예제 #1
def f1():
    block_len = 16
    global key

    data = INPUT[randint(0,
                         len(INPUT) -
                         1)]  #padding is added by the encryption function

    key = random_aes_key(16)
    iv = random_aes_key(16)

    aes_ecb = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_ECB)

    return (cbc_encrypt(aes_ecb, bytearray(data, "ascii"), iv), iv)
예제 #2
def main():
    blocksize = 16
    global key
    global IV
    key = random_aes_key(blocksize)
    IV = random_aes_key(blocksize)

    #Detecting block size
    a = len(f1("A"))
    for i in range(2, 40):
        b = len(f1("A" * i))
        if a != b:
            blocksize = b - a
            print("Block size: %d bytes" % (blocksize, ))

    text = chr(ord(";") ^ 0x1) + "admin" + chr(ord("=") ^ 0x1) + "true" + chr(
        ord(";") ^ 0x1) + "AAAA"  #this will be inserted on the third block
    # the idea is to modify the first (0) and the third (11) Xs to ; and the second (6) X to =
    # We need to change the bytes on the second block to propagate the changes on the third
    ciphertext = f1(text)

    pre = ciphertext[0:16]
    a = bytearray([ciphertext[16] ^ 0x1])
    mid1 = ciphertext[17:22]
    b = bytearray([ciphertext[22] ^ 0x1])
    mid2 = ciphertext[23:27]
    c = bytearray([ciphertext[27] ^ 0x1])
    post = ciphertext[28:]
    x = pre
    #x = pre + a + mid1 + b + mid2 + c + post #I miss C

    if f2(x):
예제 #3
def encryption_oracle(plaintext):
    block_len = 16
    key = random_aes_key(block_len)
    aes_ecb = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_ECB)
    data = bytearray(random_str(5, 10))
    data.extend(bytearray(plaintext, "ascii"))
    data.extend(random_str(5, 10))

    if randint(0, 1) == 0:  #ECB
        data = bytes(pkcs7_add(
            data, block_len))  #turning into bytes so aes_ecb won't bitch
        test = (aes_ecb.encrypt(data), "ECB")
    else:  #CBC
        iv = random_aes_key(block_len)
        test = (cbc_encrypt(aes_ecb, data, iv), "CBC")

    if detect_ecb(test[0]):
        print("ECB detected!")
        print("Guessed \"%s\" as CBC" % (test[1], ))
예제 #4
def main():
    global key  #put it here for the edit_api() function
    global nonce  #put it here for the edit_api() function
    INPUT = recover_input()
    key = random_aes_key()
    nonce = 0
    ciphertext = ctr(INPUT, key, nonce)
    #print ctr(ciphertext,key,nonce)[:255]
    junk = bytearray("A" * len(ciphertext), "ascii")
    mask = edit_api(ciphertext, 0, junk)
    keystream = xor(junk, mask)
    plaintext = xor(ciphertext, keystream)
예제 #5
def main():
    global key
    global nonce
    key = random_aes_key()
    nonce = 0
    text = chr(ord(";")^0x1)+"admin"+chr(ord("=")^0x1)+"true"+chr(ord(";")^0x1)+"AAAA" #this will be inserted on the third block
    ciphertext = f1(text)

    fake = ciphertext
    fake[32] ^=0x1
    fake[38] ^=0x1
    fake[43] ^=0x1

    if f2(fake):
        print ("Success!!!")
예제 #6
def main():

    block_len = 16
    key = random_aes_key(block_len)
    aes_ecb = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_ECB)

    email = "*****@*****.**"
    #[email protected] is the exact size to force "user" to be on its own block
    user_token = encrypt(aes_ecb,profile_for(bytearray(email,"ascii")))

    fake_email = bytearray("X"*(16-len("email=")),"ascii")

    fake_token = encrypt(aes_ecb,profile_for(fake_email)) #the second block contains "admin" encrypted with padding

    admin_token = user_token[:-16] + fake_token[16:32]

    print ("Original token (decrypted): ",pkcs7_remove(decrypt(aes_ecb,user_token)))
    print ("Fake token (decrypted):     ",pkcs7_remove(decrypt(aes_ecb,admin_token)))
assert equals(
        cryptopals._string_from_file("testfiles/10.txt"), "YELLOW SUBMARINE", b'\x00', "decrypt"

