예제 #1
파일: heavy_client.py 프로젝트: nden/crds
def get_final_context(info, context):
    """Based on env CRDS_CONTEXT, the `context` parameter, and the server's reported,
    cached, or defaulted `operational_context`,  choose the pipeline mapping which 
    defines the reference selection rules.
    Returns   a .pmap name
    env_context = config.get_crds_env_context()
    if context:  # context parameter trumps all, <observatory>-operational is default
        input_context = context
        log.verbose("Using reference file selection rules",
                    srepr(input_context), "defined by caller.")
        info.status = "context parameter"
    elif env_context:
        input_context = env_context
        log.verbose("Using reference file selection rules",
                    "defined by environment CRDS_CONTEXT.")
        info.status = "env var CRDS_CONTEXT"
        input_context = str(info.operational_context)
        log.verbose("Using reference selection rules", srepr(input_context),
                    "defined by", info.status + ".")
    final_context = translate_date_based_context(input_context,
    return final_context
예제 #2
def get_config_info(observatory):
    """Get the operational context and server s/w version from (in order of priority):
    1. The server.
    2. The cache from a prior server access.
    3. The basic CRDS installation.
    Return ConfigInfo
        info = ConfigInfo(api.get_server_info())
        info.status = "server"
        info.connected = True
        log.verbose("Connected to server at", srepr(api.get_crds_server()))
        if info.effective_mode != "remote":
            if not config.writable_cache_or_verbose("Using cached configuration and default context."):
                info = load_server_info(observatory)
                info.status = "cache"
                info.connected = True
                log.verbose("Using CACHED CRDS reference assignment rules last updated on", repr(info.last_synced))
    except CrdsError as exc:
        if "serverless" not in api.get_crds_server():
            log.verbose_warning("Couldn't contact CRDS server:", srepr(api.get_crds_server()), ":", str(exc))
        info = load_server_info(observatory)
        info.status = "cache"
        info.connected = False
        log.verbose("Using CACHED CRDS reference assignment rules last updated on", repr(info.last_synced))
    return info
예제 #3
파일: refactor2.py 프로젝트: nden/crds
 def rmap_apply(self, func, *args, **keys):
     """Apply `func()` to *args and **keys,  adding the pmap, imap, and rmap values
     associated with the elaboration of args.source_context, args.instruments, args.types.
     keywords = dict(keys)
     if self.args.rmaps:
         for rmap_name in self.args.rmaps:
             with log.error_on_exception("Failed processing rmap", srepr(rmap_name)):
                 log.info("="*20, "Refactoring rmap", srepr(rmap_name), "="*20)
                 rmapping = rmap.load_mapping(rmap_name)
                 new_filename = self._process_rmap(func, rmapping=rmapping, **keywords)
                 self._diff_and_certify(rmapping=rmapping, new_filename=new_filename,
                                        source_context=self.source_context, **keywords)
         pmapping = rmap.load_mapping(self.source_context)
         instruments = pmapping.selections.keys() if "all" in self.args.instruments else self.args.instruments
         for instr in instruments:
             with log.augment_exception("Failed loading imap for", repr(instr), "from", 
                 imapping = pmapping.get_imap(instr)
             types = imapping.selections.keys() if "all" in self.args.types else self.args.types
             for filekind in types:
                 with log.error_on_exception("Failed processing rmap for", repr(filekind)): 
                     #, "from", 
                     # repr(imapping.basename), "of", repr(self.source_context)):
                         rmapping = imapping.get_rmap(filekind).copy()
                     except crds.exceptions.IrrelevantReferenceTypeError as exc:
                         log.info("Skipping type", srepr(filekind), "as N/A")
                     log.info("="*20, "Refactoring rmap", srepr(rmapping.basename), "="*20)
                     new_filename = self._process_rmap(func, rmapping=rmapping, **keywords)
                     self._diff_and_certify(rmapping=rmapping, source_context=self.source_context, 
                                            new_filename=new_filename, **keywords)
예제 #4
파일: api.py 프로젝트: nden/crds
def get_best_references(pipeline_context, header, reftypes=None):
    """Get best references for dict-like `header` relative to 
    pipeline_context  CRDS context for lookup,   e.g.   'hst_0001.pmap'
    header            dict-like mapping { lookup_parameter : value }
    reftypes         If None,  return all reference types;  otherwise return 
                     best refs for the specified list of reftypes. 

    Returns          { reftype : reference_basename ... }
    Raises           CrdsLookupError,  typically for problems with header values
    header = { str(key):str(value) for (key,value) in header.items() }
        bestrefs = S.get_best_references(pipeline_context, dict(header), reftypes)
    except Exception as exc:
        raise CrdsLookupError(str(exc))
    # Due to limitations of jsonrpc,  exception handling is kludged in here.
    for filetype, refname in bestrefs.items():
        if "NOT FOUND" in refname:
            if refname == "NOT FOUND n/a":
                log.verbose("Reference type", srepr(filetype), "not applicable.", verbosity=80)
                raise CrdsLookupError("Error determining best reference for " + 
                                      srepr(filetype) + " = " + 
                                      str(refname)[len("NOT FOUND"):])
    return bestrefs
예제 #5
 def rmap_apply(self, func, *args, **keys):
     """Apply `func()` to *args and **keys,  adding the pmap, imap, and rmap values
     associated with the elaboration of args.source_context, args.instruments, args.types.
