def filter_valid_attacks(attacks): valid_attacks = [ attack_name for attack_name in attacks if CFState.get_instance().active_target.model_data_type in CFState.get_instance().loaded_attacks[attack_name].tags ] return valid_attacks
def show_info(self, args): if target = CFState.get_instance().loaded_targets.get(, None) if not target: self.pwarning(f"\n [!] Invalid target '{}'.\n") return else: self.poutput(show_target_info(target)) if not and not args.attack: target = CFState.get_instance().active_target if not target: self.pwarning("\n [!] No active target.\n") return else: self.poutput(show_target_info(target)) return if args.attack: attack = CFState.get_instance().loaded_attacks.get(args.attack, None) if not attack: self.pwarning(f"\n [!] Invalid attack '{args.attack}'.\n") return else: self.poutput(show_attack_info(attack)) return
def do_reload(self, args): """Reload the active target. Helpful when making changes to a target class.""" if not CFState.get_instance().active_target: self.poutput("\n[!] Not interacting with a target. \n") return else: CFState.get_instance().reload_target()
def _set_prompt(self): if not CFState.get_instance().active_target: self.prompt = "counterfit> " else: if not CFState.get_instance().active_target.active_attack: self.prompt = f"{CFState.get_instance().active_target.model_name}> " else: self.prompt = f"{CFState.get_instance().active_target.model_name}>{CFState.get_instance().active_target.active_attack.attack_name}> "
def do_use(self, args): """Select an attack to use on the active target. Use 'interact' to select a target first. """ if not CFState.get_instance().active_target: self.pwarning("\n [!] Not interacting with any targets. Try interacting with a target.\n") return CFState.get_instance().add_attack_to_active_target(args.attack, args.parameters)
def get_attacks(input_attack): # Takes input attack name and returns respective attack class object if not input_attack: attacks = list(CFState.get_instance().loaded_attacks.keys()) else: try: attack_cls = CFState.get_instance().loaded_attacks[input_attack] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"Attack Not Found: {input_attack}") if CFState.get_instance().active_target.model_data_type not in attack_cls.tags: raise ValueError(f"Inappropriate attack for target: {input_attack}") attacks = [input_attack] return attacks
def do_back(self, args): """ Exits the active attack or target. """ if not CFState.get_instance().active_target.active_attack: self.poutput( f"\n[+] Exiting {CFState.get_instance().active_target.model_name}\n" ) CFState.get_instance().active_target = None else: self.poutput( f"\n[+] Exiting {CFState.get_instance().active_target.active_attack.attack_id}\n" ) CFState.get_instance().active_target.active_attack = None
def scan_attacks_on_active_target(self, args): if CFState.get_instance().active_target is None: self.pwarning( "\n [!] Not interacting with a target. Set the active target with `interact`.\n" ) return # read arguments input_attacks = args.attack num_iters = args.iterations has_logging_enabled = args.log has_verbose_enabled = args.verbose set_params = args.set class_summary = args.class_summary # get attacks try: attacks = get_attacks(input_attacks) except ValueError as e: self.pwarning(f'\n [!] {e}\n') return # prefilter for valid attacks attacks = filter_valid_attacks(attacks) if len(attacks) == 0: self.pwarning( "\n [!] No matching attacks found for target. Did you load a framework?\n" ) return self.poutput( f'\n[+] Running these attacks {num_iters}x each:\n\t{", ".join(attacks)}\n' ) perform_attacks_on_target(self, attacks, num_iters, has_logging_enabled, has_verbose_enabled, set_params, class_summary)
def do_save(self, args): """save parameters and results (if available) of current target Requires * "interact <target>" """ if not CFState.get_instance().active_target: self.pwarning("\n [!] Not interacting with a target. Set the active target with `interact`.\n") return module_path = "/".join(CFState.get_instance().active_target.__module__.split(".")[:-1]) if "results" not in os.listdir(module_path): os.mkdir(f"{module_path}/results") filename = f"{module_path}/results/{CFState.get_instance().active_target.model_name}_{CFState.get_instance().active_target.target_id}.json" with open(filename, "w") as outfile: json.dump(CFState.get_instance().active_target.dump(), outfile, indent=1) self.poutput(f"\n[+] Successfully wrote {filename}\n")
