예제 #1
파일: node.py 프로젝트: vonwenm/crossbar
class Node(object):
    A Crossbar.io node is the running a controller process and one or multiple
    worker processes.

    A single Crossbar.io node runs exactly one instance of this class, hence
    this class can be considered a system singleton.
    def __init__(self, reactor, options):

        :param reactor: Reactor to run on.
        :type reactor: obj
        :param options: Options from command line.
        :type options: obj
        self.log = make_logger()

        self.options = options
        # the reactor under which we run
        self._reactor = reactor

        # shortname for reactor to run (when given via explicit option) or None
        self._reactor_shortname = options.reactor

        # node directory
        self._cbdir = options.cbdir

        # the node's name (must be unique within the management realm)
        self._node_id = None

        # the node's management realm
        self._realm = None

        # node controller session (a singleton ApplicationSession embedded
        # in the node's management router)
        self._controller = None

    def start(self):
        Starts this node. This will start a node controller and then spawn new worker
        processes as needed.
        # for now, a node is always started from a local configuration
        configfile = os.path.join(self.options.cbdir, self.options.config)
        self.log.info("Starting from node configuration file '{configfile}'",
        self._config = check_config_file(configfile, silence=True)

        controller_config = self._config.get('controller', {})

        controller_options = controller_config.get('options', {})

        controller_title = controller_options.get('title', 'crossbar-controller')

            import setproctitle
        except ImportError:
            self.log.warn("Warning, could not set process title (setproctitle not installed)")

        # the node's name (must be unique within the management realm)
        if 'manager' in self._config:
            self._node_id = self._config['manager']['id']
            if 'id' in controller_config:
                self._node_id = controller_config['id']
                self._node_id = socket.gethostname()

        if 'manager' in self._config:
            extra = {
                'onready': Deferred()
            runner = ApplicationRunner(url=u"ws://localhost:9000", realm=u"cdc-oberstet-1", extra=extra)
            runner.run(NodeManagementSession, start_reactor=False)

            # wait until we have attached to the uplink CDC
            self._management_session = yield extra['onready']

            self.log.info("Connected to Crossbar.io Management Cloud: {management_session}",
            self._management_session = None

        # the node's management realm
        self._realm = controller_config.get('realm', 'crossbar')

        # router and factory that creates router sessions
        self._router_factory = RouterFactory()
        self._router_session_factory = RouterSessionFactory(self._router_factory)

        rlm = RouterRealm(None, {'name': self._realm})

        # create a new router for the realm
        router = self._router_factory.start_realm(rlm)

        # add a router/realm service session
        cfg = ComponentConfig(self._realm)

        rlm.session = RouterServiceSession(cfg, router)
        self._router_session_factory.add(rlm.session, authrole=u'trusted')

        if self._management_session:
            self._bridge_session = NodeManagementBridgeSession(cfg, self._management_session)
            self._router_session_factory.add(self._bridge_session, authrole=u'trusted')
            self._bridge_session = None

        # the node controller singleton WAMP application session
        # session_config = ComponentConfig(realm = options.realm, extra = options)
        self._controller = NodeControllerSession(self)

        # add the node controller singleton session to the router
        self._router_session_factory.add(self._controller, authrole=u'trusted')

        # Detect WAMPlets
        wamplets = self._controller._get_wamplets()
        if len(wamplets) > 0:
            self.log.info("Detected {wamplets} WAMPlets in environment:",
            for wpl in wamplets:
                self.log.info("WAMPlet {dist}.{name}",
                              dist=wpl['dist'], name=wpl['name'])
            self.log.info("No WAMPlets detected in enviroment.")

            if 'manager' in self._config:
                yield self._startup_managed(self._config)
                yield self._startup_standalone(self._config)
            except twisted.internet.error.ReactorNotRunning:

    def _startup_managed(self, config):
        Connect the node to an upstream management application. The node
        will run in "managed" mode (as opposed to "standalone" mode).
        yield sleep(1)

    def _startup_standalone(self, config):
        Setup node according to the local configuration provided. The node
        will run in "standalone" mode (as opposed to "managed" mode).
        # fake call details information when calling into
        # remoted procedure locally
        call_details = CallDetails(caller=0)

        controller = config.get('controller', {})

        # start Manhole in node controller
        if 'manhole' in controller:
            yield self._controller.start_manhole(controller['manhole'], details=call_details)

        # start local transport for management router
        if 'transport' in controller:
            yield self._controller.start_management_transport(controller['transport'], details=call_details)

        # startup all workers
        worker_no = 1

        call_options = CallOptions(disclose_me=True)

        for worker in config.get('workers', []):
            # worker ID, type and logname
            if 'id' in worker:
                worker_id = worker.pop('id')
                worker_id = 'worker{}'.format(worker_no)
                worker_no += 1

            worker_type = worker['type']
            worker_options = worker.get('options', {})

            if worker_type == 'router':
                worker_logname = "Router '{}'".format(worker_id)

            elif worker_type == 'container':
                worker_logname = "Container '{}'".format(worker_id)

            elif worker_type == 'guest':
                worker_logname = "Guest '{}'".format(worker_id)

                raise Exception("logic error")

            # router/container
            if worker_type in ['router', 'container']:

                # start a new native worker process ..
                if worker_type == 'router':
                    yield self._controller.start_router(worker_id, worker_options, details=call_details)

                elif worker_type == 'container':
                    yield self._controller.start_container(worker_id, worker_options, details=call_details)

                    raise Exception("logic error")

                # setup native worker generic stuff
                if 'pythonpath' in worker_options:
                    added_paths = yield self._controller.call('crossbar.node.{}.worker.{}.add_pythonpath'.format(self._node_id, worker_id), worker_options['pythonpath'], options=call_options)
                    self.log.debug("{worker}: PYTHONPATH extended for {paths}",
                                   worker=worker_logname, paths=added_paths)

                if 'cpu_affinity' in worker_options:
                    new_affinity = yield self._controller.call('crossbar.node.{}.worker.{}.set_cpu_affinity'.format(self._node_id, worker_id), worker_options['cpu_affinity'], options=call_options)
                    self.log.debug("{worker}: CPU affinity set to {affinity}",
                                   worker=worker_logname, affinity=new_affinity)

                if 'manhole' in worker:
                    yield self._controller.call('crossbar.node.{}.worker.{}.start_manhole'.format(self._node_id, worker_id), worker['manhole'], options=call_options)
                    self.log.debug("{worker}: manhole started",

