예제 #1
    def test_prod(self):
        a = 3
        b = 4
        c = 6
        r = a * b * c

        self.assertEqual(r, utils.prod([a,b,c]))
예제 #2
    def __getitem__(self, slice_):
        slice_ = fix_slice(slice_, self.shape)

        total_indices = prod(self.shape)
        x = np.arange(total_indices).reshape(self.shape)[slice_] # CBM TODO: This is INDEX based evaluation!!!

        return ne.evaluate(self.content).astype(self.value_encoding)
예제 #3
    def test_prod(self):
        a = 3
        b = 4
        c = 6
        r = a * b * c

        self.assertEqual(r, utils.prod([a,b,c]))
    def __getitem__(self, slice_):
        slice_ = utils.fix_slice(slice_, self.shape)

        total_indices = utils.prod(self.shape)
        x = np.arange(total_indices).reshape(
            self.shape)[slice_]  # CBM TODO: This is INDEX based evaluation!!!

        return _cleanse_value(
            ne.evaluate(self.content).astype(self.value_encoding), slice_)
예제 #5
    def get_data_size(self, parameter_name=None, slice_=None, in_bytes=False):
        Returns the size of the <b>data values</b> for the parameter(s) indicated by <i>parameter_name</i>.
        ParameterContext and Coverage metadata is <b>NOT</b> included in the returned size.

        If <i>parameter_name</i> is None, all parameters in the coverage are included

        If more than one parameter is indicated by <i>parameter_name</i>, the sum of the indicated parameters is returned

        If <i>slice_</i> is not None, it is applied to each parameter (after being run through utils.fix_slice) before
        calculation of size

        Sizes are calculated as:
            size = itemsize * total_extent_size

            itemsize == the per-item size based on the data type of the parameter
            total_extent_size == the total number of elements after slicing is applied (if applicable)

        Sizes are in MB unless <i>in_bytes</i> == True

        @param parameter_name   A string parameter name; may be an iterable of such members
        @param slice_   If not None, applied to each parameter before calculation of size
        @param in_bytes If True, returns the size in bytes; otherwise, returns the size in MB (default)
        size = 0
        if parameter_name is None:
            for pn in self._range_dictionary.keys():
                size += self.get_data_size(pn, in_bytes=in_bytes)

        for pn in self.__parameter_name_arg_to_params(parameter_name):
            p = self._range_dictionary.get_context(pn)
            dt = np.dtype(p.param_type.value_encoding)

            if slice_ is not None:
                slice_ = utils.fix_slice(slice_, te)
                a=np.empty(te, dtype=dt)[slice_]
                size += a.nbytes
                size += dt.itemsize * utils.prod(te)

        if not in_bytes:
            size *= 9.53674e-7

        return size
예제 #6
    def __len__(self):
        # I don't think this is correct - should be the length of the total available set of values, not the length of storage...
#        return len(self._storage)
        return prod(self.shape)
예제 #7
 def __len__(self):
     return prod(self.shape)
 def _getarr(vmin, shp, vmax=None,):
     if vmax is None:
         return np.empty(shp).fill(vmin)
     return np.arange(vmin, vmax, (vmax - vmin) / int(utils.prod(shp)), dtype='float32').reshape(shp)
    def _get_numpy_array(self, shape):
        if not isinstance(shape, tuple):
            shape = tuple(shape)

        return np.arange(utils.prod(shape), dtype=self.dtype).reshape(shape)
    def _get_numpy_array(self, shape):
        if not isinstance(shape, tuple):
            shape = tuple(shape)

        return np.arange(utils.prod(shape), dtype=self.dtype).reshape(shape)
예제 #11
 def __len__(self):
     # I don't think this is correct - should be the length of the total available set of values, not the length of storage...
     #        return len(self._storage)
     return utils.prod(self.shape)
예제 #12
 def __len__(self):
     return prod(self.shape)