def test_age(): """Test integrated age against analytical age.""" z = numpy.arange(0, 10.0, 0.05) cosmo = {} cosmo['omega_M_0'] = numpy.array([[0.99],[0.01],[0.3]]) cosmo['omega_lambda_0'] = 1. - cosmo['omega_M_0'] cosmo['h'] = 0.7 cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) linestyle = ['-', ':', '--'] gyr = 1e9 * cc.yr_s tl = cd.lookback_time(z, **cosmo) age = cd.age(z, **cosmo) age_ana = cd.age_flat(z, **cosmo) pylab.figure(figsize=(6,6)) for i in range(len(linestyle)): pylab.plot(z, (tl/gyr)[i], ls=linestyle[i], color='0.5') pylab.plot(z, (age/gyr)[i], ls=linestyle[i], color='r') pylab.plot(z, (age_ana/gyr)[i], ls=linestyle[i], color='k') pylab.xlabel("redshift z") pylab.ylabel(r"age $t_L/$Gyr") pylab.figure(figsize=(6,6)) for i in range(len(linestyle)): pylab.plot(z, ((age - age_ana)/age_ana)[i], ls=linestyle[i], color='k') # Make sure errors are small: ntest.assert_array_less((numpy.abs((age - age_ana)/age_ana)[i]), 3e-13) pylab.xlabel("redshift z") pylab.ylabel(r"age: (integral - analytical)/analytical")
def test_GBL_tau_inst(): """Test match between analytical and numerical tau with instant reionization. Also makes a plot reproducing figure 1 of arXiv:astro-ph/9812125v3. """ dz = 0.05 z = numpy.arange(0., 80. + 1.5 * dz, dz) # Fully ionized H and He x_ionH = 1.0 x_ionHe = 2.0 cosmo = {} cosmo['omega_M_0'] = numpy.array([[0.3], [0.6], [1.0]]) cosmo['omega_lambda_0'] = 1. - cosmo['omega_M_0'] cosmo['h'] = 0.65 cosmo['omega_b_0'] = 0.02 / cosmo['h']**2. cosmo['Y_He'] = 0.24 cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) tau_inst = cr.optical_depth_instant(z, x_ionH=x_ionH, x_ionHe=x_ionHe, **cosmo) tau_int = cr.integrate_optical_depth(x_ionH, x_ionHe, z, **cosmo) linestyle = ['-', ':', '--'] pylab.figure() pylab.subplot(2, 1, 1) pylab.title("Compare to GB&L fig. 1 (astro-ph/9812125v3.)") for i in range(len(linestyle)): pylab.plot(z, tau_inst[i], ls=linestyle[i], color='b') pylab.plot(z, tau_int[i], ls=linestyle[i], color='r') pylab.xlim(0, 80) pylab.ylim(0, 1) pylab.xlabel(r"$\mathrm{z_{ion}}$") pylab.ylabel(r"$\tau$") pylab.subplot(2, 1, 2) for i in range(len(linestyle)): pylab.plot(z, 1.e4 * (tau_int[i] - tau_inst[i]) / tau_inst[i], ls=linestyle[i], color='k') diff = (tau_int[i] - tau_inst[i]) / tau_inst[i] diff[numpy.isnan(diff)] = 0.0 print("max fractional error in num. int. = %.3g" % numpy.max(numpy.abs(diff))) ntest.assert_array_less(numpy.abs(diff), numpy.zeros(diff.shape) + 2.e-4) pylab.xlim(0, 40) pylab.xlabel(r"$\mathrm{z_{ion}}$") pylab.ylabel(r"$\mathrm{10^4 \times (num.\tau - ana.\tau)/ana.\tau}$")
def test_GBL_tau_inst(): """Test match between analytical and numerical tau with instant reionization. Also makes a plot reproducing figure 1 of arXiv:astro-ph/9812125v3. """ dz = 0.05 z = numpy.arange(0., 80. + 1.5*dz, dz) # Fully ionized H and He x_ionH = 1.0 x_ionHe = 2.0 cosmo = {} cosmo['omega_M_0'] = numpy.array([[0.3],[0.6],[1.0]]) cosmo['omega_lambda_0'] = 1. - cosmo['omega_M_0'] cosmo['h'] = 0.65 cosmo['omega_b_0'] = 0.02 / cosmo['h']**2. cosmo['Y_He'] = 0.24 cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) tau_inst = cr.optical_depth_instant(z, x_ionH=x_ionH, x_ionHe=x_ionHe, **cosmo) tau_int = cr.integrate_optical_depth(x_ionH, x_ionHe, z, **cosmo) linestyle = ['-', ':', '--'] pylab.figure() pylab.subplot(2,1,1) pylab.title("Compare to GB&L fig. 1 (astro-ph/9812125v3.)") for i in range(len(linestyle)): pylab.plot(z, tau_inst[i], ls=linestyle[i], color='b') pylab.plot(z, tau_int[i], ls=linestyle[i], color='r') pylab.xlim(0,80) pylab.ylim(0,1) pylab.xlabel(r"$\mathrm{z_{ion}}$") pylab.ylabel(r"$\tau$") pylab.subplot(2,1,2) for i in range(len(linestyle)): pylab.plot(z, 1.e4 * (tau_int[i] - tau_inst[i])/tau_inst[i], ls=linestyle[i], color='k') diff = (tau_int[i] - tau_inst[i]) / tau_inst[i] diff[numpy.isnan(diff)] = 0.0 print ("max fractional error in num. int. = %.3g" % numpy.max(numpy.abs(diff)) ) ntest.assert_array_less(numpy.abs(diff), numpy.zeros(diff.shape) + 2.e-4) pylab.xlim(0,40) pylab.xlabel(r"$\mathrm{z_{ion}}$") pylab.ylabel(r"$\mathrm{10^4 \times (num.\tau - ana.\tau)/ana.\tau}$")
def test_GBL_tau_star(): """Test tau_* against GB&L astro-ph/9812125v3. tau_* is a quantity used in optical_depth_instant. """ z = 1.0 # Fully ionized H and He x_ionH = 1.0 x_ionHe = 2.0 cosmo = {} cosmo['omega_M_0'] = numpy.array([[0.3],[0.6],[1.0]]) cosmo['omega_lambda_0'] = 1. - cosmo['omega_M_0'] cosmo['h'] = 0.65 cosmo['omega_b_0'] = 0.02 / cosmo['h']**2. cosmo['Y_He'] = 0.24 cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) tau_inst, tau_star = cr.optical_depth_instant(z, x_ionH=x_ionH, x_ionHe=x_ionHe, return_tau_star=True, **cosmo) print "tau_star = %.7f" % tau_star print ("tau_star/(h Omega_b) = %.7f =? 0.061" % (tau_star / (cosmo['h'] * cosmo['omega_b_0']))) ntest.assert_approx_equal(tau_star / (cosmo['h'] * cosmo['omega_b_0']), 0.061, 2) print "(1 - Y_He/2) = %.3f =? 0.88" % (1. - (cosmo['Y_He']/2.)) ntest.assert_approx_equal((1. - (cosmo['Y_He']/2.)), 0.88, 7) H_0 = cc.H100_s * cosmo['h'] # s^-1 * Mpc s^-1 * Mpc^2 / Mpc^3 msun^-1 s^-2 / Msun -> tau_star_explicit = ((1. - (cosmo['Y_He']/2.)) * ((3. * H_0 * cosmo['omega_b_0'] * cc.c_light_Mpc_s * cc.sigma_T_Mpc) / (8. * math.pi * cc.G_const_Mpc_Msun_s * (cc.m_p_g/cc.M_sun_g)))) print "tau_star_explicit = %.7f =? tau_star" % tau_star_explicit ntest.assert_approx_equal(tau_star, tau_star_explicit, 3)
def timeDelayDistanceForSIS(velocityDispersion, zLens, zSource): ''' At the moment, i have saved the fermat potential in unitless SIS i.e deltaPHI so i need to times by eta0^2 Ds / (Dls*Dl)*(1+z) eta0 = 4 pi (v/c)^2 * Dl Dls / Dls ''' cosmo = {'omega_M_0': 0.3, 'omega_lambda_0': 0.7, 'h': 1.} cosmo = dist.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) Dl = dist.angular_diameter_distance(zLens, **cosmo) Dls = dist.angular_diameter_distance(zSource, z0=zLens, **cosmo) Ds = dist.angular_diameter_distance(zSource, **cosmo) cInKmPerSecond = 3e5 cInMpcPerDay = 9.7156e-15 * 60. * 60. * 24 Eta0 = 4. * np.pi * (velocityDispersion / cInKmPerSecond) * Dl * Dls / Ds TimeDelayDistance = (1 + zLens) / cInMpcPerDay * Ds / (Dl * Dls) * Eta0**2 return TimeDelayDistance
def modelTheo(z, omegam, omegal): tab = [] cosmo = {'omega_M_0': omegam, 'omega_lambda_0': omegal, 'h': 0.70} cosmo = cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) for i in range(0, len(z)): tab.append(cd.luminosity_distance(z[i], **cosmo) * 10**5) return tab
def Hz_cosmo(z): cosmo = {'omega_M_0' : 0.24, 'omega_lambda_0' : 0.76, 'h' : 0.73} cosmo = cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) '''___________Hz___________________________''' H_z = cd.hubble_distance_z(z, **cosmo) #print z, H_z #print 0, cd.hubble_distance_z(0, **cosmo) return H_z
def val_dA( z ): """This returns angular-diameter distance in [cm comoving], or in other words, the comoving radial distance [in cm comoving]. It only takes z.""" cosmo = {'omega_M_0' : Omatter, 'omega_lambda_0' : Olambda, 'h' : h0} cosmo = cd.set_omega_k_0( cosmo ) res = cd.angular_diameter_distance( z, **cosmo ) * Mpc_in_cm * ( 1 + z ) return res
def part_stack_3D(self,bin_range,gal_num,run_num,code_num): ''' This function is the program''' # This program takes 3D particle data of 100 halo sample from Gerard Lemson from the MDB # and stacks the data by mass bin and uses the M_Phi technique. Note:(each bin is an ensemble cluster) # last update: 1/29/13 ########## import cosmolopy.distance as cd ## DEFINE CONSTANTS ## h = 0.72 # Hubble Constant / 100.0 r_limit = 2 # Radius Limit of data in terms of R_crit200 H0 = h*100.0 # Hubble constant q = 10.0 c = 300000.0 cosmo = {'omega_M_0':0.3, 'omega_lambda_0':0.7, 'h':H0/100.0} cosmo = cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) halo_num = 100 # Total number of halos ## DEFINE FLAGS ## use_mems = False use_vdisp = True ## INITIALIZATION ## G = galaxies() P = particles() C = caustic() U = universal() ### PROGRAM ### print '...loading halos' HaloID, R_crit200, M_crit200, HPX, HPY, HPZ, HVX, HVY, HVZ, HVD, SRAD, ESRAD, Z = U.load_halos(h) HaloID, R_crit200, M_crit200, HPX, HPY, HPZ, HVX, HVY, HVZ, HVD, SRAD, ESRAD, Z = U.sort_halos(HaloID, R_crit200, M_crit200, HPX, HPY, HPZ, HVX, HVY, HVZ, HVD, SRAD, ESRAD, Z) print '...loading particles' R, V, PPX, PPY, PPZ = P.configure_particles(HaloID,h,HPX,HPY,HPZ,HVX,HVY,HVZ,Z,r_limit,R_crit200,HVD,halo_num,gal_num,run_num) print '...binning data' # All variables beginning with 'ENC_' stand for ensemble cluster, same for *bin variables ENC_R,ENC_V,ENC_M200,ENC_R200,ENC_HVD,ENC_SRAD,ENC_ESRAD = P.bin_data(HaloID,R,V,SRAD,ESRAD,M_crit200,R_crit200,HVD,halo_num,bin_range,run_num,gal_num) print '...running caustic' x_range,ENC_INF_NFWMASS,ENC_DIA_NFWMASS,ENC_INF_CAUMASS,ENC_DIA_CAUMASS,ENC_INF_MPROF,ENC_INF_NFW,ENC_INF_CAU,ENC_DIA_MPROF,ENC_DIA_NFW,ENC_DIA_CAU = P.kernel_caustic_masscalc(ENC_R,ENC_V,ENC_M200,ENC_R200,ENC_SRAD,ENC_ESRAD,ENC_HVD,halo_num,bin_range,gal_num,H0,q,r_limit,run_num,use_mems) return x_range,ENC_INF_NFWMASS,ENC_DIA_NFWMASS,ENC_INF_CAUMASS,ENC_DIA_CAUMASS,ENC_INF_MPROF,ENC_INF_NFW,ENC_INF_CAU,ENC_DIA_MPROF,ENC_DIA_NFW,ENC_DIA_CAU,ENC_R,ENC_V,ENC_M200,ENC_R200
def test_figure2(): """Plot Hogg fig. 2: The dimensionless angular diameter distance DA/DH. The three curves are for the three world models, - Einstein-de Sitter (omega_M, omega_lambda) = (1, 0) [solid] : Low-density (0.05, 0) [dotted] -- High lambda, (0.2, 0.8) [dashed] Hubble distance DH = c / H0 z from 0--5 DA / DH from 0--0.5 """ z = numpy.arange(0, 5.05, 0.05) cosmo = {} cosmo['omega_M_0'] = numpy.array([[1.0], [0.05], [0.2]]) cosmo['omega_lambda_0'] = numpy.array([[0.0], [0.0], [0.8]]) cosmo['h'] = 0.5 cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) linestyle = ['-', ':', '--'] dh = cd.hubble_distance_z(0, **cosmo) da = cd.angular_diameter_distance(z, **cosmo) # Also test the pathway with non-zero z0 da2 = cd.angular_diameter_distance(z, z0=1e-8, **cosmo) pylab.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) for i in range(len(linestyle)): pylab.plot(z, (da / dh)[i], ls=linestyle[i]) pylab.plot(z, (da2 / dh)[i], ls=linestyle[i]) pylab.xlim(0, 5) pylab.ylim(0, 0.5) pylab.xlabel("redshift z") pylab.ylabel(r"angular diameter distance $D_A/D_H$") pylab.title("compare to " + inspect.stack()[0][3].replace('test_', '') + " (astro-ph/9905116v4)")
def test_figure2(): """Plot Hogg fig. 2: The dimensionless angular diameter distance DA/DH. The three curves are for the three world models, - Einstein-de Sitter (omega_M, omega_lambda) = (1, 0) [solid] : Low-density (0.05, 0) [dotted] -- High lambda, (0.2, 0.8) [dashed] Hubble distance DH = c / H0 z from 0--5 DA / DH from 0--0.5 """ z = numpy.arange(0, 5.05, 0.05) cosmo = {} cosmo['omega_M_0'] = numpy.array([[1.0],[0.05],[0.2]]) cosmo['omega_lambda_0'] = numpy.array([[0.0],[0.0],[0.8]]) cosmo['h'] = 0.5 cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) linestyle = ['-', ':', '--'] dh = cd.hubble_distance_z(0, **cosmo) da = cd.angular_diameter_distance(z, **cosmo) # Also test the pathway with non-zero z0 da2 = cd.angular_diameter_distance(z, z0=1e-8, **cosmo) pylab.figure(figsize=(6,6)) for i in range(len(linestyle)): pylab.plot(z, (da/dh)[i], ls=linestyle[i]) pylab.plot(z, (da2/dh)[i], ls=linestyle[i]) pylab.xlim(0,5) pylab.ylim(0,0.5) pylab.xlabel("redshift z") pylab.ylabel(r"angular diameter distance $D_A/D_H$") pylab.title("compare to " + inspect.stack()[0][3].replace('test_', '') + " (astro-ph/9905116v4)")
def zdistance(self,clus_z,H0=100.0): """ Finds the angular diameter distance for an array of cluster center redshifts. Instead, use angular distance file precalculated and upload. """ cosmo = {'omega_M_0':0.3,'omega_lambda_0':0.7,'h':H0/100.0} cosmo = cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) ang_d = cd.angular_diameter_distance(clus_z,**cosmo) lum_d = cd.luminosity_distance(clus_z,**cosmo) return ang_d,lum_d
def test_figure6(): """Plot Hogg fig. 6: The dimensionless lookback time t_L/t_H and age t/t_H. The three curves are for the three world models, - Einstein-de Sitter (omega_M, omega_lambda) = (1, 0) [solid] : Low-density (0.05, 0) [dotted] -- High lambda, (0.2, 0.8) [dashed] Hubble distance DH = c / H0 z from 0--5 t/th from 0--1.2 """ z = numpy.arange(0, 5.05, 0.05) cosmo = {} cosmo['omega_M_0'] = numpy.array([[1.0], [0.05], [0.2]]) cosmo['omega_lambda_0'] = numpy.array([[0.0], [0.0], [0.8]]) cosmo['h'] = 0.5 cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) linestyle = ['-', ':', '--'] th = 1 / cd.hubble_z(0, **cosmo) tl = cd.lookback_time(z, **cosmo) age = cd.age(z, **cosmo) pylab.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) for i in range(len(linestyle)): pylab.plot(z, (tl / th)[i], ls=linestyle[i]) pylab.plot(z, (age / th)[i], ls=linestyle[i]) pylab.xlim(0, 5) pylab.ylim(0, 1.2) pylab.xlabel("redshift z") pylab.ylabel(r"lookback timne $t_L/t_H$") pylab.title("compare to " + inspect.stack()[0][3].replace('test_', '') + " (astro-ph/9905116v4)")
