StorageUnit) # storage node information self.conduits = SectionAsList("[CONDUITS]") # (list of Conduit) # conduit link information self.pumps = SectionAsList("[PUMPS]") # (list of Pump) # pump link information self.orifices = SectionAsList("[ORIFICES]") # (list of Orifice) # orifice link information self.weirs = SectionAsList("[WEIRS]") # (list of Weir) # weir link information self.outlets = SectionAsList("[OUTLETS]") # (list of Outlet) # outlet link information self.xsections = SectionAsList("[XSECTIONS]") # (list of CrossSection) # conduit, orifice, and weir cross-section geometry self.transects = Transects( ) # transect geometry for conduits with irregular cross-sections self.controls = Controls() # rules that control pump and regulator operation = SectionAsList("[EVENTS]") # (list of Events) self.landuses = SectionAsList( "[LANDUSES]") # (list of Landuse) # land use categories self.buildup = SectionAsList("[BUILDUP]") # (list of Buildup) # buildup functions for pollutants and land uses self.washoff = SectionAsList("[WASHOFF]") # (list of Washoff) # washoff functions for pollutants and land uses self.pollutants = SectionAsList("[POLLUTANTS]") # (list of Pollutant) # pollutant information self.coverages = Coverages( ) # COVERAGES assignment of land uses to subcatchments self.treatment = SectionAsList("[TREATMENT]") # (list of Treatment) # pollutant removal functions at conveyance system nodes self.inflows = SectionAsList("[INFLOWS]") # (list of DirectInflow) # INFLOWS # external hydrograph/pollutograph inflow at nodes self.dwf = SectionAsList("[DWF]") # (list of DryWeatherInflow) # baseline dry weather sanitary inflow at nodes self.patterns = SectionAsList("[PATTERNS]") # (list of Pattern) # periodic variation in dry weather inflow self.rdii = SectionAsList("[RDII]") # (list of RDIInflow) # rainfall-dependent I/I information at nodes self.loadings = InitialLoadings() # initial pollutant loads on subcatchments self.curves = SectionAsList("[CURVES]") # (list of Curve) # CURVES x-y tabular data referenced in other sections self.timeseries = SectionAsList("[TIMESERIES]") # (list of TimeSeries) # time series data referenced in other sections self.labels = SectionAsList("[LABELS]") # (list of Label) # X, Y coordinates and text of labels self.subcentroids = SectionAsList( "[SUBCENTROIDS]") # (list of subcentroids) # X, Y coordinates and text of subcentroids self.sublinks = SectionAsList("[SUBLINKS]") # (list of sublinks) # sublinks information self.sections = [ self.title, self.options, self.evaporation, self.raingages, self.subcatchments, self.infiltration, self.junctions, self.dividers,, self.outfalls, self.conduits, self.pumps, self.orifices, self.weirs, self.outlets, self.xsections, self.landuses, self.coverages, self.pollutants, self.timeseries, self.patterns, self.curves, self.dwf, self.rdii, self.loadings, self.buildup, self.washoff,,, self.files, self.backdrop,, self.hydrographs, self.temperature, self.adjustments, self.lid_controls, self.lid_usage, self.aquifers, self.groundwater, self.snowpacks, self.transects, self.controls, self.treatment, self.inflows, self.labels, self.subcentroids, self.sublinks ] # Start with a sensible order of sections. self.add_sections_from_attributes( ) # Add any sections not added in the line above, should not be any left.
