예제 #1
def init():
    pub_time = rospy.Publisher('start_time', Float64, queue_size=10)
    rospy.init_node('keyboard_input', anonymous=True)
    rate = rospy.Rate(20)
    msg = Control()
    speed=0.0 #m/s
    steer=0.0 #degree
    time = rospy.get_param('/time', 0) + 0.3 #seconds
    init = rospy.Time.now()

    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        cur = rospy.Time.now()
        if time!=0 :
            t = cur-init
        key = getKey()
        print("press the key" + key)

        if key == 'c':
            time = Float64()
            time.data = rospy.get_time()
예제 #2
    def __init__(self):
        self.pub_rate = 20.0  #Hz
        self.time_revise = 10  #Hz
        self.buff_size = 25
        self.speed_slope = 0.2  #m/s/conf
        self.delta_y_max = 0.3  #m maximum error
        self.speed_max = 2.1  #m/s
        self.speed_min = 0.5
        self.speed_plan = 1.0
        self.speed_delta = 0.1
        self.p_gain = 0.5
        self.emergency_stop_keep = 10  #sec
        self.map_resolution = 0.03
        self.s_response = 10  #se
        self.brake_max = 100
        # -------------^CONSTANT^--------------

        self.L = 1.54  #m distance between two wheel axis
        self.lr = 0.53  #m  distance between cm and rear wheel
        self.cencorr = -0.04  #m  origin distance between cenPoint and sPath
        #car coordinate origin will be the geometrical center of ca0r frame, except bumper.
        #goalpoint should be cenPoint.y_waypoint + self.cencorr

        # ----------------------------------^HARDWARE_CONSTANT^------------------------------

        self.control = Control()  #my order to the car
        self.goalpoint = CenPoint(
        )  #data of goal point - sPath origin placed in center, cenPath origin placed 770 from front wheel
        self.cont_buff = np.empty(self.buff_size,
                                  dtype=(type([Control(), float()
                                               ])))  #past buff of the ordering
        self.updated_sPath = PathArray()
        #time variables _ time when this node get sPath or cenPoint
        self.stime = 0
        self.ctime = 0
        self.sttime = 0
        self.estoptime = -10

        self.sPath = PathArray()
        self.cPoint = CenPoint()
        self.sDelay = 0.0
        self.cDelay = 0.0
        self.state_buff = np.empty(self.buff_size,
        self.sPath_n = 0
예제 #3
def mainloop():
    code for activate and deactivate the node
    global veloicty
    global steer
    #  global motion_state
    nodename = 'model_estimator'
    mainloop.active = True

    def signalResponse(data):
        if 'zero_monitor' in data.active_nodes:
            if nodename in data.active_nodes:
                mainloop.active = True
                mainloop.active = False
            rospy.signal_shutdown('no monitor')

    rospy.Subscriber('/active_nodes', ActiveNode, signalResponse)
    rospy.Subscriber("/imu_speed", ImuSpeed, icb)
    rospy.Subscriber("/curvature", Curvature, ccb)
    rospy.Subscriber("/velocity_level", VelocityLevel, vcb)
    #   rospy.Subscriber("/motion_state", MotionState, mcb)
    pub = rospy.Publisher('/calibrated_control', Control, queue_size=10)
    rospy.init_node(nodename, anonymous=True)
    rate = rospy.Rate(10)  # 10hz
    control = Control()
    control.is_auto = True
    control.header.frame_id = 'car_frame'
    i = 0
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        control.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        control.header.seq = i
        i = i + 1
        control.speed = velocity
        control.steer = steer
        #if motion_state == 'HALT':
        #    control.speed = 0.
        if mainloop.active:
예제 #4
    def __init__(self):
        # Control constants
        self.MAX_speed = 5.5  # [m/s]
        self.MIN_speed = 0.  # [m/s]
        #self.MAX_steer = 2000/float(71)      # [degree]
        #self.MIN_steer = -2000/float(71)     # [degree]
        self.MAX_steer = 180.
        self.MIN_steer = -180.
        self.MAX_brake = 150
        self.MIN_brake = 1