def test_figure6(): """Plot Hogg fig. 6: The dimensionless lookback time t_L/t_H and age t/t_H. The three curves are for the three world models, - Einstein-de Sitter (omega_M, omega_lambda) = (1, 0) [solid] : Low-density (0.05, 0) [dotted] -- High lambda, (0.2, 0.8) [dashed] Hubble distance DH = c / H0 z from 0--5 t/th from 0--1.2 """ z = numpy.arange(0, 5.05, 0.05) cosmo = {} cosmo['omega_M_0'] = numpy.array([[1.0],[0.05],[0.2]]) cosmo['omega_lambda_0'] = numpy.array([[0.0],[0.0],[0.8]]) cosmo['h'] = 0.5 cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) linestyle = ['-', ':', '--'] th = 1/ cd.hubble_z(0, **cosmo) tl = cd.lookback_time(z, **cosmo) age = cd.age(z, **cosmo) pylab.figure(figsize=(6,6)) for i in range(len(linestyle)): pylab.plot(z, (tl/th)[i], ls=linestyle[i]) pylab.plot(z, (age/th)[i], ls=linestyle[i]) pylab.xlim(0,5) pylab.ylim(0,1.2) pylab.xlabel("redshift z") pylab.ylabel(r"lookback timne $t_L/t_H$") pylab.title("compare to " + inspect.stack()[0][3].replace('test_', '') + " (astro-ph/9905116v4)")
def zdistance(self, clus_z, H0=100.0): """ Finds the angular diameter distance for an array of cluster center redshifts. Instead, use angular distance file precalculated and upload. """ cosmo = {'omega_M_0': 0.3, 'omega_lambda_0': 0.7, 'h': H0 / 100.0} cosmo = cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) ang_d = cd.angular_diameter_distance(clus_z, **cosmo) lum_d = cd.luminosity_distance(clus_z, **cosmo) return ang_d, lum_d
def test_GBL_tau_star(): """Test tau_* against GB&L astro-ph/9812125v3. tau_* is a quantity used in optical_depth_instant. """ z = 1.0 # Fully ionized H and He x_ionH = 1.0 x_ionHe = 2.0 cosmo = {} cosmo['omega_M_0'] = numpy.array([[0.3], [0.6], [1.0]]) cosmo['omega_lambda_0'] = 1. - cosmo['omega_M_0'] cosmo['h'] = 0.65 cosmo['omega_b_0'] = 0.02 / cosmo['h']**2. cosmo['Y_He'] = 0.24 cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) tau_inst, tau_star = cr.optical_depth_instant(z, x_ionH=x_ionH, x_ionHe=x_ionHe, return_tau_star=True, **cosmo) print("tau_star = %.7f" % (tau_star)) print("tau_star/(h Omega_b) = %.7f =? 0.061" % (tau_star / (cosmo['h'] * cosmo['omega_b_0']))) ntest.assert_approx_equal(tau_star / (cosmo['h'] * cosmo['omega_b_0']), 0.061, 2) print("(1 - Y_He/2) = %.3f =? 0.88" % (1. - (cosmo['Y_He'] / 2.))) ntest.assert_approx_equal((1. - (cosmo['Y_He'] / 2.)), 0.88, 7) H_0 = cc.H100_s * cosmo['h'] # s^-1 * Mpc s^-1 * Mpc^2 / Mpc^3 msun^-1 s^-2 / Msun -> tau_star_explicit = ((1. - (cosmo['Y_He'] / 2.)) * ( (3. * H_0 * cosmo['omega_b_0'] * cc.c_light_Mpc_s * cc.sigma_T_Mpc) / (8. * math.pi * cc.G_const_Mpc_Msun_s * (cc.m_p_g / cc.M_sun_g)))) print("tau_star_explicit = %.7f =? tau_star" % (tau_star_explicit)) ntest.assert_approx_equal(tau_star, tau_star_explicit, 3)
def test_figure5(): """Plot Hogg fig. 5: The dimensionless comoving volume element (1/DH)^3(dVC/dz). The three curves are for the three world models, (omega_M, omega_lambda) = (1, 0), solid; (0.05, 0), dotted; and (0.2, 0.8), dashed. """ z = numpy.arange(0, 5.05, 0.05) cosmo = {} cosmo['omega_M_0'] = numpy.array([[1.0], [0.05], [0.2]]) cosmo['omega_lambda_0'] = numpy.array([[0.0], [0.0], [0.8]]) cosmo['h'] = 0.5 cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) linestyle = ['-', ':', '--'] dh = cd.hubble_distance_z(0, **cosmo) dVc = cd.diff_comoving_volume(z, **cosmo) dVc_normed = dVc / (dh**3.) Vc = cd.comoving_volume(z, **cosmo) dz = z[1:] - z[:-1] dVc_numerical = (Vc[:, 1:] - Vc[:, :-1]) / dz / (4. * numpy.pi) dVc_numerical_normed = dVc_numerical / (dh**3.) pylab.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) for i in range(len(linestyle)): pylab.plot(z, dVc_normed[i], ls=linestyle[i], lw=2.) pylab.plot(z[:-1], dVc_numerical_normed[i], ls=linestyle[i], c='k', alpha=0.1) pylab.xlim(0, 5) pylab.ylim(0, 1.1) pylab.xlabel("redshift z") pylab.ylabel(r"comoving volume element $[1/D_H^3]$ $dV_c/dz/d\Omega$") pylab.title("compare to " + inspect.stack()[0][3].replace('test_', '') + " (astro-ph/9905116v4)")
def test_figure3(): """Plot Hogg fig. 3: The dimensionless luminosity distance DL/DH The three curves are for the three world models, - Einstein-de Sitter (omega_M, omega_lambda) = (1, 0) [solid] : Low-density (0.05, 0) [dotted] -- High lambda, (0.2, 0.8) [dashed] Hubble distance DH = c / H0 z from 0--5 DL / DH from 0--16 """ z = numpy.arange(0, 5.05, 0.05) cosmo = {} cosmo['omega_M_0'] = numpy.array([[1.0],[0.05],[0.2]]) cosmo['omega_lambda_0'] = numpy.array([[0.0],[0.0],[0.8]]) cosmo['h'] = 0.5 cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) linestyle = ['-', ':', '--'] dh = cd.hubble_distance_z(0, **cosmo) dl = cd.luminosity_distance(z, **cosmo) pylab.figure(figsize=(6,6)) for i in range(len(linestyle)): pylab.plot(z, (dl/dh)[i], ls=linestyle[i]) pylab.xlim(0,5) pylab.ylim(0,16) pylab.xlabel("redshift z") pylab.ylabel(r"luminosity distance $D_L/D_H$") pylab.title("compare to " + inspect.stack()[0][3].replace('test_', '') + " (astro-ph/9905116v4)")
def test_figure3(): """Plot Hogg fig. 3: The dimensionless luminosity distance DL/DH The three curves are for the three world models, - Einstein-de Sitter (omega_M, omega_lambda) = (1, 0) [solid] : Low-density (0.05, 0) [dotted] -- High lambda, (0.2, 0.8) [dashed] Hubble distance DH = c / H0 z from 0--5 DL / DH from 0--16 """ z = numpy.arange(0, 5.05, 0.05) cosmo = {} cosmo['omega_M_0'] = numpy.array([[1.0], [0.05], [0.2]]) cosmo['omega_lambda_0'] = numpy.array([[0.0], [0.0], [0.8]]) cosmo['h'] = 0.5 cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) linestyle = ['-', ':', '--'] dh = cd.hubble_distance_z(0, **cosmo) dl = cd.luminosity_distance(z, **cosmo) pylab.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) for i in range(len(linestyle)): pylab.plot(z, (dl / dh)[i], ls=linestyle[i]) pylab.xlim(0, 5) pylab.ylim(0, 16) pylab.xlabel("redshift z") pylab.ylabel(r"luminosity distance $D_L/D_H$") pylab.title("compare to " + inspect.stack()[0][3].replace('test_', '') + " (astro-ph/9905116v4)")
def err_Dv(z): '''___________DA__________________________''' cosmo = {'omega_M_0' : 0.24, 'omega_lambda_0' : 0.76, 'h' : 0.73} cosmo = cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) d_a = cd.angular_diameter_distance(z, **cosmo) '''___________Hz___________________________''' H_z = cd.hubble_distance_z(z, **cosmo) '''________________The error on Dv___________________''' part1 = ( dasigma/ d_a ) **2 part2 = (Hsigma/ H_z)**2 part3 = 0.0 #(cov_DaH/ (d_a* H_z)) sigma_Dv = sqrt(Dv(Z)**2 * (part1 + part2 + part3 )) return sigma_Dv
def test_figure5(): """Plot Hogg fig. 5: The dimensionless comoving volume element (1/DH)^3(dVC/dz). The three curves are for the three world models, (omega_M, omega_lambda) = (1, 0), solid; (0.05, 0), dotted; and (0.2, 0.8), dashed. """ z = numpy.arange(0, 5.05, 0.05) cosmo = {} cosmo['omega_M_0'] = numpy.array([[1.0],[0.05],[0.2]]) cosmo['omega_lambda_0'] = numpy.array([[0.0],[0.0],[0.8]]) cosmo['h'] = 0.5 cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) linestyle = ['-', ':', '--'] dh = cd.hubble_distance_z(0, **cosmo) dVc = cd.diff_comoving_volume(z, **cosmo) dVc_normed = dVc/(dh**3.) Vc = cd.comoving_volume(z, **cosmo) dz = z[1:] - z[:-1] dVc_numerical = (Vc[:,1:] - Vc[:,:-1])/dz/(4. * numpy.pi) dVc_numerical_normed = dVc_numerical/(dh**3.) pylab.figure(figsize=(6,6)) for i in range(len(linestyle)): pylab.plot(z, dVc_normed[i], ls=linestyle[i], lw=2.) pylab.plot(z[:-1], dVc_numerical_normed[i], ls=linestyle[i], c='k', alpha=0.1) pylab.xlim(0,5) pylab.ylim(0,1.1) pylab.xlabel("redshift z") pylab.ylabel(r"comoving volume element $[1/D_H^3]$ $dV_c/dz/d\Omega$") pylab.title("compare to " + inspect.stack()[0][3].replace('test_', '') + " (astro-ph/9905116v4)")
def test_figure1(): """Plot Hogg fig. 1: The dimensionless proper motion distance DM/DH. The three curves are for the three world models, Einstein-de Sitter (omega_M, omega_lambda) = (1, 0), solid; low-density, (0.05, 0), dotted; and high lambda, (0.2, 0.8), dashed. Hubble distance DH = c / H0 z from 0--5 DM / DH from 0--3 """ z = numpy.arange(0, 5.05, 0.05) cosmo = {} cosmo['omega_M_0'] = numpy.array([[1.0], [0.05], [0.2]]) cosmo['omega_lambda_0'] = numpy.array([[0.0], [0.0], [0.8]]) cosmo['h'] = 0.5 cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) linestyle = ['-', ':', '--'] dh = cd.hubble_distance_z(0, **cosmo) dm = cd.comoving_distance_transverse(z, **cosmo) pylab.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) for i in range(len(linestyle)): pylab.plot(z, (dm / dh)[i], ls=linestyle[i]) #pylab.plot(z, (dm_err/dh)[i], ls=linestyle[i]) pylab.xlim(0, 5) pylab.ylim(0, 3) pylab.xlabel("redshift z") pylab.ylabel(r"proper motion distance $D_M/D_H$") pylab.title("compare to " + inspect.stack()[0][3].replace('test_', '') + " (astro-ph/9905116v4)")
def test_figure1(): """Plot Hogg fig. 1: The dimensionless proper motion distance DM/DH. The three curves are for the three world models, Einstein-de Sitter (omega_M, omega_lambda) = (1, 0), solid; low-density, (0.05, 0), dotted; and high lambda, (0.2, 0.8), dashed. Hubble distance DH = c / H0 z from 0--5 DM / DH from 0--3 """ z = numpy.arange(0, 5.05, 0.05) cosmo = {} cosmo['omega_M_0'] = numpy.array([[1.0],[0.05],[0.2]]) cosmo['omega_lambda_0'] = numpy.array([[0.0],[0.0],[0.8]]) cosmo['h'] = 0.5 cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) linestyle = ['-', ':', '--'] dh = cd.hubble_distance_z(0, **cosmo) dm = cd.comoving_distance_transverse(z, **cosmo) pylab.figure(figsize=(6,6)) for i in range(len(linestyle)): pylab.plot(z, (dm/dh)[i], ls=linestyle[i]) #pylab.plot(z, (dm_err/dh)[i], ls=linestyle[i]) pylab.xlim(0,5) pylab.ylim(0,3) pylab.xlabel("redshift z") pylab.ylabel(r"proper motion distance $D_M/D_H$") pylab.title("compare to " + inspect.stack()[0][3].replace('test_', '') + " (astro-ph/9905116v4)")
def test_age(): """Test integrated age against analytical age.""" z = numpy.arange(0, 10.0, 0.05) cosmo = {} cosmo['omega_M_0'] = numpy.array([[0.99], [0.01], [0.3]]) cosmo['omega_lambda_0'] = 1. - cosmo['omega_M_0'] cosmo['h'] = 0.7 cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) linestyle = ['-', ':', '--'] gyr = 1e9 * cc.yr_s tl = cd.lookback_time(z, **cosmo) age = cd.age(z, **cosmo) age_ana = cd.age_flat(z, **cosmo) pylab.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) for i in range(len(linestyle)): pylab.plot(z, (tl / gyr)[i], ls=linestyle[i], color='0.5') pylab.plot(z, (age / gyr)[i], ls=linestyle[i], color='r') pylab.plot(z, (age_ana / gyr)[i], ls=linestyle[i], color='k') pylab.xlabel("redshift z") pylab.ylabel(r"age $t_L/$Gyr") pylab.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) for i in range(len(linestyle)): pylab.plot(z, ((age - age_ana) / age_ana)[i], ls=linestyle[i], color='k') # Make sure errors are small: ntest.assert_array_less((numpy.abs((age - age_ana) / age_ana)[i]), 3e-13) pylab.xlabel("redshift z") pylab.ylabel(r"age: (integral - analytical)/analytical")
def getAnalyticExpression(logTimeDelay, velocityDispersion, zSource=1., zLens=0.2, kernelSize=3.): cosmo = {'omega_M_0': 0.3, 'omega_lambda_0': 0.7, 'h': 1.} cosmo = dist.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) Dl = dist.angular_diameter_distance(zLens, **cosmo) Dls = dist.angular_diameter_distance(zSource, z0=zLens, **cosmo) Ds = dist.angular_diameter_distance(zSource, **cosmo) cInKmPerSecond = 3e5 cInMpcPerSecond = 9.7156e-15 seconds2days = 1. / 60. / 60. / 24 timeDelayDistance = getTimeDelayDistance(zLens, zSource, 100.) lensPlaneDistanceMpc = np.arange(500) / 1000. * 1e-4 angle = lensPlaneDistanceMpc / Dl analytic = 8. * np.pi * ( velocityDispersion / cInKmPerSecond )**2 * timeDelayDistance * Dls / Ds * angle * seconds2days maxTimeDelay = np.log10( 32. * np.pi**2 * (velocityDispersion / cInKmPerSecond)**4 * Dl * Dls / Ds * (1. + zLens) / cInMpcPerSecond * seconds2days) #logTimeDelay = np.linspace(-3,maxTimeDelay,100) probability = (10**logTimeDelay)**2 probability = probability / probability[np.argmin( np.abs(logTimeDelay - maxTimeDelay))] probability[logTimeDelay > maxTimeDelay] = 0 dX = logTimeDelay[1] - logTimeDelay[0] #probability = gauss(probability, 1) #characterstic scale in kpc epsilon0 = 4.*np.pi*(velocityDispersion/cInKmPerSecond)**2\ *Dl*Dls/Ds*1e3 subsample = 4. dy = 0.1 / epsilon0 * Dl / Ds / subsample timeDelayOnePixel = dy / 10**maxTimeDelay #timeDelayOnePixel/dX #pdb.set_trace() box_kernel = Box1DKernel(kernelSize) probability = convolve(probability, box_kernel) probability /= np.sum(probability * dX) print("convolution kernel size is ", dX * kernelSize) return logTimeDelay, probability
def __init__(self, redshift, limitingObsMag=27): self.cosmo = {'omega_M_0': 0.3, 'omega_lambda_0': 0.7, 'h': 0.7} self.cosmo = distance.set_omega_k_0(self.cosmo) distancePc = \ distance.luminosity_distance(redshift, **self.cosmo)*1e6 limitingAbsoluteMag = limitingObsMag - \ 5.*np.log10(distancePc) + 5 self.magnitudes = np.linspace(-28, limitingAbsoluteMag, 10000) self.dMag = self.magnitudes[1] - self.magnitudes[0] self.redshift = redshift self.getLuminosityStar() self.getMagnitudeStar() self.getLuminosityFunction()
def dvdz(z): # Planck best-fit parameters cosmo = {'omega_M_0': 0.316, 'omega_lambda_0': 0.684, 'omega_b_0': 0.049, 'N_eff': 3.046, 'h': 0.67, 'ns': 0.962, 'sigma_8': 0.834, 'gamma': 0.55, 'w0': -1., 'wa': 0., 'sigma_nl': 7.} cosmo = cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) Vc = cd.diff_comoving_volume(z, **cosmo) return Vc
def getMeanMag(z, dz=1e-4): #return 0.1311 cosmo = {'omega_M_0': 0.3086, 'omega_lambda_0': 0.6914, 'h': 0.6777} cosmo = dist.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) distanceEB = 0 distanceFB = 0 for i in np.arange(0., z, dz): dist_hz = dist.hubble_distance_z(i, **cosmo) distanceEB += dz * dist_hz / (1 + i)**2 distanceFB += dz * dist_hz distanceFB /= 1. + z return (distanceEB / distanceFB)**2 - 1.
