def main(name_scope, gpu_dev, num_images, args): t=args.t model = initialize_model_from_cfg() num_classes = cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES all_boxes, all_segms, all_keyps = empty_results(num_classes, num_images) temp_frame_folder = osp.join(args.out_path,args.vid_name + '_frames/',str(t)) imgs = glob.glob(temp_frame_folder+'/*.jpg') for i in range(len(imgs)): if i%100==0: print('Processing Detection for Frame %d'%(i+1)) im_ = cv2.imread(imgs[i]) assert im_ is not None im_ = np.expand_dims(im_, 0) with core.NameScope(name_scope): with core.DeviceScope(gpu_dev): cls_boxes_i, cls_segms_i, cls_keyps_i = im_detect_all( model, im_, None) #TODO: Parallelize detection extend_results(i, all_boxes, cls_boxes_i) if cls_segms_i is not None: extend_results(i, all_segms, cls_segms_i) if cls_keyps_i is not None: extend_results(i, all_keyps, cls_keyps_i) det_name = args.vid_name + '_' + str(args.t) + '_detections.pkl' det_file = osp.join(args.out_path, det_name) robust_pickle_dump(dict(all_keyps=all_keyps),det_file) shutil.rmtree(osp.join(args.out_path, args.vid_name + '_frames'))
def localize_obj_in_image(path_to_image, maskRCNN, timers): ''' Localize foreground objects in the image of 'path_to_image'. You may replace this function with a call to your localization method ''' img = imread(path_to_image) base = basename(path_to_image) name = splitext(base)[0] h, w = img.shape[0:2] bbox = [] cls_boxes, cls_segms, cls_keyps = im_detect_all(maskRCNN, img, timers=timers) import pdb pdb.set_trace() for x in cls_boxes: print(x) break # randomly generate up to 5 bounding boxes for each image # with size between [50, 100) ''' for k in range(np.random.randint(5)): label = classes[np.random.randint(11)] score = np.random.rand(1)[0] bb_w = np.random.randint(50, 100, 1)[0] # width bb_h = np.random.randint(50, 100, 1)[0] # height bb_x1 = np.random.randint(0, w-100, 1)[0] bb_y1 = np.random.randint(0, h-100, 1)[0] bb_x2 = bb_x1 + bb_w - 1 bb_y2 = bb_y1 + bb_h - 1 bbox.append([name, label, score, bb_x1, bb_y1, bb_x2, bb_y2]) ''' return bbox
def test_cls_net(output_dir, ind_range=None, gpu_id=0): """Run inference on all images in a dataset or over an index range of images in a dataset using a single GPU. """ assert cfg.TEST.WEIGHTS != '', \ 'TEST.WEIGHTS must be set to the model file to test' assert not cfg.MODEL.RPN_ONLY, \ 'Use rpn_generate to generate proposals from RPN-only models' assert cfg.TEST.DATASET != '', \ 'TEST.DATASET must be set to the dataset name to test' roidb, dataset, start_ind, end_ind, total_num_images = get_roidb_and_dataset( ind_range, gt_cls=True) model = initialize_model_from_cfg(gpu_id=gpu_id) num_images = len(roidb) num_classes = cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES all_cls = [] all_labs = [] timers = defaultdict(Timer) for i, entry in enumerate(roidb): im = cv2.imread(entry['image']) with c2_utils.NamedCudaScope(gpu_id): cls_scores, _, _ = im_detect_all(model, im, None, timers) all_cls.append(np.argmax(cls_scores)) all_labs.append(entry["gt_classes"][0]) if i % 10 == 0: # Reduce log file size ave_total_time = np.sum([t.average_time for t in timers.values()]) eta_seconds = ave_total_time * (num_images - i - 1) eta = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(eta_seconds))) cls_time = (timers['classify_im'].average_time) ('im_detect: range [{:d}, {:d}] of {:d}: ' '{:d}/{:d} {:.3f}s (eta: {})').format( start_ind + 1, end_ind, total_num_images, start_ind + i + 1, start_ind + num_images, cls_time, eta)) correct_pred = np.equal(np.array(all_cls), np.array(all_labs)) acc = np.mean(correct_pred.astype(np.float32)) return acc
def test_net_Car3D( args, dataset_name, proposal_file, output_dir, ind_range=None, gpu_id=0): """Run inference on all images in a dataset or over an index range of images in a dataset using a single GPU. """ assert not cfg.MODEL.RPN_ONLY, 'Use rpn_generate to generate proposals from RPN-only models' dataset = JsonDataset(dataset_name, args.dataset_dir) timers = defaultdict(Timer) roidb, dataset, start_ind, end_ind, total_num_images = get_roidb_and_dataset(dataset, proposal_file, ind_range, args) num_images = len(roidb) image_ids = [] if cfg.MODEL.TRANS_HEAD_ON: json_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'json_'+args.list_flag+'_trans') else: json_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'json_'+args.list_flag) json_dir += '_iou_' + str(args.iou_ignore_threshold) if not cfg.TEST.BBOX_AUG.ENABLED: json_dir += '_BBOX_AUG_single_scale' else: json_dir += '_BBOX_AUG_multiple_scale' if not cfg.TEST.CAR_CLS_AUG.ENABLED: json_dir += '_CAR_CLS_AUG_single_scale' else: json_dir += '_CAR_CLS_AUG_multiple_scale' if cfg.TEST.GEOMETRIC_TRANS: json_dir += '_GEOMETRIC_TRANS' if cfg.TEST.CAR_CLS_AUG.H_FLIP and cfg.TEST.CAR_CLS_AUG.SCALE_H_FLIP: json_dir += '_hflipped' roidb = roidb for i, entry in enumerate(roidb): image_ids.append(entry['image']) args.image_ids = image_ids all_boxes = [[[] for _ in range(num_images)] for _ in range(cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES)] if ind_range is not None: if cfg.TEST.SOFT_NMS.ENABLED: det_name = 'detection_range_%s_%s_soft_nms' % tuple(ind_range) else: det_name = 'detection_range_(%d_%d)_nms_%.1f' % (ind_range[0], ind_range[1], cfg.TEST.NMS) if cfg.TEST.BBOX_AUG.ENABLED: det_name += '_multiple_scale' det_name += '.pkl' else: det_name = 'detections.pkl' det_file = os.path.join(output_dir, det_name) file_complete_flag = [not os.path.exists(os.path.join(json_dir, entry['image'].split('/')[-1][:-4] + '.json')) for entry in roidb] # If we don't have the complete json file, we will load the model and execute the following: if np.sum(file_complete_flag) or not os.path.exists(det_file): model = initialize_model_from_cfg(args, gpu_id=gpu_id) for i in tqdm(range(len(roidb))): entry = roidb[i] if cfg.TEST.PRECOMPUTED_PROPOSALS: # The roidb may contain ground-truth rois (for example, if the roidb # comes from the training or val split). We only want to evaluate # detection on the *non*-ground-truth rois. We select only the rois # that have the gt_classes field set to 0, which means there's no # ground truth. box_proposals = entry['boxes'][entry['gt_classes'] == 0] if len(box_proposals) == 0: continue else: # Faster R-CNN type models generate proposals on-the-fly with an # in-network RPN; 1-stage models don't require proposals. box_proposals = None im = cv2.imread(entry['image']) ignored_mask_img = os.path.join(('/').join(entry['image'].split('/')[:-2]), 'ignore_mask', entry['image'].split('/')[-1]) ignored_mask = cv2.imread(ignored_mask_img, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) ignored_mask_binary = np.zeros(ignored_mask.shape) ignored_mask_binary[ignored_mask > 250] = 1 if cfg.MODEL.NON_LOCAL_TEST and not cfg.TEST.BBOX_AUG.ENABLED: cls_boxes_i, cls_segms_i, _, car_cls_i, euler_angle_i, trans_pred_i, f_div_C = im_detect_all(model, im, box_proposals, timers, dataset) else: cls_boxes_i, cls_segms_i, _, car_cls_i, euler_angle_i, trans_pred_i = im_detect_all(model, im, box_proposals, timers, dataset) extend_results(i, all_boxes, cls_boxes_i) # We draw the grid overlap with an image here if False: f_div_C_plot = f_div_C.copy() grid_size = 32 # This is the res5 output space fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2) ax1.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) ax1.grid(which='minor') # We choose the point here: # x, y = int(1757/grid_size), int(1040/grid_size) # val 164 x, y = int(1830/grid_size), int(1855/grid_size) # draw a patch hre rect = patches.Rectangle((x*grid_size-grid_size, y*grid_size-grid_size), grid_size*3, grid_size*3, linewidth=1, edgecolor='m', facecolor='m') ax1.add_patch(rect) #att_point_map = f_div_C_plot[106*x+y, :] att_point_map = f_div_C_plot[106*y+x, :] att_point_map = np.reshape(att_point_map, (85, 106)) ax2.imshow(att_point_map, cmap='jet') # we draw 20 arrows for i in range(10): x_max, y_max = np.unravel_index(att_point_map.argmax(), att_point_map.shape) v = att_point_map[x_max, y_max] att_point_map[x_max, y_max] = 0 ax1.arrow(x*grid_size, y*grid_size, (y_max-x)*grid_size, (x_max-y)*grid_size, fc="r", ec="r", head_width=(10-i)*grid_size/2, head_length=grid_size) if i % 10 == 0: # Reduce log file size ave_total_time = np.sum([t.average_time for t in timers.values()]) eta_seconds = ave_total_time * (num_images - i - 1) eta = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(eta_seconds))) det_time = timers['im_detect_bbox'].average_time triple_head_time = timers['triple_head'].average_time misc_time = ( timers['misc_bbox'].average_time + timers['misc_mask'].average_time ) ( 'im_detect: range [{:d}, {:d}] of {:d}: ' '{:d}/{:d} det-time: {:.3f}s + triple-head-time: {:.3f}s + misc_time: {:.3f}s (eta: {})' ).format( start_ind + 1, end_ind, total_num_images, start_ind + i + 1, start_ind + num_images, det_time, triple_head_time, misc_time, eta ) ) im_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(entry['image']))[0] vis_utils.write_pose_to_json( im_name=im_name, output_dir=json_dir, boxes=cls_boxes_i, car_cls_prob=car_cls_i, euler_angle=euler_angle_i, trans_pred=trans_pred_i, segms=cls_segms_i, dataset=dataset.Car3D, thresh=cfg.TEST.SCORE_THRESH_FOR_TRUTH_DETECTION, ignored_mask_binary=ignored_mask_binary.astype('uint8'), iou_ignore_threshold=args.iou_ignore_threshold ) if cfg.VIS: vis_utils.vis_one_image_eccv2018_car_3d( im[:, :, ::-1], '{:d}_{:s}'.format(i, im_name), os.path.join(output_dir, 'vis_'+args.list_flag), boxes=cls_boxes_i, car_cls_prob=car_cls_i, euler_angle=euler_angle_i, trans_pred=trans_pred_i, car_models=dataset.Car3D.car_models, intrinsic=dataset.Car3D.get_intrinsic_mat(), segms=cls_segms_i, keypoints=None, thresh=0.9, box_alpha=0.8, dataset=dataset.Car3D) save_object(dict(all_boxes=all_boxes), det_file) # The following evaluate the detection result from Faster-RCNN Head # If we have already computed the boxes if os.path.exists(det_file): obj = load_object(det_file) all_boxes = obj['all_boxes'] # this is a hack if False: import glob det_files = sorted(glob.glob(args.output_dir+'/detection_range_*.pkl')) det_files = [det_files[4], det_files[1], det_files[2], det_files[3]] obj = load_object(det_files[0]) all_boxes = obj['all_boxes'] for df in det_files: obj = load_object(df) boxes = obj['all_boxes'] for i in range(len(boxes)): all_boxes[i] = all_boxes[i] + boxes[i] save_object(dict(all_boxes=all_boxes), det_file) results = task_evaluation.evaluate_boxes(dataset, all_boxes, output_dir, args) # The following evaluate the mAP of car poses args.test_dir = json_dir args.gt_dir = args.dataset_dir + 'car_poses' args.res_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'json_'+args.list_flag+'_res.txt') args.simType = None det_3d_metric = Detect3DEval(args) det_3d_metric.evaluate() det_3d_metric.accumulate() det_3d_metric.summarize()
def main(): """main function""" if not torch.cuda.is_available(): sys.exit("Need a CUDA device to run the code.") args = parse_args() print('Called with args:') print(args) assert args.image_dir or args.images assert bool(args.image_dir) ^ bool(args.images) if args.dataset.startswith("coco"): dataset = datasets.get_coco_dataset() cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES = len(dataset.classes) elif args.dataset.startswith("keypoints_coco"): dataset = datasets.get_coco_dataset() cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES = 2 else: raise ValueError('Unexpected dataset name: {}'.format(args.dataset)) print('load cfg from file: {}'.format(args.cfg_file)) cfg_from_file(args.cfg_file) if args.set_cfgs is not None: cfg_from_list(args.set_cfgs) assert bool(args.load_ckpt) ^ bool(args.load_detectron), \ 'Exactly one of --load_ckpt and --load_detectron should be specified.' cfg.MODEL.LOAD_IMAGENET_PRETRAINED_WEIGHTS = False # Don't need to load imagenet pretrained weights assert_and_infer_cfg() maskRCNN = Generalized_RCNN() if args.cuda: maskRCNN.cuda() if args.load_ckpt: load_name = args.load_ckpt print("loading checkpoint %s" % (load_name)) checkpoint = torch.load(load_name, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) net_utils.load_ckpt(maskRCNN, checkpoint['model']) if args.load_detectron: print("loading detectron weights %s" % args.load_detectron) load_detectron_weight(maskRCNN, args.load_detectron) video_path = video_save_dir = args.video_save_dir if not os.path.exists(video_save_dir): os.mkdir(video_save_dir) maskRCNN = mynn.DataParallel(maskRCNN, cpu_keywords=['im_info', 'roidb'], minibatch=True, device_ids=[0]) # only support single GPU maskRCNN.eval() capture = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path) frame_count = 0 batch_size = 1 frame_list = [] while True: ret, frame = # Bail out when the video file ends if not ret: break # Save each frame of the video to a list frame_count += 1 frame_list.append(frame) if len(frame_list) == batch_size: for i, frame in enumerate(frame_list): timers = defaultdict(Timer) cls_boxes, cls_segms, cls_keyps = im_detect_all(maskRCNN, frame, timers=timers) name = '{0}'.format(frame_count + i - batch_size) print('\n' + name) vis_utils.vis_one_image( frame[:, :, ::-1], # BGR -> RGB for visualization name, video_save_dir, cls_boxes, cls_segms, cls_keyps, dataset=dataset, box_alpha=0.3, show_class=True, thresh=0.8, kp_thresh=2, ext='jpg') # Clear the frames array to start the next batch frame_list = [] images = list(glob.iglob(os.path.join(video_save_dir, '*.jpg'))) # Sort the images by integer index images = sorted(images, key=lambda x: float(os.path.split(x)[1][:-3])) outvid = os.path.join(video_save_dir, "out.mp4") make_video(outvid, images, fps=30) extract_audio = 'ffmpeg -i %s -vn -acodec copy %s/out.aac' % ( video_path, video_save_dir), shell=True) merge_audio_video = "ffmpeg -i %s/out.aac -i %s/out.mp4 -codec copy -shortest %s/final.mp4" % ( video_save_dir, video_save_dir, video_save_dir), shell=True)
