def loadProps(): d = dict(properties) # For testing purpose if isinstance(grinder, MockGrinder): d.update({ 'grinder.threads': 1, 'grinder.runNumber': 0, 'grinder.threadNumber': 0, 'grinder.processNumber': 0, 'AGENT': 0, 'RUN': 0, 'THREAD': 0, 'PROCESS': 0 }) return d if grinder: d.update({ 'grinder.hostID': get_hostID(), 'grinder.runNumber': grinder.getRunNumber(), 'grinder.threadNumber': grinder.getThreadNumber(), 'grinder.processNumber': CoreGrinder.getRealProcessNumber(), 'grinder.agentNumber': '%02d' % (grinder.getAgentNumber()), 'HOST': socket.gethostname().split('.')[0], 'HOSTID': get_hostID(), 'AGENTID': get_agentId(get_hostID()), 'AGENT': '%02d' % (grinder.getAgentNumber()), 'RUN': grinder.getRunNumber(), 'THREAD': grinder.getThreadNumber(), 'PROCESS': CoreGrinder.getRealProcessNumber() }) return d
def initClass(cls, strArgs): cls.manageArgs(strArgs) #======================== # TEMPORY PUT IN COMMENTS # cls.checkArgs() #======================== # to bypass (seek) N lines of the file cls.startFrom = properties.getInt( 'throughput_start_from%d' % (CoreGrinder.getRealProcessNumber()), 0) if cls.startFrom:'We will ignore the first %d lines' % (cls.startFrom)) # The chunkGenerator will allow to minimize memory usage cls.chunkGenerator = cls.getNextChunkFromFile() cls.rows =
def __manageClientReporter(cls):'Reporting activation: %s' % (Configuration.use_reporter)) if Configuration.use_reporter: # # agentName: grinder.hostID is the standard way to set a naming for a specific agent # by default, if we have 2 agents, the first one will get hostname-0, the second hostname-1 ... # Warning: sometimes we get the full domain name separated with dot. (so we split and keep the first) # agentName = properties.get( 'grinder.hostID') or socket.gethostname().split('.')[0] # # report_show_process=True : you want to have all the per process metrics in the graphing tool # report_show_process=False : you have metrics per agent (or hostname) # location = '%s.%d' % (agentName, CoreGrinder.getRealProcessNumber( )) if properties.getBoolean('reporter_show_process', False) else agentName reporter_tool_name = properties.get('reporter_tool') reporter_tool = (reporter_tool_name or '').lower() or 'centralreporter' reporter_target = { 'centralreporter': CentralReporterClient, 'carbonreporter': CarbonCacheClient, 'statsd': StatsdClient } reporterModule = None if reporter_tool not in reporter_target: try: reporterModule = __import__( 'corelibs.stats.%s' % reporter_tool_name, globals(), locals(), ['%s' % reporter_tool_name], -1) except (Exception, JavaException), e: logger.error( 'FAILED invalid property reporter_tool [corelibs.stats.%s], failed with reason: [%s]' % (reporter_tool_name, e)) if isinstance(e, JavaException): raise Exception(e) raise reporterHost = properties.get('reporter_host') or 'localhost' reporterPort = properties.getInt('reporter_port', 1901) # all the ordered testnames of all the scenarios testnames = [ line.testName for scenario in cls.scenarioList.getList() for line in scenario.lines ] if reporter_tool == 'centralreporter': # remove duplicates from the testname list testnames = list(set(testnames)) try: cls.clientReporter = CentralReporterClient( reporterHost, reporterPort, location, testnames) except: logger.error( '[reporter=%s][host=%s][port=%d][location=%s][testnames=%s]' % (reporter_tool, reporterHost, reporterPort, location, testnames)) elif reporter_tool == 'statsd': try: # reporter_aggregate_value aimed at grouping values (the machine location is absent) # test names are indexed by the the process number index (process0=test0, ... ) location = '' if properties.getBoolean( 'reporter_aggregate_value', False) else '%s' % location cls.clientReporter = StatsdClient(reporterHost, reporterPort, location) except Exception, e: logger.error( 'statsd reporter - Exception=%s\n[reporter=%s][host=%s][port=%d][location=%s]' % (str(e), reporter_tool, reporterHost, reporterPort, location)) raise RuntimeError( 'Exception=%s\nUnable to start the statsd reporter ([reporter=%s][host=%s][port=%d][location=%s])' % (str(e), reporter_tool, reporterHost, reporterPort, location))
