예제 #1
def _import_pkcs8(encoded, passphrase):
    from crypto.IO import PKCS8

    # From RFC5915, Section 1:
    # Distributing an EC private key with PKCS#8 [RFC5208] involves including:
    # a) id-ecPublicKey, id-ecDH, or id-ecMQV (from [RFC5480]) with the
    #    namedCurve as the parameters in the privateKeyAlgorithm field; and
    # b) ECPrivateKey in the PrivateKey field, which is an OCTET STRING.

    algo_oid, private_key, params = PKCS8.unwrap(encoded, passphrase)

    # We accept id-ecPublicKey, id-ecDH, id-ecMQV without making any
    # distiction for now.
    unrestricted_oid = "1.2.840.10045.2.1"
    ecdh_oid = ""
    ecmqv_oid = ""

    if algo_oid not in (unrestricted_oid, ecdh_oid, ecmqv_oid):
        raise UnsupportedEccFeature("Unsupported ECC purpose (OID: %s)" %

    curve_oid = DerObjectId().decode(params).value

    return _import_private_der(private_key, passphrase, curve_oid)
예제 #2
    def _export_private_der(self, include_ec_params=True):

        assert self.has_private()

        # ECPrivateKey ::= SEQUENCE {
        #           version        INTEGER { ecPrivkeyVer1(1) } (ecPrivkeyVer1),
        #           privateKey     OCTET STRING,
        #           parameters [0] ECParameters {{ NamedCurve }} OPTIONAL,
        #           publicKey  [1] BIT STRING OPTIONAL
        #    }

        # Public key - uncompressed form
        order_bytes = _curve.order.size_in_bytes()
        public_key = (bchr(4) +
                      self.pointQ.x.to_bytes(order_bytes) +

        seq = [1,
               DerObjectId(_curve.oid, explicit=0),
               DerBitString(public_key, explicit=1)]

        if not include_ec_params:
            del seq[2]

        return DerSequence(seq).encode()
예제 #3
    def _export_subjectPublicKeyInfo(self, compress):
        # See 2.2 in RFC5480 and 2.3.3 in SEC1
        # The first byte is:
        # - 0x02:   compressed, only X-coordinate, Y-coordinate is even
        # - 0x03:   compressed, only X-coordinate, Y-coordinate is odd
        # - 0x04:   uncompressed, X-coordinate is followed by Y-coordinate
        # PAI is in theory encoded as 0x00.

        order_bytes = _curve.order.size_in_bytes()

        if compress:
            first_byte = 2 + self.pointQ.y.is_odd()
            public_key = (bchr(first_byte) +
            public_key = (bchr(4) +
                          self.pointQ.x.to_bytes(order_bytes) +

        unrestricted_oid = "1.2.840.10045.2.1"
        return _create_subject_public_key_info(unrestricted_oid,
예제 #4
def _create_subject_public_key_info(algo_oid, secret_key, params=None):

    if params is None:
        params = DerNull()

    spki = DerSequence([
        DerSequence([DerObjectId(algo_oid), params]),
    return spki.encode()
예제 #5
 def _export_pkcs8(self, **kwargs):
     if kwargs.get('passphrase', None) is not None and 'protection' not in kwargs:
         raise ValueError("At least the 'protection' parameter should be present")
     unrestricted_oid = "1.2.840.10045.2.1"
     private_key = self._export_private_der(include_ec_params=False)
     result = PKCS8.wrap(private_key,
     return result
 def testEncode1(self):
     der = DerObjectId('1.2.840.113549.1.1.1')
     der = DerObjectId()
     der.value = '1.2.840.113549.1.1.1'
예제 #7
    def decrypt(data, passphrase):
        """Decrypt a piece of data using a passphrase and *PBES1*.