def test_net( args, dataset_name, proposal_file, output_dir, ind_range=None, gpu_id=0): """Run inference on all images in a dataset or over an index range of images in a dataset using a single GPU. """ assert not cfg.MODEL.RPN_ONLY, 'Use rpn_generate to generate proposals from RPN-only models' dataset = JsonDataset(dataset_name, args.dataset_dir) timers = defaultdict(Timer) if ind_range is not None: if cfg.TEST.SOFT_NMS.ENABLED: det_name = 'detection_range_%s_%s_soft_nms.pkl' % tuple(ind_range) else: det_name = 'detection_range_(%d_%d)_nms_%.1f.pkl' % (ind_range[0], ind_range[1], cfg.TEST.NMS) else: det_name = 'detections.pkl' det_file = os.path.join(output_dir, det_name) roidb, dataset, start_ind, end_ind, total_num_images = get_roidb_and_dataset(dataset, proposal_file, ind_range, args) num_images = len(roidb) image_ids = [] num_classes = cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES all_boxes, all_segms, all_keyps = empty_results(num_classes, num_images) for i, entry in enumerate(roidb): image_ids.append(entry['image']) args.image_ids = image_ids # If we have already computed the boxes if os.path.exists(det_file): obj = load_object(det_file) all_boxes, all_segms, all_keyps = obj['all_boxes'], obj['all_segms'], obj['all_keyps'] else: model = initialize_model_from_cfg(args, gpu_id=gpu_id) for i, entry in enumerate(roidb): if cfg.TEST.PRECOMPUTED_PROPOSALS: # The roidb may contain ground-truth rois (for example, if the roidb # comes from the training or val split). We only want to evaluate # detection on the *non*-ground-truth rois. We select only the rois # that have the gt_classes field set to 0, which means there's no # ground truth. box_proposals = entry['boxes'][entry['gt_classes'] == 0] if len(box_proposals) == 0: continue else: # Faster R-CNN type models generate proposals on-the-fly with an # in-network RPN; 1-stage models don't require proposals. box_proposals = None im = cv2.imread(entry['image']) cls_boxes_i, cls_segms_i, cls_keyps_i, car_cls_i, euler_angle_i, trans_pred_i = im_detect_all(model, im, box_proposals, timers, dataset) extend_results(i, all_boxes, cls_boxes_i) if cls_segms_i is not None: extend_results(i, all_segms, cls_segms_i) if cls_keyps_i is not None: extend_results(i, all_keyps, cls_keyps_i) if i % 10 == 0: # Reduce log file size ave_total_time = np.sum([t.average_time for t in timers.values()]) eta_seconds = ave_total_time * (num_images - i - 1) eta = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(eta_seconds))) det_time = ( timers['im_detect_bbox'].average_time + timers['im_detect_mask'].average_time + timers['im_detect_keypoints'].average_time ) misc_time = ( timers['misc_bbox'].average_time + timers['misc_mask'].average_time + timers['misc_keypoints'].average_time ) ( 'im_detect: range [{:d}, {:d}] of {:d}: ' '{:d}/{:d} {:.3f}s + {:.3f}s (eta: {})' ).format( start_ind + 1, end_ind, total_num_images, start_ind + i + 1, start_ind + num_images, det_time, misc_time, eta ) ) if cfg.VIS: im_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(entry['image']))[0] vis_utils.vis_one_image_eccv2018_car_3d( im[:, :, ::-1], '{:d}_{:s}'.format(i, im_name), os.path.join(output_dir, 'vis'), boxes=cls_boxes_i, car_cls_prob=car_cls_i, euler_angle=euler_angle_i, trans_pred=trans_pred_i, car_models=dataset.Car3D.car_models, intrinsic=dataset.Car3D.get_intrinsic_mat(), segms=cls_segms_i, keypoints=cls_keyps_i, thresh=0.9, box_alpha=0.8, dataset=dataset.Car3D) cfg_yaml = yaml.dump(cfg) save_object( dict( all_boxes=all_boxes, all_segms=all_segms, all_keyps=all_keyps, cfg=cfg_yaml ), det_file )'Wrote detections to: {}'.format(os.path.abspath(det_file))) results = task_evaluation.evaluate_all(dataset, all_boxes, all_segms, all_keyps, output_dir, args) return results
def main(): """main function""" if not torch.cuda.is_available(): sys.exit("Need a CUDA device to run the code.") args = parse_args() print('Called with args:') print(args) assert args.image_dir or args.images assert bool(args.image_dir) ^ bool(args.images) if args.dataset.startswith("coco"): dataset = datasets.get_coco_dataset() cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES = len(dataset.classes) elif args.dataset.startswith("keypoints_coco"): dataset = datasets.get_coco_dataset() cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES = 2 else: raise ValueError('Unexpected dataset name: {}'.format(args.dataset)) print('load cfg from file: {}'.format(args.cfg_file)) cfg_from_file(args.cfg_file) if args.set_cfgs is not None: cfg_from_list(args.set_cfgs) assert bool(args.load_ckpt) ^ bool(args.load_detectron), \ 'Exactly one of --load_ckpt and --load_detectron should be specified.' cfg.MODEL.LOAD_IMAGENET_PRETRAINED_WEIGHTS = False # Don't need to load imagenet pretrained weights assert_and_infer_cfg() maskRCNN = Generalized_RCNN() if args.cuda: maskRCNN.cuda() if args.load_ckpt: load_name = args.load_ckpt print("loading checkpoint %s" % (load_name)) checkpoint = torch.load(load_name, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) net_utils.load_ckpt(maskRCNN, checkpoint['model']) if args.load_detectron: print("loading detectron weights %s" % args.load_detectron) load_detectron_weight(maskRCNN, args.load_detectron) maskRCNN = mynn.DataParallel(maskRCNN, cpu_keywords=['im_info', 'roidb'], minibatch=True, device_ids=[0]) # only support single GPU maskRCNN.eval() if args.image_dir: imglist = misc_utils.get_imagelist_from_dir(args.image_dir) else: imglist = args.images num_images = len(imglist) if not os.path.exists(args.output_dir): os.makedirs(args.output_dir) for i in xrange(num_images): print('img', i) im = cv2.imread(imglist[i]) assert im is not None timers = defaultdict(Timer) cls_boxes, cls_segms, cls_keyps = im_detect_all(maskRCNN, im, timers=timers) im_name, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(imglist[i])) vis_utils.vis_one_image( im[:, :, ::-1], # BGR -> RGB for visualization im_name, args.output_dir, cls_boxes, cls_segms, cls_keyps, dataset=dataset, box_alpha=0.3, show_class=True, thresh=0.7, kp_thresh=2) if args.merge_pdfs and num_images > 1: merge_out_path = '{}/results.pdf'.format(args.output_dir) if os.path.exists(merge_out_path): os.remove(merge_out_path) command = "pdfunite {}/*.pdf {}".format(args.output_dir, merge_out_path), shell=True)
from __future__ import absolute_import
def test_net(args, dataset_name, proposal_file, output_dir, ind_range=None, gpu_id=0): """Run inference on all images in a dataset or over an index range of images in a dataset using a single GPU. """ #assert not cfg.MODEL.RPN_ONLY, \ # 'Use rpn_generate to generate proposals from RPN-only models' roidb, dataset, start_ind, end_ind, total_num_images = get_roidb_and_dataset( dataset_name, proposal_file, ind_range) model = initialize_model_from_cfg(args, gpu_id=gpu_id) num_images = len(roidb) num_classes = cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES all_boxes, all_segms, all_keyps = empty_results(num_classes, num_images) timers = defaultdict(Timer) for i, entry in enumerate(roidb): if cfg.TEST.PRECOMPUTED_PROPOSALS: # The roidb may contain ground-truth rois (for example, if the roidb # comes from the training or val split). We only want to evaluate # detection on the *non*-ground-truth rois. We select only the rois # that have the gt_classes field set to 0, which means there's no # ground truth. box_proposals = entry['boxes'][entry['gt_classes'] == 0] if len(box_proposals) == 0: continue else: # Faster R-CNN type models generate proposals on-the-fly with an # in-network RPN; 1-stage models don't require proposals. box_proposals = None im = io.imread(entry['image']) im_name = entry['image'].split('/')[-1][:-4] if cfg.TEST.DATASETS == ('nuclei_det_seg_train', ): track = entry['image'].split('/')[-2] det_file = os.path.join(output_dir, track + '_' + im_name + '.pkl') else: det_file = os.path.join(output_dir, im_name + '.pkl') cls_boxes_i, cls_segms_i, cls_keyps_i = im_detect_all( model, im, box_proposals, timers) save_object( dict( all_boxes=cls_boxes_i, all_segms=cls_segms_i, #all_keyps=all_keyps, #cfg=cfg_yaml ), det_file)'Wrote detections to: {}'.format( os.path.abspath(det_file))) if i % 10 == 0: # Reduce log file size ave_total_time = np.sum([t.average_time for t in timers.values()]) eta_seconds = ave_total_time * (num_images - i - 1) eta = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(eta_seconds))) det_time = (timers['im_detect_bbox'].average_time + timers['im_detect_mask'].average_time + timers['im_detect_keypoints'].average_time) misc_time = (timers['misc_bbox'].average_time + timers['misc_mask'].average_time + timers['misc_keypoints'].average_time)'im_detect: range [{:d}, {:d}] of {:d}: ' '{:d}/{:d} {:.3f}s + {:.3f}s (eta: {})').format( start_ind + 1, end_ind, total_num_images, start_ind + i + 1, start_ind + num_images, det_time, misc_time, eta)) # det_file = os.path.join(output_dir, det_name) '''save_object( dict( all_boxes=all_boxes, all_segms=all_segms, all_keyps=all_keyps, cfg=cfg_yaml ), det_file )''''Wrote detections to: {}'.format(os.path.abspath(det_file))) return all_boxes, all_segms, all_keyps
def main(): """main function""" if not torch.cuda.is_available(): sys.exit("Need a CUDA device to run the code.") args = parse_args() print('Called with args:') print(args) assert args.image_dir or args.images assert bool(args.image_dir) ^ bool(args.images) if args.dataset.startswith("coco"): dataset = datasets.get_coco_dataset() cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES = len(dataset.classes) elif args.dataset.startswith("keypoints_coco"): dataset = datasets.get_coco_dataset() cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES = 2 else: raise ValueError('Unexpected dataset name: {}'.format(args.dataset)) print('load cfg from file: {}'.format(args.cfg_file)) cfg_from_file(args.cfg_file) if args.set_cfgs is not None: cfg_from_list(args.set_cfgs) assert bool(args.load_ckpt) ^ bool(args.load_detectron), \ 'Exactly one of --load_ckpt and --load_detectron should be specified.' cfg.MODEL.LOAD_IMAGENET_PRETRAINED_WEIGHTS = False # Don't need to load imagenet pretrained weights assert_and_infer_cfg() maskRCNN = Generalized_RCNN() if args.cuda: maskRCNN.cuda() if args.load_ckpt: load_name = args.load_ckpt print("loading checkpoint %s" % (load_name)) checkpoint = torch.load(load_name, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) net_utils.load_ckpt(maskRCNN, checkpoint['model']) if args.load_detectron: print("loading detectron weights %s" % args.load_detectron) load_detectron_weight(maskRCNN, args.load_detectron) maskRCNN = mynn.DataParallel(maskRCNN, cpu_keywords=['im_info', 'roidb'], minibatch=True, device_ids=[0]) # only support single GPU maskRCNN.eval() if args.image_dir: imglist = misc_utils.get_imagelist_from_dir(args.image_dir) else: imglist = args.images num_images = len(imglist) if not os.path.exists(args.output_dir): os.makedirs(args.output_dir) for i in xrange(num_images): print('img', i) im = cv2.imread(imglist[i]) assert im is not None timers = defaultdict(Timer) cls_boxes, cls_segms, cls_keyps = im_detect_all(maskRCNN, im, timers=timers) im_name, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(imglist[i])) vis_utils.vis_one_image( im[:, :, ::-1], # BGR -> RGB for visualization im_name, args.output_dir, cls_boxes, cls_segms, cls_keyps, dataset=dataset, box_alpha=0.3, show_class=True, thresh=0.7, kp_thresh=2 ) if args.merge_pdfs and num_images > 1: merge_out_path = '{}/results.pdf'.format(args.output_dir) if os.path.exists(merge_out_path): os.remove(merge_out_path) command = "pdfunite {}/*.pdf {}".format(args.output_dir, merge_out_path), shell=True)
def main(): """main function""" if not torch.cuda.is_available(): sys.exit("Need a CUDA device to run the code.") args = parse_args() print('Called with args:') print(args) assert args.image_dir or args.images assert bool(args.image_dir) ^ bool(args.images) if args.dataset.startswith("coco"): dataset = datasets.get_coco_dataset() cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES = len(dataset.classes) elif args.dataset.startswith("keypoints_coco"): dataset = datasets.get_coco_dataset() cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES = 2 elif args.dataset.startswith("keypoints_carfusion"): dataset = datasets.get_coco_dataset() cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES = 2 else: raise ValueError('Unexpected dataset name: {}'.format(args.dataset)) assert bool(args.load_ckpt_car) ^ bool(args.load_detectron), \ 'Exactly one of --load_ckpt and --load_detectron should be specified.' print('load cfg from file: {}'.format(args.cfg_file_person)) cfg_from_file(args.cfg_file_person) if args.set_cfgs is not None: cfg_from_list(args.set_cfgs) cfg.RESNETS.IMAGENET_PRETRAINED = False # Don't need to load imagenet pretrained weights assert_and_infer_cfg() maskRCNN_person = Generalized_RCNN() #print('load cfg from file: {}'.format(args.cfg_file_person)) #cfg_from_file(args.cfg_file_person) #assert_and_infer_cfg() #maskRCNN_person = Generalized_RCNN() if args.visualize: save_image = True if args.cuda: maskRCNN_person.cuda() if args.load_ckpt_person: load_name = args.load_ckpt_person print("loading checkpoint for person %s" % (load_name)) checkpoint_person = torch.load( load_name, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) net_utils.load_ckpt(maskRCNN_person, checkpoint_person['model']) if args.load_detectron: print("loading detectron weights %s" % args.load_detectron) load_detectron_weight(maskRCNN_car, args.load_detectron) maskRCNN_person = mynn.DataParallel( maskRCNN_person, cpu_keywords=['im_info', 'roidb'], minibatch=True, device_ids=[0]) # only support single GPU maskRCNN_person.eval() print('load cfg from file: {}'.format(args.cfg_file_car)) cfg_from_file(args.cfg_file_car) if args.set_cfgs is not None: cfg_from_list(args.set_cfgs) #cfg.RESNETS.IMAGENET_PRETRAINED = False # Don't need to load imagenet pretrained weights #assert_and_infer_cfg() maskRCNN_car = Generalized_RCNN() if args.cuda: maskRCNN_car.cuda() if args.load_ckpt_car: load_name = args.load_ckpt_car print("loading checkpoint for car %s" % (load_name)) checkpoint_car = torch.load(load_name, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) net_utils.load_ckpt(maskRCNN_car, checkpoint_car['model']) maskRCNN_car = mynn.DataParallel(maskRCNN_car, cpu_keywords=['im_info', 'roidb'], minibatch=True, device_ids=[0]) # only support single GPU maskRCNN_car.eval() if args.image_dir: imglist = misc_utils.get_imagelist_from_dir(args.image_dir) else: imglist = args.images num_images = len(imglist) if not os.path.exists(args.output_dir): os.makedirs(args.output_dir) #imglist.sort(key=lambda f: int(filter(str.isdigit, f))) l = imglist try: imglist = sorted( l, key=lambda x: