예제 #1
  def _SplitSimpleCommandPrefix(self, words):
    Second pass of SimpleCommand parsing: look for assignment words.
    prefix_bindings = []
    suffix_words = []

    done_prefix = False
    for w in words:
      if done_prefix:

      left_spid = word.LeftMostSpanForWord(w)

      kov = word.LooksLikeAssignment(w)
      if kov:
        k, op, v = kov
        t = word.TildeDetect(v)
        if t:
          # t is an unevaluated word with TildeSubPart
          prefix_bindings.append((k, op, t, left_spid))
          prefix_bindings.append((k, op, v, left_spid))  # v is unevaluated word
        done_prefix = True

    return prefix_bindings, suffix_words
예제 #2
  def _MakeSimpleCommand(self, prefix_bindings, suffix_words, redirects):
    # FOO=(1 2 3) ls is not allowed
    for k, v, _ in prefix_bindings:
      if word.HasArrayPart(v):
            'Unexpected array literal in binding: %s', v, word=v)
        return None

    # echo FOO=(1 2 3) is not allowed
    # NOTE: Other checks can be inserted here.  Can resolve builtins,
    # functions, aliases, static PATH, etc.
    for w in suffix_words:
      kv = word.LooksLikeAssignment(w)
      if kv:
        k, v = kv
        if word.HasArrayPart(v):
          self.AddErrorContext('Unexpected array literal: %s', v, word=v)
          return None

    words2 = self._BraceExpand(suffix_words)
    # NOTE: Must do tilde detection after brace expansion, e.g.
    # {~bob,~jane}/src should work, even though ~ isn't the leading character
    # of the initial word.
    words3 = self._TildeDetectAll(words2)

    node = ast.SimpleCommand()
    node.words = words3
    node.redirects = redirects
    for name, val, left_spid in prefix_bindings:
      pair = ast.env_pair(name, val) 
    return node
예제 #3
  def ParseCommand(self):
    command          : simple_command
                     | compound_command io_redirect*
                     | function_def
                     | ksh_function_def
    if not self._Peek(): return None

    if self.c_id == Id.KW_Function:
      return self.ParseKshFunctionDef()

    if self.c_id in (
        Id.KW_DLeftBracket, Id.Op_DLeftParen, Id.Op_LParen, Id.Lit_LBrace,
        Id.KW_For, Id.KW_While, Id.KW_Until, Id.KW_If, Id.KW_Case, Id.KW_Time):
      node = self.ParseCompoundCommand()
      if not node: return None
      if node.tag != command_e.TimeBlock:  # The only one without redirects
        redirects = self._ParseRedirectList()
        if redirects is None:
          return None
        node.redirects = redirects
      return node

    # NOTE: I added this to fix cases in parse-errors.test.sh, but it doesn't
    # work because Lit_RBrace is in END_LIST below.

    # TODO: KW_Do is also invalid here.
    if self.c_id == Id.Lit_RBrace:
      self.AddErrorContext('Unexpected }', word=self.cur_word)
      return None

    if self.c_kind == Kind.Redir:  # Leading redirect
      return self.ParseSimpleCommand()

    if self.c_kind == Kind.Word:
      if self.w_parser.LookAhead() == Id.Op_LParen:  # (
        kov = word.LooksLikeAssignment(self.cur_word)
        if kov:
          return self.ParseSimpleCommand()  # f=(a b c)  # array
          return self.ParseFunctionDef()  # f() { echo; }  # function

      return self.ParseSimpleCommand()  # echo foo

        "ParseCommand: Expected to parse a command, got %s", self.cur_word,
    return None
예제 #4
  def _MakeSimpleCommand(self, prefix_bindings, suffix_words, redirects):
    # FOO=(1 2 3) ls is not allowed
    for k, _, v, _ in prefix_bindings:
      if word.HasArrayPart(v):
            'Unexpected array literal in binding: %s', v, word=v)
        return None

    # echo FOO=(1 2 3) is not allowed
    # NOTE: Other checks can be inserted here.  Can resolve builtins,
    # functions, aliases, static PATH, etc.
    for w in suffix_words:
      kov = word.LooksLikeAssignment(w)
      if kov:
        _, _, v = kov
        if word.HasArrayPart(v):
          self.AddErrorContext('Unexpected array literal: %s', v, word=w)
          return None