        The algorithm to use is automatically detected.

          data : byte string
            The piece of data to decrypt.
          passphrase : byte string
            The passphrase to use for decrypting the data.
          The decrypted data, as a binary string.

        enc_private_key_info = DerSequence().decode(data)
        encrypted_algorithm = DerSequence().decode(enc_private_key_info[0])
        encrypted_data = DerOctetString().decode(

        pbe_oid = DerObjectId().decode(encrypted_algorithm[0]).value
        cipher_params = {}
        if pbe_oid == "1.2.840.113549.1.5.3":
            # PBE_MD5_DES_CBC
            hashmod = MD5
            ciphermod = DES
        elif pbe_oid == "1.2.840.113549.1.5.6":
            # PBE_MD5_RC2_CBC
            hashmod = MD5
            ciphermod = ARC2
            cipher_params['effective_keylen'] = 64
        elif pbe_oid == "1.2.840.113549.1.5.10":
            # PBE_SHA1_DES_CBC
            hashmod = SHA1
            ciphermod = DES
        elif pbe_oid == "1.2.840.113549.1.5.11":
            # PBE_SHA1_RC2_CBC
            hashmod = SHA1
            ciphermod = ARC2
            cipher_params['effective_keylen'] = 64
            raise PbesError("Unknown OID for PBES1")

        pbe_params = DerSequence().decode(encrypted_algorithm[1],
        salt = DerOctetString().decode(pbe_params[0]).payload
        iterations = pbe_params[1]

        key_iv = PBKDF1(passphrase, salt, 16, iterations, hashmod)
        key, iv = key_iv[:8], key_iv[8:]

        cipher = ciphermod.new(key, ciphermod.MODE_CBC, iv, **cipher_params)
        pt = cipher.decrypt(encrypted_data)
        return unpad(pt, cipher.block_size)
예제 #8
def _import_private_der(encoded, passphrase, curve_oid=None):

    # See RFC5915 https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5915
    # ECPrivateKey ::= SEQUENCE {
    #           version        INTEGER { ecPrivkeyVer1(1) } (ecPrivkeyVer1),
    #           privateKey     OCTET STRING,
    #           parameters [0] ECParameters {{ NamedCurve }} OPTIONAL,
    #           publicKey  [1] BIT STRING OPTIONAL
    #    }

    private_key = DerSequence().decode(encoded, nr_elements=(3, 4))
    if private_key[0] != 1:
        raise ValueError("Incorrect ECC private key version")

        parameters = DerObjectId(explicit=0).decode(private_key[2]).value
        if curve_oid is not None and parameters != curve_oid:
            raise ValueError("Curve mismatch")
        curve_oid = parameters
    except ValueError:

    if curve_oid is None:
        raise ValueError("No curve found")

    for curve_name, curve in _curves.items():
        if curve.oid == curve_oid:
        raise UnsupportedEccFeature("Unsupported ECC curve (OID: %s)" %

    scalar_bytes = DerOctetString().decode(private_key[1]).payload
    modulus_bytes = curve.p.size_in_bytes()
    if len(scalar_bytes) != modulus_bytes:
        raise ValueError("Private key is too small")
    d = Integer.from_bytes(scalar_bytes)

    # Decode public key (if any)
    if len(private_key) == 4:
        public_key_enc = DerBitString(explicit=1).decode(private_key[3]).value
        public_key = _import_public_der(curve_oid, public_key_enc)
        point_x = public_key.pointQ.x
        point_y = public_key.pointQ.y
        point_x = point_y = None

    return construct(curve=curve_name, d=d, point_x=point_x, point_y=point_y)
예제 #9
def _import_private_der(encoded, passphrase, curve_name=None):