class OptionsGeneralTest(unittest.TestCase): """Test OPTIONS section In core.swmm.options, test field values after setting from text. This primarily tests General, but also tests Dates, TimeSteps, and DynamicWave since those are set from General. """ TEST_TEXT = (("""[OPTIONS] FLOW_UNITS \tCFS INFILTRATION \tHORTON FLOW_ROUTING \tKW START_DATE \t01/01/1998 START_TIME \t00:00:00 REPORT_START_DATE \t01/01/1998 REPORT_START_TIME \t00:00:00 END_DATE \t01/02/1998 END_TIME \t12:00:00 DRY_DAYS \t5 WET_STEP \t00:15:00 DRY_STEP \t01:00:00 ROUTING_STEP \t00:01:00 REPORT_STEP \t01:00:00 ALLOW_PONDING \tNO INERTIAL_DAMPING \tPARTIAL VARIABLE_STEP \t0.75 LENGTHENING_STEP \t0 MIN_SURFAREA \t0 COMPATIBILITY \t5 IGNORE_GROUNDWATER \tYES""", FlowUnits.CFS, "HORTON", FlowRouting.KINWAVE, "01/01/1998", "00:00:00", "01/01/1998", "00:00:00", "01/02/1998", "12:00:00", "5", "00:15:00", "01:00:00", "00:01:00", "01:00:00", False, "PARTIAL", "0.75", "0", "0", "5", True), ("""[OPTIONS] FLOW_UNITS \tMGD INFILTRATION \tGREEN_AMPT FLOW_ROUTING \tDYNWAVE START_DATE \t02/02/2000 START_TIME \t00:01:00 REPORT_START_DATE \t02/03/2000 REPORT_START_TIME \t00:02:00 END_DATE \t02/04/2000 END_TIME \t12:30:00 DRY_DAYS \t4 WET_STEP \t00:30:00 DRY_STEP \t01:30:00 ROUTING_STEP \t00:02:00 REPORT_STEP \t02:00:00 ALLOW_PONDING \tYES INERTIAL_DAMPING \tPARTIAL VARIABLE_STEP \t0.6 LENGTHENING_STEP \t1 MIN_SURFAREA \t2 COMPATIBILITY \t4 IGNORE_GROUNDWATER \tNO""", FlowUnits.MGD, "GREEN_AMPT", FlowRouting.DYNWAVE, "02/02/2000", "00:01:00", "02/03/2000", "00:02:00", "02/04/2000", "12:30:00", "4", "00:30:00", "01:30:00", "00:02:00", "02:00:00", True, "PARTIAL", "0.6", "1", "2", "4", False)) def test_all_opts(self): """Test all default values specified in 5.1""" test_all_ops = r"""[OPTIONS] FLOW_UNITS CFS INFILTRATION HORTON FLOW_ROUTING KINWAVE LINK_OFFSETS DEPTH FORCE_MAIN_EQUATION H-W IGNORE_RAINFALL NO IGNORE_SNOWMELT NO IGNORE_GROUNDWATER NO IGNORE_RDII NO IGNORE_ROUTING NO IGNORE_QUALITY NO ALLOW_PONDING NO SKIP_STEADY_STATE NO SYS_FLOW_TOL 5 LAT_FLOW_TOL 5 START_DATE 1/1/2002 START_TIME 0:00:00 END_DATE 1/1/2002 END_TIME 24:00:00 REPORT_START_DATE 4/11/2016 REPORT_START_TIME 09:00:00 SWEEP_START 1/1 SWEEP_END 12/31 DRY_DAYS 0 REPORT_STEP 0:15:00 WET_STEP 0:05:00 DRY_STEP 1:00:00 ROUTING_STEP 600 LENGTHENING_STEP 0 VARIABLE_STEP 0 MINIMUM_STEP 0.5 INERTIAL_DAMPING NONE NORMAL_FLOW_LIMITED BOTH MIN_SURFAREA 0 MIN_SLOPE 0 MAX_TRIALS 8 HEAD_TOLERANCE 0.005 THREADS 1 TEMPDIR .\temp""" self.options = General() # Set_text self.options.set_text(test_all_ops) # Assert attributes assert self.options.flow_units == FlowUnits.CFS assert self.options.flow_routing == FlowRouting.KINWAVE assert self.options.ignore_snowmelt == False assert self.options.ignore_groundwater == False assert self.options.ignore_rdii == False assert self.options.dates.start_date == '1/1/2002' assert self.options.dates.start_time == '0:00:00' assert float(self.options.time_steps.system_flow_tolerance) == 5.0 assert float(self.options.time_steps.lateral_inflow_tolerance) == 5.0 assert self.options.temp_dir == r'.\temp' # Get_text actual_text = self.options.get_text() # Set_text again self.options.set_text(actual_text) assert self.options.flow_units == FlowUnits.CFS assert self.options.flow_routing == FlowRouting.KINWAVE assert self.options.ignore_snowmelt == False assert self.options.ignore_rdii == False assert self.options.dates.start_date == '1/1/2002' assert self.options.dates.start_time == '0:00:00' assert self.options.matches(test_all_ops), 'incorrect title block' def test_current_text(self): """Test setting from the current text array""" self.options = General() for current_text in self.TEST_TEXT: self.options.set_text(current_text[0]) assert self.options.flow_units == current_text[1] assert self.options.infiltration == current_text[2] assert self.options.flow_routing == current_text[3] assert self.options.dates.start_date == current_text[4] assert self.options.dates.start_time == current_text[5] assert self.options.dates.report_start_date == current_text[6] assert self.options.dates.report_start_time == current_text[7] assert self.options.dates.end_date == current_text[8] assert self.options.dates.end_time == current_text[9] assert int(self.options.dates.dry_days) == int(current_text[10]) assert self.options.time_steps.wet_step == current_text[11] assert self.options.time_steps.dry_step == current_text[12] assert self.options.time_steps.routing_step == current_text[13] assert self.options.time_steps.report_step == current_text[14] assert self.options.allow_ponding == current_text[15] assert == current_text[ 16] assert float(self.options.dynamic_wave.variable_step) == float( current_text[17]) assert int(self.options.dynamic_wave.lengthening_step) == int( current_text[18]) assert float(self.options.dynamic_wave.min_surface_area) == float( current_text[19]) assert int(self.options.compatibility) == int(current_text[20]) assert self.options.ignore_groundwater == current_text[21] expected_text = "[OPTIONS]\n"\ " IGNORE_GROUNDWATER NO\n"\ " IGNORE_QUALITY NO\n"\ " IGNORE_ROUTING NO\n"\ " LINK_OFFSETS DEPTH\n"\ " FLOW_UNITS MGD\n"\ " MIN_SLOPE 0.0\n"\ " INFILTRATION GREEN_AMPT\n"\ " ALLOW_PONDING YES\n"\ " IGNORE_SNOWMELT NO\n"\ " IGNORE_RDII NO\n"\ " IGNORE_RAINFALL NO\n"\ " COMPATIBILITY 4\n"\ " FLOW_ROUTING DYNWAVE\n"\ ";; Dates\n"\ " END_TIME 12:30:00\n"\ " END_DATE 02/04/2000\n"\ " SWEEP_END 12/31\n"\ " START_TIME 00:01:00\n"\ " DRY_DAYS 4\n"\ " REPORT_START_TIME 00:02:00\n"\ " START_DATE 02/02/2000\n"\ " SWEEP_START 1/1\n"\ " REPORT_START_DATE 02/03/2000\n"\ ";; Time Steps\n"\ " SKIP_STEADY_STATE NO\n"\ " LAT_FLOW_TOL 5\n"\ " DRY_STEP 01:30:00\n"\ " REPORT_STEP 02:00:00\n"\ " WET_STEP 00:30:00\n"\ " SYS_FLOW_TOL 5\n"\ " ROUTING_STEP 00:02:00\n"\ ";; Dynamic Wave\n"\ " LENGTHENING_STEP 1.0\n"\ " VARIABLE_STEP 0.6\n"\ " INERTIAL_DAMPING PARTIAL\n"\ " FORCE_MAIN_EQUATION H-W\n"\ " NORMAL_FLOW_LIMITED BOTH\n"\ " MAX_TRIALS 8\n"\ " MIN_SURFAREA 2.0\n"\ " HEAD_TOLERANCE 0.005\n"\ " THREADS 1\n"\ " MINIMUM_STEP 0.5" self.options.set_text(expected_text) actual_text = self.options.get_text() assert self.options.matches(expected_text)
def test_all_opts(self): """Test all default values specified in 5.1""" test_all_ops = r"""[OPTIONS] FLOW_UNITS CFS INFILTRATION HORTON FLOW_ROUTING KINWAVE LINK_OFFSETS DEPTH FORCE_MAIN_EQUATION H-W IGNORE_RAINFALL NO IGNORE_SNOWMELT NO IGNORE_GROUNDWATER NO IGNORE_RDII NO IGNORE_ROUTING NO IGNORE_QUALITY NO ALLOW_PONDING NO SKIP_STEADY_STATE NO SYS_FLOW_TOL 5 LAT_FLOW_TOL 5 START_DATE 1/1/2002 START_TIME 0:00:00 END_DATE 1/1/2002 END_TIME 24:00:00 REPORT_START_DATE 4/11/2016 REPORT_START_TIME 09:00:00 SWEEP_START 1/1 SWEEP_END 12/31 DRY_DAYS 0 REPORT_STEP 0:15:00 WET_STEP 0:05:00 DRY_STEP 1:00:00 ROUTING_STEP 600 LENGTHENING_STEP 0 VARIABLE_STEP 0 MINIMUM_STEP 0.5 INERTIAL_DAMPING NONE NORMAL_FLOW_LIMITED BOTH MIN_SURFAREA 0 MIN_SLOPE 0 MAX_TRIALS 8 HEAD_TOLERANCE 0.005 THREADS 1 TEMPDIR .\temp""" self.options = General() # Set_text self.options.set_text(test_all_ops) # Assert attributes assert self.options.flow_units == FlowUnits.CFS assert self.options.flow_routing == FlowRouting.KINWAVE assert self.options.ignore_snowmelt == False assert self.options.ignore_groundwater == False assert self.options.ignore_rdii == False assert self.options.dates.start_date == '1/1/2002' assert self.options.dates.start_time == '0:00:00' assert float(self.options.time_steps.system_flow_tolerance) == 5.0 assert float(self.options.time_steps.lateral_inflow_tolerance) == 5.0 assert self.options.temp_dir == r'.\temp' # Get_text actual_text = self.options.get_text() # Set_text again self.options.set_text(actual_text) assert self.options.flow_units == FlowUnits.CFS assert self.options.flow_routing == FlowRouting.KINWAVE assert self.options.ignore_snowmelt == False assert self.options.ignore_rdii == False assert self.options.dates.start_date == '1/1/2002' assert self.options.dates.start_time == '0:00:00' assert self.options.matches(test_all_ops), 'incorrect title block'
