예제 #1
def register():
    form = RegistrationForm(request.form)
    if request.method == "POST" and form.validate():
        name = form.name.data
        last_name = form.last_name.data
        username = form.username.data
        email = form.email.data
        phone_number = form.phone_number.data
        password = sha256_crypt.encrypt(form.password.data)

            "name": name,
            "last_name": last_name,
            "username": username,
            "email": email,
            "phone_number": phone_number,
            "password": password

        flash("Başarıyla Kayıt Oldunuz", "success")
        return redirect(url_for("login"))
        return render_template("register.html", form=form)
예제 #2
def register_user():
    """Registers a new user."""

    data = request.get_json(force=True)
    first_name = data['firstname']
    last_name = data['lastname']
    email = data['email']
    password = data['password']
    user = crud.add_user(first_name, last_name, email, password)
    if user:
        status = "You have created your account. Please log in."

    return jsonify(status)
예제 #3
파일: server.py 프로젝트: rlavanya9/BOARD
def register_user():
    """add new user"""
    data = request.get_json()


    email = data['email']
    password = data['password']
    confirmpswd = data['confirmpswd']
    if ((email != '') and (password != '') and (confirmpswd == password)):
        print(f"email: {email}")
        existing_user = crud.check_user(email)
        print(f"existing_user: {existing_user}")

        if existing_user:
            return jsonify("Email already in use, cannot create account.")
            new_user = crud.add_user(email, password)
            return jsonify("Account created! please log in")
        print("in else")
        return jsonify("Enter valid email and password")
예제 #4
def get_new_user_info():
    """Get new user info."""

    fname = request.form.get('fname')
    lname = request.form.get('lname')
    email = request.form.get('email')
    phone = request.form.get('phone')
    password = request.form.get('password')
    dob = datetime.today()
    gender = request.form.get('gender')
    new_user = crud.add_user(fname, lname, email, phone, dob, gender, password)

    session['user_id'] = new_user.user_id

    return render_template('profile.html',
예제 #5
def build_mock(db_string, k=10):
    engine = create_engine(db_string)
    # Bind the engine to the metadata of the Base class so that the
    # declaratives can be accessed through a DBSession instance
    Base.metadata.bind = engine

    DBSession = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
    # A DBSession() instance establishes all conversations with the database
    # and represents a "staging zone" for all the objects loaded into the
    # database session object. Any change made against the objects in the
    # session won"t be persisted into the database until you call
    # session.commit(). If you"re not happy about the changes, you can
    # revert all of them back to the last commit by calling
    # session.rollback()
    session = DBSession()

    # define constants
    CRIS = "cris"
    AMIT = "amit"
    ADAM = "adam"
    KEENAN = "keenan"

    descriptions = {
        "I recently graduated with my bachelor's and will be working/volunteering fulltime. I do not smoke and I am clean (might misplace things though but)! I am also very sociable and enjoy cooking and baking 🙂 Hobbies I have are playing the violin, drawing, and watching kdramas! Feel free to message me for further questions ",
        "We are pretty chill and very neat and respectful people ",
        "Studying Data Science and Mathematics at the University of California, San Diego. Well-versed in Python (SKLearn, Pandas, Dask, etc..), R and Excel.Looking for an internship from June 2021 to September 2021 in the field of Data Science/Analytics where I can combine my mathematical/statistical knowledge and programming abilities with my strong writing and communication skills. ",
        "Software engineer with an attention to detail and strong people skills. Seeking full-time Software Engineering positions. "

    # Add mock users
    cris = add_user(CRIS, "*****@*****.**", datetime.now(), "858-911-1198",
                    descriptions[CRIS], "Third", "Data Science", session)
    amit = add_user(AMIT, "*****@*****.**", datetime.now(), "858-911989",
                    descriptions[AMIT], "Third", "Data Science", session)
    adam = add_user(ADAM, "*****@*****.**", datetime.now(), "858-65386",
                    descriptions[ADAM], "Third",
                    "Computer Science and Engineering", session)
    keenan = add_user(KEENAN, "*****@*****.**", datetime.now(), "858-4675432",
                      descriptions[KEENAN], "Grad",
                      "Computer Science and Engineering", session)
    users = [adam, cris, amit, keenan]
    file_dir = "app/assets/room_mock_images/"