int(os.path.splitext(x)[0].split('/')[-1])) except: print('images couldnot be sorted') for i in xrange(num_images): print('img', i, ' out of ', num_images, ' filename: ', imglist[i].split('/')[-1], ' in camera', imglist[i].split('/')[-2]) im = cv2.imread(imglist[i]) try: assert im is not None except: continue timers = defaultdict(Timer) im_name, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(imglist[i])) #print(im_name) output_name = os.path.basename(im_name) + '.txt' output_file = os.path.join(args.output_dir, '{}'.format(output_name)) text_file = open(output_file, "w") cfg_from_file(args.cfg_file_car) cls_boxes_car, cls_segms_car, cls_keyps_car, features_car = im_detect_all( maskRCNN_car, im, timers=timers) if len(cls_boxes_car[1]) > 0: features_car = #print(loop,loop2) #print(distance_matrix) #plt.figure() #plot_confusion_matrix(distance_matrix, classes=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6], #title='Confusion matrix, without normalization') #fig = plt.figure() #ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) #ax.set_aspect('equal') #plt.imshow(distance_matrix, interpolation='nearest', #plt.colorbar() #fig.savefig('1.png') count = 0 filename = 'finalized_model.txt' loaded_model = pickle.load(open(filename, 'rb')) for ind, bb in enumerate(cls_boxes_car[1]): string = str(count) keyps = [k for klist in cls_keyps_car for k in klist] bb_new = [bb[0], bb[1], bb[2] - bb[0], bb[3] - bb[1]] features = features_car[ind, :, :, :].flatten() pca_feature = [] pca_feature.append(np.transpose(features.astype(np.float))) #print(pca_feature) features = loaded_model.transform(pca_feature) features = features[0] #loaded_model.transform(pca_feature) if bb[4] < 0.5: continue #for bb_ind,val in enumerate(bb_new): # string = string + ',' + str(val) for kp_ind, kp in enumerate(keyps[ind][0]): string = string + ',' + str(kp) + ',' + str( keyps[ind][1][kp_ind]) + ',' + str( int(keyps[ind][2][kp_ind])) for feature_ind, feature in enumerate(features): string = string + ',' + str(feature) string = string + ',car' text_file.write(string) text_file.write('\n') #print(string) count = count + 1 cfg_from_file(args.cfg_file_person) cls_boxes_person, cls_segms_person, cls_keyps_person, features_person = im_detect_all( maskRCNN_person, im, timers=timers) if len(cls_boxes_person[1]) > 0: features_person = for ind, bb in enumerate(cls_boxes_person[1]): string = str(count) keyps = [k for klist in cls_keyps_person for k in klist] bb_new = [bb[0], bb[1], bb[2] - bb[0], bb[3] - bb[1]] features = features_person[ind, :, :, :].flatten() pca_feature = [] pca_feature.append(np.transpose(features.astype(np.float))) #print(pca_feature) features = loaded_model.transform(pca_feature) features = features[0] #loaded_model.transform(pca_feature) #features = loaded_model.transform(np.transpose(features.astype(np.float))) # print(features) if bb[4] < 0.5: continue for bb_ind, val in enumerate(bb_new): string = string + ',' + str(val) for kp_ind, kp in enumerate(keyps[ind][0]): string = string + ',' + str(kp) + ',' + str( keyps[ind][1][kp_ind]) + ',' + str( int(keyps[ind][2][kp_ind])) for feature_ind, feature in enumerate(features): string = string + ',' + str(feature) string = string + ',person' text_file.write(string) text_file.write('\n') #print(string) count = count + 1 if save_image == True: im_name, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(imglist[i])) image_car = vis_utils.vis_one_image_car( im[:, :, ::-1], # BGR -> RGB for visualization im_name, args.output_dir, cls_boxes_car, cls_segms_car, cls_keyps_car, dataset=dataset, box_alpha=0.3, show_class=True, thresh=0.5, kp_thresh=0.1) output_name = os.path.basename(im_name) + '.png' im = cv2.imread( os.path.join(args.output_dir, '{}'.format(output_name))) if im is None: continue continue vis_utils.vis_one_image( im[:, :, ::-1], # BGR -> RGB for visualization im_name, args.output_dir, cls_boxes_person, cls_segms_person, cls_keyps_person, dataset=dataset, box_alpha=0.3, show_class=True, thresh=0.5, kp_thresh=10) if args.merge_pdfs and num_images > 1 and save_image == True: merge_out_path = '{}/results.pdf'.format(args.output_dir) if os.path.exists(merge_out_path): os.remove(merge_out_path) command = "pdfunite {}/*.pdf {}".format(args.output_dir, merge_out_path), shell=True)
def test_net(args, dataset_name, proposal_file, output_dir, ind_range=None, gpu_id=0, active_model=None, step=None): """Run inference on all images in a dataset or over an index range of images in a dataset using a single GPU. """ assert not cfg.MODEL.RPN_ONLY, \ 'Use rpn_generate to generate proposals from RPN-only models' roidb, dataset, start_ind, end_ind, total_num_images = get_roidb_and_dataset( dataset_name, proposal_file, ind_range) if active_model is None: model = initialize_model_from_cfg(args, gpu_id=gpu_id) else: model = active_model if 'train' in dataset_name: mode = 'train' elif 'val' in dataset_name: mode = 'val' elif 'test' in dataset_name: mode = 'test' else: raise Exception num_images = len(roidb) num_classes = cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES # num_images = 5 all_boxes, all_segms, all_keyps, all_hois, all_keyps_vcoco = empty_results( num_classes, num_images) timers = defaultdict(Timer) all_losses = defaultdict(list) for i, entry in enumerate(roidb): if cfg.TEST.PRECOMPUTED_PROPOSALS: # The roidb may contain ground-truth rois (for example, if the roidb # comes from the training or val split). We only want to evaluate # detection on the *non*-ground-truth rois. We select only the rois # that have the gt_classes field set to 0, which means there's no # ground truth. box_proposals = entry['boxes'][entry['gt_classes'] == 0] if len(box_proposals) == 0: continue else: # Faster R-CNN type models generate proposals on-the-fly with an # in-network RPN; 1-stage models don't require proposals. box_proposals = None # h, w, c im = cv2.imread(entry['image']) if not cfg.VCOCO.USE_PRECOMP_BOX: cls_boxes_i, cls_segms_i, cls_keyps_i, hoi_res_i, vcoco_cls_keyps_i, loss_i = \ im_detect_all(model, im, box_proposals, timers, entry) else: cls_boxes_i, cls_segms_i, cls_keyps_i, hoi_res_i, vcoco_cls_keyps_i, loss_i = \ im_detect_all_precomp_box(model, im, timers, entry, mode, dataset.json_category_id_to_contiguous_id) extend_results(i, all_boxes, cls_boxes_i) if cls_segms_i is not None: extend_results(i, all_segms, cls_segms_i) if cls_keyps_i is not None: extend_results(i, all_keyps, cls_keyps_i) if hoi_res_i is not None: all_hois[entry['id']] = hoi_res_i if vcoco_cls_keyps_i is not None: extend_results(i, all_keyps_vcoco, vcoco_cls_keyps_i) if loss_i['interaction_action_loss'] is not None: for k, v in loss_i.items(): all_losses[k].append(v) cfg_yaml = yaml.dump(cfg) if ind_range is not None: det_name = 'detection_range_%s_%s.pkl' % tuple(ind_range) else: if step is None: det_name = 'detections.pkl' else: det_name = 'detections_step{}.pkl'.format(step) det_file = os.path.join(output_dir, det_name) save_object( dict(all_boxes=all_boxes, all_segms=all_segms, all_keyps=all_keyps, all_hois=all_hois, all_keyps_vcoco=all_keyps_vcoco, all_losses=all_losses, cfg=cfg_yaml), det_file)'Wrote detections to: {}'.format(os.path.abspath(det_file))) return all_boxes, all_segms, all_keyps, all_hois, all_keyps_vcoco, all_losses
def main(): """main function""" if not torch.cuda.is_available(): sys.exit("Need a CUDA device to run the code.") args = parse_args() print('Called with args:') print(args) assert args.image_dir or args.images assert bool(args.image_dir) ^ bool(args.images) prefix_path = args.output_dir + '_results' if os.path.exists(prefix_path): shutil.rmtree(prefix_path) os.mkdir(prefix_path) else: os.mkdir(prefix_path) if args.dataset.startswith("coco"): dataset = datasets.get_coco_dataset() cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES = len(dataset.classes) elif args.dataset.startswith("keypoints_coco"): dataset = datasets.get_coco_dataset() cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES = 2 else: raise ValueError('Unexpected dataset name: {}'.format(args.dataset)) print('load cfg from file: {}'.format(args.cfg_file)) cfg_from_file(args.cfg_file) if args.set_cfgs is not None: cfg_from_list(args.set_cfgs) assert bool(args.load_ckpt) ^ bool(args.load_detectron), \ 'Exactly one of --load_ckpt and --load_detectron should be specified.' cfg.MODEL.LOAD_IMAGENET_PRETRAINED_WEIGHTS = False # Don't need to load imagenet pretrained weights assert_and_infer_cfg() maskRCNN = Generalized_RCNN() if args.cuda: maskRCNN.cuda() if args.load_ckpt: load_name = args.load_ckpt print("loading checkpoint %s" % (load_name)) checkpoint = torch.load(load_name, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) net_utils.load_ckpt(maskRCNN, checkpoint['model']) if args.load_detectron: print("loading detectron weights %s" % args.load_detectron) load_detectron_weight(maskRCNN, args.load_detectron) maskRCNN = mynn.DataParallel(maskRCNN, cpu_keywords=['im_info', 'roidb'], minibatch=True, device_ids=[0]) # only support single GPU maskRCNN.eval() if args.image_dir: imglist = misc_utils.get_imagelist_from_dir(args.image_dir) else: imglist = args.images num_images = len(imglist) for i in tqdm(range(num_images)): im = cv2.imread(imglist[i]) assert im is not None timers = defaultdict(Timer) cls_boxes, cls_segms, cls_keyps = im_detect_all(maskRCNN, im, timers=timers) im_name, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(imglist[i])) boxes, _, _, classes = convert_from_cls_format(cls_boxes, cls_segms, cls_keyps) if classes == []: continue voc_boxes = np.zeros_like(boxes) voc_boxes[:, 0:1] = boxes[:, 4:5] voc_boxes[:, 1:3] = boxes[:, 0:2] + 1 voc_boxes[:, 3:5] = boxes[:, 2:4] + 1 for instance_idx, cls_idx in enumerate(classes): cls_name = dataset.classes[cls_idx] if cls_name == 'motorcycle': cls_name = 'motorbike' f = open(os.path.join(prefix_path, cls_name + ".txt"), "a+") f.write("%s " % im_name) for item in voc_boxes[instance_idx]: f.write("%f " % item) f.write("\n") f.close()
def main(): """main function""" os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '1' if not torch.cuda.is_available(): sys.exit("Need a CUDA device to run the code.") args = parse_args() print('Called with args:') print(args) assert args.image_dir or args.images assert bool(args.image_dir) ^ bool(args.images) if args.dataset.startswith("coco"): dataset = datasets.get_coco_dataset() cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES = len(dataset.classes) elif args.dataset.startswith("keypoints_coco"): dataset = datasets.get_coco_dataset() cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES = 2 else: raise ValueError('Unexpected dataset name: {}'.format(args.dataset)) print('load cfg from file: {}'.format(args.cfg_file)) cfg_from_file(args.cfg_file) if args.set_cfgs is not None: cfg_from_list(args.set_cfgs) assert bool(args.load_ckpt) ^ bool(args.load_detectron), \ 'Exactly one of --load_ckpt and --load_detectron should be specified.' cfg.MODEL.LOAD_IMAGENET_PRETRAINED_WEIGHTS = False # Don't need to load imagenet pretrained weights assert_and_infer_cfg() maskRCNN = Generalized_RCNN() if args.cuda: maskRCNN.cuda() if args.load_ckpt: load_name = args.load_ckpt print("loading checkpoint %s" % (load_name)) checkpoint = torch.load(load_name, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) net_utils.load_ckpt(maskRCNN, checkpoint['model']) if args.load_detectron: print("loading detectron weights %s" % args.load_detectron) load_detectron_weight(maskRCNN, args.load_detectron) maskRCNN = mynn.DataParallel(maskRCNN, cpu_keywords=['im_info', 'roidb'], minibatch=True, device_ids=[0]) # only support single GPU maskRCNN.eval() params = list(maskRCNN.parameters()) k = 0 for i in params: l = 1 for j in i.size(): l *= j k = k + l print('zonghe:' + str(k)) if args.image_dir: imglist = misc_utils.get_imagelist_from_dir(args.image_dir) else: imglist = args.images num_images = len(imglist) if not os.path.exists(args.output_dir): os.makedirs(args.output_dir) for i in xrange(num_images): print('img', i) im = cv2.imread(imglist[i]) assert im is not None timers = defaultdict(Timer) start = time.time() cls_boxes, cls_segms, cls_keyps = im_detect_all(maskRCNN, im, timers=timers) class_result_boxes = [] for index, class_boxes in enumerate(cls_boxes): if len(class_boxes) != 0: class_boxes = class_boxes.tolist() results_oneclass = threeD_detect(imglist[i], class_boxes, index) class_result_boxes.append(results_oneclass) save_image = im color_class = { 'Car': [0, 255, 255], 'Cyclist': [255, 0, 0], 'Pedestrian': [0, 0, 255] } for result_boxes in class_result_boxes: for box in result_boxes: cv2.rectangle(save_image, (box[0], box[1]), (box[2], box[3]), color_class[box[-1]], 2) height = round(box[-2][0], 2) width = round(box[-2][1], 2) length = round(box[-2][2], 2) threeD_info = str(height) + ' ' + str(width) + ' ' + str( length) cv2.putText(save_image, threeD_info, (box[0], box[1] - 20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 1, (255, 0, 0), 2) _, imagename = os.path.split(imglist[i]) imagename2 = imagename.split('.')[0] cv2.imwrite('../output1/%s.png' % imagename2, save_image) end = time.time() print(end - start) im_name, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(imglist[i])) vis_utils.vis_one_image( im[:, :, ::-1], # BGR -> RGB for visualization im_name, args.output_dir, cls_boxes, cls_segms, cls_keyps, dataset=dataset, box_alpha=0.3, show_class=True, thresh=0.7, kp_thresh=2) if args.merge_pdfs and num_images > 1: merge_out_path = '{}/results.pdf'.format(args.output_dir) if os.path.exists(merge_out_path): os.remove(merge_out_path) command = "pdfunite {}/*.pdf {}".format(args.output_dir, merge_out_path), shell=True)