# Problem 2.3 (11): An ECB/CBC detection oracle
for i in range(0, 10):
    input = solutions.soln_10
    encrypted, mode = cryptopals.encryption_oracle(input)
    assert equals(cryptopals.detect_ecb_or_cbc(encrypted), mode)

# Problem 2.4 (12): Byte-at-a-time ECB decryption (Simple)
consistent_key = cryptopals.random_aes_key()
assert equals(
    cryptopals.decrypt_magic_text(solutions.problem_12, consistent_key),

# TODO: Problem 2.5 (13): ECB cut-and-paste

# TODO: Problem 2.6 (14): Byte-at-a-time ECB decryption (Harder)
# Googling ``stimulus'' and ``response'' totally helped here :P
# http://www.blackhat.com/presentations/bh-usa-06/BH-US-06-Eng.pdf
consistent_key = cryptopals.random_aes_key()
random_prepend = cryptopals.random_length_bytes()
assert equals(
    cryptopals.decrypt_magic_text_harder(solutions.problem_12, consistent_key, random_prepend),
예제 #8
def main():

    p = 0xffffffffffffffffc90fdaa22168c234c4c6628b80dc1cd129024e088a67cc74020bbea63b139b22514a08798e3404ddef9519b3cd3a431b302b0a6df25f14374fe1356d6d51c245e485b576625e7ec6f44c42e9a637ed6b0bff5cb6f406b7edee386bfb5a899fa5ae9f24117c4b1fe649286651ece45b3dc2007cb8a163bf0598da48361c55d39a69163fa8fd24cf5f83655d23dca3ad961c62f356208552bb9ed529077096966d670c354e4abc9804f1746c08ca237327ffffffffffffffff
    g = 2

    ###### MITM attack - Scenario 01: g = 1

    #User A generates A
    a = randint(0, p)
    A = pow(g, a, p)

    #User A sends (p,g,A) to M
    m_data = (p, g, A)

    #Use M send (p,g,A) to M
    g_m = 1
    b_data = (p, g_m, A)
    #User B generates B
    b = randint(0, b_data[0])
    B = pow(b_data[1], b, b_data[0])  #the result will be 1

    #User B sends B to M
    m_data2 = B
    a_data = m_data2  #let's send this 1 forward

    #User A calculates s, iv, key and encrypt a message
    #print a_data
    s_a = pow(a_data, a, p)  #s_a = 1
    #print s_a
    iv_a = random_aes_key(16)
    msg_a = bytearray("Super Secret Stuff123", "ascii")
    #print hex(s_a)
    key_a = sha1(int_to_bytes(s_a))[:16]
    aes_ecb_a = AES.new(key_a, AES.MODE_ECB)
    enc_a = cbc_encrypt(aes_ecb_a, msg_a, iv_a)
    #test = cbc_decrypt(aes_ecb_a, enc_a, iv_a)
    #print test

    #User A sends encrypted message and iv to M
    m_data3 = enc_a + iv_a

    #M can recalculate the key and decrypt the message:
    key_m = sha1(b"\x01")[:16]
    #print key_m
    aes_ecb_m = AES.new(key_m, AES.MODE_ECB)
    msg_m = cbc_decrypt(aes_ecb_m,
                        validation=True)  #M knows the message (DONE)
    print("Retrieved by M (scenario 1):", msg_m)

    ###### MITM attack - Scenario 02: g = p

    #User A generates A
    a = randint(0, p)
    A = pow(g, a, p)

    #User A sends (p,g,A) to M
    m_data = (p, g, A)

    #Use M send (p,g,A) to M
    g_m = p
    b_data = (p, g_m, A)

    #User B generates B
    b = randint(0, b_data[0])
    B = pow(b_data[1], b, b_data[0])  #the result will be 0

    #User B sends B to M
    m_data2 = B
    a_data = m_data2  #let's send this 0 forward

