def GetLocalGig(): variables = {} variables = load_variables() response = couchdb_requests.couch_get_view(variables, "twitter/", "_design/LocalGig/", "_view/local-gig-view", "?reduce=true&group_level=1") statemap = {} for row in response["rows"]: statemap[row["key"][0]] = row["value"] statemap = state_sorter_twitter(statemap) statekeys = list(statemap.keys()) statevalues = list(statemap.values()) response = couchdb_requests.couch_get_view(variables, "twitter/", "_design/LocalGig/", "_view/local-gig-view", "?reduce=true&group_level=2") fig, ax = plt.subplots(), statevalues) ax.set_ylabel('Count') ax.set_title( 'Num of Gig economy was tweeted in states of Australia from 2010 to 2020' ) ax.set_xticklabels(statekeys) for a, b in zip(statekeys, statevalues): plt.text(a, b + 130, str(b), horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center') fig.savefig('img/stateGig.png') return "img/stateGig.png"
def get_business_popularity(): variables = {} variables = load_variables() # Extract popular keyword view response = couchdb_requests.couch_get_view(variables, "twitter/", "_design/keyword_count/", "_view/keyword_popular/", "?reduce=true&group_level=1") #store response in dictionary keyword_count_dict = {} for row in response["rows"]: keyword_count_dict[row["key"]] = row["value"] y_pos = list(keyword_count_dict.keys()) x_pos = list(keyword_count_dict.values()) #plot the graph plt.rcdefaults() fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10)) y_arrange = np.arange(len(y_pos)) ax.barh(y_arrange, x_pos, align='center', color="red") ax.set_yticks(y_arrange) ax.set_yticklabels(y_pos) ax.invert_yaxis() # labels read top-to-bottom ax.set_xlabel('Number of Tweets') ax.set_title('Popularity of Gig Economy Businesses') #save and return image path fig.savefig('img/keyword_pop.png') return "img/keyword_pop.png"
def GetUsefulKeywords(): variables = {} variables = load_variables() response = couchdb_requests.couch_get_view( variables, "twitter/", "_design/GigSentimental/", "_view/sentimentOnStateKeywordYear", "?reduce=true&group_level=3") usefulKeywords = [] keywordsList = [ 'airbnb', 'airly', 'airtasker', 'bettercaring', 'camplify', 'carnextdoor', 'classbento', 'deliveroo', 'designcrowd', 'doordash', 'ebay', 'etsy', 'fiverr', 'gocatch', 'gumtree', 'helpling', 'homeaway', 'lyft', 'menulog', 'olacab', 'parkhound', 'pawshake', 'ratesetter', 'redbubble', 'shebah', 'sidekicker', 'spacer', 'stayz', 'stellar', 'uber', 'upwork', 'urbansitter', 'zomato', 'zoom2u' ] locList = [ 'Melbourne', 'Adelaide', 'Brisbane', 'Canberra', 'Darwin', 'Hobart', 'Perth', 'Sydney', 'Victoria', 'South Australia', 'Queensland', 'New South Wales', 'Northern Territory', 'Tasmania', 'Western Australia' ] for i in response["rows"]: location = i["key"][0] word = i["key"][1] year = i["key"][2] # only want data for the particular keyword selected in 2017 if (word in keywordsList and year == "2017"): if location in locList: # check if the keyword already exists in the list or not if (word not in usefulKeywords): usefulKeywords.append(word) return usefulKeywords
def get_income_tweet(): variables = {} variables = load_variables() # Get the Aurin Income Data response = couchdb_requests.couch_get_view(variables, "aurin-mean-income/", "_design/city-income/", "_view/gccsavsincome-view/", "") #Parse the response city_income_dict = {} for row in response["rows"]: city_income_dict[row["key"]] = row["value"] #Get the twitter data for that location city_income_dict = state_sorter_aurin(city_income_dict) response = couchdb_requests.couch_get_view(variables, "twitter/", "_design/location-keyword/", "_view/locationvskeyword/", "?reduce=true&group_level=1") #Parse the response city_count_dict = {} for row in response["rows"]: city_count_dict[row["key"][0]] = row["value"] city_count_dict = state_sorter_twitter(city_count_dict) # create graph incomes = list(city_income_dict.values()) tweet_num = list(city_count_dict.values()) states = list(city_count_dict.keys()) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.scatter(incomes, tweet_num) ax.set_xlabel('Mean Income ($)') ax.set_ylabel('Number of Tweets') for i in range(len(incomes)): ax.annotate( ' ' + states[i], (incomes[i], tweet_num[i]), ) #save and return image fig.savefig('img/incomevstweets.png') return "img/incomevstweets.png"
