def setUpForDjango(test): connect(crate_host) import os os.environ["DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE"] = "crate.client.django.tests.settings" from django.test.runner import setup_databases setup_databases(3, False)
def init_tables(): conn = connect(crate_server) c = conn.cursor() try: c.execute('create table logs (id string primary key, ts timestamp)') except ProgrammingError: pass
def fill_table(hosts, fqtable, num_records, bulk_size=1000): """ fills a table with random data Will insert <num_records> into <fqtable> on <hosts>. Each insert request will contain <bulk_size> items. Depending on colum names and data types of the given table an appropriate provider is selected which is used to generate random data. E.g. a column called `name` will be filled with names. """ conn = connect(hosts) c = conn.cursor() schema, table = parse_table(fqtable) columns = retrieve_columns(c, schema, table) yield "Found schema: " yield columns generate_row = create_row_generator(columns) stmt = to_insert(fqtable, columns)[0] yield "Using insert statement: " yield stmt bulk_size = min(num_records, bulk_size) num_inserts = int(num_records / bulk_size) yield "Will make {} requests with a bulk size of {} per request".format(num_inserts, bulk_size) loop.run_until_complete(_run_fill_table(conn, stmt, generate_row, num_inserts, bulk_size))
def create_index(index_name, crate_home, output_dir): crate_layer = CrateLayer( 'data', crate_home=crate_home, port=CRATE_HTTP_PORT, transport_port=CRATE_TRANSPORT_PORT, settings={ 'es.api.enabled': True, # The disk.watermark settings can be removed once crate-python > 0.21.1 has been released "cluster.routing.allocation.disk.watermark.low" : "100k", "cluster.routing.allocation.disk.watermark.high" : "10k", "cluster.routing.allocation.disk.watermark.flood_stage" : "1k", } ) crate_layer.start() crate_http = 'localhost:{}'.format(CRATE_HTTP_PORT) try: with connect(crate_http) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() cmds = INDICES[index_name].split(';') for cmd in cmds[:-1]: cur.execute(cmd) cur.execute("select version['number'] from sys.nodes") version = cur.fetchone()[0] r = http.request('POST', crate_http + '/_flush') compress_index(index_name, version, crate_layer.wdPath(), output_dir) finally: crate_layer.stop()
def setup(*args): node.start() with connect(node.http_url) as conn: c = conn.cursor() c.execute('create table x.demo (id int, name string, country string) \ with (number_of_replicas = 0)') c.execute('create blob table blobtable with (number_of_replicas = 0)')
def tearDown(test): # drop leftover tables after each test with connect(CRATE_DSN) as conn: c = conn.cursor() c.execute(""" SELECT table_schema, table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema NOT IN ('blob', 'sys', 'information_schema', 'pg_catalog') """) for schema, table in c.fetchall(): try: c.execute(""" DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "{}"."{}" """.format(schema, table)) except Exception as e: print('Failed to drop table {}.{}: {}'.format(schema, table, e)) # at the moment it is not possible to reset custom analyzers, char_filters, # and tokenizers via SQL # that's why we do a PUT request to the ES api reset_custom_analysis = { 'persistent': { 'crate.analysis.custom.analyzer.*': None, 'crate.analysis.custom.char_filter.*': None, 'crate.analysis.custom.tokenizer.*': None, } } request = Request('http://' + CRATE_DSN + '/_cluster/settings', data=json.dumps(reset_custom_analysis).encode('utf-8'), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, method='PUT') with urlopen(request) as response: assert response.status == 200
def __init__(self, hosts=[]): self.hosts = hosts conn = connect(self.hosts) self.server_version = conn.lowest_server_version self.cursor = conn.cursor() self.http = urllib3.PoolManager(3) self.last_update =
def create_index(index_name, crate_home, output_dir): crate_layer = CrateLayer( 'data', crate_home=crate_home, port=CRATE_HTTP_PORT, transport_port=CRATE_TRANSPORT_PORT, settings={ 'es.api.enabled': True, } ) crate_layer.start() crate_http = 'localhost:{}'.format(CRATE_HTTP_PORT) try: with connect(crate_http) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() cmds = INDICES[index_name].split(';') for cmd in cmds[:-1]: cur.execute(cmd) cur.execute("select version['number'] from sys.nodes") version = cur.fetchone()[0] r = http.request('POST', crate_http + '/_flush') compress_index(index_name, version, crate_layer.wdPath(), output_dir) finally: crate_layer.stop()
def setUpClass(cls): # auto-discovery with unicast on the same host only works if all nodes are configured with the same port range transport_port_range = bind_range(range_size=cls.NUM_SERVERS) for i in range(cls.NUM_SERVERS): layer = CrateNode( crate_dir=crate_path(), version=(4, 0, 0), settings={ '': cls.__class__.__name__, '': cls.node_name(i), 'psql.port': 0, 'transport.tcp.port': transport_port_range, }, env={ 'JAVA_HOME': os.environ.get('JAVA_HOME', ''), 'CRATE_HEAP_SIZE': '256M' } ) layer.start() cls.HTTP_PORTS.append(layer.addresses.http.port) cls.CRATES.append(layer) dsn = cls.random_dns() num_nodes = 0 # wait until all nodes joined the cluster with connect(dsn) as conn: c = conn.cursor() while num_nodes < len(cls.CRATES): c.execute("select * from sys.nodes") num_nodes = len(c.fetchall()) time.sleep(5)
def do_connect(self, server, error_trace=False): """ connect to one or more server with "connect servername:port[ servername:port [...]]" """ self.conn = client.connect(servers=server, error_trace=self.error_trace) self.cursor = self.conn.cursor() results = [] failed = 0 for server in self.conn.client.active_servers: try: server_infos = self.conn.client.server_infos(server) except ConnectionError as e: failed += 1 results.append([server, None, False, e.message]) else: results.append( server_infos + (True, "OK", ) ) self.pprint( results, ["server_url", "node_name", "connected", "message"]) if failed == len(results): self.print_error("connect") else: self.print_success("connect")
def test_multiple_probe_selects(self): conn = connect('localhost:{}'.format(CRATE_HTTP_PORT)) cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT os, load, os FROM sys.nodes") res = cur.fetchall() for row in res: self.assertEqual(row[0], row[2])
def main(): try: aws_secret_key = os.environ['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] aws_access_key = os.environ['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] except KeyError: print("Please set your AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID environment variables.") return 1 args = parse_args() connection = client.connect(, error_trace=True) cur = connection.cursor() create_table(cur, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "schema.sql")) alter_table(cur, 0) for month in get_month_partitions(args.start, args.end): print('Importing Github data for {0} ...'.format(month)) s3_url = 's3://{0}:{1}@crate.sampledata/github_archive/{2}-*'.format(quote_plus(aws_access_key), quote_plus(aws_secret_key), month) print('>>> {0}'.format(s3_url)) cmd = '''COPY github PARTITION (month_partition=?) FROM ? WITH (compression='gzip')''' try: cur.execute(cmd, (month, s3_url,)) except Exception as e: print("Error while importing {}: {}".format(s3_url, e)) print(e.error_trace) alter_table(cur, 1) return 0
