예제 #1
    def get_all_indexes(
            self,  # type: QueryIndexManager
            bucket_name,  # type: str
            *options,  # type: GetAllQueryIndexOptions
            **kwargs  # type: Any
        # type: (...) -> List[QueryIndex]
        Fetches all indexes from the server.

        :param str bucket_name: the name of the bucket.
        :param GetAllQueryIndexOptions options: Options to use for getting all indexes.
        :param Any kwargs: Override corresponding value in options.
        :return: A list of QueryIndex objects.
        :raises: InvalidArgumentsException
        # N1QL
        # SELECT idx.* FROM system:indexes AS idx
        # WHERE keyspace_id = "bucket_name"
        # ORDER BY is_primary DESC, name ASC
        info = N1qlIndex()
        info.keyspace = bucket_name
        response = IxmgmtRequest(self._admin_bucket, 'list', info,
                                 **forward_args(kwargs, *options)).execute()
        return list(map(QueryIndex.from_n1qlindex, response))
    def n1ql_index_watch(self, indexes,
                         timeout=30, interval=0.2, watch_primary=False):
        Await completion of index building

        This method will wait up to `timeout` seconds for every index in
        `indexes` to have been built. It will poll the cluster every
        `interval` seconds.

        :param list indexes: A list of indexes to check. This is returned by
        :param float timeout: How long to wait for the indexes to become ready.
        :param float interval: How often to poll the cluster.
        :param bool watch_primary: Whether to also watch the primary index.
            This parameter should only be used when manually constructing a
            list of string indexes
        :raise: :exc:`~.TimeoutError` if the timeout was reached before all
            indexes were built
        :raise: :exc:`~.NotFoundError` if one of the indexes passed no longer
        kwargs = {
            'timeout_us': int(timeout * 1000000),
            'interval_us': int(interval * 1000000)
        ixlist = [N1qlIndex.from_any(x, self._cb.bucket) for x in indexes]
        if watch_primary:
                N1qlIndex.from_any(N1QL_PRIMARY_INDEX, self._cb.bucket))
        return IxmgmtRequest(self._cb, 'watch', ixlist, **kwargs).execute()
예제 #3
    def _n1ql_index_create(self,
        Create an index for use with N1QL.

        :param str ix: The name of the index to create
        :param bool defer: Whether the building of indexes should be
            deferred. If creating multiple indexes on an existing
            dataset, using the `defer` option in conjunction with
            :meth:`build_deferred_indexes` and :meth:`watch_indexes` may
            result in substantially reduced build times.
        :param bool ignore_exists: Do not throw an exception if the index
            already exists.
        :param Iterable[str] fields: A list of fields that should be supplied
            as keys for the index. For non-primary indexes, this must
            be specified and must contain at least one field name.
        :param bool primary: Whether this is a primary index. If creating
            a primary index, the name may be an empty string and `fields`
            must be empty.
        :param str condition: Specify a condition for indexing. Using
            a condition reduces an index size
        :raise: :exc:`~.KeyExistsError` if the index already exists

        .. seealso:: :meth:`n1ql_index_create_primary`
        fields = fields or []

        if kwargs:
            raise TypeError('Unknown keyword arguments', kwargs)

        info = self._mk_index_def(bucket_name, ix, primary)

        if primary and fields:
            raise TypeError('Cannot create primary index with explicit fields')
        elif not primary and not fields:
            raise ValueError('Fields required for non-primary index')

        if fields:
            info.fields = fields

        if primary and info.name is N1QL_PRIMARY_INDEX:
            del info.name

        if cond:
            if primary:
                raise ValueError('cannot specify condition for primary index')
            info.condition = cond

        options = {'ignore_exists': ignore_exists, 'defer': defer}

        # Now actually create the indexes
        return IxmgmtRequest(self._admin_bucket, 'create', info,
    def n1ql_index_build_deferred(self, other_buckets=False):
        Instruct the server to begin building any previously deferred index

        This method will gather a list of all pending indexes in the cluster
        (including those created using the `defer` option with
        :meth:`create_index`) and start building them in an efficient manner.

