예제 #1
    def local_intersect(self, local_ray):
        xtmin, xtmax = self.check_axis(local_ray.origin[0],
        ytmin, ytmax = self.check_axis(local_ray.origin[1],
        ztmin, ztmax = self.check_axis(local_ray.origin[2],

        tmin = max(xtmin, ytmin, ztmin)
        tmax = min(xtmax, ytmax, ztmax)

        # ray misses cube?
        if tmin > tmax:
            return []

        return [Intersection(tmin, self), Intersection(tmax, self)]
예제 #2
    def intersect_caps(self, ray, xs):
        # caps only matter if the cylinder is closed, and might possibly be
        # intersected by the ray.
        if not self.closed or abs(ray.direction[1]) < self.EPSILON:
            return []

        # check for an intersection with the lower end cap by intersecting
        # the ray with the plane at y=cyl.minimum
        t = (self.minimum - ray.origin[1]) / ray.direction[1]
        if self.check_cap(ray, t, self.minimum):
            xs.append(Intersection(t, self))

        # check for an intersection with the upper end cap by intersecting
        # the ray with the plane at y=cyl.maximum
        t = (self.maximum - ray.origin[1]) / ray.direction[1]
        if self.check_cap(ray, t, self.maximum):
            xs.append(Intersection(t, self))
예제 #3
    def local_intersect(self, local_ray):
        a = local_ray.direction[0]**2 - \
            local_ray.direction[1]**2 + \
        b = 2 * local_ray.origin[0] * local_ray.direction[0] - \
            2 * local_ray.origin[1] * local_ray.direction[1] + \
            2 * local_ray.origin[2] * local_ray.direction[2]

        if abs(a) < self.EPSILON and abs(b) < self.EPSILON:
            return []

        c = local_ray.origin[0]**2 - \
            local_ray.origin[1]**2 + \

        if abs(a) < self.EPSILON:
            t = -c / (2 * b)
            xs = [Intersection(t, self)]
            self.intersect_caps(local_ray, xs)
            return xs

        discriminant = b**2 - 4 * a * c

        # ray does not intersect the cone
        if discriminant < 0:
            return []

        t0 = (-b - sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * a)
        t1 = (-b + sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * a)

        if t0 > t1:
            t0, t1 = t1, t0

        xs = []

        y0 = local_ray.origin[1] + t0 * local_ray.direction[1]
        if self.minimum < y0 < self.maximum:
            xs.append(Intersection(t0, self))

        y1 = local_ray.origin[1] + t1 * local_ray.direction[1]
        if self.minimum < y1 < self.maximum:
            xs.append(Intersection(t1, self))

        self.intersect_caps(local_ray, xs)

        return xs
예제 #4
    def local_intersect(self, local_ray):
        sphere_to_ray = subtract(local_ray.origin, point(0, 0, 0))

        a = dot(local_ray.direction, local_ray.direction)
        b = 2 * dot(local_ray.direction, sphere_to_ray)
        c = dot(sphere_to_ray, sphere_to_ray) - 1

        discriminant = b**2 - 4 * a * c

        if discriminant < 0:
            return []

        t1 = (-b - sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * a)
        t2 = (-b + sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * a)

        i1 = Intersection(t1, self)
        i2 = Intersection(t2, self)
        return [i1, i2]
예제 #5
    def local_intersect(self, local_ray):
        a = local_ray.direction[0]**2 + local_ray.direction[2]**2

        # ray is parallel to the y axis?
        if abs(a) < self.EPSILON:
            xs = []
            self.intersect_caps(local_ray, xs)
            return xs

        b = 2 * local_ray.origin[0] * local_ray.direction[0] + \
            2 * local_ray.origin[2] * local_ray.direction[2]
        c = local_ray.origin[0]**2 + local_ray.origin[2]**2 - 1

        discriminant = b**2 - 4 * a * c

        # ray does not intersect the cylinder
        if discriminant < 0:
            return []

        t0 = (-b - sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * a)
        t1 = (-b + sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * a)

        if t0 > t1:
            t0, t1 = t1, t0

        xs = []

        y0 = local_ray.origin[1] + t0 * local_ray.direction[1]
        if self.minimum < y0 < self.maximum:
            xs.append(Intersection(t0, self))

        y1 = local_ray.origin[1] + t1 * local_ray.direction[1]
        if self.minimum < y1 < self.maximum:
            xs.append(Intersection(t1, self))

        self.intersect_caps(local_ray, xs)

        return xs
예제 #6
    def local_intersect(self, local_ray):
        dir_cross_e2 = cross(local_ray.direction, self.e2)
        determinant = dot(self.e1, dir_cross_e2)
        if abs(determinant) < self.EPSILON:
            return []

        f = 1.0 / determinant
        p1_to_origin = subtract(local_ray.origin, self.p1)
        u = f * dot(p1_to_origin, dir_cross_e2)
        if u < 0.0 or u > 1.0:
            return []

        origin_cross_e1 = cross(p1_to_origin, self.e1)
        v = f * dot(local_ray.direction, origin_cross_e1)
        if v < 0.0 or (u + v) > 1.0:
            return []

        t = f * dot(self.e2, origin_cross_e1)

        if self.smoothed:
            return [Intersection(t, self, u, v)]

        return [Intersection(t, self)]
def create_intersections_from_string(context, intersections):
    result = []

    for part in intersections.split(','):
        part = part.strip()
        if ':' in part:
            (pos, obj) = part.split(':')
            if pos == 'sqrt(2)/2':
                pos_num = sqrt(2) / 2
            elif pos == '-sqrt(2)/2':
                pos_num = -sqrt(2) / 2
            elif pos == 'sqrt(2)':
                pos_num = sqrt(2)
                pos_num = float(pos)
            var = getattr(context, obj, None)
            result.append(Intersection(pos_num, var))
            var = getattr(context, part, None)

    return result
def step_create_intersection_i_with_uv(context, t, obj_name, u, v):
    obj = getattr(context, obj_name, None)
    context.i = Intersection(t, obj, u, v)
def step_impl(context, t):
    context.i = Intersection(t, context.s)
def step_determine_intersection_i1_at_sqrt_2_for_p(context):
    context.i1 = Intersection(sqrt(2), context.p)
예제 #11
    def local_intersect(self, local_ray):
        if abs(local_ray.direction[1]) < self.EPSILON:
            return []

        t = -local_ray.origin[1] / local_ray.direction[1]
        return [Intersection(t, self)]