def test_number_of_open_connections(self): jmx_client = JmxClient(JMX_PORT) with connect(enterprise_crate.http_url) as _: stdout, stderr = jmx_client.query_jmx( 'io.crate.monitoring:type=Connections', 'HttpOpen') self.assertGreater(int(stdout), 0) self.assertEqual(stderr, '')
def setUpWithCrateLayer(test): test.globs['HttpClient'] = http.Client test.globs['crate_host'] = crate_host test.globs['pprint'] = pprint test.globs['print'] = cprint conn = connect(crate_host) cursor = conn.cursor() def refresh(table): cursor.execute("refresh table %s" % table) test.globs["refresh"] = refresh with open(docs_path('testing/testdata/mappings/locations.sql')) as s: stmt = cursor.execute(stmt) stmt = ("select count(*) from information_schema.tables " "where table_name = 'locations'") cursor.execute(stmt) assert cursor.fetchall()[0][0] == 1 data_path = docs_path('testing/testdata/data/test_a.json') # load testing data into crate cursor.execute("copy locations from ?", (data_path,)) # refresh location table so imported data is visible immediately refresh("locations") # create blob table cursor.execute("create blob table myfiles clustered into 1 shards " + "with (number_of_replicas=0)")
def connect(self, port=4200): crate_ip = '' if['OperatingSystem'].startswith(u'Boot2Docker'): import subprocess; crate_ip = subprocess.check_output(r'docker-machine ip', stderr=None, shell=True).decode("utf-8").strip('\n') return connect(['{0}:{1}'.format(crate_ip, str(port))])
def run_crate_benchmark(opts): conn = client.connect(servers=opts.crate_hosts) print >> stderr, "Connecting to Crate..." cursor = conn.cursor() print >> stderr, "Connection succeeded..." times = [] # Clean up old table if still exists try: cursor.execute(CLEAN_QUERY.rstrip(';')) except: pass for _ in range(opts.num_trials): cursor.execute(CRATE_MAP[opts.query_num][0].rstrip(';')) cursor.execute(CRATE_MAP[opts.query_num][1].rstrip(';')) duration = float(cursor.duration) / 1000.0 times.append(duration) # for debugging purposes cursor.execute('REFRESH TABLE %s' % TMP_TABLE) cursor.execute('SELECT count(*) from %s' % TMP_TABLE) result = cursor.fetchone() print >> stderr, '{0} records in {1}s'.format(result[0], duration) cursor.execute(CLEAN_QUERY.rstrip(';')) return times
def test_execute_with_args(self): client = MagicMock(spec=Client) conn = connect(client=client) c = conn.cursor() statement = 'select * from locations where position = ?' c.execute(statement, 1) client.sql.assert_called_once_with(statement, 1)
def connect(self, port=4200): crate_ip = '' if['Name'] == u'boot2docker': import subprocess; crate_ip = subprocess.check_output(r'boot2docker ip', stderr=None, shell=True).strip('\n') return connect(['{0}:{1}'.format(crate_ip, str(port))])
def __init__(self, output_writer=None, connection=None, error_trace=False, is_tty=True, autocomplete=True): self.error_trace = error_trace self.connection = connection or connect(error_trace=error_trace) self.cursor = self.connection.cursor() self.output_writer = output_writer or OutputWriter(PrintWrapper(), is_tty) self.lines = [] self.exit_code = 0 self.expanded_mode = False self.sys_info_cmd = SysInfoCommand(self) self.commands = { 'q': self._quit, 'c': self._connect, 'connect': self._connect, 'dt': self._show_tables, 'check': self._check, 'sysinfo': self.sys_info_cmd.execute, } self.commands.update(built_in_commands) self.logger = ColorPrinter(is_tty) self._autocomplete = autocomplete
def get(self): conn = connect(crate_server) c = conn.cursor() c.execute('insert into logs (id, ts) values (?, ?)', (str(uuid4()), int(time() * 1000))) c.execute('select count(*) from logs') number = c.fetchone()[0] self.write('Hello Number {0}'.format(number))
def crate_connection1(): host = crate_config_no_schema['connection']['params']['host'] conn = client.connect(host, error_trace=True) yield conn schemas = ("historian", "testing") for x in schemas: clean_schema_from_database(conn, x) conn.close()
def test_execute_with_bulk_args(self): client = MagicMock(spec=Client) conn = connect(client=client) c = conn.cursor() statement = 'select * from locations where position = ?' c.execute(statement, bulk_parameters=[[1]]) client.sql.assert_called_once_with(statement, None, [[1]]) conn.close()
def test_community_edition_has_no_max_nodes_limit(self): if not CRATE_CE: return with connect(self.random_dns()) as conn: c = conn.cursor() c.execute("create table t1 (id int)") self.assertEqual(1, c.rowcount)
def teardown(*args): try: with connect(node.http_url) as conn: c = conn.cursor() c.execute('drop table x.demo') c.execute('drop blob table blobtable') finally: node.stop()
def test_community_edition_has_no_license(self): if not CRATE_CE: return with connect(self.random_dns()) as conn: c = conn.cursor() c.execute("select license, license['issued_to'] from sys.cluster") self.assertEqual([[None, None]], c.fetchall())
def _execute_sql(stmt): """ Invoke a single SQL statement and automatically close the HTTP connection when done. """ with connect(CRATE_DSN) as conn: c = conn.cursor() c.execute(stmt)
def tearDownVyiTransactions(test): conn = connect(crate_host) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("drop table users") cursor.execute("drop table user_transactions") cursor.execute("drop table projects") cursor.execute("drop table stats") cursor.execute("drop table transactions")
def test_lowest_server_version(self): infos = [(None, None, '0.42.3'), (None, None, '0.41.8'), (None, None, 'not a version')] client = Client(servers="localhost:4200 localhost:4201 localhost:4202") client.server_infos = lambda server: infos.pop() connection = connect(client=client) self.assertEqual((0, 41, 8), connection.lowest_server_version.version)
def _get_runtimes(hosts): conn = connect(hosts) c = conn.cursor() c.execute("select min(runtime_stats['avg']), statement from benchmarks group by statement") rows = c.fetchall() for min_avg, statement in rows: c.execute("select runtime_stats['avg'] from benchmarks " "where statement = ? order by ended desc limit 1", (statement,)) yield min_avg, c.fetchall()[0][0], statement
def wait_for_schema_update(schema, table, column): conn = connect('localhost:' + str(CRATE_HTTP_PORT)) c = conn.cursor() count = 0 while count == 0: c.execute(('select count(*) from information_schema.columns ' 'where schema_name = ? and table_name = ? ' 'and column_name = ?'), (schema, table, column)) count = c.fetchone()[0]