    # NOTE: # In bash, {~bob,~jane}/src works, even though ~ isn't the leading
    # character of the initial word.
    # However, this means we must do tilde detection AFTER brace EXPANSION, not
    # just after brace DETECTION like we're doing here.
    # The BracedWordTree instances have to be expanded into CompoundWord instances
    # for the tilde detection to work.
    words2 = braces.BraceDetectAll(suffix_words)
    words3 = word.TildeDetectAll(words2)

    node = ast.SimpleCommand()
    node.words = words3
    node.redirects = redirects
    for name, op, val, left_spid in prefix_bindings:
      if op != assign_op_e.Equal:
        # NOTE: Using spid of RHS for now, since we don't have one for op.
        self.AddErrorContext('Expected = in environment binding, got +=',
        return None
      pair = ast.env_pair(name, val)
    return node
예제 #5
  def ParseCommand(self):
    command          : simple_command
                     | compound_command io_redirect*
                     | function_def
                     | ksh_function_def
    if not self._Peek(): return None

    if self.c_id == Id.KW_Function:
      return self.ParseKshFunctionDef()

    if self.c_id in (
        Id.KW_DLeftBracket, Id.Op_DLeftParen, Id.Op_LParen, Id.Lit_LBrace,
        Id.KW_For, Id.KW_While, Id.KW_Until, Id.KW_If, Id.KW_Case):
      node = self.ParseCompoundCommand()
      if not node: return None
      redirects = self._ParseRedirectList()
      if redirects is None:
        return None
      node.redirects = redirects
      return node

    if self.c_kind == Kind.Redir:  # Leading redirect
      return self.ParseSimpleCommand()

    if self.c_kind == Kind.Word:
      if self.w_parser.LookAhead() == Id.Op_LParen:  # (
        kv = word.LooksLikeAssignment(self.cur_word)
        if kv:
          return self.ParseSimpleCommand()  # f=(a b c)  # array
          return self.ParseFunctionDef()  # f() { echo; }  # function

      return self.ParseSimpleCommand()  # echo foo

        "ParseCommand: Expected to parse a command, got %s", self.cur_word,
    return None
예제 #6
  def _MakeAssignment(self, assign_kw, suffix_words):
    bindings = []
    for i, w in enumerate(suffix_words):
      if i == 0:
        continue  # skip over local, export, etc.

      left_spid = word.LeftMostSpanForWord(w)

      kv = word.LooksLikeAssignment(w)
      if kv:
        k, v = kv
        t = word.TildeDetect(v)
        if t:
          # t is an unevaluated word with TildeSubPart
          pair = (k, t, left_spid)
          pair = (k, v, left_spid)  # v is unevaluated word
        # In aboriginal in variables/sources: export_if_blank does export "$1".
        # We should allow that.
        ok, value, quoted = word.StaticEval(w)
        if not ok or quoted:
              'Variable names must be constant strings, got %s', w, word=w)
          return None
        pair = (value, None, left_spid)  # No value is equivalent to ''

    pairs = []
    for lhs, rhs, spid in bindings:
      p = ast.assign_pair(ast.LeftVar(lhs), rhs)

    node = ast.Assignment(assign_kw, pairs)

    return node
예제 #7
  def _MakeAssignment(self, assign_kw, suffix_words):
    # First parse flags, e.g. -r -x -a -A.  None of the flags have arguments.
    flags = []
    n = len(suffix_words)
    i = 1
    while i < n:
      w = suffix_words[i]
      ok, static_val, quoted = word.StaticEval(w)
      if not ok or quoted:
        break  # can't statically evaluate

      if static_val.startswith('-'):
        break  # not a flag, rest are args
      i += 1

    # Now parse bindings or variable names
    assignments = []
    while i < n:
      w = suffix_words[i]
      left_spid = word.LeftMostSpanForWord(w)
      kov = word.LooksLikeAssignment(w)
      if kov:
        k, op, v = kov
        t = word.TildeDetect(v)
        if t:
          # t is an unevaluated word with TildeSubPart
          a = (k, op, t, left_spid)
          a = (k, op, v, left_spid)  # v is unevaluated word
        # In aboriginal in variables/sources: export_if_blank does export "$1".
        # We should allow that.

        # Parse this differently then?
        # dynamic-export?
        # It sets global variables.
        ok, static_val, quoted = word.StaticEval(w)
        if not ok or quoted:
               'Variable names must be constant strings, got %s', w, word=w)
           return None

        # No value is equivalent to ''
        m = VAR_NAME_RE.match(static_val)
        if not m:
          self.AddErrorContext('Invalid variable name %r', static_val, word=w)
          return None
        a = (static_val, assign_op_e.Equal, None, left_spid)

      i += 1

    # TODO: Also make with LhsIndexedName
    pairs = []
    for lhs, op, rhs, spid in assignments:
      p = ast.assign_pair(ast.LhsName(lhs), op, rhs)

    node = ast.Assignment(assign_kw, flags, pairs)

    return node