def calculate_age_stars(ro_in=None, dset_in=None, converted=False, time_proper=True): """ Parameters ---------- converted: bool if the epoch field is in code unit or converted to some physical unit Return ------ starsFormedatUniverseAge: age of the universe when the star particle was created in Myr """ if converted: raise ValueError( "Epoch field should be in code unit for this function to work properly.." ) if (time_proper): # switch depends on ramses run setup import cosmolopy.distance as cd import cosmolopy.constants as cc cosmo = { 'omega_M_0':["omega_m"], 'omega_lambda_0':["omega_l"], 'h':["H0"] / 100. } cosmo = cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) t_z0 = cd.age(0., **cosmo) / (cc.Gyr_s / 1.e+3) # Myr ram2myr =["unit_time"].express( C.Myr) /["aexp"]**2 starsFormedatUniverseAge = t_z0 + dset_in["epoch"][:] * ram2myr else: Myr_unit_time =["unit_time"].express(C.Myr) starsFormedatUniverseAge = (["time"] - dset_in["epoch"][:]) * Myr_unit_time return starsFormedatUniverseAge
def __init__(self, h=0.678, omega_m=0.308, omega_l=0.692, log=None): """Initializes the cosmology for use with cosmolopy.distance.""" self.h = h self.omega_m = omega_m self.omega_l = omega_l cosmo = {'omega_M_0':self.omega_m, 'omega_lambda_0':self.omega_l, \ 'h':self.h} if log is not None: f = open(log, 'a') f.write('\nCosmological Parameters\n') f.write(' Omega_M = %.2f\n' % self.omega_m) f.write(' Omega_L = %.2f\n' % self.omega_l) f.write(' h = %.2f\n' % self.h) f.close() self.cosmo = cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo)
def da(z): # Planck best-fit parameters cosmo = {'omega_M_0': 0.316, 'omega_lambda_0': 0.684, 'omega_b_0': 0.049, 'N_eff': 3.046, 'h': 0.67, 'ns': 0.962, 'sigma_8': 0.834, 'gamma': 0.55, 'w0': -1., 'wa': 0., 'sigma_nl': 7.} cosmo = cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) d_a = cd.angular_diameter_distance(z, **cosmo)/(h) print "Angular diameter distance = %.1f Mpc)" % (d_a) return d_a
def getTimeDelayDistance(zLens, zSource, HubbleConstant, omegaLambda=1.0): ''' Get the time delay distance for this particle lens ''' #Wessels distance class omegaMatter = 1. - omegaLambda OmegaK = 1. - omegaMatter - omegaLambda cosmo = {'omega_M_0' : 0.3, 'omega_lambda_0' : 0.7, 'h' : HubbleConstant/100.} cosmo = dist.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) Dls = dist.angular_diameter_distance(zSource, z0=zLens, **cosmo) Dl = dist.angular_diameter_distance(zLens,**cosmo) Ds = dist.angular_diameter_distance(zSource, **cosmo) cInMpcPerSecond = 9.7156e-15 return (1.+zLens)*Dl*Ds/Dls/cInMpcPerSecond
def dvdz(z): ''' this function is to calculate the diff comoving volume the results are given in units of Mpc^3. to use this function you need to install cosmolopy. Also note that the cosmological parameters are Planck best-fit parameters. ''' cosmo = {'omega_M_0': 0.316, 'omega_lambda_0': 0.684, 'omega_b_0': 0.049, 'N_eff': 3.046, 'h': 0.67, 'ns': 0.962, 'sigma_8': 0.834, 'gamma': 0.55, 'w0': -1., 'wa': 0., 'sigma_nl': 7.} cosmo = cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) Vc = cd.diff_comoving_volume(z, **cosmo) return Vc
def da(z): '''This function is to calculate the angular diameter distance The units are in Mpc The cosmological parameters are Planck best-fit parameters Note: you need to install cosmolopy and import cosmolopy.constants as cc and import cosmolopy.distance as cd ''' # cosmo = {'omega_M_0': 0.316, 'omega_lambda_0': 0.684, 'omega_b_0': 0.049, 'N_eff': 3.046, 'h': 0.67, 'ns': 0.962, 'sigma_8': 0.834, 'gamma': 0.55, 'w0': -1., 'wa': 0., 'sigma_nl': 7.} cosmo = cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) d_a = cd.angular_diameter_distance(z, **cosmo)*(cosmo['h']) #print "Angular diameter distance = %.1f Mpc)" % (d_a) return d_a
import cosmolopy import cosmolopy.distance as cd qso_zmin = 2.2 qso_zmax = 2.8 area =5800 #deg2 zvals = np.linspace(0,1e5,1e5) lcdm = cd.set_omega_k_0({'omega_M_0' : 0.3, 'omega_lambda_0' : 0.7, 'h' : 0.7}) d_lcdm = cd.comoving_distance_transverse(zvals, **lcdm) clf() plot(zvals,d_lcdm) xscale('log') d_bb = np.max(d_lcdm) d_min = cd.comoving_distance_transverse(qso_zmin, **lcdm) d_min = cd.comoving_distance_transverse(qso_zmin, **lcdm)
def DA_cosmo(z): '''___________DA__________________________''' cosmo = {'omega_M_0' : 0.24, 'omega_lambda_0' : 0.76, 'h' : 0.73} cosmo = cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) d_a = cd.angular_diameter_distance(z, **cosmo) return d_a
def normalise_to_sdss(): import sys sys.path.insert(0, '/home/lc585/Dropbox/IoA/nirspec/python_code') from get_nir_spec import get_nir_spec from get_sdss_spec import get_sdss_spec sys.path.insert(0, '/home/lc585/Dropbox/IoA/QSOSED/Model/qsofit') from qsrmod import qsrmod from load import load import cosmolopy.distance as cd from get_mono_lum import resid_mag_fit fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=figsize(1, 1.4)) cs = palettable.colorbrewer.qualitative.Set1_8.mpl_colors cs_light = palettable.colorbrewer.qualitative.Pastel1_6.mpl_colors df = pd.read_csv('/home/lc585/Dropbox/IoA/nirspec/tables/masterlist_liam.csv', index_col=0) row = df.ix['QSO125'] wav_nir, dw_nir, flux_nir, err_nir = get_nir_spec(row.NIR_PATH, row.INSTR) wav_nir = wav_nir / (1.0 + row.z_IR) axs[0].plot(wav_nir, flux_nir*1e15, color=cs_light[0], label='Near-IR') if (row.SPEC_OPT == 'SDSS') | (row.SPEC_OPT == 'BOSS+SDSS'): wav_opt, dw_opt, flux_opt, err_opt = get_sdss_spec('SDSS', row.DR7_PATH) elif (row.SPEC_OPT == 'BOSS') : wav_opt, dw_opt, flux_opt, err_opt = get_sdss_spec('BOSS', row.DR12_PATH) wav_opt = wav_opt / (1.0 + row.z_IR) axs[0].plot(wav_opt, flux_opt*1e15, color=cs_light[1], label='SDSS') # Normalise SED model to SDSS spectra ---------------------------------------------------- """ SDSS spectra in Shen & Liu emission line free windows """ fit_region = [[1350,1360], [1445,1465], [1700,1705], [2155,2400], [2480,2675], [2925,3500], [4200,4230], [4435,4700], [5100,5535], [6000,6250], [6800,7000]] fit_mask = np.zeros(len(wav_opt), dtype=bool) for r in fit_region: fit_mask[(wav_opt > r[0]) & (wav_opt < r[1])] = True tmp = ma.array(flux_opt) tmp[~fit_mask] = ma.masked for item in ma.extras.flatnotmasked_contiguous(tmp): axs[0].plot(wav_opt[item], flux_opt[item]*1e15, color=cs[1]) # ax.plot(wav_opt[fit_mask], flux_opt[fit_mask], color=cs[0]) plslp1 = 0.46 plslp2 = 0.03 plbrk = 2822.0 bbt = 1216.0 bbflxnrm = 0.24 elscal = 0.71 scahal = 0.86 galfra = 0.31 ebv = 0.0 imod = 18.0 with open('/home/lc585/Dropbox/IoA/QSOSED/Model/qsofit/input.yml', 'r') as f: parfile = yaml.load(f) fittingobj = load(parfile) lin = fittingobj.get_lin() galspc = fittingobj.get_galspc() ext = fittingobj.get_ext() galcnt = fittingobj.get_galcnt() ignmin = fittingobj.get_ignmin() ignmax = fittingobj.get_ignmax() wavlen_rest = fittingobj.get_wavlen() ztran = fittingobj.get_ztran() lyatmp = fittingobj.get_lyatmp() lybtmp = fittingobj.get_lybtmp() lyctmp = fittingobj.get_lyctmp() whmin = fittingobj.get_whmin() whmax = fittingobj.get_whmax() cosmo = {'omega_M_0':0.3, 'omega_lambda_0':0.7, 'h':0.7} cosmo = cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) flxcorr = np.array( [1.0] * len(wavlen_rest) ) params = Parameters() params.add('plslp1', value = plslp1, vary=False) params.add('plslp2', value = plslp2, vary=False) params.add('plbrk', value = plbrk, vary=False) params.add('bbt', value = bbt, vary=False) params.add('bbflxnrm', value = bbflxnrm, vary=False) params.add('elscal', value = elscal, vary=False) params.add('scahal', value = scahal, vary=False) params.add('galfra', value = galfra, vary=False) params.add('ebv', value = ebv, vary=True) params.add('imod', value = imod, vary=False) params.add('norm', value = 1e-17, vary=True) def resid(params, wav_opt, flux_opt): wav_sed, flux_sed = qsrmod(params, parfile, wavlen_rest, row.z_IR, lin, galspc, ext, galcnt, ignmin, ignmax, ztran, lyatmp, lybtmp, lyctmp, whmin, whmax, cosmo, flxcorr) wav_sed = wav_sed / (1.0 + row.z_IR) spc = interp1d(wav_sed, flux_sed, bounds_error=True, fill_value=0.0) flux_sed_fit = spc(wav_opt) return flux_opt - params['norm'].value * flux_sed_fit resid_p = partial(resid, wav_opt = wav_opt[fit_mask], flux_opt = flux_opt[fit_mask]) result = minimize(resid_p, params, method='leastsq') # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- xs = np.arange(np.nanmin(wav_opt), np.nanmax(wav_nir), 1) wav_sed, flux_sed = qsrmod(result.params, parfile, wavlen_rest, row.z_IR, lin, galspc, ext, galcnt, ignmin, ignmax, ztran, lyatmp, lybtmp, lyctmp, whmin, whmax, cosmo, flxcorr) wav_sed = wav_sed / (1.0 + row.z_IR) spc = interp1d(wav_sed, flux_sed * result.params['norm'].value, bounds_error=True, fill_value=0.0) # do error weighted fit of spectra to SED model # Hewett et al. 1985 # mask out regions between bandpasses wav_nir_obs = wav_nir * (1.0 + row.z_IR) goodinds = ((wav_nir_obs > 11800.0) & (wav_nir_obs < 13100.0))\ | ((wav_nir_obs > 15000.0) & (wav_nir_obs < 17500.0))\ | ((wav_nir_obs > 19500.0) & (wav_nir_obs < 23500.0)) wav_nir = wav_nir[goodinds] flux_nir = flux_nir[goodinds] err_nir = err_nir[goodinds] goodinds = err_nir > 0.0 wav_nir = wav_nir[goodinds] flux_nir = flux_nir[goodinds] err_nir = err_nir[goodinds] k = np.nansum((flux_nir * spc(wav_nir)) / err_nir**2) / np.nansum((spc(wav_nir) / err_nir)**2) inds = np.argsort(np.diff(wav_nir))[-2:] wav_nir[inds] = np.nan flux_nir[inds] = np.nan axs[0].plot(wav_nir, flux_nir*1e15 / k, color=cs[0], alpha=1.0) axs[0].plot(xs, spc(xs)*1e15, color='black', lw=1, label='Model') axs[0].legend(loc='upper right') axs[0].set_xlim(1300,7300) axs[0].set_ylim(0, 1) # axs[0].set_xlabel(r'Rest-frame wavelength [${\mathrm \AA}$]') axs[0].set_ylabel(r'F$_{\lambda}$ [Arbitary units]') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- df = pd.read_csv('/home/lc585/Dropbox/IoA/nirspec/tables/masterlist_liam.csv', index_col=0) row = df.ix['QSO010'] wav_nir, dw_nir, flux_nir, err_nir = get_nir_spec(row.NIR_PATH, row.INSTR) wav_nir = wav_nir / (1.0 + row.z_IR) ftrlst, maglst, errlst, lameff = [], [], [], [] # 1250 condition so we don't go near the lyman break if (~np.isnan(row.psfMag_u)) & ((3546.0 / (1.0 + row.z_IR)) > 1250.0) & (~np.isnan(row.psfMagErr_u)): ftrlst.append('u.response') maglst.append(row.psfMag_u - 0.91) errlst.append(row.psfMagErr_u) lameff.append(3546.0) if (~np.isnan(row.psfMag_g)) & ((4670.0 / (1.0 + row.z_IR)) > 1250.0) & (~np.isnan(row.psfMagErr_g)): ftrlst.append('g.response') maglst.append(row.psfMag_g + 0.08) errlst.append(row.psfMagErr_g) lameff.append(4670.0) if (~np.isnan(row.psfMag_r)) & ((6156.0 / (1.0 + row.z_IR)) > 1250.0) & (~np.isnan(row.psfMagErr_r)): ftrlst.append('r.response') maglst.append(row.psfMag_r - 0.16) errlst.append(row.psfMagErr_r) lameff.append(6156.0) if (~np.isnan(row.psfMag_i)) & ((7471.0 / (1.0 + row.z_IR)) > 1250.0) & (~np.isnan(row.psfMagErr_i)): ftrlst.append('i.response') maglst.append(row.psfMag_i - 0.37) errlst.append(row.psfMagErr_i) lameff.append(7471.0) if (~np.isnan(row.psfMag_z)) & ((8918.0 / (1.0 + row.z_IR)) > 1250.0) & (~np.isnan(row.psfMagErr_z)): ftrlst.append('z.response') maglst.append(row.psfMag_z - 0.54) errlst.append(row.psfMagErr_z) lameff.append(8918.0) if (~np.isnan(row.VHS_YAperMag3)) & (~np.isnan(row.VHS_YAperMag3Err)): ftrlst.append('VISTA_Filters_at80K_forETC_Y2.txt') maglst.append(row.VHS_YAperMag3) errlst.append(row.VHS_YAperMag3Err) lameff.append(10210.0) elif (~np.isnan(row.Viking_YAperMag3)) & (~np.isnan(row.Viking_YAperMag3Err)): ftrlst.append('VISTA_Filters_at80K_forETC_Y2.txt') maglst.append(row.Viking_YAperMag3) errlst.append(row.Viking_YAperMag3Err) lameff.append(10210.0) elif (~np.isnan(row.UKIDSS_YAperMag3)) & (~np.isnan(row.UKIDSS_YAperMag3Err)): ftrlst.append('Y.response') maglst.append(row.UKIDSS_YAperMag3) errlst.append(row.UKIDSS_YAperMag3Err) lameff.append(10305.0) if (~np.isnan(row.VHS_JAperMag3)) & (~np.isnan(row.VHS_JAperMag3Err)): ftrlst.append('VISTA_Filters_at80K_forETC_J2.txt') maglst.append(row.VHS_JAperMag3) errlst.append(row.VHS_JAperMag3Err) lameff.append(12540.0) elif (~np.isnan(row.Viking_JAperMag3)) & (~np.isnan(row.Viking_JAperMag3Err)): ftrlst.append('VISTA_Filters_at80K_forETC_J2.txt') maglst.append(row.Viking_JAperMag3) errlst.append(row.Viking_JAperMag3Err) lameff.append(12540.0) elif (~np.isnan(row.UKIDSS_J_1AperMag3)) & (~np.isnan(row.UKIDSS_J_1AperMag3Err)): ftrlst.append('J.response') maglst.append(row.UKIDSS_J_1AperMag3) errlst.append(row.UKIDSS_J_1AperMag3Err) lameff.append(12483.0) elif (~np.isnan(row['2massMag_j'])) & (~np.isnan(row['2massMagErr_j'])): ftrlst.append('J2MASS.response') maglst.append(row['2massMag_j']) errlst.append(row['2massMagErr_j']) lameff.append(12350.0) if (~np.isnan(row.VHS_HAperMag3)) & (~np.isnan(row.VHS_HAperMag3Err)): ftrlst.append('VISTA_Filters_at80K_forETC_H2.txt') maglst.append(row.VHS_HAperMag3) errlst.append(row.VHS_HAperMag3Err) lameff.append(16460.0) elif (~np.isnan(row.Viking_HAperMag3)) & (~np.isnan(row.Viking_HAperMag3Err)): ftrlst.append('VISTA_Filters_at80K_forETC_H2.txt') maglst.append(row.Viking_HAperMag3) errlst.append(row.Viking_HAperMag3Err) lameff.append(16460.0) elif (~np.isnan(row.UKIDSS_HAperMag3)) & (~np.isnan(row.UKIDSS_HAperMag3Err)): ftrlst.append('H.response') maglst.append(row.UKIDSS_HAperMag3) errlst.append(row.UKIDSS_HAperMag3Err) lameff.append(16313.0) elif (~np.isnan(row['2massMag_h'])) & (~np.isnan(row['2massMagErr_h'])): ftrlst.append('H2MASS.response') maglst.append(row['2massMag_h']) errlst.append(row['2massMagErr_h']) lameff.append(16620.0) if (~np.isnan(row.VHS_KAperMag3)) & (~np.isnan(row.VHS_KAperMag3Err)): ftrlst.append('VISTA_Filters_at80K_forETC_Ks2.txt') maglst.append(row.VHS_KAperMag3) errlst.append(row.VHS_KAperMag3Err) lameff.append(21490.0) elif (~np.isnan(row.Viking_KsAperMag3)) & (~np.isnan(row.Viking_KsAperMag3Err)): ftrlst.append('VISTA_Filters_at80K_forETC_Ks2.txt') maglst.append(row.Viking_KsAperMag3) errlst.append(row.Viking_KsAperMag3Err) lameff.append(21490.0) elif (~np.isnan(row.UKIDSS_KAperMag3)) & (~np.isnan(row.UKIDSS_KAperMag3Err)): ftrlst.append('K.response') maglst.append(row.UKIDSS_KAperMag3) errlst.append(row.UKIDSS_KAperMag3Err) lameff.append(22010.0) elif (~np.isnan(row['2massMag_k'])) & (~np.isnan(row['2massMagErr_k'])): ftrlst.append('K2MASS.response') maglst.append(row['2massMag_k']) errlst.append(row['2massMagErr_k']) lameff.append(21590.0) ftrlst, maglst, errlst, lameff = np.array(ftrlst), np.array(maglst), np.array(errlst), np.array(lameff) #-------Filters--------------------------------------------- nftr = len(ftrlst) bp = np.empty(nftr,dtype='object') dlam = np.zeros(nftr) for nf in range(nftr): with open(os.path.join('/home/lc585/Dropbox/IoA/QSOSED/Model/Filter_Response/', ftrlst[nf]), 'r') as f: wavtmp, rsptmp = np.loadtxt(f,unpack=True) dlam[nf] = (wavtmp[1] - wavtmp[0]) bptmp = np.ndarray(shape=(2,len(wavtmp)), dtype=float) bptmp[0,:], bptmp[1,:] = wavtmp, rsptmp bp[nf] = bptmp #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f_0 = np.zeros(nftr) # flux zero points fvega = '/data/vault/phewett/vista_work/vega_2007.lis' vspec = np.loadtxt(fvega) vf = interp1d(vspec[:,0], vspec[:,1]) for nf in range(nftr): sum1 = np.sum( bp[nf][1] * vf(bp[nf][0]) * bp[nf][0] * dlam[nf]) sum2 = np.sum( bp[nf][1] * bp[nf][0] * dlam[nf]) f_0[nf] = sum1 / sum2 flxlst = f_0 * 10.0**(-0.4 * maglst) # data fluxes in erg/cm^2/s/A flxerrlst = flxlst * (-0.4) * np.log(10) * errlst axs[1].scatter(lameff / (1.0 + row.z_IR), flxlst*1e16, s=50, facecolor=cs[5], edgecolor='black', zorder=10, label='Photometry') plslp1 = 0.46 plslp2 = 0.03 plbrk = 2822.0 bbt = 1216.0 bbflxnrm = 0.24 elscal = 0.71 scahal = 0.86 galfra = 0.31 ebv = 0.0 imod = 18.0 with open('/home/lc585/Dropbox/IoA/QSOSED/Model/qsofit/input.yml', 'r') as f: parfile = yaml.load(f) fittingobj = load(parfile) lin = fittingobj.get_lin() galspc = fittingobj.get_galspc() ext = fittingobj.get_ext() galcnt = fittingobj.get_galcnt() ignmin = fittingobj.get_ignmin() ignmax = fittingobj.get_ignmax() wavlen_rest = fittingobj.get_wavlen() ztran = fittingobj.get_ztran() lyatmp = fittingobj.get_lyatmp() lybtmp = fittingobj.get_lybtmp() lyctmp = fittingobj.get_lyctmp() whmin = fittingobj.get_whmin() whmax = fittingobj.get_whmax() cosmo = {'omega_M_0':0.3, 'omega_lambda_0':0.7, 'h':0.7} cosmo = cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) flxcorr = np.array( [1.0] * len(wavlen_rest) ) params = Parameters() params.add('plslp1', value = plslp1, vary=False) params.add('plslp2', value = plslp2, vary=False) params.add('plbrk', value = plbrk, vary=False) params.add('bbt', value = bbt, vary=False) params.add('bbflxnrm', value = bbflxnrm, vary=False) params.add('elscal', value = elscal, vary=False) params.add('scahal', value = scahal, vary=False) params.add('galfra', value = galfra, vary=False) params.add('ebv', value = ebv, vary=True) params.add('imod', value = imod, vary=False) params.add('norm', value = 1e-17, vary=True) resid_p = partial(resid_mag_fit, flx=flxlst, err=flxerrlst, parfile=parfile, wavlen_rest=wavlen_rest, z=row.z_IR, lin=lin, galspc=galspc, ext=ext, galcnt=galcnt, ignmin=ignmin, ignmax=ignmax, ztran=ztran, lyatmp=lyatmp, lybtmp=lybtmp, lyctmp=lyctmp, whmin=whmin, whmax=whmax, cosmo=cosmo, flxcorr=flxcorr, bp=bp, dlam=dlam) result = minimize(resid_p, params, method='leastsq') # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wav_sed, flux_sed = qsrmod(result.params, parfile, wavlen_rest, row.z_IR, lin, galspc, ext, galcnt, ignmin, ignmax, ztran, lyatmp, lybtmp, lyctmp, whmin, whmax, cosmo, flxcorr) spc = interp1d(wavlen_rest, flux_sed * result.params['norm'].value, bounds_error=True, fill_value=0.0) xs = np.arange(1000, 10000, 10) axs[1].plot(xs, spc(xs)*1e16, color='black', lw=1, label='Model', zorder=2) # do error weighted fit of spectra to SED model # Hewett et al. 1985 # mask out regions between bandpasses wav_nir_obs = wav_nir * (1.0 + row.z_IR) goodinds = ((wav_nir_obs > 11800.0) & (wav_nir_obs < 13100.0))\ | ((wav_nir_obs > 15000.0) & (wav_nir_obs < 17500.0))\ | ((wav_nir_obs > 19500.0) & (wav_nir_obs < 23500.0)) wav_nir = wav_nir[goodinds] flux_nir = flux_nir[goodinds] err_nir = err_nir[goodinds] goodinds = err_nir > 0.0 wav_nir = wav_nir[goodinds] flux_nir = flux_nir[goodinds] err_nir = err_nir[goodinds] k = np.nansum((flux_nir * spc(wav_nir)) / err_nir**2) / np.nansum((spc(wav_nir) / err_nir)**2) inds = np.argsort(np.diff(wav_nir))[-2:] wav_nir[inds] = np.nan flux_nir[inds] = np.nan axs[1].plot(wav_nir, flux_nir*1e16 / k, color=cs[0], zorder=1) # modified this so need to reload wav_nir, dw_nir, flux_nir, err_nir = get_nir_spec(row.NIR_PATH, row.INSTR) wav_nir = wav_nir / (1.0 + row.z_IR) axs[1].plot(wav_nir[wav_nir > 2800.0], flux_nir[wav_nir > 2800.0]*1e16 / k, color=cs_light[0], label='Near-IR', zorder=0) axs[1].set_xlim(1250, 9000) axs[1].set_ylim(0, 5) axs[1].set_xlabel(r'Rest-frame wavelength [${\mathrm \AA}$]') axs[1].set_ylabel(r'F$_{\lambda}$ [Arbitary units]') # ------------------------------------------------- axs[1].legend(scatterpoints=1) axs[0].text(0.1, 0.93, '(a) J092952+355450', horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center', transform = axs[0].transAxes) axs[1].text(0.1, 0.93, '(b) J100247+002104', horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center', transform = axs[1].transAxes) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig('/home/lc585/thesis/figures/chapter02/normalise_to_sdss.pdf') return None
import numpy as np def mass(theta, dl, ds, dls, c=3 * (10**8), G=4.3 * (10**-3)): """ theta in units of rad dmin in units of ??? dl, ds, dls in units of Mpc c in units of m/s G in units of m^2 Mpc Msun^-1 s^-2 """ return theta**2 * ((c**2) / (4 * G)) * (dl * ds / dls) if __name__ == '__main__': theta = [np.radians(v / (60. * 60.)) for v in [1.20, 1.50]] zlens = 0.222 zring = 0.609 # of the inner ring params = {'omega_M_0': 0.3, 'omega_lambda_0': 0.7, 'h': 0.72} params = cosmo.set_omega_k_0(params) dl = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(zlens, **params) ds = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(zring, **params) dls = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(zring, zlens, **params)[0] print('DL = {0}\nDS = {1}\nDLS = {2}'.format(dl, ds, dls)) for th in theta: m = mass(th, dl, ds, dls) print('Mlens = {0}'.format(m))
def ensamble(name, dir1, dir3, dir4, fo, fi=0, fii=0, pdf=1, rx=[0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5], fits_f=0): rad = 1.0 names = name.split("-") dir3 = dir3 #+"/"+names[1]+"/"+names[2] dir_map = dir3 + "/" + names[1] + "/" + names[2] DIRS = dir3.split("/") DRT = "" for DR in DIRS: DRT = DRT + DR + "/" call = "mkdir -p " + DRT sycall(call) DIRS = dir_map.split("/") DRT = "" for DR in DIRS: DRT = DRT + DR + "/" call = "mkdir -p " + DRT sycall(call) speed_of_light = 299792.458 dir1 = dir1 + "/" + names[1] + "/" + names[2] # dir2=dir2+"/"+names[1]+"-"+names[2] file = dir1 + "/" + name + ".SFH.cube.fits.gz" file2 = dir1 + "/" + name + ".p_e.pdl_r.fits" #file2=dir2+"/"+name+".photo.r_Lc_rad.fits" #file3=dir1+"/"+'mask.'+name+'.V.fits.gz' file3 = dir1 + "/" + 'DMASK.' + name + '.fits.gz' [pdl_cube, hdr] = gdata(file, 0, header=True) [pdl_rad, hdr2] = gdata(file2, 0, header=True) [pdl_mask, hdr3] = gdata(file3, 0, header=True) pdl_mask = 1.0 - pdl_mask if np.sum(pdl_mask) == 0: pdl_mask[:, :] = 1.0 ind = [] inda = [] nr = len(rx) for ii in range(0, nr - 1): nt = np.where(pdl_rad < rx[ii + 1] * rad) nta = np.where(pdl_rad[nt] >= rx[ii] * rad) ind.extend([nt]) inda.extend([nta]) # n2=np.where(pdl_rad< r2*rad) # n2a=np.where(pdl_rad[n2]>= r1*rad) # n3=np.where(pdl_rad< r3*rad) # n3a=np.where(pdl_rad[n3]>= r2*rad) # n4=np.where(pdl_rad< r4*rad) # n4a=np.where(pdl_rad[n4]>= r3*rad) SN_file = "norm_SN_" + name + ".CS.fits.gz" if ptt.exists(dir1 + "/" + SN_file) == True: [pdl_SN, hdr000] = gdata(dir1 + "/" + SN_file, 0, header=True) Ha_file = "map.CS." + name + "_flux_6562.fits.gz" if ptt.exists(dir1 + "/" + Ha_file) == True: [pdl_ha, hdr001] = gdata(dir1 + "/" + Ha_file, 0, header=True) pdl_ha = pdl_ha * pdl_mask #[0,:,:]#-z_r*speed_of_light pdl_ha[np.isnan(pdl_ha)] = 0 Av_file = "map.CS." + name + "_Av_ssp.fits.gz" [pdl_Av, hdr002] = gdata(dir1 + "/" + Av_file, 0, header=True) Av_file_e = "map.CS." + name + "_e_Av_ssp.fits.gz" if ptt.exists(dir1 + "/" + Av_file_e) == True: [pdl_Av_e, hdr002e] = gdata(dir1 + "/" + Av_file_e, 0, header=True) pdl_Av_e[np.isnan(pdl_Av_e)] = 0 else: pdl_Av_e = np.zeros(Av_file.shape) nt = hdr['NAXIS3'] - 5 #5#4#n_met flux_file = "map.CS." + name + "_flux_ssp.fits.gz" [pdl_flux, hdr0] = gdata(dir1 + "/" + flux_file, 0, header=True) flux_file_e = "map.CS." + name + "_e_flux_ssp.fits.gz" if ptt.exists(dir1 + "/" + flux_file_e) == True: [pdl_flux_e, hdr0e] = gdata(dir1 + "/" + flux_file_e, 0, header=True) pdl_flux_e[np.isnan(pdl_flux_e)] = 0 else: pdl_flux_e = np.zeros(pdl_flux.shape) mass_file = "map.CS." + name + "_Mass_dust_cor_ssp.fits.gz" #dust_cor_ [pdl_mass, hdr00] = gdata(dir1 + "/" + mass_file, 0, header=True) pdl_mass[np.isnan(pdl_mass)] = 1 MassT2 = np.log10(np.sum(10.0**pdl_mass)) #print MassT2, name f = open(dir4 + "/BASE.gsd01", "r") #f=open(dir4+"/BASE.bc17_salp_Agelin_Metlin_330","r") yunk = f.readline() age_t = [] met_t = [] cor_t = [] for line in f: if not "#" in line: data = line.split(" ") data = filter(None, data) age_t.extend([float_(data[1])]) met_t.extend([float_(data[2])]) cor_t.extend([float_(data[4])]) n_t = len(age_t) age_t = np.array(age_t) met_t = np.array(met_t) cor_t = np.array(cor_t) age_t = np.around(age_t / 1e9, decimals=4) met_t = np.around(met_t, decimals=4) f.close() a_redshift = [] filet = "auto_ssp.CS." + name + ".rss.out" f = open(dir1 + "/" + filet, "r") for line in f: if not "#" in line: data = line.split(",") data = filter(None, data) #print data a_redshift.extend([float_(data[7])]) f.close() a_redshift = np.array(a_redshift) redshift = np.median(a_redshift) cosmo = {'omega_M_0': 0.27, 'omega_lambda_0': 0.73, 'h': 0.71} cosmo = cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) DL1 = cd.luminosity_distance(redshift, **cosmo) #print DL, redshift ratio = 3.08567758e24 modz = 5.0 * np.log10(DL1) + 25.0 DL = DL1 * ratio DA = DL1 / (1 + redshift)**2.0 * 1e6 * np.pi / 180. / 3600. L = 4.0 * np.pi * (DL**2.0) #/(1+$redshift); Factor = (L * 1e-16) / 3.826e33 filed = "coeffs_auto_ssp.CS." + name + ".rss.out" f2 = open(dir1 + "/" + filed, "r") n = 0 n_ini = 0 n_ssp = 156 #330 ML = np.zeros(n_ssp) a_age = [] a_met = [] n_age = 0 n_met = 0 AGE = np.zeros(n_ssp) MET = np.zeros(n_ssp) COR = np.zeros(n_ssp) for line in f2: if n_ini < n_ssp: if not "#" in line: data = line.split(" ") data = filter(None, data) n = int(data[0]) AGE[n] = float_(data[1]) MET[n] = float_(data[2]) ML[n] = float_(data[5]) diff_age = 1 for i in range(0, n): if AGE[n] == AGE[i]: diff_age = 0 if diff_age == 1: a_age.extend([AGE[n]]) n_age = n_age + 1 diff_met = 1 for i in range(0, n): if MET[n] == MET[i]: diff_met = 0 if diff_met == 1: a_met.extend([MET[n]]) n_met = n_met + 1 n_ini = n_ini + 1 for jt in range(0, n_t): if age_t[jt] == 0.02: age_t[jt] = 0.0199 if AGE[n] == age_t[jt]: if MET[n] == met_t[jt]: COR[n] = cor_t[jt] f2.close() n = n + 1 MassT = 0 LighT = 0 massN = np.zeros(nr) massN_e = np.zeros(nr) lightN = np.zeros(nr) lightN_e = np.zeros(nr) #mas1=0 #mas2=0 #mas3=0 #mas4=0 mass = np.zeros([n_age, nr]) mass_e = np.zeros([n_age, nr]) light = np.zeros([n_age, nr]) light_e = np.zeros([n_age, nr]) ages = np.zeros([n_age]) sfrt = np.zeros([n_age, nr]) sfdt = np.zeros([n_age]) [nz, nx, ny] = pdl_cube.shape temp_a = np.zeros([nx, ny]) mass_age = np.zeros([nx, ny]) pdl_cube[np.isnan(pdl_cube)] = 1 pdl_cube_e = np.zeros([n, nx, ny]) #print name for i in range(0, n): norm_file = dir1 + "/" + "map.CS." + name + "_eNORM_" + str( i) + "_ssp.fits.gz" if ptt.exists(norm_file) == True: pdl_cube_e[i, :, :] = gdata(norm_file) else: pdl_cube_e[i, :, :] = np.zeros([nx, ny]) pdl_cube_e[np.isnan(pdl_cube_e)] = 0 #print AGE #sys.exit() for i in range(nt - 1, n_ssp - 1, -1): label = hdr['FILE_' + str(i)] # print label,n_age,n_met,n_age-i+n_ssp-1,-i+n_ssp,i time = label.replace('_NORM_age.fits.gz', '') time = float_(time.replace('map.CS.' + name + '_', '')) ages[n_age - i + n_ssp - 1] = np.log10(time) + 9 #print np.log10(time)+9, 38-i+156 #temp=pdl_cube[i,:,:] #temp=temp*10.0**(ML[i-156])*pdl_flux*Factor #temp_a=temp+temp_a # MassT=MassT+np.sum(temp) # mas1=np.sum(temp[n1])+mas1 # mas2=np.sum(temp[n2][n2a])+mas2 # mas3=np.sum(temp[n3][n3a])+mas3 # mas4=np.sum(temp[n4][n4a])+mas4 # mass[38-i+156,0]=np.log10(mas1) # mass[38-i+156,1]=np.log10(mas2) # mass[38-i+156,2]=np.log10(mas3) # mass[38-i+156,3]=np.log10(mas4) f2 = open(dir3 + "/" + name + "_Ensemble.csv", "w") f2.write( "# LOG_AGE N_MASSR_1 N_MASSR_2 N_MASSR_3 N_MASSR_4 LOG_MASSR_1 LOG_MASSR_2 LOG_MASSR_3 LOG_MASSR_4 \n" ) fL2 = open(dir3 + "/" + name + "_Ensemble_L.csv", "w") fL2.write( "# LOG_AGE N_LIGHTR_1 N_LIGHTR_2 N_LIGHTR_3 N_LIGHTR_4 LOG_LIGHTR_1 LOG_LIGHTR_2 LOG_LIGHTR_3 LOG_LIGHTR_4 \n" ) mass_age_t = np.zeros([n_age, nx, ny]) mass_age_t_2 = np.zeros([n_age, nx, ny]) mass_age_t_e = np.zeros([n_age, nx, ny]) light_age_t = np.zeros([n_age, nx, ny]) light_age_t_2 = np.zeros([n_age, nx, ny]) light_age_t_e = np.zeros([n_age, nx, ny]) for i in range(0, n_age): age_now = a_age[i] pdl_age = np.zeros([nx, ny]) pdl_age_2 = np.zeros([nx, ny]) pdl_age_e = np.zeros([nx, ny]) pdl_ageL = np.zeros([nx, ny]) pdl_age_2L = np.zeros([nx, ny]) pdl_age_eL = np.zeros([nx, ny]) for j in range(0, n): if age_now == AGE[j]: #if AGE[j] <= 2: pdl_age = pdl_age + pdl_cube[j, :, :] * 10.0**( ML[j]) * pdl_flux * Factor * 10.0**( 0.4 * pdl_Av) * pdl_mask #*0.25/np.pi#/1.47 pdl_age_e = pdl_age_e + ( (pdl_cube_e[j, :, :] / pdl_cube[j, :, :])**2.0 + (pdl_flux_e / pdl_flux)**2.0 + (np.log(10.0) * 0.4 * pdl_Av_e)**2.0) * ( pdl_cube[j, :, :] * 10.0**(ML[j]) * pdl_flux * Factor * pdl_mask * 10.0**(0.4 * pdl_Av))**2.0 pdl_age_2 = pdl_age_2 + pdl_cube[j, :, :] * 10.0**( ML[j]) * pdl_flux * Factor * pdl_mask * 10.0**( 0.4 * pdl_Av) / COR[j] pdl_age_2L = pdl_age_2L + pdl_cube[ j, :, :] * pdl_flux * Factor * pdl_mask * 10.0**( 0.4 * pdl_Av) / COR[j] pdl_ageL = pdl_ageL + pdl_cube[ j, :, :] * pdl_flux * Factor * 10.0**(0.4 * pdl_Av) * pdl_mask pdl_age_eL = pdl_age_eL + ( (pdl_cube_e[j, :, :] / pdl_cube[j, :, :])**2.0 + (pdl_flux_e / pdl_flux)**2.0 + (np.log(10.0) * 0.4 * pdl_Av_e)**2.0 ) * (pdl_cube[j, :, :] * pdl_flux * Factor * pdl_mask * 10.0** (0.4 * pdl_Av))**2.0 #else: # pdl_age=pdl_age+pdl_cube[j,:,:]*10.0**(ML[j])*pdl_flux*Factor*pdl_mask*COR[j] pdl_age[np.where(np.isfinite(pdl_age) == False)] = 0 pdl_age_2[np.where(np.isfinite(pdl_age_2) == False)] = 0 pdl_age_e[np.where(np.isfinite(pdl_age_e) == False)] = 0 pdl_ageL[np.where(np.isfinite(pdl_ageL) == False)] = 0 pdl_age_2L[np.where(np.isfinite(pdl_age_2L) == False)] = 0 pdl_age_eL[np.where(np.isfinite(pdl_age_eL) == False)] = 0 #pdl_age_e[np.isnan(pdl_age_e)]=0 for k in range(0, n_age): if np.log10(age_now) + 9 == ages[k]: mass_age_t[k, :, :] = pdl_age mass_age_t_2[k, :, :] = pdl_age_2 mass_age_t_e[k, :, :] = pdl_age_e light_age_t[k, :, :] = pdl_ageL light_age_t_2[k, :, :] = pdl_age_2L light_age_t_e[k, :, :] = pdl_age_eL temp5 = np.sum(mass_age_t, axis=0) + 0.01 # temp6=np.log10(np.sum(mass_age_t,axis=0)+1.0)#QUITAR # wfits(dir3+"/"+name+"mass_tot.fits",temp6,hdr001)#QUITAR upvalue = math.ceil(np.log10(np.amax(temp5)) / .05) * .05 if np.isinf(upvalue): upvalue = 8 if upvalue - 1 <= 6.5: lovalue = math.ceil(np.log10(np.amin(temp5)) / .05) * .05 if upvalue - 2 > lovalue: lovalue = upvalue - 2 else: lovalue = 6.5 mass_temp_total = 0 light_temp_total = 0 for i in range(0, n_age): if i == 0: age_s = 10.0**((ages[i] + ages[i + 1]) / 2.0) age_i = 0.0 elif i == n_age - 1: age_i = 10.0**((ages[i] + ages[i - 1]) / 2.0) age_s = 2.0 * 10.0**(ages[i]) - age_i else: age_i = 10.0**((ages[i] + ages[i - 1]) / 2.0) age_s = 10.0**((ages[i] + ages[i + 1]) / 2.0) Dt_age = np.abs(age_s - age_i) sfdt[i] = Dt_age / 1e6 temp = mass_age_t[i, :, :] temp_2 = mass_age_t_2[i, :, :] temp_e = mass_age_t_e[i, :, :] tempL = light_age_t[i, :, :] temp_2L = light_age_t_2[i, :, :] temp_eL = light_age_t_e[i, :, :] #temp[np.where(np.isfinite(temp) == False)]=0 #temp_e[np.where(np.isfinite(temp_e) == False)]=1 #temp_2[np.where(np.isfinite(temp_2) == False)]=0 if i == 0: if fits_f == 1: [nx, ny] = temp.shape MASS_map_cube = np.zeros([n_age, nx, ny]) MGH_map_cube = np.zeros([n_age, nx, ny]) SFH_map_cube = np.zeros([n_age, nx, ny]) LIGHT_map_cube = np.zeros([n_age, nx, ny]) LGH_map_cube = np.zeros([n_age, nx, ny]) temp1 = temp temp1L = tempL else: temp1 = temp1 + temp temp1L = temp1L + tempL if fits_f == 1: MASS_map_cube[i, :, :] = temp MGH_map_cube[i, :, :] = temp1 SFH_map_cube[i, :, :] = temp_2 / Dt_age LIGHT_map_cube[i, :, :] = tempL LGH_map_cube[i, :, :] = temp1L #if pdf==1: #map_plot(temp1,ages[i],pdl_rad,dir=dir_map+"/",pdf=1,title=name,form='pdf',fname=name+'_smap_'+str(i),minval=lovalue,maxval=upvalue) MassT = MassT + np.sum(temp) LighT = LighT + np.sum(tempL) for ii in range(0, nr - 1): # print ind[ii],inda[ii],ii # print temp[ind[ii]] # print len(temp[ind[ii]]),np.amax(inda[ii]) Dt_mass = np.sum(temp[ind[ii]][inda[ii]]) Dt_mass_e = np.sum(temp_e[ind[ii]][inda[ii]]) Dt_mass_2 = np.sum(temp_2[ind[ii]][inda[ii]]) Dt_light = np.sum(tempL[ind[ii]][inda[ii]]) Dt_light_e = np.sum(temp_eL[ind[ii]][inda[ii]]) Dt_light_2 = np.sum(temp_2L[ind[ii]][inda[ii]]) massN[ii] = Dt_mass + massN[ii] massN_e[ii] = Dt_mass_e + massN_e[ii] lightN[ii] = Dt_light + lightN[ii] lightN_e[ii] = Dt_light_e + lightN_e[ii] #mas2=np.sum(temp[n2][n2a])+mas2 #mas3=np.sum(temp[n3][n3a])+mas3 #mas4=np.sum(temp[n4][n4a])+mas4 # print temp[ind[ii]][inda[ii]] mass[i, ii] = np.log10(massN[ii]) mass_e[i, ii] = massN_e[ii] light[i, ii] = np.log10(lightN[ii]) light_e[i, ii] = lightN_e[ii] sfrt[ i, ii] = Dt_mass_2 / Dt_age #/massN[ii]#/(np.pi*(rx[ii+1]**2.0-rx[ii]**2.0)*rad**2.0)#/(float_(len(temp[ind[ii]][inda[ii]]))*(0.5*DA)**2.0) #mass[i,1]=np.log10(mas2) #mass[i,2]=np.log10(mas3) #mass[i,3]=np.log10(mas4) mass_temp_total = np.log10(np.sum(10**mass[nt - n_ssp - 1, :])) light_temp_total = np.log10(np.sum(10**light[nt - n_ssp - 1, :])) MassT = np.log10(MassT) MassT = mass_temp_total LighT = np.log10(LighT) LighT = light_temp_total if fits_f == 1: #if ptt.exists() == True: h1 = pyf.PrimaryHDU(MASS_map_cube) #.header h2 = pyf.PrimaryHDU(SFH_map_cube) #.header h3 = pyf.PrimaryHDU(MGH_map_cube) h4 = pyf.PrimaryHDU(LIGHT_map_cube) h5 = pyf.PrimaryHDU(LGH_map_cube) h = h1.header h["NAXIS"] = 3 h["NAXIS3"] = n_age h["NAXIS1"] = nx h["NAXIS2"] = ny hlist = pyf.HDUList([h1]) hlist.update_extend() wfits_ext(dir_map + "/" + "MASS_maps_" + name + ".fits", hlist) #if ptt.exists() == True: h = h2.header h["NAXIS"] = 3 h["NAXIS3"] = n_age h["NAXIS1"] = nx h["NAXIS2"] = ny hlist = pyf.HDUList([h2]) hlist.update_extend() wfits_ext(dir_map + "/" + "SFH_maps_" + name + ".fits", hlist) #if ptt.exists() == True: h = h3.header h["NAXIS"] = 3 h["NAXIS3"] = n_age h["NAXIS1"] = nx h["NAXIS2"] = ny hlist = pyf.HDUList([h3]) hlist.update_extend() wfits_ext(dir_map + "/" + "MGH_maps_" + name + ".fits", hlist) h = h4.header h["NAXIS"] = 3 h["NAXIS3"] = n_age h["NAXIS1"] = nx h["NAXIS2"] = ny hlist = pyf.HDUList([h4]) hlist.update_extend() wfits_ext(dir_map + "/" + "LIGHT_maps_" + name + ".fits", hlist) h = h5.header h["NAXIS"] = 3 h["NAXIS3"] = n_age h["NAXIS1"] = nx h["NAXIS2"] = ny hlist = pyf.HDUList([h5]) hlist.update_extend() wfits_ext(dir_map + "/" + "LGH_maps_" + name + ".fits", hlist) #print MassT,name if ptt.exists(dir1 + "/" + SN_file) == True: SN = np.zeros(nr - 1) sn_l = '' for ii in range(0, nr - 1): SN[ii] = np.average(pdl_SN[ind[ii]][inda[ii]]) sn_l = sn_l + ' , ' + str(SN[ii]) if fi != 0: fi.write(name + sn_l + ' \n') if ptt.exists(dir1 + "/" + Ha_file) == True: Ha = np.zeros(nr - 1) ha_l = '' for ii in range(0, nr - 1): Ha[ii] = np.sum(pdl_ha[ind[ii]][inda[ii]] * 10.0** (0.4 * pdl_Av[ind[ii]][inda[ii]])) * (L * 1e-16) ha_l = ha_l + ' , ' + str(Ha[ii]) if fii != 0: fii.write(name + ha_l + ' \n') else: ha_l = '' for ii in range(0, nr - 1): ha_l = ha_l + ' , ' + str(-100) if fii != 0: fii.write(name + ha_l + ' \n') #print Ha,(L*1e-16) #sys.exit(0) mass_n = 10**(10**(mass - mass[nt - n_ssp - 1, :])) mass_n_e = np.sqrt( (10**(mass - mass[nt - n_ssp - 1, :]))**2.0 * ((mass_e / 10**(2.0 * mass)) + (mass_e[nt - n_ssp - 1, :] / 10**(2.0 * mass[nt - n_ssp - 1, :])))) light_n = 10**(10**(light - light[nt - n_ssp - 1, :])) light_n_e = np.sqrt( (10**(light - light[nt - n_ssp - 1, :]))**2.0 * ((light_e / 10**(2.0 * light)) + (light_e[nt - n_ssp - 1, :] / 10**(2.0 * light[nt - n_ssp - 1, :])))) #mass_n=10**(mass-mass[nt-156-1,:]) #mass_n=(mass-mass[nt-156-1,:]) for i in range(0, n_age): #print ages[i],a_age[i],"test_ages" line = '' line = line + str(ages[i]) for ii in range(0, nr - 1): line = line + ';' + str(mass_n[i, ii]) for ii in range(0, nr - 1): line = line + ';' + str(mass[i, ii]) for ii in range(0, nr - 1): line = line + ';' + str(sfrt[i, ii]) for ii in range(0, nr - 1): line = line + ';' + str(mass_n_e[i, ii]) line = line + ';' + str(sfdt[i]) line = line + ' \n' f2.write(line) lineL = '' lineL = lineL + str(ages[i]) for ii in range(0, nr - 1): lineL = lineL + ';' + str(light_n[i, ii]) for ii in range(0, nr - 1): lineL = lineL + ';' + str(light[i, ii]) for ii in range(0, nr - 1): lineL = lineL + ';' + str(sfrt[i, ii]) for ii in range(0, nr - 1): lineL = lineL + ';' + str(light_n_e[i, ii]) lineL = lineL + ';' + str(sfdt[i]) lineL = lineL + ' \n' fL2.write(lineL) #if not pdf == 0: #dev=dir3+"/"+name+"_Relative_Mass.pdf" ##if pdf == 1: # #matplotlib.use('Agg') #import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ##plt.axis([8, 10.5, 0, 10]) #plt.xlabel("$log_{10}(time/yr)$",fontsize=14) #plt.ylabel("$10^{M(t)/M_{0}}$",fontsize=14) #plt.title(name+' $\log M_{tot}='+('%7.2f' % MassT)+'$',fontsize=15) ##plt.semilogx('log') #for ii in range(0, nr-1): # plt.plot(ages,mass_n[:,ii],label='$'+('%6.1f' % rx[ii])+'R_e<R<'+('%6.1f' % rx[ii+1])+'R_e$') ##plt.plot(ages,mass_n[:,1],label='$'+('%6.1f' % r1)+'<R<'+('%6.1f' % r2)+'R_e$') ##plt.plot(ages,mass_n[:,2],label='$'+('%6.1f' % r2)+'<R<'+('%6.1f' % r3)+'R_e$') ##plt.plot(ages,mass_n[:,3],label='$'+('%6.1f' % r3)+'<R<'+('%6.1f' % r4)+'R_e$') #plt.legend(loc=3) #if pdf == 1: # plt.savefig(dev,dpi = 1000) #else: # #plt.close() if not pdf == 0: dev = dir3 + '/' + name + "_Relative_Mass2.pdf" #if pdf == 1: # matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 5.5)) ax.set_xlabel("$log_{10}(time/yr)$", fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel("$M(t)/M_{0}$", fontsize=14) #MassT=10.32 ax.set_title(name + ' $\log M_{tot}=' + ('%7.2f' % MassT) + '$', fontsize=15) ax.set_xlim(8.6, 10.1) #ax.set_ylim(0,12) ax.set_ylim(func_plot(np.log10(1.78), ftype=1), func_plot(np.log10(12), ftype=1)) for ii in range(0, nr - 1): plt.plot(ages, func_plot(np.log10(mass_n[:, ii]), ftype=1), label='$' + ('%6.1f' % rx[ii]) + 'R_e<R<' + ('%6.1f' % rx[ii + 1]) + 'R_e$') plt.legend(loc=3) plt.plot(np.arange(0, 20, .1), np.ones(200) * func_plot(0.95, ftype=1), '--', color='black') plt.plot(np.arange(0, 20, .1), np.ones(200) * func_plot(0.50, ftype=1), '--', color='green') fig.canvas.draw() labels = [item.get_text() for item in ax.get_yticklabels()] for i in range(0, len(labels)): labels[i] = labels[i].replace(u'\u2212', '-') for i in range(0, len(labels)): if labels[i] != u'': if float_(labels[i]) == 0: labels[i] = u'%3.2f' % 10**(0) else: labels[i] = u'%3.2f' % 10**(float_(labels[i])) ax.set_yticklabels(labels) if pdf == 1: fig.tight_layout() plt.savefig(dev) #,dpi = 1000) else: plt.close() f2.close() fL2.close() fo.write(name + " " + str(MassT) + " " + str(redshift) + " ")
def int_ensamble(name, dir1, dir3, dir4, fo, fi=0, pdf=1, fits_f=0, m_t=""): names = name.split("-") dir3 = dir3 #+"/"+names[1]+"/"+names[2] dir_map = dir3 + "/" + names[1] + "/" + names[2] + m_t DIRS = dir3.split("/") DRT = "" for DR in DIRS: DRT = DRT + DR + "/" call = "mkdir -p " + DRT sycall(call) DIRS = dir_map.split("/") DRT = "" for DR in DIRS: DRT = DRT + DR + "/" call = "mkdir -p " + DRT #sycall(call) call = "mkdir -p " + dir3 + '/Plots' sycall(call) speed_of_light = 299792.458 #dir1=dir1+"/"+names[1]+"/stadi/"+names[2]+m_t dir1 = dir1 + "/" + names[1] + "/" + names[2] + m_t dir2 = dir1 file1 = dir1 + "/coeffs_auto_ssp." + name + ".int.out" file2 = dir2 + "/auto_ssp." + name + ".int.out" pdl_cube = [] pdl_cube_e = [] ages = [] cont = 0 f1 = open(file1, "r") for line in f1: if not "#" in line: line = line.replace("\n", "") data = line.split(" ") data = filter(None, data) if (cont % 4) == 0: ages.extend([np.log10(float_(data[1])) + 9.0]) pdl_cube.extend([float_(data[3])]) pdl_cube_e.extend([float_(data[8])]) cont = cont + 1 f1.close() f2 = open(file2, "r") for line in f2: if not "#" in line: line = line.replace("\n", "") data = line.split(",") data = filter(None, data) pdl_flux = float_(data[13]) pdl_flux_e = float_(data[14]) pdl_Av = float_(data[5]) pdl_Av_e = float_(data[6]) redshift = float_(data[7]) f2.close() ages = np.array(ages) ages = sorted(ages, reverse=True) #np.sor #sys.exit() pdl_cube = np.array(pdl_cube) pdl_cube_e = np.array(pdl_cube_e) # f=open(dir4+"/BASE.gsd01","r") f = open(dir4 + "/BASE.bc17_salp_Agelin_Metlin_330", "r") yunk = f.readline() age_t = [] met_t = [] cor_t = [] for line in f: if not "#" in line: data = line.split(" ") data = filter(None, data) age_t.extend([float_(data[1])]) met_t.extend([float_(data[2])]) cor_t.extend([float_(data[4])]) n_t = len(age_t) age_t = np.array(age_t) met_t = np.array(met_t) cor_t = np.array(cor_t) age_t = np.around(age_t / 1e9, decimals=4) met_t = np.around(met_t, decimals=4) f.close() cosmo = {'omega_M_0': 0.27, 'omega_lambda_0': 0.73, 'h': 0.71} cosmo = cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) DL1 = cd.luminosity_distance(redshift, **cosmo) #print DL, redshift ratio = 3.08567758e24 modz = 5.0 * np.log10(DL1) + 25.0 DL = DL1 * ratio DA = DL1 / (1 + redshift)**2.0 * 1e6 * np.pi / 180. / 3600. L = 4.0 * np.pi * (DL**2.0) #/(1+$redshift); Factor = (L * 1e-16) / 3.826e33 filed = file1 f2 = open(filed, "r") n = 0 n_ini = 0 ML = np.zeros(156) a_age = [] a_met = [] n_age = 0 n_met = 0 AGE = np.zeros(156) MET = np.zeros(156) COR = np.zeros(156) for line in f2: if n_ini < 156: if not "#" in line: data = line.split(" ") data = filter(None, data) n = int(data[0]) AGE[n] = float_(data[1]) MET[n] = float_(data[2]) ML[n] = float_(data[5]) diff_age = 1 for i in range(0, n): if AGE[n] == AGE[i]: diff_age = 0 if diff_age == 1: a_age.extend([AGE[n]]) n_age = n_age + 1 diff_met = 1 for i in range(0, n): if MET[n] == MET[i]: diff_met = 0 if diff_met == 1: a_met.extend([MET[n]]) n_met = n_met + 1 n_ini = n_ini + 1 for jt in range(0, n_t): if age_t[jt] == 0.02: age_t[jt] = 0.0199 if AGE[n] == age_t[jt]: if MET[n] == met_t[jt]: COR[n] = cor_t[jt] f2.close() n = n + 1 MassT = 0 LighT = 0 massN = 0 massN_e = 0 lightN = 0 lightN_e = 0 #mas1=0 #mas2=0 #mas3=0 #mas4=0 mass = np.zeros([n_age]) mass_e = np.zeros([n_age]) light = np.zeros([n_age]) light_e = np.zeros([n_age]) #ages=np.zeros([n_age]) sfrt = np.zeros([n_age]) sfdt = np.zeros([n_age]) nz = len(pdl_cube) temp_a = 0 mass_age = 0 # pdl_cube[np.isnan(pdl_cube)]=1 #sys.exit() #for i in range(nt-1, 155, -1): # label=hdr['FILE_'+str(i)] # time=label.replace('_NORM_age.fits.gz','') # time=float_(time.replace('map.CS.'