예제 #1
파일: economy.py 프로젝트: Akuukis/MMO_sim
    def produce(_id):
        batch = 2 * config['batchEconomy']
        colony = cp.query(payload="\
            SELECT goods, storage, industry, population, untilJoins\
            FROM massive\
            WHERE _id == '"+_id+"'")['results'][0]

        # produce_goods
        goodsPerPop = float(colony['untilJoins']['habitability']) - float(colony['population']) * config['popDAR']
        goodsTotal = batch * float(colony['population']) * goodsPerPop
        colony['storage']['goods'][colony['goods']] += int(goodsTotal)

        # produce_materials
        materialsPerInd = float(colony['untilJoins']['richness']) - float(colony['industry']) * config['indDAR']
        materialsTotal = batch * float(colony['industry']) * materialsPerInd
        colony['storage']['solids'] += int(materialsTotal * float(colony['untilJoins']['materials'][0]))
        colony['storage']['metals'] += int(materialsTotal * float(colony['untilJoins']['materials'][1]))
        colony['storage']['isotopes'] += int(materialsTotal * float(colony['untilJoins']['materials'][2]))

        r = cp.query(payload="\
            UPDATE massive['" + _id + "']\
            SET storage.goods['"+colony['goods']+"'] = "+str(colony['storage']['goods'][colony['goods']])+",\
                storage['solids'] = "+str(colony['storage']['solids'])+",\
                storage['metals'] = "+str(colony['storage']['metals'])+",\
                storage['isotopes'] = "+str(colony['storage']['isotopes'])+"\
        return 'economy: produce at ' + r
예제 #2
파일: factions.py 프로젝트: Akuukis/MMO_sim
 def disband(_id):
     r = cp.query(payload="SELECT *\
         FROM massive\
         WHERE object == 'colony' && faction == '" + _id + "'\
         LIMIT 0, 0")
     if int(r['hits']) == 0:
         r = cp.query(payload="DELETE massive['" + _id + "']")['results'][0]['_id']
         return 'factions: disband faction ' + _id
         return 'factions: keep faction ' + _id
예제 #3
파일: economy.py 프로젝트: Akuukis/MMO_sim
    def upkeep(_id):
        batch = 2 * config['batchEconomy']
        colony = cp.query(payload="\
            SELECT goods, storage, industry, population, untilJoins\
            FROM massive\
            WHERE _id == '"+_id+"'")['results'][0]

        # upkeep_population
        size = colony['population']
        for key, amount in colony['storage']['goods'].items():
            if size == 0:
            if colony['storage']['goods'][key] >= batch and random.random() >= config['popForeignGoods']:
                colony['storage']['goods'][key] -= batch
                size -= 1
        if colony['storage']['goods'][colony['goods']] >= size * config['popLocalPenalty'] * batch:
            colony['storage']['goods'][colony['goods']] -= size * config['popLocalPenalty'] * batch
            colony['population'] -= 1
            colony['storage']['goods'][colony['goods']] += config['popDowngradeRefund'] * config['popUpgradeGoods']
            colony['storage']['solids'] += config['popDowngradeRefund'] * config['popUpgradeSolids']

        # upkeep_industry
        size = colony['industry']
        for key, amount in colony['storage']['goods'].items():
            if size == 0:
            if colony['storage']['goods'][key] >= batch and random.random() >= config['indForeignGoods']:
                colony['storage']['goods'][key] -= batch
                size -= 1
        if colony['storage']['solids'] >= size * config['indLocalPenalty'] * batch:
            colony['storage']['solids'] -= size * config['indLocalPenalty'] * batch
            colony['industry'] -= 1
            colony['storage']['goods'][colony['goods']] += config['indDowngradeRefund'] * config['indUpgradeGoods']
            colony['storage']['solids'] += config['indDowngradeRefund'] * config['indUpgradeSolids']

        r = cp.query(payload="\
            UPDATE massive['" + _id + "']\
            SET storage['goods'] = "+json.dumps(colony['storage']['goods'])+",\
                storage['solids'] = "+str(int(colony['storage']['solids']))+",\
                storage['metals'] = "+str(int(colony['storage']['metals']))+",\
                storage['isotopes'] = "+str(int(colony['storage']['isotopes']))+",\
                population = "+str(int(colony['population']))+",\
                industy = "+str(int(colony['industry']))+"\
        return 'economy: upkeep at ' + r
예제 #4
파일: main.py 프로젝트: Akuukis/MMO_sim
import utils

tick = 0

# lock to serialize console output
while True:
    # Reload stuff ############################################################

    start = time.time()

    with open('config.json') as data_file:
        config = json.loads(jsmin(data_file.read()))

