예제 #1
def main(argv):
    test = course_dictionary.create_course_dict()
    #Test to see if all prereqs are in the file.
    # prereq_list = [single_course for vals in test.values()
    #                for some_prereqs in vals.prereqs for single_course in some_prereqs]
    # for prereq in prereq_list:
    #     if prereq not in test:
    #         print(prereq)
    # for key in test:
    #     #Test to see if every course has a term and credits.
    #     if not test[key].terms or not test[key].credits:
    #         print(key)
    #     #Test to see if a course's prereqs include the course itself
    #     if key in [course for prereq in test[key].prereqs for course in prereq]:
    #         print(key)
    # Prints all the CS courses.
    # for key in test:
    #     if key.program == 'CS':
    #         print(key, test[key])
    #print(test[("ANTH", "4154")].prereqs)
    # Test 2, usual 0 credit semesters
    #solution = williamju_scheduler.course_scheduler (test, [("CS", "2231"), ("CS", "3251"), ("CS", "statsprobability")], [('MATH', '2810'), ("MATH", "2820"), ("MATH", "3640")])
    #solution = williamju_scheduler.course_scheduler(test, [("CS", "major"), ("CS", "2201")], [])
    # solution = williamju_scheduler.course_scheduler(test, [("CS", "major"), ("CS", "4269")], [])
    # Test 3, usual 0 credit semesters
    #solution = williamju_scheduler.course_scheduler(test, [("CS", "core"), ("CS", "1101")], [])
    # Test 6, no errors
    #solution = williamju_scheduler.course_scheduler(test, [("CS", "major"), ('JAPN', '3891')], [('CS', '1101'), ('JAPN', '1101')])
    # Test 8, no errors
    solution = williamju_scheduler.course_scheduler(test, [("CS", "major"),
                                                           ('JAPN', '2201')],
    # Test 7, usual 0 credit semesters
    #solution = williamju_scheduler.course_scheduler(test, [("CS", "mathematics")], [])
    #solution = williamju_scheduler.course_scheduler(test, [("BME", "4900W")], [])
    # Test 4, no errors
    #solution = williamju_scheduler.course_scheduler(test, [("CS", "major")], [('CS', '1101')])
    # Test 5
    #solution = williamju_scheduler.course_scheduler(test, [("CS", "major"), ('ANTH', '4345'), ('ARTS', '3600'), ('ASTR', '3600'), ('BME', '4500'), ('BUS', '2300'), ('CE', '3705')], [])
    # Test 1, usual 0 credit semesters
    #solution = williamju_scheduler.course_scheduler(test, [("CS", "1101")], [])
    # Test 0
    #solution = williamju_scheduler.course_scheduler(test, [("CS", "1101")], [("CS", "1101")])
    #solution = williamju_scheduler.course_scheduler(test, [('ANTH', '4345'), ('ARTS', '3600'), ('BME', '4500'), ('BUS', '2300'), ('CE', '3705'), ('LAT', '3140'), ('JAPN', '3891')], [])
    for course in solution:
        print(course, solution[course])
예제 #2
def main(argv):
    #Creates a dictionary to use for testing
    test = course_dictionary.create_course_dict()
    #Creates an object course

    Course = namedtuple('Course', 'program, designation')
    #initializes a course(state) to be the end goal of the schedule
    #'CS', 'major'
    goals = [
        Course('CS', 'major'),
        Course('ANTH', '4345'),
        Course('ARTS', '3600'),
        Course('ASTR', '3600'),
        Course('BME', '4500'),
        Course('BUS', '2300'),
        Course('CE', '3705'),
        Course('LAT', '3140'),
        Course('JAPN', '3891')
    semesters = [('Frosh', 'Fall'), ('Frosh', 'Spring'), ('Soph', 'Fall'),
                 ('Soph', 'Spring'), ('Junior', 'Fall'), ('Junior', 'Spring'),
                 ('Senior', 'Fall'), ('Senior', 'Spring')]
    semDict = {semester: [0, []] for semester in semesters}
    print(test[Course('CS', 'major')])
    #initializes the initial state to no courses
    #use form [('MATH', '2810'),xxx
    init_state = [('CS', '1101')]