def main(): """main function""" if not torch.cuda.is_available(): sys.exit("Need a CUDA device to run the code.") args = parse_args() print('Called with args:') print(args) print('load cfg from file: {}'.format(args.cfg_file)) cfg_from_file(args.cfg_file) if args.set_cfgs is not None: cfg_from_list(args.set_cfgs) #Do not use RPN. #cfg.MODEL.FASTER_RCNN = False dataset = datasets.get_coco_dataset() cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES = len(dataset.classes) assert bool(args.load_ckpt) ^ bool(args.load_detectron), \ 'Exactly one of --load_ckpt and --load_detectron should be specified.' cfg.MODEL.LOAD_IMAGENET_PRETRAINED_WEIGHTS = False # Don't need to load imagenet pretrained weights assert_and_infer_cfg() train_db = davis_db.DAVIS_imdb(split='val') for seq_idx in range(train_db.get_num_sequence()): train_db.set_to_sequence(seq_idx) seq_name = train_db.get_current_seq_name() save_dir = osp.join(args.output_dir, seq_name) if not os.path.exists(save_dir): os.makedirs(save_dir) else: merge_out_path = '{}/results.pdf'.format(save_dir) if osp.exists(merge_out_path): continue for idx in range(train_db.get_current_seq_length()): im_name = '%02d.pdf' % (idx) print(osp.join(save_dir, im_name)) if osp.exists(osp.join(save_dir, im_name)): continue im = train_db.get_image_cv2(idx) boxes = train_db.get_bboxes(idx) new_boxes = [] for bbox in boxes: new_box = [] new_box.extend(bbox) new_box[2] = new_box[0] + new_box[2] new_box[3] = new_box[1] + new_box[3] new_boxes.append(new_box) boxes = np.array(new_boxes, np.float32) print(boxes.shape) if boxes.shape[0] > 0: device = torch.device( "cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") #boxes = torch.tensor(boxes,device = device) maskRCNN_predictor_with_boxes = Generalized_RCNN_Predictor_with_Boxes( ) if args.cuda: maskRCNN_predictor_with_boxes.cuda() if args.load_ckpt: load_name = args.load_ckpt print("loading checkpoint %s" % (load_name)) checkpoint = torch.load( load_name, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) net_utils.load_ckpt(maskRCNN_predictor_with_boxes, checkpoint['model']) if args.load_detectron: print("loading detectron weights %s" % args.load_detectron) load_detectron_weight(maskRCNN_predictor_with_boxes, args.load_detectron) maskRCNN_predictor_with_boxes = mynn.DataParallel( maskRCNN_predictor_with_boxes, cpu_keywords=['im_info', 'roidb'], minibatch=True, device_ids=[0]) # only support single GPU maskRCNN_predictor_with_boxes.eval() assert im is not None timers = defaultdict(Timer) cls_boxes, cls_segms, cls_keyps = im_detect_all( maskRCNN_predictor_with_boxes, im, timers=timers, box_proposals=boxes) else: cls_boxes = None cls_segms = None cls_keyps = None im_name = '%02d' % (idx) vis_utils.vis_one_image( im[:, :, ::-1], # BGR -> RGB for visualization im_name, save_dir, cls_boxes, cls_segms, cls_keyps, dataset=dataset, box_alpha=0.3, show_class=True, thresh=0.01, kp_thresh=2) if args.merge_pdfs: merge_out_path = '{}/results.pdf'.format(save_dir) if os.path.exists(merge_out_path): os.remove(merge_out_path) command = "pdfunite {}/*.pdf {}".format(save_dir, merge_out_path), shell=True)
def main(): """main function""" if not torch.cuda.is_available(): sys.exit("Need a CUDA device to run the code.") args = parse_args() print('Called with args:') print(args) assert args.image_dir or args.images assert bool(args.image_dir) ^ bool(args.images) if args.dataset.startswith("coco"): dataset = datasets.get_coco_dataset() cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES = len(dataset.classes) elif args.dataset.startswith("keypoints_coco"): dataset = datasets.get_coco_dataset() cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES = 2 elif args.dataset.startswith("gangjin"): dataset = datasets.get_gangjin_dataset() cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES = len(dataset.classes) else: raise ValueError('Unexpected dataset name: {}'.format(args.dataset)) print('load cfg from file: {}'.format(args.cfg_file)) cfg_from_file(args.cfg_file) if args.set_cfgs is not None: cfg_from_list(args.set_cfgs) assert bool(args.load_ckpt) ^ bool(args.load_detectron), \ 'Exactly one of --load_ckpt and --load_detectron should be specified.' cfg.MODEL.LOAD_IMAGENET_PRETRAINED_WEIGHTS = False # Don't need to load imagenet pretrained weights assert_and_infer_cfg() maskRCNN = Generalized_RCNN() if args.cuda: maskRCNN.cuda() if args.load_ckpt: load_name = args.load_ckpt print("loading checkpoint %s" % (load_name)) checkpoint = torch.load(load_name, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) net_utils.load_ckpt(maskRCNN, checkpoint['model']) if args.load_detectron: print("loading detectron weights %s" % args.load_detectron) load_detectron_weight(maskRCNN, args.load_detectron) maskRCNN = mynn.DataParallel(maskRCNN, cpu_keywords=['im_info', 'roidb'], minibatch=True, device_ids=[0]) # only support single GPU maskRCNN.eval() if args.image_dir: imglist = misc_utils.get_imagelist_from_dir(args.image_dir) else: imglist = args.images num_images = len(imglist) if not os.path.exists(args.output_dir): os.makedirs(args.output_dir) img_ids = [] rects = [] for i in range(num_images): print('img', i) im = cv2.imread(imglist[i]) assert im is not None timers = defaultdict(Timer) cls_boxes, cls_segms, cls_keyps = im_detect_all(maskRCNN, im, timers=timers) boxes, segms, keypoints, classes = vis_utils.convert_from_cls_format( cls_boxes, cls_segms, cls_keyps) if boxes is not None: for j in range(len(boxes)): # print(boxes[j][-1]) if float(boxes[j][-1]) < 0.99: # 阀值 continue xmin = float(boxes[j, 0]) xmax = float(boxes[j, 2]) ymin = float(boxes[j, 1]) ymax = float(boxes[j, 3]) img_ids.append(os.path.basename(imglist[i])) rects.append( str(xmin) + " " + str(ymin) + " " + str(xmax) + " " + str(ymax)) # im_name, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(imglist[i])) # vis_utils.vis_one_image( # im[:, :, ::-1], # BGR -> RGB for visualization # im_name, # args.output_dir, # cls_boxes, # cls_segms, # cls_keyps, # dataset=dataset, # box_alpha=0.3, # show_class=False, # thresh=0.99, # kp_thresh=2, # ext="jpg" # ) result_dict = {"ID": img_ids, "rects": rects} import pandas as pd result = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(result_dict) result.to_csv('submit/submit1.csv', header=None, index=False)
def main(): """main function""" if not torch.cuda.is_available(): sys.exit("Need a CUDA device to run the code.") args = parse_args() print('Called with args:') print(args) assert args.image_dir or args.images assert bool(args.image_dir) ^ bool(args.images) prefix_path = args.output_dir os.makedirs(prefix_path, exist_ok=True) if args.dataset.startswith("coco"): dataset = datasets.get_coco_dataset() cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES = len(dataset.classes) elif args.dataset.startswith("keypoints_coco"): dataset = datasets.get_coco_dataset() cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES = 2 else: raise ValueError('Unexpected dataset name: {}'.format(args.dataset)) print('load cfg from file: {}'.format(args.cfg_file)) cfg_from_file(args.cfg_file) if args.set_cfgs is not None: cfg_from_list(args.set_cfgs) assert bool(args.load_ckpt) ^ bool(args.load_detectron), \ 'Exactly one of --load_ckpt and --load_detectron should be specified.' cfg.MODEL.LOAD_IMAGENET_PRETRAINED_WEIGHTS = False # Don't need to load imagenet pretrained weights assert_and_infer_cfg() maskRCNN = Generalized_RCNN() if args.cuda: maskRCNN.cuda() if args.load_ckpt: load_name = args.load_ckpt print("loading checkpoint %s" % (load_name)) checkpoint = torch.load(load_name, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) net_utils.load_ckpt(maskRCNN, checkpoint['model']) if args.load_detectron: print("loading detectron weights %s" % args.load_detectron) load_detectron_weight(maskRCNN, args.load_detectron) maskRCNN = mynn.DataParallel(maskRCNN, cpu_keywords=['im_info', 'roidb'], minibatch=True, device_ids=[0]) # only support single GPU maskRCNN.eval() if args.image_dir: imglist = misc_utils.get_imagelist_from_dir(args.image_dir) else: imglist = args.images num_images = len(imglist) writen_results = [] # validate demo_im = cv2.imread(imglist[0]) print(np.shape(demo_im)) h, w, _ = np.shape(demo_im) #print(h) #print(args.height) assert h == args.height assert w == args.width h_scale = 720 / args.height w_scale = 1280 / args.width for i in tqdm(range(num_images)): im = cv2.imread(imglist[i]) assert im is not None timers = defaultdict(Timer) cls_boxes, cls_segms, cls_keyps = im_detect_all(maskRCNN, im, timers=timers) im_name, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(imglist[i])) # boxs = [[x1, y1, x2, y2, cls], ...] boxes, _, _, classes = convert_from_cls_format(cls_boxes, cls_segms, cls_keyps) if boxes is None: continue # scale boxes[:, 0] = boxes[:, 0] * w_scale boxes[:, 2] = boxes[:, 2] * w_scale boxes[:, 1] = boxes[:, 1] * h_scale boxes[:, 3] = boxes[:, 3] * h_scale if classes == []: continue for instance_idx, cls_idx in enumerate(classes): cls_name = dataset.classes[cls_idx] if cls_name == 'motorcycle': cls_name = 'motor' elif cls_name == 'stop sign': cls_name = 'traffic sign' elif cls_name == 'bicycle': cls_name = 'bike' if cls_name not in bdd_category: continue writen_results.append({ "name": imglist[i].split('/')[-1], "timestamp": 1000, "category": cls_name, "bbox": boxes[instance_idx, :4], "score": boxes[instance_idx, -1] }) with open(os.path.join(prefix_path, + '.json'), 'w') as outputfile: json.dump(writen_results, outputfile, cls=MyEncoder)
def test_net( args, dataset_name, proposal_file, output_dir, ind_range=None, gpu_id=0): """Run inference on all images in a dataset or over an index range of images in a dataset using a single GPU. """ assert not cfg.MODEL.RPN_ONLY, \ 'Use rpn_generate to generate proposals from RPN-only models' roidb, dataset, start_ind, end_ind, total_num_images = get_roidb_and_dataset( dataset_name, proposal_file, ind_range ) model = initialize_model_from_cfg(args, gpu_id=gpu_id) num_images = len(roidb) num_classes = cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES all_boxes, all_segms, all_keyps = empty_results(num_classes, num_images) timers = defaultdict(Timer) for i, entry in enumerate(roidb): if cfg.TEST.PRECOMPUTED_PROPOSALS: # The roidb may contain ground-truth rois (for example, if the roidb # comes from the training or val split). We only want to evaluate # detection on the *non*-ground-truth rois. We select only the rois # that have the gt_classes field set to 0, which means there's no # ground truth. box_proposals = entry['boxes'][entry['gt_classes'] == 0] if len(box_proposals) == 0: continue else: # Faster R-CNN type models generate proposals on-the-fly with an # in-network RPN; 1-stage models don't require proposals. box_proposals = None im = cv2.imread(entry['image']) cls_boxes_i, cls_segms_i, cls_keyps_i = im_detect_all(model, im, box_proposals, timers) extend_results(i, all_boxes, cls_boxes_i) if cls_segms_i is not None: extend_results(i, all_segms, cls_segms_i) if cls_keyps_i is not None: extend_results(i, all_keyps, cls_keyps_i) if i % 10 == 0: # Reduce log file size ave_total_time = np.sum([t.average_time for t in timers.values()]) eta_seconds = ave_total_time * (num_images - i - 1) eta = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(eta_seconds))) det_time = ( timers['im_detect_bbox'].average_time + timers['im_detect_mask'].average_time + timers['im_detect_keypoints'].average_time ) misc_time = ( timers['misc_bbox'].average_time + timers['misc_mask'].average_time + timers['misc_keypoints'].average_time ) ( 'im_detect: range [{:d}, {:d}] of {:d}: ' '{:d}/{:d} {:.3f}s + {:.3f}s (eta: {})' ).format( start_ind + 1, end_ind, total_num_images, start_ind + i + 1, start_ind + num_images, det_time, misc_time, eta ) ) if cfg.VIS: im_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(entry['image']))[0] vis_utils.vis_one_image( im[:, :, ::-1], '{:d}_{:s}'.format(i, im_name), os.path.join(output_dir, 'vis'), cls_boxes_i, segms=cls_segms_i, keypoints=cls_keyps_i, thresh=cfg.VIS_TH, box_alpha=0.8, dataset=dataset, show_class=True ) cfg_yaml = yaml.dump(cfg) if ind_range is not None: det_name = 'detection_range_%s_%s.pkl' % tuple(ind_range) else: det_name = 'detections.pkl' det_file = os.path.join(output_dir, det_name) save_object( dict( all_boxes=all_boxes, all_segms=all_segms, all_keyps=all_keyps, cfg=cfg_yaml ), det_file )'Wrote detections to: {}'.format(os.path.abspath(det_file))) return all_boxes, all_segms, all_keyps
def test_net(args, dataset_name, proposal_file, output_dir, ind_range=None, gpu_id=0): """Run inference on all images in a dataset or over an index range of images in a dataset using a single GPU. """ assert not cfg.MODEL.RPN_ONLY, \ 'Use rpn_generate to generate proposals from RPN-only models' full_roidb, dataset, start_ind, end_ind, total_num_images, total_num_cls, support_dict = get_roidb_and_dataset( dataset_name, proposal_file, ind_range) model = initialize_model_from_cfg(args, gpu_id=gpu_id) base_real_index = full_roidb[start_ind]['real_index'] roidb = full_roidb[start_ind:end_ind] index_ls = [] for item in roidb: index_ls.append(item['real_index']) num_annotations = len(roidb) num_images = len(list(set(index_ls))) num_classes = total_num_cls #cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES all_boxes, all_segms, all_keyps = empty_results(num_classes, num_images) print('part:', num_images) timers = defaultdict(Timer) for i, entry in enumerate(roidb): if cfg.TEST.PRECOMPUTED_PROPOSALS: # The roidb may contain ground-truth rois (for example, if the roidb # comes from the training or val split). We only want to evaluate # detection on the *non*-ground-truth rois. We select only the rois # that have the gt_classes field set to 0, which means there's no # ground truth. box_proposals = entry['boxes'][entry['gt_classes'] == 0] if len(box_proposals) == 0: continue else: # Faster R-CNN type models generate proposals on-the-fly with an # in-network RPN; 1-stage models don't require proposals. box_proposals = None # Get support box index = entry['index'] assert len(list(set(entry['gt_classes']))) == 1 query_cls = list(set(entry['gt_classes']))[ 0] #index_pd.loc[index_pd['index']==index, 'cls_ls'].tolist()[0] query_img = entry[ 'image'] #index_pd.loc[index_pd['index']==index, 'img_ls'].tolist()[0] all_cls = support_dict[query_cls]['all_cls'] support_way = 5 support_shot = 5 support_data_all = np.zeros((support_way * support_shot, 3, 320, 320), dtype=np.float32) support_box_all = np.zeros((support_way * support_shot, 4), dtype=np.float32) support_cls_ls = [] for cls_id, cls in enumerate(all_cls): begin = cls_id * support_shot end = (cls_id + 1) * support_shot support_data_all[begin:end] = support_dict[cls]['img'] support_box_all[begin:end] = support_dict[cls]['box'] support_cls_ls.append(cls) save_path = './vis' im = cv2.imread(entry['image']) cls_boxes_i, cls_segms_i, cls_keyps_i = im_detect_all( model, im, support_data_all, support_box_all, support_cls_ls, support_shot, save_path, box_proposals, timers) #real_index = entry['real_index'] real_index = entry['real_index'] - base_real_index cls_boxes_i = cls_boxes_i[1] for cls in support_cls_ls: extend_support_results( real_index, all_boxes, cls_boxes_i[cls_boxes_i[:, 5] == cls][:, :5], cls) if cls_segms_i is not None: extend_results(i, all_segms, cls_segms_i) if cls_keyps_i is not None: extend_results(i, all_keyps, cls_keyps_i) if i % 10 == 0: # Reduce log file size ave_total_time = np.sum([t.average_time for t in timers.values()]) eta_seconds = ave_total_time * (num_annotations - i - 1) eta = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(eta_seconds))) det_time = (timers['im_detect_bbox'].average_time + timers['im_detect_mask'].average_time + timers['im_detect_keypoints'].average_time) misc_time = (timers['misc_bbox'].average_time + timers['misc_mask'].average_time + timers['misc_keypoints'].average_time)'im_detect: range [{:d}, {:d}] of {:d}: ' '{:d}/{:d} {:.3f}s + {:.3f}s (eta: {})').format( start_ind + 1, end_ind, total_num_images, start_ind + i + 1, start_ind + num_annotations, det_time, misc_time, eta)) if cfg.VIS: im_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(entry['image']))[0] vis_utils.vis_one_image(im[:, :, ::-1], '{:d}_{:s}'.format(i, im_name), os.path.join(output_dir, 'vis'), cls_boxes_i, segms=cls_segms_i, keypoints=cls_keyps_i, thresh=cfg.VIS_TH, box_alpha=0.8, dataset=dataset, show_class=True) cfg_yaml = yaml.dump(cfg) if ind_range is not None: det_name = 'detection_range_%s_%s.pkl' % tuple(ind_range) else: det_name = 'detections.pkl' det_file = os.path.join(output_dir, det_name) save_object( dict(all_boxes=all_boxes, all_segms=all_segms, all_keyps=all_keyps, cfg=cfg_yaml), det_file)'Wrote detections to: {}'.format(os.path.abspath(det_file))) return all_boxes, all_segms, all_keyps
