예제 #1
def test_age():
    """Test integrated age against analytical age."""
    z = numpy.arange(0, 10.0, 0.05)

    cosmo = {}
    cosmo['omega_M_0'] = numpy.array([[0.99],[0.01],[0.3]])
    cosmo['omega_lambda_0'] = 1. - cosmo['omega_M_0']
    cosmo['h'] = 0.7

    linestyle = ['-', ':', '--']

    gyr = 1e9 * cc.yr_s

    tl = cd.lookback_time(z, **cosmo)
    age = cd.age(z, **cosmo)
    age_ana = cd.age_flat(z, **cosmo)

    for i in range(len(linestyle)):
        pylab.plot(z, (tl/gyr)[i], ls=linestyle[i], color='0.5')
        pylab.plot(z, (age/gyr)[i], ls=linestyle[i], color='r')
        pylab.plot(z, (age_ana/gyr)[i], ls=linestyle[i], color='k')
    pylab.xlabel("redshift z")
    pylab.ylabel(r"age $t_L/$Gyr")

    for i in range(len(linestyle)):
        pylab.plot(z, ((age - age_ana)/age_ana)[i], ls=linestyle[i], 
        # Make sure errors are small:
        ntest.assert_array_less((numpy.abs((age - age_ana)/age_ana)[i]),
    pylab.xlabel("redshift z")
    pylab.ylabel(r"age: (integral - analytical)/analytical")
예제 #2
def lb_time(z, **cosmo):
    z = np.atleast_1d(z)
    if cosmo == {}:
        cosmo_in = {
            'omega_M_0': 0.3,
            'omega_lambda_0': 0.7,
            'omega_k_0': 0.0,
            'h': 0.70
        cosmo_in = cosmo

    results = cd.lookback_time(z, **cosmo_in) / 60. / 60. / 24. / 365. / 1.e9
    return results
예제 #3
def test_figure6():
    """Plot Hogg fig. 6: The dimensionless lookback time t_L/t_H and age t/t_H.

    The three curves are for the three world models, 

    - Einstein-de Sitter (omega_M, omega_lambda) = (1, 0) [solid]
    : Low-density (0.05, 0) [dotted]

    -- High lambda, (0.2, 0.8) [dashed]

    Hubble distance DH = c / H0

    z from 0--5
    t/th from 0--1.2


    z = numpy.arange(0, 5.05, 0.05)

    cosmo = {}
    cosmo['omega_M_0'] = numpy.array([[1.0], [0.05], [0.2]])
    cosmo['omega_lambda_0'] = numpy.array([[0.0], [0.0], [0.8]])
    cosmo['h'] = 0.5

    linestyle = ['-', ':', '--']

    th = 1 / cd.hubble_z(0, **cosmo)

    tl = cd.lookback_time(z, **cosmo)
    age = cd.age(z, **cosmo)

    pylab.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
    for i in range(len(linestyle)):
        pylab.plot(z, (tl / th)[i], ls=linestyle[i])
        pylab.plot(z, (age / th)[i], ls=linestyle[i])
    pylab.xlim(0, 5)
    pylab.ylim(0, 1.2)
    pylab.xlabel("redshift z")
    pylab.ylabel(r"lookback timne $t_L/t_H$")
    pylab.title("compare to " + inspect.stack()[0][3].replace('test_', '') +
                " (astro-ph/9905116v4)")
def test_figure6():
    """Plot Hogg fig. 6: The dimensionless lookback time t_L/t_H and age t/t_H.

    The three curves are for the three world models, 

    - Einstein-de Sitter (omega_M, omega_lambda) = (1, 0) [solid]
    : Low-density (0.05, 0) [dotted]

    -- High lambda, (0.2, 0.8) [dashed]

    Hubble distance DH = c / H0

    z from 0--5
    t/th from 0--1.2


    z = numpy.arange(0, 5.05, 0.05)

    cosmo = {}
    cosmo['omega_M_0'] = numpy.array([[1.0],[0.05],[0.2]])
    cosmo['omega_lambda_0'] = numpy.array([[0.0],[0.0],[0.8]])
    cosmo['h'] = 0.5
    linestyle = ['-', ':', '--']

    th = 1/ cd.hubble_z(0, **cosmo)

    tl = cd.lookback_time(z, **cosmo)
    age = cd.age(z, **cosmo)

    for i in range(len(linestyle)):
        pylab.plot(z, (tl/th)[i], ls=linestyle[i])
        pylab.plot(z, (age/th)[i], ls=linestyle[i])
    pylab.xlabel("redshift z")
    pylab.ylabel(r"lookback timne $t_L/t_H$")
    pylab.title("compare to " + inspect.stack()[0][3].replace('test_', '') + 
                " (astro-ph/9905116v4)")
예제 #5
def test_age():
    """Test integrated age against analytical age."""
    z = numpy.arange(0, 10.0, 0.05)

    cosmo = {}
    cosmo['omega_M_0'] = numpy.array([[0.99], [0.01], [0.3]])
    cosmo['omega_lambda_0'] = 1. - cosmo['omega_M_0']
    cosmo['h'] = 0.7

