예제 #1
    def updateAll(self):
        log.info("## starting repository update ##")
        start = time.time()
        #log.info("%d,%d,%d", self.cpu_count,  self.processing_pool_size, self.packaging_pool_size)
        log.info("# CPU count: %d, proc. pool: %d, pack pool: %d",
        log.info("# queues: source: %d, pack: %d, publish: %d",
        log.info("## updating Monav repository" )
        log.info('# monav preprocessor threads: %d', self.monav_preprocessor_threads)
        log.info('# max parallel pp. per package: %d', self.monav_parallel_threads)
        ppThreshold = self.monav_parallel_threshold
        if ppThreshold:
            log.info('# parallel pp. threshold: %d MB' % ppThreshold)
        start_monav = time.time()
        monav = MonavRepository(self)
        # log how long the Monav update took
        dt_monav = int(time.time() - start_monav)
        if dt_monav > 60:
            prettyTime = "%s (%d s)" % (utils.prettyTimeDiff(dt_monav), dt_monav)
            # show seconds for exact benchmarking once pretty time
            # switches to larger units
            prettyTime = utils.prettyTimeDiff(dt_monav)
        log.info("## Monav repository updated in %s " % prettyTime)

        log.info("## Summary:")
        log.info("## Monav repository updated in %s (%d s)" %
                 (utils.prettyTimeDiff(dt_monav), dt_monav)

        # log how long the repository update took
        dt = int(time.time() - start)
        if dt > 60:
            prettyTime = "%s (%d s)" % (utils.prettyTimeDiff(dt), dt)
            prettyTime = utils.prettyTimeDiff(dt)
        log.info("## Repository updated in %s " % prettyTime)

        log.info("## repository update finished ##")
    print("log data for this update run might not be gathered or the update run might fail outright")

planet_update_log = os.path.join(log_folder, "update_planet.log")
planet_split_log = os.path.join(log_folder, "split_planet.log")
continents_split_log = os.path.join(log_folder, "split_continents.log")

print("starting modRana repository source data update")
print("updating the planet osm file")
planet_update_rc = os.system("./tools/update_planet.py>%s" % planet_update_log)
# only do the sanity check if the download was successful
if planet_update_rc == 0:
    planet_update_rc = os.system("./tools/sanity_check_update_planet.py>>%s" % planet_update_log)
dt = int(time.time() - start)
print("planet osm file update finished in %s" % prettyTimeDiff(dt))
if planet_update_rc > 0:
    print("ERROR: planet file update failed, aborting source data update")

print("splitting the planet into continent sized chunks")
os.system("./tools/split_planet.sh>%s" % planet_split_log)
rc = os.system("./tools/sanity_check_split_planet.py>>%s" % planet_split_log)
dt = int(time.time() - start1)
print("planet splitting finished in %s" % prettyTimeDiff(dt))
if rc > 0:
    print("ERROR: planet splitting sanity check failed, aborting source data update")

print("splitting the continents into regions")
예제 #3
    def process(self, threads=(1, 1), parallel_threshold=None):
        """process the PBF extract into Monav routing data"""
        monav_threads, max_parallel_preprocessors = threads
        # check the parallel threshold
        if parallel_threshold is not None:
                file_size = os.path.getsize(self._source_data_path)
            except OSError:
                file_size = 0
                # check if file size in MB is larger than threshold
            if (file_size / (2 ** 20)) > parallel_threshold:
                # if threshold is crossed, don't run preprocessors in parallel
                max_parallel_preprocessors = 1
            if parallel_threshold is None and max_parallel_preprocessors == 1:
                process_log.info('processing %s', self.name)
            elif max_parallel_preprocessors == 1:
                process_log.info('processing %s in 1 thread (threshold reached)', self.name)
            else: # >1
                process_log.info('processing %s in %d threads', self.name, max_parallel_preprocessors)
            start_time = time.time()
            input_file = self._source_data_path
            output_folder = self._temp_storage_path
            base_INI_Path = os.path.join(self._helper_path, "base.ini")
            preprocessor_path = self._preprocessor_path

            def get_task(mode_name, mode_profile, index):
                """prepare task that runs the preprocessor in temPath separate for every preprocessor instance and move
                the result to resultPath
                NOTE: the temporary folder is used to avoid multiple preprocessors mixing their temporary data"""
                temp_output_folder = os.path.join(output_folder, str(index))
                result_path = os.path.join(temp_output_folder, "routing_%s" % mode_name)
                # compile arguments
                args = ['%s' % preprocessor_path, '-di', '-dro="%s"' % mode_name, '-t=%d' % monav_threads, '--verbose',
                        '--settings="%s"' % base_INI_Path,
                        '--input="%s"' % input_file, '--output="%s"' % temp_output_folder, '--name="%s"' % self.name,
                        '--profile="%s"' % mode_profile, '-dd']

                return args, result_path, self._temp_storage_path

            def run_preprocessor(queue):
                """this function is run in an internal pool inside the Monav package"""

                while True:
                    current_task = queue.get()
                    if current_task == repo.SHUTDOWN_SIGNAL:
                    args, from_path, to_path = current_task
                    # create the independent per-preprocessor path

                    # open /dev/null so that the stdout & stderr output for the command can be dumped into it
                    dev_null = open(os.devnull, "w")
                    # call the preprocessor
                    subprocess.call(reduce(lambda x, y: x + " " + y, args), shell=True, stdout=dev_null, stderr=dev_null)
                    # move the results to the main folder
                    shutil.move(from_path, to_path)
                    # cleanup

            tasks = [
                get_task("car", "motorcar", 0),
                get_task("bike", "bicycle", 1),
                get_task("pedestrian", "foot", 2)

            preproc_queue = mp.JoinableQueue()
            for i in range(max_parallel_preprocessors):
                p = mp.Process(target=run_preprocessor, args=(preproc_queue,))
                p.daemon = True
            for task in tasks:
                # wait for the processes to finish
            # shutdown them down
            for i in range(max_parallel_preprocessors):
            # run preprocessors in parallel (depending on current settings)
            #      pool = mp.Pool(processes=maxParallelPreprocessors)
            #      pool.map(runPreprocessor, tasks)
            # closing the pool is important, otherwise the workers in the poll will
            # not exit - after a while the inactive threads will accumulate and
            # no more new ones can be started
            #      pool.close()
            # just to be sure
            #      pool.join()
            td = int(time.time() - start_time)
            process_log.info('processed %s in %s', self.name, utils.prettyTimeDiff(td))
            return True
        except Exception:
            message = 'monav package: Monav routing data processing failed\n'
            message += 'name: %s' % self.name
            return False