예제 #1
파일: views.py 프로젝트: pcabido/socorro
def profile(request, default_context=None):
    context = default_context or {}
    context['permissions'] = (

    start_date = (
        datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(weeks=4)

    api = SuperSearchUnredacted()
    results = api.get(
        date='>%s' % start_date,
        _columns=['date', 'uuid'],

    context['crashes_list'] = [
        dict(zip(('crash_id', 'date'), (x['uuid'], x['date'])))
        for x in results['hits']

    context['your_tokens'] = (

    return render(request, 'profile/profile.html', context)
예제 #2
파일: views.py 프로젝트: 4thAce/socorro
def signature_comments(request, params):
    '''Return a list of non-empty comments. '''

    signature = params['signature'][0]

    context = {}
    context['query'] = {
        'total': 0,
        'total_count': 0,
        'total_pages': 0

    current_query = request.GET.copy()
    if 'page' in current_query:
        del current_query['page']

    context['params'] = current_query.copy()

        current_page = int(request.GET.get('page', 1))
    except ValueError:
        return http.HttpResponseBadRequest('Invalid page')

    if current_page <= 0:
        current_page = 1

    results_per_page = 50
    context['current_page'] = current_page
    context['results_offset'] = results_per_page * (current_page - 1)

    params['signature'] = '=' + signature
    params['user_comments'] = '!__null__'
    params['_columns'] = ['uuid', 'user_comments', 'date', 'useragent_locale']
    params['_results_number'] = results_per_page
    params['_results_offset'] = context['results_offset']
    params['_facets'] = []  # We don't need no facets.

    context['current_url'] = '%s?%s' % (

    api = SuperSearchUnredacted()
        search_results = api.get(**params)
    except BadArgumentError as e:
        # We need to return the error message in some HTML form for jQuery to
        # pick it up.
        return http.HttpResponseBadRequest(render_exception(e))

    search_results['total_pages'] = int(
            search_results['total'] / float(results_per_page)
    search_results['total_count'] = search_results['total']

    context['query'] = search_results

    return render(request, 'signature/signature_comments.html', context)
예제 #3
파일: views.py 프로젝트: willkg/socorro
def signature_summary(request, params):
    """Return a list of specific aggregations"""
    context = {}

    params['signature'] = '=' + params['signature'][0]
    params['_aggs.signature'] = [
    params['_results_number'] = 0
    params['_facets'] = [
    params['_histogram.uptime'] = ['product']
    params['_histogram_interval.uptime'] = 60
    params['_aggs.adapter_vendor_id'] = ['adapter_device_id']
    params['_aggs.android_cpu_abi.android_manufacturer.android_model'] = [
    params['_aggs.product.version'] = ['_cardinality.install_time']

    # If the user has permissions, show exploitability.
    all_fields = SuperSearchFields().get()
    if has_permissions(
        request.user, all_fields['exploitability']['permissions_needed']
        params['_histogram.date'] = ['exploitability']

    api = SuperSearchUnredacted()

    # Now make the actual request with all expected parameters.
        search_results = api.get(**params)
    except BadArgumentError as e:
        # We need to return the error message in some HTML form for jQuery to
        # pick it up.
        return http.HttpResponseBadRequest(render_exception(e))

    facets = search_results['facets']


    context['query'] = search_results
    context['product_version_total'] = search_results['total']
    if 'signature' in facets and len(facets['signature']) > 0:
        context['signature_stats'] = SignatureStats(search_results['facets']['signature'][0],

    return render(request, 'signature/signature_summary.html', context)
예제 #4
파일: views.py 프로젝트: snorp/socorro
def profile(request, default_context=None):
    context = default_context or {}
    context["permissions"] = Permission.objects.filter(content_type__model="").order_by("name")

    start_date = (datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(weeks=4)).isoformat()

    api = SuperSearchUnredacted()
    results = api.get(email=request.user.email, date=">%s" % start_date, _columns=["date", "uuid"], _sort="-date")

    context["crashes_list"] = [dict(zip(("crash_id", "date"), (x["uuid"], x["date"]))) for x in results["hits"]]

    return render(request, "profile/profile.html", context)
예제 #5
def signature_comments(request):
    '''Return a list of non-empty comments. '''
    params = get_validated_params(request)
    if isinstance(params, http.HttpResponseBadRequest):
        # There was an error in the form, let's return it.
        return params

    signature = params['signature'][0]

    data = {}
    data['query'] = {
        'total': 0,
        'total_count': 0,
        'total_pages': 0

    current_query = request.GET.copy()
    if 'page' in current_query:
        del current_query['page']

    data['params'] = current_query.copy()

        current_page = int(request.GET.get('page', 1))
    except ValueError:
        return http.HttpResponseBadRequest('Invalid page')

    if current_page <= 0:
        current_page = 1

    results_per_page = 50
    data['current_page'] = current_page
    data['results_offset'] = results_per_page * (current_page - 1)

    params['signature'] = '=' + signature
    params['user_comments'] = '!__null__'
    params['_columns'] = ['uuid', 'user_comments', 'date', 'useragent_locale']
    params['_results_number'] = results_per_page
    params['_results_offset'] = data['results_offset']
    params['_facets'] = []  # We don't need no facets.

    data['current_url'] = '%s?%s' % (

    api = SuperSearchUnredacted()
        search_results = api.get(**params)
    except models.BadStatusCodeError, e:
        # We need to return the error message in some HTML form for jQuery to
        # pick it up.
        return http.HttpResponseBadRequest('<ul><li>%s</li></ul>' % e)
예제 #6
파일: views.py 프로젝트: bramwelt/socorro
def signature_aggregation(request, aggregation):
    '''Return the aggregation of a field. '''
    params = get_params(request)
    if isinstance(params, http.HttpResponseBadRequest):
        # There was an error in the form, let's return it.
        return params

    if len(params['signature']) > 1:
        return http.HttpResponseBadRequest(
            'Invalid value for "signature" parameter, '
            'only one value is accepted'
    signature = params['signature'][0]

    if not signature:
        return http.HttpResponseBadRequest(
            '"signature" parameter is mandatory'

    data = {}
    data['aggregation'] = aggregation

    allowed_fields = get_allowed_fields(request.user)

    # Make sure the field we want to aggregate on is allowed.
    if aggregation not in allowed_fields:
        return http.HttpResponseBadRequest(
            'You are not allowed to aggregate on the "%s" field'
            '</li></ul>' % aggregation

    current_query = request.GET.copy()
    data['params'] = current_query.copy()

    params['signature'] = '=' + signature
    params['_results_number'] = 0
    params['_results_offset'] = 0
    params['_facets'] = [aggregation]

    data['current_url'] = '%s?%s' % (

    api = SuperSearchUnredacted()
        search_results = api.get(**params)
    except models.BadStatusCodeError, e:
        # We need to return the error message in some HTML form for jQuery to
        # pick it up.
        return http.HttpResponseBadRequest('<ul><li>%s</li></ul>' % e)
예제 #7
    def test_topcrasher_by_build(self):

        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            ok_('build_id' in params)
            return {
                'hits': [],
                'facets': {
                    'signature': []
                'total': 0
        SuperSearchUnredacted.implementation().get.side_effect = (

        response = self.client.get(self.base_url, {
            'product': 'WaterWolf',
            'version': '19.0',
            '_range_type': 'build',
        eq_(response.status_code, 200)

        # Test with a version that does not support builds.
        response = self.client.get(self.base_url, {
            'product': 'WaterWolf',
            'version': '18.0',
            '_range_type': 'build',
        eq_(response.status_code, 200)
        ok_('versions do not support the by build date' in response.content)
        ok_('Range Type:' not in response.content)
예제 #8
    def test_topcrasher_without_any_signatures(self, rpost):
        url = self.base_url + '?product=WaterWolf&version=19.0'
        response = self.client.get(self.base_url, {
            'product': 'WaterWolf',
        ok_(url in response['Location'])

        rpost.side_effect = mocked_post_123

        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            return {
                'hits': [],
                'facets': {
                    'signature': []
                'total': 0
        SuperSearchUnredacted.implementation().get.side_effect = (

        response = self.client.get(self.base_url, {
            'product': 'WaterWolf',
            'version': '19.0',
        eq_(response.status_code, 200)
예제 #9
    def test_search_results_pagination(self):
        """Test that the pagination of results works as expected.