    search(semesters, semDict, test, goals, init_state)

    check = -1
    for goal in goals:
        for semester in semDict:
            if goal in semDict[semester][1]:
                check = 1
    if check is -1:
        semDict = {}

    for each in semDict:
        print(each, semDict[each])
    finalSchedule = {}

예제 #3
def main(argv):
    test = course_dictionary.create_course_dict()
    Course = namedtuple('Course', 'program, designation')
    #goals = [('CS', '2231'), ('CS', '3251'), ('CS', 'statsprobability')]
    #init_state = [('MATH', '2810'), ('MATH', '2820'), ('MATH', '3640')]
    #goals = [('CS', 'core'), ('CS', '1101')]
    #goals = [('CS', 'major'), ('ANTH', '4345'), ('ARTS', '3600'), ('ASTR', '3600'), ('BME', '4500'), ('BUS', '2300'), ('CE', '3705'), ('LAT', '3140'),
    #('JAPN', '3891')]
    #goals = [('CS', 'major'), ('JAPN', '3891')]
    #goals = [('CS', 'major')]
    #init_state = [('CS', '1101')]
    #init_state = []
    goals = [('CS', '1101')]
    init_state = []
    plan = course_scheduler(test, goals, init_state)
    for key in plan:
        print(key, plan[key])

예제 #4
        if operator.term.semester == Semester.Summer:
    for term in schedule:
        hours = 0
        for operator in schedule[term]:
            hours += int(operator.courseInfo.credits)
        print(term, hours, " [")
        for operator in schedule[term]:
            if not is_higher_level_course_info(operator.courseInfo):
                print(operator, ",")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    course_dict: Dict[Course, CourseInfo] = cd.create_course_dict()
    schedule_dict = course_scheduler(course_dict,
                                         Course('JAPN', '3891')
                                     initial_state=[Course('CS', '1101')])

    df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(schedule_dict, orient='index')

    course_desc_dict: Dict[
        Course, spm.CourseDesc] = spm.create_course_desc_dict(course_dict)
    course_names: List[str] = list()
    course_sums: List[str] = list()
    for course in schedule_dict.keys():
from pprint import pprint
from typing import List, Dict, Tuple
import spacy
from spacy import displacy

import course_dictionary as cd
import sameerpuri_matcher as spm
from pathlib import Path

course_infos: Dict[cd.Course, cd.CourseInfo] = cd.create_course_dict()
course_descs: Dict[cd.Course,
                   spm.CourseDesc] = spm.create_course_desc_dict(course_infos)

print('Reading english word vector information...')
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_lg')
print('Analyzing course descriptions...')
course_nlp_descs = {}
course_nlp_names = {}
for course in course_descs.keys():
    course_nlp_descs[course] = nlp(course_descs[course].summary)
    course_nlp_names[course] = nlp(course_descs[course].name)

def recommend_courses_using_search_text(search_text: str, num: int) -> List:
    search_text = nlp(search_text)
    text_similarities_dict: Dict[float, cd.Course] = {
        search_text.similarity(course_nlp_descs[course]): course
        for course in course_nlp_descs.keys()
예제 #6
from flask import Flask, jsonify, render_template, request
from typing import List, Tuple
import course_dictionary as cd

import click
click.disable_unicode_literals_warning = True

import sameerpuri_scheduler as sps
import sameerpuri_matcher as spm
import sameerpuri_recommender as spr

app = Flask(__name__)

course_dict = cd.create_course_dict()
course_desc_dict = spm.create_course_desc_dict(course_dict)

def get_course_desc(program: str, designation: int, reqtype: str):
    res = {
        'summary': lambda course: course_desc_dict[course].summary,
        'name': lambda course: course_desc_dict[course].name,
        'formerly': lambda course: course_desc_dict[course].formerly,
        'creditbracket': lambda course: course_desc_dict[course].creditbracket
    }[reqtype](cd.Course(program, str(designation)))
    return jsonify(res)

def index():
    return render_template('index.html')