    # ECPrivateKey ::= SEQUENCE {
    #           version        INTEGER { ecPrivkeyVer1(1) } (ecPrivkeyVer1),
    #           privateKey     OCTET STRING,
    #           parameters [0] ECParameters {{ NamedCurve }} OPTIONAL,
    #           publicKey  [1] BIT STRING OPTIONAL
    #    }

    private_key = DerSequence().decode(encoded, nr_elements=(3, 4))
    if private_key[0] != 1:
        raise ValueError("Incorrect ECC private key version")

        curve_name = DerObjectId(explicit=0).decode(private_key[2]).value
    except ValueError:

    if curve_name != _curve.oid:
        raise UnsupportedEccFeature("Unsupported ECC curve (OID: %s)" % curve_name)

    scalar_bytes = DerOctetString().decode(private_key[1]).payload
    order_bytes = _curve.order.size_in_bytes()
    if len(scalar_bytes) != order_bytes:
        raise ValueError("Private key is too small")
    d = Integer.from_bytes(scalar_bytes)

    # Decode public key (if any, it must be P-256)
    if len(private_key) == 4:
        public_key_enc = DerBitString(explicit=1).decode(private_key[3]).value
        public_key = _import_public_der(curve_name, public_key_enc)
        point_x = public_key.pointQ.x
        point_y = public_key.pointQ.y
        point_x = point_y = None

    return construct(curve="P-256", d=d, point_x=point_x, point_y=point_y)
예제 #10
def _import_subjectPublicKeyInfo(encoded, *kwargs):
    """Convert a subjectPublicKeyInfo into an EccKey object"""

    # See RFC5480

    # Parse the generic subjectPublicKeyInfo structure
    oid, ec_point, params = _expand_subject_public_key_info(encoded)

    # ec_point must be an encoded OCTET STRING
    # params is encoded ECParameters

    # We accept id-ecPublicKey, id-ecDH, id-ecMQV without making any
    # distiction for now.

    # Restrictions can be captured in the key usage certificate
    # extension
    unrestricted_oid = "1.2.840.10045.2.1"
    ecdh_oid = ""
    ecmqv_oid = ""

    if oid not in (unrestricted_oid, ecdh_oid, ecmqv_oid):
        raise UnsupportedEccFeature("Unsupported ECC purpose (OID: %s)" % oid)

    # Parameters are mandatory for all three types
    if not params:
        raise ValueError("Missing ECC parameters")

    # ECParameters ::= CHOICE {
    #   namedCurve         OBJECT IDENTIFIER
    #   -- implicitCurve   NULL
    #   -- specifiedCurve  SpecifiedECDomain
    # }
    # implicitCurve and specifiedCurve are not supported (as per RFC)
    curve_oid = DerObjectId().decode(params).value

    return _import_public_der(curve_oid, ec_point)
예제 #11
def _expand_subject_public_key_info(encoded):
    """Parse a SubjectPublicKeyInfo structure.

    It returns a triple with:
        * OID (string)
        * encoded public key (bytes)
        * Algorithm parameters (bytes or None)

    # SubjectPublicKeyInfo  ::=  SEQUENCE  {
    #   algorithm         AlgorithmIdentifier,
    #   subjectPublicKey  BIT STRING
    # }
    # AlgorithmIdentifier  ::=  SEQUENCE  {
    #   algorithm   OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
    #   parameters  ANY DEFINED BY algorithm OPTIONAL
    # }

    spki = DerSequence().decode(encoded, nr_elements=2)
    algo = DerSequence().decode(spki[0], nr_elements=(1, 2))
    algo_oid = DerObjectId().decode(algo[0])
    spk = DerBitString().decode(spki[1]).value

    if len(algo) == 1:
        algo_params = None
            algo_params = None
            algo_params = algo[1]

    return algo_oid.value, spk, algo_params
 def testDecode2(self):
     # Verify that decode returns the object
     der = DerObjectId()
         der, der.decode(b('\x06\x09\x2A\x86\x48\x86\xF7\x0D\x01\x01\x01')))
 def testDecode1(self):
     # Empty sequence
     der = DerObjectId()
     self.assertEqual(der.value, '1.2.840.113549.1.1.1')
예제 #14
def unwrap(p8_private_key, passphrase=None):
    """Unwrap a private key from a PKCS#8 blob (clear or encrypted).

      p8_private_key (byte string):
        The private key wrapped into a PKCS#8 blob, DER encoded.
      passphrase (byte string or string):
        The passphrase to use to decrypt the blob (if it is encrypted).