def create_connection(self): return client.connect('{}:{}'.format(, self.args.port), username=self.args.user, password=self.args.password, schema=self.args.schema, timeout=self.args.timeout)
def main(argv): logging.basicConfig() logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # Setting up the connection to CrateDB (with command line args) crate_host = None crate_user = None crate_password = None start_date = None end_date = None delta = 24 tenant_name = 'EKZ' cursor = None connection = None dry_run = False try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "h:u:p:t:s:e:d:r:", [ "host=", "user="******"password="******"tenant-name=", "start-date=", "end-date=", "delta-time", "dry-run" ]) except getopt.GetoptError: logger.error("wrong parameters") print(' -h <cratedb_host> -u <cratedb_user>') sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-h", "--host"): crate_host = arg elif opt in ("-u", "--user"): crate_user = arg elif opt in ("-p", "--password"): crate_password = arg elif opt in ("-t", "--tenant-name"): tenant_name = parser.parse(arg) elif opt in ("-s", "--start-date"): start_date = parser.parse(arg) elif opt in ("-e", "--end-date"): end_date = parser.parse(arg) elif opt in ("-d", "--delta-time"): delta = int(arg) elif opt in ("-r", "--dry-run"): dry_run = bool(arg) if not crate_host: logger.error("missing parameters") print(' -h <cratedb_host> -u <cratedb_user>') sys.exit(-2) try:"connecting...") schema = "mt" + tenant_name.lower() connection = client.connect(crate_host, username=crate_user, password=crate_password) cursor = connection.cursor() computeOccupancy(cursor, schema, start_date, end_date, delta, dry_run) except Exception as e: logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True) sys.exit(-2) finally: if cursor: cursor.close() if connection: connection.close() sys.exit()
def battle(hero_id, mine_id, hero_health=None, hero_attack=None, mine_health=None, mine_attack=None): hero_army_sql = '' mine_army_sql = '' connection = client.connect(g.db) cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(""" SELECT id, attack, health FROM units ORDER BY attack """) units = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute(""" SELECT FROM heroes h WHERE id='{hero_id}' """.format(hero_id=hero_id)) hero_data = cursor.fetchone() hero_army = hero_data[0] cursor.execute(""" SELECT, m.hero_id FROM mines m WHERE id='{mine_id}' """.format(mine_id=mine_id)) mine_data = cursor.fetchone() mine_army = mine_data[0] mine_hero = mine_data[1] if not hero_health: hero_health = 0 hero_attack = 0 for hero_unit in hero_army: for unit in units: if unit[0] == hero_unit['unit_id']: hero_attack += hero_unit['qty'] * int(unit[1]) hero_health += hero_unit['qty'] * int(unit[2]) break if not mine_health: mine_health = 0 mine_attack = 0 for mine_unit in mine_army: for unit in units: if unit[0] == mine_unit['unit_id']: mine_attack += mine_unit['qty'] * int(unit[1]) mine_health += mine_unit['qty'] * int(unit[2]) break mine_health -= hero_attack hero_health -= mine_attack if hero_health <= 0 or mine_health <= 0: army = hero_army if hero_health > 0 else mine_army health_left = hero_health if hero_health > 0 else mine_health for unit in units: unit_health = unit[2] for army_unit in army: if army_unit['unit_id'] == unit[0]: row_health = int(army_unit['qty']) * int(unit_health) if health_left < row_health: killed = int((row_health - health_left) * 1.0 / row_health * int(army_unit['qty'])) army[0] = { 'unit_id': army_unit['unit_id'], 'qty': army_unit['qty'] - killed } print 'LAT ROW', killed else: print '--> Deleted', units[0][0] del army[0] break army_sql = '' for unit in army: el = """ {{ unit_id='{unit_id}', qty={qty} }} """.format(unit_id=unit['unit_id'], qty=unit['qty']) army_sql = el if army_sql == '' else ','.join((army_sql, el)) hero_army_sql = army_sql if hero_health > 0 else '' mine_army_sql = army_sql if mine_health > 0 else '' return hero_army_sql, mine_army_sql else: return battle(hero_id, mine_id, hero_health, hero_attack, mine_health, mine_attack)
def connectCrate(): time.sleep(10) # 1- Creamos la conexion try: connection = client.connect('crate:4200', timeout=5, error_trace=True, backoff_factor=0.2) print("CONNECT OK") except Exception as err: print("CONNECT ERROR: %s" % err) # 2- Cogemos el cursor cursor = connection.cursor() # 3- Creamos una tabla llamada peliculas try: print( "CREATE TABLE: create table peliculas(id int, titulo text, ano int)" ) cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE peliculas(id int, titulo text, ano int)") print("CREATE TABLE OK") except Exception as err: print("No se ha podido crear la tabla") # 4- Añadimos 10 peliculas a la tabla try: print("INSERTS:") cursor.execute("insert into peliculas values (1, 'Pinocho',1940)") print("\tinsert into peliculas values (1, 'Pinocho',1940)") cursor.execute("insert into peliculas values (2, 'Dumbo',1941)") print("\tinsert into peliculas values (2, 'Dumbo',1941)") cursor.execute("insert into peliculas values (3, 'Peter Pan',1953)") print("\tinsert into peliculas values (3, 'Peter Pan',1953)") cursor.execute( "insert into peliculas values (4, 'La dama y el vagabundo',1955)") print( "\tinsert into peliculas values (4, 'La dama y el vagabundo',1955)" ) cursor.execute("insert into peliculas values (5,'101 dalmatas',1961)") print("\tinsert into peliculas values (5,'101 dalmatas',1961)") cursor.execute("insert into peliculas values (6, 'Mary Poppins',1964)") print("\tinsert into peliculas values (6, 'Mary Poppins',1964)") cursor.execute( "insert into peliculas values (7, 'El libro de la selva',1967)") print( "\tinsert into peliculas values (7, 'El libro de la selva',1967)") cursor.execute( "insert into peliculas values (8, 'Los tres mosqueteros',1993)") print( "\tinsert into peliculas values (8, 'Los tres mosqueteros',1993)") cursor.execute("insert into peliculas values (9, 'El rey leon',1994)") print("\tinsert into peliculas values (9, 'El rey leon',1994)") cursor.execute("insert into peliculas values (10, 'Toy Story',1995)") print("\tinsert into peliculas values (10, 'Toy Story',1995)") print("INSERT OK") except Exception as err: print("No se ha podido insertar datos en la tabla peliculas") # 5- Haremos un select para ver que se han añadido bien las 10 peliculas try: time.sleep(10) print("SELECT: select * from peliculas order by id") cursor.execute("select * from peliculas order by id") print("SELECT OK") print("Los elementos añadidos son: ", cursor.fetchall()) except Exception as err: print("No se ha podido realizar la select") #Ahora crearemos una segunda tabla. que añada cada 30 segundos un numero aleatorio. #5º CREAMOS LA TABLA NUMEROS try: print( "CREATE TABLE: create table numeros(numeros int, fecha text, hora text)" ) cursor.execute( "CREATE TABLE numeros(numero int, fecha text, hora text)") print("TABLA CREADA OK") except Exception as err: print("No se ha podido crear la tabla") #6º MIRAR SI EXISTE EL FICHERO, Y SI EXISTE AÑADIMOS LOS ROWS QUE HAY EN EL FICHERO if not path.exists('rows.csv'): print("Creando fichero rows.csv") with open('rows.csv', 'w', newline='') as csvfile: fieldnames = ['numero', 'fecha', 'hora'] writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames) writer.writeheader() #7º - CADA 30 segundos, AÑADIREMOS UN NUEVO ROW EN LA BASE DE DATOS, Y ESCRIBIREMOS EN EL FICHERO LOS DATOS. while True: numero = random.randint(1, 100) # coge un numero aleatorio del 1 al 100 now = date = # coge la fecha de hoy hora = now.time().