        # Control states
        self.NO_CONTROL = 0
        self.EMERGENCY_BRAKE = 1
        self.NORMAL_TRACKING = 2
        self.ESTIMATE_TRACKING = 3

        # Platform constants
        self.wheelbase = 1.02  #[m] distance between two wheel axis
        self.cm2rear = 0.51  #[m] distance between center of mass and rear axis

        # Control variable
        self.control = Control()
        self.control_mode = self.NO_CONTROL
        self.control_write = 0
        self.control_count = 0
        self.control_buff = []
        self.control_time_buff = []
        self.control_buff_size = 200
        self.look_ahead_distance = 20
        self.look_ahead_point = PoseStamped()

        # Input manage
        self.vehicle_state = Control()

        self.latest_generated_path = Path()
        self.current_path = Path()
        self.update_path = False

        self.latest_velocity_level = VelocityLevel()
        self.velocity_level = VelocityLevel()
        self.update_velocity_level = False

        self.curvature = Curvature()
예제 #5
def mainloop():
    code for activate and deactivate the node
    nodename = 'path_tracker'
    mainloop.active = True

    def signalResponse(data):
        if 'zero_monitor' in data.active_nodes:
            if nodename in data.active_nodes:
                mainloop.active = True
                mainloop.active = False
            rospy.signal_shutdown('no monitor')

    rospy.Subscriber('/active_nodes', ActiveNode, signalResponse)
    rospy.Subscriber("/velocity_level", VelocityLevel, vcb)
    rospy.Subscriber("/path", Path, pcb)
    pub = rospy.Publisher('/ideal_control', Control, queue_size=10)
    rospy.init_node(nodename, anonymous=True)
    rate = rospy.Rate(10)  # 10hz
    control = Control()
    control.header.frame_id = 'car_frame'
    i = 0
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        control.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        control.header.seq = i
        i = i + 1
        if mainloop.active:
예제 #6
def mainloop():
    code for activate and deactivate the node
    nodename = 'model_estimator'
    mainloop.active = True

    def signalResponse(data):
        if 'zero_monitor' in data.active_nodes:
            if nodename in data.active_nodes:
                mainloop.active = True
                mainloop.active = False
            rospy.signal_shutdown('no monitor')

    rospy.Subscriber('/active_nodes', ActiveNode, signalResponse)
    rospy.Subscriber("/imu_speed", ImuSpeed, icb)
    rospy.Subscriber("/ideal_control", Control, ccb)
    pub = rospy.Publisher('/calibrated_control', Control, queue_size=10)
    rospy.init_node(nodename, anonymous=True)
    rate = rospy.Rate(10)  # 10hz
    control = Control()
    control.header.frame_id = 'car_frame'
    i = 0
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        control.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        control.header.seq = i
        i = i + 1
        if mainloop.active:
예제 #7
def init():
    pub = rospy.Publisher('control', Control, queue_size=10)
    rospy.init_node('control_sender', anonymous=True)
    rate = rospy.Rate(20)
    msg = Control()
    speed=0 #m/s
    steer=0 #degree
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        key = getKey()
        print("key" + key)
        if key == 'q':
        elif key == 'a':
            steer = steer - 1
            if steer <= -30 :
                steer = -30
        elif key == 'd':
            steer = steer + 1
            if steer >= 30 :
                steer = 30
        elif key == 'w':
            speed = speed + 0.1
            if speed >= 3:
                speed = 3
        elif key == 's':
            speed = speed - 0.1
            if speed < 0:
                speed = 0
        elif key == 'e':
            if gear == 0:
                gear = 2
            elif gear == 2:
                gear = 0
        elif key == 'b':
            if brake == 1:
                brake = 50
            elif brake == 50:
                brake = 1
        msg.is_auto = is_auto
        msg.estop = estop
        msg.gear = gear
        msg.brake = brake
        msg.speed = round(speed,3)
        msg.steer = round(steer,3)
        msg.encoder = 100
예제 #8
def init():