      A tuple containing

       #. the algorithm identifier of the wrapped key (OID, dotted string)
       #. the private key (byte string, DER encoded)
       #. the associated parameters (byte string, DER encoded) or ``None``

      ValueError : if decoding fails

    if passphrase:
        passphrase = tobytes(passphrase)

        found = False
            p8_private_key = PBES1.decrypt(p8_private_key, passphrase)
            found = True
        except PbesError as e:
            error_str = "PBES1[%s]" % str(e)
        except ValueError:
            error_str = "PBES1[Invalid]"

        if not found:
                p8_private_key = PBES2.decrypt(p8_private_key, passphrase)
                found = True
            except PbesError as e:
                error_str += ",PBES2[%s]" % str(e)
            except ValueError:
                error_str += ",PBES2[Invalid]"

        if not found:
            raise ValueError("Error decoding PKCS#8 (%s)" % error_str)

    pk_info = DerSequence().decode(p8_private_key, nr_elements=(2, 3, 4))
    if len(pk_info) == 2 and not passphrase:
        raise ValueError("Not a valid clear PKCS#8 structure "
                         "(maybe it is encrypted?)")

    #   PrivateKeyInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
    #       version                 Version,
    #       privateKeyAlgorithm     PrivateKeyAlgorithmIdentifier,
    #       privateKey              PrivateKey,
    #       attributes              [0]  IMPLICIT Attributes OPTIONAL
    #   }
    #   Version ::= INTEGER
    if pk_info[0] != 0:
        raise ValueError("Not a valid PrivateKeyInfo SEQUENCE")

    # PrivateKeyAlgorithmIdentifier ::= AlgorithmIdentifier
    #   EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
    #       encryptionAlgorithm  EncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier,
    #       encryptedData        EncryptedData
    #   }
    #   EncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier ::= AlgorithmIdentifier

    #   AlgorithmIdentifier  ::=  SEQUENCE  {
    #       algorithm   OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
    #       parameters  ANY DEFINED BY algorithm OPTIONAL
    #   }

    algo = DerSequence().decode(pk_info[1], nr_elements=(1, 2))
    algo_oid = DerObjectId().decode(algo[0]).value
    if len(algo) == 1:
        algo_params = None
            algo_params = None
            algo_params = algo[1]

    #   EncryptedData ::= OCTET STRING
    private_key = DerOctetString().decode(pk_info[2]).payload

    return (algo_oid, private_key, algo_params)
예제 #15
    def decrypt(data, passphrase):
        """Decrypt a piece of data using a passphrase and *PBES2*.

        The algorithm to use is automatically detected.

          data : byte string
            The piece of data to decrypt.
          passphrase : byte string
            The passphrase to use for decrypting the data.
          The decrypted data, as a binary string.

        enc_private_key_info = DerSequence().decode(data, nr_elements=2)
        enc_algo = DerSequence().decode(enc_private_key_info[0])
        encrypted_data = DerOctetString().decode(

        pbe_oid = DerObjectId().decode(enc_algo[0]).value
        if pbe_oid != "1.2.840.113549.1.5.13":
            raise PbesError("Not a PBES2 object")

        pbes2_params = DerSequence().decode(enc_algo[1], nr_elements=2)

        ### Key Derivation Function selection
        kdf_info = DerSequence().decode(pbes2_params[0], nr_elements=2)
        kdf_oid = DerObjectId().decode(kdf_info[0]).value