        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            assert '_columns' in params

            # Make sure a negative page does not lead to negative offset value.
            # But instead it is considered as the page 1 and thus is not added.
            assert params.get('_results_offset') == 0

            hits = []
            for i in range(140):
                    "signature": "hang | nsASDOMWindowEnumerator::GetNext()",
                    "date": "2017-01-31T23:12:57",
                    "uuid": i,
                    "product": "WaterWolf",
                    "version": "1.0",
                    "platform": "Linux",
                    "build_id": 888981
            return {
                "hits": self.only_certain_columns(hits, params['_columns']),
                "facets": "",
                "total": len(hits)

        SuperSearchUnredacted.implementation().get.side_effect = mocked_supersearch_get

        url = reverse('supersearch:search_results')

        response = self.client.get(
                'signature': 'hang | nsASDOMWindowEnumerator::GetNext()',
                '_columns': ['version'],
                '_facets': ['platform'],

        assert response.status_code == 200
        assert '140' in smart_text(response.content)

        # Check that the pagination URL contains all three expected parameters.
        doc = pyquery.PyQuery(response.content)
        next_page_url = str(doc('.pagination a').eq(0))
        assert '_facets=platform' in next_page_url
        assert '_columns=version' in next_page_url
        assert 'page=2' in next_page_url
        assert '#crash-reports' in next_page_url

        # Verify white spaces are correctly encoded.
        # Note we use `quote` and not `quote_plus`, so white spaces are
        # turned into '%20' instead of '+'.
        assert quote('hang | nsASDOMWindowEnumerator::GetNext()') in next_page_url

        # Test that a negative page value does not break it.
        response = self.client.get(url, {'page': '-1'})
        assert response.status_code == 200
예제 #10
    def test_SuperSearchUnredacted(self):
        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            assert 'exploitability' in params
            if 'product' in params:
                assert params['product'] == ['WaterWolf', 'NightTrain']
            return {
                'hits': [
                        'signature': 'abcdef',
                        'product': 'WaterWolf',
                        'version': '1.0',
                        'email': '*****@*****.**',
                        'exploitability': 'high',
                        'url': 'http://embarassing.website.com',
                        'user_comments': 'hey I am [email protected]',
                'facets': {
                    'signature': []
                'total': 0

        SuperSearchUnredacted.implementation().get.side_effect = mocked_supersearch_get

        url = reverse('api:model_wrapper', args=('SuperSearchUnredacted',))
        response = self.client.get(url, {'exploitability': 'high'})
        assert response.status_code == 403
        assert response['Content-Type'] == 'application/json'
        error = json.loads(response.content)['error']
        permission = Permission.objects.get(
        assert permission.name in error

        # Log in to get permissions.
        user = self._login()
        self._add_permission(user, 'view_pii')
        self._add_permission(user, 'view_exploitability')

        response = self.client.get(url, {'exploitability': 'high'})
        assert response.status_code == 200
        res = json.loads(response.content)

        assert res['hits']
        assert res['facets']

        # Verify forbidden fields are exposed.
        assert 'email' in res['hits'][0]
        assert 'exploitability' in res['hits'][0]
        assert 'url' in res['hits'][0]
        assert '*****@*****.**' in res['hits'][0]['user_comments']

        # Verify values can be lists.
        response = self.client.get(url, {
            'exploitability': 'high',
            'product': ['WaterWolf', 'NightTrain']
        assert response.status_code == 200
예제 #11
    def test_signature_reports_pagination(self):
        """Test that the pagination of results works as expected.

        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            assert '_columns' in params

            # Make sure a negative page does not lead to negative offset value.
            # But instead it is considered as the page 1 and thus is not added.
            eq_(params.get('_results_offset'), 0)

            hits = []
            for i in range(140):
                    "signature": "nsASDOMWindowEnumerator::GetNext()",
                    "date": "2017-01-31T23:12:57",
                    "uuid": i,
                    "product": "WaterWolf",
                    "version": "1.0",
                    "platform": "Linux",
                    "build_id": 888981
            return {
                "hits": self.only_certain_columns(hits, params['_columns']),
                "facets": "",
                "total": len(hits)

        SuperSearchUnredacted.implementation().get.side_effect = (

        url = reverse('signature:signature_reports')

        response = self.client.get(
                'signature': DUMB_SIGNATURE,
                'product': ['WaterWolf'],
                '_columns': ['platform']

        eq_(response.status_code, 200)
        ok_('140' in response.content)

        # Check that the pagination URL contains all three expected parameters.
        doc = pyquery.PyQuery(response.content)
        next_page_url = str(doc('.pagination a').eq(0))
        ok_('product=WaterWolf' in next_page_url)
        ok_('_columns=platform' in next_page_url)
        ok_('page=2' in next_page_url)

        # Test that a negative page value does not break it.
        response = self.client.get(url, {
            'signature': DUMB_SIGNATURE,
            'page': '-1',
        eq_(response.status_code, 200)
예제 #12
    def test_signature_aggregation(self):
        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            assert 'signature' in params
            assert params['signature'] == ['=' + DUMB_SIGNATURE]

            assert '_facets' in params

            if 'product' in params['_facets']:
                return {
                    "hits": [],
                    "facets": {
                        "product": [
                                "term": "windows",
                                "count": 42,
                                "term": "linux",
                                "count": 1337,
                                "term": "mac",
                                "count": 3,
                    "total": 1382

            # the default
            return {
                "hits": [],
                "facets": {
                    "platform": []
                "total": 0

        SuperSearchUnredacted.implementation().get.side_effect = mocked_supersearch_get

        # Test with no results.
        url = reverse('signature:signature_aggregation', args=('platform',))

        response = self.client.get(url, {'signature': DUMB_SIGNATURE})
        assert response.status_code == 200
        assert 'Product' not in smart_text(response.content)
        assert 'No results were found' in smart_text(response.content)

        # Test with results.
        url = reverse('signature:signature_aggregation', args=('product',))

        response = self.client.get(url, {'signature': DUMB_SIGNATURE})
        assert response.status_code == 200
        assert 'Product' in smart_text(response.content)
        assert '1337' in smart_text(response.content)
        assert 'linux' in smart_text(response.content)
        assert str(int(1337 / 1382 * 100)) in smart_text(response.content)
        assert 'windows' in smart_text(response.content)
        assert 'mac' in smart_text(response.content)
예제 #13
    def test_signature_comments_pagination(self):
        """Test that the pagination of comments works as expected"""
        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            assert '_columns' in params

            if params.get('_results_offset') != 0:
                hits_range = range(100, 140)
                hits_range = range(100)

            hits = []
            for i in hits_range:
                    "date": "2017-01-31T23:12:57",
                    "uuid": i,
                    "user_comments": "hi",

            return {
                'hits': self.only_certain_columns(hits, params['_columns']),
                'total': 140

        SuperSearchUnredacted.implementation().get.side_effect = mocked_supersearch_get

        user = self._login()
        assert user.has_perm('crashstats.view_pii')

        url = reverse('signature:signature_comments')

        response = self.client.get(
                'signature': DUMB_SIGNATURE,
                'product': ['WaterWolf'],

        assert response.status_code == 200
        assert '140' in smart_text(response.content)
        assert '99' in smart_text(response.content)
        assert '139' not in smart_text(response.content)

        # Check that the pagination URL contains all expected parameters.
        doc = pyquery.PyQuery(response.content)
        next_page_url = str(doc('.pagination a').eq(0))
        assert 'product=WaterWolf' in next_page_url
        assert 'page=2' in next_page_url

        response = self.client.get(url, {
            'signature': DUMB_SIGNATURE,
            'page': '2',
        assert response.status_code == 200
        assert '140' in smart_text(response.content)
        assert '99' not in smart_text(response.content)
        assert '139' in smart_text(response.content)
예제 #14
    def test_signature_comments_pagination(self):
        """Test that the pagination of comments works as expected. """

        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            assert '_columns' in params

            if params.get('_results_offset') != 0:
                hits_range = range(100, 140)
                hits_range = range(100)

            hits = []
            for i in hits_range:
                    "date": "2017-01-31T23:12:57",
                    "uuid": i,
                    "user_comments": "hi",

            return {
                "hits": self.only_certain_columns(hits, params['_columns']),
                "total": 140

        SuperSearchUnredacted.implementation().get.side_effect = (

        url = reverse('signature:signature_comments')

        response = self.client.get(
                'signature': DUMB_SIGNATURE,
                'product': ['WaterWolf'],

        eq_(response.status_code, 200)
        ok_('140' in response.content)
        ok_('99' in response.content)
        ok_('139' not in response.content)

        # Check that the pagination URL contains all expected parameters.
        doc = pyquery.PyQuery(response.content)
        next_page_url = str(doc('.pagination a').eq(0))
        ok_('product=WaterWolf' in next_page_url)
        ok_('page=2' in next_page_url)

        response = self.client.get(url, {
            'signature': DUMB_SIGNATURE,
            'page': '2',
        eq_(response.status_code, 200)
        ok_('140' in response.content)
        ok_('99' not in response.content)
        ok_('139' in response.content)
예제 #15
def signature_aggregation(request, params, aggregation):
    '''Return the aggregation of a field. '''

    signature = params['signature'][0]

    context = {}
    context['aggregation'] = aggregation

    allowed_fields = get_allowed_fields(request.user)