def show_results(self, args): try: summary = get_run_summary(CFState.get_instance().active_target) except (KeyError, AttributeError, TypeError): self.pwarning("\n [!] No results found. First 'run' an attack.\n") return self.poutput(get_printable_run_summary(summary))
def list_frameworks(): columns: List[Column] = list() data_list: List[List[Any]] = list() columns.append(Column("Framework", width=20)) columns.append(Column("# of Attacks", width=30)) for framework, list_of_attacks in CFState.get_instance( ).loaded_frameworks.items(): data_list.append([framework, len(list_of_attacks)]) st = SimpleTable(columns) print() print(st.generate_table(data_list, row_spacing=0)) print()
def show_options(self, args): if args.attack: try: attack = CFState.get_instance().loaded_attacks.get( args.attack, None) except AttributeError: self.pwarning("\n [!] Attack not found.\n") else: # default to the active attack try: attack = CFState.get_instance().active_target.active_attack except AttributeError: self.pwarning( "\n [!] Interact with a target and set an active target first.\n" ) return if attack is None: self.pwarning("\n [!] No active attack. Try 'use'.\n") return self.poutput("\n" + show_attack_options(attack))
def list_attacks(): columns: List[Column] = list() data_list: List[List[Any]] = list() columns.append(Column("Name", width=25)) columns.append(Column("Type", width=15)) columns.append(Column("Category", width=15)) columns.append(Column("Tags", width=15)) columns.append(Column("Framework", width=10)) for _, attack_obj in CFState.get_instance().loaded_attacks.items(): tags = ", ".join(attack_obj.tags) data_list.append([ attack_obj.attack_name, attack_obj.attack_type, attack_obj.category, tags, attack_obj.framework ]) st = SimpleTable(columns) print() print(st.generate_table(data_list, row_spacing=0)) print()
def show_sample(self, args): try: target = CFState.get_instance().active_target attack = target.active_attack except AttributeError: self.pwarning( "\n [!] Interact with a target and set an active target first.\n") return if attack is None: self.pwarning("\n [!] No active attack. Try 'use'.\n") return if args.index is not None and args.result: self.pwarning("\n [!] Cannot specify both an index and a result.\n") return if args.result: try: samples = target.active_attack.results["final"]["input"] sample_index = [target.active_attack.attack_id] * len(samples) heading1 = "attack id" except (KeyError, AttributeError): self.p("\n [!] No results found. First 'run' an attack.\n") return elif args.index is None: restore_index = attack.sample_index target.set_attack_samples(attack.sample_index) samples = attack.samples target.set_attack_samples(restore_index) sample_index = attack.sample_index heading1 = None else: restore_index = attack.sample_index target.set_attack_samples(args.index) samples = attack.samples target.set_attack_samples(restore_index) sample_index = args.index heading1 = None self.poutput( show_current_sample(target, get_printable_batch(target, samples), heading1, sample_index))
def list_targets(): columns: List[Column] = list() data_list: List[List[Any]] = list() columns.append(Column("Name", width=15)) columns.append(Column("Type", width=15)) columns.append(Column("Input Shape", width=15)) columns.append(Column("Location", width=85)) for _, target_obj in CFState.get_instance().loaded_targets.items(): shp = str(target_obj.model_input_shape) data_list.append([ target_obj.model_name, target_obj.model_data_type, shp, target_obj.model_endpoint ]) st = SimpleTable(columns) print() print(st.generate_table( data_list, row_spacing=0, )) print()
def do_list(self, args): """List the available targets, frameworks, or attacks.""" if args.type.lower() == "targets": list_targets() elif args.type.lower() == "attacks": if not CFState.get_instance().loaded_attacks: self.pwarning( "\n [!] No frameworks have been loaded. Try 'load <framework>'.\n" ) else: list_attacks() elif args.type.lower() == "frameworks": list_frameworks() else: self.pwarning( "\n [!] Argument not recognized: expecting 'targets', 'attacks', or 'frameworks'.\n" )