__str__() # coge la hora exacta cursor.execute( "insert into numeros values (?, ?, ?)", (numero, str(date), hora)) # añadimos el elemento en la tabla texto = "".join((str(numero), ",", str(date), ",", hora)) print( "insert into numeros values (", texto, ")", ) #cerraremos y abriremos el fichero cada vez para q se vayan actualizando los datos. file = open('rows.csv', 'a', newline='') # abriremos el fichero file.write(texto + "\n") # escribimos la linea print("Linea añadida al fichero: ", texto) file.close() # cerramos el fichero time.sleep(30) # espera 30 segundos
from crate import client import os from zmq.utils import jsonapi root = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) with open('{}/crate_config'.format(root), 'r') as fp: data = jsonapi.loads( host = data['connection']['params']['host'] conn = client.connect(host, error_trace=True) cursor = conn.cursor() schema = 'test_import' tables = [ 'analysis', 'analysis_string', 'datalogger', 'datalogger_string', 'device', 'device_string', 'topic', 'meta', 'record' ] for t in tables: try: if schema: full_table_name = "{schema}.{table}".format(schema=schema, table=t) else: full_table_name = t cursor.execute("DROP TABLE {}".format(full_table_name)) except Exception as ex: print(ex.message) cursor.close()
def get_connection(self): if self._connection is None: self._connection = crate_client.connect(self._host, error_trace=True) return self._connection
#!/usr/bin/env python from crate import client connection = client.connect("localhost:4200", username="******") print(connection) cursor = connection.cursor() print(cursor) cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM smartvalve;") result = cursor.fetchone() print(result)
def get_emulation(self, emulation_id): print '\n--> Fetching data for emulation id', emulation_id start_fetch_time = time.time() connection = client.connect(g.db) cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(""" SELECT, b.height, b.adopted, b.provider, b.node_id FROM blocks b, nodes n WHERE AND n.emulation_id='{emulation_id}' ORDER BY adopted """.format(emulation_id=emulation_id)) blocks = cursor.fetchall() # r = lambda: random.randint(0,255) blocks_data = [] for block in blocks: cursor.execute(""" SELECT,,,, c.lng, c.pop FROM nodes n LEFT JOIN cities c ON n.location_id = WHERE'{node_id}' """.format(node_id=block[4])) city = cursor.fetchone() blocks_data.append({ 'block': { 'id': block[0], 'height': block[1], 'adopted': block[2], 'provider': block[3], 'nodeId': block[4] }, 'city': { 'id': city[0], 'name': city[1], 'country': city[2], 'lat': city[3], 'lng': city[4], 'pop': city[5] } }) cursor.execute(""" SELECT id, nodes_qty, block_size, block_freq, bandwidth, ping, validation_time, description, iterations, with_forks, created FROM emulations WHERE id='{emulation_id}' """.format(emulation_id=emulation_id)) emulation = cursor.fetchone() emulation_data = { 'id': emulation[0], 'nodesQty': emulation[1], 'blockSize': emulation[2], 'blockFreq': emulation[3], 'bandwidth': emulation[4], 'ping': emulation[5], 'validationTime': emulation[6], 'description': emulation[7], 'iterations': emulation[8], 'withForks': emulation[9], 'created': emulation[10] } cursor.execute(""" SELECT provider FROM blocks b, nodes n WHERE AND n.emulation_id='{emulation_id}' GROUP BY provider """.format(emulation_id=emulation_id)) providers = cursor.fetchall() r = lambda: random.randint(0, 255) providers_data = {} for provider in providers: providers_data[str(provider[0])] = {} for height in xrange(emulation[8]): color = '%02X%02X%02X' % (r(), r(), r()) providers_data[str(provider[0])][height] = color data = { 'emulation': emulation_data, 'blocks': blocks_data, 'providers': providers_data } cursor.close() connection.close() print '--> Done in ', time.time() - start_fetch_time, 'sec' response = make_response(jsonify(data)) response.status_code = 200 return response
def generate_trees(self, emulation_id): print '--> Generating nodes trees for emulation {emulation_id}'.format( emulation_id=emulation_id) connection = client.connect(g.db) cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(""" SELECT,,, c.lng FROM nodes n, cities c WHERE n.location_id = AND n.emulation_id='{emulation_id}' """.format(emulation_id=emulation_id)) nodes = cursor.fetchall() print '--> Nodes qty:', len(nodes) data = [] for index, node in enumerate(nodes): tree = [] for branch in nodes: if node[0] == branch[0]: continue tree.append({ 'node_id': branch[0], 'distance': distance.distance((node[2], node[3]), (branch[2], branch[3])).km }) sorted_tree = sorted(tree, key=lambda x: x['distance']) data.append({'id': node[0], 'tree': sorted_tree}) sql_tree = '' for el in sorted_tree: sql = """{{node_id='{node_id}',distance='{distance}'}}""".format( node_id=el['node_id'], distance=el['distance']) if sql_tree == '': sql_tree = sql else: sql_tree = ','.join((sql_tree, sql)) cursor.execute(""" UPDATE nodes SET tree=[{tree}] WHERE id='{id}' """.format(id=node[0], tree=sql_tree)) print '--> Updated tree for node {node_id}. Nodes left: {nodes_left}'.format( node_id=node[0], nodes_left=(len(nodes) - index - 1)) cursor.close() connection.close() print '--> Generating nodes trees complete'
def get_mines(): connection = client.connect(g.db) cursor = connection.cursor() try: cursor.execute(""" SELECT,, m.img, m.location, m.production,,, m.collected,,,,, c.img FROM mines m LEFT JOIN heroes h ON m.hero_id = LEFT JOIN clans c ON h.clan_id = ORDER BY """) mines = cursor.fetchall() i = 0 for mine in mines: units_descr = [] for unit in mine[5]: cursor.execute(""" SELECT id, name, img, health, attack, price FROM units WHERE id='{unit_id}' """.format(unit_id=unit['unit_id'])) data = cursor.fetchone() units_descr.append({ 'unit': { 'id': data[0], 'name': data[1], 'img': data[2], 'health': data[3], 'attack': data[4], 'price': data[5] }, 'qty': unit['qty'] }) mines[i][5] = units_descr i += 1 except Exception, error: print 'ERROR: ', error return bad_request(error)