    # Make sure the field we want to aggregate on is allowed.
    if aggregation not in allowed_fields:
        return http.HttpResponseBadRequest(
            'You are not allowed to aggregate on the "%s" field'
            '</li></ul>' % aggregation

    current_query = request.GET.copy()
    context['params'] = current_query.copy()

    params['signature'] = '=' + signature
    params['_results_number'] = 0
    params['_results_offset'] = 0
    params['_facets'] = [aggregation]

    api = SuperSearchUnredacted()
        search_results = api.get(**params)
    except BadArgumentError as e:
        # We need to return the error message in some HTML form for jQuery to
        # pick it up.
        return http.HttpResponseBadRequest(render_exception(e))

    context['aggregates'] = []
    if aggregation in search_results['facets']:
        context['aggregates'] = search_results['facets'][aggregation]

    context['total_count'] = search_results['total']

    return render(request, 'signature/signature_aggregation.html', context)
예제 #16
    def test_search_custom(self):
        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            return None

        SuperSearchUnredacted.implementation().get.side_effect = mocked_supersearch_get


        url = reverse('supersearch:search_custom')
        response = self.client.get(url)
        assert response.status_code == 200
        assert 'Run a search to get some results' in smart_text(response.content)
예제 #17
def signature_graphs(request, params, field):
    '''Return a multi-line graph of crashes per day grouped by field. '''

    signature = params['signature'][0]

    context = {}
    context['aggregation'] = field

    allowed_fields = get_allowed_fields(request.user)

    # Make sure the field we want to aggregate on is allowed.
    if field not in allowed_fields:
        return http.HttpResponseBadRequest(
            'You are not allowed to group by the "%s" field'
            '</li></ul>' % field

    current_query = request.GET.copy()
    context['params'] = current_query.copy()

    params['signature'] = '=' + signature
    params['_results_number'] = 0
    params['_results_offset'] = 0
    params['_histogram.date'] = [field]
    params['_facets'] = [field]

    api = SuperSearchUnredacted()
        search_results = api.get(**params)
    except BadArgumentError as e:
        # We need to return the error message in some HTML form for jQuery to
        # pick it up.
        return http.HttpResponseBadRequest(render_exception(e))

    context['aggregates'] = search_results['facets'].get('histogram_date', [])
    context['term_counts'] = search_results['facets'].get(field, [])

    return context
예제 #18
파일: views.py 프로젝트: twobraids/socorro
def signature_graphs(request, field):
    '''Return a multi-line graph of crashes per day grouped by field. '''
    params = get_validated_params(request)
    if isinstance(params, http.HttpResponseBadRequest):
        # There was an error in the form, let's return it.
        return params

    signature = params['signature'][0]

    data = {}
    data['aggregation'] = field

    allowed_fields = get_allowed_fields(request.user)

    # Make sure the field we want to aggregate on is allowed.
    if field not in allowed_fields:
        return http.HttpResponseBadRequest(
            'You are not allowed to group by the "%s" field'
            '</li></ul>' % field

    current_query = request.GET.copy()
    data['params'] = current_query.copy()

    params['signature'] = '=' + signature
    params['_results_number'] = 0
    params['_results_offset'] = 0
    params['_histogram.date'] = [field]
    params['_facets'] = [field]

    api = SuperSearchUnredacted()
        search_results = api.get(**params)
    except models.BadStatusCodeError, e:
        # We need to return the error message in some HTML form for jQuery to
        # pick it up.
        return http.HttpResponseBadRequest('<ul><li>%s</li></ul>' % e)
예제 #19
파일: views.py 프로젝트: mozilla/socorro
def search_custom(request, default_context=None):
    """Return the basic search page, without any result"""
    error = None
    query = None

        params = get_params(request)
    except ValidationError as e:
        # There was an error in the form, but we want to do the default
        # behavior and just display an error message.
        error = str(e)
        # Get the JSON query that supersearch generates and show it.
        params['_return_query'] = 'true'
        api = SuperSearchUnredacted()
            query = api.get(**params)
        except BadArgumentError as e:
            error = e

    schema = settings.ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX_SCHEMA
    now = timezone.now()

    possible_indices = []
    for i in range(26):
        index = (now - datetime.timedelta(weeks=i)).strftime(schema)
        possible_indices.append({'id': index, 'text': index})

    context = default_context
    context['elasticsearch_indices'] = possible_indices

    if query:
        context['query'] = json.dumps(query['query'])
        context['indices'] = ','.join(query['indices'])

    context['error'] = error

    return render(request, 'supersearch/search_custom.html', context)
예제 #20
파일: views.py 프로젝트: 4thAce/socorro
def signature_correlations(request, params):
    '''Return a list of correlations combos, to be populated by AJAX calls. '''
    signature = params['signature'][0]

    context = {}

    params['signature'] = '=' + signature
    params['_results_number'] = 0
    params['_facets'] = []
    params['_aggs.product.version'] = 'platform'

    api = SuperSearchUnredacted()
        search_results = api.get(**params)
    except BadArgumentError as e:
        # We need to return the error message in some HTML form for jQuery to
        # pick it up.
        return http.HttpResponseBadRequest(render_exception(e))

    all_combos = []
    for product in search_results['facets']['product']:
        for version in product['facets']['version']:
            for platform in version['facets']['platform']:
                    'product': product['term'],
                    'version': version['term'],
                    'platform': platform['term'],
                    'count': platform['count'],

    all_combos = sorted(all_combos, key=lambda x: x['count'])
    context['correlation_combos'] = (

    return render(request, 'signature/signature_correlations.html', context)
예제 #21
    def test_search_custom(self):

        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            return None

        SuperSearchUnredacted.implementation().get.side_effect = (


        url = reverse('supersearch.search_custom')
        response = self.client.get(url)
        assert response.status_code == 200
        assert 'Run a search to get some results' in response.content
예제 #22
def profile(request, default_context=None):
    context = default_context or {}
    context['permissions'] = (Permission.objects.filter(

    start_date = (datetime.datetime.utcnow() -

    api = SuperSearchUnredacted()
    results = api.get(
        date='>%s' % start_date,
        _columns=['date', 'uuid'],

    context['crashes_list'] = [
        dict(zip(('crash_id', 'date'), (x['uuid'], x['date'])))
        for x in results['hits']

    context['your_tokens'] = (models.Token.objects.filter(

    return render(request, 'profile/profile.html', context)
예제 #23
    def test_search_custom(self):

        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            return None

        SuperSearchUnredacted.implementation().get.side_effect = (


        url = reverse('supersearch.search_custom')
        response = self.client.get(url)
        eq_(response.status_code, 200)
        ok_('Run a search to get some results' in response.content)
예제 #24
파일: test_views.py 프로젝트: g-k/socorro
    def test_search_results_parameters(self, rpost):
        def mocked_post(**options):
            assert 'bugs' in options['url'], options['url']
            return Response({
                "hits": [],
                "total": 0

        rpost.side_effect = mocked_post

        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            # Verify that all expected parameters are in the URL.
            ok_('product' in params)
            ok_('WaterWolf' in params['product'])
            ok_('NightTrain' in params['product'])

            ok_('address' in params)
            ok_('0x0' in params['address'])
            ok_('0xa' in params['address'])

            ok_('reason' in params)
            ok_('^hello' in params['reason'])
            ok_('$thanks' in params['reason'])

            ok_('java_stack_trace' in params)
            ok_('Exception' in params['java_stack_trace'])

            return {
                "hits": [],
                "facets": "",
                "total": 0

        SuperSearchUnredacted.implementation().get.side_effect = (

        url = reverse('supersearch.search_results')

        response = self.client.get(
            url, {
                'product': ['WaterWolf', 'NightTrain'],
                'address': ['0x0', '0xa'],
                'reason': ['^hello', '$thanks'],
                'java_stack_trace': 'Exception',
        eq_(response.status_code, 200)
예제 #25
    def test_product_sans_featured_version(self):
        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            if '_columns' not in params:
                params['_columns'] = []

            # By default we range by date, so there should be no filter on
            # the build id.
            assert 'build_id' not in params

            if 'hang_type' not in params['_aggs.signature']:
                # Return results for the previous week.
                results = {
                    'hits': [],
                    'facets': {
                        'signature': []
                    'total': 0
                # Return results for the current week.
                results = {
                    'hits': [],
                    'facets': {
                        'signature': []
                    'total': 0

            results['hits'] = self.only_certain_columns(
            return results

        SuperSearchUnredacted.implementation().get.side_effect = mocked_supersearch_get

        self.set_product_versions(['20.0', '19.0', '18.0'])

        # Redirects to the most recent featured version
        response = self.client.get(self.base_url, {'product': 'SeaMonkey'})
        assert response.status_code == 302
        actual_url = self.base_url + '?product=SeaMonkey&version=20.0'
        assert actual_url in response['Location']

        # This version doesn't exist, but it still renders something and
        # doesn't throw an error
        response = self.client.get(self.base_url, {'product': 'SeaMonkey', 'version': '9.5'})
        assert response.status_code == 200
예제 #26
    def test_topcrashers_product_sans_featured_version(self):

