예제 #1
def Contour(files, Variable, COSMOind, RealCoord = True, pollon = -165., pollat = 35.):
    Draws contour plot of Variable
    dt = 5. * 60
    dx = 0.025
    #Get field
    if Variable == "TOT_PREC_S":
        field1 = pwg.getfield(files[COSMOind - 1], "TOT_PREC_S", invfile = False)
        field2 = pwg.getfield(files[COSMOind + 1], "TOT_PREC_S", invfile = False)
        field = (field2 - field1)/(dt*2)*3600
        field = pwg.getfield(files[COSMOind], Variable, invfile = False)
    # Set up grid
    ny, nx = field.shape
    x = np.linspace(-dx * (nx -1) / 2, dx * (nx -1) / 2, nx)
    #y = np.linspace(-dx * (ny -1) / 2, dx * (ny -1) / 2, ny)   Domain is slightly off center
    y = np.linspace(-22, 21, ny)
    if RealCoord:
        roteqlon = 180 + pollon
        roteqlat = 90 - pollat
        x += roteqlon
        y += roteqlat
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    if Variable == "FI":
        field = SmoothField(field, 8)
        levels = list(np.arange(400,600,8))   # Needs smoothing?
        plt.contour(X, Y, field/100, levels = levels, colors = "k", linewidths = 2)
    elif Variable == "T":
        field = SmoothField(field, 8)
        plt.contourf(X, Y, field, alpha = 0.5)
        #plt.contour(X, Y, field, levels = list(np.arange(150, 350, 4)), colors = "grey", linewidths = 2)
    elif Variable == "TOT_PREC_S":
        cmPrec =( (0    , 0.627 , 1    ),
                  (0.137, 0.235 , 0.98 ),
                  (0.1  , 0.1   , 0.784),
                  (0.392, 0     , 0.627),
                  (0.784, 0     , 0.627),
                  (1    , 0.3   , 0.9  ) )   # Tobi's colormap
        levels = [0.1, 0.3, 1, 3, 10, 100]
        plt.contourf(X, Y, field, levels, colors=cmPrec, extend='max', alpha = 0.8, zorder = 10)
        plt.colorbar(shrink = 0.7)
    elif Variable == "PMSL":
        field = SmoothField(field, 8)/100
        levels = list(np.arange(900, 1100, 5))
        CS = plt.contour(X, Y, field, levels = levels, colors = 'k', linewidths = 1, zorder = 9, alpha = 0.5)
        plt.clabel(CS, fontsize = 7, inline = 1, fmt = "%.0f")
        plt.contour(X, Y, field)
    del field
예제 #2
def _get_level(obj, filename, varname, level, leveltype = 'PS'):
    NOTE: For now only pressure, not height!
    # Get pressure field
        levmat = pwg.getfield(filename, leveltype) / 100.   # hPa
        print leveltype, 'not found. Try "PP"!'
        ppmat = pwg.getfield(filename, 'PP') / 100.   # hPa
        HHhl = pwg.getfield(obj.cfile, 'HH')
        print HHhl.shape
        HHfl = cu.derive.hl_to_fl(HHhl)
        print HHfl.shape
        P0 = cosmo_ref_p(HHfl) / 100.   # hPa
        del HH
        levmat = P0 + ppmat
        del P0, ppmat
            #print 'ERROR! Not possible to get pressure data!'
    # Get variable array
    varmat = pwg.getfield(filename, varname)
    # Get indices
    minmat = levmat - level
    posinf = np.copy(minmat)
    neginf = np.copy(minmat)
    del minmat
    posinf[posinf >= 0] = np.inf
    neginf[neginf < 0] = np.inf
    negind = np.argmin(np.abs(posinf), axis = 0)
    posind = np.argmin(np.abs(neginf), axis = 0)