def init(self): connection = client.connect(g.db) cursor = connection.cursor() print '\n****** INIT EMULATION ******\n' emulation_start_time = time.time() emulation_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) emulation_created = str(int(time.time())) print '--> Emulation ID:', emulation_id cursor.execute(""" INSERT INTO emulations( id, nodes_qty, ping, validation_time, block_size, block_freq, bandwidth, iterations, with_forks, description, created ) VALUES( '{id}', '{nodes_qty}', '{ping}', '{validation_time}', '{block_size}', '{block_freq}', '{bandwidth}', '{iterations}', '{with_forks}', '{description}', '{created}') """.format(id=emulation_id, nodes_qty=request.json['nodesQty'], ping=request.json['ping'], validation_time=request.json['validationTime'], block_size=request.json['blockSize'], block_freq=request.json['blockFreq'], bandwidth=request.json['bandwidth'], iterations=int(request.json['iterations']), with_forks=request.json['withForks'], description=request.json['description'], created=emulation_created)) cursor.execute("""REFRESH TABLE emulations""") nodes = Nodes() nodes_ids = nodes.generate_nodes(emulation_id) nodes.generate_trees(emulation_id) print '\n--> Starting mining' total_time = 0 init_time = time.time() blocks_ids = [] i = 0 for height in xrange(int(request.json['iterations'])): for node_id in nodes_ids: i += 1 blocks = Blocks(emulation_id) start_time = time.time() nonce = blocks.mine_block() end_time = time.time() mining_time = end_time - start_time total_time += mining_time # cursor.execute(""" # SELECT adopted FROM blocks # WHERE node_id='{node_id}' # ORDER BY height DESC # LIMIT 1 # """.format( # node_id=node_id # )) # res = cursor.fetchone() # prev_block_adopted = None if not res else res[0] block_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) cursor.execute(""" INSERT INTO blocks( id, node_id, height, nonce, init_time, mining_time, provider ) VALUES( '{id}', '{node_id}', '{height}', '{nonce}', {init_time}, '{mining_time}', '{provider}') """.format(id=block_id, node_id=node_id, height=height, nonce=nonce, init_time=float(init_time), mining_time=mining_time, provider=node_id)) if height > 0: blocks_ids.append(block_id) cursor.execute("""REFRESH TABLE blocks""") # if last_block: # # print 'LAST BLOCK ADOPTED', last_block['adopted'] # pass # else: # pass # node_blocks.append({ # 'id': block_id, # 'adopted': (last_block['adopted']/1000 + mining_time*1000) if last_block else (init_time + mining_time), # 'provider': node_id # }) # sql_blocks = '' # for node_block in node_blocks: # # print node_block # # print node_block['adopted'], mining_time # sql = """{{id='{block_id}',adopted={adopted}, provider='{provider}'}}""".format( # block_id=node_block['id'], # adopted=node_block['adopted'], # provider=node_block['provider'] # ) # if sql_blocks == '': # sql_blocks = sql # else: # sql_blocks = ','.join((sql_blocks, sql)) # cursor.execute(""" # UPDATE nodes # SET blocks=[{sql_blocks}] # WHERE id='{node_id}' # """.format( # sql_blocks=sql_blocks, # node_id=node_id # )) print '--> Nonce: ' + str(nonce) + ' ' + ( 12 - len(str(nonce))) * '=' + ' Time: ' + str( round(mining_time, 2)) + ' Hashrate: ' + str( int(nonce / mining_time)) + ' Iteration: ' + str(i) avg_time = round( total_time / (len(nodes_ids) * int(request.json['iterations'])), 2) # scaling_factor = round(int(request.json['blockFreq'])*int(request.json['iterations'])/avg_time,2) scaling_factor = round(int(request.json['blockFreq']) / avg_time, 2) print '--> Mining complete. Avg time: ', avg_time, 'Scaling factor:', scaling_factor cursor.execute(""" UPDATE emulations SET scaling_factor='{scaling_factor}' WHERE id='{emulation_id}' """.format(scaling_factor=scaling_factor, emulation_id=emulation_id)) # (prev_block_adopted/1000 + mining_time*1000) if prev_block_adopted else (init_time + mining_time), for node_id in nodes_ids: cursor.execute("""REFRESH TABLE blocks""") cursor.execute(""" UPDATE blocks SET mining_time=mining_time*{scaling_factor}*1000 WHERE node_id='{node_id}' """.format(scaling_factor=scaling_factor, node_id=node_id)) for height in xrange(int(request.json['iterations'])): cursor.execute("""REFRESH TABLE blocks""") cursor.execute(""" SELECT id, init_time, mining_time, adopted FROM blocks WHERE node_id='{node_id}' AND height={height} """.format(node_id=node_id, height=height - 1 if height > 0 else height)) prev_block_data = cursor.fetchone() adopted = prev_block_data[3] + prev_block_data[ 2] if height > 0 else prev_block_data[1] + prev_block_data[ 2] cursor.execute(""" UPDATE blocks SET adopted={adopted} WHERE node_id='{node_id}' AND height={height} """.format(node_id=node_id, height=height, adopted=adopted / 1000)) cursor.execute(""" UPDATE blocks SET init_time={adopted} WHERE node_id='{node_id}' AND height={height} """.format(node_id=node_id, height=height + 1, adopted=adopted / 1000)) cursor.execute("""REFRESH TABLE blocks""") cursor.close() connection.close() print '\n--> Sending blocks\n' for height in xrange(int(request.json['iterations'])): blocks.send_blocks(height) data = { 'id': emulation_id, 'nodesQty': request.json['nodesQty'], 'ping': request.json['ping'], 'validationTime': request.json['validationTime'], 'blockSize': request.json['blockSize'], 'blockFreq': request.json['blockFreq'], 'description': request.json['description'], 'bandwidth': request.json['bandwidth'], 'iterations': int(request.json['iterations']), 'withForks': request.json['withForks'], 'scalingFactor': scaling_factor, 'created': emulation_created } print '\n--> Emulation complete in', int(time.time() - emulation_start_time), 'sec\n' response = make_response(jsonify(data)) response.status_code = 201 return response
def update_mine(mine_id): connection = client.connect(g.db) cursor = connection.cursor() data = request.get_json() army = data['army'] army_sql = '' for unit in army: el = """ {{ unit_id='{unit_id}', qty={qty} }} """.format(unit_id=unit['unitId'], qty=unit['qty']) army_sql = el if army_sql == '' else ','.join((army_sql, el)) try: cursor.execute(""" UPDATE mines SET army=[{army}] WHERE id='{mine_id}' """.format(mine_id=mine_id, army=army_sql)) cursor.execute("""REFRESH TABLE mines""") cursor.execute(""" SELECT,, m.img, m.location, m.production,,, m.collected,,,,, c.img FROM mines m LEFT JOIN heroes h ON m.hero_id = LEFT JOIN clans c ON h.clan_id = WHERE'{mine_id}' """.format(mine_id=mine_id)) mine = cursor.fetchone() units_descr = [] for unit in mine[5]: cursor.execute(""" SELECT id, name, img, health, attack, price FROM units WHERE id='{unit_id}' """.format(unit_id=unit['unit_id'])) data = cursor.fetchone() units_descr.append({ 'unit': { 'id': data[0], 'name': data[1], 'img': data[2], 'health': data[3], 'attack': data[4], 'price': data[5] }, 'qty': unit['qty'] }) mine[5] = units_descr except Exception, error: print 'ERROR: ', error return bad_request(error)
def _connect(self, database, **kwargs): return connect(**kwargs)
