예제 #1
def test_queue_refill(setup_celery, test_project_data, test_all_queues,
                      test_profile, test_labels, test_redis, tmpdir, settings):
    Check that the queues refill the way they should.
    Have one person label everything in a batch. Check that the queue refills but the irr queue now has twice the irr% * batch amount
    project = test_project_data
    normal_queue, admin_queue, irr_queue = test_all_queues
    fill_queue(normal_queue, 'random', irr_queue, project.percentage_irr,

    irr_count = math.ceil((project.percentage_irr / 100) * project.batch_size)
    non_irr_count = math.ceil(
        ((100 - project.percentage_irr) / 100) * project.batch_size)

    for i in range(non_irr_count):
        datum = assign_datum(test_profile, project, "normal")
        assert datum is not None
        label_data(test_labels[0], datum, test_profile, 3)
        check_and_trigger_model(datum, test_profile)
    for i in range(irr_count):
        datum = assign_datum(test_profile, project, "irr")
        assert datum is not None
        label_data(test_labels[0], datum, test_profile, 3)
        check_and_trigger_model(datum, test_profile)
    assert DataQueue.objects.filter(
        queue=normal_queue).count() == non_irr_count
    assert DataQueue.objects.filter(queue=irr_queue).count() == irr_count * 2
def test_cohens_kappa_perc_agreement_no_agreement(
    """This just tests the kappa and percent if nobody ever agreed."""
    project = test_project_half_irr_data
    labels = test_labels_half_irr
    normal_queue, admin_queue, irr_queue = test_half_irr_all_queues
        normal_queue, "random", irr_queue, project.percentage_irr, project.batch_size

    # label 5 irr elements but disagree on all of them
    for i in range(5):
        datum = assign_datum(test_profile, project, "irr")
        assign_datum(test_profile2, project, "irr")
        label_data(labels[i % 3], datum, test_profile, 3)
        label_data(labels[(i + 1) % 3], datum, test_profile2, 3)
    kappa, perc = cohens_kappa(project)
    assert round(kappa, 3) == -0.471
    assert perc == 0.0
예제 #3
def test_annotate_irr(setup_celery, test_project_half_irr_data,
                      test_half_irr_all_queues, test_profile, test_profile2,
                      test_profile3, test_labels_half_irr, test_redis, tmpdir,
    This tests the irr labeling workflow, and checks that the data is in the correct models
    project = test_project_half_irr_data
    normal_queue, admin_queue, irr_queue = test_half_irr_all_queues
    fill_queue(normal_queue, 'random', irr_queue, project.percentage_irr,
    # get an irr datum. One should exist.
    datum = assign_datum(test_profile, project, "irr")
    assert datum is not None

    # let one user label a datum. It should be in DataLabel, not be in IRRLog,
    # still be in IRR Queue
    label_data(test_labels_half_irr[0], datum, test_profile, 3)
    assert DataLabel.objects.filter(data=datum,
                                    profile=test_profile).count() > 0
    assert IRRLog.objects.filter(data=datum, profile=test_profile).count() == 0
    assert DataQueue.objects.filter(data=datum, queue=irr_queue).count() > 0

    datum2 = assign_datum(test_profile2, project, "irr")
    assert datum.pk == datum2.pk

    datum3 = assign_datum(test_profile3, project, "irr")
    assert datum.pk == datum3.pk

    # let other user label the same datum. It should now be in datatable with
    # creater=profile, be in IRRLog (twice), not be in IRRQueue
    label_data(test_labels_half_irr[0], datum2, test_profile2, 3)
    assert DataLabel.objects.filter(data=datum2).count() == 1
    assert DataLabel.objects.get(data=datum2).profile.pk == project.creator.pk
    assert IRRLog.objects.filter(data=datum2).count() == 2
    assert DataQueue.objects.filter(data=datum2, queue=irr_queue).count() == 0

    # let a third user label the first data something else. It should be in
    # IRRLog but not overwrite the label from before
    label_data(test_labels_half_irr[0], datum3, test_profile3, 3)
    assert IRRLog.objects.filter(data=datum3).count() == 3
    assert DataLabel.objects.filter(data=datum3).count() == 1
    assert DataLabel.objects.get(data=datum3).profile.pk == project.creator.pk