                # setup router worker
                if worker_type == 'router':

                    # start realms on router
                    realm_no = 1

                    for realm in worker.get('realms', []):

                        if 'id' in realm:
                            realm_id = realm.pop('id')
                            realm_id = 'realm{}'.format(realm_no)
                            realm_no += 1

                        # extract schema information from WAMP-flavored Markdown
                        schemas = None
                        if 'schemas' in realm:
                            schemas = {}
                            schema_pat = re.compile(r"```javascript(.*?)```", re.DOTALL)
                            cnt_files = 0
                            cnt_decls = 0
                            for schema_file in realm.pop('schemas'):
                                schema_file = os.path.join(self.options.cbdir, schema_file)
                                self.log.info("{worker}: processing WAMP-flavored Markdown file {schema_file} for WAMP schema declarations",
                                              worker=worker_logname, schema_file=schema_file)
                                with open(schema_file, 'r') as f:
                                    cnt_files += 1
                                    for d in schema_pat.findall(f.read()):
                                            o = json.loads(d)
                                            if isinstance(o, dict) and '$schema' in o and o['$schema'] == u'http://wamp.ws/schema#':
                                                uri = o['uri']
                                                if uri not in schemas:
                                                    schemas[uri] = {}
                                                cnt_decls += 1
                                        except Exception:
                                            self.log.failure("{worker}: WARNING - failed to process declaration in {schema_file} - {log_failure.value}",
                                                             worker=worker_logname, schema_file=schema_file)
                            self.log.info("{worker}: processed {cnt_files} files extracting {cnt_decls} schema declarations and {len_schemas} URIs",
                                          worker=worker_logname, cnt_files=cnt_files, cnt_decls=cnt_decls, len_schemas=len(schemas))

                        yield self._controller.call('crossbar.node.{}.worker.{}.start_router_realm'.format(self._node_id, worker_id), realm_id, realm, schemas, options=call_options)
                        self.log.info("{worker}: realm '{realm_id}' (named '{realm_name}') started",
                                      worker=worker_logname, realm_id=realm_id, realm_name=realm['name'])

                        # add roles to realm
                        role_no = 1
                        for role in realm.get('roles', []):
                            if 'id' in role:
                                role_id = role.pop('id')
                                role_id = 'role{}'.format(role_no)
                                role_no += 1

                            yield self._controller.call('crossbar.node.{}.worker.{}.start_router_realm_role'.format(self._node_id, worker_id), realm_id, role_id, role, options=call_options)
                            self.log.info("{}: role '{}' (named '{}') started on realm '{}'".format(worker_logname, role_id, role['name'], realm_id))

                    # start components to run embedded in the router
                    component_no = 1

                    for component in worker.get('components', []):

                        if 'id' in component:
                            component_id = component.pop('id')
                            component_id = 'component{}'.format(component_no)
                            component_no += 1

                        yield self._controller.call('crossbar.node.{}.worker.{}.start_router_component'.format(self._node_id, worker_id), component_id, component, options=call_options)
                        self.log.info("{}: component '{}' started".format(worker_logname, component_id))

                    # start transports on router
                    transport_no = 1

                    for transport in worker['transports']:

                        if 'id' in transport:
                            transport_id = transport.pop('id')
                            transport_id = 'transport{}'.format(transport_no)
                            transport_no += 1

                        yield self._controller.call('crossbar.node.{}.worker.{}.start_router_transport'.format(self._node_id, worker_id), transport_id, transport, options=call_options)
                        self.log.info("{}: transport '{}' started".format(worker_logname, transport_id))

                # setup container worker
                elif worker_type == 'container':

                    component_no = 1

                    # if components exit "very soon after" we try to
                    # start them, we consider that a failure and shut
                    # our node down. We remove this subscription 2
                    # seconds after we're done starting everything
                    # (see below). This is necessary as
                    # start_container_component returns as soon as
                    # we've established a connection to the component
                    def component_exited(info):
                        dead_comp = info['id']
                        self.log.info("Component '{}' failed to start; shutting down node.".format(dead_comp))
                        if self._reactor.running:
                    topic = 'crossbar.node.{}.worker.{}.container.on_component_stop'.format(self._node_id, worker_id)
                    component_stop_sub = yield self._controller.subscribe(component_exited, topic)

                    for component in worker.get('components', []):

                        if 'id' in component:
                            component_id = component.pop('id')
                            component_id = 'component{}'.format(component_no)
                            component_no += 1

                        yield self._controller.call('crossbar.node.{}.worker.{}.start_container_component'.format(self._node_id, worker_id), component_id, component, options=call_options)
                        self.log.info("{worker}: component '{component_id}' started",
                                      worker=worker_logname, component_id=component_id)

                    # after 2 seconds, consider all the application components running
                    self._reactor.callLater(2, component_stop_sub.unsubscribe)

                    raise Exception("logic error")

            elif worker_type == 'guest':

                # start guest worker
                yield self._controller.start_guest(worker_id, worker, details=call_details)
                self.log.info("{worker}: started", worker=worker_logname)

                raise Exception("logic error")
예제 #2
class Node:

    A Crossbar.io node is the running a controller process
    and one or multiple worker processes.