class Configuration: # Some required declaration dataFilePath = properties.get('dataFilePath') templateFilePath = properties.get('templateFilePath') cmdMgr = None outTraceActivated = False fOut = None fOutExtra = None cv_out = None cv_ext = None extraLevel = False # get the delay time between commands interMessageDelay = properties.getDouble('messageDelay', 0.0) initialSleepTime = properties.getDouble('grinder.initialSleepTime', 0.0) # # because it is possible that each process (and therefore, each test_thread) # could be kicked off numerous times by the console without exiting, get the total number of threads # and processes, then modulo divide the process and test_thread number with the total (respective) number # this will correctly create the correct file name (file.X.Y) on multiple runs # numberOfThreads = properties.getInt('grinder.threads', 0) # numberOfRuns = properties.getInt('grinder.runs', 0) asyncruns = 0 numberOfProcess = properties.getInt('grinder.processes', 0) # When relaunching several times, the process number is incremented processNumber = CoreGrinder.getRealProcessNumber() processNumberPadding = properties.getInt('processNumberPadding', 2) threadNumberPadding = properties.getInt('threadNumberPadding', 4) runNumberPadding = properties.getInt('runNumberPadding', 7) # ID format never changes, retrieve it once and for all. idFormat = toolbox.getidFormat() processIdFormat = '%%0%dd' % (processNumberPadding) runIDPadding = toolbox.getRunIDPadding() runIdFormat = '%%0%dd' % (runNumberPadding) threadIdFormat = '%%0%dd' % (threadNumberPadding) grinderStopScenarioOnError = properties.getBoolean( 'stop.scenario.on.error', properties.getBoolean('stopOnError', True)) # # if displayReadResponse is set to 'True', then display: # the first 256 bytes of the response received from the command # displayReadResponse = properties.getBoolean('displayReadResponse', False) displayReadResponseMaxLength = properties.getInt( 'displayReadResponseMaxLength', 1024) # The way inFile (scenario) are set to process, thread for different UC processing oneFileByThread = properties.getBoolean( 'oneFileByThread', properties.getBoolean('grindertool.test.scenarioPerThread', False)) oneFileByProcess = properties.getBoolean( 'oneFileByProcess', properties.getBoolean('grindertool.test.scenarioPerProcess', False)) oneSingleList = not (oneFileByProcess or oneFileByThread) shortFileName = properties.get('grinder.console.propertiesFile') or '' if shortFileName: shortFileName = shortFileName.split(os.sep)[-1] cacheProtocols = properties.getBoolean('cacheProtocols', False) # For Asynchronous management async = False routerContextClient = None # Http server callback for asynchronous flows http_graceful_period = properties.getInt('grindertool.http.stop.graceful', 5000) async = False pureThreadMode = False validationMode = False scenarioList = None waiting_mode = False # SmscDriver start if required smpp_started = properties.getBoolean('grindertool.smsc.start', False) # graceful period before stopping Smsc server (5 seconds by default) smpp_graceful_period = properties.getInt('grindertool.smsc.stop.graceful', 5) smscDriver = None use_reporter = properties.getBoolean('reporter_activate', False) clientReporter = None metronom = None monitor = None use_throughput = properties.getBoolean('throughput_activate', False) if numberOfThreads == 1: properties.setBoolean('throughput_activate', False) use_throughput = False use_regulator = properties.getBoolean('regulator_activate', False) listener_host = 'localhost' listener_port = 9080 listener_poolSize = 32 listener_socketBacklog = 1024 # TODO #----------- # Add the grinder.threads as a Gauge # Add the thread maximum from the parameter grindertool.threads.threshold_pct_active if thread_control_enable=True # # Active Session throttling thread_control_enable = False threshold_thread_active = 100 thread_wait_milli = 10 @classmethod def initialize(cls): "********************* STARTING INITIALIZATION ***********************" ) # Check some parameters cls.checkParameters() # Immutable scenario loading and flags relative to the different mode cls.manageScenarioAndFlags() # Asynchronous configuration if cls. async: cls.