def main(): """main function""" if not torch.cuda.is_available(): sys.exit("Need a CUDA device to run the code.") args = parse_args() print('Called with args:') print(args) assert args.image_dir or args.images assert bool(args.image_dir) ^ bool(args.images) if args.dataset == "pascal_parts_heads": dataset = datasets.get_head_dataset() cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES = 2 elif args.dataset == "scuthead_a": dataset = datasets.get_head_dataset() cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES = 2 else: raise ValueError('Unexpected dataset name: {}'.format(args.dataset)) print('load cfg from file: {}'.format(args.cfg_file)) cfg_from_file(args.cfg_file) if args.set_cfgs is not None: cfg_from_list(args.set_cfgs) assert bool(args.load_ckpt) ^ bool(args.load_detectron), \ 'Exactly one of --load_ckpt and --load_detectron should be specified.' cfg.MODEL.LOAD_IMAGENET_PRETRAINED_WEIGHTS = False # Don't need to load imagenet pretrained weights assert_and_infer_cfg() maskRCNN = Generalized_RCNN() if args.cuda: maskRCNN.cuda() if args.load_ckpt: load_name = args.load_ckpt print("loading checkpoint %s" % (load_name)) checkpoint = torch.load(load_name, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) net_utils.load_ckpt(maskRCNN, checkpoint['model']) if args.load_detectron: print("loading detectron weights %s" % args.load_detectron) load_detectron_weight(maskRCNN, args.load_detectron) maskRCNN = mynn.DataParallel(maskRCNN, cpu_keywords=['im_info', 'roidb'], minibatch=True, device_ids=[0]) # only support single GPU maskRCNN.eval() if args.image_dir: imglist = misc_utils.get_imagelist_from_dir(args.image_dir) else: imglist = args.images num_images = len(imglist) if not os.path.exists(args.output_dir): os.makedirs(args.output_dir) for i in xrange(num_images): im = cv2.imread(imglist[i]) assert im is not None timers = defaultdict(Timer) cls_boxes, cls_segms, cls_keyps = im_detect_all(maskRCNN, im, timers=timers) im_name, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(imglist[i])) outputfile = os.path.join(args.output_dir, im_name) head_boxes = cls_boxes[1] print('img :', i, ' num_heads :', len(head_boxes), ' img_path :', imglist[i]), head_boxes)
def test_net(args, dataset_name, proposal_file, output_dir, ind_range=None, gpu_id=0): """Run inference on all images in a dataset or over an index range of images in a dataset using a single GPU. """ assert not cfg.MODEL.RPN_ONLY, \ 'Use rpn_generate to generate proposals from RPN-only models' roidb, dataset, start_ind, end_ind, total_num_images = get_roidb_and_dataset( dataset_name, proposal_file, ind_range) model = initialize_model_from_cfg(args, gpu_id=gpu_id) num_images = len(roidb) num_classes = cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES all_boxes, all_segms, all_keyps = empty_results(num_classes, num_images) timers = defaultdict(Timer) if cfg.LESION.USE_POSITION: true_pos = 0 if cfg.TEST.OFFLINE_MAP and (cfg.DATA_SOURCE == 'mammo' or cfg.DATA_SOURCE == 'lesion'): if osp.exists(os.path.join(output_dir, 'ground-truth')): shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(output_dir, 'ground-truth')) os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_dir, 'ground-truth')) if osp.exists(os.path.join(output_dir, 'predicted')): shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(output_dir, 'predicted')) os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_dir, 'predicted')) for i, entry in enumerate(roidb): if cfg.TEST.PRECOMPUTED_PROPOSALS: # The roidb may contain ground-truth rois (for example, if the roidb # comes from the training or val split). We only want to evaluate # detection on the *non*-ground-truth rois. We select only the rois # that have the gt_classes field set to 0, which means there's no # ground truth. box_proposals = entry['boxes'][entry['gt_classes'] == 0] if len(box_proposals) == 0: continue else: # Faster R-CNN type models generate proposals on-the-fly with an # in-network RPN; 1-stage models don't require proposals. box_proposals = None if cfg.DATA_SOURCE == 'coco': if cfg.LESION.LESION_ENABLED: im = load_multislice_16bit_png(roidb[i]) else: im = cv2.imread(roidb[i]['image']) elif cfg.DATA_SOURCE == 'mammo': im, shape = get_a_img(roidb[i]) if (cfg.MODEL.LR_VIEW_ON or cfg.MODEL.GIF_ON or cfg.MODEL.LRASY_MAHA_ON) and cfg.DATA_SOURCE == 'mammo': other_im = get_b_img(entry, im) cls_boxes_i, cls_segms_i, cls_keyps_i = im_detect_all( model, [im, other_im], box_proposals, timers) else: if cfg.LESION.USE_POSITION: cls_boxes_i, cls_segms_i, cls_keyps_i, return_dict = im_detect_all( model, im, box_proposals, timers) bins = np.array((0.58, 0.72, 1)) bin_pred = np.argmax( return_dict['pos_cls_pred'][0].data.cpu().numpy()) bin_gt = np.digitize(entry['z_position'], bins) if bin_gt == bin_pred: true_pos += 1 else: cls_boxes_i, cls_segms_i, cls_keyps_i = im_detect_all( model, im, box_proposals, timers) if cfg.TEST.OFFLINE_MAP and cfg.DATA_SOURCE == 'mammo': gt_bboxes = get_vis_gt_bboxes(entry) im_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(entry['image']))[0] with open( os.path.join(output_dir, 'ground-truth', im_name + '.txt'), 'w') as w: for gt_bbox in gt_bboxes[0]: w.write('mass %d %d %d %d\n' % (gt_bbox[0], gt_bbox[1], gt_bbox[2], gt_bbox[3])) for gt_bbox in gt_bboxes[1]: w.write('mass %d %d %d %d difficult\n' % (gt_bbox[0], gt_bbox[1], gt_bbox[2], gt_bbox[3])) #w.write('mass %d %d %d %d\n'%(gt_bbox[0], gt_bbox[1], gt_bbox[2], gt_bbox[3])) with open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'predicted', im_name + '.txt'), 'w') as w: for idx in range(cls_boxes_i[1].shape[0]): w.write('mass %.5f %d %d %d %d\n' % (cls_boxes_i[1][idx][4], cls_boxes_i[1][idx][0], cls_boxes_i[1][idx][1], cls_boxes_i[1][idx][2], cls_boxes_i[1][idx][3])) if cfg.VIS: im_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(entry['image']))[0] if cfg.TEST.VIS_TEST_ONLY: vis_utils.vis_one_image(im[:, :, ::-1].astype('uint8'), '{:d}_{:s}'.format(i, im_name), os.path.join(output_dir, 'vis'), cls_boxes_i, segms=cls_segms_i, keypoints=cls_keyps_i, thresh=cfg.VIS_TH, box_alpha=0.8, dataset=dataset, show_class=True) else: if cfg.DATA_SOURCE == 'coco': #or cfg.DATA_SOURCE == 'lesion': other_im_show = im[:, :, ::-1].astype('uint8') if cfg.TEST.VIS_SINGLE_SLICE: other_im_show = cv2.merge([ other_im_show[:, :, 1], other_im_show[:, :, 1], other_im_show[:, :, 1] ]) gt_boxes_show = [entry['boxes'].tolist(), []] gt_classes = [entry['gt_classes'].tolist(), []] elif cfg.DATA_SOURCE == 'mammo': if (cfg.MODEL.LR_VIEW_ON or cfg.MODEL.GIF_ON or cfg.MODEL.LRASY_MAHA_ON): other_im_show = other_im[:, :, ::-1].astype('uint8') else: other_im_show = im[:, :, ::-1].astype('uint8') gt_boxes_show = get_vis_gt_bboxes(entry) gt_classes = None im_show = im[:, :, ::-1].astype('uint8') if cfg.TEST.VIS_SINGLE_SLICE: im_show = cv2.merge( [im_show[:, :, 1], im_show[:, :, 1], im_show[:, :, 1]]) vis_gt_utils.vis_one_image(im_show, other_im_show, '{:d}_{:s}'.format(i, im_name), os.path.join(output_dir, 'vis'), cls_boxes_i, gt_boxes_show, segms=cls_segms_i, thresh=cfg.VIS_TH, box_alpha=0.8, dataset=dataset, show_class=True, gt_classes=gt_classes) if cfg.DATA_SOURCE == 'mammo': cls_boxes_i = unalign_boxes( entry, shape, cls_boxes_i) # cls_boxes_i[c]:array n x 5 extend_results(i, all_boxes, cls_boxes_i) if cls_segms_i is not None: if cfg.DATA_SOURCE == 'mammo': cls_segms_i = unalign_segms(entry, shape, cls_segms_i) extend_results(i, all_segms, cls_segms_i) if cls_keyps_i is not None: extend_results(i, all_keyps, cls_keyps_i) if i % 500 == 0: # Reduce log file size ave_total_time = np.sum([t.average_time for t in timers.values()]) eta_seconds = ave_total_time * (num_images - i - 1) eta = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(eta_seconds))) det_time = (timers['im_detect_bbox'].average_time + timers['im_detect_mask'].average_time + timers['im_detect_keypoints'].average_time) misc_time = (timers['misc_bbox'].average_time + timers['misc_mask'].average_time + timers['misc_keypoints'].average_time)'im_detect: range [{:d}, {:d}] of {:d}: ' '{:d}/{:d} {:.3f}s + {:.3f}s (eta: {})').format( start_ind + 1, end_ind, total_num_images, start_ind + i + 1, start_ind + num_images, det_time, misc_time, eta)) if cfg.TEST.OFFLINE_MAP and cfg.DATA_SOURCE == 'mammo': os.system( "python ./lib/datasets/ --output_dir=%s -na -np" % output_dir) cfg_yaml = yaml.dump(cfg) if ind_range is not None: det_name = 'detection_range_%s_%s.pkl' % tuple(ind_range) else: det_name = 'detections.pkl' det_file = os.path.join(output_dir, det_name) save_object( dict(all_boxes=all_boxes, all_segms=all_segms, all_keyps=all_keyps, cfg=cfg_yaml), det_file)'Wrote detections to: {}'.format(os.path.abspath(det_file))) if cfg.LESION.USE_POSITION: print('####' * 10, true_pos, '/', num_images) print('position acc: ', float(true_pos) / num_images) return all_boxes, all_segms, all_keyps
def test_net(args, dataset_name, proposal_file, output_dir, ind_range=None, gpu_id=0): """Run inference on all images in a dataset or over an index range of images in a dataset using a single GPU. """ assert not cfg.MODEL.RPN_ONLY, \ 'Use rpn_generate to generate proposals from RPN-only models' roidb, dataset, start_ind, end_ind, total_num_images = get_roidb_and_dataset( dataset_name, proposal_file, ind_range) model = initialize_model_from_cfg(args, gpu_id=gpu_id) num_images = len(roidb) num_classes = cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES all_boxes, all_segms, all_keyps = empty_results(num_classes, num_images) timers = defaultdict(Timer) for i, entry in enumerate(roidb): if cfg.TEST.PRECOMPUTED_PROPOSALS: # The roidb may contain ground-truth rois (for example, if the roidb # comes from the training or val split). We only want to evaluate # detection on the *non*-ground-truth rois. We select only the rois # that have the gt_classes field set to 0, which means there's no # ground truth. box_proposals = entry['boxes'][entry['gt_classes'] == 0] if len(box_proposals) == 0: continue else: # Faster R-CNN type models generate proposals on-the-fly with an # in-network RPN; 1-stage models don't require proposals. box_proposals = None timers['im_load'].tic() # Shape (w, h, 3 * DATA_LOADER.NUM_INPUTS) im = entry['dataset'].load_image(entry) im = pack_sequence(im) timers['im_load'].toc() cls_boxes_i, cls_segms_i, cls_keyps_i = im_detect_all( model, im, box_proposals, timers) extend_results(i, all_boxes, cls_boxes_i) if cls_segms_i is not None: extend_results(i, all_segms, cls_segms_i) if cls_keyps_i is not None: extend_results(i, all_keyps, cls_keyps_i) if i % 10 == 0: # Reduce log file size ave_total_time = np.sum([t.average_time for t in timers.values()]) eta_seconds = ave_total_time * (num_images - i - 1) eta = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(eta_seconds))) det_time = (timers['im_detect_bbox'].average_time + timers['im_detect_mask'].average_time + timers['im_detect_keypoints'].average_time) misc_time = (timers['misc_bbox'].average_time + timers['misc_mask'].average_time + timers['misc_keypoints'].average_time)'im_detect: range [{:d}, {:d}] of {:d}: ' '{:d}/{:d} {:.3f}s + {:.3f}s (eta: {})').format( start_ind + 1, end_ind, total_num_images, start_ind + i + 1, start_ind + num_images, det_time, misc_time, eta)) if cfg.VIS: im_name = os.path.splitext(entry['image'])[0].replace( os.path.sep, '_') # im_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(entry['image']))[0] # Use the first input (in case DATA_LOADER.NUM_INPUTS > 1) im_vis = im[:, :, :3] vis_utils.vis_one_image(im_vis[:, :, ::-1], '{:d}_{:s}'.format(i, im_name), os.path.join(output_dir, 'vis'), cls_boxes_i, segms=cls_segms_i, keypoints=cls_keyps_i, thresh=cfg.VIS_TH, box_alpha=0.8, dataset=dataset, show_class=True) cfg_yaml = yaml.dump(cfg) if ind_range is not None: det_name = 'detection_range_%s_%s.pkl' % tuple(ind_range) else: det_name = 'detections.pkl' det_file = os.path.join(output_dir, det_name) if hasattr(args, 'objectness_eval') and args.objectness_eval: all_boxes, all_segms, all_keyps = collapse_categories( all_boxes, all_segms, all_keyps) save_object( dict(all_boxes=all_boxes, all_segms=all_segms, all_keyps=all_keyps, cfg=cfg_yaml), det_file)'Wrote detections to: {}'.format(os.path.abspath(det_file))) return all_boxes, all_segms, all_keyps
