def run_geometrics(config_file, ref_path=None, test_path=None, output_path=None, align=True, allow_test_ignore=False, save_aligned=False, save_plots=None): # check inputs if not os.path.isfile(config_file): raise IOError("Configuration file does not exist") if output_path is not None and not os.path.isdir(output_path): raise IOError('"output_path" not a valid folder <{}>'.format(output_path)) # parse configuration config_path = os.path.dirname(config_file) config = geo.parse_config(config_file, refpath=(ref_path or config_path), testpath=(test_path or config_path)) # Get test model information from configuration file. test_dsm_filename = config['INPUT.TEST']['DSMFilename'] test_dtm_filename = config['INPUT.TEST'].get('DTMFilename', None) test_cls_filename = config['INPUT.TEST']['CLSFilename'] test_conf_filename = config['INPUT.TEST'].get('CONFFilename', None) test_mtl_filename = config['INPUT.TEST'].get('MTLFilename', None) # Get reference model information from configuration file. ref_dsm_filename = config['INPUT.REF']['DSMFilename'] ref_dtm_filename = config['INPUT.REF']['DTMFilename'] ref_cls_filename = config['INPUT.REF']['CLSFilename'] ref_mtl_filename = config['INPUT.REF'].get('MTLFilename', None) # Get material label names and list of material labels to ignore in evaluation. material_names = config['MATERIALS.REF']['MaterialNames'] material_indices_to_ignore = config['MATERIALS.REF']['MaterialIndicesToIgnore'] # Get image pair files performer_pair_file = config['INPUT.TEST'].get('ImagePairFilename', None) performer_pair_data_file = config['INPUT.TEST'].get('ImagePairDataFilename', None) performer_files_chosen_file = config['INPUT.TEST'].get('FilesChosenFilename', None) # Get plot settings from configuration file PLOTS_SHOW = config['PLOTS']['ShowPlots'] PLOTS_SAVE = config['PLOTS']['SavePlots'] if save_plots is not None: # Commandline line argument overrided config file setting PLOTS_SAVE = save_plots PLOTS_ENABLE = PLOTS_SHOW or PLOTS_SAVE # default output path if output_path is None: output_path = os.path.dirname(test_dsm_filename) if align: align = config['OPTIONS']['AlignModel'] save_aligned = config['OPTIONS']['SaveAligned'] | save_aligned # Determine multiprocessing usage use_multiprocessing = config['OPTIONS']['UseMultiprocessing'] # Configure plotting basename = os.path.basename(test_dsm_filename) if PLOTS_ENABLE: plot = geo.plot(saveDir=output_path, autoSave=PLOTS_SAVE, savePrefix=basename + '_', badColor='black', showPlots=PLOTS_SHOW, dpi=900) else: plot = None # copy testDSM to the output path # this is a workaround for the "align3d" function with currently always # saves new files to the same path as the testDSM src = test_dsm_filename dst = os.path.join(output_path, os.path.basename(src)) if not os.path.isfile(dst): shutil.copyfile(src, dst) test_dsm_filename_copy = dst # Register test model to ground truth reference model. if not align: print('\nSKIPPING REGISTRATION') xyz_offset = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) else: print('\n=====REGISTRATION====='); sys.stdout.flush() try: align3d_path = config['REGEXEPATH']['Align3DPath'] except: align3d_path = None xyz_offset = geo.align3d(ref_dsm_filename, test_dsm_filename_copy, exec_path=align3d_path) print(xyz_offset) #xyz_offset = geo.align3d_python(ref_dsm_filename, test_dsm_filename_copy) # Explicitly assign a no data value to warped images to track filled pixels no_data_value = -9999 # Read reference model files. print("\nReading reference model files...") ref_cls, tform = geo.imageLoad(ref_cls_filename) ref_dsm = geo.imageWarp(ref_dsm_filename, ref_cls_filename, noDataValue=no_data_value) ref_dtm = geo.imageWarp(ref_dtm_filename, ref_cls_filename, noDataValue=no_data_value) # Validate shape of reference files if ref_cls.shape != ref_dsm.shape or ref_cls.shape != ref_dtm.shape: print("Need to rescale") if ref_mtl_filename: ref_mtl = geo.imageWarp(ref_mtl_filename, ref_cls_filename, interp_method=gdalconst.GRA_NearestNeighbour).astype(np.uint8) if save_aligned: geo.arrayToGeotiff(ref_mtl, os.path.join(output_path, basename + '_ref_mtl_reg_out'), ref_cls_filename, no_data_value) else: ref_mtl = None print('NO REFERENCE MTL') # Read test model files and apply XYZ offsets. print("\nReading test model files...") test_cls = geo.imageWarp(test_cls_filename, ref_cls_filename, xyz_offset, gdalconst.GRA_NearestNeighbour) test_dsm = geo.imageWarp(test_dsm_filename, ref_cls_filename, xyz_offset, noDataValue=no_data_value) if test_dtm_filename: test_dtm = geo.imageWarp(test_dtm_filename, ref_cls_filename, xyz_offset, noDataValue=no_data_value) if save_aligned: geo.arrayToGeotiff(test_dtm, os.path.join(output_path, basename + '_test_dtm_reg_out'), ref_cls_filename, no_data_value) else: print('NO TEST DTM: defaults to reference DTM') test_dtm = ref_dtm if test_conf_filename: test_conf = geo.imageWarp(test_conf_filename, ref_cls_filename, xyz_offset, noDataValue=no_data_value) conf_viz_path = Path(str(Path(test_conf_filename).parent.absolute()), Path(test_conf_filename).stem + '_VIZ.tif') test_conf_viz = geo.imageWarpRGB(str(conf_viz_path.absolute()), ref_cls_filename, xyz_offset) geo.arrayToGeotiffRGB(test_conf_viz, os.path.join(output_path, 'CONF_VIZ_aligned'), ref_cls_filename, no_data_value) geo.arrayToGeotiff(test_conf, os.path.join(output_path, 'CONF_aligned'), ref_cls_filename, no_data_value) else: test_conf = None print("NO TEST CONF") if save_aligned: geo.arrayToGeotiff(test_cls, os.path.join(output_path, basename + '_test_cls_reg_out'), ref_cls_filename, no_data_value) geo.arrayToGeotiff(test_dsm, os.path.join(output_path, basename + '_test_dsm_reg_out'), ref_cls_filename, no_data_value) geo.arrayToGeotiff(ref_cls, os.path.join(output_path, basename + '_ref_cls_reg_out'), ref_cls_filename, no_data_value) geo.arrayToGeotiff(ref_dsm, os.path.join(output_path, basename + '_ref_dsm_reg_out'), ref_cls_filename, no_data_value) geo.arrayToGeotiff(ref_dtm, os.path.join(output_path, basename + '_ref_dtm_reg_out'), ref_cls_filename, no_data_value) if test_mtl_filename: test_mtl = geo.imageWarp(test_mtl_filename, ref_cls_filename, xyz_offset, gdalconst.GRA_NearestNeighbour).astype(np.uint8) if save_aligned: geo.arrayToGeotiff(test_mtl, os.path.join(output_path, basename + '_test_mtl_reg_out'), ref_cls_filename, no_data_value) else: print('NO TEST MTL') print("\n\n") # Apply registration offset, only to valid data to allow better tracking of bad data print("Applying offset of Z: %f" % (xyz_offset[2])) test_valid_data = (test_dsm != no_data_value) if test_dtm_filename: test_valid_data &= (test_dtm != no_data_value) test_dsm[test_valid_data] = test_dsm[test_valid_data] + xyz_offset[2] if test_dtm_filename: test_dtm[test_valid_data] = test_dtm[test_valid_data] + xyz_offset[2] # Create mask for ignoring points labeled NoData in reference files. ref_dsm_no_data_value = no_data_value ref_dtm_no_data_value = no_data_value ref_cls_no_data_value = geo.getNoDataValue(ref_cls_filename) if ref_cls_no_data_value != 65: print("WARNING! NODATA TAG IN CLS FILE IS LIKELY INCORRECT. IT SHOULD BE 65.") ref_cls_no_data_value = 65 ignore_mask = np.zeros_like(ref_cls, np.bool) # Get reference and test classifications ref_cls_match_sets, test_cls_match_sets = geo.getMatchValueSets(config['INPUT.REF']['CLSMatchValue'], config['INPUT.TEST']['CLSMatchValue'], np.unique(ref_cls).tolist(), np.unique(test_cls).tolist()) # Add ignore mask on boundaries of cls # Ignore edges ignore_edges = False if ignore_edges is True: print("Applying ignore mask to edges of buildings...") for index, (ref_match_value, test_match_value) in enumerate(zip(ref_cls_match_sets, test_cls_match_sets)): import scipy.ndimage as ndimage ref_mask = np.zeros_like(ref_cls, np.bool) for v in ref_match_value: ref_mask[ref_cls == v] = True strel = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(2, 2) dilated_cls = ndimage.binary_dilation(ref_mask, structure=strel, iterations=3) eroded_cls = ndimage.binary_erosion(ref_mask, structure=strel, iterations=3) dilation_mask = np.bitwise_xor(ref_mask, dilated_cls) erosion_mask = np.bitwise_xor(ref_mask, eroded_cls) ref_cls[dilation_mask == True] = ref_cls_no_data_value ref_cls[erosion_mask == True] = ref_cls_no_data_value print("Finished applying ignore mask to edges of buildings...") # Create ignore mask if ref_dsm_no_data_value is not None: ignore_mask[ref_dsm == ref_dsm_no_data_value] = True if ref_dtm_no_data_value is not None: ignore_mask[ref_dtm == ref_dtm_no_data_value] = True if ref_cls_no_data_value is not None: ignore_mask[ref_cls == ref_cls_no_data_value] = True # optionally ignore test NoDataValue(s) if allow_test_ignore: if allow_test_ignore == 1: test_cls_no_data_value = geo.getNoDataValue(test_cls_filename) if test_cls_no_data_value is not None: print('Ignoring test CLS NoDataValue') ignore_mask[test_cls == test_cls_no_data_value] = True elif allow_test_ignore == 2: test_dsm_no_data_value = no_data_value test_dtm_no_data_value = no_data_value if test_dsm_no_data_value is not None: print('Ignoring test DSM NoDataValue') ignore_mask[test_dsm == test_dsm_no_data_value] = True if test_dtm_filename and test_dtm_no_data_value is not None: print('Ignoring test DTM NoDataValue') ignore_mask[test_dtm == test_dtm_no_data_value] = True else: raise IOError('Unrecognized test ignore value={}'.format(allow_test_ignore)) print("") # sanity check if np.all(ignore_mask): raise ValueError('All pixels are