    negval = np.min(np.abs(posinf), axis = 0)
    posval = np.min(np.abs(neginf), axis = 0)
    # Create new array and loop over all entries
    array = np.zeros((varmat.shape[1:]))
    for i in range(array.shape[0]):
        for j in range(array.shape[1]):
            diff = negval[i, j] + posval[i, j]
            negweight = posval[i, j] / diff
            posweight = negval[i, j] / diff 
            array[i, j] = (varmat[negind[i, j], i, j] * negweight + 
                           varmat[posind[i, j], i, j] * posweight)
    return array
예제 #3
def basemap(cfile, xlim, ylim):
    Draws Land-Sea Map
    cfile : string
      COSMO constants file location
    xlim : tuple
      Dimensions in x-direction in rotated coordinates
    ylim : tuple
      Dimensions in y-direction in rotated coordinates

    dx = 0.025   # Assumes COSMO 2.2 resolution
    field = pwg.getfield(cfile, "FR_LAND_S", invfile = False)
    # Setting up grid
    ny, nx = field.shape
    x = np.linspace(xlim[0], xlim[1], nx)
    y = np.linspace(ylim[0], ylim[1], ny)

    X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    # Plot and filter field
    field[field != 0] = 1.
    plt.contourf(X, Y, field, levels = [0.5, 2], colors = ["0.85"], zorder=0.4)
    #plt.contour(X, Y, field, 2, colors = "0.5")
    del field
예제 #4
def BaseMap(cfile, RealCoord = True, pollon = -165., pollat = 35.):
    Draws Land-Sea Map
    dx = 0.025   # Assumes COSMO 2.2 resolution
    field = pwg.getfield(cfile, "FR_LAND_S", invfile = False)
    # Setting up grid
    ny, nx = field.shape
    x = np.linspace(-dx * (nx -1) / 2, dx * (nx -1) / 2, nx)
    #y = np.linspace(-dx * (ny -1) / 2, dx * (ny -1) / 2, ny)   Domain is slightly off center
    y = np.linspace(-22, 21, ny)
    if RealCoord:
        roteqlon = 180 + pollon
        roteqlat = 90 - pollat
        x += roteqlon
        y += roteqlat
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    # Plot and filter field
    field[field != 0] = 1.
    plt.contourf(X, Y, field, levels = [0.5, 2], colors = ["0.85"])
    #plt.contour(X, Y, field, 2, colors = "0.5")
    del field
예제 #5
def _interpolate_3d(obj, varname, outint = 60):
    # Get rotated lon/lat and height fields for interpolation
    hhobj = pwg.getfobj(obj.cfile, 'HH')
    clons = hhobj.rlons[0, :]
    clats = hhobj.rlats[:, 0]
    chhfield = hhobj.data
    hlevhh = []
    # Use cu.derive.hl_to_fl
    for lev in range(chhfield.shape[0]-1):
        hlevhh.append((chhfield[lev] + chhfield[lev+1]) / 2)
    hlevhh = np.array(hlevhh)
    # Create new filelist
    newlist = []
    for trjfn in obj.trjfiles:
        newfn = trjfn.rstrip('.nc') + '_' + varname + '.nc'
        os.system('cp ' + trjfn + ' ' + newfn)
    # Iterate over trajectory files
    for fn in newlist:
        print 'Opening file:', fn
        # Open Trajectory file
        rootgrp = nc.Dataset(fn, 'a')
        # Read position matrices
        lon = rootgrp.variables['longitude'][:, :]
        lat = rootgrp.variables['latitude'][:, :]
        z = rootgrp.variables['z'][:, :]
        # Allocate new netCDF array
        newvar = rootgrp.createVariable(varname, 'f4', ('time', 'id'))
        # Retrieve trajectory start time
        trjstart = rootgrp.variables['time'][0] / 60   # In mins       
        # Iterate over trj times
        for itrj in range(lon.shape[0]):
            # Only interpolate if outint
            if (rootgrp.variables['time'][itrj] / 60) % outint == 0:
                # Get cosmo index
                icosmo = int((itrj * obj.dtrj + trjstart) / obj.dacosmo)
                print icosmo, itrj, rootgrp.variables['time'][itrj] / 60,obj.afiles[icosmo]
                field = pwg.getfield(obj.afiles[icosmo], varname)