    # Get tick
        tick = cp.query(payload="SELECT COUNT() FROM massive WHERE object == 'tick' GROUP BY object LIMIT 0, 1")["results"][0]["COUNT()"]
    except KeyError or TypeError:
        tick = 0

    # Respawn workers
    utils.spawn_workers(config['num_worker_threads'], tick, config, utils.q)

    # Update universe, create or age systems, stars, planets

    # Check planets to spawn new Faction with Colony

    # Production and upkeep
예제 #5
파일: factions.py 프로젝트: Akuukis/MMO_sim
def main(tick, config, q):
    # Disband 'empty' factions with no colonies
    def disband(_id):
        r = cp.query(payload="SELECT *\
            FROM massive\
            WHERE object == 'colony' && faction == '" + _id + "'\
            LIMIT 0, 0")
        if int(r['hits']) == 0:
            r = cp.query(payload="DELETE massive['" + _id + "']")['results'][0]['_id']
            return 'factions: disband faction ' + _id
            return 'factions: keep faction ' + _id

    if tick%config['cleanFactions'] == 0:
        factions = cp.query(payload="\
            SELECT _id\
            FROM massive\
            WHERE object == 'faction'\
            LIMIT 0,9999")
        if 'results' in factions:
            for faction in factions['results']:
                utils.queue(disband, faction['_id'])

    # Abandon depopulation colonies
    def abandon(_id):
        r = cp.query(payload="\
            UPDATE massive['" + _id + "']\
            SET faction = null")['results'][0]['_id']
        return 'factions: abandon colony ' + r

    colonies = cp.query(payload="\
        SELECT _id, faction\
        FROM massive\
        WHERE object == 'colony' && population == 0 && faction")
    if 'results' in colonies:
        for colony in colonies['results']:

    # Spawn new factions with initial colony
    count = int(cp.query(payload="SELECT * FROM massive WHERE object == 'faction' LIMIT 0, 0")['hits'])
    want = int(utils.dist_skewedLeft(config['factions']))
    if want > count:
        planet = cp.query(payload="\
            SELECT _id, size, habitability, richness, materials\
            FROM massive\
                object == 'planet' &&\
                type != 'Gas' &&\
                system_coords.radius < "+str(int(config['optimalDistance'][0]*config['optimalDistance'][1]))+" &&\
                system_coords.radius > "+str(int(config['optimalDistance'][0]/config['optimalDistance'][1]))+"\
            ORDER BY Math.abs("+str(config['optimalDistance'][0])+" - system_coords.radius) * Math.random()\
            LIMIT 0, 1"
        occupied = cp.query(payload="\
            SELECT SUM(population+industry) as size\
            FROM massive\
            WHERE object == 'colony' && anchor == '"+planet['_id']+"'\
            GROUP BY anchor")
        if int(occupied['hits']) == 0 or (planet['size'] >= occupied['results'][0]['size'] + 2):
            utils.queue(cp.put, payload={
                'object': 'faction',
                'pref': {  # 0 prefers first, 1 prefers last, 0.5 is indifferent.
                    'population_industry': utils.dist_flat(config['population_industry']),
                    'pacific_militaristic': utils.dist_flat(config['pacific_militaristic']),
                    'defence_attack': utils.dist_flat(config['defence_attack']),
                    'growth_expand': utils.dist_flat(config['growth_expand']),
                msg='factions: spawn faction '+str(tick)
            utils.queue(cp.put, payload={
                'object': 'colony',
                'faction': 'faction'+str(tick),
                'anchor': planet['_id'],
                'goods': re.search("(\w*)p", planet['_id']).group(1),
                'untilJoins': {
                    'habitability': planet['habitability'],
                    'richness': planet['richness'],
                    'materials': planet['materials'],
                'population': 1,
                'industry': 1,
                'storage': {
                    'goods': {
                        re.search("(\w*)p", planet['_id']).group(1): 100,
                    'solids': 100,  # Upkeep for industry
                    'metals': 0,  # For structure of skips
                    'isotopes': 0,  # For guns of ships
                    'ammo': 0  # For guns to shoot
                msg='factions: spawn colony'

