예제 #1
def get_versions_for_product(product, use_cache=True):
    """Returns list of recent version strings for specified product

    This looks at the crash reports submitted for this product over
    VERSIONS_WINDOW_DAYS days and returns the versions of those crash reports.

    If SuperSearch returns an error, this returns an empty list.

    NOTE(willkg): This data is noisy if there are crash reports with junk

    :arg product: either a product name or Product to query for
    :arg bool use_cache: whether or not to pull results from cache

    :returns: list of versions sorted in reverse order or ``[]``

    if isinstance(product, str):
        product = productlib.get_product_by_name(product)

    if use_cache:
        key = "get_versions_for_product:%s" % product.name.lower().replace(
            " ", "")
        ret = cache.get(key)
        if ret is not None:
            return ret

    api = supersearch_models.SuperSearchUnredacted()
    now = timezone.now()

    # Find versions for specified product in crash reports reported in the last
    # VERSIONS_WINDOW_DAYS days and use a big _facets_size so that it picks up versions
    # that have just been released that don't have many crash reports, yet
    window = settings.VERSIONS_WINDOW_DAYS
    params = {
        "date": [
            ">=" + (now - datetime.timedelta(days=window)).isoformat(),
            "<" + now.isoformat(),

    # Since we're caching the results of the search plus additional work done,
    # we don't want to cache the fetch
    ret = api.get(**params, dont_cache=True)
    if "facets" not in ret or "version" not in ret["facets"]:
        return []

    # Get versions from facet, drop junk, and sort the final list
    versions = set()
    for item in ret["facets"]["version"]:
        if item["count"] < settings.VERSIONS_COUNT_THRESHOLD:

        version = item["term"]

        # Bug #1622932 is about something submitting crash reports with a version of
        # 1024 which is clearly junk, but it messes everything up; this is hacky,
        # but let's just drop those explicitly and push off thinking about a better
        # way of doing all of this until later
        if version.startswith("1024"):

            # This generates the sort key but also parses the version to make sure it's
            # a valid looking version
            versions.add((generate_semver(version), version))

            # Add X.Yb to betas set
            if "b" in version:
                beta_version = version[:version.find("b") + 1]
                versions.add((generate_semver(beta_version), beta_version))
        except VersionParseError:

    # Sort by sortkey and then drop the sortkey
    versions = sorted(versions, key=lambda v: v[0], reverse=True)
    versions = [v[1] for v in versions]

    if use_cache:
        # Cache value for an hour plus a fudge factor in seconds
        cache.set(key, versions, timeout=(60 * 60) + random.randint(60, 120))

    return versions
예제 #2
def get_versions_for_product(product='Firefox', use_cache=True):
    """Returns list of recent version strings for specified product

    This looks at the crash reports submitted for this product over
    VERSIONS_WINDOW_DAYS days and returns the versinos of those crash reports.

    If SuperSearch returns an error, this returns an empty list.

    NOTE(willkg): This data can be noisy in cases where crash reports return
    junk versions. We might want to add a "minimum to matter" number.

    :arg str product: the product to query for
    :arg bool use_cache: whether or not to pull results from cache

    :returns: list of versions sorted in reverse order or ``[]``


    if use_cache:
        key = 'get_versions_for_product:%s' % product.lower().replace(' ', '')
        ret = cache.get(key)
        if ret is not None:
            return ret

    api = supersearch_models.SuperSearchUnredacted()
    now = timezone.now()

    # Find versions for specified product in crash reports reported in the last
    # 6 months
    params = {
        'date': [
            '>=' +
            (now - datetime.timedelta(days=VERSIONS_WINDOW_DAYS)).isoformat(),
            '<' + now.isoformat()

    ret = api.get(**params)
    if 'facets' not in ret or 'version' not in ret['facets']:
        return []

    # Get versions from facet, drop junk, and sort the final list
    versions = []
    for item in ret['facets']['version']:
        version = item['term']
            # This generates the sort key but also parses the version to
            # make sure it's a valid looking version
            versions.append((generate_version_key(version), version))
        except VersionParseError:

    versions.sort(key=lambda v: v[0], reverse=True)
    versions = [v[1] for v in versions]

    if use_cache:
        # Cache value for an hour plus a fudge factor in seconds
        cache.set(key, versions, (60 * 60) + random.randint(60, 120))

    return versions
예제 #3
def get_versions_for_product(product='Firefox', use_cache=True):
    """Returns list of recent version strings for specified product

    This looks at the crash reports submitted for this product over
    VERSIONS_WINDOW_DAYS days and returns the versinos of those crash reports.