     keywords = dict(keys)
     if self.args.rmaps:
         for rmap_name in self.args.rmaps:
             with log.error_on_exception("Failed processing rmap", srepr(rmap_name)):
                 log.info("="*20, "Refactoring rmap", srepr(rmap_name), "="*20)
                 rmapping = rmap.load_mapping(rmap_name)
                 new_filename = self._process_rmap(func, rmapping=rmapping, **keywords)
                 self._diff_and_certify(rmapping=rmapping, new_filename=new_filename,
                                        source_context=self.source_context, **keywords)
         pmapping = rmap.load_mapping(self.source_context)
         instruments = pmapping.selections.keys() if "all" in self.args.instruments else self.args.instruments
         for instr in instruments:
             with log.augment_exception("Failed loading imap for", repr(instr), "from", 
                 imapping = pmapping.get_imap(instr)
             types = imapping.selections.keys() if "all" in self.args.types else self.args.types
             for filekind in types:
                 with log.error_on_exception("Failed processing rmap for", repr(filekind)): 
                     #, "from", 
                     # repr(imapping.basename), "of", repr(self.source_context)):
                         rmapping = imapping.get_rmap(filekind).copy()
                     except crds.exceptions.IrrelevantReferenceTypeError as exc:
                         log.info("Skipping type", srepr(filekind), "as N/A")
                     log.info("="*20, "Refactoring rmap", srepr(rmapping.basename), "="*20)
                     new_filename = self._process_rmap(func, rmapping=rmapping, **keywords)
                     self._diff_and_certify(rmapping=rmapping, source_context=self.source_context, 
                                            new_filename=new_filename, **keywords)
예제 #6
파일: heavy_client.py 프로젝트: nden/crds
def get_config_info(observatory):
    """Get the operational context and server s/w version from (in order of priority):
    1. The server.
    2. The cache from a prior server access.
    3. The basic CRDS installation.
    Return ConfigInfo
        info = ConfigInfo(api.get_server_info())
        info.status = "server"
        info.connected = True
        log.verbose("Connected to server at", srepr(api.get_crds_server()))
        if info.effective_mode != "remote":
            if not config.writable_cache_or_verbose(
                    "Using cached configuration and default context."):
                info = load_server_info(observatory)
                info.status = "cache"
                info.connected = True
                    "Using CACHED CRDS reference assignment rules last updated on",
    except CrdsError as exc:
        if "serverless" not in api.get_crds_server():
            log.verbose_warning("Couldn't contact CRDS server:",
                                srepr(api.get_crds_server()), ":", str(exc))
        info = load_server_info(observatory)
        info.status = "cache"
        info.connected = False
            "Using CACHED CRDS reference assignment rules last updated on",
    return info
예제 #7
def set_rmap_substitution(rmapping, new_filename, parameter_name, old_text, new_text, *args, **keys):
    log.info("Adding substitution for", srepr(parameter_name), 
             "from", srepr(old_text), "to", srepr(new_text), "in", srepr(rmapping.basename))
    new_mapping = rmapping.copy()
    if "substitutions" not in new_mapping.header:
        new_mapping.header["substitutions"] = {}
    new_mapping.header["substitutions"][parameter_name] = { old_text : new_text }
예제 #8
파일: refactor2.py 프로젝트: nden/crds
def set_rmap_substitution(rmapping, new_filename, parameter_name, old_text, new_text, *args, **keys):
    log.info("Adding substitution for", srepr(parameter_name), 
             "from", srepr(old_text), "to", srepr(new_text), "in", srepr(rmapping.basename))
    new_mapping = rmapping.copy()
    if "substitutions" not in new_mapping.header:
        new_mapping.header["substitutions"] = {}
    new_mapping.header["substitutions"][parameter_name] = { old_text : new_text }
예제 #9
def del_rmap_header(rmapping, new_filename, header_key):
    """Set the value of `key` in `filename` to `new_value` and rewrite the rmap.
    This is potentially lossy since rewriting the rmap may/will lose comments and 
    formatting quirks.
    log.verbose("Deleting header value in", srepr(rmapping.basename), "for", srepr(header_key))
    del rmapping.header[header_key]
예제 #10
파일: refactor2.py 프로젝트: nden/crds
def del_rmap_header(rmapping, new_filename, header_key):
    """Set the value of `key` in `filename` to `new_value` and rewrite the rmap.
    This is potentially lossy since rewriting the rmap may/will lose comments and 
    formatting quirks.
    log.verbose("Deleting header value in", srepr(rmapping.basename), "for", srepr(header_key))
    del rmapping.header[header_key]
예제 #11
def replace_rmap_text(rmapping, new_filename, old_text, new_text, *args, **keys):
    """Do simple text replacement from `old_text` to `new_text` in `rmapping`.
    log.info("Replacing", srepr(old_text), "with", srepr(new_text), "in", 
             srepr(rmapping.basename), "to", srepr(new_filename))
    original_rmap = str(rmapping)
    new_rmap = original_rmap.replace(old_text, new_text)
    new_mapping = rmap.ReferenceMapping.from_string(new_rmap, ignore_checksum=True)
예제 #12
def cat_rmap(rmapping, new_filename, header_key, *args, **keys):
    """Cat/print rmapping's source text or the value of `header_key` in the rmap header."""
    if header_key is not None:
        log.info("In", srepr(rmapping.basename), "parameter", srepr(header_key), "=", srepr(rmapping.header[header_key]))
        log.info("Rmap", srepr(rmapping.basename), "is:")
예제 #13
파일: refactor2.py 프로젝트: nden/crds
def cat_rmap(rmapping, new_filename, header_key, *args, **keys):
    """Cat/print rmapping's source text or the value of `header_key` in the rmap header."""
    if header_key is not None:
        log.info("In", srepr(rmapping.basename), "parameter", srepr(header_key), "=", srepr(rmapping.header[header_key]))
        log.info("Rmap", srepr(rmapping.basename), "is:")
예제 #14
파일: refactor2.py 프로젝트: nden/crds
def set_rmap_header(rmapping, new_filename, header_key, header_value, *args, **keys):
    """Set the value of `key` in `filename` to `new_value` and rewrite the rmap.