    # let two users disagree on a datum. It should be in the admin queue,
    # not in irr queue, not in datalabel, in irrlog twice
    second_datum = assign_datum(test_profile, project, "irr")
    # should be a new datum
    assert datum.pk != second_datum.pk
    second_datum2 = assign_datum(test_profile2, project, "irr")
    label_data(test_labels_half_irr[0], second_datum, test_profile, 3)
    label_data(test_labels_half_irr[1], second_datum2, test_profile2, 3)
    assert DataQueue.objects.filter(data=second_datum2,
                                    queue=admin_queue).count() == 1
    assert DataQueue.objects.filter(data=second_datum2,
                                    queue=irr_queue).count() == 0
    assert DataLabel.objects.filter(data=second_datum2).count() == 0
    assert IRRLog.objects.filter(data=second_datum2).count() == 2
예제 #4
def test_skip_irr(
    """This tests the skip function, and see if the data is in the correct places."""
    project = test_project_half_irr_data
    normal_queue, admin_queue, irr_queue = test_half_irr_all_queues
    fill_queue(normal_queue, "random", irr_queue, project.percentage_irr,
    # get an irr datum. One should exist.
    datum = assign_datum(test_profile, project, "irr")
    assert datum is not None

    # let one user skip an irr datum. It should not be in adminqueue, should be in irr queue,
    # should be in irrlog, should be in irr queue, not be in datalabel
    skip_data(datum, test_profile)
    assert DataQueue.objects.filter(data=datum, queue=admin_queue).count() == 0
    assert DataQueue.objects.filter(data=datum, queue=irr_queue).count() == 1
    assert IRRLog.objects.filter(data=datum, profile=test_profile).count() == 1
    assert DataLabel.objects.filter(data=datum,
                                    profile=test_profile).count() == 0

    # let the other user skip the data. It should be in admin queue,
    # IRRlog (twice), and nowhere else.
    datum2 = assign_datum(test_profile2, project, "irr")
    assert datum.pk == datum2.pk
    skip_data(datum2, test_profile2)
    assert DataQueue.objects.filter(data=datum, queue=admin_queue).count() == 1
    assert DataQueue.objects.filter(data=datum, queue=irr_queue).count() == 0
    assert IRRLog.objects.filter(data=datum).count() == 2
    assert DataLabel.objects.filter(data=datum).count() == 0

    # have two users label an IRR datum then have a third user skip it.
    # It should be in the IRRLog but not in admin queue or anywhere else.
    second_datum = assign_datum(test_profile, project, "irr")
    second_datum2 = assign_datum(test_profile2, project, "irr")
    assert second_datum.pk != datum.pk
    assert second_datum.pk == second_datum2.pk
    second_datum3 = assign_datum(test_profile3, project, "irr")
    assert second_datum2.pk == second_datum3.pk

    label_data(test_labels_half_irr[0], second_datum, test_profile, 3)
    label_data(test_labels_half_irr[0], second_datum2, test_profile2, 3)
    skip_data(second_datum3, test_profile3)
    assert DataQueue.objects.filter(data=second_datum3,
                                    queue=admin_queue).count() == 0
    assert DataQueue.objects.filter(data=second_datum3,
                                    queue=irr_queue).count() == 0
    assert IRRLog.objects.filter(data=second_datum3).count() == 3
    assert DataLabel.objects.filter(data=second_datum3).count() == 1
예제 #5
def test_model_task_redis_no_dupes_data_left_in_queue(
        test_project_labeled_and_tfidf, test_queue_labeled,
        test_irr_queue_labeled, test_admin_queue_labeled, test_redis, tmpdir,
    project = test_project_labeled_and_tfidf
    initial_training_set = project.get_current_training_set().set_number
    queue = project.queue_set.get(type="normal")
    queue.length = 40

    irr_queue = project.queue_set.get(type="irr")
    irr_queue.length = 40

    model_path_temp = tmpdir.listdir()[0].mkdir('model_pickles')
    settings.MODEL_PICKLE_PATH = str(model_path_temp)

    batch_size = project.batch_size

    labels = project.labels.all()
    for i in range(int(batch_size * ((100 - project.percentage_irr) / 100))):
        datum = assign_datum(project.creator, project)
        label_data(random.choice(labels), datum, project.creator, 3)

    assert project.get_current_training_set(
    ).set_number == initial_training_set + 1
    redis_items = test_redis.lrange(redis_serialize_queue(queue), 0, -1)
    assert len(redis_items) == len(set(redis_items))
예제 #6
def test_assign_datum_profile_queue_returns_correct_datum(
        db, test_profile_queue, test_profile, test_profile_queue2,
        test_profile2, test_redis):
    fill_queue(test_profile_queue, orderby='random')
    fill_queue(test_profile_queue2, orderby='random')

    datum = assign_datum(test_profile, test_profile_queue.project)

    assert isinstance(datum, Data)
def test_assign_datum_project_queue_returns_datum(db, test_queue, test_profile,
    """Assign a datum from a project-wide queue (null profile ID)."""
    fill_queue(test_queue, orderby="random")

    datum = assign_datum(test_profile, test_queue.project)