    A single Crossbar.io node runs exactly one instance of
    this class, hence this class can be considered a system

    def __init__(self, reactor, options):

        :param reactor: Reactor to run on.
        :type reactor: obj
        :param options: Options from command line.
        :type options: obj
        self.debug = False

        self.options = options
        # the reactor under which we run
        self._reactor = reactor

        # shortname for reactor to run (when given via explicit option) or None
        self._reactor_shortname = options.reactor

        # node directory
        self._cbdir = options.cbdir

        # the node's name (must be unique within the management realm)
        self._node_id = None

        # the node's management realm
        self._realm = None

        # node controller session (a singleton ApplicationSession embedded
        # in the node's management router)
        self._controller = None

    def start(self):
        Starts this node. This will start a node controller and then spawn new worker
        processes as needed.
        # for now, a node is always started from a local configuration
        configfile = os.path.join(self.options.cbdir, self.options.config)
        log.msg("Starting from local configuration '{}'".format(configfile))
        config = check_config_file(configfile, silence=True)


    def start_from_config(self, config):

        controller_config = config.get('controller', {})

        controller_options = controller_config.get('options', {})

        controller_title = controller_options.get('title', 'crossbar-controller')

            import setproctitle
        except ImportError:
            log.msg("Warning, could not set process title (setproctitle not installed)")

        # the node's name (must be unique within the management realm)
        if 'id' in controller_config:
            self._node_id = controller_config['id']
            self._node_id = socket.gethostname()

        # the node's management realm
        self._realm = controller_config.get('realm', 'crossbar')

        # the node controller singleton WAMP application session
        # session_config = ComponentConfig(realm = options.realm, extra = options)

        self._controller = NodeControllerSession(self)

        # router and factory that creates router sessions
        self._router_factory = RouterFactory(
        self._router_session_factory = RouterSessionFactory(self._router_factory)

        # add the node controller singleton session to the router

        # Detect WAMPlets
        wamplets = self._controller._get_wamplets()
        if len(wamplets) > 0:
            log.msg("Detected {} WAMPlets in environment:".format(len(wamplets)))
            for wpl in wamplets:
                log.msg("WAMPlet {}.{}".format(wpl['dist'], wpl['name']))
            log.msg("No WAMPlets detected in enviroment.")


    def _start_from_local_config(self, configfile):
        Start Crossbar.io node from local configuration file.
        configfile = os.path.abspath(configfile)
        log.msg("Starting from local config file '{}'".format(configfile))

            config = check_config_file(configfile, silence=True)
        except Exception as e:
            log.msg("Fatal: {}".format(e))

    def run_node_config(self, config):
            yield self._run_node_config(config)

    def _run_node_config(self, config):
        Setup node according to config provided.

        # fake call details information when calling into
        # remoted procedure locally
        call_details = CallDetails(caller=0)

        controller = config.get('controller', {})

        # start Manhole in node controller
        if 'manhole' in controller:
            yield self._controller.start_manhole(controller['manhole'], details=call_details)

        # start local transport for management router
        if 'transport' in controller:
            yield self._controller.start_management_transport(controller['transport'], details=call_details)

        # startup all workers
        worker_no = 1

        call_options = CallOptions(disclose_me=True)

        for worker in config.get('workers', []):
            # worker ID, type and logname
            if 'id' in worker:
                worker_id = worker.pop('id')
                worker_id = 'worker{}'.format(worker_no)
                worker_no += 1

            worker_type = worker['type']
            worker_options = worker.get('options', {})

            if worker_type == 'router':
                worker_logname = "Router '{}'".format(worker_id)

            elif worker_type == 'container':
                worker_logname = "Container '{}'".format(worker_id)

            elif worker_type == 'guest':
                worker_logname = "Guest '{}'".format(worker_id)

                raise Exception("logic error")

            # router/container
            if worker_type in ['router', 'container']:

                # start a new native worker process ..
                if worker_type == 'router':
                    yield self._controller.start_router(worker_id, worker_options, details=call_details)

                elif worker_type == 'container':
                    yield self._controller.start_container(worker_id, worker_options, details=call_details)

                    raise Exception("logic error")

                # setup native worker generic stuff
                if 'pythonpath' in worker_options:
                    added_paths = yield self._controller.call('crossbar.node.{}.worker.{}.add_pythonpath'.format(self._node_id, worker_id), worker_options['pythonpath'], options=call_options)
                    if self.debug:
                        log.msg("{}: PYTHONPATH extended for {}".format(worker_logname, added_paths))
                        log.msg("{}: PYTHONPATH extended".format(worker_logname))

                if 'cpu_affinity' in worker_options:
                    new_affinity = yield self._controller.call('crossbar.node.{}.worker.{}.set_cpu_affinity'.format(self._node_id, worker_id), worker_options['cpu_affinity'], options=call_options)
                    log.msg("{}: CPU affinity set to {}".format(worker_logname, new_affinity))

                if 'manhole' in worker:
                    yield self._controller.call('crossbar.node.{}.worker.{}.start_manhole'.format(self._node_id, worker_id), worker['manhole'], options=call_options)
                    log.msg("{}: manhole started".format(worker_logname))

                # setup router worker
                if worker_type == 'router':

                    # start realms on router
                    realm_no = 1

                    for realm in worker.get('realms', []):

                        if 'id' in realm:
                            realm_id = realm.pop('id')
                            realm_id = 'realm{}'.format(realm_no)
                            realm_no += 1

                        # extract schema information from WAMP-flavored Markdown
                        schemas = None
                        if 'schemas' in realm:
                            schemas = {}
                            schema_pat = re.compile(r"```javascript(.*?)```", re.DOTALL)
                            cnt_files = 0
                            cnt_decls = 0
                            for schema_file in realm.pop('schemas'):
                                schema_file = os.path.join(self.options.cbdir, schema_file)
                                log.msg("{}: processing WAMP-flavored Markdown file {} for WAMP schema declarations".format(worker_logname, schema_file))
                                with open(schema_file, 'r') as f:
                                    cnt_files += 1
                                    for d in schema_pat.findall(f.read()):
                                            o = json.loads(d)
                                            if isinstance(o, dict) and '$schema' in o and o['$schema'] == u'http://wamp.ws/schema#':
                                                uri = o['uri']
                                                if uri not in schemas:
                                                    schemas[uri] = {}
                                                cnt_decls += 1
                                        except Exception as e:
                                            log.msg("{}: WARNING - failed to process declaration in {} - {}".format(worker_logname, schema_file, e))
                            log.msg("{}: processed {} files extracting {} schema declarations and {} URIs".format(worker_logname, cnt_files, cnt_decls, len(schemas)))

                        yield self._controller.call('crossbar.node.{}.worker.{}.start_router_realm'.format(self._node_id, worker_id), realm_id, realm, schemas, options=call_options)
                        log.msg("{}: realm '{}' (named '{}') started".format(worker_logname, realm_id, realm['name']))

