예제 #1
 def setup_xy_fresnel(self):
     k0, k1 = self.k0, self.k1
     if k1 == 0: k1 = 1e-6 # hack
     if k1 != 0:
         sqrk1 = sqrt(2 * abs(k1))
         t0 = (k0 - .5 * k1) / sqrk1
         t1 = (k0 + .5 * k1) / sqrk1
         (y0, x0) = cornu.eval_cornu(t0)
         (y1, x1) = cornu.eval_cornu(t1)
         chord_th = atan2(y1 - y0, x1 - x0)
         chord = hypot(y1 - y0, x1 - x0)
         scale = self.chord / chord
         if k1 >= 0:
             th = self.chth - chord_th
             self.mxx = scale * cos(th)
             self.myx = scale * sin(th)
             self.mxy = -self.myx
             self.myy = self.mxx
             th = self.chth + chord_th
             self.mxx = scale * cos(th)
             self.myx = scale * sin(th)
             self.mxy = self.myx
             self.myy = -self.mxx
             # rotate -chord_th, flip top/bottom, rotate self.chth
         self.x0 = self.z0[0] - (self.mxx * x0 + self.mxy * y0)
         self.y0 = self.z0[1] - (self.myx * x0 + self.myy * y0)
예제 #2
 def setup_xy_fresnel(self):
     k0, k1 = self.k0, self.k1
     if k1 == 0: k1 = 1e-6  # hack
     if k1 != 0:
         sqrk1 = sqrt(2 * abs(k1))
         t0 = (k0 - .5 * k1) / sqrk1
         t1 = (k0 + .5 * k1) / sqrk1
         (y0, x0) = cornu.eval_cornu(t0)
         (y1, x1) = cornu.eval_cornu(t1)
         chord_th = atan2(y1 - y0, x1 - x0)
         chord = hypot(y1 - y0, x1 - x0)
         scale = self.chord / chord
         if k1 >= 0:
             th = self.chth - chord_th
             self.mxx = scale * cos(th)
             self.myx = scale * sin(th)
             self.mxy = -self.myx
             self.myy = self.mxx
             th = self.chth + chord_th
             self.mxx = scale * cos(th)
             self.myx = scale * sin(th)
             self.mxy = self.myx
             self.myy = -self.mxx
             # rotate -chord_th, flip top/bottom, rotate self.chth
         self.x0 = self.z0[0] - (self.mxx * x0 + self.mxy * y0)
         self.y0 = self.z0[1] - (self.myx * x0 + self.myy * y0)
예제 #3
def cornu_to_cubic(t0, t1):
    def th_fn(s):
        return (s + t0)**2

    y0, x0 = cornu.eval_cornu(t0)
    y1, x1 = cornu.eval_cornu(t1)
    bz, score = fit_cubic((x0, y0), (x1, y1), t1 - t0, th_fn, 0)
    return bz, score
예제 #4
파일: tocubic.py 프로젝트: fayad/roboto
def cornu_to_cubic(t0, t1):
    def th_fn(s):
        return (s + t0) ** 2

    y0, x0 = cornu.eval_cornu(t0)
    y1, x1 = cornu.eval_cornu(t1)
    bz, score = fit_cubic((x0, y0), (x1, y1), t1 - t0, th_fn, 0)
    return bz, score
예제 #5
def compute_dth(k0, k1):
    if k1 < 0:
        return -compute_dth(k0, -k1)
    elif k1 == 0:
        return 0
    sqrk1 = sqrt(2 * k1)
    t0 = (k0 - .5 * k1) / sqrk1
    t1 = (k0 + .5 * k1) / sqrk1
    (y0, x0) = cornu.eval_cornu(t0)
    (y1, x1) = cornu.eval_cornu(t1)
    chord_th = atan2(y1 - y0, x1 - x0)
    return mod_2pi(t1 * t1 - chord_th) - mod_2pi(chord_th - t0 * t0)
예제 #6
def compute_chord(k0, k1):
    if k1 == 0:
        if k0 == 0:
            return 1
            return sin(k0 * .5) / (k0 * .5)
    sqrk1 = sqrt(2 * abs(k1))
    t0 = (k0 - .5 * k1) / sqrk1
    t1 = (k0 + .5 * k1) / sqrk1
    (y0, x0) = cornu.eval_cornu(t0)
    (y1, x1) = cornu.eval_cornu(t1)
    return hypot(y1 - y0, x1 - x0) / abs(t1 - t0)
예제 #7
def plot_errors_2d(t0, t1, as_ppm):
    xs = 1024
    ys = 1024
    if as_ppm:
        print 'P6'
        print xs, ys
        print 255

