def main(): (optval, args) = getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'v') options = dict(optval) if len(args) < 2: usage('specify database file and flow') level = logging.DEBUG if '-v' in options else logging.INFO logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr, level=level) logger = logging.getLogger('crow_dataflow_sh')'top of script') dbfile, flow = args[0:2] if flow not in 'OI': usage(f"flow must be O (output) or I (input) not {flow}") primary = {'flow': flow, 'actor': None, 'slot': None} meta = {} for arg in args[2:]: split = arg.split('=', 1) if len(split) != 2: usage(f'{arg}: arguments must be var=value') (var, strvalue) = split value = shell_to_python_type(strvalue) if var in primary: primary[var] = value else: meta[var] = value'{dbfile}: open sqlite3 database') db = Dataflow(dbfile) if flow == 'O': find = db.find_output_slot message = 'find output slots' else: find = db.find_input_slot message = 'find input slots' if primary['actor']: message += f' actor={primary["actor"]}' else: message += ' for all actors' if primary['slot']: message += f' slot={primary["slot"]}' if meta: message += ' meta: ' for k, v in meta: message += f' {k}={v}' db.dump(sys.stderr) for slot in find(primary['actor'], primary['slot'], meta): localmeta = slot.get_meta() sys.stderr.write(f'{slot} meta = {localmeta}\n') if localmeta: metas = [f'{k}={v}' for k, v in localmeta.items()] print(f'{slot.flow} {} {slot.slot} {" ".join(metas)}') else: print(f'{slot.flow} {} {slot.slot}')
def check_cycle(d: Dataflow, cycle: datetime) -> None: for islot in d.find_input_slot('fam.job3', 'islot', {'letter': 'A'}): imessage = with'rt') as fd: print(f"{fd.readline().strip()}: {imessage}") for islot in d.find_input_slot('fam.job3', 'islot', {'letter': 'B'}): imessage = imessage.obtain('dummy_input') with open('dummy_input', 'rt') as fd: print(f"{fd.readline().strip()}: {imessage}")
def deliver_cycle(d: Dataflow, cycle: datetime) -> None: text = f'dummy file for cycle {cycle:%Y%m%d%H}\n' for oslot in d.find_output_slot('fam.job2', 'oslot', {'letter': 'A'}): omessage = with open('dummy_file', 'wt') as fd1: fd1.write(str(omessage)) omessage.deliver('dummy_file') for oslot in d.find_output_slot('fam.job2', 'oslot', {'letter': 'B'}): omessage = with'wt') as fd2: fd2.write(str(omessage)) if os.path.exists('dummy_file'): os.unlink('dummy_file')
def main(): (optval, args) = getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'o:i:vm') options = dict(optval) level = logging.DEBUG if '-v' in options else logging.INFO logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr, level=level) logger = logging.getLogger('crow_dataflow_sh') if len(args) != 3: usage("give exactly three non-option arguments") dbfile, adddel, cyclestr = args[0:3] if adddel not in ['add', 'del']: usage('Specify "add" or "del"') cycle = None for fmt in ALLOWED_DATE_FORMATS: with suppress(ValueError): cycle = datetime.strptime(cyclestr, fmt) break if cycle is None: usage(f'unknown cycle format: {cyclestr}') db = Dataflow(dbfile)'{dbfile}: {adddel} cycle {cycle:%Y-%m-%dt%H:%M:%S}') if adddel == 'add': db.add_cycle(cycle) else: db.del_cycle(cycle)
def main(): logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr, level=logging.INFO) if os.path.exists('test.db'): os.unlink('test.db') if os.path.exists('com'): shutil.rmtree('com') d = Dataflow('test.db') PRE = 'com/{cycle:%Y%m%d%H}/{actor}/{slot}.t{cycle:%H}z' d.add_output_slot('fam.job1', 'oslot', PRE + '.x') d.add_input_slot('fam.job2', 'islot') d.add_input_slot('fam.job2', 'tslot', { 'when':, 'why': True }) for S in [1, 2, 3]: for L in 'AB': d.add_output_slot('fam.job2', 'oslot', PRE + '.