        # We only support PBKDF2 or scrypt
        if kdf_oid == "1.2.840.113549.1.5.12":

            pbkdf2_params = DerSequence().decode(kdf_info[1],
                                                 nr_elements=(2, 3, 4))
            salt = DerOctetString().decode(pbkdf2_params[0]).payload
            iteration_count = pbkdf2_params[1]
            if len(pbkdf2_params) > 2:
                kdf_key_length = pbkdf2_params[2]
                kdf_key_length = None
            if len(pbkdf2_params) > 3:
                raise PbesError("Unsupported PRF for PBKDF2")

        elif kdf_oid == "":

            scrypt_params = DerSequence().decode(kdf_info[1],
                                                 nr_elements=(4, 5))
            salt = DerOctetString().decode(scrypt_params[0]).payload
            iteration_count, scrypt_r, scrypt_p = [
                scrypt_params[x] for x in (1, 2, 3)
            if len(scrypt_params) > 4:
                kdf_key_length = scrypt_params[4]
                kdf_key_length = None
            raise PbesError("Unsupported PBES2 KDF")

        ### Cipher selection
        enc_info = DerSequence().decode(pbes2_params[1])
        enc_oid = DerObjectId().decode(enc_info[0]).value

        if enc_oid == "1.2.840.113549.3.7":
            # DES_EDE3_CBC
            ciphermod = DES3
            key_size = 24
        elif enc_oid == "2.16.840.":
            # AES128_CBC
            ciphermod = AES
            key_size = 16
        elif enc_oid == "2.16.840.":
            # AES192_CBC
            ciphermod = AES
            key_size = 24
        elif enc_oid == "2.16.840.":
            # AES256_CBC
            ciphermod = AES
            key_size = 32
            raise PbesError("Unsupported PBES2 cipher")

        if kdf_key_length and kdf_key_length != key_size:
            raise PbesError("Mismatch between PBES2 KDF parameters"
                            " and selected cipher")

        IV = DerOctetString().decode(enc_info[1]).payload

        # Create cipher
        if kdf_oid == "1.2.840.113549.1.5.12":  # PBKDF2
            key = PBKDF2(passphrase, salt, key_size, iteration_count)
            key = scrypt(passphrase, salt, key_size, iteration_count, scrypt_r,
        cipher = ciphermod.new(key, ciphermod.MODE_CBC, IV)

        # Decrypt data
        pt = cipher.decrypt(encrypted_data)
        return unpad(pt, cipher.block_size)
예제 #16
    def encrypt(data, passphrase, protection, prot_params=None, randfunc=None):
        """Encrypt a piece of data using a passphrase and *PBES2*.

          data : byte string
            The piece of data to encrypt.
          passphrase : byte string
            The passphrase to use for encrypting the data.
          protection : string
            The identifier of the encryption algorithm to use.
            The default value is '``PBKDF2WithHMAC-SHA1AndDES-EDE3-CBC``'.
          prot_params : dictionary
            Parameters of the protection algorithm.

            | Key              | Description                                   |
            | iteration_count  | The KDF algorithm is repeated several times to|
            |                  | slow down brute force attacks on passwords    |
            |                  | (called *N* or CPU/memory cost in scrypt).    |
            |                  |                                               |
            |                  | The default value for PBKDF2 is 1 000.        |
            |                  | The default value for scrypt is 16 384.       |
            | salt_size        | Salt is used to thwart dictionary and rainbow |
            |                  | attacks on passwords. The default value is 8  |
            |                  | bytes.                                        |
            | block_size       | *(scrypt only)* Memory-cost (r). The default  |
            |                  | value is 8.                                   |
            | parallelization  | *(scrypt only)* CPU-cost (p). The default     |
            |                  | value is 1.                                   |

          randfunc : callable
            Random number generation function; it should accept
            a single integer N and return a string of random data,
            N bytes long. If not specified, a new RNG will be
            instantiated from ``Crypto.Random``.