ignored') ##### COMMENT HERE FOR TESTING METICS IMAGES ##### # report "data voids" num_data_voids = np.sum(ignore_mask > 0) print('Number of data voids in ignore mask = ', num_data_voids) # If quantizing to voxels, then match vertical spacing to horizontal spacing. QUANTIZE = config['OPTIONS']['QuantizeHeight'] if QUANTIZE: unit_hgt = geo.getUnitHeight(tform) ref_dsm = np.round(ref_dsm / unit_hgt) * unit_hgt ref_dtm = np.round(ref_dtm / unit_hgt) * unit_hgt test_dsm = np.round(test_dsm / unit_hgt) * unit_hgt test_dtm = np.round(test_dtm / unit_hgt) * unit_hgt no_data_value = np.round(no_data_value / unit_hgt) * unit_hgt if PLOTS_ENABLE: # Make image pair plots plot.make_image_pair_plots(performer_pair_data_file, performer_pair_file, performer_files_chosen_file, 201, saveName="image_pair_plot") # Reference models can include data voids, so ignore invalid data on display plot.make(ref_dsm, 'Reference DSM', 111, colorbar=True, saveName="input_refDSM", badValue=no_data_value) plot.make(ref_dtm, 'Reference DTM', 112, colorbar=True, saveName="input_refDTM", badValue=no_data_value) plot.make(ref_cls, 'Reference Classification', 113, colorbar=True, saveName="input_refClass") # Test models shouldn't have any invalid data # so display the invalid values to highlight them, # unlike with the refSDM/refDTM plot.make(test_dsm, 'Test DSM', 151, colorbar=True, saveName="input_testDSM") plot.make(test_dtm, 'Test DTM', 152, colorbar=True, saveName="input_testDTM") plot.make(test_cls, 'Test Classification', 153, colorbar=True, saveName="input_testClass") plot.make(ignore_mask, 'Ignore Mask', 181, saveName="input_ignoreMask") # material maps if ref_mtl_filename and test_mtl_filename: plot.make(ref_mtl, 'Reference Materials', 191, colorbar=True, saveName="input_refMTL", vmin=0, vmax=13) plot.make(test_mtl, 'Test Materials', 192, colorbar=True, saveName="input_testMTL", vmin=0, vmax=13) # Run the threshold geometry metrics and report results. metrics = dict() # Run threshold geometry and relative accuracy threshold_geometry_results = [] relative_accuracy_results = [] objectwise_results = [] if PLOTS_ENABLE: # Update plot prefix include counter to be unique for each set of CLS value evaluated original_save_prefix = plot.savePrefix # Loop through sets of CLS match values for index, (ref_match_value,test_match_value) in enumerate(zip(ref_cls_match_sets, test_cls_match_sets)): print("Evaluating CLS values") print(" Reference match values: " + str(ref_match_value)) print(" Test match values: " + str(test_match_value)) # object masks based on CLSMatchValue(s) ref_mask = np.zeros_like(ref_cls, np.bool) for v in ref_match_value: ref_mask[ref_cls == v] = True test_mask = np.zeros_like(test_cls, np.bool) if len(test_match_value): for v in test_match_value: test_mask[test_cls == v] = True if PLOTS_ENABLE: plot.savePrefix = original_save_prefix + "%03d" % index + "_" plot.make(test_mask.astype(, 'Test Evaluation Mask', 154, saveName="input_testMask") plot.make(ref_mask.astype(, 'Reference Evaluation Mask', 114, saveName="input_refMask") if config['OBJECTWISE']['Enable']: print("\nRunning objectwise metrics...") merge_radius = config['OBJECTWISE']['MergeRadius'] [result, test_ndx, ref_ndx] = geo.run_objectwise_metrics(ref_dsm, ref_dtm, ref_mask, test_dsm, test_dtm, test_mask, tform, ignore_mask, merge_radius, plot=plot, geotiff_filename=ref_dsm_filename, use_multiprocessing=use_multiprocessing) # Get UTM coordinates from pixel coordinates in building centroids print("Creating KML and CSVs...") import gdal, osr, simplekml, csv kml = simplekml.Kml() ds = gdal.Open(ref_dsm_filename) # get CRS from dataset crs = osr.SpatialReference() crs.ImportFromWkt(ds.GetProjectionRef()) # create lat/long crs with WGS84 datum crsGeo = osr.SpatialReference() crsGeo.ImportFromEPSG(4326) # 4326 is the EPSG id of lat/long crs t = osr.CoordinateTransformation(crs, crsGeo) # Use CORE3D objectwise current_class = test_match_value[0] with open(Path(output_path, "objectwise_numbers_class_" + str(current_class) + ".csv"), mode='w') as \ objectwise_csv: objectwise_writer = csv.writer(objectwise_csv, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) objectwise_writer.writerow( ['Index', 'iou_2d', 'iou_3d', 'hrmse', 'zrmse', 'x_coord', 'y_coord', 'geo_x_coord', 'geo_y_coord', 'long', 'lat']) for current_object in result['objects']: test_index = current_object['test_objects'][0] iou_2d = current_object['threshold_geometry']['2D']['jaccardIndex'] iou_3d = current_object['threshold_geometry']['3D']['jaccardIndex'] hrmse = current_object['relative_accuracy']['hrmse'] zrmse = current_object['relative_accuracy']['zrmse'] x_coords, y_coords = np.where(test_ndx == test_index) x_coord = np.average(x_coords) y_coord = np.average(y_coords) geo_x_coord = tform[0] + y_coord * tform[1] + x_coord * tform[2] geo_y_coord = tform[3] + y_coord * tform[4] + x_coord * tform[5] (lat, long, z) = t.TransformPoint(geo_x_coord, geo_y_coord) objectwise_writer.writerow([test_index, iou_2d, iou_3d, hrmse, zrmse, x_coord, y_coord, geo_x_coord, geo_y_coord, long, lat]) pnt = kml.newpoint(name="Building Index: " + str(test_index), description="2D IOU: " + str(iou_2d) + ' 3D IOU: ' + str(iou_3d) + ' HRMSE: ' + str(hrmse) + ' ZRMSE: ' + str(zrmse), coords=[(lat, long)]), "objectwise_ious_class_" + str(current_class) + ".kml")) # Use FFDA objectwise with open(Path(output_path, "objectwise_numbers_no_morphology_class_" + str(current_class) + ".csv"), mode='w') as objectwise_csv: objectwise_writer = csv.writer(objectwise_csv, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) objectwise_writer.writerow(['iou', 'x_coord', 'y_coord', 'geo_x_coord', 'geo_y_coord', 'long', 'lat']) for i in result['metrics_container_no_merge'].iou_per_gt_building.keys(): iou = result['metrics_container_no_merge'].iou_per_gt_building[i][0] x_coord = result['metrics_container_no_merge'].iou_per_gt_building[i][1][0] y_coord = result['metrics_container_no_merge'].iou_per_gt_building[i][1][1] geo_x_coord = tform[0] + y_coord * tform[1] + x_coord * tform[2] geo_y_coord = tform[3] + y_coord * tform[4] + x_coord * tform[5] (lat, long, z) = t.TransformPoint(geo_x_coord, geo_y_coord) objectwise_writer.writerow([iou, x_coord, y_coord, geo_x_coord, geo_y_coord, long, lat]) pnt = kml.newpoint(name="Building Index: " + str(i), description=str(iou), coords=[(lat, long)]), "objectwise_ious_no_morphology_class_" + str(current_class) + ".kml")) # Result if ref_match_value == test_match_value: result['CLSValue'] = ref_match_value else: result['CLSValue'] = {'Ref': ref_match_value, "Test": test_match_value} # Delete non-json dumpable metrics del result['metrics_container_no_merge'], result['metrics_container_merge_fp'], result[ 'metrics_container_merge_fn'] objectwise_results.append(result) # Save index files to compute objectwise metrics obj_save_prefix = basename + "_%03d" % index + "_" geo.arrayToGeotiff(test_ndx, os.path.join(output_path, obj_save_prefix + '_test_ndx_objs'), ref_cls_filename, no_data_value) geo.arrayToGeotiff(ref_ndx, os.path.join(output_path, obj_save_prefix + '_ref_ndx_objs'), ref_cls_filename, no_data_value) # Evaluate threshold geometry metrics using refDTM as the testDTM to mitigate effects of terrain modeling # uncertainty result, _, stoplight_fn, errhgt_fn = geo.run_threshold_geometry_metrics(ref_dsm, ref_dtm, ref_mask, test_dsm, test_dtm, test_mask, tform, ignore_mask, testCONF=test_conf, plot=plot) if ref_match_value == test_match_value: result['CLSValue'] = ref_match_value else: result['CLSValue'] = {'Ref': ref_match_value, "Test": test_match_value} threshold_geometry_results.append(result) # Run the relative accuracy metrics and report results. # Skip relative accuracy is all of testMask or refMask is assigned as "object" if not ((ref_mask.size == np.count_nonzero(ref_mask)) or (test_mask.size == np.count_nonzero(test_mask))) and len(test_match_value) != 0: try: result = geo.run_relative_accuracy_metrics(ref_dsm, test_dsm, ref_mask, test_mask, ignore_mask, geo.getUnitWidth(tform), plot=plot) if ref_match_value == test_match_value: result['CLSValue'] = ref_match_value else: result['CLSValue'] = {'Ref': ref_match_value, "Test": test_match_value} relative_accuracy_results.append(result) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) if PLOTS_ENABLE: # Reset plot prefix plot.savePrefix = original_save_prefix metrics['threshold_geometry'] = threshold_geometry_results metrics['relative_accuracy'] = relative_accuracy_results metrics['objectwise'] = objectwise_results if align: metrics['registration_offset'] = xyz_offset metrics['geolocation_error'] = np.linalg.norm(xyz_offset) # Run the terrain model metrics and report results. if test_dtm_filename: dtm_z_threshold = config['OPTIONS'].get('TerrainZErrorThreshold', 1) # Make reference mask for terrain evaluation that identified elevated object where underlying terrain estimate # is expected to be inaccurate dtm_cls_ignore_values = config['INPUT.REF'].get('TerrainCLSIgnoreValues', [6, 17]) # Default to building and bridge deck dtm_cls_ignore_values = geo.validateMatchValues(dtm_cls_ignore_values,np.unique(ref_cls).tolist()) ref_mask_terrain_acc = np.zeros_like(ref_cls, np.bool) for v in dtm_cls_ignore_values: ref_mask_terrain_acc[ref_cls == v] = True metrics['terrain_accuracy'] = geo.run_terrain_accuracy_metrics(ref_dtm, test_dtm, ref_mask_terrain_acc, dtm_z_threshold, plot=plot) else: print('WARNING: No test DTM