def do_interact(self, args): """Sets the active target.""" CFState.get_instance().set_active_target(
def show_sample(self, args): target = CFState.get_instance().active_target if not target: self.pwarning( "\n [!] Not interacting with a target. Set the active target with `interact`.\n" ) return if sum([args.surprise, args.index is not None, args.result]) > 1: self.pwarning( "\n [!] must specify only one of {surprise, index, result}.\n") return elif sum([args.surprise, args.index is not None, args.result]) == 0: # "show sample" with an active target uses the current sample_index as input try: args.index = target.active_attack.sample_index except (ValueError, AttributeError): self.pwarning( "\n [!] No active attack. Please provide valid arguments. Try 'show sample -i 2' or 'show sample -s'.\n" ) return if isinstance(args.index, int): sample_index = args.index target_x_len = len(target.X) - 1 if sample_index > target_x_len: self.pwarning( "\n [!] Entered index is out of bounds. Please provide index in the range {0} and {1} including.\n" .format(0, target_x_len)) return samples = get_samples(target, sample_index) heading1 = None elif args.surprise: sample_index = random.randint(0, len(target.X) - 1) samples = get_samples(target, index=sample_index) heading1 = None elif args.result: attack = target.active_attack if not attack: self.pwarning( "\n [!] No active attack. load respective framework and try 'use'.\n" ) return if args.index is not None and args.result: self.pwarning( "\n [!] Cannot specify both an index and a result.\n") return try: samples = attack.results["final"]["input"] sample_index = [attack.attack_id] * len(samples) heading1 = "attack id" except (KeyError, AttributeError, TypeError): self.pwarning("\n [!] No results found. First 'run' an attack.\n") return else: self.pwarning( "\n [!] Please provide valid arguments. Try 'show sample -i 2' or 'show sample -s'.\n" ) return self.poutput( show_current_sample(target, get_printable_batch(target, samples), heading1, sample_index))
def do_scan(self, args): """scan over all attacks against an active target, using random parameters Requires * "interact <target>" """ def perform_attacks_on_target(attacks, num_iters, has_logging_enabled, has_verbose_enabled): # loop over loaded attacks scans_by_attack = defaultdict(list) scans_by_label = defaultdict(list) for attack_name in attacks: for n in range(num_iters): if has_verbose_enabled: self.poutput(f"\n[+] Running {attack_name} iteration {n+1} of {num_iters}") # set random attack algorithm parameters CFState.get_instance().add_attack_to_active_target(attack_name, "random") parameters = CFState.get_instance().active_target.active_attack.parameters if has_verbose_enabled: self.poutput( f"Parameters: {json.dumps(parameters)}" ) # set random attack sample CFState.get_instance().active_target.set_attack_samples( random.randint(0, len(CFState.get_instance().active_target.X) - 1) ) # Initialize the attack to obtain initail labels CFState.get_instance().active_target.init_run_attack() # set random target class depends on targeted or untargeted attack is_targeted = CFState.get_instance().active_target.active_attack.parameters.get("targeted", False) if is_targeted: initial_labels = CFState.get_instance().active_target.active_attack.results['initial']['label'] target_class = random.choice(list(set(CFState.get_instance().active_target.model_output_classes).difference(set(initial_labels)))) target_class_idx = CFState.get_instance().active_target.model_output_classes.index(target_class) else: target_class_idx = random.randint( 0, len(CFState.get_instance().active_target.model_output_classes) - 1 ) CFState.get_instance().active_target.active_attack.target_class = target_class_idx # run the attack CFState.get_instance().active_target.run_attack(logging=has_logging_enabled) # update the status and show success summary = get_run_summary(CFState.get_instance().active_target) scans_by_attack[attack_name].append(summary) for lab in summary['initial_label']: scans_by_label[lab].append(summary) if has_verbose_enabled: self.poutput(get_printable_run_summary(summary)) # print scan summary summary_by_attack = {k : get_scan_summary(v) for k, v in scans_by_attack.items()} summary_by_label = {k : get_scan_summary(v) for k, v in scans_by_label.items()} printable = get_printable_scan_summary(summary_by_attack, summary_by_label if args.class_summary else None) self.poutput(printable) if CFState.get_instance().active_target is None: self.pwarning("\n [!] Not interacting with a target. Set the active target with `interact`.