    pub = rospy.Publisher('/car_signal', Control, queue_size=10)
    rospy.init_node('keyboard_input', anonymous=True)
    rate = rospy.Rate(20)
    msg = Control()
    is_auto = 1
    estop = 0
    gear = 0
    speed = rospy.get_param('/speed', 0)  #m/s
    steer = rospy.get_param('/steer', 0)  #degree
    brake = 0
    time = rospy.get_param('/time', 0) + 0.3  #seconds
    init = rospy.Time.now()
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        cur = rospy.Time.now()
        if time != 0:
            t = cur - init
        key = getKey()
        print("key" + key)

        if key == 'q':
        elif key == 'a':
            steer = steer - 1
            if steer <= -28:
                steer = -28
        elif key == 'd':
            steer = steer + 1
            if steer >= 28:
                steer = 28
        elif key == 'w':
            speed = speed + 0.1
            if speed >= 3:
                speed = 3
        elif key == 's':
            speed = speed - 0.1
            if speed < -3:
                speed = -3
        elif key == 'e':
            if gear == 0:
                gear = 2
            elif gear == 2:
                gear = 0
        elif key == 'b':
            if brake == 1:
                brake = 50
            elif brake == 50:
                brake = 1

        print("steer_degree : ", steer)

        msg.is_auto = is_auto
        msg.estop = estop
        msg.gear = gear
        msg.brake = brake
        msg.speed = round(speed, 3)
        msg.steer = round(steer, 3)
        msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()

예제 #9
      def main_control_loop(self) :

            1. Initialization
            self.control = Control()
            temp_control_mode = Control_mode.NO_CONTROL
            self.control.is_auto = True
            self.control.estop = 0
            self.control.gear = 0 #0: front 1: neutral 2: rear
            self.control.speed = 0
            self.control.steer = 0 #in degree
            self.control.brake = 1
            #TODO: change this to server client later
            #uturn = 0
            uturn_mode = rospy.get_param('uturn_mode') ###################### added
            park_mode = rospy.get_param('park_mode')
            current_t = self.current_state.header.stamp.to_sec()

            2. Updating the s-path and c-point according to vehicle odometry

            #update s-path
            #erase s-path to empty object after a certain period of time
            #JUNHO: this does not work well in rosbag mdode because current_t is much more current than the stamp
            #IMPORTANT: emergency_brake case have move to the top for fast response
            if current_t - self.estoptime < self.emergency_stop_keep :
                  if Z_DEBUG:
                        print "control mode: emergency braking"
                  temp_control_mode = Control_mode.EMERGENCY_BRAKE

            if temp_control_mode is not Control_mode.EMERGENCY_BRAKE:            
                  if current_t - self.sPath.header.stamp.to_sec() > self.spath_time_threshold:
                        self.sPath.pathpoints = []
                        self.updated_sPath.pathpoints = []
                        # print "path erased"

                  is_updated_spath= self.update_spath(current_t)
                  # if Z_DEBUG and not is_updated_spath :
                        # print "s-path is not updated and is empty"
                  #update c-point
                  is_updated_cpoint = self.update_cpoint(current_t)
                  # if Z_DEBUG and not is_updated_cpoint :
                        # print "c-point is not updated due to short state buffer"
                  if park_mode ==2:
                        is_updated_ppoint = self.update_ppoint(current_t)
                  elif park_mode ==3:
                        is_updated_rpath = self.update_rpath(current_t)

