def make_sim(do_save=False, **kwargs): # Shared settings pars = dict(pop_size=pop_size, verbose=0) pars.update(kwargs) # Versioning was introduced in 2.0 if cv.check_version('2.0.0', verbose=False) >= 0: pars.update({'version': version}) sim = cv.Sim(**pars) if do_save: print(sim.summary) return sim
''' UK scenarios for evaluating effectivness of masks ''' import sciris as sc import covasim as cv import pylab as pl import numpy as np import matplotlib as mplt # pl.switch_backend('agg') # Check version cv.check_version('1.5.2') cv.git_info('covasim_version.json') mplt.rcParams[''] = 'Roboto' do_plot = 1 do_save = 1 do_show = 0 verbose = 1 seed = 1 scenario = ['more_intense', 'more_relaxed' ][1] # Set a number to pick a scenario from the available options tti_scen = ['current'][0] # Ditt0 version = 'v1' date = '2020sep20' folder = f'results_FINAL_{date}' file_path = f'{folder}/phase_{version}' # Completed below
def test_misc(): sc.heading('Testing miscellaneous functions') sim_path = 'test_misc.sim' json_path = 'test_misc.json' # Data loading cv.load_data(csv_file) cv.load_data(xlsx_file) with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): cv.load_data('example_data.unsupported_extension') with pytest.raises(ValueError): cv.load_data(xlsx_file, columns=['missing_column']) # Dates d1 ='2020-04-04') d2 ='2020-04-04')) ds ='2020-04-04', d2) assert d1 == d2 assert d2 == ds[0] with pytest.raises(ValueError):[(2020, 4, 4)]) # Raises a TypeError which raises a ValueError with pytest.raises(ValueError):'Not a date') cv.daydiff('2020-04-04') # Saving and loading sim = cv.Sim(), obj=sim) cv.load(filename=sim_path) # Version checks cv.check_version('0.0.0') # Nonsense version print('↑ Should complain about version') with pytest.raises(ValueError): cv.check_version('0.0.0', die=True) # Git checks cv.git_info(json_path) cv.git_info(json_path, check=True) # Poisson tests c1 = 5 c2 = 8 for alternative in ['two-sided', 'larger', 'smaller']: cv.poisson_test(c1, c2, alternative=alternative) for method in ['score', 'wald', 'sqrt', 'exact-cond']: cv.poisson_test(c1, c2, method=method) with pytest.raises(ValueError): cv.poisson_test(c1, c2, method='not a method') # Tidy up remove_files(sim_path, json_path) return
import sciris as sc import covasim as cv import covasim.base as cvb import covasim.parameters as cvp import pylab as pl import numpy as np import matplotlib as mplt import pandas as pd ######################################################################## # Settings and initialisation ######################################################################## # Check version cv.check_version('3.0.5') cv.git_info('covasim_version.json') # Saving and plotting settings do_plot = 1 do_save = 1 save_sim = 1 plot_hist = 0 # Whether to plot an age histogram do_show = 0 verbose = 1 seed = 1 n_runs = 200 to_plot = sc.objdict({ 'Cumulative diagnoses': ['cum_diagnoses'], 'Cumulative hospitalisations': ['cum_severe'], 'Cumulative deaths': ['cum_deaths'], 'Daily infections': ['new_diagnoses'], 'Daily hospitalisations': ['new_severe'],
''' Calculate vaccine efficiency for protection against symptomatic covid after first dose ''' import numpy as np import sciris as sc import covasim as cv cv.check_version('>=3.0.0') vaccines = ['pfizer', 'moderna', 'az', 'j&j'] # construct analyzer to select placebo arm class placebo_arm(cv.Analyzer): def __init__(self, day, trial_size, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) = day self.trial_size = trial_size return def initialize(self, sim=None): self.placebo_inds = [] self.initialized = True return def apply(self, sim): if sim.t == eligible = cv.true(~np.isfinite(sim.people.date_exposed) & ~sim.people.vaccinated) self.placebo_inds = eligible[cv.choose(