+name+'_','')) # ages[38-i+156]=np.log10(time)+9 #print np.log10(time)+9, 38-i+156 #temp=pdl_cube[i,:,:] #temp=temp*10.0**(ML[i-156])*pdl_flux*Factor #temp_a=temp+temp_a # MassT=MassT+np.sum(temp) # mas1=np.sum(temp[n1])+mas1 # mas2=np.sum(temp[n2][n2a])+mas2 # mas3=np.sum(temp[n3][n3a])+mas3 # mas4=np.sum(temp[n4][n4a])+mas4 # mass[38-i+156,0]=np.log10(mas1) # mass[38-i+156,1]=np.log10(mas2) # mass[38-i+156,2]=np.log10(mas3) # mass[38-i+156,3]=np.log10(mas4) f2 = open(dir3 + "/" + name + m_t + "_Ensemble_int.csv", "w") f2.write( "# LOG_AGE N_MASSR_1 N_MASSR_2 N_MASSR_3 N_MASSR_4 LOG_MASSR_1 LOG_MASSR_2 LOG_MASSR_3 LOG_MASSR_4 \n" ) fL2 = open(dir3 + "/" + name + m_t + "_Ensemble_int_L.csv", "w") fL2.write( "# LOG_AGE N_LIGHTR_1 N_LIGHTR_2 N_LIGHTR_3 N_LIGHTR_4 LOG_LIGHTR_1 LOG_LIGHTR_2 LOG_LIGHTR_3 LOG_LIGHTR_4 \n" ) mass_age_t = np.zeros([n_age]) mass_age_t_2 = np.zeros([n_age]) mass_age_t_e = np.zeros([n_age]) light_age_t = np.zeros([n_age]) light_age_t_2 = np.zeros([n_age]) light_age_t_e = np.zeros([n_age]) for i in range(0, n_age): age_now = a_age[i] pdl_age = 0 pdl_age_2 = 0 pdl_age_e = 0 pdl_ageL = 0 pdl_age_2L = 0 pdl_age_eL = 0 for j in range(0, n): if age_now == AGE[j]: #if AGE[j] <= 2: pdl_age = pdl_age + pdl_cube[j] * 10.0**( ML[j]) * pdl_flux * Factor * 10.0**(0.4 * pdl_Av ) #*0.25/np.pi#/1.47 pdl_age_e = pdl_age_e + ( (pdl_cube_e[j] / pdl_cube[j])**2.0 + (pdl_flux_e / pdl_flux)**2.0 + (np.log(10.0) * 0.4 * pdl_Av_e)**2.0 ) * (pdl_cube[j] * 10.0**(ML[j]) * pdl_flux * Factor * 10.0** (0.4 * pdl_Av))**2.0 pdl_age_2 = pdl_age_2 + pdl_cube[j] * 10.0**( ML[j]) * pdl_flux * Factor * 10.0**(0.4 * pdl_Av) / COR[j] pdl_age_2L = pdl_age_2L + pdl_cube[ j] * pdl_flux * Factor * 10.0**(0.4 * pdl_Av) / COR[j] pdl_ageL = pdl_ageL + pdl_cube[j] * pdl_flux * Factor * 10.0**( 0.4 * pdl_Av) pdl_age_eL = pdl_age_eL + ( (pdl_cube_e[j] / pdl_cube[j])**2.0 + (pdl_flux_e / pdl_flux)**2.0 + (np.log(10.0) * 0.4 * pdl_Av_e)**2.0) * ( pdl_cube[j] * pdl_flux * Factor * 10.0** (0.4 * pdl_Av))**2.0 #print age_now if np.isfinite(pdl_age) == False: pdl_age = 0 if np.isfinite(pdl_age_2) == False: pdl_age_2 = 0 if np.isfinite(pdl_age_e) == False: pdl_age_e = 0 if np.isfinite(pdl_ageL) == False: pdl_ageL = 0 if np.isfinite(pdl_age_2L) == False: pdl_age_2L = 0 if np.isfinite(pdl_age_eL) == False: pdl_age_eL = 0 # pdl_age_e[np.isnan(pdl_age_e)]=0 for k in range(0, n_age): if np.log10(age_now) + 9 == ages[k]: #print ages[k],np.log10(age_now)+9,age_now mass_age_t[k] = pdl_age mass_age_t_2[k] = pdl_age_2 mass_age_t_e[k] = pdl_age_e light_age_t[k] = pdl_ageL light_age_t_2[k] = pdl_age_2L light_age_t_e[k] = pdl_age_eL #print mass_age_t mass_temp_total = 0 light_temp_total = 0 #sys.exit() for i in range(0, n_age): if i == 0: age_s = 10.0**((ages[i] + ages[i + 1]) / 2.0) age_i = 0.0 elif i == n_age - 1: age_i = 10.0**((ages[i] + ages[i - 1]) / 2.0) age_s = 2.0 * 10.0**(ages[i]) - age_i else: age_i = 10.0**((ages[i] + ages[i - 1]) / 2.0) age_s = 10.0**((ages[i] + ages[i + 1]) / 2.0) Dt_age = np.abs(age_s - age_i) sfdt[i] = Dt_age / 1e6 temp = mass_age_t[i] temp_2 = mass_age_t_2[i] temp_e = mass_age_t_e[i] tempL = light_age_t[i] temp_2L = light_age_t_2[i] temp_eL = light_age_t_e[i] #temp[np.where(np.isfinite(temp) == False)]=0 #temp_e[np.where(np.isfinite(temp_e) == False)]=1 #temp_2[np.where(np.isfinite(temp_2) == False)]=0 if i == 0: if fits_f == 1: MASS_map_cube = np.zeros([n_age]) MGH_map_cube = np.zeros([n_age]) SFH_map_cube = np.zeros([n_age]) LIGHT_map_cube = np.zeros([n_age]) LGH_map_cube = np.zeros([n_age]) temp1 = temp temp1L = tempL else: temp1 = temp1 + temp temp1L = temp1L + tempL if fits_f == 1: MASS_map_cube[i] = temp MGH_map_cube[i] = temp1 SFH_map_cube[i] = temp_2 / Dt_age LIGHT_map_cube[i] = tempL LGH_map_cube[i] = temp1L #if pdf==1: #map_plot(temp1,ages[i],pdl_rad,dir=dir_map+"/",pdf=1,title=name,form='pdf',fname=name+'_smap_'+str(i),minval=lovalue,maxval=upvalue) MassT = MassT + np.sum(temp) LighT = LighT + np.sum(tempL) # print temp[ind[ii]] # print len(temp[ind[ii]]),np.amax(inda[ii]) Dt_mass = temp Dt_mass_e = temp_e Dt_mass_2 = temp_2 Dt_light = tempL Dt_light_e = temp_eL Dt_light_2 = temp_2L massN = Dt_mass + massN massN_e = Dt_mass_e + massN_e lightN = Dt_light + lightN lightN_e = Dt_light_e + lightN_e #mas2=np.sum(temp[n2][n2a])+mas2 #mas3=np.sum(temp[n3][n3a])+mas3 #mas4=np.sum(temp[n4][n4a])+mas4 # print temp[ind[ii]][inda[ii]] mass[i] = np.log10(massN) mass_e[i] = massN_e light[i] = np.log10(lightN) light_e[i] = lightN_e sfrt[ i] = Dt_mass_2 / Dt_age #/massN[ii]#/(np.pi*(rx[ii+1]**2.0-rx[ii]**2.0)*rad**2.0)#/(float_(len(temp[ind[ii]][inda[ii]]))*(0.5*DA)**2.0) #mass[i,1]=np.log10(mas2) #mass[i,2]=np.log10(mas3) #mass[i,3]=np.log10(mas4) # print mass[i],massN mass_temp_total = np.log10(np.sum(10**mass[n_age - 1])) light_temp_total = np.log10(np.sum(10**light[n_age - 1])) MassT = np.log10(MassT) MassT = mass_temp_total LighT = np.log10(LighT) LighT = light_temp_total if fits_f == 1: #if ptt.exists() == True: h1 = pyf.PrimaryHDU(MASS_map_cube) #.header h2 = pyf.PrimaryHDU(SFH_map_cube) #.header h3 = pyf.PrimaryHDU(MGH_map_cube) h4 = pyf.PrimaryHDU(LIGHT_map_cube) h5 = pyf.PrimaryHDU(LGH_map_cube) h = h1.header h["NAXIS"] = 2 h["NAXIS1"] = n_age h["NAXIS2"] = 1 hlist = pyf.HDUList([h1]) hlist.update_extend() wfits_ext(dir_map + "/" + "MASS_maps_" + name + ".fits", hlist) #if ptt.exists() == True: h = h2.header h["NAXIS"] = 2 h["NAXIS1"] = n_age h["NAXIS2"] = 1 hlist = pyf.HDUList([h2]) hlist.update_extend() wfits_ext(dir_map + "/" + "SFH_maps_" + name + ".fits", hlist) #if ptt.exists() == True: h = h3.header h["NAXIS"] = 2 h["NAXIS1"] = n_age h["NAXIS2"] = 1 hlist = pyf.HDUList([h3]) hlist.update_extend() wfits_ext(dir_map + "/" + "MGH_maps_" + name + ".fits", hlist) h = h4.header h["NAXIS"] = 2 h["NAXIS1"] = n_age h["NAXIS2"] = 1 hlist = pyf.HDUList([h4]) hlist.update_extend() wfits_ext(dir_map + "/" + "LIGHT_maps_" + name + ".fits", hlist) h = h5.header h["NAXIS"] = 2 h["NAXIS1"] = n_age h["NAXIS2"] = 1 hlist = pyf.HDUList([h5]) hlist.update_extend() wfits_ext(dir_map + "/" + "LGH_maps_" + name + ".fits", hlist) #print MassT,name #print Ha,(L*1e-16) #sys.exit(0) mass_n = 10**(10**(mass - mass[n_age - 1])) mass_n_e = np.sqrt((10**(mass - mass[n_age - 1]))**2.0 * ((mass_e / 10**(2.0 * mass)) + (mass_e[n_age - 1] / 10**(2.0 * mass[n_age - 1])))) light_n = 10**(10**(light - light[n_age - 1])) light_n_e = np.sqrt((10**(light - light[n_age - 1]))**2.0 * ((light_e / 10**(2.0 * light)) + (light_e[n_age - 1] / 10**(2.0 * light[n_age - 1])))) #print mass_n #mass_n=10**(mass-mass[nt-156-1,:]) #mass_n=(mass-mass[nt-156-1,:]) for i in range(0, n_age): #print ages[i],a_age[i],"test_ages" line = '' line = line + str(ages[i]) line = line + ';' + str(mass_n[i]) line = line + ';' + str(mass[i]) line = line + ';' + str(sfrt[i]) line = line + ';' + str(mass_n_e[i]) line = line + ';' + str(sfdt[i]) #print line line = line + ' \n' f2.write(line) lineL = '' lineL = lineL + str(ages[i]) lineL = lineL + ';' + str(light_n[i]) lineL = lineL + ';' + str(light[i]) lineL = lineL + ';' + str(sfrt[i]) lineL = lineL + ';' + str(light_n_e[i]) lineL = lineL + ';' + str(sfdt[i]) lineL = lineL + ' \n' fL2.write(lineL) # print mass_n.shape,ages.shape if not pdf == 0: dev = dir3 + '/Plots/' + name + m_t + "_int_Relative_Mass2.pdf" #if pdf == 1: # matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 5.5)) ax.set_xlabel("$log_{10}(time/yr)$", fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel("$M(t)/M_{0}$", fontsize=14) #MassT=10.32 ax.set_title(name + ' $\log M_{tot}=' + ('%7.2f' % MassT) + '$', fontsize=15) ax.set_xlim(8.6, 10.1) #ax.set_ylim(0,12) ax.set_ylim(func_plot(np.log10(1.78), ftype=1), func_plot(np.log10(12), ftype=1)) plt.plot( ages, func_plot(np.log10(mass_n), ftype=1) ) #,label='$'+('%6.1f' % rx[ii])+'R_e<R<'+('%6.1f' % rx[ii+1])+'R_e$' plt.legend(loc=3) plt.plot(np.arange(0, 20, .1), np.ones(200) * func_plot(0.95, ftype=1), '--', color='black') plt.plot(np.arange(0, 20, .1), np.ones(200) * func_plot(0.50, ftype=1), '--', color='green') fig.canvas.draw() labels = [item.get_text() for item in ax.get_yticklabels()] for i in range(0, len(labels)): labels[i] = labels[i].replace(u'\u2212', '-') for i in range(0, len(labels)): if labels[i] != u'': if float_(labels[i]) == 0: labels[i] = u'%3.2f' % 10**(0) else: labels[i] = u'%3.2f' % 10**(float_(labels[i])) ax.set_yticklabels(labels) if pdf == 1: fig.tight_layout() plt.savefig(dev) #,dpi = 1000) else: plt.close() f2.close() fL2.close() fo.write(name + " " + str(MassT) + " " + str(redshift) + " \n")
print("Comoving distance to z=6 is %.lf Mpc"%(d_co)) from cosmolopy import* d_a=cd.angular_diameter_distance(6,**fidcosmo) print("Angular-diameter distance to z=6 is %.lf Mpc"%(d_a)) d_light=cd.light_travel_distance(6,**fidcosmo) print"Light-travel distance to z=6 is %.lf Mpc"%(d_light)""" import cosmolopy.perturbation as cp import numpy as np import math log_k=np.arange(np.log10(2*math.pi/10000) ,np.log10(2*math.pi/40),0.05) #k Mpc^-1 print(log_k.shape) k=10**log_k print("k=",k) cosmology={'omega_M_0' : 0.308,'omega_b_0' : 0.022,'omega_n_0' : 0.0,'N_nu' : 3,'omega_lambda_0' : 0.692, 'h' : 0.72,'n' : 0.95,'sigma_8' : 0.8} spectrum=cp.power_spectrum(10**log_k,1.,**cosmology) print("spectrum" ,spectrum) import matplotlib.pyplot as mpl mpl.plot(log_k,spectrum,color="r",lw=2, alpha=0.8) mpl.ylabel('Power spectrum') mpl.xlabel('wave number log10_k (Mpc^-1)') cosmology=cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmology) print(cosmology['omega_k_0']) from ed_functions_memo2 import sigma_v_function from ed_functions_memo2 import sigma_v_nonlinear
def gal_stack_3D(self,bin_range,gal_num,run_num,code_num): '''This function is the program''' # last update: 1/24/13 # This program takes 3D galaxy data of 100 halo sample from Gerard Lemson from the MDB # and stacks the data by mass bin and uses the M_Phi technique. Note:(each bin is an ensemble cluster) import cosmolopy.distance as cd ## DEFINE CONSTANTS ## h = 0.72 # Hubble Constant / 100.0 r_limit = 2 # Radius Limit of data in terms of R_crit200 H0 = h*100.0 # Hubble constant q = 10.0 c = 300000.0 cosmo = {'omega_M_0':0.3, 'omega_lambda_0':0.7, 'h':H0/100.0} cosmo = cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) halo_num = 100 # Total number of halos gal_num = gal_num # Number of galaxies stacked per halo for en. clusters bin_range = bin_range # Number of halos per ensemble cluster run_num = run_num # Number of ensemble halos to run caustic mass est. over ## DEFINE FLAGS ## use_mems = False use_vdisp = True ## INITIALIZATION ## G = galaxies() C = caustic() U = universal() ### PROGRAM ### print '...loading halos' HaloID, R_crit200, M_crit200, HPX, HPY, HPZ, HVX, HVY, HVZ, HVD, SRAD, ESRAD, Z = U.load_halos(h) HaloID, R_crit200, M_crit200, HPX, HPY, HPZ, HVX, HVY, HVZ, HVD, SRAD, ESRAD, Z = U.sort_halos(HaloID, R_crit200, M_crit200, HPX, HPY, HPZ, HVX, HVY, HVZ, HVD, SRAD, ESRAD, Z) print '...loading galaxies' R, V, MAGS, GPX, GPY, GPZ = G.configure_galaxies(HaloID,h,HPX,HPY,HPZ,HVX,HVY,HVZ,Z,r_limit,R_crit200,HVD,halo_num) print '...binning data' # All variables beginning with 'ENC_' stand for ensemble cluster variable, similar to *bin variables ENC_R,ENC_V,ENC_MAG,ENC_M200,ENC_R200,ENC_HVD,ENC_SRAD,ENC_ESRAD,ENC_GPX,ENC_GPY,ENC_GPZ = G.bin_data_mag(HaloID,R,V,MAGS,SRAD,ESRAD,M_crit200,R_crit200,HVD,halo_num,bin_range,gal_num,GPX,GPY,GPZ) print '...running caustic' x_range,ENC_INF_NFWMASS,ENC_DIA_NFWMASS,ENC_INF_CAUMASS,ENC_DIA_CAUMASS,ENC_INF_MPROF,ENC_INF_NFW,ENC_INF_CAU,ENC_DIA_MPROF,ENC_DIA_NFW,ENC_DIA_CAU = G.kernel_caustic_masscalc(ENC_R,ENC_V,ENC_M200,ENC_R200,ENC_SRAD,ENC_ESRAD,ENC_HVD,halo_num,bin_range,gal_num,H0,q,r_limit,run_num,use_mems) print '' bias1 = mean( (ENC_M200[run_num[0]:run_num[1]]-ENC_INF_NFWMASS) / ENC_M200[run_num[0]:run_num[1]] ) bias2 = mean( abs(ENC_M200[run_num[0]:run_num[1]]-ENC_INF_NFWMASS) / ENC_M200[run_num[0]:run_num[1]] ) bias3 = mean( log(ENC_INF_NFWMASS/ENC_M200[run_num[0]:run_num[1]]) ) if code_num == 1: return bias1, bias2, -1*bias3 if code_num == 2: return x_range,ENC_INF_NFWMASS,ENC_DIA_NFWMASS,ENC_INF_CAUMASS,ENC_DIA_CAUMASS,ENC_INF_MPROF,ENC_INF_NFW,ENC_INF_CAU,ENC_DIA_MPROF,ENC_DIA_NFW,ENC_DIA_CAU,ENC_M200,ENC_R200,ENC_R,ENC_V,ENC_MAG