                        # add roles to realm
                        role_no = 1
                        for role in realm.get('roles', []):
                            if 'id' in role:
                                role_id = role.pop('id')
                                role_id = 'role{}'.format(role_no)
                                role_no += 1

                            yield self._controller.call('crossbar.node.{}.worker.{}.start_router_realm_role'.format(self._node_id, worker_id), realm_id, role_id, role, options=call_options)
                            log.msg("{}: role '{}' (named '{}') started on realm '{}'".format(worker_logname, role_id, role['name'], realm_id))

                    # start components to run embedded in the router
                    component_no = 1

                    for component in worker.get('components', []):

                        if 'id' in component:
                            component_id = component.pop('id')
                            component_id = 'component{}'.format(component_no)
                            component_no += 1

                        yield self._controller.call('crossbar.node.{}.worker.{}.start_router_component'.format(self._node_id, worker_id), component_id, component, options=call_options)
                        log.msg("{}: component '{}' started".format(worker_logname, component_id))

                    # start transports on router
                    transport_no = 1

                    for transport in worker['transports']:

                        if 'id' in transport:
                            transport_id = transport.pop('id')
                            transport_id = 'transport{}'.format(transport_no)
                            transport_no += 1

                        yield self._controller.call('crossbar.node.{}.worker.{}.start_router_transport'.format(self._node_id, worker_id), transport_id, transport, options=call_options)
                        log.msg("{}: transport '{}' started".format(worker_logname, transport_id))

                # setup container worker
                elif worker_type == 'container':

                    component_no = 1

                    # if components exit "very soon after" we try to
                    # start them, we consider that a failure and shut
                    # our node down. We remove this subscription 2
                    # seconds after we're done starting everything
                    # (see below). This is necessary as
                    # start_container_component returns as soon as
                    # we've established a connection to the component
                    def component_exited(info):
                        dead_comp = info['id']
                        log.msg("Component '{}' failed to start; shutting down node.".format(dead_comp))
                        if self._reactor.running:
                    topic = 'crossbar.node.{}.worker.{}.container.on_component_stop'.format(self._node_id, worker_id)
                    component_stop_sub = yield self._controller.subscribe(component_exited, topic)

                    for component in worker.get('components', []):

                        if 'id' in component:
                            component_id = component.pop('id')
                            component_id = 'component{}'.format(component_no)
                            component_no += 1

                        yield self._controller.call('crossbar.node.{}.worker.{}.start_container_component'.format(self._node_id, worker_id), component_id, component, options=call_options)
                        log.msg("{}: component '{}' started".format(worker_logname, component_id))

                    # after 2 seconds, consider all the application components running
                    self._reactor.callLater(2, component_stop_sub.unsubscribe)

                    raise Exception("logic error")

            elif worker_type == 'guest':

                # start guest worker
                yield self._controller.start_guest(worker_id, worker, details=call_details)
                log.msg("{}: started".format(worker_logname))

                raise Exception("logic error")
예제 #3
파일: node.py 프로젝트: digulla/crossbar
class Node:
   A Crossbar.io node is the running a controller process
   and one or multiple worker processes.

   A single Crossbar.io node runs exactly one instance of
   this class, hence this class can be considered a system

   def __init__(self, reactor, options):

      :param reactor: Reactor to run on.
      :type reactor: obj
      :param options: Options from command line.
      :type options: obj
      self.debug = False

      self.options = options
      ## the reactor under which we run
      self._reactor = reactor

      ## shortname for reactor to run (when given via explicit option) or None
      self._reactor_shortname = options.reactor

      ## node directory
      self._cbdir = options.cbdir

      ## the node's name (must be unique within the management realm)
      self._node_id = None

      ## the node's management realm
      self._realm = None

      ## node controller session (a singleton ApplicationSession embedded
      ## in the node's management router)
      self._controller = None

   def start(self):
      Starts this node. This will start a node controller and then spawn new worker
      processes as needed.
      ## for now, a node is always started from a local configuration
      configfile = os.path.join(self.options.cbdir, self.options.config)
      log.msg("Starting from local configuration '{}'".format(configfile))
      config = checkconfig.check_config_file(configfile, silence = True)


   def start_from_config(self, config):

      controller_config = config.get('controller', {})

      controller_options = controller_config.get('options', {})

      controller_title = controller_options.get('title', 'crossbar-controller')

         import setproctitle
      except ImportError:
         log.msg("Warning, could not set process title (setproctitle not installed)")

      ## the node's name (must be unique within the management realm)
      if 'id' in controller_config:
         self._node_id = controller_config['id']
         self._node_id = socket.gethostname()

      ## the node's management realm
      self._realm = controller_config.get('realm', 'crossbar')

      ## the node controller singleton WAMP application session
      #session_config = ComponentConfig(realm = options.realm, extra = options)

      self._controller = NodeControllerSession(self)

      ## router and factory that creates router sessions
      self._router_factory = RouterFactory(
         options = RouterOptions(uri_check = RouterOptions.URI_CHECK_LOOSE),
         debug = False)
      self._router_session_factory = RouterSessionFactory(self._router_factory)

      ## add the node controller singleton session to the router

      ## Detect WAMPlets
      wamplets = self._controller._get_wamplets()
      if len(wamplets) > 0:
         log.msg("Detected {} WAMPlets in environment:".format(len(wamplets)))
         for wpl in wamplets:
            log.msg("WAMPlet {}.{}".format(wpl['dist'], wpl['name']))
         log.msg("No WAMPlets detected in enviroment.")


   def _start_from_local_config(self, configfile):
      Start Crossbar.io node from local configuration file.
      configfile = os.path.abspath(configfile)
      log.msg("Starting from local config file '{}'".format(configfile))

         config = controller.config.check_config_file(configfile, silence = True)
      except Exception as e:
         log.msg("Fatal: {}".format(e))

   def run_node_config(self, config):
         yield self._run_node_config(config)

   def _run_node_config(self, config):
      Setup node according to config provided.