    # Make sure we got the datum
    assert isinstance(datum, Data)
def test_g_naivebayes_classifier(
    """This tests that a project with the Gaussian Naiive Bayes classifier can
    successfully train and give predictions for a model."""
    normal_queue, admin_queue, irr_queue = test_gnb_queue_list
    labels = test_gnb_labels
    project = test_project_gnb_data_tfidf

    active_l = project.learning_method
    batch_size = project.batch_size
    initial_training_set = project.get_current_training_set()
    model_path_temp = tmpdir.listdir()[0].mkdir("model_pickles")
    settings.MODEL_PICKLE_PATH = str(model_path_temp)

    assert project.classifier == "gnb"
    assert active_l == "least confident"

    fill_queue(normal_queue, "random")

    assert DataQueue.objects.filter(queue=normal_queue).count() == batch_size

    for i in range(batch_size):
        datum = assign_datum(test_profile, project)
        label_data(labels[i % 3], datum, test_profile, 3)

    ret_str = check_and_trigger_model(datum)
    assert ret_str == "model running"

    # Assert model created and saved
    assert_obj_exists(Model, {"project": project})
    model = Model.objects.get(project=project)
    assert os.path.isfile(model.pickle_path)
    assert model.pickle_path == os.path.join(
        + str(project.pk)
        + "_training_"
        + str(initial_training_set.set_number)
        + ".pkl",

    # Assert predictions created
    predictions = DataPrediction.objects.filter(data__project=project)
    assert (
        == Data.objects.filter(project=project, labelers=None).count()
        * project.labels.count()
예제 #9
def test_get_assignments_one_existing_assignment(db, test_profile,
                                                 test_project_data, test_queue,
    fill_queue(test_queue, orderby='random')

    assigned_datum = assign_datum(test_profile, test_project_data)

    data = get_assignments(test_profile, test_project_data, 1)

    assert isinstance(data[0], Data)
    # We should just get the datum that was already assigned
    assert data[0] == assigned_datum
예제 #10
def test_assign_datum_project_queue_correct_assignment(db, test_queue,
    fill_queue(test_queue, orderby='random')

    datum = assign_datum(test_profile, test_queue.project)

    # Make sure the assignment is correct
    assignment = AssignedData.objects.filter(data=datum)
    assert len(assignment) == 1
    assert assignment[0].profile == test_profile
    assert assignment[0].queue == test_queue
    assert assignment[0].assigned_timestamp is not None
예제 #11
def test_skip_data(db, test_profile, test_queue, test_admin_queue, test_redis):
    fill_queue(test_queue, orderby='random')
    project = test_queue.project
    datum = assign_datum(test_profile, project)
    move_skipped_to_admin_queue(datum, test_profile, project)

    # Make sure the assignment was removed
    assert not AssignedData.objects.filter(
        profile=test_profile, data=datum, queue=test_queue).exists()
    # make sure the item was re-assigned to the admin queue
    assert DataQueue.objects.filter(data=datum,
    # make sure not in normal queue
    assert not DataQueue.objects.filter(data=datum, queue=test_queue).exists()
예제 #12
def test_assign_datum_project_queue_pops_queues(db, test_queue, test_profile,
    fill_queue(test_queue, orderby='random')

    datum = assign_datum(test_profile, test_queue.project)

    # Make sure the datum was removed from queues but not set
    assert test_redis.llen('queue:' +
                           str(test_queue.pk)) == test_queue.length - 1
    assert test_redis.scard('set:' + str(test_queue.pk)) == test_queue.length