    This is potentially lossy since rewriting the rmap may/will lose comments and 
    formatting quirks.
    log.verbose("Setting header value in", srepr(rmapping.basename), "for", srepr(header_key), 
                "=", srepr(header_value))
        rmapping.header[header_key] = eval(header_value)
    except Exception:
        rmapping.header[header_key] = header_value
예제 #15
def set_rmap_header(rmapping, new_filename, header_key, header_value, *args, **keys):
    """Set the value of `key` in `filename` to `new_value` and rewrite the rmap.
    This is potentially lossy since rewriting the rmap may/will lose comments and 
    formatting quirks.
    log.verbose("Setting header value in", srepr(rmapping.basename), "for", srepr(header_key), 
                "=", srepr(header_value))
        rmapping.header[header_key] = eval(header_value)
    except Exception:
        rmapping.header[header_key] = header_value
예제 #16
파일: refactor2.py 프로젝트: nden/crds
def del_rmap_parameter(rmapping, new_filename, parameter, *args, **keys):
    """Delete `parameter_name` from the parkey item of the `types` of the specified
    `instruments` in `context`.
    log.info("Deleting parameter", repr(parameter), "from",repr(rmapping.basename))
    parkey = rmapping.parkey
    i, j = get_parameter_index(parkey, parameter)
    del_parkey = parkey[:i] +  ((parkey[i][:j] + parkey[i][j+1:]),)  + parkey[i+1:]
    log.verbose("Replacing", srepr(parkey), "with", srepr(del_parkey), "in", srepr(rmapping.basename))
    rmapping.header["parkey"] = del_parkey
예제 #17
def del_rmap_parameter(rmapping, new_filename, parameter, *args, **keys):
    """Delete `parameter_name` from the parkey item of the `types` of the specified
    `instruments` in `context`.
    log.info("Deleting parameter", repr(parameter), "from",repr(rmapping.basename))
    parkey = rmapping.parkey
    i, j = get_parameter_index(parkey, parameter)
    del_parkey = parkey[:i] +  ((parkey[i][:j] + parkey[i][j+1:]),)  + parkey[i+1:]
    log.verbose("Replacing", srepr(parkey), "with", srepr(del_parkey), "in", srepr(rmapping.basename))
    rmapping.header["parkey"] = del_parkey
예제 #18
파일: monitor.py 프로젝트: stscirij/crds
 def _poll_status(self):
     """Use network API to pull status messages from server."""
         messages = api.jpoll_pull_messages(self.args.key, since_id=str(self._last_id))
         if messages:
             self._last_id = np.max([int(msg.id) for msg in messages])
         return messages
     except exceptions.StatusChannelNotFoundError:
         log.verbose("Channel", srepr(self.args.key), 
                     "not found.  Waiting for processing to start.")
         return []
     except exceptions.ServiceError as exc:
         log.verbose("Unhandled RPC exception for", srepr(self.args.key), "is", str(exc))
예제 #19
def set_rmap_parkey(rmapping, new_filename, parkey, *args, **keys):
    """Set the parkey of `rmapping` to `parkey` and write out to `new_filename`.
    log.info("Setting parkey, removing all references from", srepr(rmapping.basename))
    pktuple = eval(parkey)
    required_keywords = tuple(utils.flatten(pktuple))
    refnames = rmapping.reference_names()
    references_headers = { refname : get_refactoring_header(rmapping.filename, refname, required_keywords)
                           for refname in refnames }
    rmapping = rmap_delete_references(rmapping.filename, new_filename, refnames)
    log.info("Setting parkey", srepr(parkey), "in", srepr(rmapping.basename))
    rmapping.header["parkey"] = pktuple
    rmapping = rmap.load_mapping(new_filename)
    rmapping = rmap_insert_references_by_matches(new_filename, new_filename, references_headers)
    return rmapping
예제 #20
파일: sync.py 프로젝트: brechmos-stsci/crds
 def verify_file(self, file, info, bytes_so_far, total_bytes, nth_file, total_files):
     """Check one `file` against the provided CRDS database `info` dictionary."""
     path = rmap.locate_file(file, observatory=self.observatory)
     base = os.path.basename(file)
     n_bytes = int(info["size"])
     log.verbose(api.file_progress("Verifying", base, path, n_bytes, bytes_so_far, total_bytes, nth_file, total_files),
     if not os.path.exists(path):
         log.error("File", repr(base), "doesn't exist at", repr(path))
     size = os.stat(path).st_size
     if int(info["size"]) != size:
         self.error_and_repair(path, "File", repr(base), "length mismatch LOCAL size=" + srepr(size), 
                               "CRDS size=" + srepr(info["size"]))
     elif self.args.check_sha1sum:
         log.verbose("Computing checksum for", repr(base), "of size", repr(size), verbosity=100)
         sha1sum = utils.checksum(path)
         if info["sha1sum"] == "none":
             log.warning("CRDS doesn't know the checksum for", repr(base))
         elif info["sha1sum"] != sha1sum:
             self.error_and_repair(path, "File", repr(base), "checksum mismatch CRDS=" + repr(info["sha1sum"]), 
                                   "LOCAL=" + repr(sha1sum))
     if info["state"] not in ["archived", "operational"]:
         log.warning("File", repr(base), "has an unusual CRDS file state", repr(info["state"]))
     if info["rejected"] != "false":
         log.warning("File", repr(base), "has been explicitly rejected.")