def _test_rolling_upgrade(self, path, nodes): """ Test a rolling upgrade across given versions. An initial test cluster is started and then subsequently each node in the cluster is upgraded to the new version. After each upgraded node a SQL statement is executed that involves all nodes in the cluster, in order to check if communication between nodes is possible. """ shards, replicas = (nodes, 1) expected_active_shards = shards + shards * replicas cluster = self._new_cluster(path.from_version, nodes) cluster.start() with connect(cluster.node().http_url, error_trace=True) as conn: c = conn.cursor() c.execute(f''' CREATE TABLE doc.t1 ( type BYTE, value FLOAT ) CLUSTERED INTO {shards} SHARDS WITH (number_of_replicas={replicas}) ''') insert_data(conn, 'doc', 't1', 1000) c.execute(f''' CREATE TABLE doc.parted ( id INT, value INT ) CLUSTERED INTO {shards} SHARDS PARTITIONED BY (id) WITH (number_of_replicas=0, "write.wait_for_active_shards"=1) ''') c.execute("INSERT INTO doc.parted (id, value) VALUES (1, 1)") # Add the shards of the new partition primaries expected_active_shards += shards for idx, node in enumerate(cluster): new_node = self.upgrade_node(node, path.to_version) cluster[idx] = new_node with connect(new_node.http_url, error_trace=True) as conn: c = conn.cursor() wait_for_active_shards(c, expected_active_shards) c.execute(''' SELECT type, AVG(value) FROM doc.t1 GROUP BY type ''') c.fetchall() # Ensure aggregation with different intermediate input works, this was an regression for 4.1 <-> 4.2 c.execute(''' SELECT type, count(distinct value) FROM doc.t1 GROUP BY type ''') c.fetchall() # Ensure scalar symbols are working across versions c.execute(''' SELECT type, value + 1 FROM doc.t1 WHERE value > 1 LIMIT 1 ''') c.fetchone() # Ensure that inserts, which will create a new partition, are working while upgrading c.execute("INSERT INTO doc.parted (id, value) VALUES (?, ?)", [idx + 10, idx + 10]) # Add the shards of the new partition primaries expected_active_shards += shards # Finally validate that all shards (primaries and replicas) of all partitions are started # and writes into the partitioned table while upgrading were successful with connect(cluster.node().http_url, error_trace=True) as conn: c = conn.cursor() wait_for_active_shards(c, expected_active_shards) c.execute(''' REFRESH TABLE doc.parted ''') c.execute(''' SELECT count(*) FROM doc.parted ''') res = c.fetchone() self.assertEqual(res[0], nodes + 1)
def prepare(self): db = client.connect('') self.cursor = db.cursor()
def setup(self): url = "{}:{}".format(, self.port) self.conn = client.connect([url], error_trace=True) self.cursor = self.conn.cursor()
def configure(self, configuration): """ The expectation that configuration will have at least the following items .. code: python { "connection": { "params": { "host": "http://localhost:4200" } } } :param configuration: """ connection = configuration.get("connection", {}) tables_def, table_names = self.parse_table_def( configuration.get("tables_def")) self._data_table = table_names['data_table'] self._topic_table = table_names['topics_table'] params = connection.get("params", {}) if not isinstance(params, dict): _log.error("Invalid params...must be a dictionary.") raise ValueError("params must be a dictionary.") schema = configuration.get("schema", "historian") host = params.get("host", None) error_trace = params.get("error_trace", False) if host is None: _log.error("Invalid configuration for params...must have host.") raise ValueError("invalid params['host'] value") elif host != self._host:"Changing host to {}".format(host)) self._host = host client = CrateHistorian.get_client(host) if client is None: _log.error("Couldn't reach host: {}".format(host)) raise ValueError("Connection to host not made!") self._schema = schema if error_trace != self._error_trace:"Changing error trace to: {}".format(error_trace)) self._error_trace = error_trace # Close and reconnect the client or connect to different hosts. if self._client is not None: try: self._client.close() except: _log.warning("Closing of non-null client failed.") finally: self._client = None self._client = crate_client.connect(servers=self._host, error_trace=self._error_trace) # Attempt to create the schema create_schema(self._client, self._schema, table_names) # Cache topic and metadata self.load_topic_meta()
def collect_mine(): connection = client.connect(g.db) cursor = connection.cursor() data = request.get_json() hero_id = data['heroId'] mine_id = data['mineId'] try: cursor.execute(""" SELECT created, collected, production FROM mines WHERE id='{mine_id}' """.format(mine_id=mine_id)) mine = cursor.fetchone() now = int(time.time()) created = int(mine[0]) collected = int(mine[1]) if mine[1] else now production = mine[2] diff = collected - created iterations = int(diff * 1.0 / production['freq']) balance = int(iterations * production['qty']) cursor.execute(""" SELECT balance FROM heroes WHERE id='{hero_id}' """.format(hero_id=hero_id)) hero = cursor.fetchone() print 'BAL', hero[0] cursor.execute(""" UPDATE heroes SET balance='{balance}' WHERE id='{hero_id}' """.format(hero_id=hero_id, balance=balance + int(hero[0]))) cursor.execute("""REFRESH TABLE heroes""") cursor.execute(""" UPDATE mines SET collected='{collected}' WHERE id='{mine_id}' """.format(mine_id=mine_id, collected=int(time.time()))) cursor.execute("""REFRESH TABLE mines""") cursor.execute(""" SELECT,, h.img, h.balance,,,, c.img FROM heroes h LEFT JOIN clans c ON = h.clan_id WHERE'{hero_id}' """.format(hero_id=hero_id)) hero = cursor.fetchone() units_descr = [] for unit in hero[4]: cursor.execute(""" SELECT id, name, img, health, attack, price FROM units WHERE id='{unit_id}' """.format(unit_id=unit['unit_id'])) data = cursor.fetchone() units_descr.append({ 'unit': { 'id': data[0], 'name': data[1], 'img': data[2], 'health': data[3], 'attack': data[4], 'price': data[5] }, 'qty': unit['qty'] }) hero[4] = units_descr cursor.execute(""" SELECT,, m.img, m.location, m.production,,, m.collected FROM mines m WHERE'{mine_id}' """.format(mine_id=mine_id)) mine = cursor.fetchone() units_descr = [] for unit in mine[5]: cursor.execute(""" SELECT id, name, img, health, attack, price FROM units WHERE id='{unit_id}' """.format(unit_id=unit['unit_id'])) data = cursor.fetchone() units_descr.append({ 'unit': { 'id': data[0], 'name': data[1], 'img': data[2], 'health': data[3], 'attack': data[4], 'price': data[5] }, 'qty': unit['qty'] }) mine[5] = units_descr except Exception, error: print 'ERROR: ', error return bad_request(error)
def setup(*args): with connect(node.http_url) as conn: c = conn.cursor() c.execute('create table x.demo (id int, name string, country string) \ with (number_of_replicas = 0)') c.execute('create blob table blobtable with (number_of_replicas = 0)')