    # but not from the db queue
    assert test_queue.data.count() == test_queue.length
    assert datum in test_queue.data.all()
예제 #13
def test_get_assignments_multiple_existing_assignments(db, test_profile,
                                                       test_queue, test_redis):
    fill_queue(test_queue, orderby='random')

    assigned_data = []
    for i in range(5):
        assigned_data.append(assign_datum(test_profile, test_project_data))

    data = get_assignments(test_profile, test_project_data, 5)

    assert len(data) == 5
    assert len(data) == len(assigned_data)
    for datum, assigned_datum in zip(data, assigned_data):
        assert isinstance(datum, Data)
    # We should just get the data that was already assigned
    assert len(data) == len(assigned_data)
예제 #14
def test_randomforest_classifier(setup_celery,
                                 test_randomforest_queue_list, test_profile,
                                 test_redis, tmpdir, settings):
    This tests that a project with the random forest classifier can successfully train
    and give predictions for a model
    normal_queue, admin_queue, irr_queue = test_randomforest_queue_list
    labels = test_randomforest_labels
    project = test_project_randomforest_data_tfidf

    active_l = project.learning_method
    batch_size = project.batch_size
    initial_training_set = project.get_current_training_set()
    model_path_temp = tmpdir.listdir()[0].mkdir('model_pickles')
    settings.MODEL_PICKLE_PATH = str(model_path_temp)

    assert project.classifier == "random forest"
    assert active_l == 'least confident'

    fill_queue(normal_queue, 'random')

    assert DataQueue.objects.filter(queue=normal_queue).count() == batch_size

    for i in range(batch_size):
        datum = assign_datum(test_profile, project)
        label_data(labels[i % 3], datum, test_profile, 3)

    ret_str = check_and_trigger_model(datum)
    assert ret_str == 'model running'

    # Assert model created and saved
    assert_obj_exists(Model, {'project': project})
    model = Model.objects.get(project=project)
    assert os.path.isfile(model.pickle_path)
    assert model.pickle_path == os.path.join(
        str(model_path_temp), 'project_' + str(project.pk) + '_training_' +
        str(initial_training_set.set_number) + '.pkl')

    # Assert predictions created
    predictions = DataPrediction.objects.filter(data__project=project)
    assert len(predictions) == Data.objects.filter(
        project=project, labelers=None).count() * project.labels.count()
def test_check_and_trigger_model_first_labeled(
    setup_celery, test_project_data, test_labels, test_queue, test_profile
    initial_training_set = test_project_data.get_current_training_set()

    fill_queue(test_queue, orderby="random")

    datum = assign_datum(test_profile, test_queue.project)
    test_label = test_labels[0]
    label_data(test_label, datum, test_profile, 3)

    check = check_and_trigger_model(datum)
    assert check == "no trigger"

    assert test_project_data.get_current_training_set() == initial_training_set
    assert test_project_data.model_set.count() == 0
    assert DataPrediction.objects.filter(data__project=test_project_data).count() == 0
    assert DataUncertainty.objects.filter(data__project=test_project_data).count() == 0
    assert DataQueue.objects.filter(queue=test_queue).count() == TEST_QUEUE_LEN - 1
예제 #16
def test_label_data(db, test_profile, test_queue, test_redis):
    fill_queue(test_queue, orderby='random')

    datum = assign_datum(test_profile, test_queue.project)
    test_label = Label.objects.create(name='test', project=test_queue.project)
    label_data(test_label, datum, test_profile, 3)

    # Make sure the label was properly recorded
    assert datum in test_profile.labeled_data.all()
        DataLabel, {
            'data': datum,
            'profile': test_profile,
            'label': test_label,
            'time_to_label': 3

    # Make sure the assignment was removed
    assert not AssignedData.objects.filter(
        profile=test_profile, data=datum, queue=test_queue).exists()
def test_label_data(db, test_profile, test_queue, test_redis):
    fill_queue(test_queue, orderby="random")

    datum = assign_datum(test_profile, test_queue.project)
    test_label = Label.objects.create(name="test", project=test_queue.project)
    label_data(test_label, datum, test_profile, 3)

    # Make sure the label was properly recorded
    assert datum in test_profile.labeled_data.all()
            "data": datum,
            "profile": test_profile,
            "label": test_label,
            "time_to_label": 3,

    # Make sure the assignment was removed
    assert not AssignedData.objects.filter(
        profile=test_profile, data=datum, queue=test_queue).exists()
예제 #18
def test_assign_datum_profile_queue_pops_queues(db, test_profile_queue,
                                                test_profile2, test_redis):
    fill_queue(test_profile_queue, orderby='random')
    fill_queue(test_profile_queue2, orderby='random')

    datum = assign_datum(test_profile, test_profile_queue.project)

    # Make sure the datum was removed from the correct queues but not sets
    assert test_redis.llen(
        'queue:' + str(test_profile_queue.pk)) == test_profile_queue.length - 1
    assert test_redis.scard(
        'set:' + str(test_profile_queue.pk)) == test_profile_queue.length