            3. Deciding the control mode
            IMPORTANT: This is the most upper level logic of low-level controller!!
            # emergency stop case, emergency stop occurs by the e_stop message
            if temp_control_mode == Control_mode.EMERGENCY_BRAKE:
                  if Z_DEBUG:
                        print "control mode: emergency braking"
            elif uturn_mode >= 1: ##################################### added
                  if uturn_mode == 1:
                        if self.uturn_stop_toggle:
                              self.uturn_stop_start_time = rospy.Time.now().to_sec()
                              self.uturn_stop_toggle = True
                        if Z_DEBUG:
                              print "control mode: u-turning enter, C point tracking with low speed"
                        temp_control_mode = Control_mode.SLOW_C
                  elif uturn_mode == 2:
                        ##TODO: upgrade second logic of if statement
                        # if self.uturn_angle > self.uturn_end and self.cpoint.header.stamp.to_sec() > self.control_time_buff[-1]:      
                        if self.uturn_angle > self.uturn_end:      
                              if Z_DEBUG:
                                    print "control mode: u-turning end, C point tracking start"
                              uturn_mode = 0
                              rospy.set_param("uturn_mode", 0)
                              # self.uturn_angle = 0
                              temp_control_mode = Control_mode.NORMAL_C
                        else :
                              # if Z_DEBUG:
                                    # print "control mode: u-turning"
                              temp_control_mode = Control_mode.U_TURN
            elif park_mode >= 1:
                  if park_mode ==1:
                        temp_control_mode = Control_mode.SLOW_C
                        if self.park_semi_stop_toggle:
                              self.park_semi_stop_start_time = rospy.Time.now().to_sec()
                              self.park_semi_stop_toggle = False
                  elif park_mode ==2:
                        temp_control_mode = Control_mode.PARK_FORWARD
                  elif park_mode ==3:
                        temp_control_mode = Control_mode.PARK_REVERSE
                        if self.park_stop_toggle:
                              self.park_stop_start_time = rospy.Time.now().to_sec()
                              self.park_stop_toggle = False
            # normal s path tracking, when the updated_sPath is still long enough to follow, the vehicle follows it.
            # This situation occurs during inside missions with rubber cones, and also when the vehicle is exiting the mission.
            elif len(self.updated_sPath.pathpoints) > self.spath_length_threshold :
                  if Z_DEBUG:
                        print "control mode: Normal S path tracking"
                  temp_control_mode = Control_mode.NORMAL_S

            # c point tracking with low speed
            # This situation occurs when sPath is not created but there are obstacles
            # Usually occurs when entering into the mission with rubber cones, or when the sPath keeps fail updating during the mission.
            elif self.flag_obstacle > 0:
                  if Z_DEBUG:
                        print "control mode: C point tracking with low speed, there still are obstacles."
                  temp_control_mode = Control_mode.SLOW_C

            else: #when flag_obstacle == 0
                  # if Z_DEBUG:
                        # print "control mode: Normal C point tracking"
                  temp_control_mode = Control_mode.NORMAL_C
            #TODO add cases for uturn and parking control
            #TODO add case to deal with when cPoint is also empty
            self.control_mode = temp_control_mode
            4. Decide steering angle depending on each control mode
                  1) updtate goalpoint
                  if control mode is NORMAL_S, decide goalpoint according to sPath_n and updated_sPath
                  if control mode is NORMAL_C or SLOW_C, decide goalpoint according and updated_cPoint
                  2) pure pursuit logic
            # 1) update goalpoint
            # self.show_cPoint()
            if self.control_mode == Control_mode.NORMAL_S:
                  #TODO: activate this
                  # self.decide_sPath_n() ########################################### added
                  if len(self.updated_sPath.pathpoints) <= self.sPath_n :
                        self.goalpoint.x_waypoint = self.map_resolution*(200-self.updated_sPath.pathpoints[0].y)
                        self.goalpoint.y_waypoint = self.map_resolution*(100-self.updated_sPath.pathpoints[0].x)
                        self.goalpoint.x_waypoint = self.map_resolution*(200-self.updated_sPath.pathpoints[-self.sPath_n].y)
                        self.goalpoint.y_waypoint = self.map_resolution*(100-self.updated_sPath.pathpoints[-self.sPath_n].x)