          The encrypted data, as a binary string.

        if prot_params is None:
            prot_params = {}

        if randfunc is None:
            randfunc = Random.new().read

        if protection == 'PBKDF2WithHMAC-SHA1AndDES-EDE3-CBC':
            key_size = 24
            module = DES3
            cipher_mode = DES3.MODE_CBC
            enc_oid = "1.2.840.113549.3.7"
        elif protection in ('PBKDF2WithHMAC-SHA1AndAES128-CBC',
            key_size = 16
            module = AES
            cipher_mode = AES.MODE_CBC
            enc_oid = "2.16.840."
        elif protection in ('PBKDF2WithHMAC-SHA1AndAES192-CBC',
            key_size = 24
            module = AES
            cipher_mode = AES.MODE_CBC
            enc_oid = "2.16.840."
        elif protection in ('PBKDF2WithHMAC-SHA1AndAES256-CBC',
            key_size = 32
            module = AES
            cipher_mode = AES.MODE_CBC
            enc_oid = "2.16.840."
            raise ValueError("Unknown PBES2 mode")

        # Get random data
        iv = randfunc(module.block_size)
        salt = randfunc(prot_params.get("salt_size", 8))

        # Derive key from password
        if protection.startswith('PBKDF2'):
            count = prot_params.get("iteration_count", 1000)
            key = PBKDF2(passphrase, salt, key_size, count)
            kdf_info = DerSequence([
                DerObjectId("1.2.840.113549.1.5.12"),  # PBKDF2
            # It must be scrypt
            count = prot_params.get("iteration_count", 16384)
            scrypt_r = prot_params.get('block_size', 8)
            scrypt_p = prot_params.get('parallelization', 1)
            key = scrypt(passphrase, salt, key_size, count, scrypt_r, scrypt_p)
            kdf_info = DerSequence([
                DerObjectId(""),  # scrypt

        # Create cipher and use it
        cipher = module.new(key, cipher_mode, iv)
        encrypted_data = cipher.encrypt(pad(data, cipher.block_size))
        enc_info = DerSequence([DerObjectId(enc_oid), DerOctetString(iv)])

        # Result
        enc_private_key_info = DerSequence([
            # encryptionAlgorithm
                DerObjectId("1.2.840.113549.1.5.13"),  # PBES2
                DerSequence([kdf_info, enc_info]),
        return enc_private_key_info.encode()
def _EMSA_PKCS1_V1_5_ENCODE(msg_hash, emLen, with_hash_parameters=True):
    Implement the ``EMSA-PKCS1-V1_5-ENCODE`` function, as defined
    in PKCS#1 v2.1 (RFC3447, 9.2).

    ``_EMSA-PKCS1-V1_5-ENCODE`` actually accepts the message ``M`` as input,
    and hash it internally. Here, we expect that the message has already
    been hashed instead.

     msg_hash : hash object
            The hash object that holds the digest of the message being signed.
     emLen : int
            The length the final encoding must have, in bytes.
     with_hash_parameters : bool
            If True (default), include NULL parameters for the hash
            algorithm in the ``digestAlgorithm`` SEQUENCE.

    :attention: the early standard (RFC2313) stated that ``DigestInfo``
        had to be BER-encoded. This means that old signatures
        might have length tags in indefinite form, which
        is not supported in DER. Such encoding cannot be
        reproduced by this function.

    :Return: An ``emLen`` byte long string that encodes the hash.

    # First, build the ASN.1 DER object DigestInfo:
    #   DigestInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
    #       digestAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier,
    #       digest OCTET STRING
    #   }
    # where digestAlgorithm identifies the hash function and shall be an
    # algorithm ID with an OID in the set PKCS1-v1-5DigestAlgorithms.
    #   PKCS1-v1-5DigestAlgorithms    ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER ::= {
    #       { OID id-md2 PARAMETERS NULL    }|
    #       { OID id-md5 PARAMETERS NULL    }|
    #       { OID id-sha1 PARAMETERS NULL   }|
    #       { OID id-sha256 PARAMETERS NULL }|
    #       { OID id-sha384 PARAMETERS NULL }|
    #       { OID id-sha512 PARAMETERS NULL }
    #   }
    # Appendix B.1 also says that for SHA-1/-2 algorithms, the parameters
    # should be omitted. They may be present, but when they are, they shall
    # have NULL value.