    def th_fn(s):
        return (s + t0)**2

    y0, x0 = cornu.eval_cornu(t0)
    y1, x1 = cornu.eval_cornu(t1)
    z0 = (x0, y0)
    z1 = (x1, y1)
    chord = hypot(y1 - y0, x1 - x0)
    arclen = t1 - t0
    th0 = th_fn(0)
    th1 = th_fn(arclen)
    cth0, sth0 = cos(th0), sin(th0)
    cth1, sth1 = -cos(th1), -sin(th1)

    for y in range(ys):
        b = .8 * chord * (ys - y - 1) / ys
        for x in range(xs):
            a = .8 * chord * x / xs
            bz = [
                z0, (z0[0] + cth0 * a, z0[1] + sth0 * a),
                (z1[0] + cth1 * b, z1[1] + sth1 * b), z1
            s_bz = bz_arclength(bz, 10)

            def th_fn_scaled(s):
                return (s * arclen / s_bz + t0)**2

            score = measure_bz_rk4(bz, arclen, th_fn_scaled, 10)
            if as_ppm:
                ls = -log(score)
                color_th = ls
                darkstep = 0
                if s_bz > arclen:
                    g0 = 128 - darkstep
                    g0 = 128 + darkstep
                sc = 127 - darkstep
                rr = g0 + sc * cos(color_th)
                gg = g0 + sc * cos(color_th + 2 * pi / 3)
                bb = g0 + sc * cos(color_th - 2 * pi / 3)
                sys.stdout.write(struct.pack('3B', rr, gg, bb))
                print a, b, score
        if not as_ppm:
예제 #8
파일: tocubic.py 프로젝트: fayad/roboto
def plot_errors_2d(t0, t1, as_ppm):
    xs = 1024
    ys = 1024
    if as_ppm:
        print "P6"
        print xs, ys
        print 255

    def th_fn(s):
        return (s + t0) ** 2

    y0, x0 = cornu.eval_cornu(t0)
    y1, x1 = cornu.eval_cornu(t1)
    z0 = (x0, y0)
    z1 = (x1, y1)
    chord = hypot(y1 - y0, x1 - x0)
    arclen = t1 - t0
    th0 = th_fn(0)
    th1 = th_fn(arclen)
    cth0, sth0 = cos(th0), sin(th0)
    cth1, sth1 = -cos(th1), -sin(th1)

    for y in range(ys):
        b = 0.8 * chord * (ys - y - 1) / ys
        for x in range(xs):
            a = 0.8 * chord * x / xs
            bz = [z0, (z0[0] + cth0 * a, z0[1] + sth0 * a), (z1[0] + cth1 * b, z1[1] + sth1 * b), z1]
            s_bz = bz_arclength(bz, 10)

            def th_fn_scaled(s):
                return (s * arclen / s_bz + t0) ** 2

            score = measure_bz_rk4(bz, arclen, th_fn_scaled, 10)
            if as_ppm:
                ls = -log(score)
                color_th = ls
                darkstep = 0
                if s_bz > arclen:
                    g0 = 128 - darkstep
                    g0 = 128 + darkstep
                sc = 127 - darkstep
                rr = g0 + sc * cos(color_th)
                gg = g0 + sc * cos(color_th + 2 * pi / 3)
                bb = g0 + sc * cos(color_th - 2 * pi / 3)
                sys.stdout.write(struct.pack("3B", rr, gg, bb))
                print a, b, score
        if not as_ppm:
예제 #9
def plot_arclen(t0, t1):
    def th_fn(s):
        return (s + t0)**2