                # Iterate over individual trajectories
                for trjid in range(lon.shape[1]):
                    # NOTE: Nearest Neighbor method!
                    ilon = lon[itrj, trjid]
                    ilat = lat[itrj, trjid]
                    iz = z[itrj, trjid]
                    # Get nearest lat, lon
                    lonid = np.abs(clons - ilon).argmin()
                    latid = np.abs(clats - ilat).argmin()
                    # Get closest vertical coordinate
                    zid = np.abs(hlevhh[:, latid, lonid] - iz).argmin()
                    # Get nearest neighbor 
                    newvar[itrj, trjid] = field[zid, latid, lonid]
                newvar[itrj, :] = np.nan
        # Clean up

    return newlist
예제 #6
def contour(filelist, variable, cosmoind, xlim, ylim, zlevel = None):
    Draws contour plot of one variable.
    filelist : list
      List of COSMO output files
    variable : string
      COSMO identifier of variable
    cosmoind : int
      index in filelist
    xlim : tuple
      Dimensions in x-direction in rotated coordinates
    ylim : tuple
      Dimensions in y-direction in rotated coordinates
    print 'Plotting:', variable
    dt = 5. * 60
    dx = 0.025
    # Retrieve or evaluate fields
    # NOTE: 'CUM_PREC' note implemented right now!
    #if variable == 'CUM_PREC':
        #field1 = pwg.getfield(filelist[trjstart/5], "TOT_PREC_S", 
                              #invfile = False)
        #field2 = pwg.getfield(filelist[-1], "TOT_PREC_S", 
                              #invfile = False)
        #diff = len(filelist)-1 - trjstart/5
        #field = (field2 - field1)/(dt*diff)*3600
    # Get precipitation difference
    if variable == "TOT_PREC_S":
            field1 = pwg.getfield(filelist[cosmoind - 1], "TOT_PREC_S", 
                                invfile = False)
            field2 = pwg.getfield(filelist[cosmoind + 1], "TOT_PREC_S", 
                                invfile = False)
            field = (field2 - field1)/(dt*2)*3600
        except IndexError:
            # Reached end of array, use precip from previous time step
            field1 = pwg.getfield(filelist[cosmoind - 2], "TOT_PREC_S", 
                                invfile = False)
            field2 = pwg.getfield(filelist[cosmoind], "TOT_PREC_S", 
                                invfile = False)
            field = (field2 - field1)/(dt*2)*3600
    # Retrieve regular fields
    elif zlevel != None:
        print zlevel
        field = pwg.getfield(filelist[cosmoind], variable, levs = zlevel)
        field = pwg.getfield(filelist[cosmoind], variable)
    # Setting up grid
    ny, nx = field.shape
    x = np.linspace(xlim[0], xlim[1], nx)
    y = np.linspace(ylim[0], ylim[1], ny)
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    # Plot fields with special format
    if variable == "FI":   # Geopotential field
        field = smoothfield(field, 8)
        levels = list(np.arange(400,600,8)) 
        plt.contour(X, Y, field/100, levels = levels, colors = "k", 
                    linewidths = 2)
    elif variable == "T":   # Temperature field
        field = smoothfield(field, 8)
        #plt.contourf(X, Y, field, alpha = 0.5, zorder = 0.45)
        #plt.colorbar(shrink = 0.7)
        plt.contour(X, Y, field, levels = list(np.arange(150, 350, 4)), 
                     colors = "r", linewidths = 0.5, zorder = 0.45)
    elif variable in ["TOT_PREC_S", 'CUM_PREC']:   # Precipitation fields
        cmPrec =( (0    , 0.627 , 1    ),
                  (0.137, 0.235 , 0.98 ),
                  (0.1  , 0.1   , 0.784),
                  (0.392, 0     , 0.627),
                  (0.784, 0     , 0.627),
                  (1    , 0.3   , 0.9  ) )   # Tobi's colormap
        levels = [0.1, 0.3, 1, 3, 10, 100]
        plt.contourf(X, Y, field, levels, colors=cmPrec, extend='max', 
                     alpha = 0.8, zorder = 1)
        cbar = plt.colorbar(shrink = 0.7, pad = 0)
        cbar.set_label('Precipitation [cm/h]', rotation = 90)
    elif variable == "PMSL":   # Surface pressure
        field = smoothfield(field, 8)/100
        levels = list(np.arange(900, 1100, 5))
        CS = plt.contour(X, Y, field, levels = levels, colors = 'k', 
                         linewidths = 1, zorder = 0.5, alpha = 0.5)
        plt.clabel(CS, fontsize = 7, inline = 1, fmt = "%.0f")
    elif variable == 'var145_S':   # CAPE
        field = smoothfield(field, 8)
        levels = list(np.arange(100, 3000, 100))
        plt.contourf(X, Y, field, cmap = plt.get_cmap('hot_r'), 
                     extend = 'max', levels = levels, alpha = 0.8, 
                     zorder = 0.45)
        cbar = plt.colorbar(shrink = 0.7)
        cbar.set_label('CAPE [J/kg]', rotation = 90)
    elif variable == 'var4':   # PV
        #field = smoothfield(field, 2)
        field = field * 1.e6   # PVU
        levels = list(np.arange(-3, 8, 1))
        plt.contourf(X, Y, field, cmap = plt.get_cmap('coolwarm'), 
                     extend = 'both', levels = levels, alpha = 0.5,
                     zorder = 0.45)
        cbar = plt.colorbar(shrink = 0.7, pad = 0)
        cbar.set_label('PV [PVU]', rotation = 90)
        plt.contour(X, Y, field, color = 'black', levels = [2.], zorder = 0.5, 
                    linewidth = 4.)
    else:   # All other fields, unformatted
        plt.contourf(X, Y, field)
    del field
예제 #7
cmPrec = ((1, 1, 1), (0, 0.627, 1), (0.137, 0.235, 0.98), (0.392, 0, 0.627),
          (0.784, 0, 0.627))
#(0.1  , 0.1   , 0.784),
levelsPrec = [0, 0.3, 1, 3, 10, 30]
lev_max = 30