        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            if '_columns' not in params:
                params['_columns'] = []

            # By default we range by date, so there should be no filter on
            # the build id.
            ok_('build_id' not in params)

            if 'hang_type' not in params['_aggs.signature']:
                # Return results for the previous week.
                results = {
                    'hits': [],
                    'facets': {
                        'signature': []
                    'total': 0
                # Return results for the current week.
                results = {
                    'hits': [],
                    'facets': {
                        'signature': []
                    'total': 0

            results['hits'] = self.only_certain_columns(
            return results
        SuperSearchUnredacted.implementation().get.side_effect = (

        response = self.client.get(self.base_url, {'product': 'SeaMonkey'})
        eq_(response.status_code, 302)
        actual_url = self.base_url + '?product=SeaMonkey&version=9.5'
        ok_(actual_url in response['Location'])

        response = self.client.get(self.base_url, {
            'product': 'SeaMonkey',
            'version': '9.5',
        eq_(response.status_code, 200)
예제 #27
    def test_product_sans_featured_version(self):
        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            if '_columns' not in params:
                params['_columns'] = []

            # By default we range by date, so there should be no filter on
            # the build id.
            assert 'build_id' not in params

            if 'hang_type' not in params['_aggs.signature']:
                # Return results for the previous week.
                results = {
                    'hits': [],
                    'facets': {
                        'signature': []
                    'total': 0
                # Return results for the current week.
                results = {
                    'hits': [],
                    'facets': {
                        'signature': []
                    'total': 0

            results['hits'] = self.only_certain_columns(
            return results

        SuperSearchUnredacted.implementation().get.side_effect = mocked_supersearch_get

        self.set_product_versions(['20.0', '19.0', '18.0'])

        # Redirects to the most recent featured version
        response = self.client.get(self.base_url, {'product': 'SeaMonkey'})
        assert response.status_code == 302
        actual_url = self.base_url + '?product=SeaMonkey&version=20.0'
        assert actual_url in response['Location']

        # This version doesn't exist, but it still renders something and
        # doesn't throw an error
        response = self.client.get(self.base_url, {'product': 'SeaMonkey', 'version': '9.5'})
        assert response.status_code == 200
예제 #28
    def test_search_custom_permission(self):
        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            return None

        SuperSearchUnredacted.implementation().get.side_effect = mocked_supersearch_get

        url = reverse("supersearch:search_custom")

        response = self.client.get(url)
        assert response.status_code == 302


        response = self.client.get(url)
        assert response.status_code == 200
        assert "Run a search to get some results" in smart_text(response.content)
예제 #29
    def test_search_results_ratelimited(self):
        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            return {"hits": [], "facets": [], "total": 0}

        SuperSearchUnredacted.implementation().get.side_effect = mocked_supersearch_get

        url = reverse("supersearch:search_results")
        limit = int(re.findall(r"(\d+)", settings.RATELIMIT_SUPERSEARCH)[0])
        params = {"product": "WaterWolf"}
        # double to avoid https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1148470
        for i in range(limit * 2):
            self.client.get(url, params)
        response = self.client.get(url, params, HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH="XMLHttpRequest")
        assert response.status_code == 429
        assert smart_text(response.content) == "Too Many Requests"
        assert response["content-type"] == "text/plain"
예제 #30
    def test_search_results_badargumenterror(self):
        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            raise BadArgumentError('<script>xss')

        SuperSearchUnredacted.implementation().get.side_effect = (

        url = reverse('supersearch.search_results')
        params = {'product': 'WaterWolf'}
        response = self.client.get(url,
        eq_(response.status_code, 400)
        eq_(response['content-type'], 'text/html; charset=utf-8')
        ok_('<script>' not in response.content)
        ok_('&lt;script&gt;' in response.content)
예제 #31
    def test_search_results_badargumenterror(self):
        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            raise BadArgumentError("<script>xss")

        ).get.side_effect = mocked_supersearch_get

        url = reverse("supersearch:search_results")
        params = {"product": "WaterWolf"}
        response = self.client.get(url,
        assert response.status_code == 400
        assert response["content-type"] == "text/html; charset=utf-8"
        assert "<script>" not in smart_text(response.content)
        assert "&lt;script&gt;" in smart_text(response.content)
예제 #32
    def test_without_any_signatures(self):
        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            return {
                'hits': [],
                'facets': {
                    'signature': []
                'total': 0

        SuperSearchUnredacted.implementation().get.side_effect = mocked_supersearch_get

        response = self.client.get(self.base_url, {
            'product': 'WaterWolf',
            'version': '19.0'
        assert response.status_code == 200
예제 #33
    def test_search_results_badargumenterror(self):

        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            raise BadArgumentError('<script>xss')

        SuperSearchUnredacted.implementation().get.side_effect = (

        url = reverse('supersearch.search_results')
        params = {'product': 'WaterWolf'}
        self.client.get(url, params)
        response = self.client.get(url, params)
        eq_(response.status_code, 400)
        eq_(response['content-type'], 'text/html; charset=utf-8')
        ok_('<script>' not in response.content)
        ok_('&lt;script&gt;' in response.content)
예제 #34
    def test_without_any_signatures(self):
        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            return {
                'hits': [],
                'facets': {
                    'signature': []
                'total': 0

        SuperSearchUnredacted.implementation().get.side_effect = mocked_supersearch_get

        response = self.client.get(self.base_url, {
            'product': 'WaterWolf',
            'version': '19.0'
        assert response.status_code == 200
예제 #35
    def test_by_build(self):
        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            assert "build_id" in params
            return {"hits": [], "facets": {"signature": []}, "total": 0}

        ).get.side_effect = mocked_supersearch_get

        response = self.client.get(
                "product": "WaterWolf",
                "version": "19.0",
                "_range_type": "build"
        assert response.status_code == 200
예제 #36
    def test_topcrasher_without_any_signatures(self):
        url = self.base_url + '?product=WaterWolf&version=19.0'
        response = self.client.get(self.base_url, {
            'product': 'WaterWolf',
        assert url in response['Location']

        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            return {'hits': [], 'facets': {'signature': []}, 'total': 0}

        SuperSearchUnredacted.implementation().get.side_effect = (

        response = self.client.get(self.base_url, {
            'product': 'WaterWolf',
            'version': '19.0',
        assert response.status_code == 200
예제 #37
    def test_search_results_badargumenterror(self):

        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            raise BadArgumentError('<script>xss')

        SuperSearchUnredacted.implementation().get.side_effect = mocked_supersearch_get

        url = reverse('supersearch:search_results')
        params = {'product': 'WaterWolf'}
        response = self.client.get(
        assert response.status_code == 400
        assert response['content-type'] == 'text/html; charset=utf-8'
        assert '<script>' not in smart_text(response.content)
        assert '&lt;script&gt;' in smart_text(response.content)
예제 #38
    def test_signature_summary_with_many_hexes(self):
        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            assert 'signature' in params
            assert params['signature'] == ['=' + DUMB_SIGNATURE]

            adapters = [
                    'term': '0x{0:0>4}'.format(i),
                    'count': 1
                for i in range(50)
            vendors = [
                    'term': '0x{0:0>4}'.format(i),
                    'count': 50,
                    'facets': {
                        'adapter_device_id': adapters
                for i in range(3)

            res = {
                'hits': [],
                'total': 4,
                'facets': {
                    'adapter_vendor_id': vendors,

            return res

        SuperSearchUnredacted.implementation().get.side_effect = mocked_supersearch_get

        # Test with no results
        url = reverse('signature:signature_summary')

        response = self.client.get(url, {
            'signature': DUMB_SIGNATURE,
            'product': 'WaterWolf',
            'version': '1.0',
        assert response.status_code == 200
예제 #39
    def test_signature_summary_with_many_hexes(self):
        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            assert 'signature' in params
            assert params['signature'] == ['=' + DUMB_SIGNATURE]

            adapters = [
                    'term': '0x{0:0>4}'.format(i),
                    'count': 1
                for i in range(50)
            vendors = [
                    'term': '0x{0:0>4}'.format(i),
                    'count': 50,
                    'facets': {
                        'adapter_device_id': adapters
                for i in range(3)

            res = {
                'hits': [],
                'total': 4,
                'facets': {
                    'adapter_vendor_id': vendors,

            return res

        SuperSearchUnredacted.implementation().get.side_effect = mocked_supersearch_get

        # Test with no results
        url = reverse('signature:signature_summary')

        response = self.client.get(url, {
            'signature': DUMB_SIGNATURE,
            'product': 'WaterWolf',
            'version': '1.0',
        assert response.status_code == 200
예제 #40
    def test_signature_aggregation(self):
        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            assert "signature" in params
            assert params["signature"] == ["=" + DUMB_SIGNATURE]

            assert "_facets" in params

            if "product" in params["_facets"]:
                return {
                    "hits": [],
                    "facets": {
                        "product": [
                            {"term": "windows", "count": 42},
                            {"term": "linux", "count": 1337},
                            {"term": "mac", "count": 3},
                    "total": 1382,