from crate import client from crate.client.cursor import Cursor connection = client.connect("http://localhost:4200", username="******") cursor = connection.cursor() # type: Cursor try: cursor.execute( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS strings (str STRING, num INTEGER)") except: print("could not create table") cursor.execute("INSERT INTO strings (str, num) VALUES (?, ?)", ("Hello world!", 42)) cursor.execute("INSERT INTO strings (str, num) VALUES (?, ?)", ("hi there", 99)) cursor.execute("REFRESH TABLE strings") cursor.execute("SELECT str FROM strings") try: print(cursor.fetchall()) except: print("no results there :(") cursor.execute("SELECT str FROM strings WHERE num > 50") try:
def configure(self, configuration): """ The expectation that configuration will have at least the following items .. code: python { "connection": { "params": { "host": "http://localhost:4200" } } } :param configuration: """ connection = configuration.get("connection", {}) params = connection.get("params", {}) if not isinstance(params, dict): _log.error("Invalid params...must be a dictionary.") raise ValueError("params must be a dictionary.") schema = connection.get("schema", "historian") host = params.get("host", None) error_trace = params.get("error_trace", False) if host is None: _log.error("Invalid configuration for params...must have host.") raise ValueError("invalid params['host'] value") elif host != self._host:"Changing host to {}".format(host)) self._host = host client = self.get_client(host) if client is None: _log.error("Couldn't reach host: {}".format(host)) raise ValueError("Connection to host not made!") # Store class variables to be used later. if schema != self._schema:"Changing schema to: {}".format(schema)) self._schema = schema if error_trace != self._error_trace:"Changing error trace to: {}".format(error_trace)) self._error_trace = error_trace # Close and reconnect the client or connect to different hosts. if self._client is not None: try: self._client.close() except: _log.warning("Closing of non-null client failed.") finally: self._client = None self._client = crate_client.connect(servers=self._host, error_trace=self._error_trace) # Attempt to create the schema create_schema(self._client, self._schema) topics = self.get_topic_list() peers = if VOLTTRON_CENTRAL_PLATFORM in peers: topic_replace_map_vcp = VOLTTRON_CENTRAL_PLATFORM, method="get_replace_map").get(timeout=5) # Always use VCP instead of local self._topic_replace_map = topic_replace_map_vcp for t in topics: self._topic_set.add(self.get_renamed_topic(t))'pubsub', prefix="platform/config_updated", callback=self._peer_config_update)
def run(self): self.check() client = docker.from_env() # if don't give a tag, then all image under this registry will be pulled repos = self.images_to_pull[0]["repo"] for repo in repos: tags = self.images_to_pull[1][repo] for tag in tags: private_repo = private_registry + repo + suffix + ":" + tag if localVolume != "": if os.path.exists(localVolume) == False: os.makedirs(localVolume) print "start running: ", private_repo # create a random name runName = '%d' % (random.randint(1, 100000000)) # get present time startTime = time.time() # get present net data cnetdata = get_net_data() # run images container = client.containers.create( image=private_repo, environment=runEnvironment, ports=runPorts, volumes=runVolumes, working_dir=runWorking_dir, command=runCommand, name=runName, detach=True, cpu_period=100000, cpu_quota=150000, mem_limit="2g", ) container.start() while True: if time.time() - startTime > 600: break try: connection = crate_client.connect( "http://localhost:4200", username="******") cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE GAMES (ID INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, NAME STRING);''') print "successfully create table games!" cursor.execute( """INSERT INTO GAMES (ID, NAME) VALUES (?, ?)""", (1, "Three kingdoms")) print "successfully insert!" cursor.execute( "UPDATE GAMES set NAME = 'Dota2' where ID=1;") print "successfully update!" cursor.execute("SELECT ID, NAME from GAMES;") rows = cursor.fetchall() print rows cursor.execute("DELETE from GAMES where ID=1;") print "successfully delete!" connection.close() break except: time.sleep(0.1) # wait 100ms pass # print run time finishTime = time.time() - startTime print "finished in ", finishTime, "s" container_path = os.path.join("/var/lib/gear/private", private_repo) local_data = subprocess.check_output( ['du', '-ms', container_path]).split()[0].decode('utf-8') print "local data: ", local_data pull_data = get_net_data() - cnetdata print "pull data: ", pull_data print "\n" try: container.kill() except: print "kill fail!" pass container.remove(force=True) # cmd = '%s kill %s' % ("docker", runName) # rc = os.system(cmd) # assert(rc == 0) # record the image and its Running time result.append([tag, finishTime, int(local_data), pull_data]) if auto != True: raw_input("Next?") else: time.sleep(5) if localVolume != "": shutil.rmtree(localVolume)
def test_create_hdfs_repository(self): with connect(f'{crate.http_url}') as conn: c = conn.cursor() stmt = '''create repository "test-repo" type hdfs with (uri = ?, path = '/data')''' # okay if it doesn't raise a exception c.execute(stmt, ('hdfs://{nnport}'.format(nnport=NN_PORT),))
def get_connection(): connection = connect(CRATE_HOST, error_trace=True) return connection
from crate import client tables = [ 'etmotorphysicaltest', 'etdeviceSM', 'etdeviceSE', 'etcontroltest', 'etparticipant', 'etuser', 'etanswer', 'etquestionnaire' ] mysql_prefix = 'mtmatest' connection = client.connect() cursor = connection.cursor() # FIWARE adaptation starts here # Global variables refTests = {} refDevices = {} refTestsSensors = {} refSensors = {} refStartedTest = {} refEndedTest = {} list_of_answers = {} # etmotorphysicaltest dbConfiguration = 0 dbEntityId_test = 3 dbRefDevice = 6 dbRefUser = 7 dbDateTestEnded = 1 dbDateTestStarted = 2 dbTestType = 8 # etdevice
def refresh(table): with connect(crate_host) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("refresh table %s" % table)
def send_blocks(self, height, miners=None): connection = client.connect(g.db) cursor = connection.cursor() if miners == None: cursor.execute("""REFRESH TABLE nodes""") cursor.execute(""" SELECT, n.tree FROM nodes n LEFT JOIN blocks b ON WHERE emulation_id='{emulation_id}' AND height={height} ORDER BY b.mining_time """.format(emulation_id=self.emulation_id, height=height)) miners = cursor.fetchall() miner = miners.pop(0) cursor.execute("""REFRESH TABLE blocks""") cursor.execute(""" SELECT id, adopted FROM blocks WHERE node_id='{miner_id}' AND height='{height}' """.format(miner_id=miner[0], height=height)) miner_block = cursor.fetchone() print '--> Init Time:', miner_block[1], 'Height', height, '\n' for node in miner[1]: node_id = node['node_id'] distance = 10 if node['distance'] == 0 else node['distance'] node_blocks = [] cursor.execute(""" SELECT count(provider) FROM blocks WHERE height='{height}' AND adopted<={adopted} GROUP BY provider """.format(height=height, adopted=miner_block[1])) providers = cursor.fetchone()[0] # Oversubscription = max(1, fork_count * B_size / Network Bandwidth) network_factor = max(1, providers * self.block_size / self.bandwidth) # diff = (network_factor*self.block_size/self.bandwidth + distance* + self.validation_time) * 1000 # network_factor = min(1, self.bandwidth/(self.block_size*providers)) # network_factor = min(1, self.bandwidth/(self.block_size*providers)) # print '--> Providers:', providers, 'Network factor:', network_factor # diff = ((self.block_size/self.bandwidth+distance/ + self.validation_time) * 1000 # print '--> DIFF:', diff, 'Network factor', network_factor # diff = (distance * + self.validation_time) * 1000 # diff = (distance *,100))/100) + self.validation_time) * 1000 # print '--> Adopted: ', int(adopted), 'Diff:', diff # diff = (network_factor*self.block_size/self.bandwidth + distance* + self.validation_time) * 1000 propagation_delay = network_factor * self.block_size / self.bandwidth transmission_delay = distance * overall_delay = propagation_delay + transmission_delay + self.validation_time diff = overall_delay * 1000 # print("propagation, transmission and validation: {:.1f} ({}%), {:.1f} ({}%), {:.1f} ({}%)".format( # propagation_delay, int(100 * propagation_delay / overall_delay), # transmission_delay, int(100 * transmission_delay / overall_delay), # self.validation_time, int(100 * self.validation_time / overall_delay), # )) adopted = (miner_block[1] + diff) # cursor.execute("""REFRESH TABLE nodes""") # for height in xrange(int(request.json['iterations'])): cursor.execute(""" SELECT adopted FROM blocks WHERE node_id='{node_id}' AND height={height} ORDER BY node_id """.format(node_id=node_id, height=height)) saved_adopted_time = cursor.fetchone()[0] if adopted < saved_adopted_time: print '--> Updating block adoption time from', saved_adopted_time, 'to', int( adopted) cursor.execute("""REFRESH TABLE blocks""") cursor.execute(""" UPDATE blocks SET adopted={adopted}, provider='{provider}' WHERE node_id='{node_id}' AND height={height} """.format(adopted=adopted / 1000, provider=miner[0], node_id=node_id, height=height)) cursor.execute(""" UPDATE blocks SET init_time={adopted} WHERE node_id='{node_id}' AND height={height} """.format(adopted=adopted / 1000, node_id=node_id, height=height + 1)) print '-' * 12 # for block in blocks: # cursor.execute(""" # SELECT id, height # FROM blocks # WHERE id='{block_id}' # """.format( # block_id=block['id'] # )) # block_data = cursor.fetchone() # if height == block_data[1]: # if miner_block['adopted'] + diff < block['adopted']: # print 'UPDATE NEEDED:', (miner_block['adopted'] + diff), block['adopted'] # # UPDATE BLOCK ADOPTION TIME WHERE SAME HEIGHT # # DELETE NEXT BLOCKS # 1.Find block by key height # 2.Check if adopted time > than sended clock creation time + diff # 3. # print '--> TIME', self.init_time, miner_block[1], self.init_time + miner_block[1] # if not blocks: # node_blocks.append({ # 'id': miner_block[0], # 'adopted': float(self.init_time + miner_block[1]), # 'provider': miner[0] # }) # else: # last_block = blocks[-1] # tm = self.init_time + miner_block[1] # # if last_block['adopted'] < tm: # sql_blocks = '' # for el in node_blocks: # sql = """{{id='{block_id}',adopted={adopted}, provider='{provider}'}}""".format( # block_id=el['id'], # adopted=el['adopted'], # provider=el['provider'] # ) # if sql_blocks == '': # sql_blocks = sql # else: # sql_blocks = ','.join((sql_blocks, sql)) # if not blocks and sql_blocks: # print '--> Updating' # cursor.execute(""" # UPDATE nodes # SET blocks=[{blocks}] # WHERE id='{node_id}' # """.format( # node_id=node_id, # blocks=sql_blocks # )) cursor.close() connection.close() if len(miners) == 0: return True self.send_blocks(height, miners)
def attack_mine(): connection = client.connect(g.db) cursor = connection.cursor() data = request.get_json() hero_id = data['heroId'] mine_id = data['mineId'] if not hero_id: return bad_request('Hero ID is not provided') if not mine_id: return bad_request('Mine ID id not provided') try: hero_army_sql, mine_army_sql = battle(hero_id, mine_id) cursor.execute(""" UPDATE heroes SET army=[{army}] WHERE id='{hero_id}' """.format(army=hero_army_sql, hero_id=hero_id)) cursor.execute("""REFRESH TABLE heroes""") if mine_army_sql == '': cursor.execute(""" UPDATE mines SET army=[{army}], hero_id='{hero_id}' WHERE id='{mine_id}' """.format(army=mine_army_sql, mine_id=mine_id, hero_id=hero_id)) else: cursor.execute(""" UPDATE mines SET army=[{army}] WHERE id='{mine_id}' """.format(army=mine_army_sql, mine_id=mine_id)) cursor.execute("""REFRESH TABLE mines""") cursor.execute(""" SELECT,, h.img, h.balance,,,, c.img FROM heroes h LEFT JOIN clans c ON = h.clan_id WHERE'{hero_id}' """.format(hero_id=hero_id)) hero = cursor.fetchone() units_descr = [] for unit in hero[4]: cursor.execute(""" SELECT id, name, img, health, attack, price FROM units WHERE id='{unit_id}' """.format(unit_id=unit['unit_id'])) data = cursor.fetchone() units_descr.append({ 'unit': { 'id': data[0], 'name': data[1], 'img': data[2], 'health': data[3], 'attack': data[4], 'price': data[5] }, 'qty': unit['qty'] }) hero[4] = units_descr cursor.execute(""" SELECT,, m.img, m.location, m.production,,, m.collected FROM mines m WHERE'{mine_id}' """.format(mine_id=mine_id)) mine = cursor.fetchone() units_descr = [] for unit in mine[5]: cursor.execute(""" SELECT id, name, img, health, attack, price FROM units WHERE id='{unit_id}' """.format(unit_id=unit['unit_id'])) data = cursor.fetchone() units_descr.append({ 'unit': { 'id': data[0], 'name': data[1], 'img': data[2], 'health': data[3], 'attack': data[4], 'price': data[5] }, 'qty': unit['qty'] }) mine[5] = units_descr except Exception, error: print 'ERROR: ', error return bad_request(error)
def get_new_connection(self, conn_params): """Opens a connection to the database.""" return Database.connect(**conn_params)
except ImportError: print("Crate not found, import crate pacakge.") ## import crate client interface from crate import client # query function definitions from queryFunctions import createTablesQuery from queryFunctions import insertDataQuery # parse function definitions from auxiliaryParseFunctions import columnToBool from auxiliaryParseFunctions import columnToFloat from auxiliaryParseFunctions import parseStops ## connect to our instance of the database try: connection = client.connect("http://localhost:4200/") except ConnectionError: print("Unable to connect to crate node") cursor = connection.cursor() ## After looking at the data, we are going to make the following assumptions: ## all data between quotation marks is going to be of type text ## all numeric data is going to be of type bigint unless ## unless it contains a comma, where will be of type double precision ## I'm facing issues with matching boolean types so I will load them as text print("creating tables \n") createTablesQuery(cursor) print("... \n")