# Create box
ie1, ie2, je1, je2 = args.box_coo  # first indices (ie*) are N-S
mask = np.zeros((461, 421))
mask[ie1:ie2, je1:je2] = 1

# Load HH
hhfn = datadir + args.expid[
    0] + '/' + args.date + '/det/' + gribpref + ddhhmmss(
        timedelta(hours=0)) + 'c' + tsuf
hhfield = getfield(hhfn, fieldn='HH')
hhfield = (hhfield[1:] + hhfield[:-1]) / 2.
meanhh = np.mean(np.mean(hhfield[:, ie1:ie2, je1:je2], axis=2), axis=1)
del hhfield


ncols = len(args.expid)
fig1, axmat1 = plt.subplots(3, ncols, figsize=(4.5 * ncols, 14))
if ncols == 1:
    axmat1 = [axmat1]

fig2, axmat2 = plt.subplots(3, ncols, figsize=(4.5 * ncols, 14))
cdict = {
    'radar': 'k',
    'REF': 'navy',
예제 #8
""" plot testing cosmo output


import cosmo_utils.pywgrib as pwg
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

lff0 = "/home/scratch/users/stephan.rasp/cosmo_test/lfff00000000_5m" # read file
lff15 = "/home/scratch/users/stephan.rasp/cosmo_test/lfff00001000_5m"

pwg.print_grib(lff0) # print content
T = pwg.getfield(lff0, "var145_S") # extract field T as matrix
w0 = pwg.getfield(lff0, "W")
#print w0.shape
w15= pwg.getfield(lff15, "W")

## Plotting ##