class Streamable(ABC): def __init__(self): self.frame_lock = RWLock() self.frame = np.zeros(3) def get_frame(self): self.frame_lock.acquire_read() frame = self.frame.copy() self.frame_lock.release() return frame def update_frame(self, frame): self.frame_lock.acquire_write() self.frame = frame self.frame_lock.release() @abstractmethod def stream_port(self): pass @abstractmethod def stream_framerate(self): pass @abstractmethod def stream_frame_width(self): pass @abstractmethod def stream_frame_height(self): pass @abstractmethod def capture_framerate(self): pass @abstractmethod def capture_frame_width(self): pass @abstractmethod def capture_frame_height(self): pass
class Camera(Resource): '''Provides access to the camera or webcam on the device. Operational modes can access this by inheriting from the CameraUser interface. Camera access implementation uses OpenCV in combination with gstreamer.''' def __init__(self): '''Register name and access policy. Obtain settings from CameraConfiguration. Initialise members.''' Resource.__init__(self) self.policy = Policy.SHARED self.register_name("Camera") try: self.source = cfg.cam_config.device() # gstreamer device name self.framerate = cfg.cam_config.capture_framerate() self.frame_width = cfg.cam_config.capture_frame_width() self.frame_height = cfg.cam_config.capture_frame_height() except cfg.ConfigurationError as e: raise ResourceRawError(str(e)) self.gst_comm = None # string corresponding to gstreamer pipe self.cap = None # opencv capture object = False self.camlock = RWLock() # allow multiple readers, single writer self.frame = np.zeros(3) # current camera frame def shared_init(self): '''Called by resource manager when camera is acquired for the first time. ''' self.start_capture() def shared_deinit(self): '''Called by resource manager when the last user releases the camera.''' self.stop_capture() def _capture(self): '''Run in a separate thread. While camera is active, store the current camera frame.''' while ret, img = if ret: # capture was successful self.camlock.acquire_write() self.frame = img self.camlock.release() def _cv2_videocapture_wrapper(self, timeout=5): timeout_over = False timeout_lock = Lock() initialised = False init_lock = Lock() def _wait_for_cap(): import time nonlocal timeout_over time.sleep(timeout) with timeout_lock: timeout_over = True def _init_cap(): nonlocal initialised self.cap = cv2.VideoCapture(self.gst_comm) with init_lock: initialised = True timeout_thread = Thread(target=_wait_for_cap, args=()) cap_thread = Thread(target=_init_cap, args=()) cap_thread.daemon = True timeout_thread.start() cap_thread.start() while True: with timeout_lock: if timeout_over: return False with init_lock: if initialised: return True def start_capture(self): '''Begin camera operation, if it is not already active.''' if not self._eval_gst_comm() # self.cap = cv2.VideoCapture(self.gst_comm) # get camera access cam_initialised = self._cv2_videocapture_wrapper() if not cam_initialised: raise CameraError( 'Error in argument to cv2.VideoCapture: check camera settings.' ) if not self.cap.isOpened(): raise CameraError( 'Error in argument to cv2.VideoCapture: check camera settings.' ) for i in range(5): ret, img = self.frame = img # initialise self.frame with a valid frame = True # Allow _capture loop to start Thread(target=self._capture, args=()).start() else: raise CameraError('Camera already initialised: release before \ reinitialising.') def stop_capture(self): '''End camera operation.''' if = False # Allow _capture loop to end self.cap.release() # release camera from program else: raise CameraError('Camera already inactive: cannot deactivate.') def get_frame(self): '''If camera is active, return (a deep copy of) the current frame. Else, throw an exception.''' # if self.camlock.acquire_read() frame = self.frame.copy() self.camlock.release() return frame # raise CameraError('Camera not active: cannot get frame.') def _eval_gst_comm(self): '''Evaluate a gstreamer pipeline string to initialise the OpenCV VideoCapture object with.''' self.gst_comm = self.source+' ! video/x-raw,framerate='+ \ str(self.framerate)+'/1,width='+str(self.frame_width)+',height='+ \ str(self.frame_height)+ \ ' ! videoconvert ! appsink name=opencvsink sync=false' def is_active(self): return
class UltrasoundSensor(Resource): def __init__(self): Resource.__init__(self) self.policy = Policy.SHARED self.register_name("Ultrasound") try: self.trigger_pin = cfg.auto_config.ultrasound_trigger_pin() self.echo_pin = cfg.auto_config.ultrasound_echo_pin() except cfg.ConfigurationError as e: raise ResourceRawError(str(e)) = False self.distance = -1 self.lock = RWLock() def shared_init(self): self.start_capture() def shared_deinit(self): self.stop_capture() def start_capture(self): if not GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(self.trigger_pin, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(self.echo_pin, GPIO.IN) GPIO.output(self.trigger_pin, GPIO.LOW) time.sleep(1) = True Thread(target=self._capture, args=()).start() def stop_capture(self): if = False time.sleep(1) GPIO.output(self.trigger_pin, GPIO.LOW) # GPIO.cleanup() def read(self): self.lock.acquire_read() distance = self.distance self.lock.release() return distance def _send_pulse(self): GPIO.output(self.trigger_pin, GPIO.HIGH) time.sleep(0.00001) # 0.00001 GPIO.output(self.trigger_pin, GPIO.LOW) def _capture(self): while start_fresh = False timeout_count = 0 self._send_pulse() while and GPIO.input(self.echo_pin) == 0: timeout_count += 1 if timeout_count == 200: start_fresh = True break pulse_start = time.time() while and GPIO.input(self.echo_pin) == 1: pulse_end = time.time() if start_fresh: time.sleep(0.2) continue if not break pulse_duration = pulse_end - pulse_start distance = pulse_duration * 17150 distance = round(distance, 2) self.lock.acquire_write() self.distance = distance self.lock.release()