         if self.args.purge_rejected:
             self.remove_files([path], "files")
     if info["blacklisted"] != "false":
         log.warning("File", repr(base), "has been blacklisted or is dependent on a blacklisted file.")
         if self.args.purge_blacklisted:
             self.remove_files([path], "files")
예제 #21
파일: sync.py 프로젝트: nden/crds
 def verify_file(self, file, info, bytes_so_far, total_bytes, nth_file, total_files):
     """Check one `file` against the provided CRDS database `info` dictionary."""
     path = rmap.locate_file(file, observatory=self.observatory)
     base = os.path.basename(file)
     n_bytes = int(info["size"])
     log.verbose(api.file_progress("Verifying", base, path, n_bytes, bytes_so_far, total_bytes, nth_file, total_files),
     if not os.path.exists(path):
         log.error("File", repr(base), "doesn't exist at", repr(path))
     size = os.stat(path).st_size
     if int(info["size"]) != size:
         self.error_and_repair(path, "File", repr(base), "length mismatch LOCAL size=" + srepr(size), 
                               "CRDS size=" + srepr(info["size"]))
     elif self.args.check_sha1sum:
         log.verbose("Computing checksum for", repr(base), "of size", repr(size), verbosity=100)
         sha1sum = utils.checksum(path)
         if info["sha1sum"] == "none":
             log.warning("CRDS doesn't know the checksum for", repr(base))
         elif info["sha1sum"] != sha1sum:
             self.error_and_repair(path, "File", repr(base), "checksum mismatch CRDS=" + repr(info["sha1sum"]), 
                                   "LOCAL=" + repr(sha1sum))
     if info["state"] not in ["archived", "operational"]:
         log.warning("File", repr(base), "has an unusual CRDS file state", repr(info["state"]))
     if info["rejected"] != "false":
         log.warning("File", repr(base), "has been explicitly rejected.")
         if self.args.purge_rejected:
             self.remove_files([path], "files")
     if info["blacklisted"] != "false":
         log.warning("File", repr(base), "has been blacklisted or is dependent on a blacklisted file.")
         if self.args.purge_blacklisted:
             self.remove_files([path], "files")
예제 #22
파일: monitor.py 프로젝트: nden/crds
 def _poll_status(self):
     """Use network API to pull status messages from server."""
         messages = api.jpoll_pull_messages(self.args.key,
         if messages:
             self._last_id = np.max([int(msg.id) for msg in messages])
         return messages
     except exceptions.StatusChannelNotFoundError:
         log.verbose("Channel", srepr(self.args.key),
                     "not found.  Waiting for processing to start.")
         return []
     except exceptions.ServiceError as exc:
         log.verbose("Unhandled RPC exception for", srepr(self.args.key),
                     "is", str(exc))
예제 #23
파일: refactor2.py 프로젝트: nden/crds
def set_rmap_parkey(rmapping, new_filename, parkey, *args, **keys):
    """Set the parkey of `rmapping` to `parkey` and write out to `new_filename`.
    log.info("Setting parkey, removing all references from", srepr(rmapping.basename))
    pktuple = eval(parkey)
    required_keywords = tuple(utils.flatten(pktuple))
    refnames = rmapping.reference_names()
    references_headers = { refname : get_refactoring_header(rmapping.filename, refname, required_keywords)
                           for refname in refnames }
    rmapping = rmap_delete_references(rmapping.filename, new_filename, refnames)
    log.info("Setting parkey", srepr(parkey), "in", srepr(rmapping.basename))
    rmapping.header["parkey"] = pktuple
    rmapping = rmap.load_mapping(new_filename)
    rmapping = rmap_insert_references_by_matches(new_filename, new_filename, references_headers)
    return rmapping
예제 #24
파일: submit.py 프로젝트: stscirij/crds
 def scan_for_nonsubmitted_ingests(self, ingest_info):
     """Check for junk in the submitter's ingest directory,  left over files not
     in the current submission and fail if found.
     submitted_basenames = [ os.path.basename(filepath) for filepath in self.files ]
     for ingested in ingest_info.keys():
         if ingested not in submitted_basenames:
                 "Non-submitted file", log.srepr(ingested), 
                 "is already in the CRDS server's ingest directory.  Delete it (--wipe-files?) or submit it.")
예제 #25
파일: api.py 프로젝트: nden/crds
 def download(self, name, localpath):
     """Download a single file."""
     # This code is complicated by the desire to blow away failed downloads.  For the specific
     # case of KeyboardInterrupt,  the file needs to be blown away,  but the interrupt should not
     # be re-characterized so it is still un-trapped elsewhere under normal idioms which try *not*
     # to trap KeyboardInterrupt.
     assert not config.get_cache_readonly(), "Readonly cache,  cannot download files " + repr(name)
         return proxy.apply_with_retries(self.download_core, name, localpath)
     except Exception as exc:
         raise CrdsDownloadError("Error fetching data for " + srepr(name) + 
                                 " from context " + srepr(self.pipeline_context) + 
                                 " at CRDS server " + srepr(get_crds_server()) + 
                                 " with mode " + srepr(config.get_download_mode()) +
                                 " : " + str(exc))
     except:  #  mainly for control-c,  catch it and throw it.
예제 #26
파일: refactor2.py 프로젝트: nden/crds
def rmap_check_modifications(old_rmap, new_rmap, old_ref, new_ref, expected=("add",)):
    """Check the differences between `old_rmap` and `new_rmap` and make sure they're
    limited to the types listed in `expected`.
    expected should be "add" or "replace".
