def __init__(self, underlying_pair, db, underlying_price=None, expirations=[], strikes={}, atm_volatility=0.5, interest_rate=0): self.underlying_pair = underlying_pair self.db = db self.underlying_price = underlying_price self.expirations = expirations self.strikes = {e: strikes for e in self.expirations} self.atm_volatility = atm_volatility self.interest_rate = interest_rate self.currency = self.underlying_pair.split('/')[0] self.time = utils.get_current_time() self.options = {'call': {}, 'put': {}} self.exchange_symbols = [] self.options_by_name = {} self.underlying_exchange_symbol = self.get_exchange_symbol( pair=self.underlying_pair) self.client = None if underlying_price is None: self.setup_client() self.get_underlying_price()
def get_metadata(self, timestamp=None): if timestamp is None: timestamp = str(utils.get_current_time()) return { 'timestamp': timestamp, 'expiry': str(self.expiry)[:10], 'type': self.option_type, 'strike': str(self.strike), 'delta': str(, 'gamma': str(self.gamma), 'theta': str(self.theta), 'wvega': str(self.wvega), 'vega': str(self.vega), 'vol': str(self.vol), 'best_bid': str(self.best_bid), 'best_ask': str(self.best_ask), 'exchange_symbol': self.exchange_symbol }
def iterate_options(self): expirys_to_remove = [] for option_type in self.options: for expiry in self.options[option_type]: if expiry > utils.get_current_time(): for strike in self.options[option_type][expiry]: yield self.options[option_type][expiry][strike] else:"Expiry to remove: " + str(expiry)) expirys_to_remove.append(expiry) if expirys_to_remove: for option_type in self.options: self.options[option_type] = { k: v for k, v in self.options[option_type].items() if k not in expirys_to_remove }"Expirys after removal: " + str(self.options[option_type]))
def __init__(self, underlying_pair, option_type, strike, expiry, interest_rate=0, volatility=None, underlying_price=None, time=utils.get_current_time(), exchange_symbol=None): self.underlying_pair = underlying_pair if not option_type == 'call' and not option_type == 'put': raise ValueError('Expected "call" or "put", got ' + option_type) self.option_type = option_type self.strike = int(strike) self.expiry = expiry self.interest_rate = interest_rate if volatility is not None: self.vol = volatility else: self.vol = None self.underlying_price = underlying_price self.time = time self.exchange_symbol = exchange_symbol self.time_left = self.get_time_left(self.time) self.d1 = None self.d2 = None self.theo = None = None self.gamma = None self.theta = None self.vega = None self.wvega = None self.present_value = None self.mid_market = None self.best_bid = None self.best_ask = None
def get_time_left(self, current_datetime=utils.get_current_time()): return (self.expiry - current_datetime).total_seconds() / (day * 365)