    # ...but not the other queues
    assert test_profile_queue.data.count() == test_profile_queue.length
    assert datum in test_profile_queue.data.all()
    assert test_redis.llen(
        'queue:' + str(test_profile_queue2.pk)) == test_profile_queue2.length
    assert test_redis.scard(
        'set:' + str(test_profile_queue2.pk)) == test_profile_queue2.length
    assert test_profile_queue2.data.count() == test_profile_queue2.length
예제 #19
def test_fleiss_kappa_perc_agreement(
        setup_celery, test_project_all_irr_3_coders_data,
        test_all_irr_3_coders_all_queues, test_profile, test_profile2,
        test_profile3, test_labels_all_irr_3_coders, test_redis, tmpdir,
    This tests the results of the Fleiss's kappa function when fed different situations
    project = test_project_all_irr_3_coders_data
    labels = test_labels_all_irr_3_coders
    normal_queue, admin_queue, irr_queue = test_all_irr_3_coders_all_queues
    fill_queue(normal_queue, 'random', irr_queue, project.percentage_irr,

    # first check that an error is thrown if there is no data
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
    assert 'No irr data' in str(excinfo.value)

    # next, check that the same error happens if only two have labeled it
    datum = assign_datum(test_profile, project, "irr")
    assign_datum(test_profile2, project, "irr")
    assign_datum(test_profile3, project, "irr")
    label_data(labels[0], datum, test_profile, 3)
    label_data(labels[1], datum, test_profile2, 3)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
    assert 'No irr data' in str(excinfo.value)

    # have everyone label a datum differenty
    # [1 1 1], kappa = -0.5, pa = 0
    label_data(labels[2], datum, test_profile3, 3)
    kappa, perc = fleiss_kappa(project)
    assert round(kappa, 1) == -0.5
    assert perc == 0.0

    # have only two people label a datum the same and check that kappa is the same
    datum = assign_datum(test_profile, project, "irr")
    assign_datum(test_profile2, project, "irr")
    assign_datum(test_profile3, project, "irr")
    label_data(labels[0], datum, test_profile, 3)
    label_data(labels[0], datum, test_profile2, 3)

    kappa, perc = fleiss_kappa(project)
    assert round(kappa, 1) == -0.5
    assert perc == 0.0

    # have last person label datum the same
    # [[1 1 1],[3 0 0]], kappa = 0.0, pa = 0.5
    label_data(labels[0], datum, test_profile3, 3)

    kappa, perc = fleiss_kappa(project)
    assert round(kappa, 2) == 0.0
    assert perc == 0.5

    # have two people agree and one disagree
    # [[1 1 1],[3 0 0],[2 1 0]], kappa = -0.13, pa=0.333
    datum = assign_datum(test_profile, project, "irr")
    assign_datum(test_profile2, project, "irr")
    assign_datum(test_profile3, project, "irr")
    label_data(labels[0], datum, test_profile, 3)
    label_data(labels[0], datum, test_profile2, 3)
    label_data(labels[1], datum, test_profile3, 3)

    kappa, perc = fleiss_kappa(project)
    assert round(kappa, 2) == -0.13
    assert round(perc, 2) == 0.33

    # repeat previous step with slight variation
    # [[1 1 1],[3 0 0],[2 1 0],[1 2 0]], kappa = -0.08, pa=0.25
    datum = assign_datum(test_profile, project, "irr")
    assign_datum(test_profile2, project, "irr")
    assign_datum(test_profile3, project, "irr")
    label_data(labels[0], datum, test_profile, 3)
    label_data(labels[1], datum, test_profile2, 3)
    label_data(labels[1], datum, test_profile3, 3)

    kappa, perc = fleiss_kappa(project)
    assert round(kappa, 2) == -0.08
    assert round(perc, 2) == 0.25
예제 #20
def test_cohens_kappa_perc_agreement(setup_celery, test_project_half_irr_data,
                                     test_half_irr_all_queues, test_profile,
                                     test_profile2, test_labels_half_irr,
                                     test_redis, tmpdir, settings):
    want to check several different configurations including empty, no agreement
    Should throw an error if no irr data processed yet
    project = test_project_half_irr_data
    labels = test_labels_half_irr
    normal_queue, admin_queue, irr_queue = test_half_irr_all_queues
    fill_queue(normal_queue, 'random', irr_queue, project.percentage_irr,

    # check that before anything is labeled, an error is thrown
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
    assert 'No irr data' in str(excinfo.value)