    # for user in users:
    #     # create icons
    #     icon_path = "app/assets/profile_default_icons/"
    #     selected_icon = random.choice(os.listdir(icon_path))
    #     path_name = "/".join(["user"+str(user.id),
    #                           "profile", "headshot.jpg"])
    #     upload_file_wname(icon_path+selected_icon, "houseit", path_name)

    def generateMock(k=30):
        attributes = []
        for attr in others:
            attributes.append(add_attribute(attr, "other", session))
        for attr in facilities:
            attributes.append(add_attribute(attr, "facilities", session))
        move_combos = [(datetime(2018, 6, 1), datetime(2018, 7, 1))
                       for _ in range(k)]
        move_ins = [
            add_move_in(elem[0], elem[1], session) for elem in move_combos
        mock_room_types = [random.choice(room_types) for _ in range(k)]
        mock_prices = [random.randint(200, 1000) for _ in range(k)]
        houses = [random.choice(addresses_generate) for _ in range(k)]
        people = [users[i % len(users)] for i in range(k)]
        negotiables = [random.choice([True, False]) for _ in range(k)]
        mock_stay_periods = [
            add_stay_period(datetime(2018, 6, 1), datetime(2018, 7, 1),
                            session) for _ in range(k)
        mock_eta = [
            str(random.choice(list(range(1, 30)))) + " mins" for _ in range(k)
        mock_baths = [random.choice(list(range(1, 4))) for _ in range(k)]
        mock_beds = [random.choice(list(range(1, 4))) for _ in range(k)]
        mock_attrs = [
            list(set(random.sample(attributes, 8))) for _ in range(k)
        mock_rooms = []

        for i in range(k):
            address_object = add_address(mock_eta[i], houses[i], session)
            temp_room = add_room(datetime.now(), mock_room_types[i],
                                 mock_prices[i], negotiables[i],
                                 "Damn it LOOOOOOL", mock_stay_periods[i],
                                 address_object, people[i], move_ins[i],
                                 mock_beds[i], mock_baths[i], session)
            for temp_attr in mock_attrs[i]:
                add_house_attribute(temp_room, temp_attr, session)
        # for i in range(k):
        #     path_name = "/".join(["user"+str(people[i].id), "housing",
        #                           str(mock_rooms[i].id)])
        #     random_files = random.sample(os.listdir(file_dir), 4)
        #     for idx, file_name in enumerate(random_files):
        #         upload_file_wname(file_dir+file_name, "houseit",
        #                           path_name+"/"+str(idx)+".jpg")

예제 #6
"""Script to seed database."""

import os
import json
from random import choice, randint
from datetime import datetime

import crud
import model
import server

os.system('dropdb mytodo')
os.system('createdb mytodo')


for n in range(10):
    email = f'user{n}@test.com'
    password = f'test0{n}'

    user = crud.add_user(email, password)
예제 #7
# define constants
CRIS = "cris"
AMIT = "amit"
ADAM = "adam"
KEENAN = "keenan"

descriptions = {
    CRIS: "I recently graduated with my bachelor's and will be working/volunteering fulltime. I do not smoke and I am clean (might misplace things though but)! I am also very sociable and enjoy cooking and baking 🙂 Hobbies I have are playing the violin, drawing, and watching kdramas! Feel free to message me for further questions ",
    AMIT: "We are pretty chill and very neat and respectful people ",
    ADAM: "Studying Data Science and Mathematics at the University of California, San Diego. Well-versed in Python (SKLearn, Pandas, Dask, etc..), R and Excel.Looking for an internship from June 2021 to September 2021 in the field of Data Science/Analytics where I can combine my mathematical/statistical knowledge and programming abilities with my strong writing and communication skills. ",
    KEENAN: "Software engineer with an attention to detail and strong people skills. Seeking full-time Software Engineering positions. "

# Add mock users
cris = add_user(CRIS, "*****@*****.**", datetime.now(), "858-911",
                descriptions[CRIS], 'Third',
                "Data Science", session)
amit = add_user(AMIT, "*****@*****.**", datetime.now(), "858-911989",
                descriptions[AMIT],  'Third',
                "Data Science", session)
adam = add_user(ADAM, "*****@*****.**", datetime.now(), "858-65386",
                descriptions[ADAM], 'Third',
                "Computer Science and Engineering",
keenan = add_user(KEENAN, "*****@*****.**", datetime.now(), "858-4675432",
                  descriptions[KEENAN],  'Grad',
                  "Computer Science and Engineering",
users = [adam, cris, amit, keenan]
file_dir = '../assets/room_mock_images/'
for user in users: