def addDecayLive(document): db_dec = Decay(parent = document['parent'], childs = document['childs'], branching = document["branching"], user_keys = user_key_from_document(document)) try: except: print "Failed to save decay!" db_dec.printdecay() return db_dec_cc_test = db_dec.do_cc() try: except: print "Failed to save cc-ed decay" return
def add_decay(father, decay, user_keys="", history = "", uniterated_daughters = [], test_mode=False): """ Father = <Name of a particle from particle DB> decay = { "branching": 0.0175, "daughters": [ "e-", "nu_e~", "nu_tau", "gamma" ] } This function adds a decay to the existing DB (No need to full rebuild) Please keep in mind, that all particles in the decay should be in particle DB """ global br_cutoff if history == "": history = "{} --> {}".format(father, ' '.join(decay['daughters'])) if user_keys == "": user_keys = history for d in decay['daughters']: if not check_if_particle_exist(d): print("Trying to add decay of "+father) print(json.dumps(decay,sort_keys=True, indent=4)) print("with unexisting particle "+d) return False if ((decay["branching"]>br_cutoff) and (1<len(decay["daughters"])<max_decay_chain)): db_dec = Decay(father = father, scheme = history, branching = decay["branching"], fstate = ' '.join(decay["daughters"]), user_keys = user_keys).order_history() if test_mode: print("Trying to save decay:") db_dec.printdecay() try: if test_mode: print("Decay saved!") except: print("Failed to save decay!") db_dec.printdecay() try: #Now need to update all decays having this particle in final state with this mode of decay db_dec.update_ancestors() if test_mode: print("Ancestors updated!") except: print("Failed to update ancestors") db_dec.printdecay() if test_mode: print("cc-ing decay") db_dec_cc = db_dec.do_cc().order_history() if db_dec_cc: if test_mode: print("decay cc-ed") try: db_dec_cc.update_ancestors() except: print("Failed to save decay!") db_dec_cc.printdecay() elif test_mode: print("failed to cc decay") if uniterated_daughters: if test_mode: print("Iterating over the daughters") for i, daughter in enumerate(uniterated_daughters): if test_mode: print("Daughter "+daughter) for saved_dec in Decay.objects(father = daughter): if test_mode: print("decay: "+saved_dec.scheme) subst = history.split('; ') + saved_dec.scheme.split('; ') new_history = '; '.join(subst[:1] + sorted(subst[1:])) new_user_keys = saved_dec.user_keys+user_keys daughters = [] for d in decay["daughters"]: if d!=daughter: daughters.append(d) for d in saved_dec.fstate.split(' '): daughters.append(d) new_uniterated_daughters = [] for d in uniterated_daughters: if d!=daughter: new_uniterated_daughters.append(d) branching = decay["branching"]*saved_dec.branching new_decay = {"branching":branching, "daughters":copy.deepcopy(daughters)} if i == 0: add_decay(father, new_decay, new_user_keys, new_history, new_uniterated_daughters, test_mode) else: add_decay(father, new_decay, new_user_keys, new_history, [], test_mode) return True