예제 #1
 def delete(territory_id):
     with get_cursor() as cursor:
         territory = TerritoryCRUD.get(cursor, territory_id)
         state = StateCRUD.get(cursor, territory.state_id)
         if len(state.representations
                ) == 1 and not state.representations[0].name:
             its_territories = TerritoryCRUD.get_by_state(
                 cursor, territory.state_id)
             if len(its_territories) == 1:
                 StateCRUD.delete(cursor, state.state_id)
                 return {
                     "deleted_state": state.state_id,
                     "deleted_territory": territory_id
         TerritoryCRUD.delete(cursor, territory_id)
         return {"deleted_state": None, "deleted_territory": territory_id}
예제 #2
    def __merge_with_cursor(cursor, to_merge_id, sovereign_state_id):
        assert isinstance(to_merge_id, int)
        assert isinstance(sovereign_state_id, int)
        to_merge = StateCRUD.get(cursor, to_merge_id)
        sovereign = StateCRUD.get(cursor, sovereign_state_id)
        if to_merge.validity_start < sovereign.validity_start or to_merge.validity_end > sovereign.validity_end:
            raise MergeStateConflictException(
                f'The state to merge period {(to_merge.validity_start, to_merge.validity_end)} overflows the period of the sovereign state {(sovereign.validity_start, sovereign.validity_end)}',
                    for t in TerritoryCRUD.get_by_state(cursor, to_merge_id)
        territories_to_change = TerritoryCRUD.get_by_state(cursor, to_merge_id)
        for territory in territories_to_change:

            # Color integrity check
            its_color = territory.color
            if not its_color:
                candidate_colors = [
                    for r in to_merge.representations if r.period_intersects(
                        territory.validity_start, territory.validity_end)
                # All representation matching with the territory have similar color => territory color can be determined (else too complex nothing is done)
                if all(
                        colours_roughly_equal(candidate_colors[0], c)
                        for c in candidate_colors[1:]):
                    its_color = candidate_colors[0]
            if its_color:
                sovereign_color = [
                    for r in sovereign.representations if r.period_intersects(
                        territory.validity_start, territory.validity_end)
                if all(
                        colours_roughly_equal(c, its_color)
                        for c in sovereign_color):
                    territory.color = None
                # Destination color is different => set the territory color to preserve it
                    territory.color = its_color
                TerritoryCRUD.edit(cursor, territory, change_color=True)

            territory.state_id = sovereign_state_id
            TerritoryCRUD.edit(cursor, territory, change_state_id=True)
        StateCRUD.delete(cursor, to_merge_id)
        return sovereign_state_id
예제 #3
 def delete(state_id):
     assert isinstance(state_id, int)
     with get_cursor() as cursor:
         return StateCRUD.delete(cursor, state_id)