예제 #1
def function_node(func, tree):
    function_name = t.get_code_bit(func.__name__)
    return only(
        for node in tree.body
        if isinstance(node, ast.FunctionDef)
        if node.name == function_name
예제 #2
def clean_program(program, cls):
    if callable(program) and not cls.auto_translate_program:
        program = inspect.getsource(program).splitlines()[1:]

    if not callable(program):
        program = clean_spaces(program)
        if not is_valid_syntax(program):
            cls.auto_translate_program = False

        cls.show_solution_program = program = t.translate_program(cls, program)
        return program

    func = program
    source = t.translate_program(cls, inspect.getsource(program))
    globs = func.__globals__  # noqa
    exec(source, globs)
    func = globs[t.get_code_bit(func.__name__)]
    func = MethodType(func, "")

    lines = source.splitlines()
    cls.is_function_exercise = lines[-1].strip().startswith("return ")
    if cls.is_function_exercise:
        func = func()
        assert lines[0] == f"def {t.get_code_bit('solution')}(self):"
        assert lines[-1] == f"    return {func.__name__}"
        source = clean_spaces(lines[1:-1])
        source = program = clean_solution_function(func, source)

    tree = ast.parse(source)
    if not any(
        isinstance(node, ast.Return) for node in ast.walk(tree)
    ) and not getattr(cls, "no_returns_stdout", False):
        func = returns_stdout(func)
    func = add_stdin_input_arg(func)
    func = NoMethodWrapper(func)
    cls.solution = func
    func_node = function_node(func, tree)

    if cls.is_function_exercise:
        cls.show_solution_program = ast.get_source_segment(source, func_node)
        lines = lines[func_node.body[0].lineno - 1 :]
        cls.show_solution_program = program = clean_spaces(lines)
        if hasattr(cls, "test_values"):
            [[inputs, _result]] = itertools.islice(cls.test_values(), 1)
            cls.stdin_input = inputs.pop("stdin_input", [])
            if inputs:
                inputs = inputs_string(inputs)
                program = inputs + "\n" + program

    compile(program, "<program>", "exec")  # check validity
    return program
예제 #3
 def check(self):
     return t.get_code_bit(hello_world_repr) in self.result
예제 #4
 def Hello():
     return ast.literal_eval(t.get_code_bit("'Hello'"))
예제 #5
 def word():
     return t.get_code_bit('word')
예제 #6
Similarly, `'sunshine'` is `'sunshine'`, but what's `__program__` without quotes?

        program = "sunshine"
        predicted_output_choices = [
            "sunshine", "'sunshine'", "Hello", "'Hello'"
        correct_output = "Error"

    final_text = """
The answer is that `sunshine` looks like a variable, so Python tries to look up its value, but since we never defined a variable with that name we get an error.

your_name = t.get_code_bit("your_name")

class UsingVariables(Page):
    title = "Using Variables and `print()`"

    class name_assign(Step):
Previously we made a variable called `word` with the value `'Hello'` with this code:

    word = 'Hello'

Now make a variable called `your_name` whose value is another string.

(The character `_` in `your_name` is called an *underscore*. Use it to separate words when you want a variable name containing multiple words. You can type it on most keyboards by pressing Shift and hyphen/dash/minus (`-`).)