\n") return input_attack = args.attack num_iters = args.iterations has_logging_enabled = args.log has_verbose_enabled = args.verbose try: attacks = [get_attacks(a)[0] for a in input_attack] except ValueError as e: self.pwarning(f'\n [!] {e}\n') return # prefilter for valid attacks attacks = filter_valid_attacks(attacks) if len(attacks) == 0: self.pwarning("\n [!] No matching attacks found for target. Did you load a framework?\n") return self.poutput(f'\n[+] Running these attacks {num_iters}x each:\n\t{", ".join(attacks)}\n') perform_attacks_on_target(attacks, num_iters, has_logging_enabled, has_verbose_enabled)
from counterfit.core.state import CFState from counterfit.core.run_scan_utils import get_printable_batch, get_run_summary, get_printable_run_summary from cmd2.table_creator import Column, SimpleTable, HorizontalAlignment from typing import Any, List # show base_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() base_subparsers = base_parser.add_subparsers( title="subcommands", help="show information about models and targets") # show info parser_info = base_subparsers.add_parser( "info", help="show information about the model and active attack") parser_info.add_argument( "--attack", choices=CFState.get_instance().loaded_attacks.keys(), default=None, help="attack to show info (defaults to active attack)", ) parser_info.add_argument( "--target", choices=CFState.get_instance().loaded_targets.keys(), default=None, help="target to show info (defaults to active target)", ) # show options parser_options = base_subparsers.add_parser( "options", help="show configuration options for the active attack") parser_options.add_argument( "--attack",
def perform_attacks_on_target(self, attacks, num_iters, has_logging_enabled, has_verbose_enabled, set_params, class_summary): set_params_tuples = re.findall(r"(\w+)\s?=\s?([\w\.]+)", " ".join(set_params)) # parse set parameters and put into default dict set_params_dict = dict(set_params_tuples) # loop over loaded attacks scans_by_attack = defaultdict(list) scans_by_label = defaultdict(list) for attack_name in attacks: for n in range(num_iters): if has_verbose_enabled: self.poutput( f"\n[+] Running {attack_name} iteration {n+1} of {num_iters}" ) # set random attack algorithm parameters CFState.get_instance().add_attack_to_active_target( attack_name, "random") parameters = CFState.get_instance( ).active_target.active_attack.parameters if has_verbose_enabled: self.poutput(f"Parameters: {json.dumps(parameters)}") # set random attack sample only if user hasn't set in the parameters sample_index = set_params_dict.get('sample_index', None) if sample_index: sample_index = int(set_params_dict['sample_index']) else: sample_index = random.randint( 0, len(CFState.get_instance().active_target.X) - 1) CFState.get_instance().active_target.set_attack_samples( sample_index) # Initialize the attack to obtain initail labels CFState.get_instance().active_target.init_run_attack() # set random target class depends on targeted or untargeted attack is_targeted = CFState.get_instance( ).active_target.active_attack.parameters.get("targeted", False) if is_targeted: initial_labels = CFState.get_instance( ).active_target.active_attack.results['initial']['label'] target_class = random.choice( list( set(CFState.get_instance().active_target. model_output_classes).difference( set(initial_labels)))) target_class_idx = CFState.get_instance( ).active_target.model_output_classes.index(target_class) else: target_class_idx = random.randint( 0, len(CFState.get_instance().active_target. model_output_classes) - 1) CFState.get_instance( ).active_target.active_attack.target_class = target_class_idx # run the attack