    Returns as_expected,  True IFF all rmap modifications match `expected`.
    diffs = diff.mapping_diffs(old_rmap, new_rmap)
    as_expected = True
    for difference in diffs:
        actual = diff.diff_action(difference)
        if actual in expected:
            pass   # white-list so it will fail when expected is bogus.
            log.error("Expected one of", srepr(expected), "but got", srepr(actual),
                      "from change", srepr(difference))
            as_expected = False
    with open(old_rmap) as pfile:
        old_count = len([line for line in pfile.readlines() if os.path.basename(old_ref) in line])
    with open(new_rmap) as pfile:
        new_count = len([line for line in pfile.readlines() if os.path.basename(new_ref) in line])
    if "replace" in expected and old_count != new_count:
        log.error("Replacement COUNT DIFFERENCE replacing", srepr(old_ref), "with", 
                  srepr(new_ref), "in", srepr(old_rmap),
                  old_count, "vs.", new_count)
        as_expected = False
    return as_expected
예제 #27
def rmap_check_modifications(old_rmap, new_rmap, old_ref, new_ref, expected=("add",)):
    """Check the differences between `old_rmap` and `new_rmap` and make sure they're
    limited to the types listed in `expected`.
    expected should be "add" or "replace".
    Returns as_expected,  True IFF all rmap modifications match `expected`.
    diffs = diff.mapping_diffs(old_rmap, new_rmap)
    as_expected = True
    for difference in diffs:
        actual = diff.diff_action(difference)
        if actual in expected:
            pass   # white-list so it will fail when expected is bogus.
            log.error("Expected one of", srepr(expected), "but got", srepr(actual),
                      "from change", srepr(difference))
            as_expected = False
    with open(old_rmap) as pfile:
        old_count = len([line for line in pfile.readlines() if os.path.basename(old_ref) in line])
    with open(new_rmap) as pfile:
        new_count = len([line for line in pfile.readlines() if os.path.basename(new_ref) in line])
    if "replace" in expected and old_count != new_count:
        log.error("Replacement COUNT DIFFERENCE replacing", srepr(old_ref), "with", 
                  srepr(new_ref), "in", srepr(old_rmap),
                  old_count, "vs.", new_count)
        as_expected = False
    return as_expected
예제 #28
 def _setup_source_context(self):
     """Default the --source-context if necessary and then translate any symbolic name to a literal .pmap
     name.  e.g.  jwst-edit -->  jwst_0109.pmap.   Then optionally sync the files to a local cache.
     if self.args.source_context is None:
         self.source_context = self.observatory + "-edit"
         log.info("Defaulting --source-context to", srepr(self.source_context))
         self.source_context = self.args.source_context
     self.source_context = self.resolve_context(self.source_context)
     if self.args.sync_files:
         errs = sync.SyncScript("crds.sync --contexts {}".format(self.source_context))()
         assert not errs, "Errors occurred while syncing all rules to CRDS cache."
예제 #29
def rmap_insert_references_by_matches(old_rmap, new_rmap, references_headers):
    """Given the full path of starting rmap `old_rmap`,  modify it by inserting 
    or replacing all files in dict `references_headers` which maps a reference file basename
    onto a list of headers under which it should be  matched.  Write out the result to
    `new_rmap`.    If no actions are performed, don't write out `new_rmap`.
    Return new ReferenceMapping named `new_rmap`
    new = old = rmap.load_mapping(old_rmap, ignore_checksum=True)
    for baseref, header in references_headers.items():
        with log.augment_exception("In reference", srepr(baseref)):
            log.info("Inserting", srepr(baseref), "match case", srepr(header), "into", srepr(baseref))
            new = new.insert_header_reference(header, baseref)
    new.header["derived_from"] = old.basename
    log.verbose("Writing", srepr(new_rmap))
    formatted = new.format()
    for baseref in references_headers:
        assert baseref in formatted, \
            "Rules update failure. " + srepr(baseref) + " does not appear in new rmap." \
            "  May be identical match with other submitted references."
    return new
예제 #30
파일: refactor2.py 프로젝트: nden/crds
 def _setup_source_context(self):
     """Default the --source-context if necessary and then translate any symbolic name to a literal .pmap
     name.  e.g.  jwst-edit -->  jwst_0109.pmap.   Then optionally sync the files to a local cache.
     if self.args.source_context is None:
         self.source_context = self.observatory + "-edit"
         log.info("Defaulting --source-context to", srepr(self.source_context))
         self.source_context = self.args.source_context
     self.source_context = self.resolve_context(self.source_context)
     if self.args.sync_files:
         errs = sync.SyncScript("crds.sync --contexts {}".format(self.source_context))()
         assert not errs, "Errors occurred while syncing all rules to CRDS cache."
예제 #31
def get_final_context(info, context):
    """Based on env CRDS_CONTEXT, the `context` parameter, and the server's reported,
    cached, or defaulted `operational_context`,  choose the pipeline mapping which 
    defines the reference selection rules.
    Returns   a .pmap name
    env_context = config.get_crds_env_context()
    if context:  # context parameter trumps all, <observatory>-operational is default
        input_context = context
        log.verbose("Using reference file selection rules", srepr(input_context), "defined by caller.")
        info.status = "context parameter"
    elif env_context:
        input_context = env_context
        log.verbose("Using reference file selection rules", srepr(input_context), 
                    "defined by environment CRDS_CONTEXT.")
        info.status = "env var CRDS_CONTEXT"
        input_context = str(info.operational_context)
        log.verbose("Using reference selection rules", srepr(input_context), "defined by", info.status + ".")
    final_context = translate_date_based_context(info, input_context)
    return final_context
예제 #32
def rmap_delete_references(old_rmap, new_rmap, deleted_references):
    """Given the full path of starting rmap `old_rmap`,  modify it by deleting 
    all files in `deleted_references` and write out the result to
    `new_rmap`.    If no actions are performed, don't write out `new_rmap`.