      ## fake call details information when calling into
      ## remoted procedure locally
      call_details = CallDetails(caller = 0, authid = 'node')

      controller = config.get('controller', {})

      ## start Manhole in node controller
      if 'manhole' in controller:
         yield self._controller.start_manhole(controller['manhole'], details = call_details)

      ## start local transport for management router
      if 'transport' in controller:
         yield self._controller.start_management_transport(controller['transport'], details = call_details)

      ## startup all workers
      worker_no = 1

      for worker in config.get('workers', []):

         ## worker ID, type and logname
         if 'id' in worker:
            worker_id = worker.pop('id')
            worker_id = 'worker{}'.format(worker_no)
            worker_no += 1

         worker_type = worker['type']
         worker_options = worker.get('options', {})

         if worker_type == 'router':
            worker_logname = "Router '{}'".format(worker_id)

         elif worker_type == 'container':
            worker_logname = "Container '{}'".format(worker_id)

         elif worker_type == 'guest':
            worker_logname = "Guest '{}'".format(worker_id)

            raise Exception("logic error")

         ## router/container
         if worker_type in ['router', 'container']:

            ## start a new native worker process ..
            if worker_type == 'router':
               yield self._controller.start_router(worker_id, worker_options, details = call_details)

            elif worker_type == 'container':
               yield self._controller.start_container(worker_id, worker_options, details = call_details)

               raise Exception("logic error")

            ## setup native worker generic stuff
            if 'pythonpath' in worker_options:
               added_paths = yield self._controller.call('crossbar.node.{}.worker.{}.add_pythonpath'.format(self._node_id, worker_id), worker_options['pythonpath'])
               if self.debug:
                  log.msg("{}: PYTHONPATH extended for {}".format(worker_logname, added_paths))
                  log.msg("{}: PYTHONPATH extended".format(worker_logname))

            if 'cpu_affinity' in worker_options:
               new_affinity = yield self._controller.call('crossbar.node.{}.worker.{}.set_cpu_affinity'.format(self._node_id, worker_id), worker_options['cpu_affinity'])
               log.msg("{}: CPU affinity set to {}".format(worker_logname, new_affinity))

            if 'manhole' in worker:
               yield self._controller.call('crossbar.node.{}.worker.{}.start_manhole'.format(self._node_id, worker_id), worker['manhole'])
               log.msg("{}: manhole started".format(worker_logname))

            ## setup router worker
            if worker_type == 'router':

               ## start realms on router
               realm_no = 1

               for realm in worker.get('realms', []):

                  if 'id' in realm:
                     realm_id = realm.pop('id')
                     realm_id = 'realm{}'.format(realm_no)
                     realm_no += 1

                  ## extract schema information from WAMP-flavored Markdown
                  schemas = None
                  if 'schemas' in realm:
                     schemas = {}
                     schema_pat = re.compile(r"```javascript(.*?)```", re.DOTALL)
                     cnt_files = 0
                     cnt_decls = 0
                     for schema_file in realm.pop('schemas'):
                        schema_file = os.path.join(self.options.cbdir, schema_file)
                        log.msg("{}: processing WAMP-flavored Markdown file {} for WAMP schema declarations".format(worker_logname, schema_file))
                        with open(schema_file, 'r') as f:
                           cnt_files += 1
                           for d in schema_pat.findall(f.read()):
                                 o = json.loads(d)
                                 if type(o) == dict and '$schema' in o and o['$schema'] == u'http://wamp.ws/schema#':
                                    uri = o['uri']
                                    if not uri in schemas:
                                       schemas[uri] = {}
                                    cnt_decls += 1
                              except Exception as e:
                                 log.msg("{}: WARNING - failed to process declaration in {} - {}".format(worker_logname, schema_file, e))
                     log.msg("{}: processed {} files extracting {} schema declarations and {} URIs".format(worker_logname, cnt_files, cnt_decls, len(schemas)))

                  yield self._controller.call('crossbar.node.{}.worker.{}.start_router_realm'.format(self._node_id, worker_id), realm_id, realm, schemas)
                  log.msg("{}: realm '{}' started".format(worker_logname, realm_id))

                  ## add roles to realm
                  role_no = 1
                  for role in realm.get('roles', []):
                     if 'id' in role:
                        role_id = role.pop('id')
                        role_id = 'role{}'.format(role_no)
                        role_no += 1

                     yield self._controller.call('crossbar.node.{}.worker.{}.start_router_realm_role'.format(self._node_id, worker_id), realm_id, role_id, role)
                     log.msg("{}: role '{}' started on realm '{}'".format(worker_logname, role_id, realm_id))

               ## start components to run embedded in the router
               component_no = 1

               for component in worker.get('components', []):

                  if 'id' in component:
                     component_id = component.pop('id')
                     component_id = 'component{}'.format(component_no)
                     component_no += 1

                  yield self._controller.call('crossbar.node.{}.worker.{}.start_router_component'.format(self._node_id, worker_id), component_id, component)
                  log.msg("{}: component '{}' started".format(worker_logname, component_id))

               ## start transports on router
               transport_no = 1

               for transport in worker['transports']:

                  if 'id' in transport:
                     transport_id = transport.pop('id')
                     transport_id = 'transport{}'.format(transport_no)
                     transport_no += 1

                  yield self._controller.call('crossbar.node.{}.worker.{}.start_router_transport'.format(self._node_id, worker_id), transport_id, transport)
                  log.msg("{}: transport '{}' started".format(worker_logname, transport_id))

            ## setup container worker
            elif worker_type == 'container':

               component_no = 1

               for component in worker.get('components', []):

                  if 'id' in component:
                     component_id = component.pop('id')
                     component_id = 'component{}'.format(component_no)
                     component_no += 1

                  yield self._controller.call('crossbar.node.{}.worker.{}.start_container_component'.format(self._node_id, worker_id), component_id, component)
                  log.msg("{}: component '{}' started".format(worker_logname, component_id))

               raise Exception("logic error")

         elif worker_type == 'guest':

            ## start guest worker
            yield self._controller.start_guest(worker_id, worker, details = call_details)
            log.msg("{}: started".format(worker_logname))

            raise Exception("logic error")
예제 #4
class Node(object):
    A Crossbar.io node is the running a controller process and one or multiple
    worker processes.