file, skipping terrain accuracy metrics') # Run the threshold material metrics and report results. if test_mtl_filename and ref_mtl: metrics['threshold_materials'] = geo.run_material_metrics(ref_ndx, ref_mtl, test_mtl, material_names, material_indices_to_ignore, plot=plot) else: print('WARNING: No test MTL file or no reference material, skipping material metrics') fileout = os.path.join(output_path, os.path.basename(config_file) + "_metrics.json") with open(fileout, 'w') as fid: json.dump(metrics, fid, indent=2) print(json.dumps(metrics, indent=2)) print("Metrics report: " + fileout) # If displaying figures, wait for user before exiting if PLOTS_SHOW: input("Press Enter to continue...") # Write final metrics out output_folder = os.path.join(output_path, "metrics_final") try: os.mkdir(output_folder) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.EEXIST: pass else: print("Can't create directory, please check permissions...") raise # Run Roof slope metrics # Roof Slope Metrics try: from core3dmetrics.geometrics.ang import calculate_metrics as calculate_roof_metrics except: from ang import calculate_metrics as calculate_roof_metrics IOUC, IOUZ, IOUAGL, IOUMZ, orderRMS = calculate_roof_metrics(ref_dsm, ref_dtm, ref_cls, test_dsm, test_dtm, test_cls, tform, kernel_radius=3, output_path=output_path) files = [str(Path(output_path, filename).absolute()) for filename in os.listdir(output_path) if filename.startswith("Roof")] # Save all of myrons outputs here metrics_formatted = {} metrics_formatted["2D"] = {} metrics_formatted["2D"]["Precision"] = metrics["threshold_geometry"][0]['2D']['precision'] metrics_formatted["2D"]["Recall"] = metrics["threshold_geometry"][0]['2D']['recall'] metrics_formatted["2D"]["IOU"] = metrics["threshold_geometry"][0]['2D']['jaccardIndex'] metrics_formatted["3D"] = {} metrics_formatted["3D"]["Precision"] = metrics["threshold_geometry"][0]['3D']['precision'] metrics_formatted["3D"]["Recall"] = metrics["threshold_geometry"][0]['3D']['recall'] metrics_formatted["3D"]["IOU"] = metrics["threshold_geometry"][0]['3D']['jaccardIndex'] metrics_formatted["ZRMS"] = metrics['relative_accuracy'][0]['zrmse'] metrics_formatted["HRMS"] = metrics['relative_accuracy'][0]['hrmse'] metrics_formatted["Slope RMS"] = orderRMS metrics_formatted["DTM RMS"] = metrics['terrain_accuracy']['zrmse'] metrics_formatted["DTM Completeness"] = metrics['terrain_accuracy']['completeness'] metrics_formatted["Z IOU"] = IOUZ metrics_formatted["AGL IOU"] = IOUAGL metrics_formatted["MODEL IOU"] = IOUMZ metrics_formatted["X Offset"] = xyz_offset[0] metrics_formatted["Y Offset"] = xyz_offset[1] metrics_formatted["Z Offset"] = xyz_offset[2] metrics_formatted["P Value"] = metrics['threshold_geometry'][0]['pearson'] fileout = os.path.join(output_folder, "metrics.json") with open(fileout, 'w') as fid: json.dump(metrics_formatted, fid, indent=2) print(json.dumps(metrics_formatted, indent=2)) # metrics.png if PLOTS_ENABLE: cls_iou_fn = [filename for filename in files if filename.endswith("CLS_IOU.tif")][0] cls_z_iou_fn = [filename for filename in files if filename.endswith("CLS_Z_IOU.tif")][0] cls_z_slope_fn = [filename for filename in files if filename.endswith("CLS_Z_SLOPE_IOU.tif")][0] if test_conf_filename: plot.make_final_metrics_images(stoplight_fn, errhgt_fn, Path(os.path.join(output_path, 'CONF_VIZ_aligned.tif')), cls_iou_fn, cls_z_iou_fn, cls_z_slope_fn, ref_cls, output_folder) # inputs.png plot.make_final_input_images_grayscale(ref_cls, ref_dsm, ref_dtm, test_cls, test_dsm, test_dtm, output_folder) # textured.png if config['BLENDER.TEST']['OBJDirectoryFilename']: try: from CORE3D_Perspective_Imagery import generate_blender_images objpath = config['BLENDER.TEST']['OBJDirectoryFilename'] gsd = config['BLENDER.TEST']['GSD'] Zup = config['BLENDER.TEST']['+Z'] N = config['BLENDER.TEST']['OrbitalLocations'] e = config['BLENDER.TEST']['ElevationAngle'] f = config['BLENDER.TEST']['FocalLength'] r = config['BLENDER.TEST']['RadialDistance'] output_location = generate_blender_images(objpath, gsd, Zup, N, e, f, r, output_path) files = [str(Path(output_path, filename).absolute()) for filename in os.listdir(output_path) if filename.startswith("persp_image")] files.append(files[0]) # Make metrics image plot.make_final_input_images_rgb(files, output_folder) print("Done") except: print("Could not render Blender images...") else: pass