    Return new ReferenceMapping named `new_rmap`
    new = old = rmap.load_mapping(old_rmap, ignore_checksum=True)
    for reference in deleted_references:
        baseref = os.path.basename(reference)
        log.info("Deleting", srepr(baseref), "from", srepr(new.name))
        with log.augment_exception("In reference", srepr(baseref)):
            new = new.delete(reference)
    new.header["derived_from"] = old.basename
    log.verbose("Writing", srepr(new_rmap))
    formatted = new.format()
    for reference in deleted_references:
        reference = os.path.basename(reference)
        assert reference not in formatted, \
            "Rules update failure.  Deleted " + srepr(reference) + " still appears in new rmap."
    return new
예제 #33
파일: submit.py 프로젝트: nden/crds
 def scan_for_nonsubmitted_ingests(self, ingest_info):
     """Check for junk in the submitter's ingest directory,  left over files not
     in the current submission and fail if found.
     submitted_basenames = [
         os.path.basename(filepath) for filepath in self.files
     for ingested in ingest_info.keys():
         if ingested not in submitted_basenames:
                 "Non-submitted file", log.srepr(ingested),
                 "is already in the CRDS server's ingest directory.  Delete it (--wipe-files?) or submit it."
예제 #34
파일: refactor2.py 프로젝트: nden/crds
def rmap_delete_references(old_rmap, new_rmap, deleted_references):
    """Given the full path of starting rmap `old_rmap`,  modify it by deleting 
    all files in `deleted_references` and write out the result to
    `new_rmap`.    If no actions are performed, don't write out `new_rmap`.
    Return new ReferenceMapping named `new_rmap`
    new = old = rmap.load_mapping(old_rmap, ignore_checksum=True)
    for reference in deleted_references:
        baseref = os.path.basename(reference)
        log.info("Deleting", srepr(baseref), "from", srepr(new.name))
        with log.augment_exception("In reference", srepr(baseref)):
            new = new.delete(reference)
    new.header["derived_from"] = old.basename
    log.verbose("Writing", srepr(new_rmap))
    formatted = new.format()
    for reference in deleted_references:
        reference = os.path.basename(reference)
        assert reference not in formatted, \
            "Rules update failure.  Deleted " + srepr(reference) + " still appears in new rmap."
    return new
예제 #35
파일: refactor2.py 프로젝트: nden/crds
def rmap_insert_references(old_rmap, new_rmap, inserted_references):
    """Given the full path of starting rmap `old_rmap`,  modify it by inserting 
    or replacing all files in `inserted_references` and write out the result to
    `new_rmap`.    If no actions are performed, don't write out `new_rmap`.
    Return new ReferenceMapping named `new_rmap`
    new = old = rmap.fetch_mapping(old_rmap, ignore_checksum=True)
    for reference in inserted_references:
        baseref = os.path.basename(reference)
        with log.augment_exception("In reference", srepr(baseref)):
            log.info("Inserting", srepr(baseref), "into", srepr(new.name))
            new = new.insert_reference(reference)
    new.header["derived_from"] = old.basename
    log.verbose("Writing", srepr(new_rmap))
    formatted = new.format()
    for reference in inserted_references:
        reference = os.path.basename(reference)
        assert reference in formatted, \
            "Rules update failure. " + srepr(reference) + " does not appear in new rmap." \
            "  May be identical match with other submitted references."
    return new
예제 #36
def rmap_insert_references(old_rmap, new_rmap, inserted_references):
    """Given the full path of starting rmap `old_rmap`,  modify it by inserting 
    or replacing all files in `inserted_references` and write out the result to
    `new_rmap`.    If no actions are performed, don't write out `new_rmap`.
    Return new ReferenceMapping named `new_rmap`
    new = old = rmap.fetch_mapping(old_rmap, ignore_checksum=True)
    for reference in inserted_references:
        baseref = os.path.basename(reference)
        with log.augment_exception("In reference", srepr(baseref)):
            log.info("Inserting", srepr(baseref), "into", srepr(new.name))
            new = new.insert_reference(reference)
    new.header["derived_from"] = old.basename
    log.verbose("Writing", srepr(new_rmap))
    formatted = new.format()
    for reference in inserted_references:
        reference = os.path.basename(reference)
        assert reference in formatted, \
            "Rules update failure. " + srepr(reference) + " does not appear in new rmap." \
            "  May be identical match with other submitted references."
    return new
예제 #37
파일: refactor2.py 프로젝트: nden/crds
def get_refactoring_header(rmapping, refname, required_keywords):
    """Create a composite header which is derived from the file contents overidden by any values
    as they appear in the rmap.
    rmapping = rmap.asmapping(rmapping)
    # A fallback source of information is the reference file headers
    header = rmapping.get_refactor_header(
        rmap.locate_file(refname, rmapping.observatory),
        extra_keys=("META.OBSERVATION.DATE", "META.OBSERVATION.TIME", "DATE-OBS","TIME-OBS") + required_keywords)
    # The primary source of information is the original rmap and the matching values defined there
    headers2 = matches.find_match_paths_as_dict(rmapping.filename, refname)
    # Combine the two,  using the rmap values to override anything duplicated in the reffile header
    assert len(headers2) == 1, "Can't refactor file with more than one match: " + srepr(refname)
    return header
예제 #38
def get_refactoring_header(rmapping, refname, required_keywords):
    """Create a composite header which is derived from the file contents overidden by any values
    as they appear in the rmap.