    A single Crossbar.io node runs exactly one instance of this class, hence
    this class can be considered a system singleton.
    def __init__(self, reactor, options):

        :param reactor: Reactor to run on.
        :type reactor: obj
        :param options: Options from command line.
        :type options: obj
        self.log = make_logger()

        self.options = options

        # the reactor under which we run
        self._reactor = reactor

        # shortname for reactor to run (when given via explicit option) or None
        self._reactor_shortname = options.reactor

        # node directory
        self._cbdir = options.cbdir

        # the node's name (must be unique within the management realm)
        self._node_id = None

        # the node's management realm
        self._realm = None

        # node controller session (a singleton ApplicationSession embedded
        # in the node's management router)
        self._controller = None

    def start(self):
        Starts this node. This will start a node controller and then spawn new worker
        processes as needed.
        # for now, a node is always started from a local configuration
        configfile = os.path.join(self.options.cbdir, self.options.config)
        self.log.info("Starting from node configuration file '{configfile}'",
        self._config = check_config_file(configfile, silence=True)

        controller_config = self._config.get('controller', {})

        controller_options = controller_config.get('options', {})

        controller_title = controller_options.get('title', 'crossbar-controller')

            import setproctitle
        except ImportError:
            self.log.warn("Warning, could not set process title (setproctitle not installed)")

        # the node's name (must be unique within the management realm)
        if 'id' in controller_config:
            self._node_id = controller_config['id']
            self._node_id = socket.gethostname()

        if 'manager' in controller_config:
            extra = {
                'onready': Deferred()
            realm = controller_config['manager']['realm']
            transport = controller_config['manager']['transport']
            runner = ApplicationRunner(url=transport['url'], realm=realm, extra=extra)
            runner.run(NodeManagementSession, start_reactor=False)

            # wait until we have attached to the uplink CDC
            self._management_session = yield extra['onready']

            self.log.info("Node is connected to Crossbar.io DevOps Center (CDC)")
            self._management_session = None

        # the node's management realm
        self._realm = controller_config.get('realm', 'crossbar')

        # router and factory that creates router sessions
        self._router_factory = RouterFactory()
        self._router_session_factory = RouterSessionFactory(self._router_factory)

        rlm = RouterRealm(None, {'name': self._realm})

        # create a new router for the realm
        router = self._router_factory.start_realm(rlm)

        # add a router/realm service session
        cfg = ComponentConfig(self._realm)

        rlm.session = RouterServiceSession(cfg, router)
        self._router_session_factory.add(rlm.session, authrole=u'trusted')

        if self._management_session:
            self._bridge_session = NodeManagementBridgeSession(cfg, self._management_session)
            self._router_session_factory.add(self._bridge_session, authrole=u'trusted')
            self._bridge_session = None

        # the node controller singleton WAMP application session
        self._controller = NodeControllerSession(self)

        # add the node controller singleton session to the router
        self._router_session_factory.add(self._controller, authrole=u'trusted')

        # Detect WAMPlets
        wamplets = self._controller._get_wamplets()
        if len(wamplets) > 0:
            self.log.info("Detected {wamplets} WAMPlets in environment:",
            for wpl in wamplets:
                self.log.info("WAMPlet {dist}.{name}",
                              dist=wpl['dist'], name=wpl['name'])
            self.log.info("No WAMPlets detected in enviroment.")

            yield self._startup(self._config)
            except twisted.internet.error.ReactorNotRunning:

    def _startup(self, config):
        # Setup node according to the local configuration provided.

        # fake call details information when calling into
        # remoted procedure locally
        call_details = CallDetails(caller=0)

        controller = config.get('controller', {})

        # start Manhole in node controller
        if 'manhole' in controller:
            yield self._controller.start_manhole(controller['manhole'], details=call_details)

        # start local transport for management router
        if 'transport' in controller:
            yield self._controller.start_management_transport(controller['transport'], details=call_details)

        # startup all workers
        worker_no = 1

        call_options = CallOptions(disclose_me=True)

        for worker in config.get('workers', []):
            # worker ID, type and logname
            if 'id' in worker:
                worker_id = worker.pop('id')
                worker_id = 'worker{}'.format(worker_no)
                worker_no += 1

            worker_type = worker['type']
            worker_options = worker.get('options', {})

            if worker_type == 'router':
                worker_logname = "Router '{}'".format(worker_id)

            elif worker_type == 'container':
                worker_logname = "Container '{}'".format(worker_id)

            elif worker_type == 'guest':
                worker_logname = "Guest '{}'".format(worker_id)

                raise Exception("logic error")

            # router/container
            if worker_type in ['router', 'container']:

                # start a new native worker process ..
                if worker_type == 'router':
                    yield self._controller.start_router(worker_id, worker_options, details=call_details)

                elif worker_type == 'container':
                    yield self._controller.start_container(worker_id, worker_options, details=call_details)

                    raise Exception("logic error")

                # setup native worker generic stuff
                if 'pythonpath' in worker_options:
                    added_paths = yield self._controller.call('crossbar.node.{}.worker.{}.add_pythonpath'.format(self._node_id, worker_id), worker_options['pythonpath'], options=call_options)
                    self.log.debug("{worker}: PYTHONPATH extended for {paths}",
                                   worker=worker_logname, paths=added_paths)

                if 'cpu_affinity' in worker_options:
                    new_affinity = yield self._controller.call('crossbar.node.{}.worker.{}.set_cpu_affinity'.format(self._node_id, worker_id), worker_options['cpu_affinity'], options=call_options)
                    self.log.debug("{worker}: CPU affinity set to {affinity}",
                                   worker=worker_logname, affinity=new_affinity)

                if 'manhole' in worker:
                    yield self._controller.call('crossbar.node.{}.worker.{}.start_manhole'.format(self._node_id, worker_id), worker['manhole'], options=call_options)
                    self.log.debug("{worker}: manhole started",

                # setup router worker
                if worker_type == 'router':

                    # start realms on router
                    realm_no = 1

                    for realm in worker.get('realms', []):

                        if 'id' in realm:
                            realm_id = realm.pop('id')
                            realm_id = 'realm{}'.format(realm_no)
                            realm_no += 1