CFState.get_instance().active_target.run_attack( logging=has_logging_enabled) # update the status and show success summary = get_run_summary(CFState.get_instance().active_target) scans_by_attack[attack_name].append(summary) for lab in summary['initial_label']: scans_by_label[lab].append(summary) if has_verbose_enabled: self.poutput(get_printable_run_summary(summary)) # print scan summary summary_by_attack = { k: get_scan_summary(v) for k, v in scans_by_attack.items() } summary_by_label = { k: get_scan_summary(v) for k, v in scans_by_label.items() } printable = get_printable_scan_summary( summary_by_attack, summary_by_label if class_summary else None) self.poutput(printable)
def do_set(self, args): """Set parameters of the active attack on the active target using param1=val1 param2=val2 notation. This command replaces built-in "set" command, which is renamed to "setg". """ if not CFState.get_instance().active_target: self.pwarning( '\n [!] No active target. Try "setg" for setting global arguments.\n' ) return if not CFState.get_instance().active_target.active_attack: self.pwarning('\n [!] No active attack. Try "use <attack>".\n') return # 'set' with no options shows current variables, similar to "show options" if not args.what: self.pwarning( '\n [!] No arguments specified. Try "set <param>=<value>".\n') # create structure to ensure all params are present and ordered properly. Defaults to current params to prevent over writing with default values params_struct = namedtuple( "params", [ i for i in CFState.get_instance().active_target.active_attack. parameters.keys() ] + ["sample_index", "target_class"], defaults=list(CFState.get_instance( ).active_target.active_attack.parameters.values()) + [ CFState.get_instance().active_target.active_attack.sample_index, CFState.get_instance().active_target.active_attack.target_class, ], ) # parse parameters and new values from the args try: params_to_update = re.findall(r"(\w+)\s?=\s?([\w\.]+)", " ".join(args.what)) except: self.pwarning("\n [!] Failed to parse arguments.\n") return # create default params struct default_params = { k: v for k, v in CFState.get_instance().active_target.active_attack.default.items() } default_params["sample_index"] = CFState.get_instance( ).active_target.active_attack.sample_index default_params["target_class"] = CFState.get_instance( ).active_target.active_attack.target_class # ensure all current params exist and are ordered correctly default_params = params_struct(**default_params)._asdict() # convert string "True"/"true" and "False"/"false" to boolean for i, v in enumerate(params_to_update): if type(default_params.get(v[0], None)) is bool: if v[1].lower() == "true" or int(v[1]) == 1: params_to_update[i] = (v[0], True) elif v[1].lower() == "false" or int(v[1]) == 0: params_to_update[i] = (v[0], False) # create new params struct using default values where no new values are spec'd new_params = params_struct(**{ i[0]: type(default_params.get(i[0], ""))(i[1]) for i in params_to_update }) # create current params struct current_params = { k: v for k, v in CFState.get_instance().active_target.active_attack.parameters.items() } current_params["sample_index"] = CFState.get_instance( ).active_target.active_attack.sample_index current_params["target_class"] = CFState.get_instance( ).active_target.active_attack.target_class # ensure all current params exist and are ordered correctly current_params = params_struct(**current_params)._asdict() # separate target_class and sample_index from struct and update the relevant values CFState.get_instance().active_target.active_attack.parameters = { k: v for k, v in zip(new_params._fields[:-2], new_params[:-2]) } CFState.get_instance( ).active_target.active_attack.sample_index = new_params.sample_index CFState.get_instance( ).active_target.active_attack.target_class = new_params.target_class # print info print_new_params = new_params._asdict() columns: List[Column] = list() data_list: List[List[Any]] = list() columns.append( Column("Attack Parameter (type)", width=25, header_horiz_align=HorizontalAlignment.LEFT, data_horiz_align=HorizontalAlignment.RIGHT)) columns.append( Column("Default", width=12, header_horiz_align=HorizontalAlignment.CENTER, data_horiz_align=HorizontalAlignment.LEFT)) columns.append( Column("Previous", width=12, header_horiz_align=HorizontalAlignment.CENTER, data_horiz_align=HorizontalAlignment.LEFT)) columns.append( Column("New", width=12, header_horiz_align=HorizontalAlignment.CENTER, data_horiz_align=HorizontalAlignment.LEFT)) for k, default_value in default_params.items(): param = f"{k} ({str(type(default_value).