def test_current_text(self): """Test setting from the current text array""" self.options = General() for current_text in self.TEST_TEXT: self.options.set_text(current_text[0]) assert self.options.flow_units == current_text[1] assert self.options.infiltration == current_text[2] assert self.options.flow_routing == current_text[3] assert self.options.dates.start_date == current_text[4] assert self.options.dates.start_time == current_text[5] assert self.options.dates.report_start_date == current_text[6] assert self.options.dates.report_start_time == current_text[7] assert self.options.dates.end_date == current_text[8] assert self.options.dates.end_time == current_text[9] assert int(self.options.dates.dry_days) == int(current_text[10]) assert self.options.time_steps.wet_step == current_text[11] assert self.options.time_steps.dry_step == current_text[12] assert self.options.time_steps.routing_step == current_text[13] assert self.options.time_steps.report_step == current_text[14] assert self.options.allow_ponding == current_text[15] assert == current_text[ 16] assert float(self.options.dynamic_wave.variable_step) == float( current_text[17]) assert int(self.options.dynamic_wave.lengthening_step) == int( current_text[18]) assert float(self.options.dynamic_wave.min_surface_area) == float( current_text[19]) assert int(self.options.compatibility) == int(current_text[20]) assert self.options.ignore_groundwater == current_text[21] expected_text = "[OPTIONS]\n"\ " IGNORE_GROUNDWATER NO\n"\ " IGNORE_QUALITY NO\n"\ " IGNORE_ROUTING NO\n"\ " LINK_OFFSETS DEPTH\n"\ " FLOW_UNITS MGD\n"\ " MIN_SLOPE 0.0\n"\ " INFILTRATION GREEN_AMPT\n"\ " ALLOW_PONDING YES\n"\ " IGNORE_SNOWMELT NO\n"\ " IGNORE_RDII NO\n"\ " IGNORE_RAINFALL NO\n"\ " COMPATIBILITY 4\n"\ " FLOW_ROUTING DYNWAVE\n"\ ";; Dates\n"\ " END_TIME 12:30:00\n"\ " END_DATE 02/04/2000\n"\ " SWEEP_END 12/31\n"\ " START_TIME 00:01:00\n"\ " DRY_DAYS 4\n"\ " REPORT_START_TIME 00:02:00\n"\ " START_DATE 02/02/2000\n"\ " SWEEP_START 1/1\n"\ " REPORT_START_DATE 02/03/2000\n"\ ";; Time Steps\n"\ " SKIP_STEADY_STATE NO\n"\ " LAT_FLOW_TOL 5\n"\ " DRY_STEP 01:30:00\n"\ " REPORT_STEP 02:00:00\n"\ " WET_STEP 00:30:00\n"\ " SYS_FLOW_TOL 5\n"\ " ROUTING_STEP 00:02:00\n"\ ";; Dynamic Wave\n"\ " LENGTHENING_STEP 1.0\n"\ " VARIABLE_STEP 0.6\n"\ " INERTIAL_DAMPING PARTIAL\n"\ " FORCE_MAIN_EQUATION H-W\n"\ " NORMAL_FLOW_LIMITED BOTH\n"\ " MAX_TRIALS 8\n"\ " MIN_SURFAREA 2.0\n"\ " HEAD_TOLERANCE 0.005\n"\ " THREADS 1\n"\ " MINIMUM_STEP 0.5" self.options.set_text(expected_text) actual_text = self.options.get_text() assert self.options.matches(expected_text)
class OptionsGeneralTest(unittest.TestCase): """Test OPTIONS section In core.swmm.options, test field values after setting from text. This primarily tests General, but also tests Dates, TimeSteps, and DynamicWave since those are set from General. """ TEST_TEXT = ( ("""[OPTIONS] FLOW_UNITS \tCFS INFILTRATION \tHORTON FLOW_ROUTING \tKW START_DATE \t01/01/1998 START_TIME \t00:00:00 REPORT_START_DATE \t01/01/1998 REPORT_START_TIME \t00:00:00 END_DATE \t01/02/1998 END_TIME \t12:00:00 DRY_DAYS \t5 WET_STEP \t00:15:00 DRY_STEP \t01:00:00 ROUTING_STEP \t00:01:00 REPORT_STEP \t01:00:00 ALLOW_PONDING \tNO INERTIAL_DAMPING \tPARTIAL VARIABLE_STEP \t0.75 LENGTHENING_STEP \t0 MIN_SURFAREA \t0 COMPATIBILITY \t5 IGNORE_GROUNDWATER \tYES""", FlowUnits.CFS, "HORTON", FlowRouting.KINWAVE, "01/01/1998", "00:00:00", "01/01/1998", "00:00:00", "01/02/1998", "12:00:00", "5", "00:15:00", "01:00:00", "00:01:00", "01:00:00", False, "PARTIAL", "0.75", "0", "0", "5", True), ("""[OPTIONS] FLOW_UNITS \tMGD INFILTRATION \tGREEN_AMPT FLOW_ROUTING \tDYNWAVE START_DATE \t02/02/2000 START_TIME \t00:01:00 REPORT_START_DATE \t02/03/2000 REPORT_START_TIME \t00:02:00 END_DATE \t02/04/2000 END_TIME \t12:30:00 DRY_DAYS \t4 WET_STEP \t00:30:00 DRY_STEP \t01:30:00 ROUTING_STEP \t00:02:00 REPORT_STEP \t02:00:00 ALLOW_PONDING \tYES INERTIAL_DAMPING \tPARTIAL VARIABLE_STEP \t0.6 LENGTHENING_STEP \t1 MIN_SURFAREA \t2 COMPATIBILITY \t4 IGNORE_GROUNDWATER \tNO""", FlowUnits.MGD, "GREEN_AMPT", FlowRouting.DYNWAVE, "02/02/2000", "00:01:00", "02/03/2000", "00:02:00", "02/04/2000", "12:30:00", "4", "00:30:00", "01:30:00", "00:02:00", "02:00:00", True, "PARTIAL", "0.6", "1", "2", "4", False) ) def