                        # extract schema information from WAMP-flavored Markdown
                        schemas = None
                        if 'schemas' in realm:
                            schemas = {}
                            schema_pat = re.compile(r"```javascript(.*?)```", re.DOTALL)
                            cnt_files = 0
                            cnt_decls = 0
                            for schema_file in realm.pop('schemas'):
                                schema_file = os.path.join(self.options.cbdir, schema_file)
                                self.log.info("{worker}: processing WAMP-flavored Markdown file {schema_file} for WAMP schema declarations",
                                              worker=worker_logname, schema_file=schema_file)
                                with open(schema_file, 'r') as f:
                                    cnt_files += 1
                                    for d in schema_pat.findall(f.read()):
                                            o = json.loads(d)
                                            if isinstance(o, dict) and '$schema' in o and o['$schema'] == u'http://wamp.ws/schema#':
                                                uri = o['uri']
                                                if uri not in schemas:
                                                    schemas[uri] = {}
                                                cnt_decls += 1
                                        except Exception:
                                            self.log.failure("{worker}: WARNING - failed to process declaration in {schema_file} - {log_failure.value}",
                                                             worker=worker_logname, schema_file=schema_file)
                            self.log.info("{worker}: processed {cnt_files} files extracting {cnt_decls} schema declarations and {len_schemas} URIs",
                                          worker=worker_logname, cnt_files=cnt_files, cnt_decls=cnt_decls, len_schemas=len(schemas))

                        yield self._controller.call('crossbar.node.{}.worker.{}.start_router_realm'.format(self._node_id, worker_id), realm_id, realm, schemas, options=call_options)
                        self.log.info("{worker}: realm '{realm_id}' (named '{realm_name}') started",
                                      worker=worker_logname, realm_id=realm_id, realm_name=realm['name'])

                        # add roles to realm
                        role_no = 1
                        for role in realm.get('roles', []):
                            if 'id' in role:
                                role_id = role.pop('id')
                                role_id = 'role{}'.format(role_no)
                                role_no += 1

                            yield self._controller.call('crossbar.node.{}.worker.{}.start_router_realm_role'.format(self._node_id, worker_id), realm_id, role_id, role, options=call_options)
                            self.log.info("{}: role '{}' (named '{}') started on realm '{}'".format(worker_logname, role_id, role['name'], realm_id))

                    # start components to run embedded in the router
                    component_no = 1

                    for component in worker.get('components', []):

                        if 'id' in component:
                            component_id = component.pop('id')
                            component_id = 'component{}'.format(component_no)
                            component_no += 1

                        yield self._controller.call('crossbar.node.{}.worker.{}.start_router_component'.format(self._node_id, worker_id), component_id, component, options=call_options)
                        self.log.info("{}: component '{}' started".format(worker_logname, component_id))

                    # start transports on router
                    transport_no = 1

                    for transport in worker['transports']:

                        if 'id' in transport:
                            transport_id = transport.pop('id')
                            transport_id = 'transport{}'.format(transport_no)
                            transport_no += 1

                        yield self._controller.call('crossbar.node.{}.worker.{}.start_router_transport'.format(self._node_id, worker_id), transport_id, transport, options=call_options)
                        self.log.info("{}: transport '{}' started".format(worker_logname, transport_id))

                # setup container worker
                elif worker_type == 'container':

                    component_no = 1

                    # if components exit "very soon after" we try to
                    # start them, we consider that a failure and shut
                    # our node down. We remove this subscription 2
                    # seconds after we're done starting everything
                    # (see below). This is necessary as
                    # start_container_component returns as soon as
                    # we've established a connection to the component
                    def component_exited(info):
                        dead_comp = info['id']
                        self.log.info("Component '{}' failed to start; shutting down node.".format(dead_comp))
                        if self._reactor.running:
                    topic = 'crossbar.node.{}.worker.{}.container.on_component_stop'.format(self._node_id, worker_id)
                    component_stop_sub = yield self._controller.subscribe(component_exited, topic)

                    for component in worker.get('components', []):

                        if 'id' in component:
                            component_id = component.pop('id')
                            component_id = 'component{}'.format(component_no)
                            component_no += 1

                        yield self._controller.call('crossbar.node.{}.worker.{}.start_container_component'.format(self._node_id, worker_id), component_id, component, options=call_options)
                        self.log.info("{worker}: component '{component_id}' started",
                                      worker=worker_logname, component_id=component_id)

                    # after 2 seconds, consider all the application components running
                    self._reactor.callLater(2, component_stop_sub.unsubscribe)

                    raise Exception("logic error")

            elif worker_type == 'guest':

                # start guest worker
                yield self._controller.start_guest(worker_id, worker, details=call_details)
                self.log.info("{worker}: started", worker=worker_logname)

                raise Exception("logic error")
예제 #5
파일: node.py 프로젝트: bihicheng/crossbar
class Node:
   A Crossbar.io node is the running a controller process
   and one or multiple worker processes.

   A single Crossbar.io node runs exactly one instance of
   this class, hence this class can be considered a system

   def __init__(self, reactor, options):

      :param reactor: Reactor to run on.
      :type reactor: obj
      :param options: Options from command line.
      :type options: obj
      self.debug = False

      self.options = options
      ## the reactor under which we run
      self._reactor = reactor

      ## shortname for reactor to run (when given via explicit option) or None
      self._reactor_shortname = options.reactor

      ## node directory
      self._cbdir = options.cbdir

      ## the node's name (must be unique within the management realm)
      self._node_id = None

      ## the node's management realm
      self._realm = None

      ## node controller session (a singleton ApplicationSession embedded
      ## in the node's management router)
      self._controller = None

   def start(self):
      Starts this node. This will start a node controller and then spawn new worker
      processes as needed.
      ## for now, a node is always started from a local configuration
      configfile = os.path.join(self.options.cbdir, self.options.config)
      log.msg("Starting from local configuration '{}'".format(configfile))
      config = checkconfig.check_config_file(configfile, silence = True)


   def start_from_config(self, config):

      controller_config = config.get('controller', {})

      controller_options = controller_config.get('options', {})

      controller_title = controller_options.get('title', 'crossbar-controller')

         import setproctitle
      except ImportError:
         log.msg("Warning, could not set process title (setproctitle not installed)")