def test_net(ind_range=None): """Run inference on all images in a dataset or over an index range of images in a dataset using a single GPU. """ assert cfg.TEST.WEIGHTS != '', \ 'TEST.WEIGHTS must be set to the model file to test' assert not cfg.MODEL.RPN_ONLY, \ 'Use rpn_generate to generate proposals from RPN-only models' assert cfg.TEST.DATASET != '', \ 'TEST.DATASET must be set to the dataset name to test' output_dir = get_output_dir(training=False) roidb, dataset, start_ind, end_ind, total_num_images = get_roidb_and_dataset( ind_range ) model = initialize_model_from_cfg() num_images = len(roidb) num_classes = cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES all_boxes, all_segms, all_keyps, \ all_refined_segms, all_refined_keyps = \ empty_results(num_classes, num_images) timers = defaultdict(Timer) for i, entry in enumerate(roidb): if cfg.MODEL.FASTER_RCNN: # Faster R-CNN type models generate proposals on-the-fly with an # in-network RPN box_proposals = None else: # The roidb may contain ground-truth rois (for example, if the roidb # comes from the training or val split). We only want to evaluate # detection on the *non*-ground-truth rois. We select only the rois # that have the gt_classes field set to 0, which means there's no # ground truth. box_proposals = entry['boxes'][entry['gt_classes'] == 0] if len(box_proposals) == 0: continue im = cv2.imread(entry['image']) with c2_utils.NamedCudaScope(0): cls_boxes_i, cls_segms_i, cls_keyps_i, \ cls_refined_segms_i, cls_refined_keyps_i = \ im_detect_all(model, im, box_proposals, timers) extend_results(i, all_boxes, cls_boxes_i) if cls_segms_i is not None: extend_results(i, all_segms, cls_segms_i) if cls_keyps_i is not None: extend_results(i, all_keyps, cls_keyps_i) if cls_refined_segms_i is not None: extend_results(i, all_refined_segms, cls_refined_segms_i) if cls_refined_keyps_i is not None: extend_results(i, all_refined_keyps, cls_refined_keyps_i) if i % 10 == 0: # Reduce log file size ave_total_time = np.sum([t.average_time for t in timers.values()]) eta_seconds = ave_total_time * (num_images - i - 1) eta = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(eta_seconds))) det_time = ( timers['im_detect_bbox'].average_time + timers['im_detect_mask'].average_time + timers['im_detect_keypoints'].average_time + timers['im_detect_refined_mask'].average_time + timers['im_detect_refined_keypoints'].average_time ) misc_time = ( timers['misc_bbox'].average_time + timers['misc_mask'].average_time + timers['misc_keypoints'].average_time + timers['misc_refined_mask'].average_time + timers['misc_refined_keypoints'].average_time ) ( 'im_detect: range [{:d}, {:d}] of {:d}: ' '{:d}/{:d} {:.3f}s + {:.3f}s (eta: {})' ).format( start_ind + 1, end_ind, total_num_images, start_ind + i + 1, start_ind + num_images, det_time, misc_time, eta ) ) if cfg.VIS: im_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(entry['image']))[0] # visualize local result vis_utils.vis_one_image( im[:, :, ::-1], '{:d}_{:s}'.format(i, im_name), os.path.join(output_dir, 'vis_local'), cls_boxes_i, segms=cls_segms_i, keypoints=cls_keyps_i, thresh=cfg.VIS_TH, box_alpha=0.8, dataset=dataset, show_class=True ) # visualize refined result vis_utils.vis_one_image( im[:, :, ::-1], '{:d}_{:s}'.format(i, im_name), os.path.join(output_dir, 'vis_refined'), cls_boxes_i, segms=cls_refined_segms_i, keypoints=cls_refined_keyps_i, thresh=cfg.VIS_TH, box_alpha=0.8, dataset=dataset, show_class=True ) cfg_yaml = yaml.dump(cfg) if ind_range is not None: det_name = 'detection_range_%s_%s.pkl' % tuple(ind_range) else: det_name = 'detections.pkl' det_file = os.path.join(output_dir, det_name) save_object( dict( all_boxes=all_boxes, all_segms=all_segms, all_keyps=all_keyps, all_refined_segms=all_refined_segms, all_refined_keyps=all_refined_keyps, cfg=cfg_yaml ), det_file )'Wrote detections to: {}'.format(os.path.abspath(det_file))) return all_boxes, all_segms, all_keyps, all_refined_segms, all_refined_keyps
def test_net( args, dataset_name, proposal_file, output_dir, ind_range=None, gpu_id=0): """Run inference on all images in a dataset or over an index range of images in a dataset using a single GPU. """ assert not cfg.MODEL.RPN_ONLY, \ 'Use rpn_generate to generate proposals from RPN-only models' roidb, dataset, start_ind, end_ind, total_num_images = get_roidb_and_dataset( dataset_name, proposal_file, ind_range ) model = initialize_model_from_cfg(args, roidb = roidb, gpu_id=gpu_id) num_images = len(roidb) num_classes = cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES all_boxes, all_segms, all_keyps = empty_results(num_classes, num_images) timers = defaultdict(Timer) if cfg.TEST.TAGGING: all_scores = [] for i, entry in enumerate(roidb): if cfg.TEST.PRECOMPUTED_PROPOSALS: # The roidb may contain ground-truth rois (for example, if the roidb # comes from the training or val split). We only want to evaluate # detection on the *non*-ground-truth rois. We select only the rois # that have the gt_classes field set to 0, which means there's no # ground truth. box_proposals = entry['boxes'][entry['gt_classes'] == 0] if len(box_proposals) == 0: continue elif cfg.TEST.USE_GT_PROPOSALS: box_proposals = entry['boxes'][entry['gt_classes'] > 0] else: # Faster R-CNN type models generate proposals on-the-fly with an # in-network RPN; 1-stage models don't require proposals. box_proposals = None im = cv2.imread(entry['image']) if cfg.TEST.TAGGING: cls_boxes_i, cls_segms_i, cls_keyps_i, scores = im_detect_all(model, im, entry, box_proposals, timers) all_scores.append(scores) else: cls_boxes_i, cls_segms_i, cls_keyps_i = im_detect_all(model, im, entry, box_proposals, timers) extend_results(i, all_boxes, cls_boxes_i) if cls_segms_i is not None: extend_results(i, all_segms, cls_segms_i) if cls_keyps_i is not None: extend_results(i, all_keyps, cls_keyps_i) if i % 10 == 0: # Reduce log file size ave_total_time = np.sum([t.average_time for t in timers.values()]) eta_seconds = ave_total_time * (num_images - i - 1) eta = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(eta_seconds))) det_time = ( timers['im_detect_bbox'].average_time + timers['im_detect_mask'].average_time + timers['im_detect_keypoints'].average_time ) misc_time = ( timers['misc_bbox'].average_time + timers['misc_mask'].average_time + timers['misc_keypoints'].average_time ) ( 'im_detect: range [{:d}, {:d}] of {:d}: ' '{:d}/{:d} {:.3f}s + {:.3f}s (eta: {})' ).format( start_ind + 1, end_ind, total_num_images, start_ind + i + 1, start_ind + num_images, det_time, misc_time, eta ) ) if cfg.VIS: im_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(entry['image']))[0] vis_utils.vis_one_image( im[:, :, ::-1], '{:d}_{:s}'.format(i, im_name), os.path.join(output_dir, 'vis'), cls_boxes_i, segms=cls_segms_i, keypoints=cls_keyps_i, thresh=cfg.VIS_TH, box_alpha=0.8, dataset=dataset, show_class=True ) # Evaluate relations if cfg.TEST.EVALUATE_REL_ACC: from sklearn.metrics import precision_recall_curve scores_collect = np.vstack(model.module.Rel_Inf.rel_scores_collect) gt_collect = np.hstack(model.module.Rel_Inf.rel_gt_collect) recalls = [] for i in range(scores_collect.shape[-1]): filt = gt_collect==i print(i, accuracy(torch.from_numpy(scores_collect[filt]), torch.from_numpy(gt_collect[filt]).long(), (1,2))) recalls.append(precision_recall_curve(gt_collect==i, scores_collect[:,i])[1].mean()) print(i, recalls[-1]) # how to get recall! import pdb;pdb.set_trace() print(np.array(recalls).mean()) cfg_yaml = yaml.dump(cfg) if ind_range is not None: det_name = 'detection_range_%s_%s.pkl' % tuple(ind_range) else: det_name = 'detections.pkl' det_file = os.path.join(output_dir, det_name) save_object( dict( all_boxes=all_boxes, all_segms=all_segms, all_keyps=all_keyps, cfg=cfg_yaml, im_filenames=[entry['image'] for entry in roidb], classes=dataset.classes ), det_file )'Wrote detections to: {}'.format(os.path.abspath(det_file))) if cfg.TEST.TAGGING: # Save results tagging_name = 'tagging.pkl' if ind_range is None else 'tagging_range_%s_%s.pkl' % tuple(ind_range) tagging_file = os.path.join(output_dir, tagging_name) save_object( dict( all_scores=all_scores, gt_classes=[r['gt_classes'] for r in roidb] ), tagging_file )'Wrote tagging results to: {}'.format(tagging_file)) # Evaluate tagging all_scores = np.vstack(all_scores) gt_classes = np.hstack([r['gt_classes'] for r in roidb]) img_id = \ np.hstack([np.ones(len(roidb[i]['gt_classes']))*i for i in range(len(roidb))]) tagging_eval = {} print('Compute AUSUC') tagging_eval['ausuc'] = Compute_AUSUC(dataset, all_scores, gt_classes, cfg.TEST.CLASS_SPLIT['source'], cfg.TEST.CLASS_SPLIT['target']) print('Generalized on all') tagging_eval['all'] = evaluate(dataset, all_scores, gt_classes) tagging_eval['all'].update(mean_img_eval(all_scores, gt_classes, img_id)) # Generalized on source source_filter = np.isin(gt_classes, cfg.TEST.CLASS_SPLIT['source']) _all_scores, _gt_classes = all_scores[source_filter], gt_classes[source_filter] _img_id = img_id[source_filter] if source_filter.any(): # Only when there are source ground truth print('Generalized on source') tagging_eval['gen_source'] = evaluate(dataset, _all_scores, _gt_classes) tagging_eval['gen_source'].update(\ mean_img_eval(_all_scores, _gt_classes, _img_id)) # not generalized on source inf_scores = np.zeros(all_scores.shape[1]) inf_scores[cfg.TEST.CLASS_SPLIT['target']] = float('-inf') _all_scores, _gt_classes = all_scores[source_filter]+inf_scores, gt_classes[source_filter] print('Ungeneralized on source') tagging_eval['ungen_source'] = evaluate(dataset, _all_scores, _gt_classes) tagging_eval['ungen_source'].update(\ mean_img_eval(_all_scores, _gt_classes, _img_id)) # The above is showing how target labels are confusing source boxes. # Generalized on target target_filter = np.isin(gt_classes, cfg.TEST.CLASS_SPLIT['target']) _all_scores, _gt_classes = all_scores[target_filter], gt_classes[target_filter] _img_id = img_id[target_filter] if target_filter.any(): # Only when there are target ground truth print('Generalized on target') tagging_eval['gen_target'] = evaluate(dataset, _all_scores, _gt_classes) tagging_eval['gen_target'].update(\ mean_img_eval(_all_scores, _gt_classes, _img_id)) # not geralized on target inf_scores = np.zeros(all_scores.shape[1]) inf_scores[cfg.TEST.CLASS_SPLIT['source']] = float('-inf') _all_scores, _gt_classes = all_scores[target_filter]+inf_scores, gt_classes[target_filter] img_id = \ np.hstack([\ np.ones(np.isin(roidb[i]['gt_classes'], cfg.TEST.CLASS_SPLIT['source']).sum())\ for i in range(len(roidb))]) print('Ungeneralized on target') tagging_eval['ungen_target'] = evaluate(dataset, _all_scores, _gt_classes) tagging_eval['ungen_target'].update(\ mean_img_eval(_all_scores, _gt_classes, _img_id)) tagging_eval_name = 'tagging_eval.pkl' if ind_range is None else 'tagging_eval_range_%s_%s.pkl' % tuple(ind_range) tagging_eval_file = os.path.join(output_dir, tagging_eval_name) save_object(tagging_eval, tagging_eval_file)'Wrote tagging eval results to: {}'.format(tagging_eval_file)) # # Pad None for standard coco evaluation # if ind_range is not None: # for i in range(len(all_boxes)): # all_boxes[i] = [None] * start_ind + all_boxes[i] + [None] * (total_num_images - end_id) return all_boxes, all_segms, all_keyps
def test_net( args, dataset_name, proposal_file, output_dir, ind_range=None, gpu_id=0): """Run inference on all images in a dataset or over an index range of images in a dataset using a single GPU. """ roidb, dataset, start_ind, end_ind, total_num_images = get_roidb_and_dataset( dataset_name, proposal_file, ind_range ) model = initialize_model_from_cfg(args, gpu_id=gpu_id) num_images = len(roidb) num_classes = cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES all_boxes = {} timers = defaultdict(Timer) for i, entry in enumerate(roidb): if cfg.TEST.PRECOMPUTED_PROPOSALS: # The roidb may contain ground-truth rois (for example, if the roidb # comes from the training or val split). We only want to evaluate # detection on the *non*-ground-truth rois. We select only the rois # that have the gt_classes field set to 0, which means there's no # ground truth. box_proposals = entry['boxes'] if len(box_proposals) == 0: continue else: # Faster R-CNN type models generate proposals on-the-fly with an # in-network RPN; 1-stage models don't require proposals. box_proposals = None im = cv2.imread(entry['image']) cls_boxes_i = im_detect_all(model, im, box_proposals, timers) all_boxes[entry['image']] = cls_boxes_i if i % 10 == 0: # Reduce log file size ave_total_time = np.sum([t.average_time for t in timers.values()]) eta_seconds = ave_total_time * (num_images - i - 1) eta = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(eta_seconds))) det_time = ( timers['im_detect_bbox'].average_time ) ( 'im_detect: range [{:d}, {:d}] of {:d}: ' '{:d}/{:d} {:.3f}s (eta: {})' ).format( start_ind + 1, end_ind, total_num_images, start_ind + i + 1, start_ind + num_images, det_time, eta ) ) cfg_yaml = yaml.dump(cfg) if 'train' in dataset_name: if ind_range is not None: det_name = 'discovery_range_%s_%s.pkl' % tuple(ind_range) else: det_name = 'discovery.pkl' else: if ind_range is not None: det_name = 'detection_range_%s_%s.pkl' % tuple(ind_range) else: det_name = 'detections.pkl' det_file = os.path.join(output_dir, det_name) save_object( dict( all_boxes=all_boxes, cfg=cfg_yaml ), det_file )'Wrote detections to: {}'.format(os.path.abspath(det_file))) return all_boxes