    If SuperSearch returns an error, this returns an empty list.

    NOTE(willkg): This data is noisy if there are crash reports with junk

    :arg str product: the product to query for
    :arg bool use_cache: whether or not to pull results from cache

    :returns: list of versions sorted in reverse order or ``[]``


    if use_cache:
        key = 'get_versions_for_product:%s' % product.lower().replace(' ', '')
        ret = cache.get(key)
        if ret is not None:
            return ret

    api = supersearch_models.SuperSearchUnredacted()
    now = timezone.now()

    # Find versions for specified product in crash reports reported in the last
    # 6 months and use a big _facets_size so that it picks up versions that
    # have just been released that don't have many crash reports, yet
    params = {
        'date': [
            '>=' +
            (now - datetime.timedelta(days=VERSIONS_WINDOW_DAYS)).isoformat(),
            '<' + now.isoformat()

    # Since we're caching the results of the search plus additional work done,
    # we don't need to cache the fetch
    ret = api.get(**params, dont_cache=True)
    if 'facets' not in ret or 'version' not in ret['facets']:
        return []

    # Get versions from facet, drop junk, and sort the final list
    betas = set()
    versions = []
    for item in ret['facets']['version']:
        version = item['term']
            # This generates the sort key but also parses the version to
            # make sure it's a valid looking version
            versions.append((generate_version_key(version), version))

            # Add X.Yb to betas set
            if 'b' in version:
                beta_version = version[:version.find('b') + 1]
        except VersionParseError:

    # Add the (sortkey, X.Yb) to the list
    versions.extend([(generate_version_key(beta), beta) for beta in betas])

    # Sort by sortkey and then drop the sortkey
    versions.sort(key=lambda v: v[0], reverse=True)
    versions = [v[1] for v in versions]

    if use_cache:
        # Cache value for an hour plus a fudge factor in seconds
        cache.set(key, versions, timeout=(60 * 60) + random.randint(60, 120))

    return versions
예제 #4
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: heycam/socorro
def get_versions_for_product(product):
    """Returns recent versions for specified product

    This looks at the crash reports submitted for this product over
    VERSIONS_WINDOW_DAYS days and returns the versinos of those crash reports.

    If SuperSearch returns an error, this returns an empty list.

    NOTE(willkg): This data can be noisy in cases where crash reports return
    junk versions. We might want to add a "minimum to matter" number.

    :arg product: the product to query for

    :returns: list of versions sorted in reverse order or ``[]``

    key = 'get_versions_for_product:%s' % product.lower().replace(' ', '')
    ret = cache.get(key)
    if ret is not None:
        return ret

    api = supersearch_models.SuperSearchUnredacted()
    now = timezone.now()

    # Find versions for specified product in crash reports reported in the last
    # 6 months
    params = {
        'product': product,
        '_results_number': 0,
        '_facets': 'version',
        '_facets_size': 100,
        'date': [
            '>=' + (now - datetime.timedelta(days=VERSIONS_WINDOW_DAYS)).isoformat(),
            '<' + now.isoformat()

    ret = api.get(**params)
    if 'facets' not in ret or 'version' not in ret['facets']:
        return []

    versions = sorted_versions([item['term'] for item in ret['facets']['version']])

    # Set of X.Yb to add
    betas = set()

    # Map of major version (int) -> list of versions (str) so we can
    # get the most recent version of the last three majors which
    # we'll assume are "featured versions"
    major_to_versions = {}
    for version in versions:
            major = int(version.split('.', 1)[0])
            major_to_versions.setdefault(major, []).append(version)

            if 'b' in version:
                # Add X.Yb to the betas set
                betas.add(version[:version.find('b') + 1])
        except ValueError:
            # If the first thing in the major version isn't an int, then skip
            # it

    # The featured versions is the most recent 3 of the list of recent versions
    # for each major version. Since versions were sorted when we went through
    # them, the most recent one is in index 0.
    featured_versions = sorted_versions([values[0] for values in major_to_versions.values()])
    featured_versions = featured_versions[:3]

    # Add the beta versions and then resort the versions
    versions = sorted_versions(versions)

    # Generate the version data the context needs
    ret = [
            'product': product,
            'version': version,
            'is_featured': version in featured_versions,
            'has_builds': False
        for version in versions

    # Cache value for an hour plus a fudge factor in seconds
    cache.set(key, ret, (60 * 60) + random.randint(60, 120))
    return ret