    # have two labelers label two datum the same.
    for i in range(2):
        datum = assign_datum(test_profile, project, "irr")
        assign_datum(test_profile2, project, "irr")
        label_data(labels[0], datum, test_profile, 3)
        label_data(labels[0], datum, test_profile2, 3)

    # kappa requires at least two labels be represented
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
    assert 'Need at least two labels represented' in str(excinfo.value)

    datum = assign_datum(test_profile, project, "irr")
    assign_datum(test_profile2, project, "irr")
    label_data(labels[1], datum, test_profile, 3)
    label_data(labels[1], datum, test_profile2, 3)

    # Now kappa should be 1
    kappa, perc = cohens_kappa(project)
    assert kappa == 1.0
    assert perc == 1.0

    # have two labelers disagree on two datum check the value
    datum = assign_datum(test_profile, project, "irr")
    assign_datum(test_profile2, project, "irr")
    label_data(labels[1], datum, test_profile, 3)
    label_data(labels[2], datum, test_profile2, 3)

    datum = assign_datum(test_profile, project, "irr")
    assign_datum(test_profile2, project, "irr")
    label_data(labels[0], datum, test_profile, 3)
    label_data(labels[1], datum, test_profile2, 3)

    kappa, perc = cohens_kappa(project)
    assert round(kappa, 3) == 0.333
    assert perc == 0.6
예제 #21
def test_percent_agreement_table(setup_celery,
                                 test_profile, test_profile2, test_profile3,
                                 test_labels_all_irr_3_coders, test_redis,
                                 tmpdir, settings):
    This tests the percent agreement table
    project = test_project_all_irr_3_coders_data
    labels = test_labels_all_irr_3_coders
    normal_queue, admin_queue, irr_queue = test_all_irr_3_coders_all_queues
    fill_queue(normal_queue, 'random', irr_queue, project.percentage_irr,

    table_data_perc = pd.DataFrame(
        perc_agreement_table_data(project))["Percent Agreement"].tolist()
    # first test that it has "No Samples" for the percent for all
    assert len(table_data_perc) == 3
    assert (table_data_perc[0]
            == "No samples") and (table_data_perc[1]
                                  == "No samples") and (table_data_perc[2]
                                                        == "No samples")

    # First have everyone give same label, should be 100% for all
    datum = assign_datum(test_profile, project, "irr")
    assign_datum(test_profile2, project, "irr")
    assign_datum(test_profile3, project, "irr")
    label_data(labels[0], datum, test_profile, 3)
    label_data(labels[0], datum, test_profile2, 3)
    label_data(labels[0], datum, test_profile3, 3)

    table_data_perc = pd.DataFrame(
        perc_agreement_table_data(project))["Percent Agreement"].tolist()
    assert (table_data_perc[0]
            == "100.0%") and (table_data_perc[1]
                              == "100.0%") and (table_data_perc[2] == "100.0%")

    # Next have user1 = user2 != user3, Check values
    datum = assign_datum(test_profile, project, "irr")
    assign_datum(test_profile2, project, "irr")
    assign_datum(test_profile3, project, "irr")
    label_data(labels[0], datum, test_profile, 3)
    label_data(labels[0], datum, test_profile2, 3)
    label_data(labels[1], datum, test_profile3, 3)

    table_data_perc = pd.DataFrame(
        perc_agreement_table_data(project))["Percent Agreement"].tolist()
    # goes in the order [prof2,prof3], [prof2, prof], [prof3, prof]
    assert (table_data_perc[0]
            == "50.0%") and (table_data_perc[1]
                             == "100.0%") and (table_data_perc[2] == "50.0%")

    # Next have all users skip. Should count as disagreement.
    datum = assign_datum(test_profile, project, "irr")
    assign_datum(test_profile2, project, "irr")
    assign_datum(test_profile3, project, "irr")
    skip_data(datum, test_profile)
    skip_data(datum, test_profile2)
    skip_data(datum, test_profile3)

    table_data_perc = pd.DataFrame(
        perc_agreement_table_data(project))["Percent Agreement"].tolist()
    # goes in the order [prof2,prof3], [prof2, prof], [prof3, prof]
    assert (table_data_perc[0]
            == "33.3%") and (table_data_perc[1]
                             == "66.7%") and (table_data_perc[2] == "33.3%")