__name__)})" previous_value = current_params.get(k, "") new_value = print_new_params.get(k, "") if new_value != previous_value: data_list.append([ param, str(default_value), str(previous_value), str(new_value) ]) else: data_list.append( [param, str(default_value)[:11], str(previous_value)[:11], ""]) st = SimpleTable(columns) print() print(st.generate_table(data_list, row_spacing=0)) print()
def do_run(self, args): """run an active attack against an active target, using parameters set by "set". Requires * "interact <target>" * "use <attack>" Default parameters may be override via "set param1=val1 param2=val2" """ if CFState.get_instance().active_target is None: self.pwarning("\n [!] Not interacting with a target. Set the active target with `interact`.\n") return if CFState.get_instance().active_target.active_attack is None: self.pwarning("\n [!] No attack specified. Set the active attack with 'use'.\n") return if ( CFState.get_instance().active_target.model_data_type not in CFState.get_instance().active_target.active_attack.tags ): self.pwarning( f"Error: innappropriate attack for target {CFState.get_instance().active_target.model_name}" ) print() self.pwarning( f"{CFState.get_instance().active_target.model_name} is of data type {CFState.get_instance().active_target.model_data_type}" ) self.pwarning( f"but, {CFState.get_instance().active_target.active_attack.attack_name} is for models with:" ) for tag in CFState.get_instance().active_target.active_attack.tags: self.pwarning(f"\t{tag}") return self.poutput( f"\n[+] Running {CFState.get_instance().active_target.active_attack.attack_name} on {CFState.get_instance().active_target.model_name}\n" ) CFState.get_instance().active_target.set_attack_samples( CFState.get_instance().active_target.active_attack.sample_index ) # Run init_attack followed by run_attack CFState.get_instance().active_target.init_run_attack() CFState.get_instance().active_target.run_attack(logging=args.log) summary = get_run_summary(CFState.get_instance().active_target) self.poutput(get_printable_run_summary(summary))
import sys import os import warnings from counterfit.core import config from counterfit.core.state import CFState from counterfit.core.terminal import Terminal if sys.version_info < (3, 7): print("[!] Python 3.7+ is required") sys.exit(1) os.environ["TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL"] = "3" # make tensorflow quiet warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=FutureWarning) if __name__ == "__main__": terminal = Terminal() num_attacks = CFState.get_instance().import_frameworks() num_targets = CFState.get_instance().import_targets() terminal.load_commands( ) # load commands last. Choices depend on targets and attacks. print(config.start_banner) print(f""" [+] {num_attacks} attacks [+] {num_targets} targets """) sys.exit(terminal.cmdloop())
import cmd2 import argparse from counterfit.core.state import CFState parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("attack", choices=CFState.get_instance().loaded_attacks.keys()) parser.add_argument("-p", "--parameters", choices=["default", "random"], default="default") @cmd2.with_argparser(parser) @cmd2.with_category("Counterfit Commands") def do_use(self, args): """Select an attack to use on the active target. Use 'interact' to select a target first. """ if not CFState.get_instance().active_target: self.pwarning("\n [!] Not interacting with any targets. Try interacting with a target.\n") return CFState.get_instance().add_attack_to_active_target(args.attack, args.parameters)
import argparse import cmd2 from counterfit.core.state import CFState parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("framework", choices=CFState.get_instance().loaded_frameworks, default="art") @cmd2.with_argparser(parser) @cmd2.with_category("Counterfit Commands") def do_load(self, args): """Loads a framework. :param framework name: the framework to load. """ CFState.get_instance().load_framework(args.framework)