            elif self.control_mode == Control_mode.NORMAL_C or self.control_mode == Control_mode.SLOW_C:
                  self.goalpoint.x_waypoint = self.updated_cPoint.x_waypoint
                  self.goalpoint.y_waypoint = self.updated_cPoint.y_waypoint
                  self.goalpoint.confidence = self.updated_cPoint.confidence
            elif self.control_mode == Control_mode.PARK_FORWARD:
                  self.goalpoint.x_waypoint = self.updated_pPoint.goal_point.x
                  self.goalpoint.y_waypoint = self.updated_pPoint.goal_point.y
                  # print self.goalpoint
                  if self.goalpoint.x_waypoint < -0.2:
                        print "goal point passed"
                  if self.updated_pPoint.goal_point.x >= -1.0 and ( self.distance_to_point(self.goalpoint) < self.goal_reach_distance or (self.goalpoint.x_waypoint < -0.2 and abs(self.goalpoint.y_waypoint) < 0.5)) :
                        # self.make_reverse_path()
            elif self.control_mode == Control_mode.PARK_REVERSE:
                  if current_t - self.park_reverse_start_time > self.park_reverse_duration and self.park_reverse_start_time is not 0:
                        print "park reverse count finish"
                        rospy.set_param('park_mode', 0)      
            # in other control_mode, goalpoint do not need to be set again because the control logic does not depend on the goalpoint.

            # 2) deciding PURE PURSUIT OUTPUT based on goalpoint
            if self.control_mode == Control_mode.EMERGENCY_BRAKE:
                  delta = 0
            elif self.control_mode == Control_mode.NORMAL_S or self.control_mode == Control_mode.NORMAL_C or self.control_mode == Control_mode.SLOW_C or self.control_mode == Control_mode.PARK_FORWARD:
                  ld = math.sqrt(self.goalpoint.x_waypoint*self.goalpoint.x_waypoint + self.goalpoint.y_waypoint*self.goalpoint.y_waypoint)
                  if ld < 0.2:
                        delta  = 0
                        delta = -np.arctan(2 * self.L * (self.goalpoint.y_waypoint / ld) / (ld + 2 * self.lr * self.goalpoint.x_waypoint/ld)) # ld is lookahead distance
                  self.control.steer = delta / np.pi * 180 #in degree
                  # print "first steer", self.control.steer

            #################### added
            elif self.control_mode == Control_mode.U_TURN :
                  self.control.steer = -self.steer_max
                   #################### added
            elif self.control_mode == Control_mode.PARK_REVERSE:
                  self.control.steer = self.steer_max/2
                  self.control.steer = 0.0
            #TODO: set steer for u-turn and reverse

            if self.control_mode == Control_mode.PARK_REVERSE:
                  self.control.gear = 2
                  self.control.gear = 0

            5. Decide speed depending on each control mode
            if self.control_mode == Control_mode.EMERGENCY_BRAKE:
                  self.control.speed = 0
                  self.control.brake = self.brake_max
            elif park_mode == 1:
                  if current_t - self.park_semi_stop_start_time <= self.park_semi_stop_duration:
                        self.control.speed = 0
                        self.control.brake = self.brake_max

                  elif self.park_semi_stop_start_time is not 0:
                        self.control.speed = self.speed_min

            elif self.control_mode == Control_mode.NORMAL_C:
                  self.control.speed = self.goalpoint.confidence * self.speed_slope
                  # print(self.goalpoint.confidence)
            elif self.control_mode == Control_mode.NO_CONTROL:
                  self.control.speed = 0
            #TODO: set speed for u-turn and reverse
            elif self.control_mode == Control_mode.U_TURN:
                  if current_t - self.uturn_stop_start_time <= self.uturn_stop_duration:
                        self.control.speed = 0
                        self.control.brake = self.brake_max
                  # elif self.uturn_stop_start_time is not 0:
                        self.control.speed = self.speed_uturn