    # Lastly have two users label. Should be the same as before
    datum = assign_datum(test_profile, project, "irr")
    assign_datum(test_profile2, project, "irr")
    assign_datum(test_profile3, project, "irr")
    label_data(labels[0], datum, test_profile, 3)
    label_data(labels[0], datum, test_profile2, 3)
    table_data_perc = pd.DataFrame(
        perc_agreement_table_data(project))["Percent Agreement"].tolist()
    # goes in the order [prof2,prof3], [prof2, prof], [prof3, prof]
    assert (table_data_perc[0]
            == "33.3%") and (table_data_perc[1]
                             == "66.7%") and (table_data_perc[2] == "33.3%")
예제 #22
def test_heatmap_data(setup_celery, test_project_half_irr_data,
                      test_half_irr_all_queues, test_profile, test_profile2,
                      test_labels_half_irr, test_redis, tmpdir, settings):
    These tests check that the heatmap accurately reflects the data
    project = test_project_half_irr_data
    labels = test_labels_half_irr
    normal_queue, admin_queue, irr_queue = test_half_irr_all_queues
    fill_queue(normal_queue, 'random', irr_queue, project.percentage_irr,

    combo1 = str(test_profile.pk) + "_" + str(test_profile2.pk)

    same1 = str(test_profile.pk) + "_" + str(test_profile.pk)
    same2 = str(test_profile2.pk) + "_" + str(test_profile2.pk)

    # don't label anything. The heatmap shoud have all zeros for user pair
    heatmap = irr_heatmap_data(project)
    assert combo1 in heatmap
    heatmap = heatmap[combo1]

    counts = pd.DataFrame(heatmap)["count"].tolist()
    assert np.all(np.equal(counts, [0] * len(counts)))

    # have one user skip 3 things and another label them.
    for i in range(3):
        datum = assign_datum(test_profile, project, "irr")
        assign_datum(test_profile2, project, "irr")
        label_data(labels[i], datum, test_profile, 3)
        skip_data(datum, test_profile2)

    # check that user1-user1 map is I3
    heatmap = irr_heatmap_data(project)
    same_frame = pd.DataFrame(heatmap[same1])
    assert same_frame.loc[(same_frame["label1"] == labels[0].name) & (
        same_frame["label2"] == labels[0].name)]["count"].tolist()[0] == 1
    assert same_frame.loc[(same_frame["label1"] == labels[1].name) & (
        same_frame["label2"] == labels[1].name)]["count"].tolist()[0] == 1
    assert same_frame.loc[(same_frame["label1"] == labels[2].name) & (
        same_frame["label2"] == labels[2].name)]["count"].tolist()[0] == 1
    assert np.sum(same_frame["count"].tolist()) == 3

    # check the second user only has 3 in the skip-skip spot
    same_frame2 = pd.DataFrame(heatmap[same2])
    assert same_frame2.loc[(same_frame2["label1"] == "Skip") & (
        same_frame["label2"] == "Skip")]["count"].tolist()[0] == 3
    assert np.sum(same_frame2["count"].tolist()) == 3

    # check that the between-user heatmap has skip-label = 1 for each label
    heatmap = irr_heatmap_data(project)
    heatmap = pd.DataFrame(heatmap[combo1])
    assert heatmap.loc[(heatmap["label1"] == labels[0].name) &
                       (heatmap["label2"] == "Skip")]["count"].tolist()[0] == 1
    assert heatmap.loc[(heatmap["label1"] == labels[1].name) &
                       (heatmap["label2"] == "Skip")]["count"].tolist()[0] == 1
    assert heatmap.loc[(heatmap["label1"] == labels[2].name) &
                       (heatmap["label2"] == "Skip")]["count"].tolist()[0] == 1

    assert np.sum(heatmap["count"].tolist()) == 3

    # have users agree on 5 labels and datums, check heatmap
    for i in range(5):
        datum = assign_datum(test_profile, project, "irr")
        assign_datum(test_profile2, project, "irr")
        label_data(labels[i % 3], datum, test_profile, 3)
        label_data(labels[i % 3], datum, test_profile2, 3)

    heatmap = irr_heatmap_data(project)
    heatmap = pd.DataFrame(heatmap[combo1])

    assert heatmap.loc[(heatmap["label1"] == labels[0].name) & (
        heatmap["label2"] == labels[0].name)]["count"].tolist()[0] == 2
    assert heatmap.loc[(heatmap["label1"] == labels[1].name) & (
        heatmap["label2"] == labels[1].name)]["count"].tolist()[0] == 2
    assert heatmap.loc[(heatmap["label1"] == labels[2].name) & (
        heatmap["label2"] == labels[2].name)]["count"].tolist()[0] == 1
    assert np.sum(heatmap["count"].tolist()) == 8