def do_predict(self, args): """Predict a single sample for the active target""" if CFState.get_instance().active_target is None: self.pwarning("\n [!] must first `interact` with a target.\n") return else: target = CFState.get_instance().active_target if sum([args.random, args.sample_index is not None, args.result]) > 1: self.pwarning("\n [!] must specify only one of {random, sample_index, result}.\n") return heading1 = "Sample Index" if args.random: sample_index = random.randint(0, len(target.X) - 1) samples = set_attack_samples(target, sample_index) elif args.sample_index: # default behavior sample_index = args.sample_index samples = set_attack_samples(target, sample_index) elif args.result: try: samples = target.active_attack.results['final']['input'] sample_index = [target.active_attack.attack_id] * len(samples) heading1 = "Attack ID" except (KeyError, AttributeError): self.pwarning("\n [!] No results found. First 'run' an attack.\n") return elif target.active_attack is not None and target.active_attack.sample_index is not None: sample_index = target.active_attack.sample_index samples = set_attack_samples(target, sample_index) else: self.pwarning("\n [!] No index sample, setting random index.\n") sample_index = random.randint(0, len(target.X) - 1) samples = set_attack_samples(target, sample_index) result = target._submit(samples) columns: List[Column] = list() columns.append( Column( heading1, width=8, header_horiz_align=HorizontalAlignment.LEFT, data_horiz_align=HorizontalAlignment.RIGHT, ) ) columns.append( Column( "Sample", width=60, header_horiz_align=HorizontalAlignment.CENTER, data_horiz_align=HorizontalAlignment.RIGHT, ) ) columns.append( Column( "Output Scores\n" + str(target.model_output_classes).replace(',', ''), width=30, header_horiz_align=HorizontalAlignment.CENTER, data_horiz_align=HorizontalAlignment.RIGHT, ) ) if not hasattr(sample_index, "__iter__"): sample_index = [sample_index] samples_str = get_printable_batch(target, samples) results_str = printable_numpy(result) data_list: List[List[Any]] = list() for idx, samp, res in zip(sample_index, samples_str, results_str): data_list.append([idx, samp, res]) st = SimpleTable(columns) self.poutput("\n" + st.generate_table(data_list, row_spacing=0) + "\n")
def do_load(self, args): """Loads a framework. :param framework name: the framework to load. """ CFState.get_instance().load_framework(args.framework)
def do_new(self, args): """Optional wizard to aid in creating a new attack target.""" model_name = questionary.text("Target name:").ask() model_name = model_name.replace(" ", "") available_frameworks = list( CFState.get_instance().loaded_frameworks.keys()) framework_choice ="Which framework?", choices=available_frameworks).ask() if "textattack" in framework_choice: framework = "TextTarget" elif "art" in framework_choice: framework = "ArtTarget" else: raise ValueError("invalid framework") if framework == "TextTarget": model_data_type = "text" elif framework == "ArtTarget": model_data_type ="What data type?", choices=["numpy", "image"]).ask() else: raise ValueError("invalid framework") if model_name not in os.listdir(config.targets_path): try: os.mkdir(f"{config.targets_path}/{model_name}") open(f"{config.targets_path}/{model_name}/", "w").close() with open(f"{config.targets_path}/{model_name}/{model_name}.py", "w") as f: f.write(f""" # Generated by counterfit # from counterfit.core.targets import {framework} class {model_name.capitalize()}({framework}): model_name = "{model_name.lower()}" model_data_type = "{model_data_type}" model_endpoint = "" model_input_shape = () model_output_classes = [] X = [] def __init__(self): self.X = [] def __call__(self, x): return x """) CFState.get_instance().import_targets() except Exception as e: self.pwarning(f"\n [!] Failed to write target file: {e}.\n") else: self.pwarning( f"\n [!] {model_name} already exists. Choose a new name.\n")
def target_singleton_handler(self): target_singleton_obj = CFState.get_instance() return target_singleton_obj