        :param bool other_buckets: Whether to also build indexes found in
            other buckets, if possible
        :return: list[couchbase_core._ixmgmt.Index] objects. This
            list contains the indexes which are being built and
            may be passed to :meth:`n1ql_index_watch` to poll
            their build statuses.

        You can use the :meth:`n1ql_index_watch`
        method to wait until all indexes have been built::

            mgr.n1ql_index_create('ix_fld1', fields=['field1'], defer=True)
            mgr.n1ql_index_create('ix_fld2', fields['field2'], defer=True)
            mgr.n1ql_index_create('ix_fld3', fields=['field3'], defer=True)

            indexes = mgr.n1ql_index_build_deferred()
            # [IndexInfo('field1'), IndexInfo('field2'), IndexInfo('field3')]
            mgr.n1ql_index_watch(indexes, timeout=30, interval=1)

        info = N1qlIndex()
        if not other_buckets:
            info.keyspace = self._cb.bucket
            return IxmgmtRequest(self._cb, 'build', info).execute()
예제 #5
 def _drop_index(self, bucket_name, index_name, *options, **kwargs):
     info = BucketManager._mk_index_def(bucket_name,
                                            'primary', False))
     final_args = {
         k.replace('ignore_if_not_exists', 'ignore_missing'): v
         for k, v in forward_args(kwargs, *options).items()
     IxmgmtRequest(self._admin_bucket, 'drop', info, **final_args).execute()
    def n1ql_index_list(self, other_buckets=False):
        List indexes in the cluster.

        :param bool other_buckets: Whether to also include indexes belonging
            to other buckets (i.e. buckets other than the current `Bucket`
        :return: list[couchbase_core._ixmgmt.Index] objects
        info = N1qlIndex()
        if not other_buckets:
            info.keyspace = self._cb.bucket
        return IxmgmtRequest(self._cb, 'list', info).execute()
    def n1ql_index_drop(self, ix, primary=False, **kwargs):
        Delete an index from the cluster.

        :param str ix: the name of the index
        :param bool primary: if this index is a primary index
        :param bool ignore_missing: Do not raise an exception if the index
            does not exist
        :raise: :exc:`~.NotFoundError` if the index does not exist and
            `ignore_missing` was not specified
        info = self._mk_index_def(ix, primary)
        return IxmgmtRequest(self._cb, 'drop', info, **kwargs).execute()
    def n1ql_index_drop(self, ix, primary=False, ignore_missing=False):
        Delete an index from the cluster.

        :param str ix: the name of the index
        :param bool primary: if this index is a primary index
        :param bool ignore_missing: Do not raise an exception if the index
            does not exist
        :raise: :exc:`~.QueryIndexNotFoundException` if the index does not exist and
            `ignore_missing` was not specified
        info = BucketManager._mk_index_def(self._bucketname, ix, primary)
        kwargs['ignore_missing'] = ignore_missing
        return IxmgmtRequest(self._cb, 'drop', info, **kwargs).execute()
예제 #9
    def get_all_indexes(
            self,  # type: QueryIndexManager
            bucket_name,  # type: str
            *options,  # type: GetAllQueryIndexOptions
        # type: (...)->List[QueryIndex]
        Fetches all indexes from the server.

        :param str bucket_name: the name of the bucket.
        :param Duration timeout: the time allowed for the operation to be terminated. This is controlled by the client.
        :return: A list of QueryIndex objects.

        :raises: InvalidArgumentsException
        # N1QL
        # SELECT idx.* FROM system:indexes AS idx
        # WHERE keyspace_id = "bucket_name"
        # ORDER BY is_primary DESC, name ASC
        info = N1qlIndex()
        info.keyspace = bucket_name
        response = IxmgmtRequest(self._admin_bucket, 'list', info).execute()
        return list(map(QueryIndex.from_n1qlindex, response))
 def _n1ql_index_build_deferred(bucketname, bucket, other_buckets=False):
     info = N1qlIndex()
     if not other_buckets:
         info.keyspace = bucketname
         return IxmgmtRequest(bucket, 'build', info).execute()