    y0, x0 = cornu.eval_cornu(t0)
    y1, x1 = cornu.eval_cornu(t1)
    z0 = (x0, y0)
    z1 = (x1, y1)
    chord = hypot(y1 - y0, x1 - x0)
    arclen = t1 - t0
    th0 = th_fn(0)
    th1 = th_fn(arclen)
    for i in range(101):
        aab = i * .01
        bz, a, b = fit_cubic_arclen_forplot(z0, z1, arclen, th0, th1, aab)
        print a, b
예제 #10
파일: tocubic.py 프로젝트: fayad/roboto
def plot_arclen(t0, t1):
    def th_fn(s):
        return (s + t0) ** 2

    y0, x0 = cornu.eval_cornu(t0)
    y1, x1 = cornu.eval_cornu(t1)
    z0 = (x0, y0)
    z1 = (x1, y1)
    chord = hypot(y1 - y0, x1 - x0)
    arclen = t1 - t0
    th0 = th_fn(0)
    th1 = th_fn(arclen)
    for i in range(101):
        aab = i * 0.01
        bz, a, b = fit_cubic_arclen_forplot(z0, z1, arclen, th0, th1, aab)
        print a, b
예제 #11
 def xy(self, s):
     # using fresnel integrals; polynomial approx might be better
     u = s / self.arclen - 0.5
     k0, k1 = self.k0, self.k1
     if k1 == 0: k1 = 1e-6 # hack
     if k1 != 0:
         sqrk1 = sqrt(2 * abs(k1))
         t = (k0 + u * k1) / sqrk1
         (y, x) = cornu.eval_cornu(t)
         return [self.x0 + self.mxx * x + self.mxy * y,
                 self.y0 + self.myx * x + self.myy * y]
예제 #12
def cornu_to_cubic(t0, t1, figno):
    if figno == 1:
        aabmin = 0
        aabmax = 0.4
    elif figno == 2:
        aabmin = 0.5
        aabmax = 1.
        aabmin = 0
        aabmax = 1.
    fast = 0
    if figno == 3:
        fast = 1
    elif figno == 4:
        fast = 2
    def th_fn(s):
        return (s + t0) ** 2
    y0, x0 = cornu.eval_cornu(t0)
    y1, x1 = cornu.eval_cornu(t1)
    bz, score = fit_cubic((x0, y0), (x1, y1), t1 - t0, th_fn, fast, aabmin, aabmax)
    return bz, score
예제 #13
 def xy(self, s):
     # using fresnel integrals; polynomial approx might be better
     u = s / self.arclen - 0.5
     k0, k1 = self.k0, self.k1
     if k1 == 0:
         k1 = 1e-6  # hack
     if k1 != 0:
         sqrk1 = sqrt(2 * abs(k1))
         t = (k0 + u * k1) / sqrk1
         (y, x) = cornu.eval_cornu(t)
         return [self.x0 + self.mxx * x + self.mxy * y,
                 self.y0 + self.myx * x + self.myy * y]
예제 #14
def cornu_to_cubic(t0, t1, figno):
    if figno == 1:
        aabmin = 0
        aabmax = 0.4
    elif figno == 2:
        aabmin = 0.5
        aabmax = 1.
        aabmin = 0
        aabmax = 1.
    fast = 0
    if figno == 3:
        fast = 1
    elif figno == 4:
        fast = 2

    def th_fn(s):
        return (s + t0)**2

    y0, x0 = cornu.eval_cornu(t0)
    y1, x1 = cornu.eval_cornu(t1)
    bz, score = fit_cubic((x0, y0), (x1, y1), t1 - t0, th_fn, fast, aabmin,
    return bz, score