__manageAsyncConfiguration() # Asynchronous callback listener - must be started after the asynchronous configuration cls.__startListener() # Initialize the SMSCToolkit and wait after connection only for pureThreadMode cls.__manageSMSCToolkit() # Reporting monitoring data cls.__manageClientReporter() # Ramping up mode management & flow controller mode cls.manageThroughput() # thread throttling cls.activateSessionThrottler() "********************* END OF INITIALIZATION ***********************" ) @classmethod def activateSessionThrottler(cls): # This is a throughput throttling mechanism #----------------------------------------------------- # Threshold of active threads # thread throttling enable (True/False) cls.thread_control_enable = properties.getBoolean( 'grindertool.threads.control_enable', False) if cls.thread_control_enable: cls.threshold_thread_active = int( (properties.getInt('grindertool.threads.threshold_pct_active', 100) or 100) / 100) * cls.numberOfThreads if cls.threshold_thread_active > cls.numberOfThreads: raise SyntaxError( 'Number of threshold thread (%d) cannot be above number of grinder threads (%d)' % (cls.threshold_thread_active, cls.numberOfThreads)) # When over threshold, time sleeping doing nothing cls.thread_wait_milli = properties.getInt( 'grindertool.threads.sleep', 10) '[CONTROL] Switching to controlled rampup ( [Threshold=%d][Threads=%d][Sleep=%d] ) ...' % (cls.threshold_thread_active, cls.numberOfThreads, cls.thread_wait_milli)) print( '\t[CONTROL] Switching to controlled rampup ( [Threshold=%d][Threads=%d][Sleep=%d] ) ...' % (cls.threshold_thread_active, cls.numberOfThreads, cls.thread_wait_milli)) @classmethod def checkParameters(cls): # TODO : should be part of the scenario immutable object # The template (payload) manager is a global instance cls.cmdMgr = command.TemplateManager(cls.templateFilePath) # Output trace for validation cls.outTraceActivated = properties.getBoolean('outTraceActivated', False) if cls.outTraceActivated: outFile = '%s%s%s.%s' % (properties.get('logFilePath') or cls.dataFilePath, os.sep, properties.get('fileout') or 'default', toolbox.getFileTimeStamp()) cls.fOut = file(outFile, 'w')'outFile "%s"' % outFile) cls.extraLevel = properties.getBoolean('extraLevel', False) if cls.extraLevel: cls.fOutExtra = file('%s.EXTRA' % outFile, 'w')'outExtraFile "%s"' % cls.fOutExtra) # file lock for output and extra logging files cls.cv_out = Condition() cls.cv_ext = Condition() @classmethod def manageThroughput(cls): # Throughput mode'Throughput_mode: %s' % (str(cls.use_throughput))) if (cls.use_regulator): cls.use_throughput = True Configuration.__launchRegulator(cls.clientReporter) else: # Thoughtput mode if cls.use_throughput: Configuration.__launchMetronom() properties.setInt('grinder.runs', 0) if cls.use_throughput: '[throughput_mode activated, so forcing parameter grinder.runs=0' ) properties.setInt('grinder.runs', 0) if cls.numberOfThreads < 16: '[throughput_mode activated, number of threads [current=%d] should be at at least greater than 16, setting to 16' % (cls.numberOfThreads)) properties.setInt('grinder.threads', 16) @classmethod def manageScenarioAndFlags(cls): cls.scenarioList = ScenarioList(cls) cls. async = cls.scenarioList.isAsync() # ValidationMode : in that case, the thread wait after the asynchronous operation termination if cls. async: if cls.numberOfThreads == 1 or cls.oneFileByThread or properties.getBoolean( 'grindertool.forceValidationMode', False): cls.validationMode = True cls.use_throughput = False cls.graceful_async = 0 if cls. async: cls.graceful_async = properties.getInt( 'grindertool.graceful_async_time', 5000) # optimization for pure threading mode cls.waiting_mode = properties.getBoolean('waiting_mode', False) cls.pureThreadMode = not cls.use_throughput and not cls. async