def run_geometrics(config_file, ref_path=None, test_path=None, output_path=None, align=True, allow_test_ignore=False, save_aligned=False, save_plots=None): # check inputs if not os.path.isfile(config_file): raise IOError("Configuration file does not exist") if output_path is not None and not os.path.isdir(output_path): raise IOError('"output_path" not a valid folder <{}>'.format(output_path)) # parse configuration config_path = os.path.dirname(config_file) config = geo.parse_config(config_file, refpath=(ref_path or config_path), testpath=(test_path or config_path)) # Get test model information from configuration file. test_dsm_filename = config['INPUT.TEST']['DSMFilename'] test_dtm_filename = config['INPUT.TEST'].get('DTMFilename', None) test_cls_filename = config['INPUT.TEST']['CLSFilename'] test_mtl_filename = config['INPUT.TEST'].get('MTLFilename', None) # Get reference model information from configuration file. ref_dsm_filename = config['INPUT.REF']['DSMFilename'] ref_dtm_filename = config['INPUT.REF']['DTMFilename'] ref_cls_filename = config['INPUT.REF']['CLSFilename'] ref_ndx_filename = config['INPUT.REF']['NDXFilename'] ref_mtl_filename = config['INPUT.REF'].get('MTLFilename', None) # Get material label names and list of material labels to ignore in evaluation. material_names = config['MATERIALS.REF']['MaterialNames'] material_indices_to_ignore = config['MATERIALS.REF']['MaterialIndicesToIgnore'] # Get image pair files performer_pair_file = config['INPUT.TEST'].get('ImagePairFilename', None) performer_pair_data_file = config['INPUT.TEST'].get('ImagePairDataFilename', None) performer_files_chosen_file = config['INPUT.TEST'].get('FilesChosenFilename', None) # Get plot settings from configuration file PLOTS_SHOW = config['PLOTS']['ShowPlots'] PLOTS_SAVE = config['PLOTS']['SavePlots'] if save_plots is not None: # Commandline line argument overrided config file setting PLOTS_SAVE = save_plots PLOTS_ENABLE = PLOTS_SHOW or PLOTS_SAVE # default output path if output_path is None: output_path = os.path.dirname(test_dsm_filename) if align: align = config['OPTIONS']['AlignModel'] save_aligned = config['OPTIONS']['SaveAligned'] | save_aligned # Configure plotting basename = os.path.basename(test_dsm_filename) if PLOTS_ENABLE: plot = geo.plot(saveDir=output_path, autoSave=PLOTS_SAVE, savePrefix=basename + '_', badColor='black', showPlots=PLOTS_SHOW, dpi=900) else: plot = None # copy testDSM to the output path # this is a workaround for the "align3d" function with currently always # saves new files to the same path as the testDSM src = test_dsm_filename dst = os.path.join(output_path, os.path.basename(src)) if not os.path.isfile(dst): shutil.copyfile(src, dst) test_dsm_filename_copy = dst # Register test model to ground truth reference model. if not align: print('\nSKIPPING REGISTRATION') xyz_offset = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) else: print('\n=====REGISTRATION====='); sys.stdout.flush() try: align3d_path = config['REGEXEPATH']['Align3DPath'] except: align3d_path = None xyz_offset = geo.align3d(ref_dsm_filename, test_dsm_filename_copy, exec_path=align3d_path) # Explicitly assign a no data value to warped images to track filled pixels no_data_value = -9999 # Read reference model files. print("\nReading reference model files...") ref_cls, tform = geo.imageLoad(ref_cls_filename) ref_dsm = geo.imageWarp(ref_dsm_filename, ref_cls_filename, noDataValue=no_data_value) ref_dtm = geo.imageWarp(ref_dtm_filename, ref_cls_filename, noDataValue=no_data_value) ref_ndx = geo.imageWarp(ref_ndx_filename, ref_cls_filename, interp_method=gdalconst.GRA_NearestNeighbour).astype(np.uint16) if ref_mtl_filename: ref_mtl = geo.imageWarp(ref_mtl_filename, ref_cls_filename, interp_method=gdalconst.GRA_NearestNeighbour).astype(np.uint8) if save_aligned: geo.arrayToGeotiff(ref_mtl, os.path.join(output_path, basename + '_ref_mtl_reg_out'), ref_cls_filename, no_data_value) else: ref_mtl = None print('NO REFERENCE MTL') # Read test model files and apply XYZ offsets. print("\nReading test model files...") test_cls = geo.imageWarp(test_cls_filename, ref_cls_filename, xyz_offset, gdalconst.GRA_NearestNeighbour) test_dsm = geo.imageWarp(test_dsm_filename, ref_cls_filename, xyz_offset, noDataValue=no_data_value) if test_dtm_filename: test_dtm = geo.imageWarp(test_dtm_filename, ref_cls_filename, xyz_offset, noDataValue=no_data_value) if save_aligned: geo.arrayToGeotiff(test_dtm, os.path.join(output_path, basename + '_test_dtm_reg_out'), ref_cls_filename, no_data_value) else: print('NO TEST DTM: defaults to reference DTM') test_dtm = ref_dtm if save_aligned: geo.arrayToGeotiff(test_cls, os.path.join(output_path, basename + '_test_cls_reg_out'), ref_cls_filename, no_data_value) geo.arrayToGeotiff(test_dsm, os.path.join(output_path, basename + '_test_dsm_reg_out'), ref_cls_filename, no_data_value) geo.arrayToGeotiff(ref_cls, os.path.join(output_path, basename + '_ref_cls_reg_out'), ref_cls_filename, no_data_value) geo.arrayToGeotiff(ref_dsm, os.path.join(output_path, basename + '_ref_dsm_reg_out'), ref_cls_filename, no_data_value) geo.arrayToGeotiff(ref_dtm, os.path.join(output_path, basename + '_ref_dtm_reg_out'), ref_cls_filename, no_data_value) if test_mtl_filename: test_mtl = geo.imageWarp(test_mtl_filename, ref_cls_filename, xyz_offset, gdalconst.GRA_NearestNeighbour).astype(np.uint8) if save_aligned: geo.arrayToGeotiff(test_mtl, os.path.join(output_path, basename + '_test_mtl_reg_out'), ref_cls_filename, no_data_value) else: print('NO TEST MTL') print("\n\n") # Apply registration offset, only to valid data to allow better tracking of bad data test_valid_data = (test_dsm != no_data_value) if test_dtm_filename: test_valid_data &= (test_dtm != no_data_value) test_dsm[test_valid_data] = test_dsm[test_valid_data] + xyz_offset[2] if test_dtm_filename: test_dtm[test_valid_data] = test_dtm[test_valid_data] + xyz_offset[2] # Create mask for ignoring points labeled NoData in reference files. ref_dsm_no_data_value = no_data_value ref_dtm_no_data_value = no_data_value ref_cls_no_data_value = geo.getNoDataValue(ref_cls_filename) if ref_cls_no_data_value != 65: print("WARNING! NODATA TAG IN CLS FILE IS LIKELY INCORRECT. IT SHOULD BE 65.") ref_cls_no_data_value = 65 ignore_mask = np.zeros_like(ref_cls, np.bool) if ref_dsm_no_data_value is not None: ignore_mask[ref_dsm == ref_dsm_no_data_value] = True if ref_dtm_no_data_value is not None: ignore_mask[ref_dtm == ref_dtm_no_data_value] = True if ref_cls_no_data_value is not None: ignore_mask[ref_cls == ref_cls_no_data_value] = True # optionally ignore test NoDataValue(s) if allow_test_ignore: if allow_test_ignore == 1: test_cls_no_data_value = geo.getNoDataValue(test_cls_filename) if test_cls_no_data_value is not None: print('Ignoring test CLS NoDataValue') ignore_mask[test_cls == test_cls_no_data_value] = True elif allow_test_ignore == 2: test_dsm_no_data_value = no_data_value test_dtm_no_data_value = no_data_value if test_dsm_no_data_value is not None: print('Ignoring test DSM NoDataValue') ignore_mask[test_dsm == test_dsm_no_data_value] = True if test_dtm_filename and test_dtm_no_data_value is not None: print('Ignoring test DTM NoDataValue') ignore_mask[test_dtm == test_dtm_no_data_value] = True else: raise IOError('Unrecognized test ignore value={}'.format(allow_test_ignore)) print("") # sanity check if np.all(ignore_mask): raise ValueError('All pixels are ignored') # report "data voids" num_data_voids = np.sum(ignore_mask > 0) print('Number of data voids in ignore mask = ', num_data_voids) # If quantizing to voxels, then match vertical spacing to horizontal spacing. QUANTIZE = config['OPTIONS']['QuantizeHeight'] if QUANTIZE: unit_hgt = geo.getUnitHeight(tform) ref_dsm = np.round(ref_dsm / unit_hgt) * unit_hgt ref_dtm = np.round(ref_dtm / unit_hgt) * unit_hgt test_dsm = np.round(test_dsm / unit_hgt) * unit_hgt test_dtm = np.round(test_dtm / unit_hgt) * unit_hgt no_data_value = np.round(no_data_value / unit_hgt) * unit_hgt if PLOTS_ENABLE: # Make image pair plots plot.make_image_pair_plots(performer_pair_data_file, performer_pair_file, performer_files_chosen_file, 201, saveName="image_pair_plot") # Reference models can include data voids, so ignore invalid data on display plot.make(ref_dsm, 'Reference DSM', 111, colorbar=True, saveName="input_refDSM", badValue=no_data_value) plot.make(ref_dtm, 'Reference DTM', 112, colorbar=True, saveName="input_refDTM", badValue=no_data_value) plot.make(ref_cls, 'Reference Classification', 113, colorbar=True, saveName="input_refClass") # Test models shouldn't have any invalid data # so display the invalid values to highlight them, # unlike with the refSDM/refDTM plot.make(test_dsm, 'Test DSM', 151, colorbar=True, saveName="input_testDSM") plot.make(test_dtm, 'Test DTM', 152, colorbar=True, saveName="input_testDTM") plot.make(test_cls, 'Test Classification', 153, colorbar=True, saveName="input_testClass") plot.make(ignore_mask, 'Ignore Mask', 181, saveName="input_ignoreMask") # material maps if ref_mtl_filename and test_mtl_filename: plot.make(ref_mtl, 'Reference Materials', 191, colorbar=True, saveName="input_refMTL", vmin=0, vmax=13) plot.make(test_mtl, 'Test Materials', 192, colorbar=True, saveName="input_testMTL", vmin=0, vmax=13) # Run the threshold geometry metrics and report results. metrics = dict() # Run threshold geometry and relative accuracy threshold_geometry_results = [] relative_accuracy_results = [] objectwise_results = [] # Check that match values are valid ref_cls_match_sets, test_cls_match_sets = geo.getMatchValueSets(config['INPUT.REF']['CLSMatchValue'], config['INPUT.TEST']['CLSMatchValue'], np.unique(ref_cls).tolist(), np.unique(test_cls).tolist()) if PLOTS_ENABLE: # Update plot prefix include counter to be unique for