''' UK scenarios ''' import sciris as sc import numpy as np import covasim as cv import pylab as pl # Check version cv.check_version('1.3.2', die=True) #cv.git_info('covasim_version.json') do_plot = 1 do_save = 1 do_show = 1 verbose = 1 seed = 1 version = 'v1' date = '2020may26' folder = f'results_FINAL_{date}' file_path = f'{folder}/phase_{version}' # Completed below data_path = 'UK_Covid_cases_may21.xlsx' pop_path = f'{file_path}.pop' fig_path = f'{file_path}.png' #ig_paths = [f'results/testing_scen_{i}.png' for i in range(3)] start_day = sc.readdate('2020-01-21') end_day = sc.readdate('2021-05-31') n_days = (end_day - start_day).days
''' UK scenarios for evaluating effectivness of masks ''' import sciris as sc import covasim as cv import pylab as pl import numpy as np import matplotlib as mplt # pl.switch_backend('agg') # Check version cv.check_version('1.7.4') cv.git_info('covasim_version.json') mplt.rcParams[''] = 'Roboto' do_plot = 1 do_save = 1 do_show = 0 verbose = 1 seed = 1 scenario = ['med_comp'][0] # Set a number to pick a scenario from the available options tti_scen = ['current', 'optimal_med_comp', 'optimal_med_comp_work'][0] # Ditt0 version = 'v1' date = '2020sep20' folder = f'results_FINAL_{date}' file_path = f'{folder}/phase_{version}' # Completed below
import sciris as sc import covasim as cv import covasim.base as cvb import pylab as pl import numpy as np import matplotlib as mplt import utils ######################################################################## # Settings and initialisation ######################################################################## # Check version cv.check_version('2.0.0') cv.git_info('covasim_version.json') # Saving and plotting settings do_plot = 1 do_save = 1 save_sim = 1 do_show = 0 verbose = 1 seed = 1 n_runs = 200 to_plot = sc.objdict({ 'Cumulative diagnoses': ['cum_diagnoses'], 'New Doses': ['new_doses'], 'Single dosed': ['n_dose_1'], 'Double dosed': ['n_dose_2'], 'New infections': ['new_infections'], 'R': ['r_eff'], 'Cumulative hospitalisations': ['cum_severe'],
import sciris as sc import covasim as cv import covasim.parameters as cvp import pylab as pl import numpy as np ######################################################################## # Settings and initialisation ######################################################################## # Check version cv.check_version('3.1.0') cv.git_info('covasim_version.json') # Saving and plotting settings do_plot = 1 do_save = 1 save_sim = 1 plot_hist = 0 # Whether to plot an age histogram do_show = 0 verbose = 1 seed = 1 keep_people = 0 # Whether to keep people to_plot = sc.objdict({ 'Cumulative diagnoses': ['cum_diagnoses'], 'Cumulative hospitalisations': ['cum_severe'], 'Cumulative deaths': ['cum_deaths'], 'Daily infections': ['new_diagnoses'], 'Daily hospitalisations': ['new_severe'], 'Daily ICUs': ['new_critical'], 'Daily deaths': ['new_deaths'],
import sciris as sc import covasim as cv cv.check_version('0.27.12') pars = sc.objdict( pop_size=100e3, # Population size pop_infected=1, # Number of initial infections n_days=60, # Number of days to simulate rand_seed=1, # Random seed pop_type='random', verbose=0, ) sim = cv.Sim(pars=pars) sc.tic() sim.initialize() sc.toc() #%% Version 0.27.11 ''' >>> import sciris as sc >>> import covasim as cv Covasim 0.27.11 (2020-04-17) — © 2020 by IDM >>> sim = cv.Sim(pop_size=1e6) >>> sc.tic(); sim.initialize(); sc.toc() 1587187959.2373662 Initializing sim with 1e+06 people for 60 days Elapsed time: 230 s '''