            # the default
            return {"hits": [], "facets": {"platform": []}, "total": 0}

        SuperSearchUnredacted.implementation().get.side_effect = mocked_supersearch_get

        # Test with no results.
        url = reverse("signature:signature_aggregation", args=("platform",))

        response = self.client.get(url, {"signature": DUMB_SIGNATURE})
        assert response.status_code == 200
        assert "Product" not in smart_text(response.content)
        assert "No results were found" in smart_text(response.content)

        # Test with results.
        url = reverse("signature:signature_aggregation", args=("product",))

        response = self.client.get(url, {"signature": DUMB_SIGNATURE})
        assert response.status_code == 200
        assert "Product" in smart_text(response.content)
        assert "1337" in smart_text(response.content)
        assert "linux" in smart_text(response.content)
        assert str(int(1337 / 1382 * 100)) in smart_text(response.content)
        assert "windows" in smart_text(response.content)
        assert "mac" in smart_text(response.content)
예제 #41
    def test_by_build(self):
        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            assert 'build_id' in params
            return {
                'hits': [],
                'facets': {
                    'signature': []
                'total': 0

        SuperSearchUnredacted.implementation().get.side_effect = mocked_supersearch_get

        response = self.client.get(self.base_url, {
            'product': 'WaterWolf',
            'version': '19.0',
            '_range_type': 'build',
        assert response.status_code == 200
예제 #42
    def test_search_results_ratelimited(self):
        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            return {"hits": [], "facets": [], "total": 0}

        SuperSearchUnredacted.implementation().get.side_effect = (

        url = reverse('supersearch.search_results')
        limit = int(re.findall('(\d+)', settings.RATELIMIT_SUPERSEARCH)[0])
        params = {'product': 'WaterWolf'}
        # double to avoid https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1148470
        for i in range(limit * 2):
            self.client.get(url, params)
        response = self.client.get(url,
        eq_(response.status_code, 429)
        eq_(response.content, 'Too Many Requests')
        eq_(response['content-type'], 'text/plain')
예제 #43
    def test_by_build(self):
        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            assert 'build_id' in params
            return {
                'hits': [],
                'facets': {
                    'signature': []
                'total': 0

        SuperSearchUnredacted.implementation().get.side_effect = mocked_supersearch_get

        response = self.client.get(self.base_url, {
            'product': 'WaterWolf',
            'version': '19.0',
            '_range_type': 'build',
        assert response.status_code == 200
예제 #44
    def test_parameters(self):

        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            # Verify that all expected parameters are in the URL.
            assert 'product' in params
            assert 'WaterWolf' in params['product']
            assert 'NightTrain' in params['product']

            assert 'address' in params
            assert '0x0' in params['address']
            assert '0xa' in params['address']

            assert 'reason' in params
            assert '^hello' in params['reason']
            assert '$thanks' in params['reason']

            assert 'java_stack_trace' in params
            assert 'Exception' in params['java_stack_trace']

            return {
                "hits": [],
                "facets": "",
                "total": 0

        SuperSearchUnredacted.implementation().get.side_effect = (

        url = reverse('signature:signature_reports')

        response = self.client.get(
            url, {
                'signature': DUMB_SIGNATURE,
                'product': ['WaterWolf', 'NightTrain'],
                'address': ['0x0', '0xa'],
                'reason': ['^hello', '$thanks'],
                'java_stack_trace': 'Exception',
        assert response.status_code == 200
예제 #45
    def test_topcrasher_modes(self, rpost):
        rpost.side_effect = mocked_post_123

        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            return {
                'hits': [],
                'facets': {
                    'signature': []
                'total': 0
        SuperSearchUnredacted.implementation().get.side_effect = (

        now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        today = now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)

        timestr = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
        now = now.strftime(timestr)
        today = today.strftime(timestr)

        with freezegun.freeze_time(now, tz_offset=0):
            # By default, it returns "real-time" data.
            response = self.client.get(self.base_url, {
                'product': 'WaterWolf',
                'version': '19.0',
            eq_(response.status_code, 200)
            ok_(now in response.content, now)
            ok_(today not in response.content)

            # Now test the "day time" data.
            response = self.client.get(self.base_url, {
                'product': 'WaterWolf',
                'version': '19.0',
                '_tcbs_mode': 'byday',
            eq_(response.status_code, 200)
            ok_(today in response.content)
            ok_(now not in response.content)
예제 #46
    def test_search_custom_parameters(self):

        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            assert "_return_query" in params
            assert "signature" in params
            assert params["signature"] == ["nsA"]

            return {
                "query": {"query": None},
                "indices": ["socorro200000", "socorro200001"],

        SuperSearchUnredacted.implementation().get.side_effect = mocked_supersearch_get

        url = reverse("supersearch:search_custom")
        response = self.client.get(url, {"signature": "nsA"})
        assert response.status_code == 200
        assert "Run a search to get some results" in smart_text(response.content)
        assert "{&#34;query&#34;: null}" in smart_text(response.content)
        assert "socorro200000" in smart_text(response.content)
        assert "socorro200001" in smart_text(response.content)
    def test_search_custom_parameters(self):

        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            assert '_return_query' in params
            assert 'signature' in params
            assert params['signature'] == ['nsA']

            return {
                "query": {"query": None},
                "indices": ["socorro200000", "socorro200001"]

        SuperSearchUnredacted.implementation().get.side_effect = mocked_supersearch_get

        url = reverse('supersearch:search_custom')
        response = self.client.get(url, {'signature': 'nsA'})
        assert response.status_code == 200
        assert 'Run a search to get some results' in smart_text(response.content)
        assert '{&#34;query&#34;: null}' in smart_text(response.content)
        assert 'socorro200000' in smart_text(response.content)
        assert 'socorro200001' in smart_text(response.content)
예제 #48
    def test_signature_summary_with_many_hexes(self):
        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            assert "signature" in params
            assert params["signature"] == ["=" + DUMB_SIGNATURE]

            adapters = [{
                "term": "0x{0:0>4}".format(i),
                "count": 1
            } for i in range(50)]
            vendors = [{
                "term": "0x{0:0>4}".format(i),
                "count": 50,
                "facets": {
                    "adapter_device_id": adapters
            } for i in range(3)]

            res = {
                "hits": [],
                "total": 4,
                "facets": {
                    "adapter_vendor_id": vendors

            return res

        ).get.side_effect = mocked_supersearch_get

        # Test with no results
        url = reverse("signature:signature_summary")

        response = self.client.get(url, {
            "signature": DUMB_SIGNATURE,
            "product": "WaterWolf",
            "version": "1.0"
        assert response.status_code == 200
예제 #49
def check_crashids(entropy_chunk, date):
    """Checks crash ids for a given entropy and date."""
    s3_context = get_s3_context()
    bucket = s3_context.config.bucket_name
    s3_client = s3_context.client

    supersearch = SuperSearchUnredacted()

    missing = []
    for entropy in entropy_chunk:
        raw_crash_key_prefix = RAW_CRASH_PREFIX_TEMPLATE % (entropy, date)

        paginator = s3_client.get_paginator("list_objects_v2")
        page_iterator = paginator.paginate(Bucket=bucket,

        for page in page_iterator:
            # NOTE(willkg): Keys look like /v2/raw_crash/ENTRPOY/DATE/CRASHID
            crash_ids = [
                for item in page.get("Contents", [])

            if not crash_ids:

            # Check S3 first
            for crash_id in crash_ids:
                if not is_in_s3(s3_client, bucket, crash_id):

            # Check Elasticsearch in batches
            for crash_ids_batch in chunked(crash_ids, 100):
                missing_in_es = check_elasticsearch(supersearch,

    return list(set(missing))
예제 #50
    def test_product_sans_featured_version(self):
        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            if "_columns" not in params:
                params["_columns"] = []

            # By default we range by date, so there should be no filter on
            # the build id.
            assert "build_id" not in params

            if "hang_type" not in params["_aggs.signature"]:
                # Return results for the previous week.
                results = {"hits": [], "facets": {"signature": []}, "total": 0}
                # Return results for the current week.
                results = {"hits": [], "facets": {"signature": []}, "total": 0}

            results["hits"] = self.only_certain_columns(
                results["hits"], params["_columns"])
            return results

        ).get.side_effect = mocked_supersearch_get

        self.set_product_versions(["20.0", "19.0", "18.0"])

        # Redirects to the most recent featured version
        response = self.client.get(self.base_url, {"product": "SeaMonkey"})
        assert response.status_code == 302
        actual_url = self.base_url + "?product=SeaMonkey&version=20.0"
        assert actual_url in response["Location"]