## DEFINE FLAGS ## use_mems = False use_vdisp = True use_gals = True # Use galaxies, or else particles ## DEFINE CONSTANTS ## h = 0.72 # Hubble Constant / 100.0 r_limit = 2 # Radius Limit of data in Mpc H0 = h*100.0 # Hubble constant q = 10.0 c = 300000.0 cosmo = {'omega_M_0':0.3, 'omega_lambda_0':0.7, 'h':H0/100.0} cosmo = cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) bin_range = 1 # Needed b/c technically it is working on ensemble code halo_num = 100 # Number of halos in sample run_num = [0,1] # Number of halos to run program over, particles if use_gals==True: gal_num = 10 # Number of galaxies per mass calculation else: gal_num = 10000 # Number of particles per mass calculation ## DEFINE FUNCTIONS ## def load_gals(h,gal_num,HaloID,HPX,HPY,HPZ,HVX,HVY,HVZ,Z,r_crit200): R = [] V = [] MAGS = []
def mono_lum(mag=18.0, magsys='AB', mono_wav=5100.0, z=1.0, ftrwav=np.ones(100), ftrtrans=np.ones(100)): plslp1 = 0.46 plslp2 = 0.03 plbrk = 2822.0 bbt = 1216.0 bbflxnrm = 0.24 elscal = 0.71 scahal = 0.86 galfra = 0.31 ebv = 0.0 imod = 18.0 with open('/home/lc585/Dropbox/IoA/QSOSED/Model/qsofit/input.yml', 'r') as f: parfile = yaml.load(f) fittingobj = qsrload(parfile) lin = fittingobj.get_lin() galspc = fittingobj.get_galspc() ext = fittingobj.get_ext() galcnt = fittingobj.get_galcnt() ignmin = fittingobj.get_ignmin() ignmax = fittingobj.get_ignmax() wavlen_rest = fittingobj.get_wavlen() ztran = fittingobj.get_ztran() lyatmp = fittingobj.get_lyatmp() lybtmp = fittingobj.get_lybtmp() lyctmp = fittingobj.get_lyctmp() whmin = fittingobj.get_whmin() whmax = fittingobj.get_whmax() cosmo = {'omega_M_0': 0.3, 'omega_lambda_0': 0.7, 'h': 0.7} cosmo = cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) flxcorr = np.array([1.0] * len(wavlen_rest)) params = Parameters() params.add('plslp1', value=plslp1) params.add('plslp2', value=plslp2) params.add('plbrk', value=plbrk) params.add('bbt', value=bbt) params.add('bbflxnrm', value=bbflxnrm) params.add('elscal', value=elscal) params.add('scahal', value=scahal) params.add('galfra', value=galfra) params.add('ebv', value=ebv) params.add('imod', value=imod) wavlen, flux = qsrmod(params, parfile, wavlen_rest, z, lin, galspc, ext, galcnt, ignmin, ignmax, ztran, lyatmp, lybtmp, lyctmp, whmin, whmax, cosmo, flxcorr) if magsys == 'AB': # Calculate AB zero point sum1 = np.sum(ftrtrans[:-1] * (0.10893 / (ftrwav[:-1]**2)) * ftrwav[:-1] * np.diff(ftrwav)) sum2 = np.sum(ftrtrans[:-1] * ftrwav[:-1] * np.diff(ftrwav)) zromag = -2.5 * np.log10(sum1 / sum2) if magsys == 'VEGA': # Calculate vega zero point fvega = '/data/vault/phewett/vista_work/vega_2007.lis' vspec = np.loadtxt(fvega) vf = interp1d(vspec[:, 0], vspec[:, 1]) sum1 = np.sum(ftrtrans[:-1] * vf(ftrwav[:-1]) * ftrwav[:-1] * np.diff(ftrwav)) sum2 = np.sum(ftrtrans[:-1] * ftrwav[:-1] * np.diff(ftrwav)) zromag = -2.5 * np.log10(sum1 / sum2) def resid(p, mag, flux, wavlen, zromag, ftrwav, ftrtrans): newflux = p['norm'].value * flux spc = interp1d(wavlen, newflux, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0) sum1 = np.sum(ftrtrans[:-1] * spc(ftrwav[:-1]) * ftrwav[:-1] * np.diff(ftrwav)) sum2 = np.sum(ftrtrans[:-1] * ftrwav[:-1] * np.diff(ftrwav)) ftrmag = (-2.5 * np.log10(sum1 / sum2)) - zromag return [mag - ftrmag] resid_p = partial(resid, mag=mag, flux=flux, wavlen=wavlen, zromag=zromag, ftrwav=ftrwav, ftrtrans=ftrtrans) p = Parameters() p.add('norm', value=1e-17) result = minimize(resid_p, p, method='leastsq') indmin = np.argmin(np.abs((wavlen / (1.0 + z)) - (mono_wav - 5.0))) indmax = np.argmin(np.abs((wavlen / (1.0 + z)) - (mono_wav + 5.0))) # Flux density in erg/cm2/s/A f5100 = p['norm'].value * np.median(flux[indmin:indmax]) f5100 = f5100 * (u.erg / / / u.s / u.AA) lumdist = cosmoWMAP.luminosity_distance(z).to( # Monochromatic luminosity at 5100A l5100 = f5100 * (1 + z) * 4 * math.pi * lumdist**2 l5100 = l5100 * 5100.0 * (u.AA) # print l5100 return l5100
def calc_pdf(density=1e-7, L_nu=1e50, sigma=1, gamma=2.19, logMu_range=[-10, 6], N_Mu_bins=200, z_limits=[0.04, 10.], nzbins=120, Lum_limits=[1e45, 1e54], nLbins=120, flux_to_mu=10763342917.859608): """ Parameter: - density in 1/Mpc^3 - L_nu in erg/yr - sigma in dex - gamma - flux_to_mu Integration Parameters - logMu_range = [-10,6] # expected range in log mu, - N_Mu_bins = 200 # number of bins for log nu histogram - z_limits = [0.04, 10.] # Redshift limits - nzbins = 120 # number of z bins - Lum_limits = [1e45,1e54] # Luminosity limits - nLbins = 120 # number of logLuminosity bins """ # Conversion Factors Mpc_to_cm = 3.086e+24 erg_to_GeV = 624.151 year2sec = 365 * 24 * 3600 cosmology = {'omega_M_0': 0.308, 'omega_lambda_0': 0.692, 'h': 0.678} cosmology = set_omega_k_0(cosmology) # Flat universe ### Define the Redshift and Luminosity Evolution redshift_evolution = lambda z: HopkinsBeacom2006StarFormationRate(z) LF = lambda z, logL: redshift_evolution(z)*np.log(10)*10**logL * \ lognorm.pdf(10**logL, np.log(10)*sigma, scale=L_nu*np.exp(-0.5*(np.log(10)*sigma)**2)) N_tot, int_norm = tot_num_src(redshift_evolution, cosmology, z_limits[-1], density) print "Total number of sources {:.0f} (All-Sky)".format(N_tot) # Setup Arrays logMu_array = np.linspace(logMu_range[0], logMu_range[1], N_Mu_bins) Flux_from_fixed_z = [] zs = np.linspace(z_limits[0], z_limits[1], nzbins) deltaz = (float(z_limits[1]) - float(z_limits[0])) / nzbins Ls = np.linspace(np.log10(Lum_limits[0]), np.log10(Lum_limits[1]), nLbins) deltaL = (np.log10(Lum_limits[1]) - np.log10(Lum_limits[0])) / nLbins # Integration t0 = time.time() Count_array = np.zeros(N_Mu_bins) muError = [] tot_bins = nLbins * nzbins print('Starting Integration...Going to evaluate {} bins'.format(tot_bins)) N_sum = 0 Flux_from_fixed_z.append([]) print "-" * 20 # Loop over redshift bins for z_count, z in enumerate(zs): # Conversion Factor for given z bz = calc_conversion_factor(z, gamma) dlz = luminosity_distance(z, **cosmology) tot_flux_from_z = 0. # Loop over Luminosity bins for l_count, lum in enumerate(Ls): run_id = z_count * nLbins + l_count if run_id % (tot_bins / 10) == 0.: print "{}%".format(100 * run_id / tot_bins) # Number of Sources in dN = calc_dN(LF, lum, z, deltaL, deltaz, N_tot, int_norm, cosmology) N_sum += dN #Flux to Source Strength logmu = np.log10(flux_to_mu * erg_to_GeV * 10**lum / year2sec / (4 * np.pi * (Mpc_to_cm * dlz)**2) * bz) # Add dN to Histogram if logmu < logMu_range[1] and logmu > logMu_range[0]: tot_flux_from_z += dN * 10**logmu idx = int((logmu - logMu_range[0]) * N_Mu_bins / (logMu_range[1] - logMu_range[0])) Count_array[idx] += dN else: muError.append(logmu) Flux_from_fixed_z.append(tot_flux_from_z) print "Number of Mu out of Range: {}".format(len(muError)) print "Num Sou {}".format(N_sum) t1 = time.time() print "-" * 20 print "\n Time needed for {}x{} bins: {}s".format(nzbins, nLbins, int(t1 - t0)) return logMu_array, Count_array, zs, Flux_from_fixed_z
def haloStellarMass(filename="vt-stellar-masses.txt", outfile="vt-halos-stellar-masses.txt", verbose=1): #ra,dec,z,zerr,id,central,hostid, gr,gre, gi,gie, kri,krie, kii,kiie, \ # i,distmod,rabs,iabs, mcMass, taMass, maiss, std = np.genfromtxt(filename, unpack=True) #id, gr_o, grostd, gi_o, giostd, kri, kristd, kii, kiistd, i, distmod, r_abs, i_abs, mcMass, taMass, mass, std, bestsp,COADD_OBJECTS_ID_1,hostid,ra,dec,MAG_AUTO_G,MAG_AUTO_R,MAG_AUTO_I,MAG_AUTO_Z,P_RADIAL,P_REDSHIFT,GR_P_COLOR,RI_P_COLOR,IZ_P_COLOR,GR_P_MEMBER,RI_P_MEMBER,IZ_P_MEMBER,DIST_TO_CENTER,GRP_ED,GRP_BLUE,GRP_BACKGROUND,RIP_RED,RIP_BLUE,RIP_BACKGROUND,IZP_RED,IZP_BLUE,IZP_BG,MAGERR_AUTO_G,MAGERR_AUTO_R, MAGERR_AUTO_I,MAGERR_AUTO_Z,z,R200,M200,N200,LAMBDA_CHISQ,GR_SEP_FLAG,RI_SEP_FLAG,IZ_SEP_FLAG = np.genfromtxt(filename, unpack=True) #For xmm? #id,mass,std,COADD_OBJECTS_ID_1,hostid,ZP,ZPE,MAG_AUTO_G,MAG_AUTO_R,MAG_AUTO_I,MAG_AUTO_Z,P_RADIAL,P_REDSHIFT,GR_P_COLOR,RI_P_COLOR,IZ_P_COLOR,GR_P_MEMBER,RI_P_MEMBER, IZ_P_MEMBER, AMAG_R,DIST_TO_CENTER,GRP_RED,GRP_BLUE,GRP_BG,RIP_RED,RIP_BLUE, RIP_BG,IZP_RED,IZP_BLUE,IZP_BG,RESTP_RED,RESTP_BLUE,RESTP_BG,REST_P_COLOR,REST_P_MEMBER,MAGERR_AUTO_G,MAGERR_AUTO_R,MAGERR_AUTO_I,MAGERR_AUTO_Z,z,R200,M200,N200,GR_SEP_FLAG,RI_SEP_FLAG,IZ_SEP_FLAG = np.genfromtxt(filename, unpack=True) #For Chandra id, hostid, gr_o, std, gi_o, std, kri, std, kii, std, i, distmod, r_abs, i_abs, mcMass, taMass, mass, std, z, sfr, sfrstd, age, agestd, bestsp, best_zmet, mean_zmet, GR_P_COLOR, RI_P_COLOR, IZ_P_COLOR, GR_P_MEMBER, RI_P_MEMBER, IZ_P_MEMBER, DIST_TO_CENTER, GRP_RED, GRP_BLUE, RIP_RED, RIP_BLUE, IZP_RED, IZP_BLUE, R200, M200 = np.genfromtxt( filename, unpack=True, delimiter=",") # FOR X-ray cat # id,gr_o, std,gi_o, std,kri,std,kii,std,i, distmod,r_abs, i_abs, mcMass,taMass,mass,std,sfr, sfrstd,age,agestd,bestsp,COADD_OBJECTS_ID,hostid,RA, DEC,ZP,ZPE, DERED_G_1,DERED_R_1,DERED_I_1,DERED_Z_1,P_RADIAL, P_REDSHIFT, GR_P_COLOR, RI_P_COLOR,IZ_P_COLOR, GR_P_MEMBER, RI_P_MEMBER, IZ_P_MEMBER, AMAG_R, DIST_TO_CENTER,GRP_RED,GRP_BLUE, GRP_BG, RIP_RED,RIP_BLUE, RIP_BG, IZP_RED,IZP_BLUE, IZP_BG, RESTP_RED, RESTP_BLUE,RESTP_BG,REST_P_COLOR, REST_P_MEMBER,OBJID, RA_1,DEC_1, ZPHOT, ZPHOTERR,DERED_U, DERED_G_2,DERED_R_2,DERED_I_2,DERED_Z_2,ERR_U,ERR_G, ERR_R, ERR_I, ERR_Z, ID,z,R200, M200,N200,LAMBDA,GR_SLOPE,GR_INTERCEPT,GRMU_R,GRMU_B, GRSIGMA_R, GRSIGMA_B, GRW_R,GRW_B, RI_SLOPE, RI_INTERCEPT,RIMU_R, RIMU_B, RISIGMA_R, RISIGMA_B, RIW_R, RIW_B, GRMU_BG, GRSIGMA_BG,GRW_BG, RIMU_BG, RISIGMA_BG,RIW_BG, IZ_SLOPE, IZ_INTERCEPT,IZMU_R, IZMU_B,IZSIGMA_R, IZSIGMA_B, IZW_R, IZW_B, IZMU_BG,IZSIGMA_BG,IZW_BG, GR_SEP_FLAG,RI_SEP_FLAG,IZ_SEP_FLAG,REST_SLOPE, REST_INTERCEPT,RESTMU_R, RESTMU_B, RESTMU_BG,RESTSIGMA_R,RESTSIGMA_B,RESTSIGMA_BG,RESTW_R, RESTW_B, RESTW_BG,REST_SEP_FLAG = np.genfromtxt(filename, unpack=True) #id,mass,std,COADD_OBJECTS_ID_1,hostid,ra,dec,ZP,ZPE,MAG_AUTO_G,MAG_AUTO_R,MAG_AUTO_I,MAG_AUTO_Z,P_RADIAL,P_REDSHIFT,GR_P_COLOR,RI_P_COLOR,IZ_P_COLOR,GR_P_MEMBER,RI_P_MEMBER,IZ_P_MEMBER,AMAG_R,DIST_TO_CENTER,GRP_RED,GRP_BLUE,GRP_BG,RIP_RED,RIP_BLUE,RIP_BG,IZP_RED,IZP_BLUE,IZP_BG,RESTP_RED,RESTP_BLUE,RESTP_BG,REST_P_COLOR,REST_P_MEMBER,MAGERR_AUTO_G,MAGERR_AUTO_R,MAGERR_AUTO_I,MAGERR_AUTO_Z,z,R200,M200,N200,GR_SEP_FLAG,RI_SEP_FLAG,IZ_SEP_FLAG,RESTW_R,RESTW_B,RESTW_BG,REST_SEP_FLAG = np.genfromtxt(filename, unpack=True) cosmo = {'omega_M_0': 0.23, 'omega_lambda_0': 0.77, 'h': 1.} cosmo = cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) rmax = 2.9 #maximum test radius in mpc. rmax will always be included as a test radius regardless of rmin,step rmin = 0.3 #minimum test radius in mpc. rmin always included as test radius step = 0.1 #step size, stepping from rmin to rmax, in mpc id = np.array(id).astype(int) #central = np.array(central).astype(int) hostid = np.array(hostid).astype(int) fd = open(outfile, "w") halos = np.unique(hostid) halos = np.sort(halos) if verbose: print "#halo,rad_cut, ngals, sum_mass, sum_mass_std,lambda_iz,mass_std_iz,lambda_gr_err_jk" #fd.write("# hostid z median(ra) median(dec) median(z) ngals log(stellar_mass) std lambda_gr std lambda_ri std lambda_iz std M200 izflag lambda_gr_red lambda_ri_red lambda_iz_red std lambda_gr_blue lambda_ri_blue lambda_iz_blue std (h=0.7, Om=0.3, flat)\n") fd.write( "# halo, ngals, sum_mass, sum_mass_std, lambda_gr,lambda_gr_err_jk, lambda_ri, lambda_ri_err_jk,lambda_iz,lambda_iz_err_jk, lambda_gr_red, lambda_ri_red, lambda_iz_red,lambda_iz_red_err_jk, lambda_gr_blue, lambda_ri_blue, lambda_iz_blue,lambda_iz_blue_err_jk\n" ) for halo in halos: ix_cl = np.nonzero(hostid == halo) z_cl = z[ix_cl][0] r200_cl = R200[ix_cl][0] #print DIST_TO_CENTER[ix_cl] #ang_diam_dist=cd.angular_diameter_distance(z_cl,z0=0,**cosmo) #distmpc = ang_diam_dist*DIST_TO_CENTER[ix_cl]*pi/180. distmpc = DIST_TO_CENTER[ix_cl] mass_cl = mass[ix_cl] GR_P_MEMBER_cl = GR_P_MEMBER[ix_cl] RI_P_MEMBER_cl = RI_P_MEMBER[ix_cl] IZ_P_MEMBER_cl = IZ_P_MEMBER[ix_cl] std_cl = std[ix_cl] GR_P_COLOR_cl = GR_P_COLOR[ix_cl] RI_P_COLOR_cl = RI_P_COLOR[ix_cl] IZ_P_COLOR_cl = IZ_P_COLOR[ix_cl] GRP_RED_cl = GRP_RED[ix_cl] RIP_RED_cl = RIP_RED[ix_cl] IZP_RED_cl = IZP_RED[ix_cl] GRP_BLUE_cl = GRP_BLUE[ix_cl] RIP_BLUE_cl = RIP_BLUE[ix_cl] IZP_BLUE_cl = IZP_BLUE[ix_cl] # P_RADIAL_cl = P_RADIAL[ix_cl] radii = np.r_[rmin:rmax:step, rmax] radii = np.append(radii, r200_cl) #radii = [0.2,r200_cl] for rad_cut in radii: ix = np.nonzero(distmpc <= rad_cut) #zmedian = np.median(z[ix]) #ramedian = np.median(ra[ix]) #decmedian = np.median(dec[ix]) ngals = id[ix].size if ngals > 0.: linear_mass = 10**mass_cl[ix] linear_mass_weight_gr = 10**mass_cl[ix] * GR_P_MEMBER_cl[ ix] #/P_RADIAL_cl[ix] linear_mass_weight_ri = 10**mass_cl[ix] * RI_P_MEMBER_cl[ ix] #/P_RADIAL_cl[ix] linear_mass_weight_iz = 10**mass_cl[ix] * IZ_P_MEMBER_cl[ ix] #/P_RADIAL_cl[ix] mass_errors = np.log(10.) * linear_mass * std_cl[ix] mass_std = np.sqrt((mass_errors**2).sum()) mass_err_gr = np.log( 10.) * linear_mass * std_cl[ix] * GR_P_MEMBER_cl[ix] mass_err_ri = np.log( 10.) * linear_mass * std_cl[ix] * RI_P_MEMBER_cl[ix] mass_err_iz = np.log( 10.) * linear_mass * std_cl[ix] * IZ_P_MEMBER_cl[ix] mass_std_gr = 10**(-10) * np.sqrt((mass_err_gr**2).sum()) mass_std_ri = 10**(-10) * np.sqrt((mass_err_ri**2).sum()) mass_std_iz = 10**(-10) * np.sqrt((mass_err_iz**2).sum()) linear_mass_weight_gr_red = 10**mass_cl[ix] * GR_P_MEMBER_cl[ ix] / GR_P_COLOR_cl[ix] * GRP_RED_cl[ix] linear_mass_weight_ri_red = 10**mass_cl[ix] * RI_P_MEMBER_cl[ ix] / RI_P_COLOR_cl[ix] * RIP_RED_cl[ix] linear_mass_weight_iz_red = 10**mass_cl[ix] * IZ_P_MEMBER_cl[ ix] / IZ_P_COLOR_cl[ix] * IZP_RED_cl[ix] #/P_RADIAL_cl[ix] linear_mass_weight_gr_blue = 10**mass_cl[ix] * GR_P_MEMBER_cl[ ix] / GR_P_COLOR_cl[ix] * GRP_BLUE_cl[ix] linear_mass_weight_ri_blue = 10**mass_cl[ix] * RI_P_MEMBER_cl[ ix] / RI_P_COLOR_cl[ix] * RIP_BLUE_cl[ix] linear_mass_weight_iz_blue = 10**mass_cl[ix] * IZ_P_MEMBER_cl[ ix] / IZ_P_COLOR_cl[ix] * IZP_BLUE_cl[ix] #jackknife for errors on lambda_star weightmass_gr = 10**mass_cl[ix] * GR_P_MEMBER_cl[ ix] #/P_RADIAL_cl[ix] lambda_gr_err_jk = (jackknife_var(weightmass_gr, lambda_star_jk))**0.5 weightmass_ri = 10**mass_cl[ix] * RI_P_MEMBER_cl[ ix] #/P_RADIAL_cl[ix] lambda_ri_err_jk = (jackknife_var(weightmass_ri, lambda_star_jk))**0.5 weightmass_iz = 10**mass_cl[ix] * IZ_P_MEMBER_cl[ ix] #/P_RADIAL_cl[ix] lambda_iz_err_jk = (jackknife_var(weightmass_iz, lambda_star_jk))**0.5 weightmass_iz_red = 10**mass_cl[ix] * IZ_P_MEMBER_cl[ ix] / IZ_P_COLOR_cl[ix] * IZP_RED_cl[ix] lambda_iz_red_err_jk = (jackknife_var(weightmass_iz_red, lambda_star_jk))**0.5 weightmass_iz_blue = 10**mass[ix] * IZ_P_MEMBER_cl[ ix] / IZ_P_COLOR_cl[ix] * IZP_BLUE_cl[ix] lambda_iz_blue_err_jk = (jackknife_var(weightmass_iz_blue, lambda_star_jk))**0.5 sum_mass = linear_mass.sum() lambda_gr = (linear_mass_weight_gr.sum()) / 10.