    rmapping = rmap.asmapping(rmapping)
    # A fallback source of information is the reference file headers
    header = rmapping.get_refactor_header(
        rmap.locate_file(refname, rmapping.observatory),
        extra_keys=("META.OBSERVATION.DATE", "META.OBSERVATION.TIME", "DATE-OBS","TIME-OBS") + required_keywords)
    # The primary source of information is the original rmap and the matching values defined there
    headers2 = matches.find_match_paths_as_dict(rmapping.filename, refname)
    # Combine the two,  using the rmap values to override anything duplicated in the reffile header
    assert len(headers2) == 1, "Can't refactor file with more than one match: " + srepr(refname)
    return header
예제 #39
 def _process_rmap(self, func, rmapping, *args, **keys):
     """Execute `func` on a single `rmapping` passing along *args and **keys"""
     keywords = dict(keys)
     rmapping_org = rmapping
     new_filename  = rmapping.filename if self.args.inplace else os.path.join(".", rmapping.basename)
     if os.path.exists(new_filename):
         log.info("Continuing refactoring from local copy", srepr(new_filename))
         rmapping = rmap.load_mapping(new_filename)
     fixers = self.args.fixers
     if fixers:
         rmapping = rmap.load_mapping(rmapping.filename)
         apply_rmap_fixers(*args, **keywords)
     func(*args, **keywords)
     return new_filename
예제 #40
파일: refactor2.py 프로젝트: nden/crds
 def _process_rmap(self, func, rmapping, *args, **keys):
     """Execute `func` on a single `rmapping` passing along *args and **keys"""
     keywords = dict(keys)
     rmapping_org = rmapping
     new_filename  = rmapping.filename if self.args.inplace else os.path.join(".", rmapping.basename)
     if os.path.exists(new_filename):
         log.info("Continuing refactoring from local copy", srepr(new_filename))
         rmapping = rmap.load_mapping(new_filename)
     fixers = self.args.fixers
     if fixers:
         rmapping = rmap.load_mapping(rmapping.filename)
         apply_rmap_fixers(*args, **keywords)
     func(*args, **keywords)
     return new_filename
예제 #41
파일: submit.py 프로젝트: nden/crds
 def _submission(self, relative_url):
     """Do a generic submission re-post to the specified relative_url."""
     assert self.args.description is not None, "You must supply a --description for this function."
     log.info("Posting web request for", srepr(relative_url))
     completion_args = self.connection.repost_start(
         auto_rename=not self.args.dont_auto_rename,
         compare_old_reference=not self.args.dont_compare_old_reference,
     # give POST time to complete send, not response
     return completion_args
예제 #42
파일: api.py 프로젝트: nden/crds
def dump_references(pipeline_context, baserefs=None, ignore_cache=False, raise_exceptions=True, api=1):
    """Given a pipeline `pipeline_context` and list of `baserefs` reference 
    file basenames,  obtain the set of reference files and cache them on the
    local file system.
    If `basrefs` is None,  sync the closure of references referred to by `pipeline_context`.
    Returns:   { ref_basename :   reference_local_filepath ... }   (api=1)
               { ref_basename :  reference_local_path }, downloads, bytes  (api=2)
    if baserefs is None:
        baserefs = get_reference_names(pipeline_context)
    baserefs = list(baserefs)
    for refname in baserefs:
        if "NOT FOUND" in refname:
            log.verbose("Skipping " + srepr(refname))
    baserefs = sorted(set(baserefs))
    return FileCacher(pipeline_context, ignore_cache, raise_exceptions, api).get_local_files(baserefs)
예제 #43
파일: submit.py 프로젝트: stscirij/crds
 def _submission(self, relative_url):
     """Do a generic submission re-post to the specified relative_url."""
     assert self.args.description is not None, "You must supply a --description for this function."
     log.info("Posting web request for", srepr(relative_url))
     completion_args = self.connection.repost_start(
         pmap_mode = self.pmap_mode,
         pmap_name = self.pmap_name,
         instrument = self.instrument,
         auto_rename=not self.args.dont_auto_rename,
         compare_old_reference=not self.args.dont_compare_old_reference,
     # give POST time to complete send, not response
     return completion_args
예제 #44
파일: heavy_client.py 프로젝트: nden/crds
def local_bestrefs(parameters, reftypes, context, ignore_cache=False):
    """Perform bestref computations locally,  contacting the network only to
    obtain references or mappings which are not already cached locally.
    In the case of the default "auto" mode,  assuming it has an up-to-date client
    CRDS will only use the server for status and to transfer files.
    # Make sure pmap_name is actually present in the local machine's cache.
    # First assume the context files are already here and try to load them.
    # If that fails,  attempt to get them from the network, then load them.
        if ignore_cache:
            raise IOError("explicitly ignoring cache.")
        # Finally do the best refs computation using pmap methods from local code.
        return hv_best_references(context, parameters, reftypes)
    except IOError as exc:
        log.verbose("Caching mapping files for context", srepr(context))
            api.dump_mappings(context, ignore_cache=ignore_cache)
        except CrdsError as exc:
            raise CrdsNetworkError("Failed caching mapping files: " + str(exc))
        return hv_best_references(context, parameters, reftypes)
예제 #45
파일: api.py 프로젝트: nden/crds
 def get_data_http(self, filename):
     """Yield the data returned from `filename` of `pipeline_context` in manageable chunks."""
     url = self.get_url(filename)
         infile = urlopen(url)
         file_size = utils.human_format_number(self.catalog_file_size(filename)).strip()
         stats = utils.TimingStats()
         data = infile.read(config.CRDS_DATA_CHUNK_SIZE)
         while data:
             stats.increment("bytes", len(data))
             status = stats.status("bytes")
             bytes_so_far = " ".join(status[0].split()[:-1])
             log.verbose("Transferred HTTP", repr(url), bytes_so_far, "/", file_size, "bytes at", status[1], verbosity=20)
             yield data
             data = infile.read(config.CRDS_DATA_CHUNK_SIZE)
     except Exception as exc:
         raise CrdsDownloadError("Failed downloading", srepr(filename), "from url", srepr(url), ":", str(exc))
         except UnboundLocalError:   # maybe the open failed.