        # This version doesn't exist, but it still renders something and
        # doesn't throw an error
        response = self.client.get(self.base_url, {
            "product": "SeaMonkey",
            "version": "9.5"
        assert response.status_code == 200
예제 #51
    def test_modes(self):
        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            return {
                'hits': [],
                'facets': {
                    'signature': []
                'total': 0

        SuperSearchUnredacted.implementation().get.side_effect = mocked_supersearch_get

        now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0)
        today = now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0)

        with freezegun.freeze_time(now, tz_offset=0):
            now = now.isoformat()
            today = today.isoformat()

            # By default, it returns "real-time" data.
            response = self.client.get(self.base_url, {
                'product': 'WaterWolf',
                'version': '19.0',
            assert response.status_code == 200
            assert now in smart_text(response.content)
            assert today not in smart_text(response.content)

            # Now test the "day time" data.
            response = self.client.get(self.base_url, {
                'product': 'WaterWolf',
                'version': '19.0',
                '_tcbs_mode': 'byday',
            assert response.status_code == 200
            assert today in smart_text(response.content)
            assert now not in smart_text(response.content)
예제 #52
파일: test_views.py 프로젝트: g-k/socorro
    def test_search_custom_parameters(self):

        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            ok_('_return_query' in params)
            ok_('signature' in params)
            eq_(params['signature'], ['nsA'])

            return {
                "query": {"query": None},
                "indices": ["socorro200000", "socorro200001"]

        SuperSearchUnredacted.implementation().get.side_effect = (

        url = reverse('supersearch.search_custom')
        response = self.client.get(url, {'signature': 'nsA'})
        eq_(response.status_code, 200)
        ok_('Run a search to get some results' in response.content)
        ok_('{&#34;query&#34;: null}' in response.content)
        ok_('socorro200000' in response.content)
        ok_('socorro200001' in response.content)
예제 #53
    def test_topcrasher_by_build(self):
        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            assert 'build_id' in params
            return {'hits': [], 'facets': {'signature': []}, 'total': 0}

        SuperSearchUnredacted.implementation().get.side_effect = (

        response = self.client.get(self.base_url, {
            'product': 'WaterWolf',
            'version': '19.0',
            '_range_type': 'build',
        assert response.status_code == 200

        # Test with a version that does not support builds.
        response = self.client.get(self.base_url, {
            'product': 'WaterWolf',
            'version': '18.0',
            '_range_type': 'build',
        assert response.status_code == 200
        assert 'versions do not support the by build date' in response.content
        assert 'Range Type:' not in response.content
예제 #54
파일: views.py 프로젝트: g-k/socorro
def get_topcrashers_results(**kwargs):
    """Return the results of a search. """
    results = []

    params = kwargs
    range_type = params.pop('_range_type')
    dates = get_date_boundaries(params)

    params['_aggs.signature'] = [
    params['_histogram_interval.uptime'] = 60

    # We don't care about no results, only facets.
    params['_results_number'] = 0

    if params.get('process_type') in ('any', 'all'):
        params['process_type'] = None

    if range_type == 'build':
        params['build_id'] = [
            '>=' + datetime_to_build_id(dates[0]),
            '<' + datetime_to_build_id(dates[1])

    api = SuperSearchUnredacted()
    search_results = api.get(**params)

    if search_results['total'] > 0:
        results = search_results['facets']['signature']

        platforms = models.Platforms().get_all()['hits']
        platform_codes = [
            x['code'] for x in platforms if x['code'] != 'unknown'

        for i, hit in enumerate(results):
            hit['signature'] = hit['term']
            hit['rank'] = i + 1
            hit['percent'] = 100.0 * hit['count'] / search_results['total']

            # Number of crash per platform.
            for platform in platform_codes:
                hit[platform + '_count'] = 0

            sig_platforms = hit['facets']['platform']
            for platform in sig_platforms:
                code = platform['term'][:3].lower()
                if code in platform_codes:
                    hit[code + '_count'] = platform['count']

            # Number of crashes happening during garbage collection.
            hit['is_gc_count'] = 0
            sig_gc = hit['facets']['is_garbage_collecting']
            for row in sig_gc:
                if row['term'].lower() == 't':
                    hit['is_gc_count'] = row['count']

            # Number of plugin crashes.
            hit['plugin_count'] = 0
            sig_process = hit['facets']['process_type']
            for row in sig_process:
                if row['term'].lower() == 'plugin':
                    hit['plugin_count'] = row['count']

            # Number of hang crashes.
            hit['hang_count'] = 0
            sig_hang = hit['facets']['hang_type']
            for row in sig_hang:
                # Hangs have weird values in the database: a value of 1 or -1
                # means it is a hang, a value of 0 or missing means it is not.
                if row['term'] in (1, -1):
                    hit['hang_count'] += row['count']

            # Number of crashes happening during startup. This is defined by
            # the client, as opposed to the next method which relies on
            # the uptime of the client.
            hit['startup_count'] = sum(
                row['count'] for row in hit['facets']['startup_crash']
                if row['term'] in ('T', '1'))

            # Is a startup crash if more than half of the crashes are happening
            # in the first minute after launch.
            hit['startup_crash'] = False
            sig_uptime = hit['facets']['histogram_uptime']
            for row in sig_uptime:
                # Aggregation buckets use the lowest value of the bucket as
                # term. So for everything between 0 and 60 excluded, the
                # term will be `0`.
                if row['term'] < 60:
                    ratio = 1.0 * row['count'] / hit['count']
                    hit['startup_crash'] = ratio > 0.5

            # Number of distinct installations.
            hit['installs_count'] = (

        # Run the same query but for the previous date range, so we can
        # compare the rankings and show rank changes.
        delta = (dates[1] - dates[0]) * 2
        params['date'] = [
            '>=' + (dates[1] - delta).isoformat(), '<' + dates[0].isoformat()
        params['_aggs.signature'] = [
        params['_facets_size'] *= 2

        if range_type == 'build':
            params['date'][1] = '<' + dates[1].isoformat()
            params['build_id'] = [
                '>=' + datetime_to_build_id(dates[1] - delta),
                '<' + datetime_to_build_id(dates[0])

        previous_range_results = api.get(**params)
        total = previous_range_results['total']

        compare_signatures = {}
        if total > 0 and 'signature' in previous_range_results['facets']:
            signatures = previous_range_results['facets']['signature']
            for i, hit in enumerate(signatures):
                compare_signatures[hit['term']] = {
                    'count': hit['count'],
                    'rank': i + 1,
                    'percent': 100.0 * hit['count'] / total

        for hit in results:
            sig = compare_signatures.get(hit['term'])
            if sig:
                hit['diff'] = sig['percent'] - hit['percent']
                hit['rank_diff'] = sig['rank'] - hit['rank']
                hit['previous_percent'] = sig['percent']
                hit['diff'] = 'new'
                hit['rank_diff'] = 0
                hit['previous_percent'] = 0

    return search_results
예제 #55
파일: test_views.py 프로젝트: g-k/socorro
    def test_search_results_pagination(self, rpost):
        """Test that the pagination of results works as expected.
        def mocked_post(**options):
            assert 'bugs' in options['url'], options['url']
            return Response("""
                {"hits": [], "total": 0}

        rpost.side_effect = mocked_post

        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            assert '_columns' in params

            # Make sure a negative page does not lead to negative offset value.
            # But instead it is considered as the page 1 and thus is not added.
            eq_(params.get('_results_offset'), 0)

            hits = []
            for i in range(140):
                    "signature": "hang | nsASDOMWindowEnumerator::GetNext()",
                    "date": "2017-01-31T23:12:57",
                    "uuid": i,
                    "product": "WaterWolf",
                    "version": "1.0",
                    "platform": "Linux",
                    "build_id": 888981
            return {
                "hits": self.only_certain_columns(hits, params['_columns']),
                "facets": "",
                "total": len(hits)

        SuperSearchUnredacted.implementation().get.side_effect = (

        url = reverse('supersearch.search_results')

        response = self.client.get(
                'signature': 'hang | nsASDOMWindowEnumerator::GetNext()',
                '_columns': ['version'],
                '_facets': ['platform'],

        eq_(response.status_code, 200)
        ok_('140' in response.content)

        # Check that the pagination URL contains all three expected parameters.
        doc = pyquery.PyQuery(response.content)
        next_page_url = str(doc('.pagination a').eq(0))
        ok_('_facets=platform' in next_page_url)
        ok_('_columns=version' in next_page_url)
        ok_('page=2' in next_page_url)
        ok_('#crash-reports' in next_page_url)

        # Verify white spaces are correctly encoded.
            # Note we use `quote` and not `quote_plus`, so white spaces are
            # turned into '%20' instead of '+'.
            urllib.quote('hang | nsASDOMWindowEnumerator::GetNext()')
            in next_page_url

