예제 #1
파일: handlers.py 프로젝트: 0x3a/crits
def upsert_domain(domain, source, username=None, campaign=None,
                  confidence=None, bucket_list=None, ticket=None, cache={}):
    Add or update a domain/FQDN. Campaign is assumed to be a list of campaign
    dictionary objects.

    :param domain: The domain to add/update.
    :type domain: str
    :param source: The name of the source.
    :type source: str
    :param username: The user adding/updating the domain.
    :type username: str
    :param campaign: The campaign to attribute to this domain.
    :type campaign: list, str
    :param confidence: Confidence for the campaign attribution.
    :type confidence: str
    :param bucket_list: List of buckets to add to this domain.
    :type bucket_list: list, str
    :param ticket: The ticket for this domain.
    :type ticket: str
    :param cache: Cached data, typically for performance enhancements
                  during bulk uperations.
    :type cache: dict
    :returns: dict with keys:
              "success" (boolean),
              "object" the domain that was added,
              "is_domain_new" (boolean)

    # validate domain and grab root domain
    (root, domain, error) = get_valid_root_domain(domain)
    if error:
        return {'success': False, 'message': error}

    is_fqdn_domain_new = False
    is_root_domain_new = False

    if not campaign:
        campaign = []
    # assume it's a list, but check if it's a string
    elif isinstance(campaign, basestring):
        c = EmbeddedCampaign(name=campaign, confidence=confidence, analyst=username)
        campaign = [c]

    # assume it's a list, but check if it's a string
    if isinstance(source, basestring):
        s = EmbeddedSource()
        s.name = source
        instance = EmbeddedSource.SourceInstance()
        instance.reference = ''
        instance.method = ''
        instance.analyst = username
        instance.date = datetime.datetime.now()
        s.instances = [instance]
        source = [s]

    fqdn_domain = None
    root_domain = None
    cached_results = cache.get(form_consts.Domain.CACHED_RESULTS)

    if cached_results != None:
        if domain != root:
            fqdn_domain = cached_results.get(domain)
            root_domain = cached_results.get(root)
            root_domain = cached_results.get(root)
        #first find the domain(s) if it/they already exist
        root_domain = Domain.objects(domain=root).first()
        if domain != root:
            fqdn_domain = Domain.objects(domain=domain).first()

    #if they don't exist, create them
    if not root_domain:
        root_domain = Domain()
        root_domain.domain = root
        root_domain.source = []
        root_domain.record_type = 'A'
        is_root_domain_new = True

        if cached_results != None:
            cached_results[root] = root_domain
    if domain != root and not fqdn_domain:
        fqdn_domain = Domain()
        fqdn_domain.domain = domain
        fqdn_domain.source = []
        fqdn_domain.record_type = 'A'
        is_fqdn_domain_new = True

        if cached_results != None:
            cached_results[domain] = fqdn_domain

    # if new or found, append the new source(s)
    for s in source:
        if root_domain:
        if fqdn_domain:

    #both root and fqdn get campaigns updated
    for c in campaign:
        if root_domain:
        if fqdn_domain:
    if username:
        if root_domain:
            root_domain.analyst = username
        if fqdn_domain:
            fqdn_domain.analyst = username

    if bucket_list:
        if root_domain:
            root_domain.add_bucket_list(bucket_list, username)
        if fqdn_domain:
            fqdn_domain.add_bucket_list(bucket_list, username)

    if ticket:
        if root_domain:
            root_domain.add_ticket(ticket, username)
        if fqdn_domain:
            fqdn_domain.add_ticket(ticket, username)

    # save
        if root_domain:
        if fqdn_domain:
    except Exception, e:
        return {'success': False, 'message': e}
예제 #2
def upsert_domain(sdomain,
    Add or update a domain/FQDN. Campaign is assumed to be a list of campaign
    dictionary objects.

    :param sdomain: Response from parsing the domain for a root domain. Will
                    either be an error message or the root domain itself.
    :type sdomain: str
    :param domain: The domain to add/update.
    :type domain: str
    :param source: The name of the source.
    :type source: str
    :param username: The user adding/updating the domain.
    :type username: str
    :param campaign: The campaign to attribute to this domain.
    :type campaign: list, str
    :param confidence: Confidence for the campaign attribution.
    :type confidence: str
    :param bucket_list: List of buckets to add to this domain.
    :type bucket_list: list, str
    :param ticket: The ticket for this domain.
    :type ticket: str
    :param cache: Cached data, typically for performance enhancements
                  during bulk uperations.
    :type cache: dict
    :returns: dict with keys:
              "success" (boolean),
              "object" the domain that was added,
              "is_domain_new" (boolean)

    if sdomain == "no_tld_found_error":  #oops...
        return {'success': False, 'message': "Invalid domain: %s " % sdomain}

    is_fqdn_domain_new = False
    is_root_domain_new = False

    if not campaign:
        campaign = []
    # assume it's a list, but check if it's a string
    elif isinstance(campaign, basestring):
        c = EmbeddedCampaign(name=campaign,
        campaign = [c]

    # assume it's a list, but check if it's a string
    if isinstance(source, basestring):
        s = EmbeddedSource()
        s.name = source
        instance = EmbeddedSource.SourceInstance()
        instance.reference = ''
        instance.method = ''
        instance.analyst = username
        instance.date = datetime.datetime.now()
        s.instances = [instance]
        source = [s]

    fqdn_domain = None
    root_domain = None
    cached_results = cache.get(form_consts.Domain.CACHED_RESULTS)

    if cached_results != None:
        if domain != sdomain:
            fqdn_domain = cached_results.get(domain)
            root_domain = cached_results.get(sdomain)
            root_domain = cached_results.get(sdomain)
        #first find the domain(s) if it/they already exist
        root_domain = Domain.objects(domain=sdomain).first()
        if domain != sdomain:
            fqdn_domain = Domain.objects(domain=domain).first()