    linestyle = ['-', ':', '--']

    gyr = 1e9 * cc.yr_s

    tl = cd.lookback_time(z, **cosmo)
    age = cd.age(z, **cosmo)
    age_ana = cd.age_flat(z, **cosmo)

    pylab.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
    for i in range(len(linestyle)):
        pylab.plot(z, (tl / gyr)[i], ls=linestyle[i], color='0.5')
        pylab.plot(z, (age / gyr)[i], ls=linestyle[i], color='r')
        pylab.plot(z, (age_ana / gyr)[i], ls=linestyle[i], color='k')
    pylab.xlabel("redshift z")
    pylab.ylabel(r"age $t_L/$Gyr")

    pylab.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
    for i in range(len(linestyle)):
        pylab.plot(z, ((age - age_ana) / age_ana)[i],
        # Make sure errors are small:
        ntest.assert_array_less((numpy.abs((age - age_ana) / age_ana)[i]),
    pylab.xlabel("redshift z")
    pylab.ylabel(r"age: (integral - analytical)/analytical")
예제 #6
    dm = cd.comoving_distance_transverse(z[i], **Cosmology)
    #See equation 16 of David Hogg's arXiv:astro-ph/9905116v4

    da = cd.angular_diameter_distance(z[i], **Cosmology)
    #See equations 18-19 of David Hogg's arXiv:astro-ph/9905116v4

    dl = cd.luminosity_distance(z[i], **Cosmology)
    #Units are Mpc

    dVc = cd.diff_comoving_volume(z[i], **Cosmology)
    #The differential comoving volume element dV_c/dz/dSolidAngle.
    #Dimensions are volume per unit redshift per unit solid angle.
    #Units are Mpc**3 Steradians^-1.
    #See David Hogg's arXiv:astro-ph/9905116v4, equation 28

    tl = cd.lookback_time(z[i], **Cosmology)
    #See equation 30 of David Hogg's arXiv:astro-ph/9905116v4. Units are s.

    agetl = cd.age(z[i], **Cosmology)
    #Age at z is lookback time at z'->Infinity minus lookback time at z.

    tH = 3.09e17 / Cosmology['h']

    ez = cd.e_z(z[i], **Cosmology)
    #The unitless Hubble expansion rate at redshift z.
    #In David Hogg's (arXiv:astro-ph/9905116v4) formalism, this is
    #equivalent to E(z), defined in his eq. 14.

    if PlotNumber == 1:
        val[i] = dm / dh
        xtitle = "redshift z"
예제 #7
cosmo = {
    'omega_M_0': omegaM,
    'omega_lambda_0': omegaL,
    'omega_k_0': 0.,
    'h': h

Nz = 1001
z_grid = np.linspace(0., 5., Nz)
logt_grid = 0. * z_grid
rhoc_grid = 0. * z_grid

for i in range(0, Nz):
    logt_grid[i] = np.log10(
        distance.lookback_time(z_grid[i], 0., **cosmo) / yr) - 9.
    rhoc_grid[i] = density.cosmo_densities(**cosmo)[0] * distance.e_z(
        z_grid[i], **cosmo) * M_Sun / Mpc**3

z_spline = splrep(logt_grid[1:], z_grid[1:])
logt_spline = splrep(z_grid[1:], logt_grid[1:])
rhoc_spline = splrep(z_grid[1:], rhoc_grid[1:])

def z_form_vdisp_func(lvdisp):
    return splev(0.46 + 0.238 * lvdisp, z_spline)

def z_form_mstar_func(lmstar):
    return splev(0.427 + 0.053 * lmstar, z_spline)
예제 #8
    dm = cd.comoving_distance_transverse(z[i],**Cosmology)
    #See equation 16 of David Hogg's arXiv:astro-ph/9905116v4
    da = cd.angular_diameter_distance(z[i],**Cosmology)
    #See equations 18-19 of David Hogg's arXiv:astro-ph/9905116v4
    dl = cd.luminosity_distance(z[i],**Cosmology)
    #Units are Mpc
    dVc = cd.diff_comoving_volume(z[i], **Cosmology)
    #The differential comoving volume element dV_c/dz/dSolidAngle.
    #Dimensions are volume per unit redshift per unit solid angle.
    #Units are Mpc**3 Steradians^-1.
    #See David Hogg's arXiv:astro-ph/9905116v4, equation 28

    tl = cd.lookback_time(z[i],**Cosmology)
    #See equation 30 of David Hogg's arXiv:astro-ph/9905116v4. Units are s.
    agetl = cd.age(z[i],**Cosmology)
    #Age at z is lookback time at z'->Infinity minus lookback time at z.
    tH = 3.09e17/Cosmology['h']
    ez = cd.e_z(z[i],**Cosmology)
    #The unitless Hubble expansion rate at redshift z.
    #In David Hogg's (arXiv:astro-ph/9905116v4) formalism, this is
    #equivalent to E(z), defined in his eq. 14.
    if PlotNumber == 1:
        val[i] = dm/dh
        xtitle = "redshift z"