    #User A calculates s, iv, key and encrypt a message
    #print a_data
    s_a = pow(a_data, a, p)  #s_a = 0
    #print s_a

    iv_a = random_aes_key(16)
    msg_a = bytearray("Super Secret Stuff123", "ascii")
    #print hex(s_a)
    key_a = sha1(int_to_bytes(s_a))[:16]
    aes_ecb_a = AES.new(key_a, AES.MODE_ECB)
    enc_a = cbc_encrypt(aes_ecb_a, msg_a, iv_a)
    #test = cbc_decrypt(aes_ecb_a, enc_a, iv_a)
    #print test

    #User A sends encrypted message and iv to M
    m_data3 = enc_a + iv_a

    #M can recalculate the key and decrypt the message:
    key_m = sha1(b'\x00')[:16]
    #print key_m
    aes_ecb_m = AES.new(key_m, AES.MODE_ECB)
    msg_m = cbc_decrypt(aes_ecb_m,
                        validation=True)  #M knows the message (DONE)
    print("Retrieved by M (scenario 2):", msg_m)

    ###### MITM attack - Scenario 03: g = p-1

    #User A generates A
    a = randint(0, p)
    A = pow(g, a, p)

    #User A sends (p,g,A) to M
    m_data = (p, g, A)

    #Use M send (p,g,A) to M
    g_m = p - 1
    b_data = (p, g_m, A)

    #User B generates B
    b = randint(0, b_data[0])
    B = pow(b_data[1], b, b_data[0])  #(p-1)^x % p == (-1)^x % p
    # if x is even: 1, if x is odd, p-1

    #User B sends B to M
    m_data2 = B
    a_data = m_data2  #sending the information forward

    #User A calculates s, iv, key and encrypt a message
    #print a_data
    s_a = pow(a_data, a, p)  #s_a is either p-1 or 1
    #print s_a

    iv_a = random_aes_key(16)
    msg_a = bytearray("Super Secret Stuff123", "ascii")
    #print hex(s_a)
    key_a = sha1(int_to_bytes(s_a))[:16]
    aes_ecb_a = AES.new(key_a, AES.MODE_ECB)
    enc_a = cbc_encrypt(aes_ecb_a, msg_a, iv_a)

    #User A sends encrypted message and iv to M
    m_data3 = enc_a + iv_a

    #M can calculate both possible keys and decrypt the message:
    key_m1 = sha1(b'\x01')[:16]
    key_m2 = sha1(int_to_bytes(g_m))[:16]

    for key_m in (key_m1, key_m2):
        aes_ecb_m = AES.new(key_m, AES.MODE_ECB)
            msg_m = cbc_decrypt(aes_ecb_m,
                                validation=True)  #M knows the message (DONE)
        except:  #this is me being lazy. Note that it might break if the wrong key decrypts some garbage with the right padding
    print("Retrieved by M (scenario 3):", msg_m)
예제 #9
    print("Size of random string:", size_random_string)
    offset = (-size_random_string % blocksize)
    padding = "X" * offset
    print("Length of padding:", len(padding), "\n")

    #Retrieving unknown text:
    table = [
        encryption_oracle(padding + "B" * (blocksize - i))
        for i in range(1, blocksize + 1)

    secret = ""
    skip = int((offset + size_random_string) / blocksize)

    for j in range(skip, len(table[-1])):
        for i in range(1, blocksize + 1):
            cipher = table[i - 1][j * blocksize:(j + 1) * blocksize]
            for c in range(256):
                temp = encryption_oracle(padding + "B" * (blocksize - i) +
                                         secret + chr(c))[j *
                                                          blocksize:(j + 1) *
                if temp == cipher:
                    secret += chr(c)

KEY = random_aes_key(16)
예제 #10
def main():

    p = 0xffffffffffffffffc90fdaa22168c234c4c6628b80dc1cd129024e088a67cc74020bbea63b139b22514a08798e3404ddef9519b3cd3a431b302b0a6df25f14374fe1356d6d51c245e485b576625e7ec6f44c42e9a637ed6b0bff5cb6f406b7edee386bfb5a899fa5ae9f24117c4b1fe649286651ece45b3dc2007cb8a163bf0598da48361c55d39a69163fa8fd24cf5f83655d23dca3ad961c62f356208552bb9ed529077096966d670c354e4abc9804f1746c08ca237327ffffffffffffffff
    g = 2

    #User A generates A
    a = randint(0,p)
    A = pow(g, a, p)