    digestAlgo = DerSequence([ DerObjectId(msg_hash.oid).encode() ])

    if with_hash_parameters:

    digest      = DerOctetString(msg_hash.digest())
    digestInfo  = DerSequence([

    # We need at least 11 bytes for the remaining data: 3 fixed bytes and
    # at least 8 bytes of padding).
    if emLen<len(digestInfo)+11:
        raise TypeError("Selected hash algorith has a too long digest (%d bytes)." % len(digest))
    PS = bchr(0xFF) * (emLen - len(digestInfo) - 3)
    return b("\x00\x01") + PS + bchr(0x00) + digestInfo
예제 #18
def wrap(private_key,
    """Wrap a private key into a PKCS#8 blob (clear or encrypted).


      private_key (byte string):
        The private key encoded in binary form. The actual encoding is
        algorithm specific. In most cases, it is DER.

      key_oid (string):
        The object identifier (OID) of the private key to wrap.
        It is a dotted string, like ``1.2.840.113549.1.1.1`` (for RSA keys).

      passphrase (bytes string or string):
        The secret passphrase from which the wrapping key is derived.
        Set it only if encryption is required.

      protection (string):
        The identifier of the algorithm to use for securely wrapping the key.
        The default value is ``PBKDF2WithHMAC-SHA1AndDES-EDE3-CBC``.

      prot_params (dictionary):
        Parameters for the protection algorithm.

        | Key              | Description                                   |
        | iteration_count  | The KDF algorithm is repeated several times to|
        |                  | slow down brute force attacks on passwords    |
        |                  | (called *N* or CPU/memory cost in scrypt).    |
        |                  | The default value for PBKDF2 is 1000.         |
        |                  | The default value for scrypt is 16384.        |
        | salt_size        | Salt is used to thwart dictionary and rainbow |
        |                  | attacks on passwords. The default value is 8  |
        |                  | bytes.                                        |
        | block_size       | *(scrypt only)* Memory-cost (r). The default  |
        |                  | value is 8.                                   |
        | parallelization  | *(scrypt only)* CPU-cost (p). The default     |
        |                  | value is 1.                                   |

      key_params (DER object):
        The algorithm parameters associated to the private key.
        It is required for algorithms like DSA, but not for others like RSA.

      randfunc (callable):
        Random number generation function; it should accept a single integer
        N and return a string of random data, N bytes long.
        If not specified, a new RNG will be instantiated
        from :mod:`crypto.Random`.

      The PKCS#8-wrapped private key (possibly encrypted), as a byte string.

    if key_params is None:
        key_params = DerNull()

    #   PrivateKeyInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
    #       version                 Version,
    #       privateKeyAlgorithm     PrivateKeyAlgorithmIdentifier,
    #       privateKey              PrivateKey,
    #       attributes              [0]  IMPLICIT Attributes OPTIONAL
    #   }
    pk_info = DerSequence([
        DerSequence([DerObjectId(key_oid), key_params]),
    pk_info_der = pk_info.encode()

    if passphrase is None:
        return pk_info_der

    if not passphrase:
        raise ValueError("Empty passphrase")

    # Encryption with PBES2
    passphrase = tobytes(passphrase)
    if protection is None:
        protection = 'PBKDF2WithHMAC-SHA1AndDES-EDE3-CBC'
    return PBES2.encrypt(pk_info_der, passphrase, protection, prot_params,
 def testInit1(self):
     der = DerObjectId("1.1")
     self.assertEqual(der.encode(), b('\x06\x01)'))
예제 #20
    def decrypt(data, passphrase):
        """Decrypt a piece of data using a passphrase and *PBES2*.