def test_net(ind_range=None): assert cfg.TEST.WEIGHTS != '', \ 'TEST.WEIGHTS must be set to the model file to test' assert not cfg.MODEL.RPN_ONLY, \ 'Use rpn_generate to generate proposals from RPN-only models' assert cfg.TEST.DATASET != '', \ 'TEST.DATASET must be set to the dataset name to test' output_dir = get_output_dir(training=False) roidb, dataset, start_ind, end_ind, total_num_images = \ get_roidb_and_dataset(ind_range) model = initialize_model_from_cfg() num_images = len(roidb) num_classes = cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES all_boxes, all_segms, all_keyps = empty_results(num_classes, num_images) timers = defaultdict(Timer) gpu_dev = core.DeviceOption(caffe2_pb2.CUDA, cfg.ROOT_GPU_ID) name_scope = 'gpu_{}'.format(cfg.ROOT_GPU_ID) for i, entry in enumerate(roidb): if cfg.MODEL.FASTER_RCNN: box_proposals = None else: # The roidb may contain ground-truth rois (for example, if the roidb # comes from the training or val split). We only want to evaluate # detection on the *non*-ground-truth rois. We select only the rois # that have the gt_classes field set to 0, which means there's no # ground truth. box_proposals = entry['boxes'][entry['gt_classes'] == 0] if len(box_proposals) == 0: continue im = image_utils.read_image_video(entry) with core.NameScope(name_scope): with core.DeviceScope(gpu_dev): cls_boxes_i, cls_segms_i, cls_keyps_i = im_detect_all( model, im, box_proposals, timers) extend_results(i, all_boxes, cls_boxes_i) if cls_segms_i is not None: extend_results(i, all_segms, cls_segms_i) if cls_keyps_i is not None: extend_results(i, all_keyps, cls_keyps_i) if i % 10 == 0: # Reduce log file size ave_total_time = np.sum([t.average_time for t in timers.values()]) eta_seconds = ave_total_time * (num_images - i - 1) eta = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(eta_seconds))) det_time = (timers['im_detect_bbox'].average_time + timers['im_detect_mask'].average_time + timers['im_detect_keypoints'].average_time) misc_time = (timers['misc_bbox'].average_time + timers['misc_mask'].average_time + timers['misc_keypoints'].average_time)'im_detect: range [{:d}, {:d}] of {:d}: ' '{:d}/{:d} {:.3f}s + {:.3f}s (eta: {})').format( start_ind + 1, end_ind, total_num_images, start_ind + i + 1, start_ind + num_images, det_time, misc_time, eta)) if cfg.VIS: im_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(entry['image']))[0] vis_utils.vis_one_image(im[:, :, ::-1], '{:d}_{:s}'.format(i, im_name), os.path.join(output_dir, 'vis'), cls_boxes_i, segms=cls_segms_i, keypoints=cls_keyps_i, thresh=cfg.VIS_THR, box_alpha=0.8, dataset=dataset, show_class=True) cfg_yaml = yaml.dump(cfg) if ind_range is not None: det_name = 'detection_range_%s_%s.pkl' % tuple(ind_range) else: det_name = 'detections.pkl' det_file = os.path.join(output_dir, det_name) robust_pickle_dump( dict(all_boxes=all_boxes, all_segms=all_segms, all_keyps=all_keyps, cfg=cfg_yaml), det_file)'Wrote detections to: {}'.format(os.path.abspath(det_file))) return all_boxes, all_segms, all_keyps
def main(): """main function""" if not torch.cuda.is_available(): sys.exit("Need a CUDA device to run the code.") args = parse_args() print('Called with args:') print(args) assert args.image_dir or args.images assert bool(args.image_dir) ^ bool(args.images) if args.dataset.startswith("coco"): dataset = datasets.get_coco_dataset() cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES = len(dataset.classes) elif args.dataset == "miotcd": dataset = datasets.get_miotcd_dataset() cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES = 12 elif args.dataset.startswith("keypoints_coco"): dataset = datasets.get_coco_dataset() cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES = 2 elif args.dataset.startswith("bogota"): dataset = datasets.get_bogota_dataset() cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES = 12 else: raise ValueError('Unexpected dataset name: {}'.format(args.dataset)) print('load cfg from file: {}'.format(args.cfg_file)) cfg_from_file(args.cfg_file) if args.set_cfgs is not None: cfg_from_list(args.set_cfgs) assert bool(args.load_ckpt) ^ bool(args.load_detectron), \ 'Exactly one of --load_ckpt and --load_detectron should be specified.' cfg.MODEL.LOAD_IMAGENET_PRETRAINED_WEIGHTS = False # Don't need to load imagenet pretrained weights assert_and_infer_cfg() maskRCNN = Generalized_RCNN() if args.cuda: maskRCNN.cuda() if args.load_ckpt: load_name = args.load_ckpt print("loading checkpoint %s" % (load_name)) checkpoint = torch.load(load_name, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) net_utils.load_ckpt(maskRCNN, checkpoint['model']) if args.load_detectron: print("loading detectron weights %s" % args.load_detectron) load_detectron_weight(maskRCNN, args.load_detectron) maskRCNN = mynn.DataParallel(maskRCNN, cpu_keywords=['im_info', 'roidb'], minibatch=True, device_ids=[0]) # only support single GPU maskRCNN.eval() if args.image_dir: imglist = misc_utils.get_imagelist_from_dir(args.image_dir) else: imglist = args.images num_images = len(imglist) if not os.path.exists(args.output_dir): os.makedirs(args.output_dir) dataset_result = {} for i in xrange(num_images): print('img', i) im = cv2.imread(imglist[i]) assert im is not None try: timers = defaultdict(Timer) cls_boxes, cls_segms, cls_keyps = im_detect_all(maskRCNN, im, timers=timers) boxes_, segme_ , keyps_ ,clasies= convert_from_cls_format(cls_boxes,cls_segms,cls_keyps) im_name, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(imglist[i])) dataset_result[im_name] = localize_obj_in_image(im_name,boxes_,clasies) except(e): import pdb pdb.set_trace()'dictionary_answer.npy', dataset_result) tmp = args.image_dir.split('/') txt = str(tmp[-2:])+'_'+str(tmp[-1:])+'.csv' save_localization_result(dataset_result,txt)
def test_net( args, dataset_name, proposal_file, output_dir, ind_range = None, gpu_id = 0): """Run inference on all images in a dataset or over an index range of images in a dataset using a single GPU. """ assert not cfg.MODEL.RPN_ONLY, \ 'Use rpn_generate to generate proposals from RPN-only models' roidb, dataset, start_ind, end_ind, total_num_images = get_roidb_and_dataset( dataset_name, proposal_file, ind_range ) # 在这里获得gt的信息 model = initialize_model_from_cfg(args, gpu_id = gpu_id) num_images = len(roidb) num_classes = cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES all_boxes, all_segms, all_keyps = empty_results(num_classes, num_images) timers = defaultdict(Timer) dict_all = {} if cfg.TEST.IOU_OUT or cfg.FAST_RCNN.FAST_HEAD2_DEBUG: with open("/nfs/project/libo_i/IOU.pytorch/data/cache/coco_2017_val_gt_roidb.pkl", 'rb') as fp: cached_roidb = pickle.load(fp) assert len(roidb) == len(cached_roidb) for i, entry in enumerate(roidb): if cfg.TEST.PRECOMPUTED_PROPOSALS: # The roidb may contain ground-truth rois (for example, if the roidb # comes from the training or val split). We only want to evaluate # detection on the *non*-ground-truth rois. We select only the rois # that have the gt_classes field set to 0, which means there's no # ground truth. box_proposals = entry['boxes'][entry['gt_classes'] == 0] if len(box_proposals) == 0: continue else: # Faster R-CNN type models generate proposals on-the-fly with an # in-network RPN; 1-stage models don't require proposals. box_proposals = None im = cv2.imread(entry['image']) im_name = entry['image'].split('/')[-1][:-4] cls_boxes_i, cls_segms_i, cls_keyps_i, dict_all[im_name] = im_detect_all(model, im, box_proposals, timers, im_name_tag = im_name) if cfg.FAST_RCNN.FAST_HEAD2_DEBUG: gt_i = cached_roidb[i]['boxes'] shift_gt_iou = predbox_roi_iou(np.array(dict_all[im_name]['stage1_out'], dtype = np.float32), np.array(gt_i, dtype = "float32")) dict_all[im_name]['final_iou'] = shift_gt_iou.tolist() dict_all[im_name]['shift_iou'] = dict_all[im_name]['shift_iou'].tolist() if cfg.FAST_RCNN.FAST_HEAD2_DEBUG_VIS and i < 100: if cfg.FAST_RCNN.IOU_NMS: with open("/nfs/project/libo_i/IOU.pytorch/IOU_Validation/cls_tracker.json", 'r') as f: cls_tracker = json.load(f) elif cfg.FAST_RCNN.SCORE_NMS: with open("/nfs/project/libo_i/IOU.pytorch/IOU_Validation/cls_tracker.json", 'r') as f: cls_tracker = json.load(f) # Draw stage1 pred_boxes onto im and gt dpi = 200 fig = plt.figure(frameon = False) fig.set_size_inches(im.shape[1] / dpi, im.shape[0] / dpi) ax = plt.Axes(fig, [0., 0., 1., 1.]) ax.axis('off') fig.add_axes(ax) ax.imshow(im[:, :, ::-1]) # 在im上添加gt for item in gt_i: ax.add_patch( plt.Rectangle((item[0], item[1]), item[2] - item[0], item[3] - item[1], fill = False, edgecolor = 'r', linewidth = 0.3, alpha = 1)) # 在im上添加proposals length = len(dict_all[im_name]['boxes']) for ind in range(length): # stage1_item = dict_all[im_name]['stage1_pred_boxes'][ind] stage1_item = dict_all[im_name]['boxes'][ind] score_item = dict_all[im_name]['score'][ind] score_item = round(score_item, 2) ax.add_patch( plt.Rectangle((stage1_item[0], stage1_item[1]), stage1_item[2] - stage1_item[0], stage1_item[3] - stage1_item[1], fill = False, edgecolor = 'g', linewidth = 0.5, alpha = 1)) ax.text( stage1_item[0], stage1_item[1] - 2, str(score_item), fontsize = 4, family = 'serif', bbox = dict(facecolor = 'g', alpha = 1, pad = 0, edgecolor = 'none'), color = 'white') length = len(dict_all[im_name]['stage1_out']) for ind in range(length): # stage1_item = dict_all[im_name]['stage1_pred_boxes'][ind] stage1_item = dict_all[im_name]['stage1_out'][ind] ax.add_patch( plt.Rectangle((stage1_item[0], stage1_item[1]), stage1_item[2] - stage1_item[0], stage1_item[3] - stage1_item[1], fill = False, edgecolor = 'orange', linewidth = 0.1, alpha = 0.6)) fig.savefig("/nfs/project/libo_i/IOU.pytorch/2stage_iminfo/{}.png".format(im_name), dpi = dpi) plt.close('all') dict_all[im_name].pop('stage1_out') dict_all[im_name].pop('stage2_out') dict_all[im_name].pop('stage2_score') dict_all[im_name].pop('score') dict_all[im_name].pop('boxes') if cfg.TEST.IOU_OUT: gt_i = cached_roidb[i]['boxes'] # NMS keep = np.array(dict_all[im_name]['keep']) dict_all[im_name]['shift_iou'] = np.array(dict_all[im_name]['shift_iou'], dtype = np.float32)[ keep].tolist() dict_all[im_name]['rois_score'] = np.array(dict_all[im_name]['rois_score'], dtype = np.float32)[ keep].tolist() dict_all[im_name]['rois'] = np.array(dict_all[im_name]['rois'], dtype = np.float32)[keep].tolist() pred_boxes_scores = dict_all[im_name]['pred_boxes_scores'] # Thresh filter iou_thrsh_keep = np.where(np.array(dict_all[im_name]['shift_iou'], dtype = np.float32) >= 0.1)[0] score_thrsh_keep = np.where(np.array(dict_all[im_name]['rois_score'], dtype = np.float32) >= 0.8)[0] iou_rois = np.array(dict_all[im_name]['rois'], dtype = np.float32)[iou_thrsh_keep] score_rois = np.array(dict_all[im_name]['rois'], dtype = np.float32)[score_thrsh_keep] roi_to_final = predbox_roi_iou(np.array(dict_all[im_name]['rois'], dtype = np.float32), np.array(gt_i, dtype = "float32")) iou_final_to_rois = predbox_roi_iou(np.array(gt_i, dtype = "float32"), iou_rois) score_final_to_rois = predbox_roi_iou(np.array(gt_i, dtype = "float32"), score_rois) dict_all[im_name]['final_iou'] = roi_to_final.tolist() dict_all[im_name]['iou_final_vertical'] = iou_final_to_rois.tolist() dict_all[im_name]['score_final_vertical'] = score_final_to_rois.tolist() if cfg.TEST.IOU_OUT_VIS: # 试着画出图像看一看 dpi = 200 fig = plt.figure(frameon = False) fig.set_size_inches(im.shape[1] / dpi, im.shape[0] / dpi) ax = plt.Axes(fig, [0., 0., 1., 1.]) ax.axis('off') fig.add_axes(ax) ax.imshow(im[:, :, ::-1]) # 在im上添加gt for item in gt_i: ax.add_patch( plt.Rectangle((item[0], item[1]), item[2] - item[0], item[3] - item[1], fill = False, edgecolor = 'g', linewidth = 0.6, alpha = 1)) # 在im上添加proposals cnt = 0 for ind, item in enumerate(dict_all[im_name]['rois']): iou_value = dict_all[im_name]['shift_iou'][ind] if iou_value > 0.8: cnt += 1 ax.add_patch( plt.Rectangle((item[0], item[1]), item[2] - item[0], item[3] - item[1], fill = False, edgecolor = 'orange', linewidth = 0.5, alpha = 1)) ax.text( item[0], item[1] - 2, str(round(iou_value, 2)), fontsize = 4, family = 'serif', bbox = dict( facecolor = 'g', alpha = 1, pad = 0, edgecolor = 'none'), color = 'white') for ind, item in enumerate(dict_all[im_name]['pred_boxes']): score_value = dict_all[im_name]['pred_boxes_scores'][ind] if score_value > 0.5: cnt += 1 ax.add_patch( plt.Rectangle((item[0], item[1]), item[2] - item[0], item[3] - item[1], fill = False, edgecolor = 'red', linewidth = 0.5, alpha = 1)) ax.text( item[0], item[1] - 2, str(round(score_value, 2)), fontsize = 4, family = 'serif', bbox = dict( facecolor = 'red', alpha = 1, pad = 0, edgecolor = 'none'), color = 'white') print("Here is {} proposals above 0.5 in im {}".format(cnt, im_name)) fig.savefig("/nfs/project/libo_i/IOU.pytorch/im_out/{}.png".format(im_name), dpi = dpi) plt.close('all') dict_all[im_name].pop('rois') dict_all[im_name].pop('pred_boxes') dict_all[im_name].pop('keep') if i == 100: method = "IOU_Exp" if cfg.FAST_RCNN.IOU_NMS: method = "FPN_IOU_NMS" elif cfg.FAST_RCNN.SCORE_NMS: method = "FPN_SCORE_NMS" with open("/nfs/project/libo_i/IOU.pytorch/IOU_Validation/{}.json".format(method), 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(dict_all)) print("In {} round, saved dict_all ".format(i)) extend_results(i, all_boxes, cls_boxes_i) if cls_segms_i is not None: extend_results(i, all_segms, cls_segms_i) if cls_keyps_i is not None: extend_results(i, all_keyps, cls_keyps_i) if i % 10 == 0: # Reduce log file size ave_total_time = np.sum([t.average_time for t in timers.values()]) eta_seconds = ave_total_time * (num_images - i - 1) eta = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds = int(eta_seconds))) det_time = ( timers['im_detect_bbox'].average_time + timers['im_detect_mask'].average_time + timers['im_detect_keypoints'].average_time ) misc_time = ( timers['misc_bbox'].average_time + timers['misc_mask'].average_time + timers['misc_keypoints'].average_time ) ( 'im_detect: range [{:d}, {:d}] of {:d}: ' '{:d}/{:d} {:.3f}s + {:.3f}s (eta: {})' ).format( start_ind + 1, end_ind, total_num_images, start_ind + i + 1, start_ind + num_images, det_time, misc_time, eta ) ) if cfg.VIS: im_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(entry['image']))[0] vis_utils.vis_one_image( im[:, :, ::-1], '{:d}_{:s}'.format(i, im_name), os.path.join(output_dir, 'vis'), cls_boxes_i, segms = cls_segms_i, keypoints = cls_keyps_i, thresh = cfg.VIS_TH, box_alpha = 0.8, dataset = dataset, show_class = True ) cfg_yaml = yaml.dump(cfg) if ind_range is not None: det_name = 'detection_range_%s_%s.pkl' % tuple(ind_range) else: det_name = 'detections.pkl' det_file = os.path.join(output_dir, det_name) save_object( dict( all_boxes = all_boxes, all_segms = all_segms, all_keyps = all_keyps, cfg = cfg_yaml ), det_file )'Wrote detections to: {}'.format(os.path.abspath(det_file))) return all_boxes, all_segms, all_keyps
