def _ordkey(self, key): """Convert string indices into integers. Handles characters, strings slices with strings, and tuples of the same. Anything else is unchanged. """ def norm(key, alpha): if key is None: return None elif isinstance(key, str) or isinstance(key, Alphabet): key = str(key) if len(key) == 1: return alpha.ord(key) if len(key) == 0: return None return na.asarray(alpha.ords(key)) elif isinstance(key, slice): start = norm(key.start, alpha) stop = norm(key.stop, alpha) step = key.step return slice(start, stop, step) else: return key if isinstance(key, tuple): return tuple([norm(k, a) for k, a in zip(key, self.alphabets)]) else: return norm(key, self.alphabets[0])
def __init__(self, alphabets, values=None, dtype=None): """ Args: - alphabets -- a list of alphabets (as string or Alphabet objects) to be used to convert strings into indices. The lengths of the alphabets match the shape of the indexed array. Alternatively, an integer or None in the list indicate a non-alphabetic dimension. If None the dimension length is taken from values argument. - values -- An array of values to be indexed. If None a new array is created. If this argument is not a numpy array then the alphabet list must be explicit (cannot contain None.) - dtype -- An optional numpy type code. """ # A dummy object to be used in place of None in the alphabets list # so that we get meaningful error messages if we try to index a # nonalphabetic dimension with a string. class NullAlphabet(object): def ord(self, key): raise IndexError('This dimension does not have an alphabet') def ords(self, key): raise IndexError('This dimension does not have an alphabet') alpha = [] shape = [] for a in alphabets: if isinstance(a, str): a = Alphabet(a) if a is None: shape.append(None) alpha.append(NullAlphabet()) elif isinstance(a, Alphabet): shape.append(len(a)) alpha.append(a) else: shape.append(int(a)) alpha.append(None) shape = tuple(shape) if values is None: values = na.zeros(shape=shape, dtype=dtype) else: values = na.asarray(values, dtype=dtype) vshape = values.shape if len(shape) != len(vshape): raise ValueError("The values array is the wrong shape.") for s1, s2 in zip(shape, vshape): if s1 is not None and s1 != s2: raise ValueError("The values array is the wrong shape.") self.array = values self.alphabets = tuple(alpha)