''' shrink vaccination intervention ''' import covasim as cv import sciris as sc cv.check_version('>3.0.0', die=True) pars = { 'pop_size': 50000, 'use_waning': True, } for vaccine in ['jj', 'pfizer']: print('\nFor ' + vaccine) sim = cv.Sim(pars) sim['interventions'] = [cv.vaccinate(vaccine='jj', days=10, prob=0.4)] print('Sim size is:') sc.checkmem(sim, descend=False) sim.shrink() print('Shrunk size is:') sc.checkmem(sim, descend=False) print('Shrunk vaccination') sim['interventions'][0].shrink() sc.checkmem(sim, descend=False)
''' UK scenarios for evaluating effectivness of masks ''' import os import shutil import sciris as sc import covasim as cv import numpy as np ######################################################################## # Settings and initialisation ######################################################################## # Check version cv.check_version('2.0.2') cv.git_info('covasim_version.json') # Saving and plotting settings debug = 1 # Whether to do a small debug run (for sweeps) use_mean = 1 # Whether to use the mean instead of median do_plot = 1 do_save = 1 save_sim = 1 do_show = 0 verbose = 1 seed = 1 to_plot = sc.objdict({ 'Cumulative diagnoses': ['cum_diagnoses'], 'Cumulative infections': ['cum_infections'], 'New infections': ['new_infections'], 'Cumulative deaths': ['cum_deaths'],
''' Illustration of an automatic calibration to NY state data ''' import numpy as np import pylab as pl import sciris as sc import covasim as cv import scipy as sp import optuna as op cv.check_version('1.6.1', die=False) # Ensure Covasim version is correct class Calibration: def __init__(self, storage): # Settings self.pop_size = 100e3 # Number of agents self.start_day = '2020-02-01' self.end_day = '2020-07-30' # Change final day here self.state = 'NY' self.datafile = 'NY.csv' self.total_pop = 19453561 # Population of NY from census, nst-est2019-alldata.csv # Saving and running self.n_trials = 20 # Number of sequential Optuna trials self.n_workers = 4 # Number of parallel Optuna threads -- incompatible with n_runs > 1 self.n_runs = 1 # Number of sims being averaged together in a single trial -- incompatible with n_workers > 1 = storage # Database location = 'covasim' # Optuna study name -- not important but required
import sciris as sc import covasim as cv import load_data as ld import os as os cv.check_version('1.5.0', die=True) # we use vb to keep functions identical to source vb = sc.objdict() vb.verbose = 0 # The simulation is stochastic; how often should it be realized? n_runs_per_parameter_set = 50 def create_sim_from_calibrated_pars(filename): '''Wrapper around create_sim that reads the parameters from a file''' pars_calib = sc.loadjson(filename) # Take care to use the same order that create_sim expects! pars = [ pars_calib["pop_infected"], pars_calib["beta"], pars_calib["beta_day"], pars_calib["beta_change"], pars_calib["symp_test"] ] return create_sim(pars) def create_sim(x, vb=vb): ''' Create the simulation from the parameters ''' # Convert parameters pop_infected = x[0]
''' UK scenarios ''' import sciris as sc import covasim as cv import pylab as pl # Check version cv.check_version('1.3.3') cv.git_info('covasim_version.json') do_plot = 1 do_save = 1 do_show = 1 verbose = 1 seed = 1 scenario = ['jun-opening', 'sep-opening', 'phased', 'phased-delayed' ][3] # Set a number to pick a scenario from the available options tti_scen = ['none', '40%', '80%'][2] # Ditto version = 'v1' date = '2020may26' folder = f'results_FINAL_{date}' file_path = f'{folder}/phase_{version}' # Completed below data_path = 'UK_Covid_cases_may21.xlsx' fig_path = f'{file_path}_{scenario}.png' start_day = '2020-01-21' end_day = '2021-05-31'