    return 'done'
예제 #6
파일: factions.py 프로젝트: Akuukis/MMO_sim
 def abandon(_id):
     r = cp.query(payload="\
         UPDATE massive['" + _id + "']\
         SET faction = null")['results'][0]['_id']
     return 'factions: abandon colony ' + r
예제 #7
파일: universe.py 프로젝트: Akuukis/MMO_sim
def main(tick, config, q):
    # How many systems are there?
    count = int(cp.query(payload="SELECT * FROM massive WHERE object == 'system' LIMIT 0, 0")["hits"])

    # How many we want?
    want = int(utils.dist_skewedLeft(config['systems']))

    if want == count:
    elif want >= count:
        # Generate up to X more systems per tick
        pre = '[t' + str(tick)
        for system in range(0, min(config['systemsVolatility'], want - count)):
            urly = 'y' + str(system)
            stars = []
            for star in range(0, int(utils.dist_skewedLeft(config['stars']))):
                urls = urly + 's' + str(star)
                coordss = rndCoords(config['starDistance'], config['zFlatness'])
                planets = []
                for planet in range(0, int(utils.dist_skewedLeft(config['planets']))):
                    urlp = urls + 'p' + str(planet)
                    coordsp = rndCoords(config['planetDistance'], config['zFlatness'], coordss)
                    moons = []
                    for moon in range(0, int(utils.dist_skewedLeft(config['moons']))):
                        urlm = urlp + 'm' + str(moon)
                        utils.queue(cp.put, payload={
                                "object": "moon",
                                "system_coords": rndCoords(config['moonDistance'], config['zFlatness'], coordsp),
                                'type': ['Gas', 'Ice', 'Rock', 'Iron', 'Mix'][utils.choose_weighted(config['moonType'])],
                                'size': round(utils.dist_skewedLeft(config['moonSize']), 0),
                                'habitability': round(utils.dist_skewedLeft(config['moonHabitability']), 1),
                                'richness': round(utils.dist_skewedLeft(config['moonRichness']), 1),
                                'materials': rndMaterials(config['moonWeightSolidsOther'], config['moonWeightMetalsIsotopes']),
                            msg='      Moon ' + pre+urlm+"]"
                    utils.queue(cp.put, payload={
                            "object": "planet",
                            "system_coords": rndCoords(config['planetDistance'], config['zFlatness']),
                            'type': ['Gas', 'Ice', 'Rock', 'Iron', 'Mix'][utils.choose_weighted(config['planetType'])],
                            'size': round(utils.dist_skewedLeft(config['planetSize']), 0),
                            'habitability': round(utils.dist_skewedLeft(config['planetHabitability']), 1),
                            'richness': round(utils.dist_skewedLeft(config['planetRichness']), 1),
                            'materials': rndMaterials(config['planetWeightSolidsOther'], config['planetWeightMetalsIsotopes']),
                        msg='    Planet ' + pre+urlp+"]"
                utils.queue(cp.put, payload={
                        "id": star,
                        "object": "star",
                        "system_coords": rndCoords(config['starDistance'], config['zFlatness']),
                    msg='  Star ' + pre+urls+"]"
            utils.queue(cp.put, payload={
                "object": "system",
                "universe_coords": {
                    "x": random.randrange(config['x'][0],config['x'][1]),
                    "y": random.randrange(config['y'][0],config['y'][1]),
                    "z": random.randrange(config['z'][0],config['z'][1]),
                msg='System ' + pre+urly+"]"
    elif want <= count:
        pass  # TODO destroy systems

    return "done"
예제 #8
파일: economy.py 프로젝트: Akuukis/MMO_sim
def main(tick, config, q):
    # On average, per tick:
    # Colony produce (10 * (habitability-population/10)) local goods per population
    # Colony produce (10 * richness * weight) every material per industry
    # Colony upkeeps 1 unique exotic good or 4 local goods per population
    # Colony upkeeps 1 unique exotic good or 4 solids per industry
    def produce(_id):
        batch = 2 * config['batchEconomy']
        colony = cp.query(payload="\
            SELECT goods, storage, industry, population, untilJoins\
            FROM massive\
            WHERE _id == '"+_id+"'")['results'][0]

