예제 #1
def add_new_backdoor(name, version=None, aliases=None, description=None,
                     source=None, source_method=None, source_reference=None,
                     campaign=None, confidence=None, user=None,
                     bucket_list=None, ticket=None):
    Add an Backdoor to CRITs.

    :param name: The name of the backdoor.
    :type name: str
    :param version: Version of the backdoor.
    :type version: str
    :param aliases: Aliases for the backdoor.
    :type aliases: list or str
    :param description: Description of the backdoor.
    :type description: str
    :param source: Name of the source which provided this information.
    :type source: str
    :param source_method: Method of acquiring this data.
    :type source_method: str
    :param source_reference: A reference to this data.
    :type source_reference: str
    :param campaign: A campaign to attribute to this backdoor.
    :type campaign: str
    :param confidence: Confidence level in the campaign attribution.
    :type confidence: str ("low", "medium", "high")
    :param user: The user adding this backdoor.
    :type user: str
    :param bucket_list: Buckets to assign to this backdoor.
    :type bucket_list: str
    :param ticket: Ticket to assign to this backdoor.
    :type ticket: str
    :returns: dict with keys:
              "success" (boolean),
              "message" (str),
              "id" (str),
              "object" (if successful) :class:`crits.backdoors.backdoor.Backdoor`

    retVal = {'success': False, 'message': ''}

    if isinstance(source, basestring):
        source = [create_embedded_source(source,
    elif isinstance(source, EmbeddedSource):
        source = [source]

    if not source:
        retVal['message'] = "Missing source information."
        return retVal

    # When creating a backdoor object we can potentially create multiple
    # objects. If we are given a name but no version we will create an object
    # with just the name (called the "family backdoor"). If given a name and a
    # version we will create the family backdoor and the specific backdoor for
    # that given version.

    # In case we create more than one backdoor object, store the created ones
    # in this list. The list is walked later on and attributes applied to each
    # object.
    objs = []

    # First check if we have the family (name and no version).
    family = Backdoor.objects(name=name, version='').first()

    if not family:
        # Family does not exist, new object. Details are handled later.
        family = Backdoor()
        family.name = name
        family.version = ''


    # Now check if we have the specific instance for this name + version.
    backdoor = None
    if version:
        backdoor = Backdoor.objects(name=name, version=version).first()
        if not backdoor:
            # Backdoor does not exist, new object. Details are handled later.
            backdoor = Backdoor()
            backdoor.name = name
            backdoor.version = version

    # At this point we have a family object and potentially a specific object.
    # Add the common parameters to all objects in the list and save them.
    for backdoor in objs:
        for s in source:

        # Don't overwrite existing description.
        if description and backdoor.description == '':
            backdoor.description = description.strip()

        if isinstance(campaign, basestring):
            c = EmbeddedCampaign(name=campaign,
            campaign = [c]

        if campaign:
            for camp in campaign:

        if aliases:
            if isinstance(aliases, basestring):
                aliases = aliases.split(',')
            for alias in aliases:
                alias = alias.strip()
                if alias not in backdoor.aliases:

        if bucket_list:
            backdoor.add_bucket_list(bucket_list, user)

        if ticket:
            backdoor.add_ticket(ticket, user)


        # run backdoor triage
        run_triage(backdoor, user)

        # Because family objects are put in the list first we will always
        # return a link to the most specific object created. If there is only
        # one item in the list it will be the family object.
        resp_url = reverse('crits.backdoors.views.backdoor_detail',
        retVal['message'] = 'Success: <a href="%s">%s</a>' % (resp_url,
        retVal['object'] = backdoor
        retVal['id'] = str(backdoor.id)

    # If we have a family and specific object, attempt to relate the two.
    if len(objs) == 2:
        objs[0].add_relationship(objs[1], RelationshipTypes.RELATED_TO)

    retVal['success'] = True
    return retVal