      ## the node's name (must be unique within the management realm)
      if 'id' in controller_config:
         self._node_id = controller_config['id']
         self._node_id = socket.gethostname()

      ## the node's management realm
      self._realm = controller_config.get('realm', 'crossbar')

      ## the node controller singleton WAMP application session
      #session_config = ComponentConfig(realm = options.realm, extra = options)

      self._controller = NodeControllerSession(self)

      ## router and factory that creates router sessions
      self._router_factory = RouterFactory(
         options = wamp.types.RouterOptions(uri_check = wamp.types.RouterOptions.URI_CHECK_LOOSE),
         debug = False)
      self._router_session_factory = RouterSessionFactory(self._router_factory)

      ## add the node controller singleton session to the router

      ## Detect WAMPlets
      wamplets = self._controller._get_wamplets()
      if len(wamplets) > 0:
         log.msg("Detected {} WAMPlets in environment:".format(len(wamplets)))
         for wpl in wamplets:
            log.msg("WAMPlet {}.{}".format(wpl['dist'], wpl['name']))
         log.msg("No WAMPlets detected in enviroment.")


   def _start_from_local_config(self, configfile):
      Start Crossbar.io node from local configuration file.
      configfile = os.path.abspath(configfile)
      log.msg("Starting from local config file '{}'".format(configfile))

         config = controller.config.check_config_file(configfile, silence = True)
         #config = json.loads(open(configfile, 'rb').read())
      except Exception as e:
         log.msg("Fatal: {}".format(e))

   def run_node_config(self, config):
         yield self._run_node_config(config)

   def _run_node_config(self, config):
      Setup node according to config provided.

      ## fake call details information when calling into
      ## remoted procedure locally
      call_details = CallDetails(caller = 0, authid = 'node')

      controller = config.get('controller', {})

      ## start Manhole in node controller
      if 'manhole' in controller:
         yield self._controller.start_manhole(controller['manhole'], details = call_details)

      ## start local transport for management router
      if 'transport' in controller:
         yield self._controller.start_management_transport(controller['transport'], details = call_details)

      ## startup all workers
      worker_no = 1

      for worker in config.get('workers', []):

         ## worker ID, type and logname
         if 'id' in worker:
            worker_id = worker.pop('id')
            worker_id = 'worker{}'.format(worker_no)
            worker_no += 1

         worker_type = worker['type']
         worker_options = worker.get('options', {})

         if worker_type == 'router':
            worker_logname = "Router '{}'".format(worker_id)

         elif worker_type == 'container':
            worker_logname = "Container '{}'".format(worker_id)

         elif worker_type == 'guest':
            worker_logname = "Guest '{}'".format(worker_id)

            raise Exception("logic error")

         ## router/container
         if worker_type in ['router', 'container']:

            ## start a new native worker process ..
            if worker_type == 'router':
               yield self._controller.start_router(worker_id, worker_options, details = call_details)

            elif worker_type == 'container':
               yield self._controller.start_container(worker_id, worker_options, details = call_details)

               raise Exception("logic error")

            ## setup native worker generic stuff
            if 'pythonpath' in worker_options:
               added_paths = yield self._controller.call('crossbar.node.{}.worker.{}.add_pythonpath'.format(self._node_id, worker_id), worker_options['pythonpath'])
               if self.debug:
                  log.msg("{}: PYTHONPATH extended for {}".format(worker_logname, added_paths))
                  log.msg("{}: PYTHONPATH extended".format(worker_logname))

            if 'cpu_affinity' in worker_options:
               new_affinity = yield self._controller.call('crossbar.node.{}.worker.{}.set_cpu_affinity'.format(self._node_id, worker_id), worker_options['cpu_affinity'])
               log.msg("{}: CPU affinity set to {}".format(worker_logname, new_affinity))

            if 'manhole' in worker:
               yield self._controller.call('crossbar.node.{}.worker.{}.start_manhole'.format(self._node_id, worker_id), worker['manhole'])
               log.msg("{}: manhole started".format(worker_logname))

            ## setup router worker
            if worker_type == 'router':

               ## start realms on router
               realm_no = 1

               for realm in worker.get('realms', []):

                  if 'id' in realm:
                     realm_id = realm.pop('id')
                     realm_id = 'realm{}'.format(realm_no)
                     realm_no += 1

                  ## FIXME
                  #yield self._controller.call('crossbar.node.{}.worker.{}.start_router_realm'.format(self._node_id, worker_id), realm_id, realm)
                  #log.msg("{}: realm '{}' started".format(worker_logname, realm_id))

               ## start components to run embedded in the router
               component_no = 1

               for component in worker.get('components', []):

                  if 'id' in component:
                     component_id = component.pop('id')
                     component_id = 'component{}'.format(component_no)
                     component_no += 1

                  yield self._controller.call('crossbar.node.{}.worker.{}.start_router_component'.format(self._node_id, worker_id), component_id, component)
                  log.msg("{}: component '{}' started".format(worker_logname, component_id))

               ## start transports on router
               transport_no = 1

               for transport in worker['transports']:

                  if 'id' in transport:
                     transport_id = transport.pop('id')
                     transport_id = 'transport{}'.format(transport_no)
                     transport_no += 1

                  yield self._controller.call('crossbar.node.{}.worker.{}.start_router_transport'.format(self._node_id, worker_id), transport_id, transport)
                  log.msg("{}: transport '{}' started".format(worker_logname, transport_id))

            ## setup container worker
            elif worker_type == 'container':

               component_no = 1

               for component in worker.get('components', []):

                  if 'id' in component:
                     component_id = component.pop('id')
                     component_id = 'component{}'.format(component_no)
                     component_no += 1

                  yield self._controller.call('crossbar.node.{}.worker.{}.start_container_component'.format(self._node_id, worker_id), component_id, component)
                  log.msg("{}: component '{}' started".format(worker_logname, component_id))

               raise Exception("logic error")

         elif worker_type == 'guest':

            ## start guest worker
            yield self._controller.start_guest(worker_id, worker, details = call_details)
            log.msg("{}: started".format(worker_logname))

            raise Exception("logic error")