        The algorithm to use is automatically detected.

          data : byte string
            The piece of data to decrypt.
          passphrase : byte string
            The passphrase to use for decrypting the data.
          The decrypted data, as a binary string.

        enc_private_key_info = DerSequence().decode(data, nr_elements=2)
        enc_algo = DerSequence().decode(enc_private_key_info[0])
        encrypted_data = DerOctetString().decode(

        pbe_oid = DerObjectId().decode(enc_algo[0]).value
        if pbe_oid != _OID_PBES2:
            raise PbesError("Not a PBES2 object")

        pbes2_params = DerSequence().decode(enc_algo[1], nr_elements=2)

        ### Key Derivation Function selection
        kdf_info = DerSequence().decode(pbes2_params[0], nr_elements=2)
        kdf_oid = DerObjectId().decode(kdf_info[0]).value

        kdf_key_length = None

        # We only support PBKDF2 or scrypt
        if kdf_oid == _OID_PBKDF2:

            pbkdf2_params = DerSequence().decode(kdf_info[1],
                                                 nr_elements=(2, 3, 4))
            salt = DerOctetString().decode(pbkdf2_params[0]).payload
            iteration_count = pbkdf2_params[1]

            left = len(pbkdf2_params) - 2
            idx = 2

            if left > 0:
                    kdf_key_length = pbkdf2_params[idx] - 0
                    left -= 1
                    idx += 1
                except TypeError:

            # Default is HMAC-SHA1
            pbkdf2_prf_oid = "1.2.840.113549.2.7"
            if left > 0:
                pbkdf2_prf_algo_id = DerSequence().decode(pbkdf2_params[idx])
                pbkdf2_prf_oid = DerObjectId().decode(

        elif kdf_oid == _OID_SCRYPT:

            scrypt_params = DerSequence().decode(kdf_info[1],
                                                 nr_elements=(4, 5))
            salt = DerOctetString().decode(scrypt_params[0]).payload
            iteration_count, scrypt_r, scrypt_p = [
                scrypt_params[x] for x in (1, 2, 3)
            if len(scrypt_params) > 4:
                kdf_key_length = scrypt_params[4]
                kdf_key_length = None
            raise PbesError("Unsupported PBES2 KDF")

        ### Cipher selection
        enc_info = DerSequence().decode(pbes2_params[1])
        enc_oid = DerObjectId().decode(enc_info[0]).value

        if enc_oid == _OID_DES_EDE3_CBC:
            # DES_EDE3_CBC
            ciphermod = DES3
            key_size = 24
        elif enc_oid == _OID_AES128_CBC:
            # AES128_CBC
            ciphermod = AES
            key_size = 16
        elif enc_oid == _OID_AES192_CBC:
            # AES192_CBC
            ciphermod = AES
            key_size = 24
        elif enc_oid == _OID_AES256_CBC:
            # AES256_CBC
            ciphermod = AES
            key_size = 32
            raise PbesError("Unsupported PBES2 cipher")

        if kdf_key_length and kdf_key_length != key_size:
            raise PbesError("Mismatch between PBES2 KDF parameters"
                            " and selected cipher")

        IV = DerOctetString().decode(enc_info[1]).payload

        # Create cipher
        if kdf_oid == _OID_PBKDF2:
            if pbkdf2_prf_oid == _OID_HMAC_SHA1:
                hmac_hash_module = SHA1
            elif pbkdf2_prf_oid == _OID_HMAC_SHA224:
                hmac_hash_module = SHA224
            elif pbkdf2_prf_oid == _OID_HMAC_SHA256:
                hmac_hash_module = SHA256
            elif pbkdf2_prf_oid == _OID_HMAC_SHA384:
                hmac_hash_module = SHA384
            elif pbkdf2_prf_oid == _OID_HMAC_SHA512:
                hmac_hash_module = SHA512
                raise PbesError("Unsupported HMAC %s" % pbkdf2_prf_oid)

            key = PBKDF2(passphrase,
            key = scrypt(passphrase, salt, key_size, iteration_count, scrypt_r,
        cipher = ciphermod.new(key, ciphermod.MODE_CBC, IV)

        # Decrypt data
        pt = cipher.decrypt(encrypted_data)
        return unpad(pt, cipher.block_size)