{letter}{slotnum}', { 'slotnum': S, 'letter': L }) for S in [1, 2, 3]: for L in 'AB': d.add_input_slot('fam.job3', 'islot', {'plopnum': S, 'letter': L}) d.dump(sys.stdout) six_hours = timedelta(seconds=3600 * 6) for islot in d.find_input_slot('fam.job3', 'islot'): meta = islot.get_meta() print(meta) found = False for oslot in d.find_output_slot('fam.job2', 'oslot', { 'slotnum': meta['plopnum'], 'letter': meta['letter'] }): islot.connect_to(oslot, rel_time=six_hours) break cycle1 = datetime.strptime('2017081500', '%Y%m%d%H') cycle2 = datetime.strptime('2017081506', '%Y%m%d%H') cycle3 = datetime.strptime('2017081512', '%Y%m%d%H') d.add_cycle(cycle1) d.add_cycle(cycle2) deliver_cycle(d, cycle1) check_cycle(d, cycle2) d.add_cycle(cycle3) d.del_cycle(cycle1) deliver_cycle(d, cycle2) check_cycle(d, cycle3)
def main(): logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr,level=logging.DEBUG) if os.path.exists('test.db'): os.unlink('test.db') if os.path.exists('com'): shutil.rmtree('com') d=Dataflow('test.db') PRE='com/{cycle:%Y%m%d%H}/{actor}/{slot}.t{cycle:%H}z' d.add_output_slot('fam.job1','oslot',PRE+'.x') d.add_input_slot('fam.job2','islot') d.add_input_slot('fam.job2','tslot',{ 'when', 'why':True }) for S in [1,2,3]: for L in 'AB': d.add_output_slot('fam.job2','oslot',PRE+'.{letter}{slotnum}', {'slotnum':S, 'letter':L}) for S in [1,2,3]: for L in 'AB': d.add_input_slot('fam.job3','islot',{'plopnum':S, 'letter':L}) for islot in d.find_input_slot('fam.job2','tslot'): for oslot in d.find_output_slot('fam.job1','oslot'): islot.connect_to(oslot,rel_time=SIX_HOURS) for islot in d.find_input_slot('fam.job3','islot'): meta=islot.get_meta() found=False for oslot in d.find_output_slot('fam.job2','oslot',{ 'slotnum':meta['plopnum'], 'letter':meta['letter'] }): islot.connect_to(oslot,rel_time=SIX_HOURS)
def main(): (optval, args) = getopt(sys.argv[1:],'o:i:vmc') options=dict(optval) level=logging.DEBUG if '-v' in options else logging.INFO logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr,level=level) logger=logging.getLogger('crow_dataflow_sh') if ( '-i' in options ) == ( '-o' in options ): usage('specify exactly one of -o and -i') flow = 'O' if '-i' in options else 'I' if len(args)<4: usage('specify dataflow db file, cycle, actor, and at least one var=value') ( dbfile, cyclestr, actor ) = args[0:3] cycle=None for fmt in ALLOWED_DATE_FORMATS: with suppress(ValueError): cycle=datetime.strptime(cyclestr,fmt) break if cycle is None: usage(f'unknown cycle format: {cyclestr}') slot=None meta={} for arg in args[3:]: split=arg.split('=',1) if len(split)!=2: usage(f'{arg}: arguments must be var=value') ( var, strvalue ) = split value=shell_to_python_type(strvalue) if var=='slot': slot=value elif var=='flow': usage(f'{arg}: cannot set flow; that is set automatically via -i or -o') elif var=='actor': usage(f'{arg}: cannot set actor; that is set via a positional argument') else: meta[var]=value db=Dataflow(dbfile) if flow=='I':'{dbfile}: find input slot actor={actor} slot={slot} ' f'meta={meta}') matches=iter(db.find_input_slot(actor,slot,meta)) local=options['-o'] else:'{dbfile}: find output slot actor={actor} slot={slot} ' f'meta={meta}') matches=iter(db.find_output_slot(actor,slot,meta)) local=options['-i'] slots = [ slot for slot in matches ] any_have_meta_lists=False for slot in slots: if has_meta_lists(slot): any_have_meta_lists=True'... has metadata lists') #any_have_meta_lists = any([ has_meta_lists(slot) for slot in slots ]) multi = len(slots)>1 or any_have_meta_lists slot1, slot2 = None, None with suppress(StopIteration): slot1=next(matches) slot2=next(matches) if not slots: logger.error('No match for query. Such a slot does not exist.') exit(1) elif multi and '-m' not in options: logger.error('Multiple matches, and -m not specified. Abort.') exit(1) elif not multi and '-m' in options: logger.error('Single match but -m was specified. Abort.') exit(1) for slot in slots: deliver_by_format(logger,flow,local,,'-c' in options)