def Getunemploy(): variables = {} variables = load_variables() response = couchdb_requests.couch_get_view(variables, "aurin-employment-gcc/", "_design/states_unemploy/", "_view/unemploy_rate", "?reduce=true&group_level=3") unemployrate = defaultdict(float) for i in response["rows"]: location = i["key"][0] total = i["key"][1] + i["key"][2] + i['value'] rate = i["value"] / total # calulate the unemployment rate # group value by state if location == "New South Wales": unemployrate["NSW"] += round(rate, 4) elif location == "Queensland": unemployrate["QLD"] += round(rate, 4) elif location == "South Australia": unemployrate["SA"] += round(rate, 4) elif location == "Victoria": unemployrate["VIC"] += round(rate, 4) elif location == "Western Australia": unemployrate["WA"] += round(rate, 4) # start plot statekeys = list(unemployrate.keys()) statevalues = list(unemployrate.values()) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.barh(statekeys, statevalues, height=0.5) ax.set_xlabel('Unemployment Rate', fontsize=12) ax.set_ylabel('States in Australia', fontsize=12) ax.set_title('Unemployment Rate in 2018', fontsize=16) ax.set_yticklabels(statekeys) for a, b in zip(statevalues, statekeys): plt.text(a - 0.003, b, '{:.2%}'.format(a), horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center') fig.savefig('img/unemployment_rate.png') return 'img/unemployment_rate.png', unemployrate
def get_business_pop_location(): variables = {} variables = load_variables() # Extract popular keyword view response = couchdb_requests.couch_get_view(variables, "twitter/", "_design/location-keyword/", "_view/locationvskeyword/", "?reduce=true&group_level=2") # Parse the response and store popularity according to each state states = ['VIC', 'NSW', 'WA', 'SA', 'NT', 'ACT', 'QLD', 'TAS'] keyword_loc_dict = {} for key in states: keyword_loc_dict[key] = {} for row in response["rows"]: if (row["key"][0] == 'OT'): pass else: keyword_loc_dict[row["key"][0]].update( {row["key"][1]: row["value"]}) images = [] #create graph for each state for state in states: y_pos = list(keyword_loc_dict[state].keys()) x_pos = list(keyword_loc_dict[state].values()) plt.rcdefaults() fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10)) y_arrange = np.arange(len(y_pos)) ax.barh(y_arrange, x_pos, align='center') ax.set_yticks(y_arrange) ax.set_yticklabels(y_pos) ax.invert_yaxis() # labels read top-to-bottom ax.set_xlabel('Number of Tweets') ax.set_title('Popularity of Gig Economy Businesses in ' + state) #save figure for state fig.savefig('img/keyword_loc_' + state + '.png') images.append('img/keyword_loc_' + state + '.png') return images
def get_unemployment_tweet(): variables = {} variables = load_variables() #get unemployment data from view response = couchdb_requests.couch_get_view(variables, "aurin-employment-sa2/", "_design/unemployment_doc/", "_view/sa2_decdata/", "?reduce=true&group_level=1") #parse the response unemployment_count = {} for row in response["rows"]: unemployment_count[row["key"]] = row["value"] unemployment_count['QLD'] = [ 4348, 4386, 4950, 4528, 5129, 5872, 5941, 5664 ] total = [] #get tweets based on year response = couchdb_requests.couch_get_view(variables, "twitter/", "_design/location-keyword/", "_view/year_keyword/", "?reduce=true&group_level=1") #parse response for graphing year_count = {} for row in response["rows"]: year_count[row["key"][0]] = row["value"] #get tweets based on location response = couchdb_requests.couch_get_view(variables, "twitter/", "_design/location-keyword/", "_view/year_location/", "?reduce=true&group_level=2") year_location_count = {} for key in unemployment_count.keys(): year_location_count[key] = {} for row in response["rows"]: year_location_count[row["key"][1]].update( {row["key"][0]: row["value"]}) #create graph one: unemployment vs year per state x_axis = ['2010', '2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017'] plt_1 = plt.figure(1, figsize=(10, 10)) for state in unemployment_count.keys(): plt.plot(x_axis, unemployment_count[state], label=state) plt.xlabel('year', fontsize=14) plt.ylabel('no. of people unemployed', fontsize=14) plt.title('Unemployment vs Year (State)', fontsize=20) plt_1.legend(loc=7) plt_1.savefig('img/unemp_vs_year_state.png') #create graph two: unemployment vs year overall total = np.zeros(len(unemployment_count['VIC'])) for value in unemployment_count.values(): for i in range(len(value)): total[i] += value[i] plt_2 = plt.figure(2, figsize=(8, 8)) plt.plot(x_axis, total) plt.xlabel('year', fontsize=14) plt.ylabel('no. of people unemployed', fontsize=14) plt.title('Unemployment vs Year', fontsize=20) plt_2.savefig('img/unemp_vs_year.png') #create graph two: unemployment vs year overall x_axis_4 = list(year_count.keys()) y_axis_4 = [] for year in x_axis: y_axis_4.append(year_count[year]) plt_3 = plt.figure(3, figsize=(8, 8)) plt.plot(x_axis, y_axis_4, color="red") plt.xlabel('year', fontsize=16) plt.ylabel('no. of gig economy tweets', fontsize=16) plt.title('Gig Economy Tweets vs year', fontsize=20) plt_3.savefig('img/tweets_vs_year_state.png') #save and return images images = [ 'img/unemp_vs_year_state.png', 'img/unemp_vs_year.png', 'img/tweets_vs_year_state.png' ] return images
def GetKeywordSentiment(keyword): variables = {} variables = load_variables() response = couchdb_requests.couch_get_view( variables, "twitter/", "_design/GigSentimental/", "_view/sentimentOnStateKeywordYear", "?reduce=true&group_level=3") statemap = initialiseStateMap() freq = defaultdict(int) for i in response["rows"]: location = i["key"][0] word = i["key"][1] year = i["key"][2] # only want data for the particular keyword selected in 2017 # data processing if (word == keyword and year == "2017"): value = i["value"] if location == "Melbourne": statemap["VIC"] += value freq["VIC"] += 1 elif location == "Adelaide": statemap["SA"] += value freq["SA"] += 1 elif location == "Brisbane": statemap["QLD"] += value freq["QLD"] += 1 elif location == "Canberra": statemap["NSW"] += value freq["NSW"] += 1 elif location == "Darwin": statemap["NT"] += value freq["NT"] += 1 elif location == "Hobart": statemap["TAS"] += value freq["TAS"] += 1 elif location == "Perth": statemap["WA"] += value freq["WA"] += 1 elif location == "Sydney": statemap["NSW"] += value freq["NSW"] += 1 elif location == "Victoria": statemap["VIC"] += value freq["VIC"] += 1 elif location == "South Australia": statemap["SA"] += value freq["SA"] += 1 elif location == "Queensland": statemap["QLD"] += value freq["QLD"] += 1 elif location == "New South Wales": statemap["NSW"] += value freq["NSW"] += 1 elif location == "Northern Territory": statemap["NT"] += value freq["NT"] += 1 elif location == "Tasmania": statemap["TAS"] += value freq["TAS"] += 1 elif location == "Western Australia": statemap["WA"] += value freq["WA"] += 1 else: statemap[location] += value freq[location] += 1 # get the avg (rounding to 2 decimal places) for state, value in statemap.items(): if (freq[state] != 0): value = (value / freq[state] * 100) statemap[state] = round(value, 2) # store the state with the lowest sentiment value and the sentiment value (lowestSentValue, lowestSentState) = min( (value, key) for key, value in statemap.items() if value != 0) isHypothesisTrue = False # assume negative sentiment initially isTasNegative = True isSANegative = True # hypothesis true if (statemap["TAS"] < 0 and statemap["SA"] < 0): isHypothesisTrue = True # check if tasmania has positive sentiment if (statemap["TAS"] > 0): isTasNegative = False # check if south australia has positive sentiment if (statemap["SA"] > 0): isSANegative = False statekeys = list(statemap.keys()) statevalues = list(statemap.values()) # bar chart plotting fig, ax = plt.subplots() # draw a line on y=0 plt.axhline(y=0, linestyle='-', color='black'), statevalues, color='green') ax.set_ylabel('Sentiment (%)') ax.set_title('Sentiment Value on Gig Economy Based \n on \"' + keyword + '\" keyword ' + 'for States of Australia', loc='center') ax.set_xticklabels(statekeys) for a, b in zip(statekeys, statevalues): if (b == 0): plt.text(a, b, "", horizontalalignment='center') elif (b < 0): plt.text(a, b - 1.7, str(b), horizontalalignment='center') else: plt.text(a, b + 0.4, str(b), horizontalalignment='center') fig.savefig('img/keywordSentiment.png') return ("img/keywordSentiment.png", isHypothesisTrue, isTasNegative, isSANegative, lowestSentState, lowestSentValue)
def GetElderlyPopPercentage(): variables = {} variables = load_variables() response = couchdb_requests.couch_get_view(variables, "aurin-population/", "_design/population/", "_view/population/", "") statemap = defaultdict(int) freq = defaultdict(int) # going through the twitter data from couchdb # do data processing print(response) for i in response["rows"]: location = i["key"] value = i["value"]["elderly_pop_pr100"] if location == "Greater Melbourne": statemap["VIC"] += value freq["VIC"] += 1 elif location == "Greater Adelaide": statemap["SA"] += value freq["SA"] += 1 elif location == "Greater Brisbane": statemap["QLD"] += value freq["QLD"] += 1 elif location == "Greater Darwin": statemap["NT"] += value freq["NT"] += 1 elif location == "Greater Hobart": statemap["TAS"] += value freq["TAS"] += 1 elif location == "Greater Perth": statemap["WA"] += value freq["WA"] += 1 elif location == "Greater Sydney": statemap["NSW"] += value freq["NSW"] += 1 elif location == "Rest of Vic.": statemap["VIC"] += value freq["VIC"] += 1 elif location == "Rest of SA": statemap["SA"] += value freq["SA"] += 1 elif location == "Rest of Qld": statemap["QLD"] += value freq["QLD"] += 1 elif location == "Rest of NSW": statemap["NSW"] += value freq["NSW"] += 1 elif location == "Rest of NT": statemap["NT"] += value freq["NT"] += 1 elif location == "Rest of Tas.": statemap["TAS"] += value freq["TAS"] += 1 elif location == "Rest of WA": statemap["WA"] += value freq["WA"] += 1 else: statemap[location] += value freq[location] += 1 # get the avg (after rounding to 2 decimal places) for state, value in statemap.items(): statemap[state] = round(value / freq[state], 1) statekeys = list(statemap.keys()) statevalues = list(statemap.values()) # bar chart plotting fig, ax = plt.subplots(), statevalues, color='blue') ax.set_ylabel('Population (%)') ax.set_title('Elderly Population for States of Australia in 2017') ax.set_xticklabels(statekeys) for a, b in zip(statekeys, statevalues): plt.text(a, b + 0.5, str(b), horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center') fig.savefig('img/elderlyAgePop.png') return "img/elderlyAgePop.png"