def test_misc(): sc.heading('Testing miscellaneous functions') sim_path = 'test_misc.sim' json_path = 'test_misc.json' gitinfo_path = 'test_misc.gitinfo' fig_path = 'test_misc.png' fig_comments = 'Test comment' # Data loading cv.load_data(csv_file) cv.load_data(xlsx_file) with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): cv.load_data('example_data.unsupported_extension') with pytest.raises(ValueError): cv.load_data(xlsx_file, columns=['missing_column']) # Dates d1 ='2020-04-04') d2 ='2020-04-04')) ds ='2020-04-04', d2) assert d1 == d2 assert d2 == ds[0] with pytest.raises(ValueError):[(2020, 4, 4)]) # Raises a TypeError which raises a ValueError with pytest.raises(ValueError):'Not a date') cv.daydiff('2020-04-04') # Run sim for more investigations sim = cv.Sim(pop_size=500, verbose=0) sim.plot(do_show=False) # Saving and loading cv.savefig(fig_path, comments=fig_comments), obj=sim) cv.load(filename=sim_path) # Version checks cv.check_version('0.0.0') # Nonsense version print('↑ Should complain about version') with pytest.raises(ValueError): cv.check_version('0.0.0', die=True) # Git checks cv.git_info(json_path) cv.git_info(json_path, check=True) # Poisson tests c1 = 5 c2 = 8 for alternative in ['two-sided', 'larger', 'smaller']: cv.poisson_test(c1, c2, alternative=alternative) for method in ['score', 'wald', 'sqrt', 'exact-cond']: cv.poisson_test(c1, c2, method=method) with pytest.raises(ValueError): cv.poisson_test(c1, c2, method='not a method') # Test locations for location in [None, 'viet-nam']: # Test versions with pytest.raises(ValueError): cv.check_save_version('1.3.2', die=True) cv.check_save_version(cv.__version__, filename=gitinfo_path, comments='Test') # Test PNG try: metadata = cv.get_png_metadata(fig_path, output=True) assert metadata['Covasim version'] == cv.__version__ assert metadata['Covasim comments'] == fig_comments except ImportError as E: print( f'Cannot test PNG function since pillow not installed ({str(E)}), skipping' ) # Tidy up remove_files(sim_path, json_path, fig_path, gitinfo_path) return
import sciris as sc import covasim as cv import covasim.base as cvb import pylab as pl import numpy as np import matplotlib as mplt import utils ######################################################################## # Settings and initialisation ######################################################################## # Check version cv.check_version('3.0.0') cv.git_info('covasim_version.json') # Saving and plotting settings do_plot = 1 do_save = 1 save_sim = 1 plot_hist = 0 # Whether to plot an age histogram do_show = 0 verbose = 1 seed = 1 n_runs = 200 to_plot = sc.objdict({ 'Cumulative tests': ['cum_tests'], 'First vaccine dose': ['n_dose_1'], 'Second vaccine dose': ['n_dose_2'], 'Cumulative diagnoses': ['cum_diagnoses'],
''' UK scenarios for evaluating effectivness of masks ''' import sciris as sc import covasim as cv import pylab as pl import numpy as np pl.switch_backend('agg') # Check version cv.check_version('1.4.7') cv.git_info('covasim_version.json') mplt.rcParams[''] = 'Roboto' do_plot = 1 do_save = 1 do_show = 1 verbose = 1 seed = 1 scenario = ['no_vaccine', 'vaccinate_elderly', 'vaccinate_HW', 'vaccinate_SW'][0] # pharmaceutical interventions tti_scen = ['currentTTI', 'optimal_TTI_no_vaccine', 'optima_TTI_with_vaccinate_elderly', 'optimal_TTI_vaccine_HW','optimal_TTI_vaccinate_SW'][0] # non-pharmeceutical intervention version = 'v1' date = '2020august25' folder = f'results_FINAL_{date}' file_path = f'{folder}/phase_{version}' # Completed below data_path = 'UK_Covid_cases_august02.xlsx' fig_path = f'{file_path}_{scenario}.png'