        # Test that a negative page value does not break it.
        response = self.client.get(url, {'page': '-1'})
        eq_(response.status_code, 200)
예제 #56
파일: test_views.py 프로젝트: g-k/socorro
    def test_search_results_admin_mode(self, rpost):
        """Test that an admin can see more fields, and that a non-admin cannot.
        def mocked_post(**options):
            assert 'bugs' in options['url'], options['url']
            return Response({"hits": [], "total": 0})

        rpost.side_effect = mocked_post

        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            assert '_columns' in params

            if '_facets' in params and 'url' in params['_facets']:
                facets = {
                    "platform": [
                            "term": "Linux",
                            "count": 3
                    "url": [
                            "term": "http://example.org",
                            "count": 3
                facets = {
                    "platform": [
                            "term": "Linux",
                            "count": 3

            results = {
                "hits": [
                        "signature": "nsASDOMWindowEnumerator::GetNext()",
                        "date": "2017-01-31T23:12:57",
                        "uuid": "aaaaaaaaaaaaa1",
                        "product": "WaterWolf",
                        "version": "1.0",
                        "platform": "Linux",
                        "build_id": 888981,
                        "email": "*****@*****.**",
                        "url": "http://example.org",
                        "exploitability": "high"
                        "signature": "mySignatureIsCool",
                        "date": "2017-01-31T23:12:57",
                        "uuid": "aaaaaaaaaaaaa2",
                        "product": "WaterWolf",
                        "version": "1.0",
                        "platform": "Linux",
                        "build_id": 888981,
                        "email": "*****@*****.**",
                        "url": "http://example.org",
                        "exploitability": "low"
                        "signature": "mineIsCoolerThanYours",
                        "date": "2017-01-31T23:12:57",
                        "uuid": "aaaaaaaaaaaaa3",
                        "product": "WaterWolf",
                        "version": "1.0",
                        "platform": "Linux",
                        "build_id": None,
                        "email": "*****@*****.**",
                        "url": "http://example.org",
                        "exploitability": "error"
                "facets": facets,
                "total": 3
            results['hits'] = self.only_certain_columns(
            return results

        SuperSearchUnredacted.implementation().get.side_effect = (

        url = reverse('supersearch.search_results')

        # Logged in user, can see the email field
        user = self._login()
        group = self._create_group_with_permission('view_pii')

        response = self.client.get(
                '_columns': ['version', 'email', 'url', 'exploitability'],
                '_facets': ['url', 'platform']

        eq_(response.status_code, 200)
        ok_('Email' in response.content)
        ok_('*****@*****.**' in response.content)
        ok_('Url facet' in response.content)
        ok_('http://example.org' in response.content)
        ok_('Version' in response.content)
        ok_('1.0' in response.content)

        # Without the correct permission the user cannot see exploitability.
        ok_('Exploitability' not in response.content)

        exp_group = self._create_group_with_permission('view_exploitability')

        response = self.client.get(
                '_columns': ['version', 'email', 'url', 'exploitability'],
                '_facets': ['url', 'platform']

        eq_(response.status_code, 200)
        ok_('Email' in response.content)
        ok_('Exploitability' in response.content)
        ok_('high' in response.content)

        # Logged out user, cannot see the email field
        response = self.client.get(
                '_columns': ['version', 'email', 'url'],
                '_facets': ['url', 'platform']

        eq_(response.status_code, 200)
        ok_('Email' not in response.content)
        ok_('*****@*****.**' not in response.content)
        ok_('Url facet' not in response.content)
        ok_('http://example.org' not in response.content)
        ok_('Version' in response.content)
        ok_('1.0' in response.content)
예제 #57
파일: test_views.py 프로젝트: g-k/socorro
    def test_search_results(self, cpost):
        def mocked_post(**options):
            return {
                "hits": [
                        "id": "123456",
                        "signature": u"nsASDOMWindowEnumerator::GetNext()"
                "total": 1

        cpost.side_effect = mocked_post

        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            assert '_columns' in params

            if 'product' in params and 'WaterWolf' in params['product']:
                results = {
                    "hits": [
                            "signature": "nsASDOMWindowEnumerator::GetNext()",
                            "date": "2017-01-31T23:12:57",
                            "uuid": "aaaaaaaaaaaaa1",
                            "product": "WaterWolf",
                            "version": "1.0",
                            "platform": "Linux",
                            "build_id": 888981
                            "signature": "mySignatureIsCool",
                            "date": "2017-01-31T23:12:57",
                            "uuid": "aaaaaaaaaaaaa2",
                            "product": "WaterWolf",
                            "version": "1.0",
                            "platform": "Linux",
                            "build_id": 888981
                            "signature": "mineIsCoolerThanYours",
                            "date": "2017-01-31T23:12:57",
                            "uuid": "aaaaaaaaaaaaa3",
                            "product": "WaterWolf",
                            "version": "1.0",
                            "platform": "Linux",
                            "build_id": None
                            "signature": "EMPTY",
                            "date": "2017-01-31T23:12:57",
                            "uuid": "aaaaaaaaaaaaa4",
                            "product": "WaterWolf",
                            "version": "1.0",
                            "platform": "Linux",
                            "build_id": None
                    "facets": {
                        "signature": [
                                "term": "nsASDOMWindowEnumerator::GetNext()",
                                "count": 1
                                "term": "mySignatureIsCool",
                                "count": 1
                                "term": "mineIsCoolerThanYours",
                                "count": 1
                                "term": "EMPTY",
                                "count": 1
                    "total": 4
                results['hits'] = self.only_certain_columns(
                return results
            elif 'product' in params and 'SeaMonkey' in params['product']:
                results = {
                    "hits": [
                            "signature": "nsASDOMWindowEnumerator::GetNext()",
                            "date": "2017-01-31T23:12:57",
                            "uuid": "aaaaaaaaaaaaa",
                            "product": "WaterWolf",
                            "version": "1.0",
                            "platform": "Linux",
                            "build_id": 888981
                            "signature": "mySignatureIsCool",
                            "date": "2017-01-31T23:12:57",
                            "uuid": "aaaaaaaaaaaaa",
                            "product": "WaterWolf",
                            "version": "1.0",
                            "platform": "Linux",
                            "build_id": 888981
                    "facets": {
                        "build_id": [
                                "term": "888981",
                                "count": 2
                    "total": 2
                results['hits'] = self.only_certain_columns(
                return results
            elif (
                'signature' in params and
                '~nsASDOMWindowEnumerator' in params['signature']
                results = {
                    "hits": [
                            "signature": "nsASDOMWindowEnumerator::GetNext()",
                            "date": "2017-01-31T23:12:57",
                            "uuid": "aaaaaaaaaaaaa",
                            "product": "WaterWolf",
                            "version": "1.0",
                            "platform": "Linux",
                            "build_id": 12345678
                    "facets": {
                        "signature": [
                                "term": "nsASDOMWindowEnumerator::GetNext()",
                                "count": 1
                    "total": 1
                results['hits'] = self.only_certain_columns(
                return results
                return {"hits": [], "facets": [], "total": 0}

        SuperSearchUnredacted.implementation().get.side_effect = (

        url = reverse('supersearch.search_results')
        response = self.client.get(
            {'product': 'WaterWolf'}
        eq_(response.status_code, 200)
        # Test results are existing
        ok_('table id="reports-list"' in response.content)
        ok_('nsASDOMWindowEnumerator::GetNext()' in response.content)
        ok_('mySignatureIsCool' in response.content)
        ok_('mineIsCoolerThanYours' in response.content)
        ok_('EMPTY' in response.content)
        ok_('aaaaaaaaaaaaa1' in response.content)
        ok_('888981' in response.content)
        ok_('Linux' in response.content)
        ok_('2017-01-31 23:12:57' in response.content)
        # Test facets are existing
        ok_('table id="facets-list-' in response.content)
        # Test bugs are existing
        ok_('<th scope="col">Bugs</th>' in response.content)
        ok_('123456' in response.content)
        # Test links on terms are existing
        ok_('product=%3DWaterWolf' in response.content)

        # Test with empty results
        response = self.client.get(url, {
            'product': 'NightTrain',
            'date': '2012-01-01'
        eq_(response.status_code, 200)
        ok_('table id="reports-list"' not in response.content)
        ok_('No results were found' in response.content)

        # Test with a signature param
        response = self.client.get(
            {'signature': '~nsASDOMWindowEnumerator'}
        eq_(response.status_code, 200)
        ok_('table id="reports-list"' in response.content)
        ok_('nsASDOMWindowEnumerator::GetNext()' in response.content)
        ok_('123456' in response.content)

        # Test with a different facet
        response = self.client.get(
            {'_facets': 'build_id', 'product': 'SeaMonkey'}
        eq_(response.status_code, 200)
        ok_('table id="reports-list"' in response.content)
        ok_('table id="facets-list-' in response.content)
        ok_('888981' in response.content)
        # Bugs should not be there, they appear only in the signature facet
        ok_('<th>Bugs</th>' not in response.content)
        ok_('123456' not in response.content)