    #User A sends (p,g,A) to B
    b_data = (p,g,A)

    #User B generates B
    b = randint(0,b_data[0])
    B = pow(b_data[1], b, b_data[0])

    #User B sends B to A
    a_data = B

    #User A calculates s, iv, key and encrypt a message

    s_a = pow(a_data, a, p)
    iv_a = random_aes_key(16)
    msg_a = bytearray("Super Secret Stuff123","ascii")
    key_a = sha1(int_to_bytes(s_a))[:16]
    aes_ecb_a = AES.new(key_a, AES.MODE_ECB)
    enc_a = cbc_encrypt(aes_ecb_a, msg_a, iv_a)
    #test = cbc_decrypt(aes_ecb_a, enc_a, iv_a)    
    #print test
    #User A sends encrypted message and iv to B
    b_data2 = enc_a+iv_a

    #User B calculates s, key, retrieves iv and decrypts the message:
    s_b = pow(b_data[2],b,p)
    #print s_a == s_b

    key_b = sha1(int_to_bytes(s_b))[:16]
    aes_ecb_b = AES.new(key_b, AES.MODE_ECB)
    msg_b = cbc_decrypt(aes_ecb_b,b_data2[:-16],b_data2[-16:],validation=True)

    #User B generates an IV, encrypts the message retrieved and send it with the IV to A
    iv_b = random_aes_key(16)
    enc_b = cbc_encrypt(aes_ecb_b, msg_b, iv_b)
    a_data2 = enc_b+iv_b

    #A gets the iv, decrypts the data and verify the message:
    msg_temp = cbc_decrypt(aes_ecb_a,a_data2[:-16],a_data2[-16:],validation=True)
    print (msg_a == msg_temp)

###### MITM attack 

    #User A generates A
    a = randint(0,p)
    A = pow(g, a, p)

    #User A sends (p,g,A) to M
    m_data = (p,g,A)

    #Use M send (p,g,p) to M
    b_data = (m_data[0],g,m_data[0])
    #User B generates B
    b = randint(0,b_data[0])
    B = pow(b_data[1], b, b_data[0])

    #User B sends B to M
    m_data2 = B

    #User M sends p to A
    a_data = p

    #User A calculates s, iv, key and encrypt a message

    s_a = pow(a_data, a, p) # (p ** a) % p == (0 ** a) % p == 0
    iv_a = random_aes_key(16)
    msg_a = bytearray("Super Secret Stuff123","ascii")
    print (hex(s_a))
    key_a = sha1(int_to_bytes(s_a))[:16]
    aes_ecb_a = AES.new(key_a, AES.MODE_ECB)
    enc_a = cbc_encrypt(aes_ecb_a, msg_a, iv_a)    
    #test = cbc_decrypt(aes_ecb_a, enc_a, iv_a)    
    #print test
    #User A sends encrypted message and iv to M
    m_data3 = enc_a+iv_a

    #User M relays message to B
    b_data2 = m_data3

    #User B calculates s, key, retrieves iv and decrypts the message:
    s_b = pow(b_data[2],b,p)
    #print s_a == s_b
    key_b = sha1(int_to_bytes(s_b))[:16]
    aes_ecb_b = AES.new(key_b, AES.MODE_ECB)
    msg_b = cbc_decrypt(aes_ecb_b,b_data2[:-16],b_data2[-16:],validation=True)

    #User B generates an IV, encrypts the message retrieved and send it with the IV to M
    iv_b = random_aes_key(16)
    enc_b = cbc_encrypt(aes_ecb_b, msg_b, iv_b)
    m_data4 = enc_b+iv_b
    #User M relays message to A
    a_data2 = m_data4

    #A gets the iv, decrypts the data and verify the message:
    msg_temp = cbc_decrypt(aes_ecb_a,a_data2[:-16],a_data2[-16:],validation=True)
    print (msg_a == msg_temp)

    #M can decrypt the message as well:
    key_m = sha1(b'\x00')[:16]
    aes_ecb_m = AES.new(key_m, AES.MODE_ECB)
    msg_m = cbc_decrypt(aes_ecb_m,m_data4[:-16],m_data4[-16:],validation=True)
    print (msg_a == msg_m)