예제 #1
파일: generateFRQP.py 프로젝트: dcavar/Py3L
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

from math import log

#import corpus
from corpus import getTextFromFile, makeFrequencyProfile, tokenize, relativizeFP

mydict = makeFrequencyProfile( tokenize( getTextFromFile("pg873.txt") ) )   

#for key in mydict:
#   print(key, mydict[key], sep="\t")

mysportsdict = makeFrequencyProfile( tokenize( getTextFromFile("sports.txt") ) )

unktokens = tokenize("""
The young King was eating pomegranates and talking about his soul and other emotional issues.

probpomeg = 0.0
probsports = 0.0
for token in unktokens:
   probpomeg += log(mydict.get(token, 0.00000000000001))
   probsports += log(mysportsdict.get(token, 0.00000000000001))

if probpomeg > probsports:
   print("This text is probably House of Pomeg.")
예제 #2
파일: list-loop-1.py 프로젝트: dcavar/Py3L
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from corpus import relativizeFP, getTextFromFile, tokenize, removeJunk
from operator import itemgetter

#mylist = [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "A", "B", "C" ]

mytokens = tokenize(getTextFromFile("pg873.txt"))

# use this:

#junk = " \n\t"
#mynewtokens = []
#for x in mytokens:
#   if x in junk:
#      continue
#   mynewtokens.append(x)
#mytokens = mynewtokens[:]

# or this:
mytokens = [e for e in mytokens if e not in junk]

def getMeTheNGramModel(tokens, n):
   mydict = {}
   position = 0
예제 #3
    'but', 'by', 'can', 'cannot', 'could', 'dear', 'did', 'do', 'does',
    'either', 'else', 'ever', 'every', 'for', 'from', 'get', 'got', 'had',
    'has', 'have', 'he', 'her', 'hers', 'him', 'his', 'how', 'however', 'i',
    'if', 'in', 'into', 'is', 'it', 'its', 'just', 'least', 'let', 'like',
    'likely', 'may', 'me', 'might', 'most', 'must', 'my', 'neither', 'no',
    'nor', 'not', 'of', 'off', 'often', 'on', 'only', 'or', 'other', 'our',
    'own', 'rather', 'said', 'say', 'says', 'she', 'should', 'since', 'so',
    'some', 'than', 'that', 'the', 'their', 'them', 'then', 'there', 'these',
    'they', 'this', 'tis', 'to', 'too', 'twas', 'us', 'wants', 'was', 'we',
    'were', 'what', 'when', 'where', 'which', 'while', 'who', 'whom', 'why',
    'will', 'with', 'would', 'yet', 'you', 'your'
stopwordsEN = stopwordsEN + [x.capitalize() for x in stopwordsEN]

mytokens = tokenize(getTextFromFile("pg873.txt"))

# filter out empty string tokens
mytokens = [x for x in mytokens if x]

# filter out stopwords
mytokens = [x for x in mytokens if x not in stopwordsEN]

unigrams = getNGramModel(mytokens, 1)
bigrams = getNGramModel(mytokens, 2)


# prettyPrintFRP(bigrams, myreverse=False)
#!/usr/bin/env python3

from corpus import getTextFromFile, tokenize, makeFrequencyProfile, removeJunk, prettyPrintFRP

for x in range (1,6):
    loadSpam.split_data( x , 5, spamPath)

for file in spamList:
    mytokens = tokenize(getTextFromFile(file) )

mydict = makeFrequencyProfile(mytokens)

junk = " ,;:-+=()[]'\"?!%.<>"

removeJunk(mydict, junk)

if "" in mydict:
   del mydict[""]

prettyPrintFRP (mydict)