예제 #1
    def _check_for_sub_controllers(self, state, remainder):
        current_controller = state.controller
        method = None
        for find in ("get_one", "get"):
            if hasattr(current_controller, find):
                method = find

        if method is None:

        fixed_args, var_args, kws, kw_args = get_argspec(getattr(current_controller, method))
        fixed_arg_length = len(fixed_args)
        if var_args:
            for i, item in enumerate(remainder):
                item = state.translate_path_piece(item)
                if hasattr(current_controller, item) and self._is_controller(current_controller, item):
                    current_controller = getattr(current_controller, item)
                    state.add_routing_args(item, remainder[:i], fixed_args, var_args)
                    return self._dispatch_controller(item, current_controller, state, remainder[i + 1 :])
        elif fixed_arg_length < len(remainder) and hasattr(current_controller, remainder[fixed_arg_length]):
            item = state.translate_path_piece(remainder[fixed_arg_length])
            if hasattr(current_controller, item):
                if self._is_controller(current_controller, item):
                    state.add_routing_args(item, remainder, fixed_args, var_args)
                    return self._dispatch_controller(
                        item, getattr(current_controller, item), state, remainder[fixed_arg_length + 1 :]
예제 #2
    def _check_for_sub_controllers(self, state, remainder):
        current_controller = state.controller
        method = None
        for find in ('get_one', 'get'):
            if hasattr(current_controller, find):
                method = find

        if method is None:

        fixed_args, var_args, kws, kw_args = get_argspec(
            getattr(current_controller, method))
        fixed_arg_length = len(fixed_args)
        if var_args:
            for i, item in enumerate(remainder):
                item = state.translate_path_piece(item)
                if hasattr(current_controller, item) and self._is_controller(
                        current_controller, item):
                    current_controller = getattr(current_controller, item)
                    state.add_routing_args(item, remainder[:i], fixed_args,
                    return self._dispatch_controller(item, current_controller,
                                                     state, remainder[i + 1:])
        elif fixed_arg_length < len(remainder) and hasattr(
                current_controller, remainder[fixed_arg_length]):
            item = state.translate_path_piece(remainder[fixed_arg_length])
            if hasattr(current_controller, item):
                if self._is_controller(current_controller, item):
                    state.add_routing_args(item, remainder, fixed_args,
                    return self._dispatch_controller(
                        item, getattr(current_controller, item), state,
                        remainder[fixed_arg_length + 1:])
예제 #3
    def _method_matches_args(self, method, params, remainder, lax_params=False):
        This method matches the params from the request along with the remainder to the
        method's function signiture.  If the two jive, it returns true.
        argvars, ovar_args, argkws, argvals = get_argspec(method)

        required_vars = self._method_required_vars(method, params, argvars, argvals)

        params = params.copy()

        #remove the appropriate remainder quotient
        if len(remainder)<len(required_vars):
            #pull the first few off with the remainder
            required_vars = required_vars[len(remainder):]
            #there is more of a remainder than there is non optional vars
            required_vars = []

        #remove vars found in the params list
        for var in required_vars[:]:
            if var in params:
                # remove the param from the params so when we see if
                # there are params that arent in the non-required vars we
                # can evaluate properly
                del params[var]

        #remove params that have a default value
        vars_with_default = argvars[len(argvars)-len(argvals):]
        for var in vars_with_default:
            if var in params:
                del params[var]

        #make sure no params exist if keyword argumnts are missing
        if not lax_params and argkws is None and params:
            return False

        #make sure all of the non-optional-vars are there
        if not required_vars:
            #there are more args in the remainder than are available in the argspec
            if len(argvars)<len(remainder) and not ovar_args:
                return False
            return True

        return False