    #if they don't exist, create them
    if not root_domain:
        root_domain = Domain()
        root_domain.domain = sdomain.strip()
        root_domain.source = []
        root_domain.record_type = 'A'
        is_root_domain_new = True

        if cached_results != None:
            cached_results[sdomain] = root_domain
    if domain != sdomain and not fqdn_domain:
        fqdn_domain = Domain()
        fqdn_domain.domain = domain.strip()
        fqdn_domain.source = []
        fqdn_domain.record_type = 'A'
        is_fqdn_domain_new = True

        if cached_results != None:
            cached_results[domain] = fqdn_domain

    # if new or found, append the new source(s)
    for s in source:
        if root_domain:
        if fqdn_domain:

    #both root and fqdn get campaigns updated
    for c in campaign:
        if root_domain:
        if fqdn_domain:
    if username:
        if root_domain:
            root_domain.analyst = username
        if fqdn_domain:
            fqdn_domain.analyst = username

    if bucket_list:
        if root_domain:
            root_domain.add_bucket_list(bucket_list, username)
        if fqdn_domain:
            fqdn_domain.add_bucket_list(bucket_list, username)

    if ticket:
        if root_domain:
            root_domain.add_ticket(ticket, username)
        if fqdn_domain:
            fqdn_domain.add_ticket(ticket, username)

    # save
        if root_domain:
        if fqdn_domain:
    except Exception, e:
        return {'success': False, 'message': e}
예제 #3
def upsert_domain(domain, source, username=None, campaign=None,
                  confidence=None, bucket_list=None, ticket=None, cache={}, related_id=None, related_type=None, relationship_type=None):
    Add or update a domain/FQDN. Campaign is assumed to be a list of campaign
    dictionary objects.

    :param domain: The domain to add/update.
    :type domain: str
    :param source: The name of the source.
    :type source: str
    :param username: The user adding/updating the domain.
    :type username: str
    :param campaign: The campaign to attribute to this domain.
    :type campaign: list, str
    :param confidence: Confidence for the campaign attribution.
    :type confidence: str
    :param bucket_list: List of buckets to add to this domain.
    :type bucket_list: list, str
    :param ticket: The ticket for this domain.
    :type ticket: str
    :param cache: Cached data, typically for performance enhancements
                  during bulk uperations.
    :type cache: dict
    :param related_id: ID of object to create relationship with
    :type related_id: str
    :param related_type: Type of object to create relationship with
    :type related_id: str
    :param relationship_type: Type of relationship to create.
    :type relationship_type: str
    :returns: dict with keys:
              "success" (boolean),
              "object" the domain that was added,
              "is_domain_new" (boolean)

    # validate domain and grab root domain
    (root, domain, error) = get_valid_root_domain(domain)
    if error:
        return {'success': False, 'message': error}

    is_fqdn_domain_new = False
    is_root_domain_new = False

    if not campaign:
        campaign = []
    # assume it's a list, but check if it's a string
    elif isinstance(campaign, basestring):
        c = EmbeddedCampaign(name=campaign, confidence=confidence, analyst=username)
        campaign = [c]

    # assume it's a list, but check if it's a string
    if isinstance(source, basestring):
        s = EmbeddedSource()
        s.name = source
        instance = EmbeddedSource.SourceInstance()
        instance.reference = ''
        instance.method = ''
        instance.analyst = username
        instance.date = datetime.datetime.now()
        s.instances = [instance]
        source = [s]

    fqdn_domain = None
    root_domain = None
    cached_results = cache.get(form_consts.Domain.CACHED_RESULTS)

    if cached_results != None:
        if domain != root:
            fqdn_domain = cached_results.get(domain)
            root_domain = cached_results.get(root)
            root_domain = cached_results.get(root)
        #first find the domain(s) if it/they already exist
        root_domain = Domain.objects(domain=root).first()
        if domain != root:
            fqdn_domain = Domain.objects(domain=domain).first()

    #if they don't exist, create them
    if not root_domain:
        root_domain = Domain()
        root_domain.domain = root
        root_domain.source = []
        root_domain.record_type = 'A'
        is_root_domain_new = True

        if cached_results != None:
            cached_results[root] = root_domain
    if domain != root and not fqdn_domain:
        fqdn_domain = Domain()
        fqdn_domain.domain = domain
        fqdn_domain.source = []
        fqdn_domain.record_type = 'A'
        is_fqdn_domain_new = True

        if cached_results != None:
            cached_results[domain] = fqdn_domain

    # if new or found, append the new source(s)
    for s in source:
        if root_domain:
        if fqdn_domain:

    #both root and fqdn get campaigns updated
    for c in campaign:
        if root_domain:
        if fqdn_domain:
    if username:
        if root_domain:
            root_domain.analyst = username
        if fqdn_domain:
            fqdn_domain.analyst = username

    if bucket_list:
        if root_domain:
            root_domain.add_bucket_list(bucket_list, username)
        if fqdn_domain:
            fqdn_domain.add_bucket_list(bucket_list, username)

    if ticket:
        if root_domain:
            root_domain.add_ticket(ticket, username)
        if fqdn_domain:
            fqdn_domain.add_ticket(ticket, username)

    related_obj = None
    if related_id:
        related_obj = class_from_id(related_type, related_id)
        if not related_obj:
            retVal['success'] = False
            retVal['message'] = 'Related Object not found.'
            return retVal

    # save
        if root_domain:
        if fqdn_domain:
    except Exception, e:
        return {'success': False, 'message': e}