    # have one user label something, show the heatmap hasn't changed
    datum = assign_datum(test_profile, project, "irr")
    label_data(labels[0], datum, test_profile, 3)
    heatmap = irr_heatmap_data(project)
    same_map = heatmap[same1]
    assert np.sum(pd.DataFrame(same_map)["count"].tolist()) == 8
    heatmap = pd.DataFrame(heatmap[combo1])
    assert np.sum(pd.DataFrame(heatmap)["count"].tolist()) == 8
예제 #23
def test_all_irr(setup_celery, test_project_all_irr_3_coders_data,
                 test_all_irr_3_coders_all_queues, test_profile, test_profile2,
                 test_profile3, test_labels_all_irr_3_coders, test_redis,
                 tmpdir, settings):
    This tests the case with 100% IRR and triple labeling required
    project = test_project_all_irr_3_coders_data
    labels = test_labels_all_irr_3_coders
    normal_queue, admin_queue, irr_queue = test_all_irr_3_coders_all_queues
    fill_queue(normal_queue, 'random', irr_queue, project.percentage_irr,

    # check the normal queue is empty and the irr queue is full
    assert DataQueue.objects.filter(
        queue=irr_queue).count() == project.batch_size
    assert DataQueue.objects.filter(queue=normal_queue).count() == 0

    # check everything in the irr queue has irr_ind = true
    assert DataQueue.objects.filter(
        queue=irr_queue, data__irr_ind=True).count() == project.batch_size

    # have one person label three datum and check that they are still in the queue
    datum = assign_datum(test_profile, project, "irr")
    second_datum = assign_datum(test_profile, project, "irr")
    third_datum = assign_datum(test_profile, project, "irr")
    assert datum.pk != second_datum.pk
    assert third_datum.pk != second_datum.pk

    label_data(labels[0], datum, test_profile, 3)
    label_data(labels[0], second_datum, test_profile, 3)
    label_data(labels[0], third_datum, test_profile, 3)

    assert DataQueue.objects.filter(
        queue=irr_queue, data__in=[datum, second_datum,
                                   third_datum]).count() == 3

    # have one person skip all three datum, and check that they are still in the irr queue, in irrlog, and in datalabel, but not in admin queue
    datum2 = assign_datum(test_profile2, project, "irr")
    second_datum2 = assign_datum(test_profile2, project, "irr")
    third_datum2 = assign_datum(test_profile2, project, "irr")

    assert datum.pk == datum2.pk
    assert second_datum.pk == second_datum2.pk
    assert third_datum.pk == third_datum2.pk

    skip_data(datum2, test_profile2)
    skip_data(second_datum2, test_profile2)
    skip_data(third_datum2, test_profile2)

    assert DataQueue.objects.filter(
        data__in=[datum2, second_datum2,
                  third_datum2], queue=irr_queue).count() == 3
    assert DataQueue.objects.filter(
        data__in=[datum2, second_datum2,
                  third_datum2], queue=admin_queue).count() == 0
    assert IRRLog.objects.filter(
        data__in=[datum2, second_datum2, third_datum2]).count() == 3
    assert DataLabel.objects.filter(
        data__in=[datum2, second_datum2, third_datum2]).count() == 3

    # have the third person label all three datum and check that they are in the log and admin queue, but not in irr queue or datalabel
    datum3 = assign_datum(test_profile3, project, "irr")
    second_datum3 = assign_datum(test_profile3, project, "irr")
    third_datum3 = assign_datum(test_profile3, project, "irr")

    assert datum.pk == datum3.pk
    assert second_datum.pk == second_datum3.pk
    assert third_datum.pk == third_datum3.pk

    label_data(labels[0], datum3, test_profile3, 3)
    label_data(labels[1], second_datum3, test_profile3, 3)
    label_data(labels[0], third_datum3, test_profile3, 3)

    assert DataQueue.objects.filter(
        data__in=[datum3, second_datum3,
                  third_datum3], queue=irr_queue).count() == 0
    assert DataQueue.objects.filter(
        data__in=[datum3, second_datum3,
                  third_datum3], queue=admin_queue).count() == 3
    assert IRRLog.objects.filter(
        data__in=[datum3, second_datum3, third_datum3]).count() == 9
    assert DataLabel.objects.filter(
        data__in=[datum3, second_datum3, third_datum3]).count() == 0