예제 #46
파일: api.py 프로젝트: nden/crds
def get_server_info():
    """Return a dictionary of critical parameters about the server such as:
    operational_context  - the context in use in the operational pipeline

    edit_context         - the context which was last edited, not 
                           necessarily archived or operational yet.   

    crds*                - the CRDS package versions on the server.
    This is intended as a single flexible network call which can be used to
    initialize a higher level getreferences() call,  providing information on
    what context, software, and network mode should be used for processing.
        info = S.get_server_info()
        info["server"] = get_crds_server()
        info["reference_url"] = info.pop("reference_url")["unchecked"]
        info["mapping_url"] = info.pop("mapping_url")["unchecked"]
        return info
    except ServiceError as exc:
        raise CrdsNetworkError("network connection failed: " + srepr(get_crds_server()) + " : " + str(exc))
예제 #47
def local_bestrefs(parameters, reftypes, context, ignore_cache=False):
    """Perform bestref computations locally,  contacting the network only to
    obtain references or mappings which are not already cached locally.
    In the case of the default "auto" mode,  assuming it has an up-to-date client
    CRDS will only use the server for status and to transfer files.
    # Make sure pmap_name is actually present in the local machine's cache.
    # First assume the context files are already here and try to load them.   
    # If that fails,  attempt to get them from the network, then load them.
        if ignore_cache:
            raise IOError("explicitly ignoring cache.")
        # Finally do the best refs computation using pmap methods from local code.
        return rmap.get_best_references(context, parameters, reftypes)
    except IOError as exc:
        log.verbose("Caching mapping files for context", srepr(context))
            api.dump_mappings(context, ignore_cache=ignore_cache)
        except CrdsError as exc:
            raise CrdsNetworkError("Failed caching mapping files: " + str(exc))
        return rmap.get_best_references(context, parameters, reftypes)
예제 #48
파일: refactor2.py 프로젝트: nden/crds
def rmap_insert_references_by_matches(old_rmap, new_rmap, references_headers):
    """Given the full path of starting rmap `old_rmap`,  modify it by inserting 
    or replacing all files in dict `references_headers` which maps a reference file basename
    onto a list of headers under which it should be  matched.  Write out the result to
    `new_rmap`.    If no actions are performed, don't write out `new_rmap`.
    Return new ReferenceMapping named `new_rmap`
    new = old = rmap.load_mapping(old_rmap, ignore_checksum=True)
    for baseref, header in references_headers.items():
        with log.augment_exception("In reference", srepr(baseref)):
            log.info("Inserting", srepr(baseref), "into", srepr(old_rmap))
            log.verbose("Inserting", srepr(baseref), "match case", srepr(header), "into", srepr(old_rmap))
            new = new.insert_header_reference(header, baseref)
    new.header["derived_from"] = old.basename
    log.verbose("Writing", srepr(new_rmap))
    formatted = new.format()
    for baseref in references_headers:
        assert baseref in formatted, \
            "Rules update failure. " + srepr(baseref) + " does not appear in new rmap." \
            "  May be identical match with other submitted references."
    return new
예제 #49
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: nden/crds
def copytree(src, dst, symlinks=False, fnc_directory=_no_message, 
             fnc_file=_no_message, fnc_symlink=_no_message):
    """Derived from shutil.copytree() example with added function hooks called
    on a per-directory, per-file, and per-symlink basis with (src, dest)
    parameters.  Removes exception trapping since partial copies are useless
    for CRDS.  Cannot handle devices or sockets, only regular files and
    directories.   File stats not preserved.
    for name in os.listdir(src):
        srcname = os.path.join(src, name)
        dstname = os.path.join(dst, name)
        if symlinks and os.path.islink(srcname):
            linkto = os.readlink(srcname)
            fnc_symlink("Linking", log.srepr(linkto), "to", log.srepr(dstname))
            os.symlink(linkto, dstname)
        elif os.path.isdir(srcname):
            fnc_directory("Copying dir", log.srepr(srcname), "to", log.srepr(dstname))
            copytree(srcname, dstname, symlinks)
            fnc_file("Coping", log.srepr(srcname), "to", log.srepr(dstname))
            shutil.copy(srcname, dstname)
예제 #50
파일: api.py 프로젝트: nden/crds
 def plugin_download(self, filename, localpath):
     """Run an external program defined by CRDS_DOWNLOAD_PLUGIN to download filename to localpath."""
     url = self.get_url(filename)
     plugin_cmd = config.get_download_plugin()
     plugin_cmd = plugin_cmd.replace("${SOURCE_URL}", url)
     plugin_cmd = plugin_cmd.replace("${OUTPUT_PATH}", localpath)
     log.verbose("Running download plugin:", repr(plugin_cmd))
     status = os.system(plugin_cmd)
     if status != 0:
         if status == 2:
             raise KeyboardInterrupt("Interrupted plugin.")
             raise CrdsDownloadError("Plugin download fail status = {} with command: {}".format(status, srepr(plugin_cmd)))