        # produce_goods
        goodsPerPop = float(colony['untilJoins']['habitability']) - float(colony['population']) * config['popDAR']
        goodsTotal = batch * float(colony['population']) * goodsPerPop
        colony['storage']['goods'][colony['goods']] += int(goodsTotal)

        # produce_materials
        materialsPerInd = float(colony['untilJoins']['richness']) - float(colony['industry']) * config['indDAR']
        materialsTotal = batch * float(colony['industry']) * materialsPerInd
        colony['storage']['solids'] += int(materialsTotal * float(colony['untilJoins']['materials'][0]))
        colony['storage']['metals'] += int(materialsTotal * float(colony['untilJoins']['materials'][1]))
        colony['storage']['isotopes'] += int(materialsTotal * float(colony['untilJoins']['materials'][2]))

        r = cp.query(payload="\
            UPDATE massive['" + _id + "']\
            SET storage.goods['"+colony['goods']+"'] = "+str(colony['storage']['goods'][colony['goods']])+",\
                storage['solids'] = "+str(colony['storage']['solids'])+",\
                storage['metals'] = "+str(colony['storage']['metals'])+",\
                storage['isotopes'] = "+str(colony['storage']['isotopes'])+"\
        return 'economy: produce at ' + r

    def upkeep(_id):
        batch = 2 * config['batchEconomy']
        colony = cp.query(payload="\
            SELECT goods, storage, industry, population, untilJoins\
            FROM massive\
            WHERE _id == '"+_id+"'")['results'][0]

        # upkeep_population
        size = colony['population']
        for key, amount in colony['storage']['goods'].items():
            if size == 0:
            if colony['storage']['goods'][key] >= batch and random.random() >= config['popForeignGoods']:
                colony['storage']['goods'][key] -= batch
                size -= 1
        if colony['storage']['goods'][colony['goods']] >= size * config['popLocalPenalty'] * batch:
            colony['storage']['goods'][colony['goods']] -= size * config['popLocalPenalty'] * batch
            colony['population'] -= 1
            colony['storage']['goods'][colony['goods']] += config['popDowngradeRefund'] * config['popUpgradeGoods']
            colony['storage']['solids'] += config['popDowngradeRefund'] * config['popUpgradeSolids']

        # upkeep_industry
        size = colony['industry']
        for key, amount in colony['storage']['goods'].items():
            if size == 0:
            if colony['storage']['goods'][key] >= batch and random.random() >= config['indForeignGoods']:
                colony['storage']['goods'][key] -= batch
                size -= 1
        if colony['storage']['solids'] >= size * config['indLocalPenalty'] * batch:
            colony['storage']['solids'] -= size * config['indLocalPenalty'] * batch
            colony['industry'] -= 1
            colony['storage']['goods'][colony['goods']] += config['indDowngradeRefund'] * config['indUpgradeGoods']
            colony['storage']['solids'] += config['indDowngradeRefund'] * config['indUpgradeSolids']

        r = cp.query(payload="\
            UPDATE massive['" + _id + "']\
            SET storage['goods'] = "+json.dumps(colony['storage']['goods'])+",\
                storage['solids'] = "+str(int(colony['storage']['solids']))+",\
                storage['metals'] = "+str(int(colony['storage']['metals']))+",\
                storage['isotopes'] = "+str(int(colony['storage']['isotopes']))+",\
                population = "+str(int(colony['population']))+",\
                industy = "+str(int(colony['industry']))+"\
        return 'economy: upkeep at ' + r

    # Whom production or upkeep should happen this tick?
    r = cp.query(payload="\
        SELECT _id FROM massive\
        WHERE object == 'colony' && faction && population > 0 && Math.random()<"+str(1/config['batchEconomy'])+"\
        LIMIT 0, 999999")

    if int(r['hits']) > 0:
        # Iterate through colonies
        for lucky in r['results']:
            if random.random() < 0.5:
                utils.queue(produce, lucky['_id'])
                utils.queue(upkeep, lucky['_id'])

    return 'done'
예제 #9
파일: test.py 프로젝트: Akuukis/MMO_sim

from pprintpp import pprint as pp
import cp

# Manual query below

pp(cp.query(payload="SELECT GROUP_KEY() as distance, COUNT() FROM massive WHERE type == 'planet' GROUP BY Math.floor(distance/50)*50 ORDER BY distance ASC LIMIT 0,10"))