            elif self.control_mode == Control_mode.PARK_REVERSE:
                  if current_t - self.park_stop_start_time <= self.park_stop_duration:
                        self.control.speed = 0
                        self.control.brake = self.brake_max

                  elif self.park_stop_start_time is not 0:
                        if self.park_reverse_toggle:
                              self.park_reverse_start_time = rospy.Time.now().to_sec()
                              self.park_reverse_toggle = False
                        self.control.speed = self.speed_min
                  self.control.speed = self.speed_min

            6. Additional Post processing on Control commands
                  1) Add P gains to Steer and Speed command and Decide brake
                  2) Apply low pass filter
                  3) Updtate Control buffer
            #final decision making for control variables (adding p gains and decide brake value)
            #applying low pass filter to finally decided control variable

            #updating control buffer
            # if Z_DEBUG:
            #       print "length of control time buffer is ", len(self.control_time_buff)
            if len(self.control_buff) >= self.control_buff_size:
                  self.control_buff[-1] = self.control
                  self.control_time_buff[0:-1] = self.control_time_buff[1:]
                  self.control_time_buff[-1] = rospy.Time.now().to_sec()
                  self.control_time_buff = np.append(self.control_time_buff, rospy.Time.now().to_sec())

            self.control.control_mode = self.control_mode

            self.control_count +=1

            return self.control #need to publish self.control as control message
예제 #10
      def __init__ (self) :
            # -------------^CONSTANT^--------------
            self.pub_rate = 20.0 #Hz   #IMPORTANT!!! Main control rate
            self.access_wait_rate = 500 #Hz
            self.speed_max = 2.2 #m/s
            # self.speed_max = 2.0
            self.speed_min = 0.45

            self.speed_slope = self.speed_max / 10 #m/s/conf
            self.path_error_max = 0.3 #m maximum error ############################# added : name 
            self.speed_uturn = 0.4
            self.speed_delta = 0.1
            self.p_gain = 0.3
            self.steer_p_final = 1.5
            self.steer_p_final_max = 1.8
            self.emergency_stop_keep = 3 #sec  #time keeping for emergency stop after receiving the message
            self.map_resolution = 0.03
            self.map_height = 200
            self.map_width = 200
            self.brake_max = 200 #this is for emergency braking(maximum braking)
            self.brake_adjust_max = 50 #this is for normal velocity adjustment
            self.brake_slope = 50
            self.lpf_dt_cutoff = 10

            self.steer_max = 28.1 #degree, this is for uturning ################### added
            # self.uturn_end = 100
            self.uturn_end = 280 #degree, turn 180 degree in uturning ####################### added
            self.goal_reach_distance = 0.5

            self.spath_length_threshold = 20 #TODO Tune this

            self.spath_time_threshold = 15 #sec
            # if Z_DEBUG:
            #       self.spath_time_threshold =1

            # ----------------------------------^HARDWARE_CONSTANT^------------------------------
            self.L = 1.02 #m distance between two wheel axis
            self.lr = 0.51 #m  distance between cm and rear wheel
            # JUNHO ??
            self.cencorr = -0.04 #m  origin distance between cenPoint and sPath
            #car coordinate origin will be the geometrical center of car frame, except bumper.
            #goalpoint should be cenPoint.y_waypoint + self.cencorr

            self.control = Control() #my order to the car
            self.control_mode = Control_mode.NO_CONTROL
            self.goalpoint = CenPoint() #data of goal point - sPath origin placed in center, cenPath origin placed 770 from front wheel

            self.sPath = PathArray()
            self.cPoint = CenPoint()
            self.pPoint = ParkPoints() #for parking mission
            self.updated_sPath = PathArray()
            self.updated_cPoint = CenPoint()
            self.updated_pPoint = ParkPoints() #for parking mission
            self.updated_pPoint.goal_point.x = -1.0 #needed for safe initialization
            self.rPath = PathArray()
            self.updated_rPath = PathArray()
            self.uturn_angle = 0 ################################ added