test_all_opts(self): """Test all default values specified in 5.1""" test_all_ops = r"""[OPTIONS] FLOW_UNITS CFS INFILTRATION HORTON FLOW_ROUTING KINWAVE LINK_OFFSETS DEPTH FORCE_MAIN_EQUATION H-W IGNORE_RAINFALL NO IGNORE_SNOWMELT NO IGNORE_GROUNDWATER NO IGNORE_RDII NO IGNORE_ROUTING NO IGNORE_QUALITY NO ALLOW_PONDING NO SKIP_STEADY_STATE NO SYS_FLOW_TOL 5 LAT_FLOW_TOL 5 START_DATE 1/1/2002 START_TIME 0:00:00 END_DATE 1/1/2002 END_TIME 24:00:00 REPORT_START_DATE 4/11/2016 REPORT_START_TIME 09:00:00 SWEEP_START 1/1 SWEEP_END 12/31 DRY_DAYS 0 REPORT_STEP 0:15:00 WET_STEP 0:05:00 DRY_STEP 1:00:00 ROUTING_STEP 600 LENGTHENING_STEP 0 VARIABLE_STEP 0 MINIMUM_STEP 0.5 INERTIAL_DAMPING NONE NORMAL_FLOW_LIMITED BOTH MIN_SURFAREA 0 MIN_SLOPE 0 MAX_TRIALS 8 HEAD_TOLERANCE 0.005 THREADS 1 TEMPDIR .\temp""" self.options = General() # Set_text self.options.set_text(test_all_ops) # Assert attributes assert self.options.flow_units == FlowUnits.CFS assert self.options.flow_routing == FlowRouting.KINWAVE assert self.options.ignore_snowmelt == False assert self.options.ignore_groundwater == False assert self.options.ignore_rdii == False assert self.options.dates.start_date == '1/1/2002' assert self.options.dates.start_time == '0:00:00' assert float(self.options.time_steps.system_flow_tolerance) == 5.0 assert float(self.options.time_steps.lateral_inflow_tolerance) == 5.0 assert self.options.temp_dir == r'.\temp' # Get_text actual_text = self.options.get_text() # Set_text again self.options.set_text(actual_text) assert self.options.flow_units == FlowUnits.CFS assert self.options.flow_routing == FlowRouting.KINWAVE assert self.options.ignore_snowmelt == False assert self.options.ignore_rdii == False assert self.options.dates.start_date == '1/1/2002' assert self.options.dates.start_time == '0:00:00' assert self.options.matches(test_all_ops), 'incorrect title block' def test_current_text(self): """Test setting from the current text array""" self.options = General() for current_text in self.TEST_TEXT: self.options.set_text(current_text[0]) assert self.options.flow_units == current_text[1] assert self.options.infiltration == current_text[2] assert self.options.flow_routing == current_text[3] assert self.options.dates.start_date == current_text[4] assert self.options.dates.start_time == current_text[5] assert self.options.dates.report_start_date == current_text[6] assert self.options.dates.report_start_time == current_text[7] assert self.options.dates.end_date == current_text[8] assert self.options.dates.end_time == current_text[9] assert int(self.options.dates.dry_days) == int(current_text[10]) assert self.options.time_steps.wet_step == current_text[11] assert self.options.time_steps.dry_step == current_text[12] assert self.options.time_steps.routing_step == current_text[13] assert self.options.time_steps.report_step == current_text[14] assert self.options.allow_ponding == current_text[15] assert == current_text[16] assert float(self.options.dynamic_wave.variable_step) == float(current_text[17]) assert int(self.options.dynamic_wave.lengthening_step) == int(current_text[18]) assert float(self.options.dynamic_wave.min_surface_area) == float(current_text[19]) assert int(self.options.compatibility) == int(current_text[20]) assert self.options.ignore_groundwater == current_text[21] expected_text = "[OPTIONS]\n"\ " IGNORE_GROUNDWATER NO\n"\ " IGNORE_QUALITY NO\n"\ " IGNORE_ROUTING NO\n"\ " LINK_OFFSETS DEPTH\n"\ " FLOW_UNITS MGD\n"\ " MIN_SLOPE 0.0\n"\ " INFILTRATION GREEN_AMPT\n"\ " ALLOW_PONDING YES\n"\ " IGNORE_SNOWMELT NO\n"\ " IGNORE_RDII NO\n"\ " IGNORE_RAINFALL NO\n"\ " COMPATIBILITY 4\n"\ " FLOW_ROUTING DYNWAVE\n"\ ";; Dates\n"\ " END_TIME 12:30:00\n"\ " END_DATE 02/04/2000\n"\ " SWEEP_END 12/31\n"\ " START_TIME 00:01:00\n"\ " DRY_DAYS 4\n"\ " REPORT_START_TIME 