import sciris as sc import covasim as cv import covasim.parameters as cvp import pylab as pl import numpy as np ######################################################################## # Settings and initialisation ######################################################################## # Check version cv.check_version('3.0.7') cv.git_info('covasim_version.json') # Saving and plotting settings do_plot = 1 do_save = 1 save_sim = 1 plot_hist = 0 # Whether to plot an age histogram do_show = 0 verbose = 1 seed = 1 keep_people = 0 # Whether to keep people to_plot = sc.objdict({ 'Cumulative diagnoses': ['cum_diagnoses'], 'Cumulative hospitalisations': ['cum_severe'], 'Cumulative deaths': ['cum_deaths'], 'Daily infections': ['new_diagnoses'], 'Daily hospitalisations': ['new_severe'], 'Daily ICUs': ['new_critical'], 'Daily deaths': ['new_deaths'],
import covasim as cv import sciris as sc cv.check_version('0.27.9') do_plot = 1 datafile = sc.thisdir(__file__, '../../example_data.csv') pars = sc.objdict(diag_factor=1.0, n_days=30, pop_infected=100) sim = cv.Sim(pars, datafile=datafile) case = 2 testprobdict = { 0: cv.test_prob(symp_prob=0, asymp_prob=0, test_sensitivity=1.0, loss_prob=0.0, test_delay=0, start_day=0), # works, no diagnoses 1: cv.test_prob(symp_prob=1, asymp_prob=0, test_sensitivity=1.0, loss_prob=0.0, test_delay=0, start_day=0), # works, ~half diagnosed 2: cv.test_prob(
''' UK scenarios ''' import sciris as sc import numpy as np import covasim as cv import pylab as pl # Check version cv.check_version('0.30.3') cv.git_info('covasim_version.json') do_plot = 1 do_save = 1 do_show = 1 verbose = 1 seed = 1 version = 'v1' date = '2020may25' folder = f'results_transmisibility100_TIonly_{date}' file_path = f'{folder}/phase_{version}' # Completed below data_path = 'UK_Covid_cases_may21.xlsx' pop_path = f'{file_path}.pop' fig_path = f'{file_path}.png' #ig_paths = [f'results/testing_scen_{i}.png' for i in range(3)] start_day = sc.readdate( '2020-01-21' ) # start_day = sc.readdate('2020-01-21') or start_day = sc.readdate('2020-02-04')
import sciris as sc import covasim as cv import covasim.base as cvb import covasim.parameters as cvp import pylab as pl import numpy as np import matplotlib as mplt import utils_vac ######################################################################## # Settings and initialisation ######################################################################## # Check version cv.check_version('3.0.2') cv.git_info('covasim_version.json') # Saving and plotting settings do_plot = 1 do_save = 1 save_sim = 1 plot_hist = 0 # Whether to plot an age histogram do_show = 0 verbose = 1 seed = 1 n_runs = 200 to_plot = sc.objdict({ 'Cumulative tests': ['cum_tests'], 'Cumulative diagnoses': ['cum_diagnoses'], 'Cumulative hospitalisations': ['cum_severe'], 'Cumulative deaths': ['cum_deaths'], 'New infections': ['new_infections'],
''' UK scenarios ''' # import matplotlib # matplotlib.use('Agg') import sciris as sc import covasim as cv import pylab as pl # Check version cv.check_version('1.4.1') cv.git_info('covasim_version.json') # Plotting and output controls do_plot = 1 do_save = 0 do_show = 1 verbose = 1 seed = 1 do_parallel = 1 # Analysis steps rerun = True # If false, loads saved runs # Paths for saving and loading version = 'v1' date = '2020may30' folder = f'results_FINAL_{date}' file_path = f'{folder}/phase_{version}' data_path = 'UK_Covid_cases_may21.xlsx'