            self.estoptime = -10
            self.accessing_state = 0
            self.accessing_sPath = 0
            self.writing_state = 0
            self.flag_obstacle = 0

            self.current_state = VehicleState()
            self.state_buff = []
            self.state_time_buff = np.empty(0)
            self.state_buff_park = []
            self.state_time_buff_park = np.empty(0)

            self.control_buff = []
            self.control_time_buff = np.empty(0)
            self.state_buff_size = 600
            self.control_buff_size = 600 #buff_sizes are only used when updating the buffer
            self.control_count = 0
            # self.park_stop_count = 12*self.pub_rate
            # self.park_reverse_count = 13*self.pub_rate
            # self.uturn_stop_count = 4*self.pub_rate
            # self.park_semi_stop_count = 4*self.pub_rate
            self.park_stop_duration = 12
            self.park_reverse_duration = 14
            self.uturn_stop_duration = 2
            self.park_semi_stop_duration = 2

            self.park_stop_start_time= 0
            self.park_reverse_start_time =0
            self.uturn_stop_start_time= 0
            self.park_semi_stop_start_time= 0

            self.park_stop_toggle = True
            self.park_reverse_toggle = True
            self.uturn_stop_toggle = True
            self.park_semi_stop_toggle = True

            self.sPath_n = 10

            self.occupancy_map = np.zeros((self.map_height,self.map_width), dtype='uint8')
예제 #11
    def calc_get_cont(self):
        self.control = Control()
        self.control.is_auto = True
        self.control.estop = 0
        self.control.gear = 0
        self.control.speed = 0
        self.control.steer = 0  #in degree
        self.control.brake = 1

        pttype = 'n'
        t = rospy.Time.now().to_sec()
        if t - self.estoptime < 10:
            print "estop"
            self.control.speed = 0
            self.control.brake = self.brake_max
            self.cont_buff[0:-1] = self.cont_buff[1:self.buff_size]
            self.cont_buff[self.buff_size -
                           1] = [self.control,
            return self.control

        if self.stime > 0 and len(self.sPath.pathpoints) and pttype == 'n' > 0:
            while True:
                self.updated_sPath = PathArray()
                st = self.stime
                for i in self.sPath.pathpoints:

                    self.goalpoint.x_waypoint = self.map_resolution * (
                        200 - i.y)  #0.3m per pixel
                    self.goalpoint.y_waypoint = self.map_resolution * (100 -
                    self.update_goalpoint(st, t)
                    v = Vector3()
                    v.z = 0
                    v.y = 200 - self.goalpoint.x_waypoint / self.map_resolution
                    v.x = 100 - self.goalpoint.y_waypoint / self.map_resolution
                    self.updated_sPath.header.stamp = self.sPath.header.stamp