00:02:00\n"\ " START_DATE 02/02/2000\n"\ " SWEEP_START 1/1\n"\ " REPORT_START_DATE 02/03/2000\n"\ ";; Time Steps\n"\ " SKIP_STEADY_STATE NO\n"\ " LAT_FLOW_TOL 5\n"\ " DRY_STEP 01:30:00\n"\ " REPORT_STEP 02:00:00\n"\ " WET_STEP 00:30:00\n"\ " SYS_FLOW_TOL 5\n"\ " ROUTING_STEP 00:02:00\n"\ ";; Dynamic Wave\n"\ " LENGTHENING_STEP 1.0\n"\ " VARIABLE_STEP 0.6\n"\ " INERTIAL_DAMPING PARTIAL\n"\ " FORCE_MAIN_EQUATION H-W\n"\ " NORMAL_FLOW_LIMITED BOTH\n"\ " MAX_TRIALS 8\n"\ " MIN_SURFAREA 2.0\n"\ " HEAD_TOLERANCE 0.005\n"\ " THREADS 1\n"\ " MINIMUM_STEP 0.5" self.options.set_text(expected_text) actual_text = self.options.get_text() assert self.options.matches(expected_text)
def test_current_text(self): """Test setting from the current text array""" self.options = General() for current_text in self.TEST_TEXT: self.options.set_text(current_text[0]) assert self.options.flow_units == current_text[1] assert self.options.infiltration == current_text[2] assert self.options.flow_routing == current_text[3] assert self.options.dates.start_date == current_text[4] assert self.options.dates.start_time == current_text[5] assert self.options.dates.report_start_date == current_text[6] assert self.options.dates.report_start_time == current_text[7] assert self.options.dates.end_date == current_text[8] assert self.options.dates.end_time == current_text[9] assert int(self.options.dates.dry_days) == int(current_text[10]) assert self.options.time_steps.wet_step == current_text[11] assert self.options.time_steps.dry_step == current_text[12] assert self.options.time_steps.routing_step == current_text[13] assert self.options.time_steps.report_step == current_text[14] assert self.options.allow_ponding == current_text[15] assert == current_text[16] assert float(self.options.dynamic_wave.variable_step) == float(current_text[17]) assert int(self.options.dynamic_wave.lengthening_step) == int(current_text[18]) assert float(self.options.dynamic_wave.min_surface_area) == float(current_text[19]) assert int(self.options.compatibility) == int(current_text[20]) assert self.options.ignore_groundwater == current_text[21] expected_text = "[OPTIONS]\n"\ " IGNORE_GROUNDWATER NO\n"\ " IGNORE_QUALITY NO\n"\ " IGNORE_ROUTING NO\n"\ " LINK_OFFSETS DEPTH\n"\ " FLOW_UNITS MGD\n"\ " MIN_SLOPE 0.0\n"\ " INFILTRATION GREEN_AMPT\n"\ " ALLOW_PONDING YES\n"\ " IGNORE_SNOWMELT NO\n"\ " IGNORE_RDII NO\n"\ " IGNORE_RAINFALL NO\n"\ " COMPATIBILITY 4\n"\ " FLOW_ROUTING DYNWAVE\n"\ ";; Dates\n"\ " END_TIME 12:30:00\n"\ " END_DATE 02/04/2000\n"\ " SWEEP_END 12/31\n"\ " START_TIME 00:01:00\n"\ " DRY_DAYS 4\n"\ " REPORT_START_TIME 00:02:00\n"\ " START_DATE 02/02/2000\n"\ " SWEEP_START 1/1\n"\ " REPORT_START_DATE 02/03/2000\n"\ ";; Time Steps\n"\ " SKIP_STEADY_STATE NO\n"\ " LAT_FLOW_TOL 5\n"\ " DRY_STEP 01:30:00\n"\ " REPORT_STEP 02:00:00\n"\ " WET_STEP 00:30:00\n"\ " SYS_FLOW_TOL 5\n"\ " ROUTING_STEP 00:02:00\n"\ ";; Dynamic Wave\n"\ " LENGTHENING_STEP 1.0\n"\ " VARIABLE_STEP 0.6\n"\ " INERTIAL_DAMPING PARTIAL\n"\ " FORCE_MAIN_EQUATION H-W\n"\ " NORMAL_FLOW_LIMITED BOTH\n"\ " MAX_TRIALS 8\n"\ " MIN_SURFAREA 2.0\n"\ " HEAD_TOLERANCE 0.005\n"\ " THREADS 1\n"\ " MINIMUM_STEP 0.5" self.options.set_text(expected_text) actual_text = self.options.get_text() assert self.options.matches(expected_text)
def __init__(self): """Define the fields of a SWMM Project by creating an empty placeholder for each section""" self.title = Title() # TITLE project title self.options = General() # OPTIONS analysis options = Report() # REPORT output reporting instructions self.files = Files() # FILES interface file options self.backdrop = BackdropOptions( ) # BACKDROP bounding rectangle and file name of backdrop image = MapOptions( ) # MAP map's bounding rectangle and units # self.raingages = [RainGage] # RAINGAGES rain gage information self.hydrographs = SectionAsListGroupByID( "[HYDROGRAPHS]", UnitHydrograph, ";;Hydrograph \tRain Gage/Month \tResponse\tR \tT \tK \tDmax \tDrecov \tDinit \n" ";;--------------\t----------------\t--------\t--------\t--------\t--------\t--------\t--------\t--------" ) # unit hydrograph data used to construct RDII inflows self.evaporation = Evaporation() # EVAPORATION evaporation data self.temperature = Temperature( ) # TEMPERATURE air temperature and snow melt data self.adjustments = Adjustments( ) # ADJUSTMENTS monthly climate adjustments self.subcatchments = SectionAsListOf( "[SUBCATCHMENTS]", Subcatchment, ";;Name \tRain Gage \tOutlet \tArea \t%Imperv \tWidth \t%Slope \tCurbLen \tSnowPack \n" ";;--------------\t----------------\t----------------\t--------\t--------\t--------\t--------\t--------\t----------------" ) # basic subcatchment information # self.subareas = [Section] # SUBAREAS subcatchment impervious/pervious sub-area data self.infiltration = SectionAsListOf("[INFILTRATION]", basestring) # This is set to SectionAsListOf HortonInfiltration or GreenAmptInfiltration or CurveNumberInfiltration on read # subcatchment infiltration parameters self.lid_controls = SectionAsListGroupByID( "[LID_CONTROLS]", LIDControl, ";;Name \tType/Layer\tParameters\n" ";;--------------\t----------\t----------") # low impact development control information self.lid_usage = SectionAsListOf( "[LID_USAGE]", LIDUsage, ";;Subcatchment \tLID Process \tNumber \tArea \tWidth \tInitSat \tFromImp \tToPerv \tRptFile \tDrainTo\n" ";;--------------\t----------------\t-------\t----------\t----------\t----------\t----------\t----------\t------------------------\t----------------" ) # assignment of LID controls to subcatchments self.aquifers = SectionAsListOf( "[AQUIFERS]", Aquifer, ";;Aquifer \tPhi \tWP \tFC \tHydCon\tKslope\tTslope\tUEF \tLED \tLGLR \tBEL \tWTEL \tUZM \tUEF Pat\n" ";;--------------\t------\t------\t------\t------\t------\t------\t------\t------\t------\t------\t------\t------\t-------" ) # groundwater aquifer parameters self.groundwater = SectionAsListOf( "[GROUNDWATER]", Groundwater, ";;Subcatchment \tAquifer \tNode \tEsurf \tA1 \tB1 \tA2 \tB2 \tA3 \tDsw \tEgwt \tEbot \tWgr \tUmc \n" ";;--------------\t----------------\t----------------\t------\t------\t------\t------\t------\t------\t------\t------\t------\t------\t------" ) # subcatchment groundwater parameters self.snowpacks = SectionAsListGroupByID( "[SNOWPACKS]", SnowPack, ";;Name \tSurface \tParameters\n" ";;--------------\t----------\t----------") # subcatchment snow pack parameters self.junctions = SectionAsListOf( "[JUNCTIONS]", Junction, ";;Name \tElevation \tMaxDepth \tInitDepth \tSurDepth \tAponded\n" ";;--------------\t----------\t----------\t----------\t----------\t----------" ) # junction node information # self.outfalls = [Outfall] # OUTFALLS # outfall node information # self.dividers = [Divider] # DIVIDERS # flow divider node information # = [StorageUnit] # STORAGE # storage node information self.conduits = SectionAsListOf( "[CONDUITS]", Conduit, ";;Name \tFrom Node \tTo Node \tLength \tRoughness \tInOffset \tOutOffset \tInitFlow \tMaxFlow \n" ";;--------------\t----------------\t----------------\t----------\t----------\t----------\t----------\t----------\t----------" ) # conduit link information self.pumps = SectionAsListOf( "[PUMPS]", Pump, ";;Name \tFrom Node \tTo Node \tPump Curve \tStatus \tStartup \tShutoff \n" ";;--------------\t----------------\t----------------\t----------------\t--------\t--------\t--------" ) # pump link information # self.orifices = [Orifice] # ORIFICES # orifice link information # self.weirs = [Weir] # WEIRS # weir link information # self.outlets = [Outlet] # OUTLETS # outlet link information self.xsections = SectionAsListOf( "[XSECTIONS]", CrossSection, ";;Link \tShape \tGeom1 \tGeom2 \tGeom3 \tGeom4 \tBarrels \tCulvert \n" ";;--------------\t------------\t----------------\t----------\t----------\t----------\t----------\t----------" ) # conduit, orifice, and