async def B(self, ctx, swit: str): """B + (is xxx)""" if swit == 'greet': await ctx.send('こんにちは! BBBot('+VERSION+')だよ。\nよろしくね') elif swit == 'sysinfo': ipInfo = 'IP :'+socket.gethostname()+': '+socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) platInfo = 'OS : '+platform.platform() cpuInfo = 'CPU: '+cpuid.cpu_name() #cpuInfo = 'CPU: ['+str(psutil.cpu_count(logical=False))+'C '+str(psutil.cpu_count())+'T]' memInfo = 'MEM: '+str('{:.2f}'.format(psutil.virtual_memory().used/(1024*1024)))+'MB / '+str('{:.2f}'.format(psutil.virtual_memory().total/(1024*1024)))+'MB' await ctx.send(ipInfo+"\n"+platInfo+"\n"+cpuInfo+"\n"+memInfo) elif swit == 'hello': await ctx.send('Hello B!') elif swit == 'block': await ctx.send('□□□□□□□□\n□■■■■□□□\n□■□□□■□□\n□■□□□■□□\n□■■■■□□□\n□■□□□■□□\n□■□□□□■□\n□■□□□□■□\n□■■■■■□□\n□□□□□□□□') elif swit == 'typing': async with ctx.typing(): time.sleep(10) ctx.typing() await ctx.send('B') # elif swit == 'help': # await ctx.send('?add, ?sub, ?mul, ?div : 計算\n?BLOOP n : Bを連続送信します\n?B greet, hello, help, block : あいさつ, Hello B!, ヘルプ, □と■のB') # elif swit == 'is GOD': # await ctx.send('B IS GOD!') # elif swit == 'is CAT': # await get_pic(self, ctx, '', 'uchuu_neko.png') # elif swit == 'is DOG': # await get_pic(self, ctx, '', 'camera_dog.png') # elif swit == 'is POT': # await ctx.send('418:') else: await ctx.send('B!')
def cpu(is_x86, is_64bit): cpu = CpuFeatures(name=platform.processor(), vendor=platform.platform(), arch=platform.machine(), sse41=False, sse42=False, aes=False, avx=False, avx2=False) if is_x86: from cpuid import _is_set, cpu_vendor, cpu_name, cpu_microarchitecture cpu = CpuFeatures( name=cpu_name().rstrip('\x00'), vendor=cpu_vendor(), arch=cpu_microarchitecture()[0], sse41=_is_set(1, 2, 19) == 'Yes', sse42=_is_set(1, 2, 20) == 'Yes', aes=_is_set(1, 2, 25) == 'Yes', avx=_is_set(1, 2, 28) == 'Yes', avx2=_is_set(7, 1, 5) == 'Yes', ) logging.getLogger().info("CPU %s", cpu) return cpu
async def sysinfo(self, ctx): ipInfo = 'IP :'+socket.gethostname()+': '+socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) platInfo = 'OS : '+platform.platform() cpuInfo = 'CPU: '+cpuid.cpu_name() #cpuInfo = 'CPU: ['+str(psutil.cpu_count(logical=False))+'C '+str(psutil.cpu_count())+'T]' memInfo = 'MEM: '+str('{:.2f}'.format(psutil.virtual_memory().used/(1024*1024)))+'MB / '\ +str('{:.2f}'.format(psutil.virtual_memory().total/(1024*1024)))+'MB' await ctx.send(ipInfo+"\n"+platInfo+"\n"+cpuInfo+"\n"+memInfo)
def check_hardware(): """ checks the hardware """ print("Checking Hardware:") print(" => Vendor ID : %s" % cpu_vendor()) print(" => CPU name : %s" % cpu_name()) print(" => Microarchitecture : %s%s" % cpu_microarchitecture()) print(" => Vector instructions supported:") print(" -> SSE : %s" % has_instruction(1, 3, 25)) print(" -> SSE2 : %s" % has_instruction(1, 3, 26)) print(" -> SSE3 : %s" % has_instruction(1, 2, 0)) print(" -> SSSE3 : %s" % has_instruction(1, 2, 9)) print(" -> SSE4.1 : %s" % has_instruction(1, 2, 19)) print(" -> SSE4.2 : %s" % has_instruction(1, 2, 20)) print(" -> SSE4a : %s" % has_instruction(0x80000001, 2, 6)) print(" -> AVX : %s" % has_instruction(1, 2, 28)) print(" -> AVX2 : %s" % has_instruction(7, 1, 5)) print(" -> BMI1 : %s" % has_instruction(7, 1, 3)) print(" -> BMI2 : %s" % has_instruction(7, 1, 8)) print("\n") if has_instruction(1, 2, 28) != "Yes": print(" => ATTENTION: instruction set AVX is needed")
P(speedup > 0) = {:.4f} Vendor ID : {:s} CPU Name : {:s} Microarchitecture : {:s} '''.format( str(df), str(df.describe()), args.loop, df_mean['nps_e1'], df_std['nps_e1'], df_mean['nps_e2'], df_std['nps_e2'], df_mean['nps_diff'], df_std['nps_diff'], df_mean['nps_diff'] / df_mean['nps_e1'], statsmodels.stats.weightstats.ttest_ind(df['nps_e1'].values, df['nps_e2'].values, alternative='larger', usevar='unequal')[1], cpuid.cpu_vendor(), cpuid.cpu_name(), '%s%s' % cpuid.cpu_microarchitecture())) else:''' {:s} {:s} Result of {:d} runs ================== base = {:10.0f} +/- {:.0f} Vendor ID : {:s} CPU Name : {:s} Microarchitecture : {:s}