                #if self.decide_sPath_n(self.speed_plan) > self.delta_y_max :
                #      while self.decide_sPath_n(self.speed_plan) > self.delta_y_max :
                #            self.speed_plan -= self.speed_delta
                #      if self.speed_plan > self.speed_min :
                #            print "speed should be much slower"
                #            break
                #      elif self.decide_sPath_n(self.speed_plan + self.speed_delta) < self.delta_y_max :
                #            self.speed_plan += self.speed_delta
                #      else :
                #            self.decide_sPath_n(self.speed_plan)
                self.sPath_n = 20  #############################
                self.control.speed = self.speed_min
                self.goalpoint.x_waypoint = self.map_resolution * (
                    200 - self.updated_sPath.pathpoints[self.sPath_n].y)
                self.goalpoint.y_waypoint = self.map_resolution * (
                    100 - self.updated_sPath.pathpoints[self.sPath_n].x)
                if rospy.Time.now().to_sec() - self.stime < self.s_response:
                    if self.stime == st:
                        print "publish based on sPath"
                        pttype = 's'
                print "Time Problem occured."
                rtmp = rospy.Rate(main_track.time_revise)
        if self.ctime > 0 and pttype == 'n':
            print "publish based on cPath"
            pttype = 'c'
            self.goalpoint.x_waypoint = self.cPoint.x_waypoint - self.cencorr
            self.goalpoint.y_waypoint = self.cPoint.y_waypoint
            self.goalpoint.confidence = self.cPoint.confidence
            self.update_goalpoint(self.ctime, t)
            v = Vector3()
            v.z = 0
            v.y = 200 - self.goalpoint.x_waypoint / self.map_resolution
            v.x = 100 - self.goalpoint.y_waypoint / self.map_resolution
            tmpspd = self.goalpoint.confidence * self.speed_slope
            if tmpspd > self.speed_plan:
                self.speed_plan += self.speed_delta
            elif tmpspd < self.speed_plan:
                self.speed_plan -= self.speed_delta
        if pttype == 'n':
            print "no input"
            return self.control

        ld = math.sqrt(self.goalpoint.x_waypoint * self.goalpoint.x_waypoint +
                       self.goalpoint.y_waypoint * self.goalpoint.y_waypoint)
        delta = -np.arctan(2 * self.L * self.goalpoint.y_waypoint / ld /
                           (ld + 2 * self.lr * self.goalpoint.x_waypoint / ld)
                           )  # ld is lookahead distance

        self.control.speed = self.speed_plan
        self.control.steer = 1 * delta / np.pi * 180  #in degree

        self.cont_buff[0:-1] = self.cont_buff[1:self.buff_size]
        self.cont_buff[self.buff_size -
                       1] = [self.control,

        return self.control  #need to update self.control
예제 #12
    def main_control_loop(self):
                1. Initialization
        self.control = Control()

        # Update velocity level
        if self.update_velocity_level == True:
            self.velocity_level = copy.deepcopy(self.latest_velocity_level)
        self.update_velocity_level = False

        # Initialize contorl variables
        self.control.is_auto = False
        self.control.estop = False
        self.control.gear = self.gear_level
        self.control.speed = self.velocity_level.velocity_level
        self.control.steer = 0
        self.control.brake = self.MAX_brake

        temp_control_mode = self.NO_CONTROL
        initialize_time = self.vehicle_state.header.stamp.to_sec()
                2. Checking E-stop and Path update
                        1) Check E-stop condition. If E-stop  all control variable would be controlled for E-stop (Q: What is E-stop condition?)
                        2) If it is okay, then path should be updated.
                                2-1) Update path from planner
                                2-2) Or estimate new path by transforming latest path
        if self.update_path == True:
            temp_control_mode = self.Path_update()
            if len(self.control_buff) <= 0:
                temp_control_mode = self.EMERGENCY_BRAKE
                temp_control_mode = self.Path_estimate(initialize_time)
        self.update_path = False
                3. Deciding new curvature
                        1) By path and control mode, we calculate appropriate steering angle.
        if temp_control_mode == self.EMERGENCY_BRAKE:
            temp_control_mode = self.Set_look_ahead_point(temp_control_mode)
            temp_control_mode = self.Deicide_curvature(temp_control_mode)
                4. Post process of main_control_loop
                        1) Save new control variable values at the buffer with current time.
                        2) Return new curvature.

        if len(self.control_buff) >= self.control_buff_size:
            self.control_buff[0:-1] = self.control_buff[1:]
            self.control_buff[-1] = self.control
            self.control_time_buff[0:-1] = self.control_time_buff[1:]
            self.control_time_buff[-1] = rospy.get_rostime().to_sec()
            self.control_time_buff = np.append(self.control_time_buff,
        self.control_count += 1

        print("One main tracking cycle is compeleted.")
        return self.curvature