weir cross-section geometry self.transects = Transects( ) # TRANSECTS # transect geometry for conduits with irregular cross-sections # self.losses = [Section] # LOSSES # conduit entrance/exit losses and flap valves self.controls = SectionAsListOf( "[CONTROLS]", basestring) # rules that control pump and regulator operation self.landuses = SectionAsListOf( "[LANDUSES]", Landuse, ";; \tSweeping \tFraction \tLast\n" ";;Name \tInterval \tAvailable \tSwept\n" ";;--------------\t----------\t----------\t----------") # land use categories self.buildup = SectionAsListOf( "[BUILDUP]", Buildup, ";;Land Use \tPollutant \tFunction \tCoeff1 \tCoeff2 \tCoeff3 \tPer Unit\n" ";;--------------\t----------------\t----------\t----------\t----------\t----------\t----------" ) # buildup functions for pollutants and land uses self.washoff = SectionAsListOf( "[WASHOFF]", Washoff, ";;Land Use \tPollutant \tFunction \tCoeff1 \tCoeff2 \tSweepRmvl \tBmpRmvl\n" ";;--------------\t----------------\t----------\t----------\t----------\t----------\t----------" ) # washoff functions for pollutants and land uses self.pollutants = SectionAsListOf( "[POLLUTANTS]", Pollutant, ";;Name \tUnits \tCrain \tCgw \tCrdii \tKdecay \tSnowOnly \tCo-Pollutant \tCo-Frac \tCdwf \tCinit\n" ";;--------------\t------\t----------\t----------\t----------\t----------\t----------\t----------------\t----------\t----------\t----------" ) # pollutant information self.coverages = Coverages( ) # COVERAGES # assignment of land uses to subcatchments self.treatment = SectionAsListOf( "[TREATMENT]", Treatment, ";;Node \tPollutant \tFunction\n" ";;--------------\t----------------\t--------") # pollutant removal functions at conveyance system nodes self.inflows = SectionAsListOf( "[INFLOWS]", DirectInflow, ";;Node \tConstituent \tTime Series \tType \tMfactor \tSfactor \tBaseline\tPattern\n" ";;--------------\t----------------\t----------------\t--------\t--------\t--------\t--------\t--------" ) # INFLOWS # external hydrograph/pollutograph inflow at nodes self.dwf = SectionAsListOf( "[DWF]", DryWeatherInflow, ";;Node \tConstituent \tBaseline \tPatterns \n" ";;--------------\t----------------\t----------\t----------") # baseline dry weather sanitary inflow at nodes self.patterns = SectionAsListGroupByID( "[PATTERNS]", Pattern, ";;Name \tType \tMultipliers\n" ";;--------------\t----------\t-----------") # PATTERNS periodic variation in dry weather inflow self.rdii = SectionAsListOf( "[RDII]", RDIInflow, ";;Node \tUnit Hydrograph \tSewer Area\n" ";;--------------\t----------------\t----------") # rainfall-dependent I/I information at nodes self.loadings = SectionAsListOf( "[LOADINGS]", InitialLoading, ";;Subcatchment \tPollutant \tBuildup\n" ";;--------------\t----------------\t----------") # initial pollutant loads on subcatchments self.curves = SectionAsListGroupByID( "[CURVES]", Curve, ";;Name \tType \tX-Value \tY-Value \n" ";;--------------\t----------\t----------\t----------") # CURVES x-y tabular data referenced in other sections self.timeseries = SectionAsListGroupByID( "[TIMESERIES]", TimeSeries, ";;Name \tDate \tTime \tValue\n" ";;--------------\t----------\t----------\t----------") # time series data referenced in other sections # self.polygons = [Section] # POLYGONS # X,Y coordinates for each vertex of subcatchment polygons # self.coordinates = [Section] # COORDINATES # X,Y coordinates for nodes # self.vertices = [Section] # VERTICES # X,Y coordinates for each interior vertex of polyline links # self.labels = [Section] # LABELS # X,Y coordinates and text of labels # self.symbols = [Section] # SYMBOLS # X,Y coordinates for rain gages # X,Y coordinates of the bounding rectangle and file name of the backdrop image. # [TAGS] InputFile.__init__( self ) # Do this after setting attributes so they will all get added to sections[]