예제 #1
def runs2k11(nRuns):
  Generate as many distinct runs possible (within nRuns).
  The distinctness is obtained by modifying A's hands such that
  it has not occurred in the first announcement.
  uL = ut.allHands(4, range(10)) # Returns set of all hands in sorted order
  remSeq = [len(uL)] # Sequence of remainder hands (after each run)
  runSeq = []
  handL  = []
  firstAnn = ann1
  currDeal = deal
  i = 0
  while len(uL) > 0 and i < nRuns:
    secondAnn = SecondAnn(currDeal, firstAnn)
    thirdAnn = ('c', [currDeal['c']])
    ann1L = firstAnn[1]
    for hand in ann1L:
      if hand in uL:
    currRun  = [firstAnn, secondAnn, thirdAnn]
    maxId = len(uL) - 1
    idx = rand.randint(0, maxId)
    nextHand = uL[idx]
    currDeal = minDeal(nextHand)
    firstAnn = genPermAnn(nextHand, ann1)[0]
    i = i + 1
  return (runSeq, handL, remSeq)
예제 #2
def getStrategy1(deal, agt):
  Return a possible announcement sequence for agt at deal.
  Since announcements are independent of actual history, we
  can generate the strategy apriori.
  hand = deal[agt]
  rest = []
  for agt1 in deal.keys():
    if agt1 != agt:
      rest = rest + deal[agt1]  
  X = getCards(rest, 2)
  annL1 = ut.allHands(len(hand), hand + X)
  if rand.randint(0,1) == 0: 
    X.pop() # drop an element of X
  annL2 = ut.allHands(len(hand), hand + X)
  return [annL1, annL2]    
예제 #3
def maxInfFor(hand):
  returns the announcement of maximum size
  that is informative to the agent 'b' for every
  deal that agent 'a' thinks possible initially.
  cLst = range(10)
  nH = nonHand(hand)  
  # All hands that do not contain any of a's cards.
  nilHand = ut.allHands(4, nH)
  # Convert the cards into a list of lists
  oneCard = ut.allHands(1, hand)
  # Set of all hands of size 3 not containing any of a's cards
  threeCH = ut.allHands(3, nH)
  # Set of all hands containing exactly one card from hand  
  oneCHL  = ut.crossProd(oneCard, threeCH)
  maxInfAnn = [hand] + oneCHL + nilHand
  maxInfAnn = ut.annSort(maxInfAnn)
  return maxInfAnn
예제 #4
def genX(deal, n):
  Return the set of all n cards that an agent doesn't have.
  (assume that n <= len(deck \ deal[agt]) for each agent).
  agts = ['a', 'b', 'c']
  possX = {}
  for ag in agts:
    hand = deal[ag]
    rest = []
    for ag1 in agts:
      if ag1 != ag :
        rest = rest + deal[ag1]
    # rest initialized.
    possX[ag] = ut.allHands(n, rest)
  return possX
예제 #5
def extendedAnn1(s0, deal, agt, k):
  Compute firstAnn and extend by k random non hands of agt.
    ann1, xCard = firstAnn(s0, deal, agt)
    hL = ut.allHands(len(deal[agt]), s0.cards)
    hLx = filterHands(hL, [xCard])
    # Now to genuinely increas the ann length.
    nonAnn1L = []
    for h in hLx:
        if not h in ann1[1]:
    idL = range(len(nonAnn1L))
    resHands = ann1[1]
    choiceLst = []
    for x in idL:
    for i in range(k):
        idx = rand.randint(0, len(choiceLst) - 1)
        dId = choiceLst.pop(idx)
    return (resHands, nonAnn1L, xCard)
예제 #6
def allHandsRuns2k11():
  Generate distinct runs for each hand of A (at a particular deal).
  The distinctness is obtained by modifying A's hands such that
  it has not occurred in the first announcement previously.
  uL = ut.allHands(4, range(10))
  runL = []
  hL   = []
  while len(uL) > 0:
    currHand = uL[0]
    currDeal = minDeal(currHand)
    currRun  = getRun2k11(currDeal, currHand)
    ann1 = currRun[0]
    ann1L = ann1[1]
    for disj in ann1L:
      if disj in uL:
  return (runL, hL)
예제 #7
import cpState as cps
import cpUtil as ut; 

deal = {'a' : [0, 1, 2, 3], 'b':[4, 5, 6, 7], 'c':[8,9] };
infAgts, eaves = ['a', 'b'],'c';
rus442 = cps.cpState([4, 4, 2], ['a','b', 'c'], deal, infAgts, eaves);

aCards = [[0], [1], [2], [3]]; 
A0 = ut.allHands(4, range(4,10)); 
A1 = ut.allHands(3, range(4,10)); 
aL = ut.crossProduct(aCards, A1, ''); 
aL = [[0,1,2,3]] + aL + A0; 
annA = ('a', aL); run = [annA]; 

s0 = rus442.updateAnn(annA); 
altC = s0.getAgtDeals('c'); 
altC = ut.sortDeals(altC);

aH = ut.allHands(4, range(10))

def nonHand(hand):
  All cards not in hand
  cLst = range(10)
  nH = []
  for c in cLst:
    if not c in hand:
  return nH
예제 #8
def getAnn1ForX(deal, agt, X):
  hand = deal[agt]
  annL1 = ut.allHands(len(hand), hand + X[agt])
  return (agt, annL1)
예제 #9
            resDecl = resLst[i]
            resName = resDecl.name()
            resIdx = int(resName.split('__')[1])
            if currIdx < resIdx:
                resLst[i] = currDecl
                currDecl = resDecl
    return resLst

z3 = cps.z3
And = z3.And
Implies = z3.Implies
Not = z3.Not
Or = z3.Or
cL = ut.allHands(4, range(12))
cL5 = filterHands(cL, [5])
hLst = [[0, 1, 2, 3]] + cL5
boolHands = z3.BoolVector('h', len(hLst))
bH = boolHands

a, b, c, e = 'a', 'b', 'c', 'e'
dL, agtL, cards = [4, 4, 4, 0], [a, b, c, e], range(12) \
deal = ut.minDeal(dL, agtL, cards)
st = cps.cpState
s0 = st(dL, agtL, deal, [a, b, c], e)

remLst = []
for h in hLst:
    cS = set(cards)
    remCards = list(cS.difference(set(h)))
예제 #10
 def initHands(self):
   self.initializedHands = True
   hSize = self.hSize
   self.handList = ut.allHands(hSize, self.cards)