def test_net( weights_file, dataset_name, proposal_file, output_dir, ind_range=None, gpu_id=0 ): """Run inference on all images in a dataset or over an index range of images in a dataset using a single GPU. """ assert not cfg.MODEL.RPN_ONLY, \ 'Use rpn_generate to generate proposals from RPN-only models' roidb, dataset, start_ind, end_ind, total_num_images = get_roidb_and_dataset( dataset_name, proposal_file, ind_range ) model = initialize_model_from_cfg(weights_file, gpu_id=gpu_id) num_images = len(roidb) num_classes = cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES all_boxes, all_segms, all_keyps = empty_results(num_classes, num_images) timers = defaultdict(Timer) anchor_blobs = _create_anchors() with c2_utils.NamedCpuScope(gpu_id): for k, v in anchor_blobs.items(): workspace.FeedBlob(core.ScopedName(k), v) for i, entry in enumerate(roidb): if cfg.TEST.PRECOMPUTED_PROPOSALS: # The roidb may contain ground-truth rois (for example, if the roidb # comes from the training or val split). We only want to evaluate # detection on the *non*-ground-truth rois. We select only the rois # that have the gt_classes field set to 0, which means there's no # ground truth. box_proposals = entry['boxes'][entry['gt_classes'] == 0] if len(box_proposals) == 0: continue else: # Faster R-CNN type models generate proposals on-the-fly with an # in-network RPN; 1-stage models don't require proposals. box_proposals = None im = cv2.imread(entry['image']) with c2_utils.NamedCudaScope(gpu_id): cls_boxes_i, cls_segms_i, cls_keyps_i = im_detect_all( model, im, box_proposals, timers ) extend_results(i, all_boxes, cls_boxes_i) if cls_segms_i is not None: extend_results(i, all_segms, cls_segms_i) if cls_keyps_i is not None: extend_results(i, all_keyps, cls_keyps_i) if i % 10 == 0: # Reduce log file size ave_total_time = np.sum([t.average_time for t in timers.values()]) eta_seconds = ave_total_time * (num_images - i - 1) eta = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(eta_seconds))) det_time = ( timers['im_detect_bbox'].average_time + timers['im_detect_mask'].average_time + timers['im_detect_keypoints'].average_time ) misc_time = ( timers['misc_bbox'].average_time + timers['misc_mask'].average_time + timers['misc_keypoints'].average_time ) ( 'im_detect: range [{:d}, {:d}] of {:d}: ' '{:d}/{:d} {:.3f}s + {:.3f}s (eta: {})' ).format( start_ind + 1, end_ind, total_num_images, start_ind + i + 1, start_ind + num_images, det_time, misc_time, eta ) ) if cfg.VIS: im_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(entry['image']))[0] vis_utils.vis_one_image( im[:, :, ::-1], '{:d}_{:s}'.format(i, im_name), os.path.join(output_dir, 'vis'), cls_boxes_i, segms=cls_segms_i, keypoints=cls_keyps_i, thresh=cfg.VIS_TH, box_alpha=0.8, dataset=dataset, show_class=True ) cfg_yaml = yaml.dump(cfg) if ind_range is not None: det_name = cfg.CFG_FILE + '_range_%s_%s.pkl' % tuple(ind_range) else: det_name = 'detections.pkl' det_file = os.path.join(output_dir, det_name) save_object( dict( all_boxes=all_boxes, all_segms=all_segms, all_keyps=all_keyps, cfg=cfg_yaml ), det_file )'Wrote detections to: {}'.format(os.path.abspath(det_file))) return all_boxes, all_segms, all_keyps
for seq_idx in range(db.get_num_sequence()): db.set_to_sequence(seq_idx) seq_name = db.get_current_seq_name() cur_output_dir = osp.join(args.output_dir, seq_name) if args.no_overwrite is True and osp.exists( osp.join(cur_output_dir, 'results.pdf')): continue if not osp.isdir(cur_output_dir): os.makedirs(cur_output_dir) assert (cur_output_dir) for idx in range(db.get_current_seq_length()): im = db.get_image_cv2(idx) assert im is not None timers = defaultdict(Timer) cls_boxes, cls_segms, cls_keyps = im_detect_all(maskRCNN, im, timers=timers) im_name = '%03d-%03d' % (seq_idx, idx) print(osp.join(seq_name, im_name)) vis_utils.vis_one_image( im[:, :, ::-1], # BGR -> RGB for visualization im_name, cur_output_dir, cls_boxes, cls_segms, cls_keyps, dataset=dataset, box_alpha=0.3, show_class=True, thresh=0.7, kp_thresh=2)
def main(): """main function""" if not torch.cuda.is_available(): sys.exit("Need a CUDA device to run the code.") args = parse_args() print('Called with args:') print(args) assert args.image_dir or args.images assert bool(args.image_dir) ^ bool(args.images) dataset = datasets.get_hospital_dataset() cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES = 20 # with bg num_class = cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES sents = dataset.sents th_cls = dataset.th_cls cls2eng = dataset.cls2eng eng2type = dataset.eng2type print('load cfg from file: {}'.format(args.cfg_file)) cfg_from_file(args.cfg_file) if args.set_cfgs is not None: cfg_from_list(args.set_cfgs) assert bool(args.load_ckpt) ^ bool(args.load_detectron), \ 'Exactly one of --load_ckpt and --load_detectron should be specified.' cfg.MODEL.LOAD_IMAGENET_PRETRAINED_WEIGHTS = False # Don't need to load imagenet pretrained weights assert_and_infer_cfg() maskRCNN = Generalized_RCNN() if args.cuda: maskRCNN.cuda() if args.load_ckpt: load_name = args.load_ckpt print("loading checkpoint %s" % (load_name)) checkpoint = torch.load(load_name, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) net_utils.load_ckpt(maskRCNN, checkpoint['model']) if args.load_detectron: print("loading detectron weights %s" % args.load_detectron) load_detectron_weight(maskRCNN, args.load_detectron) maskRCNN = mynn.DataParallel(maskRCNN, cpu_keywords=['im_info', 'roidb'], minibatch=True, device_ids=[0]) # only support single GPU maskRCNN.eval() if args.image_dir: imglist = misc_utils.get_imagelist_from_dir(args.image_dir) else: imglist = args.images num_images = len(imglist) if not os.path.exists(args.output_dir): os.makedirs(args.output_dir) for i in xrange(num_images): # for each image print('img', i) im = cv2.imread(imglist[i]) assert im is not None # segmentation # d = segment(im) # pdb.set_trace() timers = defaultdict(Timer) # detection cls_boxes, cls_segms, cls_keyps = im_detect_all(maskRCNN, im, timers=timers) # first we collect boxes from all classes dets_total = np.empty([0, 6], dtype=np.float32) for cls in range(1, num_class): # for each cls dets = cls_boxes[cls] if dets.shape[0] == 0: continue dets_extend = np.pad( dets, ((0, 0), (0, 1)), # add 0 rows above, below and left, but 1 row right mode='constant', constant_values=cls) # append cls to dets dets_total = np.vstack((dets_total, dets_extend)) # then use a loose NMS to make each region has only one symptom keep = box_utils.nms(dets_total, 0.7) nms_dets = dets_total[keep, :] # iterate through remained boxes report, healthy = '', True have_sym_of_cls = [False for _ in range(num_class)] n = nms_dets.shape[0] final_results = [] # return to the web for idx in range(n): # for each region th, cls = nms_dets[idx, -2], int(nms_dets[idx, -1]) if th > th_cls[cls]: # diagnosed to have the sym report += sents[cls][1] have_sym_of_cls[cls] = True healthy = False ename = cls2eng[int(cls)] _type = eng2type[ename] final_results.append({ 'name': ename, 'type': _type, 'box': list(nms_dets[idx, 0:4]) }) for cls in range(1, num_class): # for each cls if not have_sym_of_cls[cls]: # if have no sym of this cls report += sents[cls][0] if healthy: report = sents[0][0] print(report) pdb.set_trace() # healthy = True # flag indicating healthy or not # for cls in range(1, num_class): # for each cls # dets = cls_boxes[cls] # if dets.shape[0] == 0: # report += sents[cls][0] # continue # n = dets.shape[0] # flag = False # indicates if the sym exists # for k in range(n): # for each region # if dets[k, -1] > th_cls[cls]: # above threshold for this cls, means have this cls of symptom # report += sents[cls][1] # flag = True # healthy = False # if not flag: # don't have this symptom # report += sents[cls][0] # # if healthy: # use the report for healthy people # report = sents[0][0] im_name, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(imglist[i])) # vis_utils.vis_one_image( # im[:, :, ::-1], # BGR -> RGB for visualization # im_name, # args.output_dir, # cls_boxes, # cls_segms, # cls_keyps, # dataset=dataset, # box_alpha=0.3, # show_class=True, # thresh=0.05, # kp_thresh=2 # ) if args.merge_pdfs and num_images > 1: merge_out_path = '{}/results.pdf'.format(args.output_dir) if os.path.exists(merge_out_path): os.remove(merge_out_path) command = "pdfunite {}/*.pdf {}".format(args.output_dir, merge_out_path), shell=True)
def test_net( # child func args, dataset_name, proposal_file, output_dir, ind_range=None, gpu_id=0): """Run inference on all images in a dataset or over an index range of images in a dataset using a single GPU. """ assert not cfg.MODEL.RPN_ONLY, \ 'Use rpn_generate to generate proposals from RPN-only models' roidb, dataset, start_ind, end_ind, total_num_images = get_roidb_and_dataset( dataset_name, proposal_file, ind_range) model = initialize_model_from_cfg(args, gpu_id=gpu_id) num_images = len(roidb) num_classes = cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES all_boxes, all_segms, all_keyps = empty_results(num_classes, num_images) res_dict = {} timers = defaultdict(Timer) for i, entry in enumerate(roidb): print(i) tmp = {'boxes': entry['gt_boxes'], 'clses': entry['cls_list']} res_dict[entry['eva_id']] = tmp if cfg.TEST.PRECOMPUTED_PROPOSALS: # The roidb may contain ground-truth rois (for example, if the roidb # comes from the training or val split). We only want to evaluate # detection on the *non*-ground-truth rois. We select only the rois # that have the gt_classes field set to 0, which means there's no ground truth. box_proposals = entry['boxes'][entry['gt_classes'] == 0] if len(box_proposals) == 0: continue else: # Faster R-CNN type models generate proposals on-the-fly with an # in-network RPN; 1-stage models don't require proposals. box_proposals = None im = cv2.imread(entry['image']) if cfg.HISTO_EQUAL: # LJY gray = cv2.equalizeHist(im[:, :, 0]) im = cv2.cvtColor(gray, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) cls_boxes_i, cls_segms_i, cls_keyps_i = im_detect_all( model, im, box_proposals, timers) extend_results(i, all_boxes, cls_boxes_i) if cls_segms_i is not None: extend_results(i, all_segms, cls_segms_i) if cls_keyps_i is not None: extend_results(i, all_keyps, cls_keyps_i) if i % 10 == 0: # Reduce log file size ave_total_time = np.sum([t.average_time for t in timers.values()]) eta_seconds = ave_total_time * (num_images - i - 1) eta = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(eta_seconds))) det_time = (timers['im_detect_bbox'].average_time + timers['im_detect_mask'].average_time + timers['im_detect_keypoints'].average_time) misc_time = (timers['misc_bbox'].average_time + timers['misc_mask'].average_time + timers['misc_keypoints'].average_time)'im_detect: range [{:d}, {:d}] of {:d}: ' '{:d}/{:d} {:.3f}s + {:.3f}s (eta: {})').format( start_ind + 1, end_ind, total_num_images, start_ind + i + 1, start_ind + num_images, det_time, misc_time, eta)) # if cfg.VIS: if False: # im_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(entry['image']))[0] im_name = str(entry['eva_id']) vis_utils.vis_one_image_orig(im[:, :, ::-1], '{:d}_{:s}'.format(i, im_name), os.path.join(output_dir, 'vis'), cls_boxes_i, segms=cls_segms_i, keypoints=cls_keyps_i, thresh=0.5, box_alpha=0.8, dataset=dataset, show_class=True) # LJY: save detection file !!! cfg_yaml = yaml.dump(cfg) if ind_range is not None: det_name = 'detection_range_%s_%s.pkl' % tuple(ind_range) else: det_name = 'detections.pkl' det_file = os.path.join(output_dir, det_name) save_object( dict(all_boxes=all_boxes, all_segms=all_segms, all_keyps=all_keyps, cfg=cfg_yaml), det_file) with open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'res_dict.json'), 'w') as f: json.dump(res_dict, f, ensure_ascii=False)'Wrote detections to: {}'.format(os.path.abspath(det_file))) return all_boxes, all_segms, all_keyps
def test_net(ind_range=None): assert cfg.TEST.WEIGHTS != '', \ 'TEST.WEIGHTS must be set to the model file to test' assert not cfg.MODEL.RPN_ONLY, \ 'Use rpn_generate to generate proposals from RPN-only models' assert cfg.TEST.DATASET != '', \ 'TEST.DATASET must be set to the dataset name to test' output_dir = get_output_dir(training=False) roidb, dataset, start_ind, end_ind, total_num_images = \ get_roidb_and_dataset(ind_range) model = initialize_model_from_cfg() num_images = len(roidb) num_classes = cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES all_boxes, all_segms, all_keyps = empty_results(num_classes, num_images) timers = defaultdict(Timer) gpu_dev = core.DeviceOption(caffe2_pb2.CUDA, cfg.ROOT_GPU_ID) name_scope = 'gpu_{}'.format(cfg.ROOT_GPU_ID) for i, entry in enumerate(roidb): if cfg.MODEL.FASTER_RCNN: box_proposals = None else: # The roidb may contain ground-truth rois (for example, if the roidb # comes from the training or val split). We only want to evaluate # detection on the *non*-ground-truth rois. We select only the rois # that have the gt_classes field set to 0, which means there's no # ground truth. box_proposals = entry['boxes'][entry['gt_classes'] == 0] if len(box_proposals) == 0: continue im = image_utils.read_image_video(entry) with core.NameScope(name_scope): with core.DeviceScope(gpu_dev): cls_boxes_i, cls_segms_i, cls_keyps_i = im_detect_all( model, im, box_proposals, timers) extend_results(i, all_boxes, cls_boxes_i) if cls_segms_i is not None: extend_results(i, all_segms, cls_segms_i) if cls_keyps_i is not None: extend_results(i, all_keyps, cls_keyps_i) if i % 10 == 0: # Reduce log file size ave_total_time = np.sum([t.average_time for t in timers.values()]) eta_seconds = ave_total_time * (num_images - i - 1) eta = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(eta_seconds))) det_time = (timers['im_detect_bbox'].average_time + timers['im_detect_mask'].average_time + timers['im_detect_keypoints'].average_time) misc_time = (timers['misc_bbox'].average_time + timers['misc_mask'].average_time + timers['misc_keypoints'].average_time) ('im_detect: range [{:d}, {:d}] of {:d}: ' '{:d}/{:d} {:.3f}s + {:.3f}s (eta: {})').format( start_ind + 1, end_ind, total_num_images, start_ind + i + 1, start_ind + num_images, det_time, misc_time, eta)) if cfg.VIS: im_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(entry['image']))[0] vis_utils.vis_one_image( im[:, :, ::-1], '{:d}_{:s}'.format(i, im_name), os.path.join(output_dir, 'vis'), cls_boxes_i, segms=cls_segms_i, keypoints=cls_keyps_i, thresh=cfg.VIS_THR, box_alpha=0.8, dataset=dataset, show_class=True) cfg_yaml = yaml.dump(cfg) if ind_range is not None: det_name = 'detection_range_%s_%s.pkl' % tuple(ind_range) else: det_name = 'detections.pkl' det_file = os.path.join(output_dir, det_name) robust_pickle_dump( dict(all_boxes=all_boxes, all_segms=all_segms, all_keyps=all_keyps, cfg=cfg_yaml), det_file)'Wrote detections to: {}'.format(os.path.abspath(det_file))) return all_boxes, all_segms, all_keyps