def rate(request, ratee, ratee_id): """ Rate either a ``Link`` or ``LinkLibrary``. Parameters: ``ratee`` - a string, whose value must be either 'link' or 'library'. The value of ``ratee`` is guaranteed by the app's URL conf file. ``ratee_id`` - the ID of the ``Link`` or ``LinkLibrary`` to be rated Returns: a JSON object. For GET requests, the JSON object represent the ``Link`` or ``LinkLibrary`` and the related ``Rating``, if one already exists. For POST requests, the JSON object is simply the new ``Rating`` instance resulting for updating the database. """ user = get_object_or_404(CoreUser, username=request.user.username) link = get_object_or_404(Link, pk=ratee_id) if ratee == 'link' else None link_library = get_object_or_404(LinkLibrary, pk=ratee_id) if ratee == 'library' else None # check to see if a RatingFK already exists for this (CoreUser, (Link|LinkLibrary)) combo. If the combo already exists: # 1. and this is a GET, pass the Rating to the template to be rendered so the user can update the Rating # 2. and this is a POST, update the Rating try: rating_fk = RatingFK.objects.get(user=user, link=link, link_library=link_library) except RatingFK.DoesNotExist: rating_fk = None if rating_fk: try: rating = Rating.objects.get(rating_fk=rating_fk) except Rating.DoesNotExist: if not rating: raise IntegrityError('A RatingFK %s exists, but is not associated with a Rating' % rating_fk) if request.method == 'GET': if rating_fk: context = {'rating': utils.django_to_dict(rating), 'link': utils.django_to_dict(link), 'link_library': utils.django_to_dict(link_library)} else: context = {'link': utils.django_to_dict(link), 'link_library': utils.django_to_dict(link_library)} return HttpResponse(json.dumps(context)) else: if rating_fk: rating.score, rating.comment = (request.POST['score'], request.POST['comment'].strip()) else: if ratee == 'link': rating_fk = RatingFK.objects.create(user=user, link=link) elif ratee == 'library': rating_fk = RatingFK.objects.create(user=user, link_library=link_library) rating = Rating.objects.create(rating_fk=rating_fk, score=request.POST['score'], comment=request.POST['comment'].strip()) return HttpResponse(json.dumps(utils.django_to_dict(rating)))
def get_link(request, linkId): if linkId and linkId.isdigit(): link = Link.objects.get(pk=int(linkId)) if link: return HttpResponse(json.dumps(utils.django_to_dict(link))) return HttpResponseNotFound('Link %s doesn\'t exist' % linkId)