        # Test with a different columns list
        response = self.client.get(
            {'_columns': ['build_id', 'platform'], 'product': 'WaterWolf'}
        eq_(response.status_code, 200)
        ok_('table id="reports-list"' in response.content)
        ok_('table id="facets-list-' in response.content)
        # The build and platform appear
        ok_('888981' in response.content)
        ok_('Linux' in response.content)
        # The crash id is always shown
        ok_('aaaaaaaaaaaaa1' in response.content)
        # The version and date do not appear
        ok_('1.0' not in response.content)
        ok_('2017' not in response.content)

        # Test missing parameters don't raise an exception.
        response = self.client.get(
            {'product': 'WaterWolf', 'date': '', 'build_id': ''}
        eq_(response.status_code, 200)
예제 #58
    def test_search_results(self):
            bug_id=123456, signature="nsASDOMWindowEnumerator::GetNext()")

        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            assert "_columns" in params

            if "product" in params and "WaterWolf" in params["product"]:
                results = {
                    "hits": [
                            "signature": "nsASDOMWindowEnumerator::GetNext()",
                            "date": "2017-01-31T23:12:57",
                            "uuid": "aaaaaaaaaaaaa1",
                            "product": "WaterWolf",
                            "version": "1.0",
                            "platform": "Linux",
                            "build_id": 888981,
                            "signature": "mySignatureIsCool",
                            "date": "2017-01-31T23:12:57",
                            "uuid": "aaaaaaaaaaaaa2",
                            "product": "WaterWolf",
                            "version": "1.0",
                            "platform": "Linux",
                            "build_id": 888981,
                            "signature": "mineIsCoolerThanYours",
                            "date": "2017-01-31T23:12:57",
                            "uuid": "aaaaaaaaaaaaa3",
                            "product": "WaterWolf",
                            "version": "1.0",
                            "platform": "Linux",
                            "build_id": None,
                            "signature": "EMPTY",
                            "date": "2017-01-31T23:12:57",
                            "uuid": "aaaaaaaaaaaaa4",
                            "product": "WaterWolf",
                            "version": "1.0",
                            "platform": "Linux",
                            "build_id": None,
                    "facets": {
                        "signature": [
                                "term": "nsASDOMWindowEnumerator::GetNext()",
                                "count": 1
                                "term": "mySignatureIsCool",
                                "count": 1
                                "term": "mineIsCoolerThanYours",
                                "count": 1
                                "term": "EMPTY",
                                "count": 1
                results["hits"] = self.only_certain_columns(
                    results["hits"], params["_columns"])
                return results
            elif "product" in params and "SeaMonkey" in params["product"]:
                results = {
                    "hits": [
                            "signature": "nsASDOMWindowEnumerator::GetNext()",
                            "date": "2017-01-31T23:12:57",
                            "uuid": "aaaaaaaaaaaaa",
                            "product": "WaterWolf",
                            "version": "1.0",
                            "platform": "Linux",
                            "build_id": 888981,
                            "signature": "mySignatureIsCool",
                            "date": "2017-01-31T23:12:57",
                            "uuid": "aaaaaaaaaaaaa",
                            "product": "WaterWolf",
                            "version": "1.0",
                            "platform": "Linux",
                            "build_id": 888981,
                    "facets": {
                        "build_id": [{
                            "term": "888981",
                            "count": 2
                results["hits"] = self.only_certain_columns(
                    results["hits"], params["_columns"])
                return results
            elif ("signature" in params
                  and "~nsASDOMWindowEnumerator" in params["signature"]):
                results = {
                    "hits": [{
                        "signature": "nsASDOMWindowEnumerator::GetNext()",
                        "date": "2017-01-31T23:12:57",
                        "uuid": "aaaaaaaaaaaaa",
                        "product": "WaterWolf",
                        "version": "1.0",
                        "platform": "Linux",
                        "build_id": 12345678,
                    "facets": {
                        "signature": [{
                            "term": "nsASDOMWindowEnumerator::GetNext()",
                            "count": 1
                results["hits"] = self.only_certain_columns(
                    results["hits"], params["_columns"])
                return results
                return {"hits": [], "facets": [], "total": 0}

        ).get.side_effect = mocked_supersearch_get

        url = reverse("supersearch:search_results")
        response = self.client.get(url, {"product": "WaterWolf"})
        assert response.status_code == 200
        # Test results are existing
        assert 'table id="reports-list"' in smart_text(response.content)
        assert "nsASDOMWindowEnumerator::GetNext()" in smart_text(
        assert "mySignatureIsCool" in smart_text(response.content)
        assert "mineIsCoolerThanYours" in smart_text(response.content)
        assert "EMPTY" in smart_text(response.content)
        assert "aaaaaaaaaaaaa1" in smart_text(response.content)
        assert "888981" in smart_text(response.content)
        assert "Linux" in smart_text(response.content)
        assert "2017-01-31 23:12:57" in smart_text(response.content)
        # Test facets are existing
        assert 'table id="facets-list-' in smart_text(response.content)
        # Test bugs are existing
        assert '<th scope="col">Bugs</th>' in smart_text(response.content)
        assert "123456" in smart_text(response.content)
        # Test links on terms are existing
        assert "product=%3DWaterWolf" in smart_text(response.content)

        # Test with empty results
        response = self.client.get(url, {
            "product": "NightTrain",
            "date": "2012-01-01"
        assert response.status_code == 200
        assert 'table id="reports-list"' not in smart_text(response.content)
        assert "No results were found" in smart_text(response.content)

        # Test with a signature param
        response = self.client.get(url,
                                   {"signature": "~nsASDOMWindowEnumerator"})
        assert response.status_code == 200
        assert 'table id="reports-list"' in smart_text(response.content)
        assert "nsASDOMWindowEnumerator::GetNext()" in smart_text(
        assert "123456" in smart_text(response.content)

        # Test with a different facet
        response = self.client.get(url, {
            "_facets": "build_id",
            "product": "SeaMonkey"
        assert response.status_code == 200
        assert 'table id="reports-list"' in smart_text(response.content)
        assert 'table id="facets-list-' in smart_text(response.content)
        assert "888981" in smart_text(response.content)
        # Bugs should not be there, they appear only in the signature facet
        assert "<th>Bugs</th>" not in smart_text(response.content)
        assert "123456" not in smart_text(response.content)

        # Test with a different columns list
        response = self.client.get(url, {
            "_columns": ["build_id", "platform"],
            "product": "WaterWolf"
        assert response.status_code == 200
        assert 'table id="reports-list"' in smart_text(response.content)
        assert 'table id="facets-list-' in smart_text(response.content)
        # The build and platform appear
        assert "888981" in smart_text(response.content)
        assert "Linux" in smart_text(response.content)
        # The crash id is always shown
        assert "aaaaaaaaaaaaa1" in smart_text(response.content)
        # The version and date do not appear
        assert "1.0" not in smart_text(response.content)
        assert "2017" not in smart_text(response.content)

        # Test missing parameters don't raise an exception.
        response = self.client.get(url, {
            "product": "WaterWolf",
            "date": "",
            "build_id": ""
        assert response.status_code == 200
예제 #59
    def test_search_results_pagination(self):
        """Test that the pagination of results works as expected.
        def mocked_supersearch_get(**params):
            assert "_columns" in params

            # Make sure a negative page does not lead to negative offset value.
            # But instead it is considered as the page 1 and thus is not added.
            assert params.get("_results_offset") == 0

            hits = []
            for i in range(140):
                    "signature": "hang | nsASDOMWindowEnumerator::GetNext()",
                    "date": "2017-01-31T23:12:57",
                    "uuid": i,
                    "product": "WaterWolf",
                    "version": "1.0",
                    "platform": "Linux",
                    "build_id": 888981,
            return {
                "hits": self.only_certain_columns(hits, params["_columns"]),
                "facets": "",
                "total": len(hits),

        ).get.side_effect = mocked_supersearch_get

        url = reverse("supersearch:search_results")

        response = self.client.get(
                "signature": "hang | nsASDOMWindowEnumerator::GetNext()",
                "_columns": ["version"],
                "_facets": ["platform"],

        assert response.status_code == 200
        assert "140" in smart_text(response.content)

        # Check that the pagination URL contains all three expected parameters.
        doc = pyquery.PyQuery(response.content)
        next_page_url = str(doc(".pagination a").eq(0))
        assert "_facets=platform" in next_page_url
        assert "_columns=version" in next_page_url
        assert "page=2" in next_page_url
        assert "#crash-reports" in next_page_url

        # Verify white spaces are correctly encoded.
        # Note we use `quote` and not `quote_plus`, so white spaces are
        # turned into '%20' instead of '+'.
        assert quote(
            "hang | nsASDOMWindowEnumerator::GetNext()") in next_page_url

        # Test that a negative page value does not break it.
        response = self.client.get(url, {"page": "-1"})
        assert response.status_code == 200