each set of CLS value evaluated original_save_prefix = plot.savePrefix # Loop through sets of CLS match values for index, (ref_match_value,test_match_value) in enumerate(zip(ref_cls_match_sets, test_cls_match_sets)): print("Evaluating CLS values") print(" Reference match values: " + str(ref_match_value)) print(" Test match values: " + str(test_match_value)) # object masks based on CLSMatchValue(s) ref_mask = np.zeros_like(ref_cls, np.bool) for v in ref_match_value: ref_mask[ref_cls == v] = True test_mask = np.zeros_like(test_cls, np.bool) if len(test_match_value): for v in test_match_value: test_mask[test_cls == v] = True if PLOTS_ENABLE: plot.savePrefix = original_save_prefix + "%03d" % index + "_" plot.make(test_mask.astype(, 'Test Evaluation Mask', 154, saveName="input_testMask") plot.make(ref_mask.astype(, 'Reference Evaluation Mask', 114, saveName="input_refMask") if config['OBJECTWISE']['Enable']: try: print("\nRunning objectwise metrics...") merge_radius = config['OBJECTWISE']['MergeRadius'] [result, test_ndx, ref_ndx] = geo.run_objectwise_metrics(ref_dsm, ref_dtm, ref_mask, test_dsm, test_dtm, test_mask, tform, ignore_mask, merge_radius, plot=plot) if ref_match_value == test_match_value: result['CLSValue'] = ref_match_value else: result['CLSValue'] = {'Ref': ref_match_value, "Test": test_match_value} objectwise_results.append(result) # Save index files to compute objectwise metrics obj_save_prefix = basename + "_%03d" % index + "_" geo.arrayToGeotiff(test_ndx, os.path.join(output_path, obj_save_prefix + '_test_ndx_objs'), ref_cls_filename, no_data_value) geo.arrayToGeotiff(ref_ndx, os.path.join(output_path, obj_save_prefix + '_ref_ndx_objs'), ref_cls_filename, no_data_value) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) # Evaluate threshold geometry metrics using refDTM as the testDTM to mitigate effects of terrain modeling # uncertainty result, _ = geo.run_threshold_geometry_metrics(ref_dsm, ref_dtm, ref_mask, test_dsm, ref_dtm, test_mask, tform, ignore_mask, plot=plot) if ref_match_value == test_match_value: result['CLSValue'] = ref_match_value else: result['CLSValue'] = {'Ref': ref_match_value, "Test": test_match_value} threshold_geometry_results.append(result) # Run the relative accuracy metrics and report results. # Skip relative accuracy is all of testMask or refMask is assigned as "object" if not ((ref_mask.size == np.count_nonzero(ref_mask)) or (test_mask.size == np.count_nonzero(test_mask))) and len(test_match_value) != 0: try: result = geo.run_relative_accuracy_metrics(ref_dsm, test_dsm, ref_mask, test_mask, ignore_mask, geo.getUnitWidth(tform), plot=plot) if ref_match_value == test_match_value: result['CLSValue'] = ref_match_value else: result['CLSValue'] = {'Ref': ref_match_value, "Test": test_match_value} relative_accuracy_results.append(result) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) if PLOTS_ENABLE: # Reset plot prefix plot.savePrefix = original_save_prefix metrics['threshold_geometry'] = threshold_geometry_results metrics['relative_accuracy'] = relative_accuracy_results metrics['objectwise'] = objectwise_results if align: metrics['registration_offset'] = xyz_offset metrics['geolocation_error'] = np.linalg.norm(xyz_offset) # Run the terrain model metrics and report results. if test_dtm_filename: dtm_z_threshold = config['OPTIONS'].get('TerrainZErrorThreshold', 1) # Make reference mask for terrain evaluation that identified elevated object where underlying terrain estimate # is expected to be inaccurate dtm_cls_ignore_values = config['INPUT.REF'].get('TerrainCLSIgnoreValues', [6, 17]) # Default to building and bridge deck dtm_cls_ignore_values = geo.validateMatchValues(dtm_cls_ignore_values,np.unique(ref_cls).tolist()) ref_mask_terrain_acc = np.zeros_like(ref_cls, np.bool) for v in dtm_cls_ignore_values: ref_mask_terrain_acc[ref_cls == v] = True metrics['terrain_accuracy'] = geo.run_terrain_accuracy_metrics(ref_dtm, test_dtm, ref_mask_terrain_acc, dtm_z_threshold, plot=plot) else: print('WARNING: No test DTM file, skipping terrain accuracy metrics') # Run the threshold material metrics and report results. if test_mtl_filename and ref_mtl: metrics['threshold_materials'] = geo.run_material_metrics(ref_ndx, ref_mtl, test_mtl, material_names, material_indices_to_ignore, plot=plot) else: print('WARNING: No test MTL file or no reference material, skipping material metrics') fileout = os.path.join(output_path, os.path.basename(config_file) + "_metrics.json") with open(fileout, 'w') as fid: json.dump(metrics, fid,indent=2) print(json.dumps(metrics, indent=2)) print("Metrics report: " + fileout) # If displaying figures, wait for user before existing if PLOTS_SHOW: input("Press Enter to continue...")