def GetsentimentD(): variables = {} variables = load_variables() response = couchdb_requests.couch_get_view(variables, "twitter/", "_design/regionVSsentiment/", "_view/senti_date", "?reduce=true&group_level=2") count = defaultdict(int) statemap = defaultdict(int) for i in response["rows"]: location = i["key"][0] date = i["key"][1] year = date.split(' ')[-1] # find the data that in 2018 if year == '2018': value = i["value"]['sum'] if location == "Melbourne": count['VIC'] += 1 statemap["VIC"] += value elif location == "Adelaide": count['SA'] += 1 statemap["SA"] += value elif location == "Brisbane": count['QLD'] += 1 statemap["QLD"] += value elif location == "Canberra": count['NSW'] += 1 statemap["NSW"] += value elif location == "Darwin": count['NT'] += 1 statemap["NT"] += value elif location == "Hobart": count['TAS'] += 1 statemap["TAS"] += value elif location == "Perth": count['WA'] += 1 statemap["WA"] += value elif location == "Sydney": count['NSW'] += 1 statemap["NSW"] += value elif location == "Victoria": count['VIC'] += 1 statemap["VIC"] += value elif location == "South Australia": count['SA'] += 1 statemap["SA"] += value elif location == "Queensland": count['QLD'] += 1 statemap["QLD"] += value elif location == "New South Wales": statemap["NSW"] += value elif location == "Northern Territory": count['NT'] += 1 statemap["NT"] += value elif location == "Tasmania": count['TAS'] += 1 statemap["TAS"] += value elif location == "Western Australia": count['WA'] += 1 statemap["WA"] += value else: count[location] += 1 statemap[location] += value # print(count) for key in statemap.keys(): statemap[key] = statemap[key] / count[key] statekeys = list(statemap.keys()) statevalues = list(statemap.values()) # start plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(), statevalues, width=0.5) ax.set_ylabel('Sentiment Rate', fontsize=12) ax.set_xlabel('States in Australia', fontsize=12) ax.set_title('Sentiment to Gig Economy in 2018', fontsize=16) ax.set_xticklabels(statekeys) for a, b in zip(statekeys, statevalues): plt.text(a, b + 0.0025, round(b, 3), horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center') fig.savefig('img/sentiment2018.png') return 'img/sentiment2018.png', statemap
def Getsentiment(): variables = {} variables = load_variables() response = couchdb_requests.couch_get_view(variables, "twitter/", "_design/regionVSsentiment/", "_view/senti", "?reduce=true&group_level=1") statemap = defaultdict(int) for i in response["rows"]: location = i["key"][0] # calulate the sentiment value for each region. value = i["value"]['sum'] / i["value"]['count'] # group value by state if location == "Melbourne": statemap["VIC"] += value elif location == "Adelaide": statemap["SA"] += value elif location == "Brisbane": statemap["QLD"] += value elif location == "Canberra": statemap["NSW"] += value elif location == "Darwin": statemap["NT"] += value elif location == "Hobart": statemap["TAS"] += value elif location == "Perth": statemap["WA"] += value elif location == "Sydney": statemap["NSW"] += value elif location == "Victoria": statemap["VIC"] += value elif location == "South Australia": statemap["SA"] += value elif location == "Queensland": statemap["QLD"] += value elif location == "New South Wales": statemap["NSW"] += value elif location == "Northern Territory": statemap["NT"] += value elif location == "Tasmania": statemap["TAS"] += value elif location == "Western Australia": statemap["WA"] += value else: statemap[location] += value statekeys = list(statemap.keys()) statevalues = list(statemap.values()) fig, ax = plt.subplots(), statevalues, width=0.5) ax.set_ylabel('Sentiment Rate') ax.set_title('Sentiment About Gig Economy') ax.set_xticklabels(statekeys) for a, b in zip(statekeys, statevalues): plt.text(a, b + 0.01, round(b, 3), horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center') fig.savefig('img/sentiment.png') return 'img/sentiment.png'