def check_speed_profile(laser_file_n, vibrations, n_runs, speed_profile, speed_variables, n_shots, last_bin, phase_mod_profile, n_shots_slow = 0, n_slow_runs = 0, speed_variables_slow = [], flag_plot = False, title = ""): B_exists = False for i in range(n_runs): if i >= n_runs - n_slow_runs: print("slow run!") n_shots = n_shots_slow speed_var = speed_variables_slow else: speed_var = speed_variables if i > 0: sum_bins = numpy.sum(B_count, axis=1) print(len(sum_bins) - len(sum_bins[numpy.where(sum_bins)]), "unfilled bins") # determine the position T_fs, T_bin = LS.position(n_shots, speed_profile = speed_profile, variables = speed_var) x, y = croc.Resources.Mathematics.derivative(numpy.arange(n_shots), T_fs) #print(T_fs[0], T_bin[0], T_fs[-1], T_bin[-1]) plt.figure() plt.plot(numpy.arange(n_shots), T_bin) plt.figure() plt.plot(x, y) plt.title("Speed profile") plt.xlabel("Shots") plt.ylabel("Time change per shot (fs)")
def make_run(laser_file_n, vibrations, n_runs, speed_profile, speed_variables, last_bin, phase_mod_profile, n_slow_runs = 0, speed_variables_slow = [], flag_plot = False, title = ""): B_exists = False # determine how many shots are needed n_shots_normal = LS.shots_for_n_bins(last_bin, speed_profile = speed_profile, variables = speed_variables) if n_slow_runs > 0: n_shots_slow = LS.shots_for_n_bins(last_bin, speed_profile = speed_profile, variables = speed_variables_slow) for i in range(n_runs): if i >= n_runs - n_slow_runs: print(" slow run!") sum_bins = numpy.sum(B_count, axis=1) print(" " + str(len(sum_bins) - len(sum_bins[numpy.where(sum_bins)])) + " bins still unfilled") n_shots = n_shots_slow speed_var = speed_variables_slow else: speed_var = speed_variables n_shots = n_shots_normal # determine the position T_fs, T_bin = LS.position(n_shots, speed_profile = speed_profile, variables = speed_var) # print("last bin:", T_bin[-1]) # import the laser I = import_laser(n = laser_file_n + i) I = -I[:n_shots] S = numpy.zeros(n_shots) for j in range(len(vibrations)): S += LS.signal(T_fs, vibrations[j][0], vibrations[j][1], vibrations[j][2]) I, M = LS.add_phase_modulation(I, phase_mod_profile = phase_mod_profile) S = LS.signal_and_laser(S, I) # scattering if flag_add_scatter: S += LS.signal(T_fs, 1650, 200, 10) temp_b, temp_b_count, temp_b_axis = LS.binning(S, T_bin, M, last_bin) if B_exists: B += temp_b B_count += temp_b_count B_axis = temp_b_axis else: B = temp_b B_count = temp_b_count B_axis = temp_b_axis B_exists = True sum_bins = numpy.sum(B_count, axis=1) print(" " + str(len(sum_bins) - len(sum_bins[numpy.where(sum_bins)])) + " unfilled bins") R, R_axis = LS.construct_r(B, B_count, B_axis, M) plt.figure() plt.plot(R_axis, R) R -= numpy.mean(R) F = croc.Resources.Mathematics.fourier(R, zero_in_middle = False, first_correction = True, zeropad_to = last_bin * zeropad_by, window_function = "none", window_length = 0, flag_plot = False) dt = (R_axis[1] - R_axis[0]) * 632/299.792458 F_axis = croc.Resources.Mathematics.make_ft_axis(len(F), dt, undersampling = 0, normalized_to_period = 0, zero_in_middle = False) F = numpy.real(F[:len(F)/2]) F_axis = F_axis[:len(F)] if flag_plot: plt.figure() plt.plot(F_axis, F) plt.title(title) # plt.xlim(1500, 1800)