예제 #1
def try_key_lets(cipher, key_potentials):
    print('Trying keys... \n')
    dictionary = ct.load_dictionary()
    for attempt in itertools.product(*key_potentials):
        cm = zip(list(encrypted), itertools.cycle(attempt))
        cm = [chr(x ^ ord(y)) for x, y in cm]
        if ct.is_language(''.join(cm), dictionary):
            print('Decrypted text:\n{}\nKey:\n{}'.format(attempt, cm))
def cycle_xor(hex_string):
    byte_string = ct.hex_to_bytes(hex_string)
    found_match = False
    dictionary = ct.load_dictionary()
    for _ in range(256):
        xored = bytes(b ^ _ for b in list(byte_string))
        if ct.is_language(''.join([chr(b) for b in xored]), dictionary):
            print('Key: {}, ASCII: {}'.format(_, repr(xored)))
            found_match = True
    if not found_match:
        print('Unable to find match.')
예제 #3
def cycle_xor(hex_string):
    byte_string = ct.hex_to_bytes(hex_string)
    found_match = False
    dictionary = ct.load_dictionary()
    for _ in range(256):
        xored = bytes(b ^ _ for b in list(byte_string))
        if ct.is_language(''.join([chr(b) for b in xored]), dictionary):
            print('Key: {}, ASCII: {}'.format(_, repr(xored)))
            found_match = True
    if not found_match:
        print('Unable to find match.')
def cycle_xor(hex_string):
    byte_string = ct.hex_to_bytes(hex_string)
    found_match = False
    dictionary = ct.load_dictionary()
    for _ in range(256):
        xored = bytes(b ^ _ for b in list(byte_string))
        if ct.is_language(''.join([chr(b) for b in xored]), dictionary):
            print('Hex String: {} \nKey: "{}" \nASCII: {}'.format(hex_string, chr(_), xored.decode()))
            found_match = True
    if not found_match:
        # I had this print out each line in the loaded .txt, but that made output messy. Now passing.
예제 #5
def cycle_xor(hex_string):
    byte_string = ct.hex_to_bytes(hex_string)
    found_match = False
    dictionary = ct.load_dictionary()
    for _ in range(256):
        xored = bytes(b ^ _ for b in list(byte_string))
        if ct.is_language(''.join([chr(b) for b in xored]), dictionary):
            print('Hex String: {} \nKey: "{}" \nASCII: {}'.format(
                hex_string, chr(_), xored.decode()))
            found_match = True
    if not found_match:
        # I had this print out each line in the loaded .txt, but that made output messy. Now passing.
예제 #6
def try_likely_bytes(possible_key_bytes, list_of_ciphers):
    ''' Xor the Cartesian product of 5 most likely key-stream bytes against
        ciphers, if an English sentence is detected, return decryption.'''
    min_len = min([len(cipher) for cipher in list_of_ciphers])
    possible_key_streams = product(*possible_key_bytes)
    dictionary = ct.load_dictionary()
    for key_stream in possible_key_streams:
        concat = b''.join(key_stream)
        for cipher in list_of_ciphers:
            work_cipher = cipher[:len(concat)]
            decryption = b''.join(
                [bytes([a ^ b]) for a, b in zip(cipher, concat)])
            if ct.is_language(decryption, dictionary):
                print('Likely key stream found.')
                return concat
        print('Unable to find key stream.')
        return None
def try_likely_bytes(possible_key_bytes, list_of_ciphers):
    ''' Xor the Cartesian product of 5 most likely key-stream bytes against
        ciphers, if an English sentence is detected, return decryption.'''
    min_len = min([len(cipher) for cipher in list_of_ciphers])
    possible_key_streams = product(*possible_key_bytes)
    dictionary = ct.load_dictionary()
    for key_stream in possible_key_streams:
        concat = b''.join(key_stream)
        for cipher in list_of_ciphers:
            work_cipher = cipher[:len(concat)]
            decryption = b''.join([bytes([a ^ b]) for a,b 
                                  in zip(cipher, concat)])
            if ct.is_language(decryption, dictionary):
                print('Likely key stream found.')
                return concat
        print('Unable to find key stream.')
        return None
예제 #8
def hamming_by_key_len(cipher, max_len=40, blocks=6):    
    ''' Return dictionary of hamming distance by key length.'''
    keys_ham_distance = {}
    for key_len in range(2, max_len + 1):
        keys_ham_distance[key_len] = 0
        for block in range(blocks):
            keys_ham_distance[key_len] +=  ct.hamming_slices(encrypted, key_len, block) / key_len
        keys_ham_distance[key_len] /= blocks
    return keys_ham_distance

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with open('6.txt') as f:
        encrypted = f.read()
    encrypted = ct.base64_to_bytes(encrypted)
    attempts = hamming_by_key_len(encrypted)
    lowest_hamming = sorted(attempts, key=attempts.get)[:5]
    print('Prospective keys:\n{}'.format(lowest_hamming))

    dictionary = ct.load_dictionary()

    for key_len in lowest_hamming:
        pot_keys = find_potential_keys(encrypted, key_len)
        pot_lets = [x for x, y in pot_keys]
        attempt = ''.join([chr(x) for x in ct.cycle_xor(encrypted, pot_lets)])
        if ct.is_language(attempt, dictionary):
            print('Potential key:\n{}\nDecryption:\n{}'.format(''.join(pot_lets), attempt))
            print('Key length of {} does not produce match on most likely letters.'.format(key_len))