**10. lambda_ri = (linear_mass_weight_ri.sum()) / 10.**10. lambda_iz = (linear_mass_weight_iz.sum()) / 10.**10. sum_mass_std = mass_std / sum_mass / np.log(10.) sum_mass = np.log10(sum_mass) lambda_gr_red = (linear_mass_weight_gr_red.sum()) / 10.**10. lambda_ri_red = (linear_mass_weight_ri_red.sum()) / 10.**10. lambda_iz_red = (linear_mass_weight_iz_red.sum()) / 10.**10. lambda_gr_blue = (linear_mass_weight_gr_blue.sum()) / 10.**10. lambda_ri_blue = (linear_mass_weight_ri_blue.sum()) / 10.**10. lambda_iz_blue = (linear_mass_weight_iz_blue.sum()) / 10.**10. #sum_mass_gr = np.log10(sum_mass_gr) #sum_mass_ri = np.log10(sum_mass_ri) #sum_mass_iz = np.log10(sum_mass_iz) #lambda_rm = LAMBDA_CHISQ[ix[0][0]] #TO UNCOMMENT!!!!!!! #M200_GMM = M200[ix[0][0]] #zout = z[ix[0][0]] #iz_flag = IZ_SEP_FLAG[ix[0][0]] if verbose: print "{:10d} {:6.3f} {:4d} {:6.3f} {:6.4f} {:6.3f} {:6.4f} {:6.4f}".format( halo, rad_cut, ngals, sum_mass, sum_mass_std, lambda_iz, mass_std_iz, lambda_gr_err_jk) fd.write( "{:10d} {:6.3f} {:4d} {:6.3f} {:6.4f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.4f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f}\n" .format(halo, rad_cut, ngals, sum_mass, sum_mass_std, lambda_gr, lambda_gr_err_jk, lambda_ri, lambda_ri_err_jk, lambda_iz, lambda_iz_err_jk, lambda_gr_red, lambda_ri_red, lambda_iz_red, lambda_iz_red_err_jk, lambda_gr_blue, lambda_ri_blue, lambda_iz_blue, lambda_iz_blue_err_jk)) #LATEST: #fd.write("{:10d} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:4d} {:6.3f} {:6.4f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.4f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:2.3f}\n".format(halo,zout, zmedian, ngals, sum_mass, sum_mass_std, lambda_gr,lambda_gr_err_jk, lambda_ri, lambda_ri_err_jk,lambda_iz,lambda_iz_err_jk,M200_GMM, lambda_gr_red, lambda_ri_red, lambda_iz_red,lambda_iz_red_err_jk, lambda_gr_blue, lambda_ri_blue, lambda_iz_blue,lambda_iz_blue_err_jk,iz_flag)) #fd.write("{:10d} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:4d} {:6.3f} {:6.4f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.4f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:10d}\n".format(halo,zout, zmedian, ngals, sum_mass, sum_mass_std, lambda_gr,mass_err_gr, lambda_ri, mass_err_ri,lambda_iz,mass_err_iz,M200_GMM, lambda_gr_red, lambda_ri_red, lambda_iz_red, lambda_gr_blue, lambda_ri_blue, lambda_iz_blue,iz_flag)) #fd.write("{:10d} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:4d} {:6.3f} {:6.4f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:3.0f} {:6.4f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f}\n".format(halo,zout, zmedian, ngals, sum_mass, sum_mass_std, lambda_gr, lambda_ri, lambda_iz,mass_err_iz,M200_GMM,iz_flag, lambda_gr_red, lambda_ri_red, lambda_iz_red, lambda_gr_blue, lambda_ri_blue, lambda_iz_blue)) fd.close()
from math import *
from scipy import asarray as ar, exp import numpy as np import sys from scipy.integrate import simps # import cosmolopy.distance as cd import cosmolopy.constants as cc cosmo = {'omega_M_0': 0.27, 'omega_lambda_0': 0.73, 'h': 0.72} cosmo = cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) c = 3.e18 # A/s chimax = 1. mag0 = 25.0 m0set = mag0 d = 10**(73.6 / 2.5) # From [ergs/s/cm2/A] to [ergs/s/cm2/Hz] Mpc_cm = 3.08568025e+24 # cm/Mpc def madau_igm_abs(xtmp, ytmp, zin): # # Returns; dust attenuated flux # # xtmp: RF wavelength # ytmp: flux in f_lambda # z_in: observed redshift # tau = np.zeros(len(xtmp), dtype='float32') xlya = 1216. xLL = 912. xLL = 1216.
zrec_cst = inhodist.x2z_inho_lightcone(lightcone_cst, h) theseed=None lightcone = ln.lightcone_1d(xmax, nnx, seed=theseed, pklib=pklib, omegam=(omegac+omegab)/h2, smoothing=None) clf() plot(lightcone.xx, lightcone.alldelta[0,:]) np.mean(lightcone.alldelta[0,:]) zrec = inhodist.x2z_inho_lightcone(lightcone, h) zvals = np.linspace(0,np.max(zrec_cst),1000) open = cd.set_omega_k_0({'omega_M_0' : (omegac+omegab)/h2, 'omega_lambda_0' : 0., 'h' : 0.7}) d_open = cd.comoving_distance_transverse(zvals, **open) lcdm = cd.set_omega_k_0({'omega_M_0' : (omegac+omegab)/h2, 'omega_lambda_0' : 0.7, 'h' : 0.7}) d_lcdm = cd.comoving_distance_transverse(zvals, **lcdm) empty = cd.set_omega_k_0({'omega_M_0' : 0, 'omega_lambda_0' : 0., 'h' : 0.7}) d_empty = cd.comoving_distance_transverse(zvals, **empty) clf() plot(zvals, d_open/d_lcdm, lw=2, label='Standard: Open $\Omega_m=0.3$') plot(zvals, d_lcdm/d_lcdm, lw=2, label='Standard: $\Lambda$CDM') plot(zvals, d_empty/d_lcdm, lw=2, label='Standard: Empty $\Omega_m=0.$') plot(zrec_cst, lightcone_cst.xx/np.interp(zrec_cst, zvals, d_lcdm), '--', lw=2, label='JC: Uniform Open $\Omega_m=0.3$') plot(zrec, lightcone.xx/np.interp(zrec, zvals, d_lcdm), lw=2, label='JC: Inhomogeneous Open $\Omega_m=0.3$') legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=10, frameon=False)
def halo_gal_3D(self,gal_num,run_num,code_num): '''This function is the program''' # 3d galaxy m_phi code for non-stacked halos. # last update: 1/29/13 ############ import cosmolopy.distance as cd ## DEFINE FLAGS ## use_mems = False use_vdisp = True ## DEFINE CONSTANTS ## h = 0.72 # Hubble Constant / 100.0 r_limit = 2 # Radius Limit of data in terms of R_crit200 H0 = h*100.0 # Hubble constant q = 10.0 c = 300000.0 cosmo = {'omega_M_0':0.3, 'omega_lambda_0':0.7, 'h':H0/100.0} cosmo = cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) halo_num = 100 # Number of halos in sample run_num = run_num # Number of halos to run program over, particles bin_range = 1 # Needed b/c technically it is working on ensemble code ## DEFINE FUNCTIONS ## def load_gals(h,gal_num,HaloID,HPX,HPY,HPZ,HVX,HVY,HVZ,Z,R_crit200): R = [] V = [] MAGS = [] GPX = [] GPY = [] GPZ = [] ID = loadtxt('/n/Christoq1/nkern/Documents/MDB_milliMil_halodata/Caustic/cmiller.csv',delimiter=',',dtype='str',usecols=(0,),unpack=True) for haloid,k in zip(list(HaloID),list(range(halo_num))): IDmatch = where(ID==str(haloid))[0][0] f ='/n/Christoq1/MILLENNIUM/particles/t_'+str(IDmatch)+'_cmiller_guo.fits') data = f[1].data z,gpx,gpy,gpz,gvx,gvy,gvz,mags = data.field(13),data.field(17),data.field(18),data.field(19),data.field(20),data.field(21),data.field(22),data.field(63) gpx,gpy,gpz = ( gpx/(1+Z[k])/h - HPX[k] ),( gpy/(1+Z[k])/h - HPY[k] ),( gpz/(1+Z[k])/h - HPZ[k] ) gvx,gvy,gvz = gvx-HVX[k],gvy-HVY[k],gvz-HVZ[k] r = sqrt( (gpx)**2 + (gpy)**2 + (gpz)**2 ) v = sqrt( (gvx)**2 + (gvy)**2 + (gvz)**2 ) sort = argsort(mags) # sorted by descending magnitude mags = array(mags[sort]) r = array(r[sort]) v = array(v[sort]) gpx,gpy,gpz,gvx,gvy,gvz = array(gpx[sort]),array(gpy[sort]),array(gpz[sort]),array(gvx[sort]),array(gvy[sort]),array(gvz[sort]) ## LIMIT DATA ## cut = where((r<=r_limit*R_crit200[k]) & (v<=5000.0) & (v!=0) )[0][0:gal_num] #skip BCG, no V r,v,mags = r[cut],v[cut],mags[cut] gpx,gpy,gpz,gvx,gvy,gvz = gpx[cut],gpy[cut],gpz[cut],gvx[cut],gvy[cut],gvz[cut] R.append(r) V.append(v) MAGS.append(mags) GPX.append(gpx) GPY.append(gpy) GPZ.append(gpz) R = array(R) V = array(V) MAGS = array(MAGS) GPX = array(GPX) GPY = array(GPY) GPZ = array(GPZ) return R,V,MAGS,GPX,GPY,GPZ ## INITIALIZATION ## U = universal() P = particles() G = galaxies() C = caustic() ### PROGRAM ### print '...loading halos' HaloID, R_crit200, M_crit200, HPX, HPY, HPZ, HVX, HVY, HVZ, HVD, SRAD, ESRAD, Z = U.load_halos(h) HaloID, R_crit200, M_crit200, HPX, HPY, HPZ, HVX, HVY, HVZ, HVD, SRAD, ESRAD, Z = U.sort_halos(HaloID, R_crit200, M_crit200, HPX, HPY, HPZ, HVX, HVY, HVZ, HVD, SRAD, ESRAD, Z) print '...loading gals' R, V, MAGS, GPX, GPY, GPZ = load_gals(h,gal_num,HaloID,HPX,HPY,HPZ,HVX,HVY,HVZ,Z,R_crit200) print '...caustic!' x_range,INF_NFWMASS,DIA_NFWMASS,INF_CAUMASS,DIA_CAUMASS,INF_MPROF,INF_NFW,INF_CAU,DIA_MPROF,DIA_NFW,DIA_CAU = G.kernel_caustic_masscalc(R,V,M_crit200,R_crit200,SRAD,ESRAD,HVD,halo_num,bin_range,gal_num,H0,q,r_limit,run_num,use_mems) return x_range,INF_NFWMASS,DIA_NFWMASS,INF_CAUMASS,DIA_CAUMASS,INF_MPROF,INF_NFW,INF_CAU,DIA_MPROF,DIA_NFW,DIA_CAU,R,V,MAGS,M_crit200,R_crit200
def ionization_from_luminosity(z, ratedensityfunc, xHe=1.0, rate_is_tfunc=False, ratedensityfunc_args=(), method='romberg', **cosmo): """Integrate the ionization history given an ionizing luminosity function, ignoring recombinations. Parameters ---------- ratedensityfunc: callable function giving comoving ionizing photon emission rate density, or ionizing emissivity (photons s^-1 Mpc^-3) as a function of redshift (or time). rate_is_tfunc: boolean Set to true if ratedensityfunc is a function of time rather than z. Notes ----- Ignores recombinations. The ionization rate is computed as ratedensity / nn, where nn = nH + xHe * nHe. So if xHe is 1.0, we are assuming that helium becomes singly ionized at proportionally the same rate as hydrogen. If xHe is 2.0, we are assuming helium becomes fully ionizing at proportionally the same rate as hydrogen. The returened x is therefore the ionized fraction of hydrogen, and the ionized fraction of helium is xHe * x. """ cosmo = cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) rhoc, rho0, nHe, nH = cden.baryon_densities(**cosmo) nn = (nH + xHe * nHe) if rate_is_tfunc: t = cd.age(z, **cosmo)[0] def dx_dt(t1): return numpy.nan_to_num( ratedensityfunc(t1, *ratedensityfunc_args) / nn) sorti = numpy.argsort(t) x = numpy.empty(t.shape) x[sorti] = cu.integrate_piecewise(dx_dt, t[sorti], method=method) return x else: dt_dz = lambda z1: cd.lookback_integrand(z1, **cosmo) def dx_dz(z1): z1 = numpy.abs(z1) return numpy.nan_to_num( dt_dz(z1) * ratedensityfunc(z1, *ratedensityfunc_args) / nn) sorti = numpy.argsort(-z) x = numpy.empty(z.shape) x[sorti] = cu.integrate_piecewise(dx_dz, -z[sorti], method=method) return x
def halo_part_3D(self,gal_num,run_num,code_num): # 3d particle m_phi code for non-stacked halos. # last update: 1/29/13 ############ import cosmolopy.distance as cd from numpy.random import randint ## DEFINE FLAGS ## use_mems = False use_vdisp = True ## DEFINE CONSTANTS ## h = 0.72 # Hubble Constant / 100.0 r_limit = 2 # Radius Limit of data in terms of R_crit200 H0 = h*100.0 # Hubble constant q = 10.0 c = 300000.0 cosmo = {'omega_M_0':0.3, 'omega_lambda_0':0.7, 'h':H0/100.0} cosmo = cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) halo_num = 100 # Number of halos in sample run_num = run_num # Number of halos to run program over, particles bin_range = 1 # Needed b/c technically working on ensemble code ## DEFINE FUNCTIONS ## def load_parts(h,gal_num,r_limit,HaloID,HVX,HVY,HVZ,Z,R_crit200,HVD): R = [] V = [] PPX = [] PPY = [] PPZ = [] for haloid,k in zip(list(HaloID[run_num[0]:run_num[1]]),list(arange(run_num[0],run_num[1]))): id = loadtxt('/n/Christoq1/MILLENNIUM/particles/cmiller.csv', dtype='str', delimiter=',', usecols=(0,), unpack=True) id = delete(id,0) index = where(id==str(haloid)) p ='/n/Christoq1/MILLENNIUM/particles/t'+str(index[0][0])+'_cmiller.dat.fits') data = p[1].data ppx = data.field(1)/h/(1+Z[k]) ppy = data.field(2)/h/(1+Z[k]) ppz = data.field(3)/h/(1+Z[k]) pvx = data.field(4)/sqrt(1+Z[k]) pvy = data.field(5)/sqrt(1+Z[k]) pvz = data.field(6)/sqrt(1+Z[k]) pvx,pvy,pvz = pvx-HVX[k],pvy-HVY[k],pvz-HVZ[k] r = sqrt( (ppx**2) + (ppy**2) + (ppz**2) ) v = sqrt( pvx**2 + pvy**2 + pvz**2 ) r = array(r) v = array(v) ## LIMIT AND SELECT DATA ## cut = where((r<=r_limit*R_crit200[k]) & (v<=5000.0)) r = r[cut] v = v[cut] ppx,ppy,ppz = ppx[cut],ppy[cut],ppz[cut] pick = randint(0,r.size,gal_num) ## RANDOM NUMBER PARTICLE SELECTION r,v,ppx,ppy,ppz = r[pick],v[pick],ppx[pick],ppy[pick],ppz[pick] R.append(r) V.append(v) PPX.append(ppx) PPY.append(ppy) PPZ.append(ppz) print 'done loading halo',k R = array(R) V = array(V) PPX = array(PPX) PPY = array(PPY) PPZ = array(PPZ) return R, V, PPX, PPY, PPZ ## INITIALIZATION ## U = universal() P = particles() G = galaxies() C = caustic() ### PROGRAM ### print '...loading halos' HaloID, R_crit200, M_crit200, HPX, HPY, HPZ, HVX, HVY, HVZ, HVD, SRAD, ESRAD, Z = U.load_halos(h) HaloID, R_crit200, M_crit200, HPX, HPY, HPZ, HVX, HVY, HVZ, HVD, SRAD, ESRAD, Z = U.sort_halos(HaloID, R_crit200, M_crit200, HPX, HPY, HPZ, HVX, HVY, HVZ, HVD, SRAD, ESRAD, Z) print '...loading particles' R, V, PPX, PPY, PPZ = load_parts(h,gal_num,r_limit,HaloID,HVX,HVY,HVZ,Z,R_crit200,HVD) print '...caustic!' x_range,INF_NFWMASS,DIA_NFWMASS,INF_CAUMASS,DIA_CAUMASS,INF_MPROF,INF_NFW,INF_CAU,DIA_MPROF,DIA_NFW,DIA_CAU = P.kernel_caustic_masscalc(R,V,M_crit200,R_crit200,SRAD,ESRAD,HVD,halo_num,bin_range,gal_num,H0,q,r_limit,run_num,use_mems) return x_range,INF_NFWMASS,DIA_NFWMASS,INF_CAUMASS,DIA_CAUMASS,INF_MPROF,INF_NFW,INF_CAU,DIA_MPROF,DIA_NFW,DIA_CAU,R,V,HaloID,R_crit200,M_crit200
def Dv(z): '''__________ Dv_________________________''' cosmo = {'omega_M_0' : 0.24, 'omega_lambda_0' : 1.0 - 0.24, 'h' : 0.73} cosmo = cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) Dv = cd.diff_comoving_volume(z, **cosmo) return Dv